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livingsober · 3 years ago
The 12 Steps as they are listed in the "Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
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nadzer-sprinkles · 4 years ago
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Help! Such a small little word with a big massive punch! #howiseeit Asking for help was so humiliating for me. With my delusion of being better than everyone and my belief of not being good enough, I hated showing any kind of weakness (which today I know it to be humility). I'd rather fail than ask for help. And when I asked for help, it really felt like a punch in my face. I am a failure punch. Thank Goodness for recovery! Thank Goodness for the people in recovery. I asked for help with all my heart after a year sober, with the obsession to use streaming in my head! What a relief it was. Like the song, doors opened; one of which was recovery! Today my favourite sayings are: I don't know; can you show me? I don't understand; show me what do to; help me please. No shame, no cringing, no humiliation. Simply me being a student of life. 🛐🤗☯️🥰☮ #sobriety #soberlife #recoveryispossible #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #mentalhealth #cocaineanonymous #alcoholicanonymous #soberwarriors #soberliving #drugaddiction #addictionstigma #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #recoverywarriors #12steps #twelvesteps #12steprecoveryprocess #onedayatatime #ODAAT #soberissexy #mindalteringsubstances #addictionrecovery #recoveryrocks #cleanandsober #AABigBook #wecanrecover #thereisasolution https://www.instagram.com/p/CIpphTKgRkE/?igshid=1fdalr4dsqd3x
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shadowofyourreflection · 5 years ago
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So much luck in a book.
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debbielamm · 3 years ago
Finding God Through Hard Times
Recovery is hard. There is no easy way to do it. Whether you or a loved one is walking this journey, it will be hard work. I heard a sermon recently about finding God IN the hard times, but lately I have been thinking it is more that we need to find God THROUGH the hard times. We all have our own experiences that seem to break us down. Relapse definitely brings it, but so does the loss of a job,…
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pvrecovery · 3 years ago
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The latest newsletter from Nick Wignall: https://nickwignall.com/productivity-spelled-backward-is-self-discovery #sober #clean #puravidasle #onedayatatime #recovery #twelvesteps https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7vMv3FyfQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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devildrinksvodka · 3 years ago
Saturday Newz- Ramblings on Alcoholics Anonymous
Saturday Newz- Ramblings on Alcoholics Anonymous
If you’ve been in the recovery community for a minute, you’ve probably noticed that there are some strong opinions flying around. AA seems to be a hot topic that comes up frequently. I’ve been to maybe five or six AA meetings in my life, but haven��t been in a couple years now. I frequently think about going, especially during the summer because there’s a close noon group that I like. I thought…
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steelroseforge · 4 years ago
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Sunday📆 Celebration🥳 for Sarah's Seventh 'Second Birthday in Recovery' Build!! 💍Coin Ring From a 🥈Silver AA Recovery Medallion. I'll Build her ring💍 and we'll talk about the next job on the list, more Turnbuckles in Lake Fenton!! If I have time⌚, Maybe we'll do a GIVEAWAY!!! 🏷 a friend, and come join the fun around 8p.m. (EST)!!! . . . . #addictionrd#addictionisadisease#addictionrehab#addictionsucks#addictioncare#addictionisanillness#twelvesteps#soberisbetter#sobrietygangster#soberblogger#sobrietyisworthit#sobrietyjourney#emotionalsobriety#sobrietycoach#sexysobriety#sobrietyispossible#sobrietybirthday#sobrietygifts#sobrietydate#sobrietyisawesome#interiordesigntrends#betterhomesandgardens#blackandwhitedesign#modernfarmhousemonday#customhomedecor#kitchendesignideas#industrialdecor#industrialdesign#industrialdecor#industrialliving (at Steel Rose Forge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1-VY2j1V0/?igshid=a867928hb73
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crothersy1 · 4 years ago
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#overeatersanonymous #twelvesteps #adayatatime #feelingsarefacts https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7p4u1niTY/?igshid=116wl61nxjy0x
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neloran · 6 years ago
Step One Inventory: Powerlessness
I finished the first half of my Step One Inventory on powerlessness.  I’m not going to share it here because it’s the most detailed account of my trauma I’ve ever written.  It’s something I would need to process in therapy and perhaps with a sponsor first.  But here are a few of my takeaways...
I fought a lot as a kid, and again as a teenager, against my abusers.  There were many times I just fought and fought.  There were also many times I gave up and dissociated.  There were many times early on, I had no idea what was happening was wrong.
All of the mixed messages (fighting but failing, telling about the abuse but not believed, disconnecting from my body) caused intense self-loathing to develop.  
A childhood so out of control, the only thing my child-brain could accept, in order to survive and not go completely insane, was that it was my fault.  
No wonder “admitting powerlessness” is so triggering.  It forces me to connect with the terror, confusion, and utter helplessness -- so intense -- that I had no recourse but to hate myself.
Yet--I also must respect this.  
Blaming myself for the abuse was a survival technique that worked.  It allowed me to make sense of the incomprensible trauma, and file it away in my brain with a neat label.
I’m alive because I believed it was my fault.  Yeah, I struggle with DID, low self-esteem, depression, and a whole host of nonsense, but I. AM. ALIVE.
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recover-loudly · 4 years ago
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debbielamm · 3 years ago
Against Apathy
Its been a while. Honestly, I have been struggling with the “why.” Why do I write? Why do I minister? Does it really matter? I put on blinders that blocked me from seeing what I needed to see. I have friends who have put words on the blinders. Apathy. Tired. They are so overwhelmed with life that they can’t see the why anymore. It’s difficult to live as God calls us to live in the middle of a…
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devildrinksvodka · 4 years ago
Teachers are Everywhere
WOAH this week got a little ugly. That last day that I wrote ended with me in a fetal position bawling on the shag rug next to the fireplace around midnight- way past my bedtime. My mood was much lighter the following day. I think much of this was hormonal, plus holiday stress. I am feeling one thousand times better and have since that dreadful night. I feel that I navigated this ugly episode…
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lettershepherd · 7 years ago
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Wine on watercolour paper
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allrecoveryrings · 5 years ago
For just $29.99 Sobriety Medallion manipulated into a Recovery Ring. Handcrafted, made to order...
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blunttherapyblog · 5 years ago
6 Ridiculous Myths About The Narcotics Anonymous Twelve Steps Program -- Spread the love. Your support is much appreciated!
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neloran · 6 years ago
Step One of SIA
Hey. My name is Nel. I am a person living in recovery. To me, being a person in recovery means a few things:
1. I have known freedom from my core abusers for 18 years.
2. Though I choose to remain in contact with my parents who have been abusive, they no longer have any power over me.
3. I have been abstinent from self-harm since March 27, 2019.
I have a strong belief that the 12 steps work, although I have never worked a program myself. I would consider myself a member of SIA and SMA. Unfortunately, there are no meetings near me. Phone meetings cost me $1 per minute. So, I’m trying to use literature to stay connected in that manner and work on a Step One inventory.
I hope one day I can get to a meeting, maybe even get a home group and sponsor.
Until then, my focus is at the beginning:
We admitted that we were powerless over the childhood sexual abuse experience and that our lives had become unmanageable.
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