#so so so important
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rebo-chan · 7 months ago
OKAY SO WE ALL KNOW THAT TSUNA LIKES SALISBURY STEAK FROM THE DATABOOKS AND ANIME, AND WE KNOW THAT REBORN LIKES ESPRESSO.. BUT IS THAT THE TRUTH? Is that what these young lads consumed throughout the series? What do they like to eat? What do we BEAR WITNESS TO THEM SHOVING INTO THEIR MOUTHS? With this question in mind, I embarked on a quest with my good friend @ketchup-chup TO DOCUMENT WHAT TSUNA AND REBORN ACTUALLY EAT. Have you been deceived to believe that Reborn doesn't like sweets? If so, you're in for a FUCKING treat. Some things we discovered during this is that Tsuna just is SO bad with eating. HE EATS SO LITTLE. I WOULD GO CHAPTERS UPON CHAPTERS WITH HIM NOT EATING ANYTHING. All while REBORN SHOVED HIS FUCKING FACE WITH FOOD TO THE POINT WHERE WE HAD TO ADD IN RULES FOR HIM.
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You see the frame on the left? You see the difference in plates between Tsuna and Reborn? This is the best way I can symbolize what this was like before we begin.
Okay, before I begin, here are some ground rules:
We only did the daily life MANGA chapters, chapter 1-61 because nobody has any real time to calculate the distance of Byakuran's ash to see if any landed in Tsuna's mouth. That being said, I am sure that if we did Reborn would continue to be a fucking menace. We did not include any anime scenes, because we just could not realistically watch the entire daily life anime. This also does not include any 'food' we see in openings like the strawberry jam toast from Boys and Girls, or the soda he is drinking in Dive to World. Same goes for endings.
Reborn ate so much that for @ketchup-chup's sanity, we included only the things that he was actually shoving in his mouth. So, the list you're about to see, there WAS more and we cut it for our sanity's sake. Tsuna was eating so LITTLE, we did the exact opposite where everytime a food was even SPOTTED NEAR HIM, I snatched up into my list.
The foods will be listed in order as they were spotted in the series as we went through, but as sometimes they are doubled up on later. (As in a character for example had coffee once, then coffee again in a later chapter will be written as Coffee x2)
That's all! So, let's get started!
Sawada Tsunayoshi: Pocky Milk Italian Pasta Water x8 Chips x2 Lollipop x2 Poison Cooking x3 Rice balls x2 (the second time he had this, he fucking spit it out..) Soda x5 (his third soda was in one of harus pictures at the end of the chapter<3) Soumen noodles Sushi x2 (Two separate pieces of Sushi within two frames of each other that looked different lol...) Rice x3 (Rice in a bowl!) One bite of cake (This agitated me because there was a separate frame of Reborn with his own cake, that looked demolished in comparison to Tsunas measly one bite... OTL) Ramen Coffee x2 Instant Ramen 2 WATERMELON RINDS (IN THE SAME SCENE!! HE ATE TWO!!) Juice It should be said before I move onto Reborn, that the "ramen" entry was this:
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That's 61 chapters worth of Tsuna's food. :) As you can see he really likes water. Water and one bite of cake :)<3
Fish Coffee x7 Italian Pasta Tea x3 (Second entry of this was him having his own tea ceremony of this) Watermelon x2 Cold Soba noodles Popsicle x7 Hot pot Kimchi Soumen Juice x2 Beer Sushi x2 Tuna Water x3 Cake x2 (First was the one he devoured that I mentioned further above, second was his wedding cake with Bianchi) Rice Mochi (For the mochi making competition, he was taste testing) Soup (Probably miso judging by it, but he sure was slurping it) Cookie Barbeque Soda
An honorable mention that the lovely ketchup didn't include because he didn't actually eat it, but I spotted in digging through chapters of Tsuna starving himself: a smoothie/milkshake(?) and a icecream sundae. Here you can look at it yourself~
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Also, yes the popsicle was included in the count of FUCKING popsicles he's CONSUMED.
To do a recap:
Tsuna ate 39 things by the start of kokuyo, subtracting the RAMEN gokudera dropped on him and the spit out rice ball and i wish i coULD HALF HIS FUCKING ONE BITE CAKE THATS NOT REAL FOOD TSUNA. Tsuna really consumed 36.5 items (37 if you count the one bite of cake but whatever..) Also, if you subtract the poison cooking, he's sitting at 33.5 (34 *grumbles*).
