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zibethrose · 5 months ago
It's time to remove the
splinters of past hurts.
Let go so healing can begin,
No waiting for better days.
Live fully in the here and now,
Strong in contentment,
No thought of envy nor arrogance,
No regrets.
Do this to stay in sync with the
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and bloom into fullness.
Be authentic. Do not mask yourself to become acceptable to others. Be expansive, do not shrink yourself to fit into another's expectations. Be you, your uniquely wonderful self. Recognize that Love begins where judgement ends. Be there for others but never leave yourself behind… learn to embrace and know yourself through your heart. Your heart knows that Everything begins and ends with love. Love is the whole, the all that is. Know that love is our essence. 
You can either activate thoughts that produce stress within you or activate thoughts that make stress impossible. It’s your choice. Change your mindset.
Please comment, share, like, subscribe and follow me @www.zibethrose.com
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neurodivergingcoaching · 4 months ago
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It’s about finding tools that fit our needs, not squeezing ourselves into someone else’s structure. Try new methods until one clicks!
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the-feral-quill · 5 months ago
A Soul’s Embrace
Sitting in the dark because it brings far more comfort than the light.
There is nothing here for all my doubts and fears, and at the bottom, the well of all my tears.
There, a child is crying, a teenager is screaming, and a young woman is trying desperately to find meaning.
I look to them with pity; their emotions are plenty, overwhelm wrapping me like vines, the thorns of each new and old emotion digging in.
My blood, sweat, and tears— yet life never feels like a win. How long must I carry the weight I thought I had dropped?
When will I heal enough to live and not exist, to thrive and not survive, to find joy in everyday life?
To find solace in those that love me, to find beauty in those that accept me, to stand in awe of my reflection, to see the me those loving eyes mirror back.
To find comfort in the words that soothe the crying child, to calm the screaming teenager, to guide the young woman, explaining that life is an adventure that doesn’t need a plan.
To help the survivor understand that in order to thrive, she must let go of control, to let be, to not look back— the future is waiting, and the present is calling.
Healing may not be linear, but it’s a checkpoint— so even if we have to go back, we can always move forward.
And one day, we will stand firm in ourselves; we will whisper, I love you.
I love every crack and fissure, I love every flaw without measure, I love every emotion we feel, I love the body that carries our soul, and I love our soul and our love, most of all.
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adeeegjlllnno · 2 months ago
Hey, I know you might be struggling to face the day, but we'll get through it together, okay? I'm right here beside you, every step of the way. The easy ones, the hard ones, the baby steps forward, and the ones that slide you backward. You do enough. You are enough. You deserve good things. I am so proud of you. I love you more than you know.
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months ago
Healing Empath Fatigue: Embracing Your Sensitivity Mindfully Shaina Tranquilino July 8, 2024
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Empaths possess a unique gift—the ability to deeply feel and understand the emotions of others. This sensitivity, however, can come at a cost: empath fatigue. Constantly absorbing and processing the energies around them can leave empaths feeling drained, overwhelmed, and even disconnected from themselves. Yet, there is a way to navigate this terrain without sacrificing one's well-being: through mindful and energetic self-care.
Understanding Empath Fatigue
Empath fatigue isn't just about physical tiredness; it's a holistic exhaustion that affects the mind, body, and spirit. When empaths absorb the emotions and energies of others without proper boundaries or self-care practices, it can lead to burnout and emotional imbalance. The challenge lies in maintaining empathy without allowing it to overwhelm and deplete one's own energy reserves.
The Importance of Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy
One of the fundamental practices for empaths is learning how to cleanse and protect their energy field. This involves clearing out energies that aren't theirs and establishing boundaries to prevent energetic overwhelm. Here are some effective techniques:
Visualization: Imagine a protective shield of light surrounding you, filtering out negative energies while allowing positive ones to pass through.
Salt Baths: Soaking in a bath with Epsom salts or sea salt can help draw out negative energies absorbed throughout the day.
Nature Connection: Spending time in nature, such as walking barefoot on grass or near water, can naturally cleanse and recharge your energy.
