angel of rancid dreams
401 posts
they/them | 23 | cryptid18+ batcest blog, mostlydead dove: do not eatoccasional comics puristrepresentative of underrated batfam characters
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
necrotic-nephilim · 3 months ago
damn bro you good?
I'M OKAY TY FOR CHECKING IN. i think it just got slightly overwhelmed, both by the amount of asks i received, as well as struggling to find a personal life/tumblr life balance. i love this blog, but as i've alluded to in tags, i'm a live-in nanny for my infant nephew. and i'm very lucky to have this living arrangement and i certainly have a lot of free time, but bc babies have no schedule and like to fight god, it's hard to get into the groove of writing when at any moment, i might have to help with him. it took me a while to get used to it, but i'm still here i promise!
i think as for future housekeeping, i will continue answering the fun asks i get, but at a much slower rate. and i want to go back to posting more serious comic metas as well, as well as just the things i want to post here. i got a little in over my head and i'm very very pleased to have found the fellow freaks in this fandom, i just did not expect to get so much interaction on such a new blog! so while i did not mean to vanish for a month, i do think it helped me adjust a bit and figure out a personal balance! i should be back for good now tho! <3
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months ago
as an apology for being gone for a month, have a uquiz i spent a week making! pls feel free to reblog with which character you got, i worked way too hard on this silly little thing. there are eight different characters you can get that are varying levels of unknown, with comic recommendations for each character <3
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months ago
i love JayTim so dearly and i do ship them, but a lot of the propaganda is incorrect (and by extension is very common misinformation in the fandom) so i'd like to clarify. (note: this is not meant to be hate toward the OP! i know the propaganda was not written by the person running the blog, and whoever did write the propaganda also doesn't deserve hate! it's okay to be wrong in fandom! warning: this post is long.)
for our intents and purposes, the canon(s) featuring these two fall into three main categories: pre-Flashpoint (aka: Post-Crisis or preboot), New-52, and Rebirth. for simplicity's sake, i will not be taking adaptations such as Titans (tv) or Gotham Knights (game) into account, as they aren't the primary source people use for ship fodder. breaking this down bit by bit i want to start with:
Age Gap
Jason and Tim are under two years apart in the pre-Flashpoint canon. they meet when Tim is 16 and Jason is 18. when pre-Flashpoint ends, they are 17 and 19 respectively. it's also noteworthy that Jason was dead for six months in-universe, and did not age physically or mentally in this time frame. they meet as teenagers and consider each other in the same peer group. in fact, it's Tim who seems to view Jason as a child/immature (referring to him as such during the Search For A Hero arc of Robin [1993]) meanwhile Jason only seems to view Tim as his peer and even extends respect to him in this way. less than two years doesn't qualify as an age gap imo, especially given they met when they were both older teenagers.
in the New-52 canon, the ages are much more contradictory. constructing a timeline with comics is difficult, but the New-52 *especially* regularly contradicts itself on the timeline. that said, Tim is likely 16 at his introduction in this continuity, and Jason is 18, possibly 19. which once again, gives them a gap of about two years. at best, you could argue Jason is around 20, but that seems unlikely, given how quickly he is introduced after his return as Red Hood. once again, it's worth noting in this continuity he was dead for about six months and did not age.
the Rebirth canon is an extension of the New-52 timeline and thus, *should* keep the New-52 age gap of about two years. however, it does seem like Rebirth has been pushing Jason closer to Dick Grayson's age group (Dick should be about six years older than Jason and eight years older than Tim) with no real explanation, as we've seen Jason more heavily interacting with characters in Dick's age range (Roy Harper, Starfire, etc). this seems to age Jason, to put him on par with those characters. it doesn't help that DC hasn't aged Tim on page, and logically Tim should be in his 20s by now as Dick is nearing his 30s (Dick and Tim's age gap is crucial for Tim's backstory to work but that's a different issue entirely) which would keep Tim and Jason mostly consistent. however, since we haven't seen on-page confirmation of Tim's age, this is where i believe fans falsely assume there's an age gap. most people assume that Jason is currently in his mid-20s and Tim is still 17. given that we have seen every other character age around Tim and haven't had any comic indicate Tim *hasn't* aged, the safest assumption is that he has, and is likely around 21, with Jason around 23. they should be (and by any logical assumption, are) in their early 20s together. this is also likely bc in Tim Drake: Robin, Tim lives on his own on a boat he bought, and his boyfriend (who is the same age as him) is in college. them being further apart is entirely fanon, or misconstrued canon.
this is a far more subjective one that's difficult to quantify based on what you personally consider to be an abusive relationship. but in this case, i think it's wildly incorrect. the better term here would be antagonistic.