Reborn ate 39 items, including the honorable mention he had 41 items. Bearing in mind, we cut out so much of Reborn just showing up near food or holding onto it. Tsuna, meanwhile was counted for existing near food. Gathering nutrients through photo-fucking-synthesis. The anime feeds Tsuna SO much more, I can name 5 items off the top of my memory that he ate in daily life that just aren't counted from the manga. Please don't be fooled by the fact they start out with the same number till we started subtracting, MOST OF TSUNAS IS HIS WATER COUNT. If you IGNORE ALL THE DRINKS HE HAS, MANS IS SITTING AT 17, WHILE IF YOU REMOVE REBORNS DRINKS HE GOES DOWN TO 25. (Its mostly his love for espresso bringing down his number, MEANWHILE FOR TSUNA ITS HIS FUCKING WATER COUNT??)
Now that our statistical analysis that NO one told us to do has been completed. What can we learn from it about our characters favorite food preferences? Well, Tsuna is SO well hydrated. We love a water-stanning king. Besides that, he's mostly eating snacks with his lollipops, chips, and his enjoyment of drinking soda. (He drinks fast food soda the most, with 3 of those submissions being him sipping from a container with a straw. The last two are from a can and a bottle specifically.) Meanwhile, we can believe Reborn when he says he likes coffee, but ALSO he fucking?? loves?? popiscles?? it's unreal??? there were so many popsicles??? He LOVES SWEETS.. sad to say but he just fucking lied to Luce in the fillers about not liking sweets. It's Tsuna, if anyone, that doesn't like sweets with his one bite of cake. HOLD ON ACTUALLY FUCK THIS IM SHOWING YOU GUYS THE CAKE DILEMMA ME AND KETCHCUP WERE STARING AT.
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REKSHNS anyway! Reborn's more of a curious soul with his food, trying a bunch of stuff that he wouldn't normally eat. Meanwhile Tsuna plays it mostly safe with snacks and mostly Japanese food. AGAIN, no one asked us to do this and while we are absolutely hysterical as I type this up, if you have any questions about specifics please feel free to ask SDKJGN this is IMPORANT!! CHARACTER ANALYSIS!!! CLEARLY!!!
Thanks for reading this far HELP ME. This was funny as hell to dig through and perhaps we may look through the last arcs if we feel like it, or do other characters. (I've noticed Gokudera is a good eater!)
See you next post~
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psychologeek · 10 months ago
אחרי מות (חיים): בין "גבעת התחמושת" ל"בדמייך חיי"
"במותם ציוו לנו את החיים"
ואני חושבת על איזה משפט יהודי זה.
"הוראות אלו נכתבו בדם" זה משפט נפוץ. ואני חושבת על כמה נפוץ זה היה, כדי ש"במותם" ייכנס לנו לפנתיאון.
אני מסתכלת על א.נשים בטאמבלר. ואני קוראת על האדרת מוות. ואני קוראת על קידוש המוות, ואני חושבת
(במותם ציוו לנו)
אני חושבת על איך, לאורך הדורות, זו נהייתה לאט לאט קביעה עוקפת-הלכה.
על כמה נפוץ זה היה, שהרמב"ם במאה ה11(12?) התיר לומר את השאהדה, "להתאסלם" (לפחות לכאורה) במקרה של זה-או-מוות.
(ואני נזכרת שמשפחתו של הרמב״ם ברחה מאנדלוס בגלל המוח'דין, ולא מתפלאת בכלל.)
אני זוכרת ללמוד על "בשעת השמד" (כשמאיימים על היהדות כדת) ואיך אסור לשנות אפילו מדרך קשירת הנעליים.
(ועדיין, בשואה. מצאו דרך להתיר, זו לא "שעת השמד", כי זה לא עניין דתי.)
אני חושבת על "לחם עוני" ב(טרנזישטט, אולי? או אושוויץ?) רב שהתיר לבני הקהילה לאכול לחם בפסח, מאחר וזהו "לחם עוני" פר אקסלנס.
(הוא עצמו לא אכל.)
אני חושבת על עשרת הרוגי מלכות, ועל רבי אמנון ממגנצא, ועל יהדות ואהבה וחיים ומוות ואומץ.
כל כך הרבה אומץ.
(על זרעים של מנהגים והנרייטה סולד שראיינה 400 ילדים קטנים (ילדי טהרן) כדי להבין מאיזה בית הם באו, איזה חינוך הם קיבלו, כדי לשים אותם במערכת החינוך המתאימה. כדי לנסות להמשיך את מה שההורים היו רוצים, את הסביבה שגדלו. להתאים מקום לאדם.)
