#Management of personal finance
informativeideas · 5 months
Management of personal finance
Introduction:In today's fast-paced world, managing your personal finances is more important than ever. Personal financial management refers to the process of effectively managing your financial resources to achieve your financial goals and secure your future. Whether it's saving for retirement, buying a home, or simply living comfortably, sound financial management practices can make a big difference.The Importance of Managing Personal Finances:Effective personal financial management is critical for a number of reasons.Financial Stability: It provides stability by helping you budget, manage debt and build an emergency fund for unexpected situations. Expense Goals Attainment: With the right management, you can set and achieve financial goals, whether they are short-term goals like buying a new car or long-term goals like a comfortable retirement.Less stress: Good financial management reduces stress by providing control over finances and peace of mind about the future.Wealth Building: It lays the foundation for building wealth through smart investing, saving and spending habits.Tips for effective personal finance management:Budgeting:Track your income and expenses to understand where your money is going.Set aside money for essentials like housing, groceries and services, as well as discretionary spending and savings.Review your budget regularly and adjust it according to changes in income or expenses.Manage debt wisely:Prioritize paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to avoid accumulating unnecessary interest.Consider debt consolidation or negotiating with creditors to lower interest rates or payment amounts.Avoid taking on new debt unless absolutely necessary and make sure it fits your budget.Build an emergency fund:Try to save enough to cover 3-6 months of living expenses in the event of job loss, medical emergencies or other contingencies.Keep your emergency fund in a separate, easily accessible account, such as a high-quality savings account.Save and invest regularly:Make a habit of saving a portion of your income every month, even if it is a small amount.Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs to save for retirement in a tax-efficient way.Diversify your investment portfolio to spread risk and maximize long-term returns.Live within your means:Avoid overspending by distinguishing between wants and needs and prioritizing spending on essentials.Look for ways to cut costs, such as cooking at home, shopping or eliminating unnecessary orders.Practice delayed gratification by saving for big purchases instead of relying on credit.Stay informed:Educate yourself on personal finance topics such as investing, taxes and insurance so you can make informed decisions.Stay informed about changes in financial laws and regulations that may affect the economy.Consider consulting a financial professional, such as a Chartered Financial Planner, for personal guidance.Conclusion:Mastering personal finance management isn't just about making money; it's about making smart choices with the money you have. By budgeting, managing debt, saving and investing regularly, and living within your means, you can take control of your financial future and work towards your goals. Remember, financial freedom is attainable with the right knowledge and discipline. Start managing your personal finances effectively today and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
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bitchesgetriches · 7 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Saving Money and Being Frugal
We’re all in this together. Don’t give up.
On food and groceries:
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss
Why Name Brand Products Are Beneath You: The Honor and Glory of Buying Generic
If You Don’t Eat Leftovers I Don’t Even Want to Know You
You Are above Bottled Water, You Elegant Land Mermaid
You Should Learn To Cook. Here’s Why.
On entertainment and socializing:
The Frugal Introvert’s Guide to the Weekend
7 Totally Reasonable Ways To Save Money on Cheap Entertainment 
Take Pride in Being a Cheap Date
The Library Is a Magical Place and You Should Fucking Go There
Your Library Lets You Stream Audiobooks and eBooks FOR FREEEEEEE!
What’s the Effect of Social Media on Your Finances?
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
On health:
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics
Why You Probably Don’t Need That Gym Membership
How to Get DIRT CHEAP Pet Medication, Without a Prescription 
On other big expenses:
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Understand the Hidden Costs of Travel and Avoid Them Like the Plague
Other People’s Weddings Don’t Have to Make You Broke
You Deserve Cheap, Fake Jewelry… Just Like Coco Chanel
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income) 
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The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
Season 2, Episode 2: “I’m Not Ready to Buy a House—But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It
On buying secondhand and trading:
Almost Everything Can Be Purchased Secondhand
I Am a Craigslist Samurai and so Can You: How to Sell Used Stuff Online
The Delicate Art of the Friend Trade
On giving gifts and charitable donations:
How Can I Tame My Family’s Crazy Gift-Giving Expectations?
In Defense of Shameless Regifting
Make Sure Your Donations Have the Biggest Impact by Ruthlessly Judging Charities
The Anti-Consumerist Gift Guide: I Have No Gift to Bring, Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
How to Spot a Charitable Scam
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Say “No” When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again? 
