#do I have to tag their full names idk
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yuttikkele · 5 days ago
hey gamers I’ve started watching star trek does anyone else see the romantic tension between captain kirk and mr. spock
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phibsies · 1 month ago
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been unsure what to draw so i did some dragons rising redraws :3
original pics :3
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raiiny-bay · 1 year ago
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the boys, 80s-ified
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daily-odile · 1 year ago
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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enasalenaste · 15 days ago
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warden-commander julian amell pictured approximately 30 seconds before quitting his job
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fffanii · 6 months ago
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some random pjii stuff. this makes sense to me and me only but maybe ill explain it at some point in the future !!!
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
hey there, how do you feel about clark/dick and other ships with dickie and the JLA
hi!!! i *love* Clark/Dick!!! i think there's so many fun ways to do that ship, it can be very fucked up and almost incest-y, playing up the "Uncle Clark" bit, but also i'm personally very personal to Clark/Dick that happens when Dick is Batman and Clark is coping with his grief over Bruce and trying to fill that hole with Dick. it's fun even if Superbat never happened and Clark's feelings for Bruce were entirely platonic and things just get tangled in the mess of trying to treat Dick like an adult while also still not seeing him as big enough to fill Bruce's shoes. it's a delightful age and power gap, where Clark's respect for Dick is always going to be founded in a mentor-type bond which makes them so messy.
and it's super fun to play with Clark giving Dick the name Nightwing and how much Clark had to trust Dick with something so Kryptonian. he helped raise Dick almost as much as Bruce did and was a guiding figure for Dick during Bruce and Dick's worst times. which is so fun, if the person Dick goes to when he's pissed at Bruce ends up being someone he's romantically/sexually entangled with. because there's always going to be the questionable age gap and how they met, no matter how old Dick is when they "officially" get together. i could really see Dick sleeping with Clark to get back at Bruce during Dick's Discowing era, and it ends up causing complicated feelings either of them are willing to confront. in general i like the complicated feelings of Clark/Dick the most in any version of this ship. there's at least a dozen obstacles keeping them apart, so their relationship would be difficult and rocky to make work. they don't always agree and their relationship isn't as wholesome as it seems on the surface. Clark reacted *wildly* negatively to Dick as Batman when it first happened. he likes Dick, but i think it's really fun to play with Clark being averse to viewing Dick as an autonomous adult and how that affects them ad a ship.
as for other JLA ships with Dick, i'm open to just about any but don't really have developed thoughts besides Dick/Oliver. i think Oliver'se deep dislike for Bruce combined with his concern for how Bruce raises his sidekicks could work so well with an accidental relationship. like, Oliver keeping in touch with Dick and trying to form a mentoring bond just to make sure Dick isn't too controlled by Bruce and is well taken care of, and having that accidentally spiral could be so fun. because Oliver would be *horrified* and it'd conflict with him morally, even if Dick was a consenting adult. that's his son's best friend, and now they're sleeping together? Oliver keeps trying to break it off but he can't seem to stop. Dick is like a bad habit. it's fucked up and that's half the fun of it, the taboo nature. i also think Oliver would emotionally provide very well for Dick, who's trying to figure out how to exist on his own without Bruce. it'd be very "best friend's dad core" with all the age gap comments from Oliver while he's kissing Dick and how his love for Dick will always be just *slightly* tainted by that fatherly love. i think it's fun and fucked up.
i do sort of like Hal/Dick. but like. 80s/90s Hal who kind of sucked and was full of unaddressed bigotry and did some fucked up things like dating that teenage girl. like if you want a ship *full* of repressed internalized homophobia and "well i'm not gay this doesn't count" complexes, i think this works remarkably well. Hal is morally questionable enough to fuck Dick regularly and Dick still crawls back to him, even as Hal is in complete denial about his own sexuality and makes vaguely homophobic comments about Dick, while fucking Dick. just a grown ass man projecting all of his issues onto the 20-something hero who just wants a good fuck. i'm a big fan of Dick fucking older men who are cruel to him, almost as a form of cathartic self-harm. and you can pull that off pretty well if you work with Hal at his most asshole-ish era. like imo this ship could get *really* fucked up. especially if you played with like. Parallax stuff. also you know. the joy of Lantern Rings during sex.
