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soberlycomposed · 9 months ago
This is a great way to show that human compassion isn't dead! Show your support!
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nadzer-sprinkles · 4 years ago
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Help! Such a small little word with a big massive punch! #howiseeit Asking for help was so humiliating for me. With my delusion of being better than everyone and my belief of not being good enough, I hated showing any kind of weakness (which today I know it to be humility). I'd rather fail than ask for help. And when I asked for help, it really felt like a punch in my face. I am a failure punch. Thank Goodness for recovery! Thank Goodness for the people in recovery. I asked for help with all my heart after a year sober, with the obsession to use streaming in my head! What a relief it was. Like the song, doors opened; one of which was recovery! Today my favourite sayings are: I don't know; can you show me? I don't understand; show me what do to; help me please. No shame, no cringing, no humiliation. Simply me being a student of life. 🛐🤗☯️🥰☮ #sobriety #soberlife #recoveryispossible #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #mentalhealth #cocaineanonymous #alcoholicanonymous #soberwarriors #soberliving #drugaddiction #addictionstigma #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #recoverywarriors #12steps #twelvesteps #12steprecoveryprocess #onedayatatime #ODAAT #soberissexy #mindalteringsubstances #addictionrecovery #recoveryrocks #cleanandsober #AABigBook #wecanrecover #thereisasolution https://www.instagram.com/p/CIpphTKgRkE/?igshid=1fdalr4dsqd3x
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hopeisreal42 · 5 years ago
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For whoever needs to hear this today: Today in my wellness group we talked about how to challenge mental health and addiction stigma and self-stigma. We ended on the thought that if we ever start thinking we’re stuck, we can go back and remind ourselves that being in recovery means that we can and will change for the better. #recovery #hopeisreal #recoveryisreal #alifeworthliving #endstigma #mentalhealth #mentalhealthstigma #addictionstigma #mentalillnessisnotacrime #selfstigma #mentalhealthdiscrimination #bethechange #changeisinevitable #keepgoing #onedayatatime #recoverywarrior #bpdrecovery #edrecovery #anxietyrecovery #depressionrecovery #bipolarrecovery #schizorecovery #mentalillnessrecovery #ptsdrecovery #bpdwarrior #edwarrior #anxietywarrior #ocdwarrior #bipolarwarrior #depressionwarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CCorLnrl4bQ/?igshid=ymia4iyn3t0p
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yannicart · 4 years ago
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🧙‍♂️ I made this piece during my recovery from drug addiction a year ago. This represents the mask i have worn for 19 years. --- 🐉The mask is given to me by a metaphorical demon (my own angst) --- 🤷In the mental healthcare system we need more experience workers. They have been irreplaceable in my recovery! --- --- --- 🦉Drop a like, share and subscribe for my latest artistical endeavors! @addictedalchemist #beatyourdemons #darkartmovement #geestelijkegezondheid #ggz #demonartwork #visualartist #demonart #demonarts #stigma #verslavingszorg #digitaaltekenen #darkartistery #kunstwerk #darkartemporium #kunst #recoveryforlife #addictionstigma #recoverywarriors #addictioncounselor #art4small #art_seeking #recoveryispossible #recoverycommunity #recoverywin #addictiontreatment #recoveryaccount #addictionisreal #recoverylife #recoverycoach #art4sale (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGttZpprDi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stigma-unraveled · 7 years ago
Language Matters
What we say and how we say it matters.  It is important to be conscious of how we are talking about topics that are known to be stigmatized. As I mentioned in a previous post, Addiction is one of the most stigmatizing conditions and the language we use plays a major role in perpetuating that stigma. We all need to reflect the language we use during these discussions.  With the current opioid crisis, I’m sure that you been a part of some discussion. 
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We need to adopt what other people use when they talk about allied disorders.  Individuals with “eating-related conditions” are never described as “food abusers” but described as a “person having an eating disorder”.  If we refer to individuals as suffering from a “substance use disorder” it will likely diminish stigma and enhance the use of treatment.  It is one step that all of us have the power to make. 
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rinajparker · 7 years ago
RT https://t.co/IY8ZQ4LkpR The dangers of the addiction stigma https://t.co/izFwRV8fdo #Addiction #AddictionStigma #Stigma #DrugEpidemic #Rehab https://t.co/omABpbWiWR
RT https://t.co/IY8ZQ4LkpR The dangers of the addiction stigma https://t.co/izFwRV8fdo #Addiction #AddictionStigma #Stigma #DrugEpidemic #DrugRehab #Rehab pic.twitter.com/omABpbWiWR
— Rina Parker (@rinajparker) January 6, 2018
Source: @rinajparker January 05, 2018 at 05:25PM More info Inpatient Drug Rehab
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nadzer-sprinkles · 4 years ago
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Floating high can lead to a harder fall! #howiseeit During my drinking/using career, the higher I got the tougher the come down. So I never wanted to come down, I never wanted to face that moment. I pleaded to the universe to keep me up high. Even when the substances seemed to have stopped working, when I couldn't reach that high, I just kept on trying to climb back up there. In my early clean and sober time, I start "examining" and "analysing" the 12 steps of AA. Unknown to myself then, I kept chasing that high state, which I found in intellectualism, which I confused with spirituality. I floated for a while, higher and higher, and even though I was physically in a 12-step fellowship, I was getting high on my pink cloud, above it all. (If you have an AA 📘, read "Physician, heal thyself! Page 301). The landing was coming and I ignored it. So I crashed miserably wondering what had happened. I was at a crossroad: die, use or give recovery 100%. I was drawn to the latter! I've not have this Seven Pink experience again, thank goodness for that. I still overthink and intellectualise things, that's part of me. I'm also growing in my recovery, practicing what is being shown to me not to chase a high state but to ground me here, in today, in right now. It's ok to experience this pink cloud, just mind yourself on the way down. ☮🥰☯️🤗🛐 #sobriety #recoveryrocks #cleanandsober #peaceandquiet #quietpeace #soberlife #recoverywarriors #addictionstigma #diseaseofaddiction #alcoholism #alcoholismrecovery #wecanrecover #addictionrecovery #aa #ca #12steps #12steprecoveryprocess #recoveryprogress https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAK0AYgBqG/?igshid=pgjwvsaeyx4l
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nadzer-sprinkles · 4 years ago
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Is happiness really a decision? #howiseeit #rebelliousthinker #overthinker Happiness was always something I pursued. Writing this in past tense makes me think: am I not in its pursuit anymore? Is being in pursuit the same as missing it each time? Is happiness a goal as opposed to a moment in time? And if it's a goal, then what? This "choose happiness" principle landed on my resentment inventory yesterday, which I shared and discussed. My 1st reaction was: not that easy! As I can be a very black and white type of person in my mind I either am or I am not. Reflecting on it right now, it's not so b&w. Choosing happiness is not the same as being happy. Choosing happiness means standing up under the weight of sadness, adversities, anger, ect. It's asking for the help I need to get up. It's having the courage to say "that's enough". It's having faith that it will pass, whatever it is. Choosing happiness is not a pursuit! It seems to be a step towards solving a problem. It's an action by itself. So, today I choose Happiness! What will your choice be? ☮🥰☯️🤗🛐 #sobriety #recoveryrocks #recoveryispossible #recoveredaddict #recoverywarriors #recoveryprogress #12steps #soberlife #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #addictionrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #addictionstigma #findwhatworksforyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CH7H0rGgbSN/?igshid=g31tta5vl1nw
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