On resisting temptation:
How to Insulate Yourself From Advertisements
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
6 Proven Tactics for Avoiding Emotional Impulse Spending
On minimalism and buying less:
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
Everything I Know About Minimalism I Learned from the Zombie Apocalypse
Slay Your Financial Vampires
The Subscription Box Craze and the Mindlessness of Wasteful Spending
On saving money:
How To Start Small by Saving Small
Not Every Savings Account Is Created Equal
The Unexpected Benefits (and Downsides) of Money Challenges
Budgets Don’t Work for Everyone—Try the Spending Tracker System Instead
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
The Magic of Unclaimed Property: How I Made $1,900 in 10 Minutes by Being a Disorganized Mess
We will periodically update this list with newer articles. And by “periodically” I mean “when we remember that it’s something we forgot to do for four months.”
Bitches Get Riches: setting realistic expectations since 2017!
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Bruce: The most Nepo Baby of the Nepo Babies
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Type of day when he pretends he has a hangover to not deal with their bs. The peace inside the company is all Lucius works.
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He does not accept criticism.
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The Gotham Knights' hoodie is Dick's or Jason's, and was in the kitchen that morning when Bruce ran late for the meeting.
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Rip to the (paid) intern that was terrified to bring documents to THE Bruce Wayne and found themselves stuck in his office, listening to him telling stories about his kids for hours.
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"I don't understand why we need to make more money, we're already rich." (he's talking about the highers up)
Just a bunch of doodled memes of how I believe Bruce Wayne acts with his company. He is not a capitalist, he doesn't care about making more profit and doesn't understand finance.
If you think Brucie Wayne is just an act, talk to Lucius Fox, who has to endure Bruce' antics at WE. The man whines like a child about having to speak to any shareholders, he has to be dragged to meetings. In Bruce's eyes, his job is "using the company's money to improve the people's life", "talking about his kids" and "being a pain in the ass of the highers up". If someone is trying to kill Bruce Wayne, 50% of chances some WE shareholder or board member ordered the kill because they are tired of him stopping them from playing the game of capitalism. His other employees love him, tho. There aren't janitors as well treated than the ones working for Wayne.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 29 days
Wait, wait, do you think Killer would be amazing at piker or gambling in general? The poker face, his smarts, his way to manipulate?
Or do you think he's smart enough to not do it? Only asking because I'm listening to a song about gambling...
Killer would definitely gamble. Why? Because why not. Why would he care. He doesn’t get paid, it’s not his money he’s losing lmao. He wants to try something new. And it’s not like he cares about consequences.
He wouldn’t care about losing or winning money, I don’t think. He just cares about either getting to fuck someone over by losing their money, or taking someone else’s money. It’s a new game to win, and a way to develop and sharpen useful skills.
{ @undertale-person }
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unopenablebox · 2 months
important part of my relationship is that my girlfriend isn't subscribed to money stuff, so when we walk to work together i can just describe really good money stuff bits to them
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honeybeeffdrawshere · 9 months
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scrappy comic to get some Lore out of my head.
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explorewithriza · 2 years
Time gone never returns.
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pearwaldorf · 9 months
So I used a personal finance management app that aggregates all the accounts I have in one place. The company that owns it shut it down at the end of the last year and transitioned it to another site they own. It does absolutely fucking nothing that I need it to do, which includes:
show me balances from all my connected accounts
track spending
sort/recategorize/tag transactions
set budgets
Literally the only functionality it retains is the ability to sell me shit. Which I was fine with (lights gotta stay on somehow) when I got use out of the site, but now it has been enshittified.
The other thing this experience has reminded me of is you should find a service that aggregates all your bank accounts. Empower is the one I'm using because it's got the same functionality as Mint, but there are other options*. Your bank/credit union might also offer a similar service.
It's a lot like using a password manager--it's a giant pain to set up initially, but it will ultimately make your life so much easier. All your account balances in one place** so you don't have to log in to each individual site to check! A unified view of your finances!
It is, of course, not a solution for not having enough money, but clarity on your purchases and subscriptions can help you identify things you don't want/need, as well as overcharges and discrepancies.
I know better money management is a popular new year's resolution, and this is a pretty easy step towards that. You don't have to add all your accounts at once. But I find it satisfying to see the picture become clearer. Also, graphs.
* Search "mint pfm alternatives" if you want to know more. Most options I found were paid but maybe you're a person who would shell out for useful features. Monarch looks amazing for people with shared finances.
** It's totally safe. I deal with this shit for a living. I can explain more if you want but it's boring.
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inirbag15 · 10 months
My low buy 2024 rules.
Green Light - buy when you run out
Yellow Light- when money is saved up or will need to replace
Red Light - non-negotiable not allowed
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cazort · 6 months
I see a disturbing number of people, mostly millennials, these days, who have significant incomes and are starting to amass significant savings, who have terrible financial management skills. People who live at home with parents and get a full time job can accumulate money really fast. A lot of people are letting huge amounts of money, like sometimes as much as $20,000 or more, accumulate in checking accounts where it is earning either no interest or negligible interest.