lastly, i don't think he quite counts as JLA sine he's more Justice League of China, but. Kenan Kong, Superman of China. i have a *really* stuck in my head brainworm shipping him with Dick. they don't have much interaction, *but* i've had this idea of Kenan hearing the jokes about "every Super has a Bat" when he joins the Superfam and he decides it's his right to claim a Bat. and since Dick doesn't really have a Super, Kenan just. decides Dick is his. and forms what Dick thinks is a genuine friendship with the end goal of sleeping with Dick, consensually or not. i think it could be fun, playing into how Kenan used to be a really big asshole. hopefully I'll write it eventually, though i'm not sure how interested in it people would be since it's such a rarepair idea. but what am i if not a dealer of rarepairs.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year ago
kind of hilarious to me that it’s Bruce who is able to analyze and comprehend medical tests. like, do you think he got into the rebellion in order to fight AfO, but then found himself, somehow, the most medically qualified person in the group?
Kudou: excellent work with your meta ability, it’s really cool how you’re able to stockpile energy and control its output
Bruce: yeah it was a hassle to find my limits but thank god i knew how to stitch myself back together when i overdid it
Kudou: … you know how to stitch wounds?
Bruce: i dropped out of medical school before i could start my residency but—
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icarusticrat · 9 months ago
more post bc I felt like doing more twomp drawings
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 month ago
Febuwhump day 12 - Used as practice
CWs: Minor whump (all characters are in their teenage years), abusive romantic dynamics (whumpee and whumper are dating), multiple whumpers (ish?), noncon kissing, noncon touching (mostly nonsexual apart from the kissing), very faintly implied noncon, some misgendering
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hey princess!
are you ready?
don’t take too long
im coming in a biy
Kaiki clutched his phone in his hand. Mali had sent the message five minutes ago. She was probably going to arrive any minute now.
He threw it on his bed.
What probably wasn’t long after, Luna found him with knees raised up to his chest, sitting on his mattress with his back leaning on the wall.
“Kai?” She called, worry lacing her voice. “Are you good? Your girlfriend’s here to pick you up.”
He groaned.
“I’m okay,” he answered. “Gonna come down in a bit.”
She looked at him a bit weird but left his room with a shrug.
Kaiki cupped his face on his hands. He was fine. The dread on his chest didn’t seem to agree but he was. It was probably some nervousness because he hadn’t met Mali’s friends yet nor did he know what they were like or if they were all touchy like her or what they liked to talk about and they were all going to watch some movie he didn’t know if he was gonna like. Not the ideal date, but it wouldn’t be so bad. Probably. Either way, it was normal to be a little anxious. Kaiki lowered his hands and gave a deep sigh. Mali didn’t like to be kept waiting.
He took a quick trip to the bathroom and checked on his appearance. He’d gotten dressed an hour ago just to be sure he wouldn’t be late, so he just checked his look one last time and poured some water on his face. But his hair wasn’t... very right. He grabbed a hair band that was thrown on his desk and tied it in a ponytail. He evaluated his face in the mirror, dark eyes looking back at him. There. Much better.
Kaiki walked down the stairs to find Mali leaning against the doorframe, checking on her phone. He glanced down to the kitchen. Stella was eating some crackers while scribbling something on what he hoped was not the table and his aunt was working on something on her laptop.
“Oh, you’re here!” Mali greeted him, putting away the phone on her purse. Her hair was tied neatly into a loose bun with some strands falling in front of her face and she was wearing all black. Kaiki gave her an awkward smile. “Ju and Laura are already there. Let’s go.”
He nodded.
“Bye, auntie! We’re gonna get going. Sleep well, Ste.”
He heard her scoffing, the red crayon in hand.
“That’s not fair. Why do you get to watch a movie with your friends and I have to sleep early today?”
“Once you’re older and responsible you can, sweetie,” aunt Alice cut in, grabbing a cracker from the jar she was guarding. “You have to sleep if you want to grow up tall and healthy, you know?”
She rolled her eyes.
Kaiki muffled a giggle.
“See you later, ms. Alice!” Mali grabbed Kaiki’s arm and led him outside. He rushed behind her.
“I want you home before ten!”
“Yes, auntie!” He yelled back.
“Oh, wait.” Mali stopped when they reached the sidewalk, a grey siena waiting for them. She must’ve called an Uber.
Mali reached her hands behind his neck, making him lock in place, a chill going down his spine. He kept still and closed his eyes shut by instinct. Thick locks of straight hair falled down his shoulders.
She stepped back.
“There. Much better. You should wear your hair loose more often, hun.”
