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This song right here definitely hits me hard as f****** and makes me have chills all over... I fill feel this message in my heart man for real though. I love you all...
#mentalhealth #awareness #drugaddiction #recoveryisreal
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thegratefulnuts · 2 years ago
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The great paradox of addiction is that while it’s is not a conscious choose/decision we make or personal failing we’re too weak to overcome, we do have to make a decision to choose sobriety. Being an alcoholic or struggling with addiction means that I am bodily and mentally different from “normal people.” My brain functions just fine in every other situation other than where drugs and alcohol are involved. I have a disease, one of the only diseases in the world that tries to convince me I don’t have it. My brain plays tricks on me that convinces to to self-sabotage, self-destruct, and burn my own life to the ground. The absurdity is that with the proper resources and support, I can turn the volume down on that little voice in my head. Essentially, I had to learn to get out of my own way so that the rational, logical, and “sane” parts of my brain could take over. The only thing holding me back, was the part of me that I didn’t know how to let go of. I was my biggest problem. I was the roadblock that kept putting the bottle in my hand. The biggest problem between drunk me and sober me was… ME! • • • • #iamtheproblem #selfsabotage #selfdestruction #addictionisadisease #addictionsucks #wedorecover #recoveryispossible #recoveryisreal #sobersupport #sobersunday #addictionsupport #addiction #addictionrecovery #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #alcoholfreecommunity #soberthoughts #soberinstagram #sober #sobriety #soberinspiration #sobermotivation #selfawareness #odaat #recoveringalcoholic https://www.instagram.com/p/CpatoXyuf3s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rfarrokh · 4 years ago
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Support can make or break someone❣️ So much gratitude for the supportive people in your life 😍😘❤️💖 #supportivefriends #supportive #supportivepartner #supportisaverb #supportisaverb #supportiseverything #companionship #feelingsupported #rachaelsroadtorecovery #recoveryroad #recoveryispossible #recoveryjourney #recoveryisreal #recoveryisbeautiful #recovering #recoveringperfectionist #recoveringaddict #recoveringpeoplepleaser #recoveringanorexic #edrecovering #edrecovery #edrecoveryjourney #edrecoverywarrior #edrecover #supportrecovery #recoverysupport #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocates #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthsupport #disabilityadvocate https://www.instagram.com/p/CQu8tuFJVC6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mysocalledlifeinrecovery · 4 years ago
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79 days clean and sober. My life has radically improved already and I’m excited to see what tomorrow holds! #cleanandsober #cleanandserene #sober #soberlife #soberliving #soberaf #soberwomen #soberwarrior #soberisbetter #sobriety #sobrietyrocks #sobrietyforwomen #sobrietyjourney #addictionrecovery #addiction #addictionawareness #recovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryisreal #recoveryjourney #recoveringaddict #dopelesshopefiend #soberdogmom https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUEXxnlzII/?igshid=1idsz8wijyl9f
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lois201891 · 4 years ago
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#godsplan #gotyourback #itsok #thingswillworkout #relax #addictionawareness #recoveryjourney #recoveryisreal #takestime #wordporn #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #detour https://www.instagram.com/p/CHo-ZTnDIE2W0M0JBiLY634S7l67NXn0_z2O600/?igshid=bkmdn8fk7kfn
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tinybreeann · 2 years ago
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Integra Houston is designed for individuals seeking long-term recovery from opioid use disorder. If you believe this is the right program for you please reach out to us. @riserecoverlive @santamaria_hostel @sobergirlshtx @houstonrecoverycenter @opendoormission @hearts.uthealth @avenue360health_wellness_ @uhcougarsinrecovery @utexasrecovery @taylorrecoverycenter @inspirerecoverywpb @lighthousetreatment @trtsoberlivingcenter1 #projectintegra #hptn094 #integra #recovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryjourney #sobriety #mobileclinic #savelives #addictionrecovery #substanceabuse #substanceusedisorder #substanceuserecovery #sobriertyispossible #sobermovement #substanceabusetreatment #recoveryfreeservices #narcan #recoveryisreal #addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #sos #rescue #healthservices #opiateaddiction (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUH6FxsysF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegratefulnuts · 2 years ago
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Black Balloon Day… A moment of silence for all the still sick and suffering addicts and alcoholics, the families that are mourning the loss of a loved one to this disease, and for those who drank, used, or picked up for the first time today who didn’t know where it would lead them. Black Balloon Day has become a national and international event, bringing awareness to overdose deaths. It’s a day that families and loved ones pause to remember and celebrate the lives lost to overdose. On days like today, I remember to be extra grateful for my sobriety. So many of us try quit but cannot. I am among the lucky ones, and if you’re alive and reading this then you are too. I’m glad you’re here, and for those we’ve lost a long the way… you will be missed. 🖤💔🖤💔🖤💔🖤 • • • • #blackballoons #blackballoonday #blackballoon #addictionawareness #overdoseawareness #overdoseawarenessday #sober #sobriety #recoveryispossible #recoveryisreal #recoveryworks #odaat #inremembrance #momentofsilence #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #sobersupport #addiction #addictionrecovery #march6th #soberinstagram #idontdrink #neverusealone #addictionisafamilydisease #nevergiveup #addictionsupport #addictionsucks #alcoholicsanonymous #friendsofbillw #recoveroutloud https://www.instagram.com/p/CpciOIAuP8U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rfarrokh · 3 years ago
