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The great paradox of addiction is that while it’s is not a conscious choose/decision we make or personal failing we’re too weak to overcome, we do have to make a decision to choose sobriety. Being an alcoholic or struggling with addiction means that I am bodily and mentally different from “normal people.” My brain functions just fine in every other situation other than where drugs and alcohol are involved. I have a disease, one of the only diseases in the world that tries to convince me I don’t have it. My brain plays tricks on me that convinces to to self-sabotage, self-destruct, and burn my own life to the ground. The absurdity is that with the proper resources and support, I can turn the volume down on that little voice in my head. Essentially, I had to learn to get out of my own way so that the rational, logical, and “sane” parts of my brain could take over. The only thing holding me back, was the part of me that I didn’t know how to let go of. I was my biggest problem. I was the roadblock that kept putting the bottle in my hand. The biggest problem between drunk me and sober me was… ME! • • • • #iamtheproblem #selfsabotage #selfdestruction #addictionisadisease #addictionsucks #wedorecover #recoveryispossible #recoveryisreal #sobersupport #sobersunday #addictionsupport #addiction #addictionrecovery #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #alcoholfreecommunity #soberthoughts #soberinstagram #sober #sobriety #soberinspiration #sobermotivation #selfawareness #odaat #recoveringalcoholic https://www.instagram.com/p/CpatoXyuf3s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Really kicking myself in the ass for blowing all my money on my addiction. I could be so much further financially if I wasn't fucking DUMB.
I'm just thankful that part of my life is far behind me.
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Read that again 💕 . . 10% of all people with addictions get and stay sober 🥺 who’s going to be with me in that 10% ? I know I will try my f%#€ing hardest!! #letsdothis💪 . . #odaat #soberfam #sobernation #wedorecover #fuckaddiction #addictionrecovery #alcoholism #drugaddiction #nomorestigma #breakthestigma #nomorealready #addictionsucks #recoveringalcoholic #recoveroutloud #almost4years #gratefulalcoholic https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Fhg3tArYO/?igshid=4avvqrgw6rxh
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The problem with people: my live feed of this build/giveaway was squashed last night and I was removed from the group. Turns out a girl that does daily live feeds was recently made admin. I had approval to do these giveaways when I came into the group. A new rule was made, I was deemed in violation and removed all in about 5 minutes. That's one way to win your popularity contest, make yourself the only contestant!!! Congratulations Kristy, I'll get your ring sent out tomorrow!!!. I'll find another place to do these, never give up!!! . . . . #facingaddiction#teamrecovery#addictionquotes#soberselfie#soberdad#substancefree#sobernation#soberquotes#luxuryrehab#allpointsnorthlodge#addictionrecoverytreatment#addictionisreal#addictionfree#addictionawareness#AddictionHelp#addictionfreedomnow#addictionawareness#addictionhelp#addictionrd#addictionisadisease#addictionrehab#addictionsucks#addictioncare#addictionisanillness#twelvesteps#soberisbetter#sobrietygangster#soberblogger#recoveroutloud (at Steel Rose Forge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mzQligHy-/?igshid=1aigukuwfg6ws
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It's been way too long since I last posted. So fucking much has happened since.. so I'll do a basic sum up but eventually will all come to light as I post in the future. DADDY got arrested.. at home.. and much like last time I felt lost and abandoned (apparently I have abandonment issues, at least that's what I have recently learned) but unlike last time I kick into hustle mode. Fear of providing for myself inadequately and keeping my promise to provide my full support given such the situation occur since last time I was a horrible human being and pretty much just left him in jail and moved on with my life. I never realized how shitty that was until I was in jail a few months later and even though he shouldn't have, he was there for me. The most important thing that I forgot to mention.. I expressively promised him that I would wait for him. No matter what. Not even for survival. I never hesitated. Why would I? After all, all I have ever wanted was him and me and that loyalty. I was a much better person than I was when he met me. I was changing, or so I thought. The whole day leading up to when he got arrested it had been detox from dope and drink a lot kind of day. Immediately I started trying to do whatever I could to get high, because how else would I cope with the fact that (without any doubt) Daddy would be incarcerated for at LEAST a couple of months. Anxiety and fear set in while I tried to figure out where I would go or if I would be able to stay in his tent given the fact that I'm not really wanted here and everything is DIFFERENT without him in the equation. Later that night I headed to taco bell to pick up some burritos cause I was starving and we had absolutely no food and he did not leave his food stamp card. As I was headed back I ran into MO. Who really didn't want to talk to me, but I knew he could guide me into survival at least. Anyways, getting what I wanted I headed back home. Most of the time that he was in jail I never wanted to leave our bed. I'd get my self meds then bring it home to do by myself. I guess I let it all get to me.. the hustling.. the drugs.. the freedom.. fear. Somewhere I had forgotten who I was because I did the ONE FUCKING thing that I will fucking regret for the rest of my life. I was trying so hard to get money to put on his books (cause that's what I wanted the most when I was in jail) and I guess I got wrapped in the game. It's amazing how you can destroy so much in so little time. Everything I have fought to become and everything that I wanted my future to be.. DESTROYED.. ultimately for absolutely nothing. The dude was a creep and I had been dodging him for days (even was a little scared at one point because he was so persistent). Hands down the worst sex I have had in my ENTIRE LIFE. I literally kept begging to quit. What's fucked up is how I didn't even have to since MO was providing me all the free meds I could do. From this point out he is no longer known as MO it's more like NFM. NFM supported my habit, got nothing from me in return, and as it turns out is not the person I thought he was ( everytime). Someone stated they need all my attention so I will continue at a later point.
