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My sister needs help y'all.
She has worked SO hard to rebuild her life after fighting with addiction. She has recently passed her 8th year of being sober and has come so far.. but poverty is still a problem. She needs help with her probation fees. If she can't get them, they will throw her in jail regardless of how well she's doing in her community. If you can't help, it's ok, maybe just share it in some circles to spread the net? Anything helps. Thank you guys in advance.
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Is happiness really a decision? #howiseeit #rebelliousthinker #overthinker Happiness was always something I pursued. Writing this in past tense makes me think: am I not in its pursuit anymore? Is being in pursuit the same as missing it each time? Is happiness a goal as opposed to a moment in time? And if it's a goal, then what? This "choose happiness" principle landed on my resentment inventory yesterday, which I shared and discussed. My 1st reaction was: not that easy! As I can be a very black and white type of person in my mind I either am or I am not. Reflecting on it right now, it's not so b&w. Choosing happiness is not the same as being happy. Choosing happiness means standing up under the weight of sadness, adversities, anger, ect. It's asking for the help I need to get up. It's having the courage to say "that's enough". It's having faith that it will pass, whatever it is. Choosing happiness is not a pursuit! It seems to be a step towards solving a problem. It's an action by itself. So, today I choose Happiness! What will your choice be? ☮🥰☯️🤗🛐 #sobriety #recoveryrocks #recoveryispossible #recoveredaddict #recoverywarriors #recoveryprogress #12steps #soberlife #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #addictionrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #addictionstigma #findwhatworksforyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CH7H0rGgbSN/?igshid=g31tta5vl1nw
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Live Show Today at 2:30 ET ♦️Join us Live on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter /MOCwithTiffany “A Candid Discussion About Substance Abuse Recovery” with Tiffany’s Guest, Stephen Sundquist @thesteve310, who has a powerful and inspiring story to share. 💜 Special thanks to our sponsors, Carbon Design and Architecture @carbon_ae and Forever Forward Financial Group @forever_forward_financial #AddictionRecovery #SubstanceAbuse #StaySober #MentalHealth #MOCwithTiffany #StopOverdose #RecoveredAddict #Intervention #DrugAddict #RecoveringDrugAddict #RecoveringAddict #LiveInterview #InspirationalStory https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNyW2LHAbI/?igshid=fqhumb17xj39
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First we recover then the light in us can seep into those around us! The 12 step solution is a highly transformative and restorative process, Recovery Cyclist is sharing awareness around this life saving process, there is much freedom to be had! Please check out our website (link in bio) #recovery #addiction #recoverycyclist #12steps #rideforrecovery #cycling #bike #trekbikes #recoveredalcoholic #recoveredaddict #cametobelieve #retreats
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YASSSS! Water is life! Also, after a massage with us you'll need plenty to flush those toxins we got moving around!! @Regranned from @veganthuggin777 - ❇Words to change your life by...❇ If you don't decide your worth, somebody else will for you. . . . #veganthuggin #spirituality #spiritualgangster #spiritgangsta #spiritgangster #section8egyptian #meditate #entrepreneur #garyvaynerchuk #garyvee #vaynermedia #consciousness #higherconsciousness #higherperspective #ralphsmart #infinitewaters #bepassionate #selfmade #recoveredaddict #fuckheroin #loveyourself #iam #lawofattraction #manifest #abundance #abrahamhicks #sevan #sevanbomar
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Recovered heroin addict. 7 months clean.