"אך מי שעוד רצה לחיות," אומר השיר, "אסור היה לו להיות-"
על גבעת התחמושת
בחברון (1929)
בבארות-יצחק (1948)
בבארי (2023)
(אבל גם בקריית שמונה; בגוש עציון; בירושלים; במעלה אדומים; באילת; במעלה עקרבים; באשקלון; באופקים; בתל אביב ורמת גן ובחולון ובעפולה ובחדרה ונתניה ו--)
"אסור היה לו להיות/" הם שרים.
(ויש מי שעד היום, מוסיפים מקומות בסוף: בישראל; בכפר עזה; בניו יורק; בקליפורניה; בפולין; בתימן; ב-)
"על גבעת התחמושת"
(אבל זה לא הסוף.
זה לא הסוף, אתם מבינים?
"בשבע ועשרים," הוא ��סיים. "אל בית הספר לשוטרים/אספו את כל הנשארים."
כי, הנה הקטע -
תמיד יש נשארים.
"חזרנו אל העיר שבעה... השמש במזרח גבהה... על בונקרים מבוצרים, ועל אחינו הגברים/ שנשארו שם בני עשרים/ על גבעת התחמושת".
(הם חוזרים, אבל לא כולם)
אני חושבת על חבורה של בני עשרים. בראש שלי, השיר הזה בערך מאותה תקופה של "יש ערימה של חבר'ה על הקבר הדשא". (אנחנו שנינו מאותו הכפר חלקה).
אני חושבת על חבורת מתים, ואני לא צריכה ללכת רחוק מדי.
אני חושבת על דם וכאב ומוות מוות מוות.
מתבוססת בדמייך
"ואעבור עליך ואראך מתבוססת בדמייך/ואומר לך בדמייך חיי."
במקור, הפסוק מהווה תוכחה: אני עובר, ואת מתגוללת בדם, לא היגיינית, לא מטופחת, לא דואגת לעצמך. לא מנסה למשוך את עצמך למעלה.
אפרת גוש עשתה מזה שיר שלא נכשל לגרום לי לבכות.
"חיי," היא אומרת לנו. "חיי - בדמייך חיי".
כן, היא אומרת. כן. זה כואב וקשה ונורא.
זה מכוער ופצוע ומדמם.
זה לא היגייני ולא נעים וזה מסריח.
(אבל את חיה. את חיה את חיה את חיה. למרות הכל את חיה).
"ואעבור עליך ואראך," היא שרה.
(זה לא הסיפור שלה. ואולי, אלו מילים שמישהו אמר לה פעם - כשהיא הייתה במקום הזה?)
"מתבוססת בדמייך"
אני רואה אותך, היא אומרת לנו. אני רואה אותך עם כל החרא שיש. עם כל הדם שמרוח על הרצפה והקירות המתמוטטים והפצעים הנגועים שלא חבשת.
"ואומר לך "
(כי היא לא מתעלמת. למרות שזה כל כך הרבה יותר קל להביט הצידה. למרות שהריח נוראי. למרות הפחד והכיעור והחיידקים. אז היא שמה מסיכה וחלוק ולובשת כפפות ולא צועקת עלייך למה עשית.)
"בדמייך - חיי"
(דווקא מזה שרע, וקשה וקרוב לחזה - דווקא מתוך זה שכל כך של כך רע. דווקא מתוך זה -
את צומחת. את תחיי.)
והפירושים על הפסוק המקורי ממשילים את דם הלידה ודם הווסת (ואני חושבת על ברית, דם ובין הבתרים ותינוקות והמשכיות וכאב גדול גדול גדול כל כך).
ויש מקום גם לזה וגם לזה, אני חושבת.
יש מקום להגיד "יאללה, קומי. ככה את חיה?"
ויש מקום להגיד "זה בסדר, ככה. את חיה."
ואם נחזור לגבעה (שאני חיה עליה):
"במותם ציוו לנו חיים".
וזה קשה. ונוראי.
וזה עצוב.
ולכל אחד יש דרך אחרת להתמודד עם זה.
(אבל זה אפשר. כי אין ברירה או כי זה מה שהם רצו או כי החיים ממשיכים או כל סיבה אחרת.)
החיים ממשיכים
(כי ככה זה)
וזה אפשרי.