Because inflation is high (over 3% these days), you are effectively losing money when it sits there. Also you're allowing the bank to profit off it; it's lending your money out to other people, often at interest rates as high as 6-7% or more, and it's not paying you for it.
If you have more than maybe around $3000 dollars in an account, you want that money earning interest. Here are things you can do to earn more from your money:
Open a savings account at a higher yield. Go to a different bank if necessary. CIT Bank has rates around 5% these days.
Pay off high interest rate debt but not low-interest rate debt. If the interest rate is above about 7-8% definitely make it a priority to pay it off ASAP. If it is above 5% it is still better to pay it off than to sit on your money. If it is much below 5%, pay it off as slowly as possible (minimum payment only) because there are risk-free ways to earn more interest on your money.
If you don't need the money in the short-term, consider a CD (Certificate of Deposit) which offers a fixed interest rate over a certain time. Often you can get a slightly higher rate by tying your money up for 3 months or 6 months or sometimes even longer. These are good options if you have a specific expenditure in your future, like perhaps moving or buying a home, but you know it won't happen until after a certain date.
Open a brokerage account. Brokerage accounts allow you to buy and sell investments such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, which include CD's from banks as well as treasury and municipal bonds and corporate bonds. You get more options for buying CD's (i.e. you can compare many different banks side-by-side, buy CD with the best rate, and manage multiple CD's within a single interface.) Most brokerage accounts have no fees and typically no or very low minimum investments. There is no reason not to have one if you have a few thousand dollars.
In a brokerage account, buy a money market mutual fund. Look for one with no load and no transaction fee, a high yield, and a low expense ratio, and a fixed share price of $1 per share. My two favorite are SWVXX and SNSXX. SWVXX has a higher yield (about 5.19%) whereas SNSXX has a lower yield (just over 5%) but is non-taxable on state income taxes, so SNSXX is a better choice if you have a high state tax rate, otherwise SWVXX is better.
Consider opening a Roth IRA if you haven't, and then, if able, contribute the maximum amount each year. You are allowed to make a contribution that counts towards the previous year, up until the tax filing deadline of the current year. So for example today it is Mar. 14th, 2024, so you can open a Roth IRA today and contribute the max ($6,500) for the 2023 year and also the max ($7,000) for 2024, for a total of $13,500. The main advantage of a Roth IRA is that the money in them can grow tax-free. Roth IRA's benefit anyone able to have one (the richest people are not allowed to contribute to them) and are especially important for people who are self-employed, change jobs a lot, or never work full-time, so they don't have a consistent employee-provided retirement plan.
Consider investing in stocks. Stocks are riskier (in that their price changes, and you can lose money when investing in them), but tend to have a higher yield than savings and money market accounts and funds. The simplest way to buy stocks is to buy an ETF (exchange-traded-fund). I recommend buying one that follows the S&P 500 and has a low expense ratio like SPY or VOO. Whatever you buy, reinvest the dividends and let it grow, contribute a little money every year so are putting in money even in years the market is down. On average you get about a 10% return in the market but it is unpredictable and you will lose in some years, but that's okay, you're not retiring for many decades and the money will have grown a lot by then.
There are options regardless of your risk profile. It is throwing your money away to let a lot of money sit in a checking account. At a bare minimum, go for a high-yield savings account, CD, or better yet get a brokerage account, put it in high-yield money market funds like SWVXX, shop around for CD's or other bonds with the highest rates, and if you are able to tolerate some risk and want a higher return, consider putting some money in more aggressive investments like stocks.
I am 100% for tax reform and other reform to curb the extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, but it's also important to take your financial situation into your own hands. Get financially comfortable. Get a stake in the US economy. Empower yourself so you can live better and help your family, friends, and the causes you care about.
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talabib · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Investing: Practical Strategies for Insightful Decision-Making
Key Point:
Making smart and insightful investment decisions is an attainable goal with the right strategies in place. By recognizing your limitations, managing emotions, seeking professional guidance, and aligning your investments with personal objectives, you can cultivate a robust and successful investment portfolio that stands the test of time.
Sound investment decisions are the bedrock of financial success. However, navigating the complex world of investing can be challenging, even for the most seasoned investors. This post explores practical strategies for making smart and insightful investment decisions, empowering you to grow your wealth with confidence and finesse.
Recognize the Limits of your Abilities
In both life and investing, it is crucial to acknowledge the boundaries of our expertise. Overestimating our abilities can lead to ill-advised decisions and, ultimately, financial losses. By cultivating humility and seeking external guidance when necessary, we can minimize risks and make more informed investment choices.
Manage Emotional Influence on Decision-Making
Emotions can significantly impact our ability to make rational decisions. To circumvent the sway of emotions, adopt a disciplined approach to investing, relying on data-driven analysis and long-term strategies rather than succumbing to impulsive reactions.