in the pre-Flashpoint canon, Jason and Tim are almost always on opposite sides and fight during most of their interactions. however, these are mutual fights due to conflicting morals and goals, given Tim is a vigilante hero and Jason tends to be a villain during this era. the main fights these two get into are:
Teen Titans (2003) #29 - the well-known Titans Tower Incident, where Jason ambushes and attacks Tim at Titans Tower. this is the most unbalanced of all their fights and the only one i would almost consider "abusive", but it was an equal fight. Jason beats Tim, but the common fandom misconception that Tim was afraid of Jason and seriously injured by this event is untrue. Tim was insulting Jason the entire time and seemed to come out of the fight with only a few bruises. they fought because of their disagreements on Batman and teenage vigilantes, not because of personal issues. (they did not know each other prior to this, aside from a brief meeting during Batman: Hush, in which Jason did cut Tim's throat, but once again, this was to antagonize Batman)
Robin: Search For A Hero - this fight was over a budding gang war in Gotham, in which Jason and Tim had vastly different beliefs on how it should be handled. it's worth noting in this fight, Jason actually approaches Tim to ask Tim to work with him. the fight is mutually instigated when Tim says no, and Tim ultimately wins when Jason is arrested. the root of this fight was conflicting morals, not personal issues with each other. neither sought the other out to abuse them.
Battle For The Cowl - this fight was once again, instigated mutually (though mostly by Tim, who hunted Jason down) over conflicting morals, as Jason at this point had begun mass murdering people in a Batman suit. Tim confronts him (also in a Batman suit) and they have their most bloody fight, the only fight where Jason arguably was actually trying to kill Tim. they are the most cruel to each other and there is a clear personal hatred, but this comic is notoriously out of character, especially for Jason. still, the conflict was moral, not personal, and certainly not abusive.
aside from these instances, Jason and Tim do not routinely seek the other out to cause physical or mental harm. there is no habitual cruelty they enact upon each other, they are just enemies in the hero/villain sense.
in the New-52 canon, Jason and Tim actually get along quite well. we are introduced to them being very close, and thinking of each other fondly. they work together and are not antagonistic, as Jason is at worst, an antihero during this era and at best, just another vigilante in the Batfamily who's slightly more violent. Jason and Tim have two significant fights, both of which are forced by external forces. in Robin War, the Court of Owls forces them to fight to the death and in Death of the Family, the Joker forces them to fight to the death. both times, they are able to plan a way out of the fight without needed to speak to each other and make it clear they only fought for show.
in Rebirth, the closeness of Jason and Tim isn't as highlighted upon as it is in New-52, but it's still entirely civil and they seem to care for each other. they easily work together in comics such as Robin: Knight Terrors, and once again seem to always be on the same side. when Jason and Tim are on the same side in a fight, they always easily get along.
the Underage and Psuedo-Incest do both qualify here since Tim was technically underage during their first meeting in both continuities and there's the ever-present "technically Bruce Wayne adopted both of them." (though it's worth noting there is no canon where Tim and Jason view each other as brothers. the closest they come is the New-52, where even then they mock the idea of being brothers. they are familial at best, but given they've never had time to significantly develop a domestic bond, it's reductive to consider them to be just brothers because the same guy signed their adoption papers.)
""We're both outsiders in a family of outsiders." - Jason Todd about Himself and Tim Drake
this is true, but only as a part of the New-52 canon. Jason specifically says this during the Robin War arc, though this theme of "outsiders of the outsides" continues throughout the New-52 during all of their significant team-ups and is used to depict the unique bond they have within the larger Batfamily.
Baby Tim did canonly stalk Jason when he was Robin. Jason definitely stalked Tim and had a photo wall for Tim.
this is wildly untrue on both accounts. as for Tim, the only time we see "stalkerish" behavior exhibited is during A Lonely Place of Dying, which is Tim's introduction in the main Batman run, in the pre-Flashpoint timeline. we do see panels of him with a camera to take pictures of Batman and Robin, but nothing implies this was a consistent habit, just a one-time thing to prove his theory about the identities of Batman and Robin. we never see him depicted with a camera in this context again, nor have we any proof this was a regular thing he did as a child. furthermore, the Robin he took pictures of was Dick Grayson. Dick was Tim's childhood hero (because he met Dick when Dick was a Flying Grayson), not Jason. we have nothing to indicate Tim was stalking Batman and Robin during Jason's tenure.