ואם זה קשה - אם זה מרגיש בלתי אפשרי, כמובן, אבל גם אם זה "רק" קשה או מייאש ��ו-
אם זה קשה, אל תפחדו לבקש עזרה.
אתם חשובים.
ביום הזיכרון הזה, אנחנו זוכרים את כל הנפגעים.
"במותם ציוו לנו את החיים"
(מגיע לך יותר מרק לשרוד)
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peninsulaisms · 26 days ago
Call for ban on developer donations - MP News
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire councillors have united in imploring the state government to immediately ban all donations from property developers, gambling businesses, and politicians to candidates running for local councils.
Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the move at their 28 January meeting after Cr David Gill led a motion to end the three streams of financial contributions for candidates, as well as set a cap of $500 for all other donations ensuring the process is “transparent and it is accountable”.
“The state government has the power to make these changes,” said Gill, who has made similar pushes in previous years. “It’s not about individuals. People who have accepted donations in the recent election have done so legally, and I’m not arguing with that. “What I’m saying is the process needs to improve and asking the state government who are the only ones that can make the improvement to act. “And it needs to come from lots of councils and from the Municipal Association [of Victoria] so we get to the stage where it is transparent, and it is accountable.”
In supporting the motion, councillors also voted that disclosures of donations are to be made “in real time” up until election day, which Gill believed was only in “fairness to the voter” so “people know about it when they’re voting”. This included the period up to “councillors being sworn in and that all donations to councillors be banned from the time of being sworn in”. Additionally, the shire will also call on the state government to set up a statewide donor register so all donations are tracked by name “and not just by company or any other mechanism that may conceal knowledge about the donor”.
The Victorian Electoral Commission has a campaign donation register, which lists donations made to political parties, candidates and members of parliament for state elections. But there is currently no statewide register for local government elections, which Gill said was needed. “What we’re asking for is a level playing field for local government also”.
Cr Kate Roper said transparency was critical, noting Operation Sandon, which held public examinations in 2019 and 2020 into allegations of serious corrupt conduct in relation to planning and property development decisions at the City of Casey, had “really caused a lot of mistrust to the public about councils and what goes on in the background and how people can influence them”.
Deputy mayor Cr Paul Pingiario said he “wholeheartedly” supported the motion to improve transparency and “to make sure that everyone is playing with the same rules”. “We need to make sure that when we do put these things forward and we do lobby for policies that they are integral to our integrity and they play a massive part in how we move forward as a democracy,” he said.
The shire will now write to the state government calling for all measures to be acted on in the motion. The move comes as just over $30,000 was donated to four Mornington Peninsula Shire candidates, including two who were elected, by a private organisation called the Friends of the Peninsula, which is run by a property developer Ari Lakman, according to records from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
As reported by The News last month, Friends of the Peninsula gave donations to newly elected councillors Cam Williams ($5,055.16) and Bruce Ranken ($7,136.12) while unsuccessful candidates Peter Clarke and Susan Bissinger received $14,065.72 and $8,873.31 respectively.
Under the Local Government Act council candidates have 40 days after election day to complete a campaign donation return including a record of donations and gifts for the Local Government Inspectorate. Failure to submit a return or providing false or misleading information can result in prosecution and fines exceeding $11,090.
Council Watch president Dean Hurlston welcomed the push by the shire, saying the “key is getting to the source of donations, not the web of companies or associations that they are hidden through”. “As far as we’re concerned, all donations should be real time so that voters, when they vote, know who’s funding candidates,” he told The News.
Hurlston added donations of more than $500 from political parties should also be banned “because a political party is the ultimate hidden funding source; you don’t know who’s donated to that political party and what those funds are made-up of”.
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gaytedlasso · 2 years ago
Dean telling cas about Rhonda hurley head cannons. Something to think about
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. I have a Rhonda Hurley summer art series that I formst like they're Kodak prints. Now I'm just imagining Cas coming across them and saying Dean looked beautiful. Then asking him if he liked dressing like that and wearing makeup. Dean is all shy and embarrassed but gives in and says yes. After a bit more coaxing it gets incorporated into their lives because Dean feels safe with Cas 💕
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months ago
well 🧍‍♀️ as a reminder this blog is NOT a safe space for trump supporters but it IS a safe place for women, queers, trans ppl, people of color, undocumented people, and any marginalized group.