“Okay.” He bit back a protest. “Can you give me the band, though?”
“Nah,” she put it around her wrist, not looking at him. “When we get home I give it back to you. Why, don’t you trust me?”
“‘Course I do,” he mumbled. That got a smile out of Mali in return.
When Mali reached out for his hand in the theater, Kaiki drew it away.
Not his brightest moment.
She looked annoyed at him. Kaiki swallowed the ick on his throat and held her hand. Come on, Kai. This is what boyfriends do.
Mali curled her fingers around his much tighter than he’d have wanted.
“I really don’t understand this,” Julia, one of Mali’s friends, said out of a sudden. She was holding a popcorn cup and sharing it with Laura, the other one. “These guys are so stupid. They should kiss already.”
Mali giggled and put her head on his shoulder. She glued her lips in there and left a kiss. Kaiki repressed a shudder. It sent an unpleasant chill down his spine. He looked away.
And then, they started kissing on screen. It was very wet and hushed and the man put his hands on the woman’s face, preventing her from turning away, and she planted her fingers on his back under his shirt and scratched. Kaiki put a hand on his neck, biting his lips. The ghost of a hand traced down his body, all the way down to his belly. He moved his hand away from Mali’s.
Thankfully, she didn’t notice.
“I always wondered how it’d be to kiss a boy, you know,” Laura said as soon as they got out of the theater. Kaiki hadn’t spoken a word since then, hands in his pockets. He didn’t really feel like hanging out anymore.
“Aren’t you dating that guy that lives two houses away from you, though?”
Laura sighed.
“We’re not exactly dating. He asked me to give him some ‘time’.” Laura made quotes in the air. “Although it’s been like, weeks.”
“I know how that is,” Mali cut in. She didn’t look at Kaiki, but he tensed up a bit. “Some people really like to keep you waiting. But sometimes it’s worth it, I guess.”
“Hm,” Laura huffed, scrolling down her phone. Her father was coming to pick her up, so they were all waiting by the parking lot until he did. It had been dark outside for a while, so he was gonna give them a ride. Although Kaiki kind of just wanted to go walking at this point.
“It can’t be that different, though,” Julia wondered out loud.
“Kissing boys, I mean.”
Laura rolled her eyes.
“Not like you would know.”
“Well, you don’t, either,” she mocked.
Kaiki watched them snickering at each other, sitting down on the asphalt. He kind of wanted to go to the bathroom. But he wasn’t passing very well so he’d rather wait until home. It was getting cold.
“Yo, Mali, I think your boy-girlfriend is gonna freeze in there,” Julia said. “Shouldn’t you give him your jacket or something?”
Kaiki ignored the fact that she’d called him a girl. Mali rolled her eyes.
“She’s not a baby, girls. Kai didn’t bring in a jacket because he didn’t want to. We’re already leaving, anyway.”
“Damn, I wouldn’t want you as a girlfriend,” Laura chuckled. Kaiki sighed. He could jump in and defend her, but he was feeling a little nauseous. He wanted to go home.
“I could be a better girlfriend, y’know,” she joked. “It’d help me practice for when my prince charming finally decides to answer the call.”
“Oh, you wanna try?” Mali asked. “I’m not against it,” she said, sounding the exact opposite of against it. “Friends share.”
“Maria, you gotta stop talking about him as if he was your toy!”
Mali shrugged.
“Hey, Kaiki, can I kiss you?”
He shot a glare at Laura. She didn’t look like she was kidding anymore. Coily short hair framed her face, curls carefully combed, as her eyes pierced through him.
“Well, I don’t mind,” Mali said, sitting on the ground near Kai. “You can go on if you want.”
“I don’t think I’m in the mood.”
“Come on, Kai, man up!” She complained. “It’s just an itty bitty smooch. It’s not like you’ll be tangling tongues with each other, entangled into a warm embrace as the moon watches you make love,” Mali theatrically hugged herself, making her friends laugh. Her descriptions grossed him out. “Like that movie, for example,” she teased.
“Here,” Laura said, in between laughter. She walked towards Kaiki, offering him a hand up. He didn’t take it. “Don’t be like that, goldilocks. I just wanna help you up. My dad’s coming.”
Kaiki hesitantly supported his hands on hers. Laura smiled and held them on her own as she closed her eyes, leaned forward, and pressed her lips on his.
He whimpered, surprised, and squirmed away.
Laura laughed.
“Don’t be that scared, dude.”