Mindful Practices for Renewal
In addition to cleansing, empaths benefit greatly from regular renewal practices that nurture their own energy and well-being:
Self-Compassion: Practice kindness and understanding towards yourself. Embrace your sensitivity as a gift rather than a burden.
Setting Boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your own needs without guilt.
Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help empaths stay grounded, centered, and aware of their own emotions versus those they pick up from others.
Embracing Your Empathic Nature
Healing empath fatigue isn't just about protection and renewal—it's also about embracing your empathic nature with confidence and purpose. Recognize that your ability to feel deeply is a strength that can bring immense compassion and understanding to your relationships and communities.
Empath fatigue is a real challenge, but with mindful practices and self-care, empaths can navigate their sensitivity without losing themselves in the emotions of others. By learning to cleanse, protect, and renew their energy, empaths can not only survive but thrive in a world that needs their empathy now more than ever. Embrace your sensitivity, honour your boundaries, and prioritize your own well-being—you deserve it.
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bercintalewatkata · 8 months ago
Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their toxic behavior but never discuss their disrespect that triggered you
Manipulation can be hard to spot, but here’s a sign: if someone constantly blames you for your reaction to their toxic behavior, but never acknowledges the disrespect that triggered you, they’re manipulating you. ✩₊˚.
They twist the situation to make you feel guilty and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It’s not your fault for reacting to mistreatment. Healthy relationships involve mutual respect and accountability, not shifting the blame. If someone always turns the focus on how you reacted instead of addressing what they did to cause it, that’s a red flag. ⋆☾⋆
“Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat gelisah (pesimis), sedih, malas, kikir, pengecut, terlilit hutang, dan keganasan orang lain." 🤲 -Diriwayatkan oleh Anas r.a-
Trust your feelings and recognize when you’re being manipulated. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, not made to feel like your reactions are the problem. Always stand up for your worth and don’t let anyone convince you that their bad behavior is your fault.⁺₊✧
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infinity-state · 8 months ago
Finding Self-Compassion: My Journey to Healing
Emma is here to share her story with us.
Hi, Infinity State community! I'm Emma, and I wanted to share a bit about my journey with self-compassion. A few years ago, I was stuck in a relentless cycle of self-criticism. Every mistake felt like a disaster, and I held myself to impossible standards. My mental health was suffering—I was anxious, stressed, and exhausted from constantly trying to prove myself. Things started to change when I discovered the concept of self-compassion through a therapy session. My therapist encouraged me to treat myself with the same kindness I showed my friends. It sounded simple, but it was life-changing. I started small: writing down one thing I did well each day and practicing positive self-talk. Gradually, I learned to forgive myself for mistakes and embrace my imperfections as part of being human. Today, I'm not perfect, but I’m kinder to myself. When I face challenges, I remind myself that I'm doing my best and that it's okay to stumble. Self-compassion has transformed my mental health, and I'm grateful for the peace it's brought into my life. Thanks, Infinity State, for being a supportive space where we can all share and grow together.
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prettyconcreterose · 2 months ago
In my life, I always thought I had to keep it together. Showing any emotion felt like a weakness. But as I get older, I’ve come to realize that the emotion I show is me being vulnerable—and that finally allowing myself to express emotion is a sign of strength. When I am most vulnerable, I see my power; I see myself showing up for me, flaws and all.
I used to move like a robot, internalizing everything. I thought that was my guard up, a better way to protect myself from all the things I feared. The people who used and abused my emotions, throwing them back in my face. I thought staying numb would protect me, but one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I got so tired of suppressing everything, of pushing it all down. I wept for days, barely eating, sleeping maybe three hours, never leaving my home. I stayed in my cave—my room.
But one day, after all the weeping, I finally got up. I showered and managed to eat something. It felt like I had the energy and strength to get through the day. That energy was powerful—it was the voice inside saying, “You can do this. Know your worth. Don’t forget who you are.” My tears had been toxic, but letting them out brought relief. For the first time in days, I felt a little bit better. I didn’t hold anything back anymore.