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This is disgusting people. The Walmart parking lot is not your dumping ground for your used needles. There is a Biolife next door that can dispose of these properly. The parking lot is not disposing of them properly. Seriously you could've even put them in a water bottle. Don't worry I cleaned it up for you. #sickening #usedneedles #parkinglot #walmart #disposeofthemcorrectly #theworldisnotyourgarbage #addictionsucks #motherofaddicts #notmykids (at Walmart Riverton - Hamilton View Rd)
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Last time I posted this I sure ruffled some feathers so I’ll do it again! Just a thought … if I hit a nerve you’re probably the problem!! Sadly 4 years later they are still ENABLERS!! #hateenablers #hatedrugs #addictionsucks #enablerssuck (at Whiteville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXoJyvarTmy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It's your life, it's your decision, make it the best decision ever. Alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, technology addictions. MC Counselling works with them all. Improve your Mental Health, improve your sense of self. Improve you. Check out our listing on Psychology Today. Link is in bio. To an addiction-free life. "Living your best life". Mikey xx . . . . . #addiction #addictionawareness #addictioncare #addictionfree #addictionhelp #addictionisreal #addictionquotes #addictionrecovery #addictions #addictionsucks #addictiontreatment #drugaddiction #drugfree #love #mentalhealth #motivation #recovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryisworthit #recoveryjourney #recoverywarrior #recoverywin #selflove #sober #soberlife #sobriety #removeaddiction #pornaddicton #technologyaddiction #mccounselling (at Mentone, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0OUVvhEDg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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📢PSA Alcoholics 👏🏻 Are 👏🏻 Bad 👏🏻 People👏🏻 People who struggle with addiction of any kind are NOT bad people, it’s past time we talked about this. I’m not saying that we don’t make some pretty questionable decisions, say some pretty horrible things, or that sometimes we don’t do the unforgivable in our activities addiction but c’mon. I realize that when it comes to addiction it’s hard to separate the person from the disease because so often we seem one in the same, I promise we’re not. Sobriety isn’t about making bad people “good”, it about helping sick people get well. • • • • #addictionisadisease #addictionsucks #addictionsupport #sobersupport #sober #sobriety #soberthoughts #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #soberquotes #sobermovement #sobermotivation #soberinspiration #soberinstagram #soberblogger #recoveringalcoholic #alcoholicsanonymous #friendsofbillw #wedorecover #recoveroutloud #recoveryispossible #recoveryblog https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0ATLyuLSQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#addiction #recovery #pastisthepast #druglife #storytime #movingon #addicted #soberlife #addictionsucks #evaderknives https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPjDI8H56X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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www.findgodcleanhousehelpothers.com #findgod #helpothers #trustgod #addiction #fuckheroinfoundation #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #alcoholicsgotomeetings #addictionrecovery #addictionsucks #godislove #godisgreat #godislight #godispowerful #godisawesome #sobrietyjourney #sobrietyquotes #sobrietyisthenewdrunk #sobrietysisterhood #sexysobriety #sobrietyjourney #sobermotive #sobersunday #soberrevolution #spiritualguidance https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYjOVIh0NW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Cell phones bring you closer to the person far from you. But take you away from the ones sitting next to you. 😈 _____________________________________ Follow @connected.soul for more. 📲 _____________________________________ #cellphoneaddiction #addictionkills #addictionquotes #mobileaddiction #addictionsucks #phoneaddiction #phoneaddict #20thcentury #lifestyle #brokenrelationships #brokenfamily #brokenfriendship #relationshit #hindiquotes #quotesaboutlife #quotesaboutloveandlife #soulquotes #stayconnected #connectedsoul ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/COvhIYoFNnb/?igshid=1cmaes81grvcp
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im having bad withdrawals I swear to god I can't stop picking at myself and im eating more which is fine because im also about to start my period in like a week so that's normal to eat more, but I have to like chew gum and eat candies to get through the urges like its getting bad someone help.
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Sunday📆 Celebration🥳 for Sarah's Seventh 'Second Birthday in Recovery' Build!! 💍Coin Ring From a 🥈Silver AA Recovery Medallion. I'll Build her ring💍 and we'll talk about the next job on the list, more Turnbuckles in Lake Fenton!! If I have time⌚, Maybe we'll do a GIVEAWAY!!! 🏷 a friend, and come join the fun around 8p.m. (EST)!!! . . . . #addictionrd#addictionisadisease#addictionrehab#addictionsucks#addictioncare#addictionisanillness#twelvesteps#soberisbetter#sobrietygangster#soberblogger#sobrietyisworthit#sobrietyjourney#emotionalsobriety#sobrietycoach#sexysobriety#sobrietyispossible#sobrietybirthday#sobrietygifts#sobrietydate#sobrietyisawesome#interiordesigntrends#betterhomesandgardens#blackandwhitedesign#modernfarmhousemonday#customhomedecor#kitchendesignideas#industrialdecor#industrialdesign#industrialdecor#industrialliving (at Steel Rose Forge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1-VY2j1V0/?igshid=a867928hb73
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I'm been having a rough time recently & I know I'm not the only one. This too shall pass (I know that's a lame phrase) that's one of the things that helps me. Trying to keep busy been reading and coloring a good portion of the morning. I'm feeling better already. Just keep on keeping on 🙏🏼✝️ #please #yourlife #yourlifematters #pickupthephone #makethecall #itsokaynottobeokay #youfirst #addicted #addictionstories #addictionawareness #addictionsucks #addictionrecovery #focus #recoverymemes #addictmemes #addictsmatter #whatwouldyoudo #whatifthiswasyou #addictionisafamilydisease #addictionisreal #whatifitwasyourchild #drugaddictionrecovery #stopthestigma #stopthestigmamentalillness #youwillbeokay #progressnotperfection #quicktojudge https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSdV9YjU2MgcGWQK9wyBfbtgdiilLrHaDjgBY0/?igshid=1qmxqoq8iz1f4
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