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gardenofyoga · 5 years ago
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So excited to share our interview with Renae Stevens @creativebodyflow on #theflowartistspodcast Renae is my main aerial yoga teacher and a huge source of inspiration - especially through her creation of Aerial Yoga Therapeutics!! This innovative modality weaves together #aerialyoga #yogatherapy #arttherapy #pilatesrehabilitation and #traumainformed practice - Renae’s life work of study, teaching and practice. It’s a great conversation and you can listen at podcast.flowartists.com or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app 🌿 You can also learn from Renae in person here at @gardenofyoga We will be hosting a spine focused all levels aerial workshop with Renae on April 18 and Aerial Yoga Therapeutics Foundations Training on April 19 & 20 - head to the workshops link in my bio for more information 🌱 . . . . . #yogapodcast #aerialyogateacher #yogatherapy #traumainformedyoga #aerialyogaflow #vinnyyogq #melbournelovesyoga #yogamelbourne #melbourneyoga #northcote (at The Flow Artists Podcast) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9f2I8pn2B7/?igshid=180u3f58ciqc2
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olivebranchyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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Pour Out Joy. . . You will not pour out what you do not believe you have enough of. You will not pour out time, love, your resources, your compassion, your talents, your giftings, or anything else for that matter if you do not believe you have more than enough. You will hold on to them fiercely until you realize that in holding on you have lost already. . . I poured a bottle of Joy over my head as the afternoon sun washed over me. Ylang ylang, Jasmine, rose, bergamot and a few other oils poured over my soul. Typically I apply joy over my heart each morning. You need to know I need to be reminded daily to choose joy in the hard, joy in the dark, joy in the unknown, and joy in the places fear creeps in. . . We lived in fear for a long time. Joy was hard to find much less cultivate in survival mode. I searched for any glimpse of light in the dark, holding on to hope that what was before us was greater than what was behind us. I held on to joy when there was nothing else to hold onto. Joy in the dark yields a harvest like no other. . . Those years taught me much of what I know now that I never intended to learn. What you hold on to holds you. There is more than enough time, resources, honor, love, compassion and what ever else you currently believe you do not have enough of. Sow in the dark where the ground is hard, work the soil, water with patience and rise with a harvest in the light. Let joy pour over you even while it all appears out of reach and unseen. . . Pour it all out and wait ♥️. What is ahead of you is far great than what is behind you. Leave an aroma of Joy where ever you go. Change the atmosphere & you change the world one drop at a time. #changetheatmospherechangetheworld #reachoutrootdownriseup #yogaoffthemat #traumainformedyoga #joyiscontageous #essentioilyrooted #pouritout #lightrisesoutofthedark #whatyoupracticeyoubecome #thefrequencyofhealing #farmingisaprofessionofhope https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAoYUclT0Q/?igshid=1r4tk9mq8jfzx
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mialovebewell · 6 years ago
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#wellness#selfcare#yoga#vegan#traumainformedyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpBIpjh6ur/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16emavpkdhgzg
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breathenet · 6 years ago
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"I would much rather teach my clients how to get their needs for touch met outside the therapeutic setting, and to have them know what kind of touch they need, what their limits are, what their tastes are, how to set boundaries and to ask for what they want, and to equip them to go out into their lives and get those needs met there. So, I teach them about self-awareness, body awareness and emotional awareness. I get them to be able to evaluate questions like ‘When we are working in this way do I feel more calm? Do I feel more present? Is my life working better? Am I more resilient?’" -Babette Rothschild | I share this quote and we explore its meanings in my trauma-informed yoga teacher trainings, though the content transcends any single healing space or relational healing dynamic. As a survivor, I have always found Babette Rothschild’s insights around holistic trauma healing to be deeply empowering, and, as a practioner, I have found her work to be incredibly humbling. How does this land for you? #survivor #trauma #sexualassault #bodilysovereignty #agency #consent #scopeofpractice #somaticpsychotherapy #traumainformedyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6vsezHtaO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b209v7pt9t34
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soulsoldier7 · 3 years ago