moreover, from the information we do have about Tim's feelings on Jason while Jason was dead, Tim doesn't hold Jason to a heroic idol status. this is very common fanon/misinformation, the idea of stalker!Tim in general, but especially in relation to Tim stalking Jason specifically. (and once again, calling Tim a "baby" seems like an exaggeration, as Jason would've been 14/15 and Tim 12/13 during this time frame, if this happened). during Detective Comics: Rite of Passage, the arc that leads to Tim becoming Robin, Tim does respect Jason's legacy and holds it to a high standard. but these feelings do not revolve Jason as a person and instead, the idea of the second Robin who died in the mantle, and how that legacy proves the danger Tim faces when he takes on the mantle.
later on in Batman (1940) #456 when Tim is Robin, we do see Tim hallucinate/daydream Jason cheering him on, though Tim also internally views Jason's death as Jason's fault, due to his own impulsiveness and inability to follow orders. Tim's opinion of Jason during this time was neutral, leaning on victim blaming. there was no hero worship or stalking.
on Jason's side of things, once again, there is no stalking behavior. it is true Jason briefly had a photo wall of Tim! this is again the pre-Flashpoint timeline (in the New-52/Rebirth, we only ever see Jason and Tim as an established friendship, we don't have much information on how or when they met, or their feelings on each other prior to meeting) specifically in Red Hood: Lost Days. however, Jason did not take these pictures. Talia al Ghul gave him the pictures to show him that Batman had replaced him with a new Robin. Jason was the one who put the pictures on his wall, just to angst and be weird over them, which certainly makes him unwell about Tim, but it was never stalking behavior.
Jason says that Tim is the only BatFam member who doesn't make him want to throw up. At one point he asks Tim to be his Robin and when Tim says no he immediately beats the shit out of him and shoots him."
the first account is true, Jason does say this about Tim. once again, in Robin War, during the New-52 timeline. i think this was a slight exaggeration on Jason's part, as he tended to speak in hyperbole during that run, but at the very least he was truthful about the general sentiment of preferring Tim above everyone else in the Batfamily.
the second account is true but more complicated. firstly, this is the pre-Flashpoint timeline, so to mash it together with things Jason has said about Tim in the New-52 is shoving two different canons together, where Tim and Jason held wildly different relationships. secondly, Jason says this during their fight in Battle For The Cowl. which as said above, was wildly out of character for Jason. it's noteworthy that Jason also asks Dick to be his Robin just one issue later, so this offer wasn't entirely unique to Tim. Jason does respect Tim and thinks Tim has a lot of great potential that's being held back by his loyalty to Bruce (the only part of BftC that is in character for Jason, tbh).
however, to be slightly pedantic, Jason does not shoot Tim during this encounter. when Tim says no, Jason stabs him in the chest with a batarang and leaves him for dead, then claims he killed Tim later on.
these two are unwell about each other in every canon, and even at their most antagonistic have some wild complexes about each other. this poll left out some of their other fun moments, such as during the pre-Flashpoint timeline, Tim broke Jason out of prison for no real reason (Search For A Hero). or during the New-52, Tim is able to recognize Jason by his smell alone (Death of the Family). they are always incapable of being normal about each other and their antagonistic history does make it such a fun ship, even when you strip away the parts that are misinformation. and to be fair, the fanon misinfo is still fun for headcanons and fanfic! it's just that this fandom often confuses canon and fanon.
Do you ship it?
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Reasons: Abusive - Age Gap - Underage - Pseudo-incest
Consider reblogging for a larger sample size!
Propaganda under the cut!
""We're both outsiders in a family of outsiders." - Jason Todd about Himself and Tim Drake
They are both so unwell about each other.
Baby Tim did canonly stalk Jason when he was Robin. Jason definitely stalked Tim and had a photo wall for Tim.
Jason says that Tim is the only BatFam member who doesn't make him want to throw up. At one point he asks Tim to be his Robin and when Tim says no he immediately beats the shit out of him and shoots him."
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
LMAO jayhelenaroy starting with Roy doing his usual “sleaze all over women especially when he thinks they have a BF” thing but then unexpectedly jayhelena aren’t even dating AND jays really into it
HA I LOVE THIS. i just love Roy's sleazy era where he'd fuck any woman just bc he could. he was unhinged and it was delightful. and it's even funnier if he makes the assumption Jason and Helena are dating with no *actual* evidence. he hasn't even really seen them together outside of vigilante stuff. to him it's just a natural logic leap. similar values, disliked by Bruce, probably dating. they certainly seem like each other's type. also infinitely funnier if Roy hasn't processed his own sexuality, so he interprets his feelings for both of them as just wanting to spite Jason, for some reason. which obviously, the only way to do that is to fuck Helena, who's surprisingly receptive to Roy's bad flirting.
and so when Roy goes to gloat to Jason and gets... very little reaction, it's confusing for everyone. Jason is both amused and complimented that Roy thought he pulled Helena in the first place. bc he never thought about Helena that way until *now* that Roy's brought it up. now Jason wants all the details and he's prodding Roy for more. and it takes Roy a second to figure out that it isn't *just* a crush on Helena, but maybe a thing for Roy too. the ensuing sexuality crisis is free entertainment for Jason. and it does eventually lead to a threesome where Helena is beyond done with both of them.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
You ever think about how Tim doesn't really feel guilty about the stuff he's done? Like some of it is really fucked up. But he doesn't feel guilty about it.
