#system caregiver
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plural-sunny · 10 months ago
Happy Mother's Day to all the motherly caregivers, caretakers, & babysitters out there
Happy Mother's Day to all the motherly caregivers, caretakers & babysitters in systems
Happy Mother's Day to all motherly F/O caregivers, caretakers, & babysitters
Happy Mother's Day to all the in-system mothers & motherly figures
Happy Mother's Day to introjects of mothers & motherly figures
Happy Mother's Day to all plural mothers & motherly members in plurals
Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is reparenting or has reparented themselves
Happy Mother's Day to littles who are their own CGs
Happy Mother's Day to motherly caregivers who don't have littles of their own yet, or who don't plan to
Happy Mother's Day to all online motherly caregivers, caretakers, & babysitters
Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is balancing being a parent with littlespace/CGspace
Happy Mother's Day to anyone in the above categories who is genderqueer, agender, & nonbinary
Happy Mother's Day to anyone in the above categories who is GNC
Happy Mother's Day to anyone in the above categories who is transfeminine
Happy Mother's Day to anyone in the above categories who is multigender and/or genderfluid
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, moms, mamas, and mommies out there
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pubbiee · 23 days ago
Shoutout to introjects who’s fandom consistently sees them as a caregiver when in system they’re actually a regressor
Shoutout to introjects who’s fandom consistently sees them as a regressor when they’re actually a caregiver in system
And shoutout anyone in between, I see you, remember that you’re your own valid person and other peoples baseless notions don’t define you and your experience
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mylittletermarchive · 4 months ago
I doubt anybody but us is gonna find this helpful but whatever :P
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A subtype of the caregiver role, however this caregiver specifically takes care of any fictives of the toons from Dandys World. They may have a connection to the in-game Toon Handlers (such as being an introject), but it is not required.
Colors picked from the Dandy plush trinket.
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jupiters-playhouse · 13 days ago
little ones who enjoy adult shows while little are valid!
little ones who smoke weed or drink while little are valid!
little ones who dont listen to “kid music” are valid!
all littles are valid no matter what💕
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lullabycarer · 27 days ago
⎯ 💭
❝ Rest Now, My Star.. ❞
→ I wish for one thing; to rock a baby to sleep whilst humming soft tunes to them.
The urge to coo at a baby, holding them tightly as I rock and hum to them—watching as their tired eyes flutter shut, a peaceful expression falling over them.
I am oh so tired.. wishing more than anything for a little darling to care for..
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vampiric-carer · 4 months ago
Oh to have a little vamp kid / little sib . . Playing hide and seek around the victorian mansion . . Spontaneous naps . . Cozy nights by the fireplace . . Helping them feed . . Them loving to copy their big bro . . Their big bro making them red juice instead of blood . . Teaching them how to fly when in bat form . . Caring for them when they’re teething bc their fangs are starting to come in . . Showing them how to shape-shift into other things like a rat , moth , or wolf .
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dashing-melody · 2 months ago
m redid bag today!! lots ov pins nd keychains!!
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m also havnt felt very well :-( so sick all of a sudden! hope it goes away!! x-(
m miss papa , hope see him soon
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sunsetcity-centre · 7 months ago
I love you caregivers
I love you caregivers who are also age sliders
I love you caregivers who have low empathy
I love you caregivers who have hyper empathy
I love you caregivers who are hypersexual
I love you autistic caregivers
I love you cluster B caregivers
I love you caregivers who need caregivers
I love you partnered caregivers
I love you single caregivers
I love you caregivers with anger issues
I love you caregivers who are also persecutors
I love you caregivers who are also psychotic
I love you caregivers who are schizophrenic
I love you caregivers who struggle heavily with delusions
I love you caregivers who struggle heavily with paranoia
I love you caregivers who feel unworthy of your role
I love you caregivers, you are appreciated more than you know
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redacted-coiner · 11 months ago
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Host, Admin(link), Co-Host
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Soother(link), Caregiver(link), Comforter(link)
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Protector(link), Gatekeeper(link), Persecutor(link)
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Some system roles!
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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sugarnpaint · 7 months ago
Aizawa Caregiver Moodboard
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DNI banner made by me
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oursystembl0g · 7 months ago
Our caretakers just prepared us some (lots of) fruit!