Even now, I wonder: Was it good to allow myself to be so vulnerable? But I know that in letting go, I found my strength. And I’ve come to understand, as Brené Brown so beautifully put it:
“Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experience that makes us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” — Brené Brown
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bondedbythoughts · 2 months ago
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Happy Saturday beautiful souls. Never forget how loved and special you are.Stop self-sabotaging your own happiness. Work on you for you.Let your heart lead you out of misery to love and light. Examine what is causing you grief, know it, name it and change it to be healthier and happier. It is now or never, take a chance and do what your heart wants. Realign your thoughts to change your paradigm by becoming still to divest yourself of the things that do not resonate with your true natureLife challenges you not to diminish you, but to familiarize you with the deep truth that love is key in bringing you to wholeness within yourself.Journey home to your own heart for its perspective is in sync with the sacred and transcends the limitations of the mind.To love someone is to acknowledge the goodness of who they are and awaken them to their sacred nature as our love allows them to see the beauty of their soul as they see their splendor reflected in the mirror of our love.
Please like, subscribe, comment, and follow us @ www.BondedByThoughts.org
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zibethrose · 3 months ago
Happy Saturday you wonderful you.
Don't dim your light to fit in.
Share your voice to inspire and uplift others. Self-love is something that starts within. It's not something that you buy. It's not something that you earn. It's ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of who you are. You matter💞
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Time to restore yourself.Know that
Your blossoming will encourage and
liberate others to follow suit.
You never know who notices your blossoming.
It may be someone that just needed a nudge,
a confirmation,
a sign.
Time to shine
Please comment, share, like, subscribe and follow me @www.zibethrose.com
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neurodivergingcoaching · 3 months ago
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Perfection can wait; progress can’t. Every small step builds toward our bigger picture.
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wisterianwoman · 2 years ago
Self love is more than a feeling, it's a reframing of the way you treat yourself.
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navigatingenm · 5 months ago
A deep dive into still waters: How to self-soothe in waves of Whoosh - Part 4
Practical Approaches to Self-Soothing
This section provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to implementing self-soothing strategies, helping you personalise your approach and develop long-term emotional resilience. Here, you’ll learn how to create a self-soothing toolkit, engage in specific practices, and build lasting emotional strength through daily routines and support systems.
A. Creating a Self-Soothing Toolkit
A self-soothing toolkit is a personalised collection of resources that you can turn to in moments of emotional distress. The goal is to gather tools—both physical and cognitive—that help calm your nervous system and bring a sense of balance and comfort.
Identifying Your Triggers and Responses
To personalise your toolkit, start by identifying what tends to trigger distress for you. Jealousy, for example, might be triggered by specific situations in ethical non-monogamy, such as your partner spending time with someone else. Emotional triggers can also be linked to past experiences, fears of inadequacy, or feelings of insecurity.
Equally important is understanding how your body and mind respond to these triggers. Do you feel tension in your chest? Do your thoughts race? Recognising your physical and emotional responses helps you choose self-soothing techniques that address both mind and body.
Building Your Toolkit
Once you’ve identified your triggers and responses, you can begin to gather resources for your toolkit. These might include:
Physical items: Such as a comforting blanket, a favourite scent, or a stress-relieving object like a smooth stone or stress ball. These items help engage your senses and ground you in the present moment.
Cognitive techniques: These include thought restructuring from CBT, mindfulness techniques, or grounding exercises. Choose the practices that resonate with you, knowing that different situations may call for different tools.
Activities: Engaging in activities that calm or uplift you, such as going for a walk, listening to music, or practicing yoga.
The key is to build a diverse set of tools that address both your physical and mental states. The next part of this section will explain how to use these tools in real-time situations.
B. Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Self-Soothing
While having tools is valuable, knowing how to implement them in moments of emotional distress is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step approach to effectively self-soothe when you feel overwhelmed by jealousy, anxiety, or other intense emotions.
Recognise and Name the Emotion
The first step is recognising what you’re feeling and naming it. This technique, known as affect labelling, helps reduce the intensity of the emotion by activating the prefrontal cortex. Instead of being swept away by a wave of jealousy or anxiety, pausing to say “I’m feeling jealous right now because my partner is with someone else” can create enough emotional distance to begin soothing yourself.