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juunipupu · 3 months ago
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Knight and the enemy within
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fakevariety · 2 days ago
holy shit now i have to watch no other land
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cowboysmp3 · 9 months ago
there’s something sooo sickening about how dunmeshis whole energy is like sometimes something terrible and awful happens to you and it changes you forever and nothing can make you the person you were before but there’s still love and there’s still sharing a meal together and there’s still living
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nebulations · 1 year ago
[ID: An Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint comic, seen as screenshots from a drawing software. Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja are speaking together, and Kim Dokja is smiling. Then Yoo Joonghyuk kisses Kim Dokja's eyelid, and Kim Dokja looks annoyed.
The comic is followed by a Discord message that says, "yjh is being sweet, kdj just isn't used to getting smooched so he's like 🤨 that is my eyeball! You missed!" It has two sobbing emoji reacts and three star emoji reacts. End ID]
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jdj 🖤🤍
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mugiwara-lucy · 7 months ago
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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rae-butter · 2 months ago
Honestly, I love it when characters relapse. When someone who’s gotten over their anger issues falls into a situation so out of their depth they fall back on their old habits. When someone who’s learned to open up becomes a recluse again in order to cope with something outside their control.
There’s just something so horrible, so toxic, about watching a character grow and then slip back into their old selves in order to cope, bc you know they still care, that they’re the same inside, but watching them hurt so hard they don’t know what else to do brings a sense of catharsis.
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s-lycopersicum · 11 months ago
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on May 23, 2018
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 1, 2018
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on August 30, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on August 31, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on September 6, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 17, 2023
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 21, 2023
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 22, 2023
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proxythe · 27 days ago
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as long as ur my partner in time >_>
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liones-s · 9 months ago
a big lesson for me was learning that most things are not as fragile as I’d believed. missing a class, or turning in a bad assignment, won’t instantly destroy your professor’s opinion of you. accidentally saying something harsh won’t make your friend want to end the friendship. it takes work to repair these things - it takes effort and research and sometimes a sincere apology - but you can do that because they’re not irreparably broken. what you’ve worked to build, in academia and in relationships and in life, is stronger and more enduring that your mind may teach you to believe. don’t let imagined fragility lead you to giving up
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chase-solidago · 1 month ago
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So you found a dead body in the woods
The worst thing you've worried about, going on hikes, happens. This happens often, in the grand scheme of things. It's always joggers and dogwalkers and hikers. My unlucky day came on October 24, 2022.
So what do you do when you find a dead body?
Look in the other direction and take a breath. Panic wont help you or them.
If you are comfortable, approach them and try to help. If not, it's okay. I was unwilling to approach (they looked real dead) and my 911 operator was 100% totally supportive and okay with that.
Walk a little ways away. There is no reason why you need to keep staring at them. It's okay. Seeing a dead person is really wack!
When you've caught your breath, call 911. My first thought was "Oh god, I don't want to talk to cops." and, good news, it's not cops! 911 responders are different people. They are trained to talk to you, to reassure you, and to help you. They are there for you. They understand you are freaking out. They are kind and patient.
Your new buddy, the 911 person, will help you figure out where you are, exactly. They have access to your location via cell-tower and GPS, but if, like me, you were off-trail (oops), they might need your help navigating to you. I offered to also send a photo, and he provided an email, which he received immediately. I deleted the photo I took right away.
Hang out on the phone with your dispatch friend. They're going to want to keep in touch with you as the paramedics approach. Are you freaking out by chattering too much? Are you freaking out by being dead silent? Both are okay! Apparently, my panic response is to become Super Midwestern Chatty. I was able to make him laugh, which I count as a win.
Holler to the paramedics. My paramedics came deep into the ravine-filled woods, about six men, steering a rolling bed thing. We shouted at each other until they made it to the body. It would have been funny, watching them fumble along, if it wasn't so serious.
Get out of there! The paramedics don't need anything from you. They're busy doing their job. They shooed me back to the trail and to the parking lot. I didn't have to go anywhere near the body.
Meet cops in the parking lot. In my situation, the cops didn't want anything from me. They were just picking their noses in the parking lot while the paramedics did the real work. The cops said thanks for helping, while covering their bodycams, because they're pigs.
Go eat donuts. Christ, that was a lot. Let yourself comedown and get some sugar to kickstart your system.
Feel good that you gave a family closure. Yeah, that sucked. Yeah, your therapist is going to hear about this. Yeah, next time you come to this location, you're going to need a friend with you. But you did the right thing. You'll never know their family, but know that you gave them closure.
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