“I’m not scared,” Kaiki replied, backing up against the wall and hugging his arms. “I just don’t want to.”
“So? How is it?” Julia chimed in. Laura seemed to think for a second. A breeze hit Kaiki and made him quiver.
“Not bad,” she concluded, at last. “But it was too short, I’d have to try again to be sure.”
Julia looked up at Kaiki.
His stomach dropped.
“Kai, stop making such a fuss. Are you saying she’s that bad?” Mali scolded from under him, watching something on her phone. “Laura just wants to know what it’s like to kiss a boy.” His mouth filled with dread. He knew what she was gonna say next. “Unless, of course, you ain’t nearly as half as a boy as you’ve been acting to be. Don’t be a pussy.”
He bit his lip, looking away.
Before he knew it, Laura was in front of him again.
“I promise I’m not that bad,” she giggled, cupping his face in her hands. Breath warm against him—too close. He held himself tighter.
She touched her nose with his.
From here, he could see her eyes weren’t black like he’d thought. They were of a more auburn hue, the kind you could see the pupils in even if it wasn’t particularly sunny. He smelled citric cologne from her. The glittery eyeshadow on her lids glistered when she pulled him into another kiss.
Kaiki wanted to puke.
She tangled her hands on his hair, wet mouth touching his. He closed his eyes, bracing himself. Laura lowered her hands behind his head, absorted. She moaned against his mouth, like the romantic lead in the film they watched.
He pulled away.
Laura opened her eyes, blinking.
“Now that it’s getting good? Really?” She said, disappointed.
He looked away.
“Your dad should be coming any minute now,” he mumbled, in a way of explanation. Kaiki couldn’t stand touching her any more. Laura’s hands still hadn’t left his neck.
“Well, Mali’s boy is kinda right,” Julia intervened, holding Laura’s phone. She was blocking the audio mic, the screen a few inches away from her face as if she’d been attending a call. “Uncle is already in the next street. He told us to get near the Gucci entrance so he can see where we are.”
Laura stepped back, dropping her hands from Kai—he let out a sigh of relief—to see the facade of the nearest store.
“Well. We’re already at Gucci’s,” she noted. “Damn it, we should’ve asked him to come over later.”
Mali laughed.
“You should just get yourself a boyfriend of your own, Laura. Or a girlfriend.”
Laura huffed and crossed her arms.
“Just because my last one broke up with me you can’t keep mocking me like that, O Mighty Heart Breaker.”
That also got a laugh out of Mali. Kaiki crouched down next to her. He reached out to her.
“Mali, can you give me my phone? I want to tell my aunt we’re coming.”
“I can do that for you,” she dismissed. He dropped his arms. Kaiki didn’t mind arguing. He got up. She’d taken it to see the time��despiste having her own in her purse, which was two seats away in Julia’s lap—back at the beginning of the movie and hadn’t given it to him yet. He walked away from the group with the excuse of seeing the car arrive.
Despiste the hot feeling of hands on his skin just a few moments before, Kaiki still felt cold.
He sat on the opposite seat to Laura on the way back home.
“Coming!” Luna yelled when Kaiki knocked on the door. Laura was waiting with her dad in the car, Julia being the first they dropped at her place. Mali had gotten out with him to greet his sister.
But the one who opened up wasn’t Luna.
It was Tatiana.
Mali tensed up a little, with an awkward smile on her face. Tati didn’t like her, which was kinda funny. And despite being the sweetest person Kaiki knew, his oldest sister had quite the scowl and she easily towered over them both.
“Hi, Tatiana,” Mali greeted, a bit nervous. “We got your si—your brother sound and safe.”
“I see,” she looked over their shoulders, without much effort. Laura waved at her from the backseat. She didn’t wave back. “You got all your stuff, Kai? You sure you didn’t forget anything in the car?”
“Yeah, I—” he interrupted himself, suddenly remembering. His phone and his hair band were still with Mali.
“Oh!” Mali smacked her forehead. “I almost forgot. Here, princess.” She took the band from her purse—Kaiki hadn’t noticed when she put it there—and handed him his phone as well, the purple case covered by little stickers. The ones she’d put there. “To brighten that ugly color a little,” she’d said.
“Thanks.” He turned to get inside.
Mali grabbed his hand before he could.
“Come on, how about my goodbye kiss?”
The nausea came back in full force, swallowing him whole.
Mali frowned.
“You ain’t upset because of before, are you? She was just using you as practice. It wasn’t serious.”