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We all go at our own pace❣️Some of us are recovering from trauma and underlying neurological disorders and diseases that take time to heal🥰 I cherish ALL your stories and I am honored to be a part of your recovery 🤗 #recoveryposse #findyourtribe #findyourfreedom #findyourtribelovethemhard #bethechangeyouwanttosee #bethechange #recoveryisreal #recoveryisaprocess #recoveryjourney #anorexianervosarecovery #bulimianervosarecovery #addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #goatyourownpace #healingprocess #undiagnosed #neurologicallyme #poopunicorns #craprainbows #stayclutch #rachaelsroadtorecovery #thechosen #chosen #chooserecovery #fightthestigma #reducethestigma #youmattertome #youmattertoo #saturdaylove #isupportyou https://www.instagram.com/p/Cadhdw3Jw6U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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89 days. Tomorrow makes 3 months. I can’t believe it sometimes but I also can’t imagine ever going back to using. My life has done a 180 and is improving with every day that passes. I have an amazing partner in Shaun Nick Irvin, amazing friends and family, and an NA fellowship that loves, supports and cares for me! The accountability I’m able to hold for myself is insane. Just for today, I never have to use again💚 #addictionrecovery #recoveringaddict #sober #soberlife #soberliving #soberaf #soberdogmom #soberisthenewblack #soberisbetter #sobriety #sobrietyrocks #sobrietyjourney #sobrietyforwomen #sobrietyjourney #recovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryjourney #recoveryisreal #recoveryisbadass #recoveryisbeautiful #justfortoday #89dayssober #selfcare #selflove #selfworth #happy #happiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuJ13fC6Kk/?igshid=aglof16vdfdl
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lois201891 · 6 years ago
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#summertime #happiness #contentment #longjourney #improvement #drugsrbadmkay #recoveryjourney #recoveryisreal #recoveryrocks https://www.instagram.com/p/B1f-V3WgsebxXUdMaI3PMCTI-Kbqm9y5XLWo6U0/?igshid=111bctm2axytd
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Announcement! I am excited to announce today WED 10am PT I am a panelist for @americanaddictioncenters online recovery talk show! We will be talking honestly about how addiction is a family disease. Tomorrow at 1PM EST / 10AM PST we will go live on their Facebook: @americanaddictioncenters💙 I will be sure to share a link tomorrow. Thank you for your support and we hope you join the discussion. #addiction #addictiontalk #recovery #recoverylifestyle #recoveryispossible #recoveryisreal #sober #soberlife #sobermom #soberliving #mentalhealth #families #addictionrecovery #homeiswithinyou #panel (at Seal Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaBVr3Cldvf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kt-bergs · 6 years ago
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“We’re hungry for life, the hunger has just been misplaced.” 5 years ago today I moved to New York City for the first time, with plans to rid myself of my anorexia. I checked into treatment, and started the long and harrowing journey to recovery. Over the last five years, I have learned so many things - like the fact that everything takes longer than you want it to, it’s okay to make big mistakes, and that recovery will last my whole life, and that’s okay. I would not change one step of this journey, because it has brought me here. I am far from perfect. There are sad days, hard days, slip up days, and days where it feels impossible. But those are few and far between the joyful days, the grateful days, and the days where the world is full of possibilities. Recovery is hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Every day you have to work at it. But it’s worth it. I can promise you that. ❤️ #edrecovery #recoversary #fiveyears #anorexiarecovery #recoveryisreal https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZVx0FBiqU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b4bnxy04bdhx
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miramu1986 · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @drheidigreen Yesterday I talked about how to stop self-sabotaging. But what if you don’t know what it looks like? . We all self-sabotage at times. Often, we don’t even know we are doing it. People self-sabotage for lots of reasons, but fear of failure or fear of rejection tend to be primary drivers. . How have you sabotaged yourself in the past? What changes did you make to honor yourself and move forward? . . . #yogaformentalhealth #wisdomwednesdays #selfcompassion #selfloveforall #selflovethread #selfloveiskey #selflovematters #selflovewarrior #selflovemovement #selfloverevolution #goodmentalhealth #healyoursoul #healyourlife #healyourheart #healyourmind #traumarecovery #traumahealing #healingfromtrauma #recoveryisreal #mentalhealthadvocacy #mentalhealthandwellness #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalwellness #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalhealing #mindfulnessmatters #selfsabatoge #wellnesswednesdays #selfacceptance #emotionalhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CSLhr6kMvUi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegratefulnuts · 2 years ago
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Out with the old, and in with the new! Is anyone else shocked that it’s already March, or is it just me?!? Anyway, in case you missed them at any point, here are each of the blog posts from the month of Feb! You can find the full articles by visiting the blog (link in bio)↙️ thegratefulnuts.com • • • • #soberblogger #goodbyefebruary #recoveryblog #hellomarch #recoveryisreal #recoveryispossible #wedorecover #recoveroutloud #sobermovement #sober #sobriety #linkinbio #visittheblog #recoveryposse #sobertribe #soberfam #soberinfluencers #soberinstagram #soberthoughts #springiscoming #newpost #oldpost #blogpost #friendsofbillw #alcoholicsanonymous #recoveringalcoholic #alcoholismrecovery #sobersupport #recoverysupport #odaat https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPtp_Eu5C1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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