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Did you know? Such a simple word with a massive impact 🛐🤗☯️🥰☮ #howiseeit #addiction #recovery #hopefaithandcourage #sobriety #soberlife #recoveryrocks #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #recoveryispossible #recoveredaddict #soberlife #recoverywarriors #recoveryprogress https://www.instagram.com/p/CHrqTMQg8H2/?igshid=1q8oz3f14a2q0
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Some days are just sh*t days. #howiseeit You know when you wake up and you just know that today should not exist! Well that was me this morning 🤨. I did a little meditation to calm down, but I think I'd just decided to just be pissed off at the world from the time I opened my eyes. Everyone and everything rubbed me the wrong way from the get go. As the day went on, I quieted down, I was able to stop and breathe. The red anger (unjustified) was slowly tamed, without the thought of opening a bottle of wine or ringing my dealer. Over the last couple of months, my emotions are at the surface, heightened as I stopped my meds (under medical supervision). So it's providing me with the opportunity to re-learning that pause described in the AA big 📘, in step 11. This is a completely different experience, a kind, gentle and loving one as well as a grateful one: when I get to it before and when I don't, which right now it's more often than none 🤭🤭🤭. So today, yeah it was a bad day, my reactions and attitudes were a little off; however, I'm clean and sober another 24 hrs and I'm putting my head on my pillow with a little more growth in my heart and soul. 🛐🤗☯️🥰☮ #sobriety #recoveryrocks #recoveryispossible #recoveredaddict #recoverywarriors #recoveryprogress #soberlife #peaceandquiet #quietpeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CHgT7UNjnMN/?igshid=7ml3w4d13ay3
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Fear and courage are best friends, and they know it more than we do. #howiseeit We see that in movies, when someone is scared, they either run into a dark alley or are petrified. And I scream at the screen: "No don't go there you idiot" or "Run you idiot". In real life, I was always scared: of being punished, of being caught, of being bad, of being weak, of being. And I was the idiot: running or petrified. I'd entangle myself into a web of lies and excuses. I'd seek refuge to this deluded sense of security. And at the same time I'd truly believe I was courageous in facing hardships head-on. That state was all I knew, the only way I lived from a the get go; that was the only way to stay alive. In the 4th step of AA, it talks about making a searching and fearless inventory of ourselves. Say what now? Fearless? Oh sh*t! I'm now clean, I've made a decision to take the necessary actions to recover, but yet I'm petrified and I want to run at the same time. Fearless is not a state I know yet. I used to say: took me 4 weeks to write my 4th. Well it didn't, I remained petrified for 4 weeks and it then took me about 3 hrs to write it. Putting pen on paper was that one moment of fearlessness, starting writing was that tiny courageous action. Today, I still have fears, they crop up, they're not gone. But, through the progress of recovery, courage is present. Every now and then some fear awakes to signal me that something is wrong. Then courage helps me not to run away from it, to walk with it, chat with it, listen to it. I don't have to be afraid of fear anymore. 🛐🤗☯️🥰☮ #recoveryispossible #recoveredaddict #cleanandsober #recoverywarriors #peaceandquiet #soberlife #sobriety #recoveryrocks #hopefaithandcourage https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZofpUAo2j/?igshid=d5c8dsv1fgrg
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Duality is the situation in which two opposite ideas or feelings exist at the same time. #howiseeit Such an interesting word. It is a word that came into my vocabulary only a couple of weeks ago, via a comment one my one my posts, and then a few days later via a daily reflection sent from a friend. Through meditation and discussion, it popped in again yesterday. For so long, I just wanted to be happy, to be normal, to not have to fight, to be accepted, to be better, to be a good mum, to be what society is conditioning all of us to be. For so long I refused to believe at had good moments, that I was a good person, that I was doing my best. For so long the chase of "normalcy" created this ongoing inner conflict, which torn me apart, which created so much pain, pain I self-medicated away, pain that I ate away, pain that I shopped away. I wanted it, whatever "it" was, all white, when all I could see was all black. There were no balance, I had no balance. I had a false sense of what balance is. I had a good and bad concept, but they couldn't be at the same time. It had to be one or the other. It took me some time to realise that one cannot be without this other, that actually two opposites must be together to be whole. Duality is not a fight to get rid off what is deemed bad, it's not having this concept of happy and better win. For me, it's simply accepting any and all aspects of me at anytime: the good and the bad, the light and the dark, the serene and the anxious, the calm and storm. I don't care today to chase that state of happy and good all the time, for me it's not balance, it's fighting. I find peace in my duality, when I let me exists as I am. ☮🥰☯️🤗🛐 #sobriety #recoveryrocks #cleanandsober #recoverjourney #recoveryispossible #peaceandquiet #12steps #recoveredaddict #soberlife #soberliving #drugaddiction #alcoholism https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXJIgKAtPF/?igshid=1uiiwfj0ppqo7
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This was the sky after the Came to Believe step 10, 11, and 12 workshop in Kent this weekend. Our Recovery Cyclist video made by Cindy Ellingham was played, and many were moved and captivated by the awareness effort. It is so fabulous to see the passion for freedom spread amongst us. #cycling #cametobelieve #rideforrecovery #12steps #recoverycyclist #retreat #addiction #alcoholic #recovered #recoveredalcoholic #recoveredaddict #addict #wedorecover
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Each one of us impact the world in a powerful way. Our internal world (spiritual emotional and mental condition) plays a humongous role in the external world we ALL experience. The #12steps relieves us from the desire to drink #alcohol, use #drugs, or any other harmful addiction that has caused us pain- But it also treats our spiritual and emotional condition, enabling us to be beacons of light in this muddled world! We are changjng the world, we are the change #recoveredalcoholic #recoveredaddict #12stepprogram #spiritualgrowth #infinite #love #spiritualawakening #friendsofbillw #thereisasolution #cycling #fitness #mindbodysoulspirit
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