Engage in a Self-Soothing Practice
Once you’ve recognised and named the emotion, choose a technique from your toolkit to calm yourself. The technique you choose will depend on your emotional and physical state at that moment. Here are some effective options:
Breathing Exercises: Diaphragmatic breathing, as introduced in Section III, helps calm the nervous system. Focus on breathing deeply into your abdomen, then exhaling slowly. This activates the vagus nerve and helps shift you into a relaxed state.
Grounding Exercises: Grounding exercises engage your senses and bring you back to the present. One simple method is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique: identify 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. This exercise brings immediate focus away from overwhelming thoughts.
Physical Movement: Sometimes, releasing built-up tension requires movement. A short walk, yoga, or even shaking out your limbs can help dissipate physical stress and reset your mind.
Cognitive Techniques: Thought restructuring from CBT helps challenge negative thought patterns. For instance, if you find yourself thinking, “My partner will leave me,” you can restructure that thought into something more balanced, like, “My partner values me, and they’re capable of loving more than one person.”
These practices can be applied as needed in real time, depending on what helps you the most in a given moment.
Reflect and Adjust
After engaging in a self-soothing practice, take a moment to reflect on its effectiveness. Did it help reduce the intensity of the emotion? Which techniques worked best for you? This reflection helps you fine-tune your toolkit and identify which practices are most effective for specific situations.
It’s important to note that not every practice will work every time. Some days, you may find that grounding exercises are more helpful than cognitive techniques, and vice versa. The key is to stay flexible and open to adjusting your approach based on your needs.
C. Long-Term Strategies for Emotional Resilience
While self-soothing is crucial for managing acute emotional distress, long-term emotional resilience is built through consistent, daily practices. This section explores how to incorporate self-soothing into your daily routine, create a support system, and maintain emotional balance over time.
Daily Practices: Building Emotional Strength
Regularly practicing mindfulness, journaling, or other calming techniques strengthens your emotional resilience over time. This can include daily mindfulness meditation to train your brain to stay present and regulate emotions, or keeping a journal to track and process your feelings.
By making these practices part of your daily routine, you create a foundation of emotional well-being, making it easier to manage intense emotions like jealousy when they arise. For example, practicing mindfulness meditation for just 10 minutes each day can significantly increase your ability to stay calm and present during difficult situations.
Cultivating a Support System
While self-soothing is an internal process, external support plays a crucial role in emotional resilience. Surrounding yourself with supportive people—whether friends, partners, or therapists—provides a safety net when emotions become overwhelming.
In ethical non-monogamy, having open communication with your partners about your emotional needs and self-soothing practices can foster mutual support. Letting your partners know what techniques help you and how they can offer reassurance creates a more compassionate, transparent dynamic.
Regular Check-Ins: Assessing Your Emotional State
Finally, regular self-reflection helps you stay in tune with your emotional health. Set aside time each week to check in with yourself. Are there unresolved emotions that need attention? Are your self-soothing techniques still effective?
By staying proactive in managing your emotional state, you can build resilience and be better prepared to handle distressing emotions when they arise. This regular self-assessment can also help you adapt and adjust your toolkit over time, ensuring that your practices continue to support your well-being.
Overview of this Guide
The Neuroscience of Self-Soothing Understand how the brain processes emotions and how self-soothing techniques can help rewire emotional responses.
Therapeutic Models and Self-Soothing Techniques Explore structured approaches like CBT, DBT, mindfulness, and somatic practices to manage overwhelming emotions.
Practical Approaches to Self-Soothing Learn step-by-step methods for building a self-soothing toolkit and applying techniques during emotional surges.
Understanding and Integrating Your Experience Discover how to use self-reflection, journaling, and self-compassion to understand emotional patterns and improve resilience.
Conclusion: Embracing the Process A reminder that self-soothing is an ongoing journey of building emotional resilience and finding balance.
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blackgirlslivingwell · 11 months ago
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Emotional Blackmail | Psychological Manipulation Terms Women Should Know
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