Do you ever wonder if he thinks there's something wrong with him? That the spot that's supposed to remind you about guilt and "keep you in check" is just a hole that is just empty. No nagging feelings just.. quiet acceptance.
You ever think about how Jason has too much guilt? How he holds onto things that aren't even his fault and seethes and falls into the feelings until they're eating him alive. And he has to let it out somehow or he'll end up doing something even worse, but still ends up with blood on his hands.
Jason staring at his hands and seeing blood.
Tim staring at his hands and feeling nothing.
Both of them reaching out to the other and saying.
"It's okay. I'm broken too."
Tim doesn't see blood on Jason's hands, he sees scars and warmth.
Jason doesn't see Tim as lacking something, he sees confidence in who he is.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
Here are the prompts for Timdami / Damitim week 2024!!
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Some quick info and rules:
Tag all works you make for this year’s timdami week with the tag timdamiweek and/or timdamiweek2024.
Tag all fanfic works appropriately. This includes tagging any explicit content and top/bottom dynamics. Please be respectful of other users preferences. And if you do not like something, do not read it.
Late submissions are allowed. There is no time limit, and timdami content is always better late than never :)
Prompts are left up to individual interpretation. You can choose one prompt for any given day, or you can try to combine the two prompts for any given day, it is up to you.
All timdami week works will be reblogged/have the links posted on here. Let me know if I miss any works, and have fun everybody!
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
#make a Steph an al ghul to balance it out or something.
oh you could have stephanie come back later like jason and damian post bruce's "death" and she could be pissed and ok maybe she didn't expect him to kill Black Mask but this asshole immediately put tim back in the suit and just didn't seem to react to the fact she "died" at all
(linked post) OOOOH YEAH yeah, that would be so fun! i always love anything that explores Steph's feelings about her death and how Bruce handled it, especially if it puts her on the same side as Jason. i think it's fun if she's an al Ghul in this AU, but also fun if Jason and Damian just. *steal her*. convince her that they're More Right than Dick and Tim and that they're just as disillusioned by Bruce as she is. she's their sister, literally or figuratively. because she understands what it feels like to be cast aside by Bruce.
meanwhile, Cass is devout to the symbol of Batman, making her firmly on Dick and Tim's side. could this lead to StephCass but of an incredibly fucked up variety? yes. i love the difference of the two sides of siblings being entirely whether or not they felt "accepted" by Bruce. it adds so much to the rivalry and the eventual romances. they're either going to tear each other apart or fuck. probably both.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
(linked post) i LOVE Mistress' content sm and this post is so delightful to me. and i do find it delightful that most of the people i ship Tim with have been Batman (or, at the very least tried to be) at some point. Bruce, Dick, Jean-Paul, Jason, Damian, Helena B. i think it's so fun if Tim just has a Batman fetish, and his interest in his partner is entirely reliant on their connection to Batman. he can date them if they're not Batman, but it's an unspoken understanding that he's going to be more interesting if the mantle is involved.
this is fun both for a serious concept and crack. the crack is just that when Bruce dies or vanishes or is incapacitated for the umpteenth time and the argument over who should be Batman is solely on the precipice of everyone who wants to fuck Tim arguing over it. and on the serious side of it, i think it's fun if Tim has a very specific concept of Batman in his head, that uses the best traits of each of these people and thoroughly critiques their "worse" aspects that don't reflect what he thinks Batman should be when they are Batman. Tim of all people should have very little say over what Batman is and isn't, but somehow he's got enough people wrapped around his finger that he does. makes for a lot of fun moral arguments amidst fucking.
it's also fun if Tim is always Robin for them. playing into the idea of Tim being trapped in the role while everyone else moves on, he's the one who's loyal. somehow even if it's Damian or Jason as Batman, Tim is their loyal Robin. they don't even ask it of him, they just default assume he *will* be their Robin. that is practically a right of Batman, to have Tim by their side. he's a little freak for the mantle, but he's also the stable partner who finds the way to bend over backward to help each of them through their various quirks. he's always so *giving*, so it's easy to fall for someone that loyal to you.