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Day 71 Contemplation #whywewarrior It is not so simple as a moment or experience. It is a string of moments and experiences that helped to solidify yoga in my life. I can list them in brief: First experience was while at the former Armed Forces School of Music (Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, VA), while training to be an Army Musician in 2002. While in training, I attended a hatha yoga class offered at a gym on base. I remember how relaxed I felt and had never felt that before in my life. Second Experience was while reading the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda during our first deployment to Iraq in 2003, upon returning from Iraq I subscribed to the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons (the organization founded by Yogananda), and to this day I continue to subscribe to the lessons. The third experience was while majoring in yoga at Naropa University. Studying yoga while at Naropa helped to get a thorough overview of the vastness that is yoga and I am grateful for all of it. The fourth experience was while taking the Warriors at Ease yoga training in July of 2020. The trauma-informed sample class was so impactful that I was crying during most of it. #yoga #veteran #combatveteran #complextrauma #traumainformedyoga #traumainformed #yogi #contemplation #practice #introspection #musician #artist (at Sugar Bowl Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWigBoflM1s/?utm_medium=tumblr
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houseofchirontx · 4 years ago
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Hey Y'all!!!!⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Join Nityda Gessel @trauma_conscious_yoga_method and myself tomorrow for an IG Live- Get to Know Us edition!⁠⁠ .⁠⁠ If you haven’t registered for the full moon event happening on Monday, it’s not too late. ⁠⁠ .⁠⁠ Register via link in bio⁠⁠ .⁠⁠ Lots of love and see you tomorrow!⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ #namaste #fullmoon #healingcircle #trauamconsciousyoga #traumaconsciousyogamethod #traumasensitiveyoga #traumainformedyoga #yoga #astrology #houseofchiron #geminijazz #ancestors #intergenerationaltrauma #intergenerationalhealing #traumahealing #recovery #heal #meditation #mindfulness #pranayama #scorpiofullmoon #fullmoonhealing #astrologersofinstagram #blackastrologers #blackyogis (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8O5KZFzBz/?igshid=1if7kzowrc0rr
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thespookybones · 4 years ago
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@drheidigreen @download.ins --- We talk a lot about healing our own inner child wounds, but we might not spend enough time acknowledging our parents’ wounds. Their painful experiences changed them and those changes impacted us (the same way their parents’ pain impacted them). . Talking about mental health openly and seeking mental health care didn’t become normalized until Gen X opened that door. Mental health stigma is still prevalent but we are on the right track. . Our parents and grandparents may not have been able to acknowledge and heal their inner child wounds, but we can. And when we do, not only will we break the cycle of generational trauma for our children and grandchildren, but we will effectively heal the wounds of our lineage before us. That’s pretty powerful. ❤️ . . . #yogaformentalhealth #yogafortrauma #selfcompassion #selfloveforall #traumainformedyoga #selfloveiskey #selflovematters #selflovewarrior #selflovemovement #generationalhealing #goodmentalhealth #healyoursoul #healyourlife #healyourheart #healyourmind #traumarecovery #traumahealing #healingfromtrauma #recoveryisreal #mentalhealthadvocacy #mentalhealthandwellness #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalwellness #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalhealing #mindfulnessmatters #generationaltrauma #therapythursday #selfacceptance #emotionalhealth (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLWx8X8FIQe/?igshid=v9j9mk9ac438
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gardenofyoga · 5 years ago
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I’m still processing all of the wisdom shared in the recent @yogaforhumankind Trauma Informed & Community Yoga Training. Co-facilitators @meilaiswanyoga and @jo.buick and all the participants shared in such an inspirational, insightful, heart felt and authentic way it gives me so much hope for the future! We covered some tough and important terrain from Trauma theory to social justice and an indepth exploration of the nervous system, but the theoretical was beautifully balanced with the experiential. There were many helpful self regulation practices shared, ample time for rest and restorative yoga, mutual support from the group and beautiful music from Mei Lai (and everyone else who sang along). Mama and Baby sloth as a beautiful embodiment of co regulation are an actual memory from this course - as well as an expression of the feeling of being nurtured and supported through growth - which was a big part of the experience. I’m so grateful for this experience and the chance to evolve as a ‘Trauma Informed Human’. . . . . #gardenofyoga #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedyogatraining #yogaforhumankind #sloth #yoga #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #yogalife #yogalove #yogateacher #yogateacherlife Sloth photo by @jay.79photo https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Nhktrg01G/?igshid=rxj15ivnni8s
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vidaloca-healthblog · 4 years ago