He looked away.
She didn’t let go.
Trembling, Kaiki turned. He walked down the front step and took the stray curls of her wair out of the way to smooch her forehead.
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when it seemed enough for her. She opened up a smile.
“Goodbye!” She loosened her grip on his fingers. “It was a great time, hun. See ya later!”
Mali got in the car, playfully telling him to be careful so the bugs wouldn’t bite his feet. Kaiki waited for it to leave to close the door shut behind him. Tatiana had already gone inside.
He leaned against it and fell to the floor.
He hid his face on his knees.
He needed to take a bath.
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Phew! This took me like all day. Next time let's try and make something... shorter. I was planning on doing something quite violent with Dimitri and Nosac instead, but then this idea popped into my head and I was like "I GOTTA do this one" so here it is!
Febuwhump Masterlist || taglist: @whumpinthepot || @febuwhump
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trashyandtiredsol · 1 year ago
[Updated MARCH 6TH, 2025]
[0/2 filled]
(will update when they're filled up)
Updating again cuz I got new information about college just now: SO I DON'T NEED THE $500- well at least not currently, so I'm holding off on that whole thing!
ANYWHO- If anyone has any extra money to spare I can do a commission for ya if you'd like! :D
Will also do for fixed prices:
~ Simple Ref sheets [$25]
~ Simple Outfit/Color Palette Lineup (1-5 total different outfits/color palettes)
[1 - $5] [2 - $10] [3 - $15] and so on
~ Wallpapers (Desktop and Phone - SPECIFY WHAT CANVAS SIZE) [$40]
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[My CashApp]
Hey y'all I'm finally doing my first commissions!! :D
The money I make from this'll all be going towards saving up for what I'll be needing for college and just moving out in general (still gotta make a list for what I'll need actually-)
Also please let me know if the link doesn't work!! It seems to be working on my end but that could just be me
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saym0-0 · 10 months ago
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this post on pinterest has somehow made me start thinking about a comedy human au,, all the bots are siblings, ages are fucked, all the walters live in one big house,, the bots r all teenagers (imagine having six teenagers jc). their parents are iris and peter i. they have two adult siblings, ii and iii. mark, wanda and iv are their nephews and niece. peter i has an oc sibling that isn't around anymore but is V's parent, and VI is his son (the bot's cousin).
i dont think the original inspiration post fits in at all but its funny so im not removing it amen
anyways. ages i think would be like,,
II & III in their early thirties
V in his early thirties but younger than the rest of em.
rabbit and spine are 18 and twins
hmm my zer0 headcanon is that he was built first but powered on later so maybe hes like 19 but adopted/a half sibling that moved in slightly later? idk hes 17 or 19
next i think is hatchworth he is 15 and draws on a moustache every morning and tells everyone its real (jon is convinced)
jon is um uh 12 little boy 🫵
upgrade is 9
mark is 11
wanda is 9 (woah two 9 year old girls. yhey tell everyone they're twins)
realising that i cant keep the age difference the same as canon because iv would be -1. oops. hes a little baby
vi is also a little baby.
sorry i lied they're not all teenagers lawl. also realised zer0 couldn't be a half sibling because they have two way older siblings too oops
yeah this au makes no sense but i do think its funny. sitcom au. highschool au.
they all go by their canon robot names, its unclear whether they were named that or if they're nicknames or a mix of both. five is older than four because of a mistake on his birth certificate, he should have been four but they all just kinda went with it and named the next one four
i think rabbit would come out to her [younger] siblings at 13 and come out/start transitioning at 14, partially in reference to the year she transitioned in canon and partially because i was that old when i came out teehee. i think maybe she always knew and expressed it though, she just didnt know trans people existed and didn't have the terminology for it
do they have all-through schools in the us? like elementary all the way to high school? we do in the uk but idk about over there. if they do then that could be funny i think
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eshokk · 13 days ago
wait theyre kind of cousins
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aroninshonour · 1 year ago
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Im actually really proud of the way she turned out!! Like, REALLY PROUD OF IT!!
This is in the tags already but I give full permission if anyone wants to redraw this better than I could w/ colour if ya wanna as long as ya give credit and tag me bc I would absolutely LOVE to see it!!
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arillusionist · 1 year ago
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art summary thing except i barely drew anything from may - december
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silliebones-moved · 2 years ago
Holler interacting with Spamton...how would that go
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IDK i drew them shaking hands. i think he would get scammed
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