Leverage the Expertise of an Advisor
Engaging a professional financial advisor is a prudent investment decision. Their wealth of knowledge and experience can help you navigate market complexities and identify opportunities tailored to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.
Maintain Composure Amidst Market Volatility
Periods of market turbulence can incite panic among investors. However, it is essential to remain level-headed and maintain a long-term perspective during such times. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term fluctuations and focus on your overarching financial objectives.
Assess Company Management Actions Over Rhetoric
When evaluating potential investments, examine the actions of a company's management rather than relying solely on their statements. This approach ensures a more accurate understanding of the organization's performance, financial health, and growth prospects.
Prioritize Value Over Glamour in Investment Selection
The most expensive investment options are not always the wisest choices. Focus on identifying value rather than being swayed by glamorous or high-priced options. This strategy promotes long-term financial growth and mitigates the risk of overpaying for underperforming assets.
Exercise Caution with Novel and Exotic Investments
While unique and exotic investment opportunities may appear enticing, approach them with caution. Ensure thorough research and due diligence before committing to such investments, as they may carry higher risks and potential pitfalls.
Align Investments with Personal Goals
Invest according to your individual objectives rather than adhering to generic rules or mimicking the choices of others. Personalized investment strategies are more likely to yield favorable results, as they account for your unique financial circumstances, risk appetite, and long-term aspirations.
Making smart and insightful investment decisions is an attainable goal with the right strategies in place. By recognizing your limitations, managing emotions, seeking professional guidance, and aligning your investments with personal objectives, you can cultivate a robust and successful investment portfolio that stands the test of time.
Action plan: Learn a few simple rules and ignore the rest of the advice you receive. 
It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the volume of advice available about investing. However, you don’t need to become an expert on the stock market in order to become a good investor. 
Just like an amateur poker player can go far if he simply learns to fold his worst hands and bet on his best ones, a novice investor can become very competent just by following a few simple rules. For example, he should learn not to overreact to dips in the market and make sure to purchase value stocks instead of glamour stocks. 
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bitchesgetriches · 3 months
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Learn more through our Burnout Workshop.
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financecontributors · 2 months
🌈 Financial Hacks for the Cool Kids: Gen Z & Millennials Edition 🌈
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Hey fam! 🙌 If you're part of the digital tribe, listen up—we've got money moves to make! 💸 Whether you're hustling in your PJs or plotting world domination, these tips are for you:
Budget Like a Boss: Forget the boring spreadsheets (zzz). Download apps like Mint or YNAB. Set goals—whether it's funding your next concert or buying that vintage Pokémon card. 🎤🎮
Side Hustle Vibes: We're all about side gigs, right? Freelance, sell your art, or be an affiliate marketer. Just don't sell your soul to the corporate overlords. 🤘
Invest Wisely: Compound interest is our secret sauce. Start investing—even if it's just your lunch money. Robinhood, Acorns, or that piggy bank under your bed—pick your weapon. 💰
Credit Cards: Handle with Care: Swipe responsibly! Pay off the balance, and that cashback? It's like finding a shiny Pokémon. Cha-ching! 💳
Student Loans? Slay 'Em: Those loans? They're like the final boss. Refinance, strategize, and show 'em who's boss. 🎓
Emergency Fund FTW: Life throws curveballs—like a sudden zombie apocalypse or unexpected bills. Aim for an emergency fund that says, "I got this!" 🌧️
Tax Basics: Adulting alert! Understand deductions, credits, and why Uncle Sam wants a piece of your pie. TurboTax is like your nerdy sidekick. 🤓
Remember, we're all leveling up together. Share your money hacks, memes, and existential crises. Tumblr, let's vibe! 🚀💸
More Explain: https://finance.worldculturepost.com/2024/07/financial-management-for-personal.html
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belladonnabudgets · 10 days
Mini Clear Laminated Cash Envelopes with Cherry Blossom Motifs 🌸
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Link to my Etsy Shop: https://belladonnabudgets.etsy.com
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dollar-and-sense · 1 year
Mastering Personal Finance and Investing: Your Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom
Introduction: Understanding the Importance of Personal Finance and Investing Personal Finance and Investing: Your Path to Financial Freedom Importance of Personal Finance and Investing for Wealth Creation The Basics of Personal Finance: Budgeting, Saving, and Debt Management Mastering the Basics: Budgeting, Saving, and Debt Management Budgeting Tips for Effective Personal Finance…
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sadevergreen · 2 years
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i’m really obsessed with drawing pearl but i feel like it never actually looks like her? who knows
mumbo i’m sorry. your lankiness is hard to draw right next to everyone else 😔
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