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Ran across some old photos of me from 2000 - 20 years ago - this is a two part reminder... 💘Don’t judge a person for who they were or even who they are now. Each of us has a chance to change. Have faith. None of us know the trauma that a person has hiding inside of them. On the outside, it’s easy to think my life was paved in promised. Quite the contrary. Who you see now is a warrior who survived. 💔the first photos are of a depressed drug addicted suicidal girl who was so broken that she couldn’t imagine a future into the next day, let alone 20 years from then. Everyone had given up me, bc who wants to love a person with a mission to kill themselves with destructive tendencies? 💕Thank God I didn’t die when I was 20. Thank God I began to see a worth in my own life. It’s truly a miracle I am here now. Maybe that is why I advocate for holistic healthcare the way I do. Maybe that is why life has placed me in the path to helping others heal too. #dontgiveup #holistichealth #survivedsuicide #healthcoach #vidalocahealthfitness #vidalocayogawellness #mentalhealthawareness #emotionalhealth #traumainformedyoga #recoveryispossible (at VidaLoca Yoga & Wellness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3H_ENJm4A/?igshid=xsx1106j61c6
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breathenet · 6 years ago
One week until our course on trauma-informed yoga and meditation for survivors launches! I’m reviewing videos today and really moved by the ways in which our network of practitioners shared about their experiences not only working with survivors but also navigating their own healing through a variety of practices. This little clip is from my welcome video. I thought it was important to name my own experience engaging with these yoga and meditation, the vulnerabilities and the opportunities that somatic approaches to healing revealed. We are registering new participants every day now and would love for you to join us. Also, many of you asked so I wanted to share that yoga teachers affiliated with the Yoga Alliance will also receive 16 noncontact CEs for participating in the course. Stay tuned for more videos in our Instastories! Link in profile.🌻 #survivor #sexualassault #yoga #meditation #traumainformed #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedmeditation #somaticpractice #somatichealing #buildingresilience #embodiedhealing #nonprofit https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxO1EKHrG2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s1nv6tmzy8m6
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chiaradina · 5 years ago
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🌕 im Skorpion, Erd-Element Yang Aspekt: während all dem radikalen Wechsel (Uranus:Stier) WIE hast Du Dein Wachstum verwirklich? WO bist Du gewachsen und wie willst Du das nun stabilisieren und “fire-proof” machen? Das Erdelement läd uns ein, Heilsein, Ganzsein als natürlich anzusehen. Hat Dich Dein Wachstum in den letzten 8 Wochen näher an diese Wahrheit herangebracht? Was willst Du in einem langsamen, beständigen Rhythmus weiterführen? 🇺🇸 Full Moon 🌕 in Scorpio, active Earth element, yang aspect: during the radical change (Uranus in Taurus) over the last 8 weeks it’s now time to take a breather and ask yourself HOW have I changed, WHERE have I grown and HOW do I wanna stabilize that? Fire 🔥 is coming, so transformation awaits. The earth element with its focus on outward movement invites us to understand wholeness as our natural state. Has your growth emphasized this essential truth? What do you intent to continue in a slow, steady pace? 🇪🇸 Luna llena 🌕 en Escorpio, elemento tierra, aspecto Yang: despues del cambio radical (Uranos en Tauro) te preguntas CÓMO has crecido, DÓNDE noté mi crecimiento y CÓMO voy a establecer esto mientras sigo vivir mi vida ese año? No tardará tanto y vamos a llevar todo esto a través del fuego (elemento qué sigue tierra Yang) y tal vez ahorita sea esencial que realizamos que ser sano/a es en efecto nuestro estado natural. Tu crecimiento subraya esa verdad esencial? Qué vas a llevar contigo usando un ritmo despacio y continuo? #tcmyoga #tcmundyoga #badenbeiwien #yogaundtcm #erdelement #erdelementstärken #elementotierra #earthelement #somaticyoga #somaticmovement #traumainformed #traumainformedyoga #traumasensitivesyoga #traumasensitivemindfulness #yinyoga #meditation #meditación #polyvagaltheory #onlineyoga #lunallena #fullmoon🌕 #conscious #selfawareness #achtsamkeit #achtsamkeitimalltag #estaratento #meisterediekrise #youtubevideos #mitgefühlenumgehen #compassion (en Baden, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3nLHcgGZ5/?igshid=g5jsgui1zskb
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houseofchirontx · 4 years ago
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The moon represents our subconscious emotions. The moon is our emotional responses to our perceptions and outside stimuli that we encounter. The phases of the moon reflect the phases we transition throughout the month. The Full Moon is a culmination of these phases, indicating a time to reflect and release what has not served our highest good. 🌙 Join me on IG live, Tuesday January 19th at 10:30am CST with @trauma_conscious_yoga_method as we discuss our upcoming Full Moon Healing Circle virtual event. We will discuss the inspiration behind this collaboration as well as a brief overview of the evening and what to expect. 🌙 Not registered yet? Our early bird rate of $35 runs through January 20th!! Register by tapping the link in my bio. 🌙 See you soon! 🌙 #geminijazz #houseofchiron #traumaconsciousyogainstitute #traumainformedyoga #astrology #healingcircle #fullmoon #fullmooninleo #learnastrology #astrologersofinstagram #mindfulness #fullmoonyoga #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMXwdDJuLl/?igshid=7nu6fv4lew1b
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edgemovementarts · 5 years ago