Thank you, this is appreciation time I love you all <3 thank you.
Umm for your info, they're very wholesome and showered the body, took some vitamins, drank some water, peeled 3 bergamots + 2 kiwis.
Our system?? Eating fruit and taking care of the body?? More likely than you'd think!
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archangel-level-coining · 1 year ago
chaperone !
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a chaperone is a caretaker subtype that performs caretaking duties while rarely fully fronting, if ever (i.e. is an insider).
activities include:
✖️ encouragement/advice/comfort through words, usually not said aloud with the body's voice
✖️ physical comfort only in headspace
colors are from @xenic-nd's caretaker flag, with blue and green filters to indicate "coldness" to the front. (as in playing the hot and cold game)
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papa-morningstar · 21 days ago
Hey :D
I'm Asher!
I'm 22 and go by he/him pronouns.
I love the ocean, drawing and turtles!! Talk to me about turtles and I'll love you forever!!
I dislike violence, yelling and manipulating people.
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I'm not a caregiver, but I can be your friend and super cool big brother! Just get to know me first and don't assume I'll be your big brother the first time we talk, alright?
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forests-creatures · 11 months ago
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This is our primary system caregiver, Corey!
He is an unknown species, but we know quite a bit about whatever he is! This is what we know so far:
They live in forests, especially in cold places
They're primarily carnivorous, but during certain times of year they do eat berries
Females are more in charge, and grow larger than males. They tend to act more dominant, while males are just big teddybears
Polyamorous relationships aren't uncommon at all, in facts, its actually more likely for a relationship to be polyamorous than to be monogamous
They have a tradition that every year they gift each other a piece of jewellery. This means that the more jewellery one is wearing, the longer they've been in a relationship
They all work together to raise pups, though males take on more of the caring role while females often do the protecting part
Cubs are the size of house cats, and a fully grown female can grow to the size of a large horse
They can be territorial, and use their horns to mark territory and also to fight
They can walk on both their hind legs and also on all fours. Although, they prefer all fours
They're mostly covered in very very thick fur that they shed in the summer. They most often have different shades of brown, but there can also be some with black fur or fur thats closer to being blonde than brown (this excludes albino and melanistic ones)
Males often grow tusks
Their body language is very similar to a house cat's
They often travel around their territory, making makeshift dens. This only slows down once they have cubs
Cubs fur isn't thick enough to stay warm for very long, so they often cuddle into their parent's fur to stay warm
When sleeping they sleep in a pile
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jupiters-playhouse · 12 days ago
reminder to…
take any meds that need taking 💕
drink some water ��
eat something 🍎
and most of all, please say something nice about yourself ❤️
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multiplicity-positivity · 2 years ago
Here’s some positivity for system caregivers!
Caregivers and caretakers are the backbone of many systems. They may work behind the scenes or have a huge presence in the system’s lives, and work hard to take care of their headmates. We know it’s not always easy to be a caregiver in a system - and this post is for those who fit that role!
🩹 Shoutout to caregivers who exclusively look after EPs and traumatized parts, alters, and headmates!
🎶 Shoutout to caregivers who sing to their system, think of games to play, and find other ways to provide comfort!
🧸 Shoutout to caregivers who are littles or age sliders!
🩹 Shoutout to caregivers who need to be taken care of themselves from time to time!
🎶 Shoutout to caregivers who worry they’re not doing a good enough job of taking care of their system!
🧸 Shoutout to caregivers who take care of their system’s physical needs, but aren’t much help emotionally!
🩹 Shoutout to caregivers who provide emotional support but can’t meet their system’s physical needs!
🎶 Shoutout to caregivers who are relatively new to the role, and those who have always specialized in taking care of their system!
🧸 Shoutout to caregivers who take care of headmates who are age or pet regressors or dreamers!
🩹 Shoutout to caregivers who sometimes feel exhausted or burnt out from caring for their system!
It’s not always easy taking care of a system. We know being a caregiver can be a huge job! We see you, we love you, and we truly appreciate all you do to help your system feel safe and secure. Thank you so much for making sure members of your system are cared for!
Please remember to take it easy and care for yourselves from time to time! You deserve the kindness and care that you show the rest of your system. We hope you’re able to get some rest and have a wonderful day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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