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Success Yoga Style! Mondays and Fridays at 10am in Beaverton. edgemovementarts.com/yoga . #yogatherapist #yogaforallbodies #gentleyoga #adaptiveyoga #traumainformedyoga #traumasensitiveyoga #yoga #yogateacher #embodimentcoach #meditationcoach #energyhealing #wellness #therapeuticyoga #theartofbeing #rejuvenation #selfcare #selfhealer #youcandothis #igotyourback #healing #release #reconnecttoyourself (at Edge Movement & Healing Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8r7KHFlTFY/?igshid=1ttwthtl1nq9
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wellnesswithkashi · 5 years ago
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Let me just tell you about Janel Norton @phojojanel and her iRest Meditation. 😴 She gifted us with this practice today and it took me right to the space where I needed to connect... Within. 🙏🏼 I had to share this and I recommend iRest to anyone who is seeking a sense of peace and purpose. Alternative remedies, such as yoga and meditation are powerfully healing. It’s never too late to try!✨ @irestmeditation @lotuspondyoga @trinityyoga #alternativetherapies #irestmeditation #irest #yoganidra #innerresource #tappingin #selfnurturance #selfcare #healthyself #yogaforpts #traumainformedyoga #warriorsatease #healingtribe #namaste #healingmyself (at The Lotus Pond Center for Yoga and Health) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YOgGenYdPkNbO3mx2y-C4VDpw_kQqIH43dzc0/?igshid=1epb25aj040si
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gardenofyoga · 2 years ago
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In this episode we speak with Laura Wilson-McGinn and Ian McGinn. They both teach together through @movelikeyouyoga and have a special interest in working with police, army and first responders, particularly those experiencing severe PTSD. They deliver classes specifically for the Code 9 Foundation (a foundation established to support emergency services workers with PTSD), as well as sessions that everyone can attend. You can listen on Spotify, apple podcasts, you fav pod app or direct from our website podcast.flowartists.com (link in bio). Laura is of Aboriginal, English and Scottish decent and has worked extensively across the government, community legal, and university sectors as a policy writer, researcher, sessional academic, lecturer and advocate, and as a lawyer in the Victorian Supreme Court. Ian is a Detective Senior Constable with Victoria Police and he has a PhD in Australian Indigenous Studies from Monash University. He also works as a sessional academic at Swinburne University, teaching and lecturing in Criminology and Police Studies. They both have a passion for movement - with Laura coming from an extensive dance background including ballet, calisthenics, pole dance and aerial arts. Ian has a passion and love for jiu jitsu, yoga, fishing and bushwalking. In this conversation we discuss how all of these interests and life experiences weave together to inform the way they teach and live their yoga. Please be advised we do cover some sensitive topics including the death of a parent, and the mental health challenges connected with working in emergency services and adversarial justice including PTSD. They are both very passionate and engaging speakers, and we dig deep into their personal connection to the work that they do. It's a great episode and we hope you enjoy listening! . . . #theflowartistspodcast #yogateacherlife #yogaforptsd #traumainformed #traumainformedyoga #movelikeyouyoga #hypervigilance #yogaforfirstresponders #yogainstructor (at The Flow Artists Podcast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBChjoBM3W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theabundantyogini · 6 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @ybicoalition Healing is not exclusive to the privileged. Take this in from Dr. Gail Parker @drgailparker. ��Ethnic and racial stress and trauma refer to the events related to real or perceived experiences of discrimination, threats of harm and injury, and humiliating and shaming events. The terms also apply to witnessing harm to other individuals caused by real or perceived race-related events. Stress and trauma are stored in the body. Effective interventions involve physical engagement. Restorative Yoga is a form of yoga that is not intrusive; it is receptive. By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, it evokes the relaxation response. It not only lessens the inflammation of tissues, it also soothes inflamed emotions. It tones the vagus nerve, which restores homeostasis and supports resilience, aiding in recovery from stress and trauma. Ethnic- and race-informed Restorative Yoga teaches people to experience safety in their vulnerability, which is a new learning for people experiencing the ongoing, cumulative, and recurrent nature of racial stress. People who are consistently marginalized, discriminated against, and profiled already know how to stand in the fire of unbearable suffering. They need the therapeutic experience of resting in safety. They need to learn what the absence of stress feels like. Ethnic- and race-informed Restorative Yoga can offer this experience.” Read full article at yogajournal.com/yoga-101/yoga-therapist-shares-truth-about-trauma #yogatherapy #traumainformed #representationmatters #pocyoga #traumainformedyoga #ybicoalition #whatayogilookslike https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EkJalgK8z/?igshid=z9wsmr7pg5ms
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