i just think there should be more exploration of Tim Drake's Batman Fetish and all the possibilities it has. the cowl stays on during fucking. he would give anything to whoever Batman is. but he's very particular on trying to control what Batman is. constant struggle of power that will always be delightfully unhinged. he also wants Batman to choke him. he's not picky about who's in the suit.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
is this random?? maybe probably but the brain worms said Bart/Dick because maybe Wally didn't reciprocate and a lot of the younger heroes look up to Nightwing so like actually Dark Dick/Any of the younger heroes but for me especially Bart/Dick. Is Dick taking advantage of a crush? Yes. Is he doing it because he wants Wally but a younger more malleable speedster will have to do? ABSOLUTELY. anyway Dark Dick taking advantage of young people yadayada 🩷🩷
first of all, i firmly believe Bart should be shipped with older men. i can't even articulate *why*, i just think he's a delightful lil guy who should be in more dead dove shit. it's fun to explore that weird balance he has going on of naivety fueled by growing up overnight, versus being very *very* knowledgable bc of the sheer amount of information he holds as well as how quickly he processes the world. he's treated like the silly, almost dumb one a lot. and certainly the comics will put him in that light, especially in how he approaches social situations and his lack of understandings on how social rules work. but he's *smart* in other ways, and it makes him delightfully fun to stick him in a position of being groomed. all it takes is for *someone* to finally compliment him on how quickly he thought through a problem, or how well he handled a fight and he's fucking putty. the manipulation goes straight over his head.
and i just. i adore a darker Dick. sunshine Dick is out. angry but still righteous Dick is also out. i need a Dick Grayson who is tired of having to be the good one. who is tired of serving others with no return. Bruce, the Titans, Bludhaven, all of it. i think a lot of times, people gloss over Dick being a cop (and the copaganda of it) bc it doesn't feel like it fits him and goes against a lot of the themes of the Batfam and how they stand against corruption and all. but i think it's fun to lean into cop!Dick. someone who's authoritative and "fixes the system from inside" and thinks "you can still do good with a badge". bc it adds that greyness to him. there is no *good* way to be a cop in Bludhaven, with the system he works for. so it creates some level of "the ends justify the means" mentality in Dick and what he'll overlook to get something done. back to the point of him and Bart: i think using that mindset for a darker Dick can easily make him willing to groom someone. especially someone like Bart. kill two birds with one stone kind of situation. the personal, selfish reason that he had a thing for Wally that never worked out and now he just for *once* wants something that's his, and who better than a little speedster who looks like Wally and already has a clear crush on Dick. and the more pragmatic reason: Bart has potential, but he lacks direction. no one is guiding him in the right way. you used the word malleable, which is so fun. Dick can mold the partner he wants, *and* the hero he wants out of Bart. there won't be any more complaining from Tim about how Bart screwed up a mission, or listening to Wally or Max Mercury go on about how hard it is to keep Bart on task.
i think Dick would be *so* methodical about it. he has the time, Bart is still young and if Dick starts things *too* early, it's going to cause an absolute scene in the hero world. so he starts with compliments. he's the one squeezing Bart's shoulder and saying "you did a good job out there, kid. that was smart thinking." and then just leaving it like that. the simpler the better, because it leaves Bart wanting *more*. craving scraps of attention and always being on his best behavior when Dick is around. or even when Tim is around, bc maybe that means Tim will tell Dick about the good thing Bart just did. i love a slow burn and i'd love if this took place over *years*. building up more and more, but staying within the realm of casual hero colleagues. it makes sense for Bart and Dick to run into each other a lot, with Tim and Wally, and even more so when Bart becomes a Titan.
i love if this intentionally drives Wally up a *wall* too. Bart would never shut up about Dick. he asks Wally about Dick at least once a week and Dick just shrugs bc *hey*, all kids have a favorite hero, Wally should see the way Tim talks about Ted Kord. he doesn't make a big deal about it.
once Bart is old enough, Dick really leans into it. he finds more reasons to "run into" Bart, starts inviting Bart over to have a place to crash while his wounds heal bc hey, even with the superspeed Bart needs somewhere to sit and let his body do it's thing while he inhales a lot of calories. Dick listens when Bart complains about Wally being too hard on him. Dick gives "sagely advice" and casually walking around without a shirt. (or: in his police uniform the first time he notices the full body blush Bart gets seeing him in it)
i think it's extra fun if Dick orchestrates a pretense like sex pollen for them to get together officially. which is tricky, bc how do you dose a speedster's metabolism. but he'd find a way. bc then, not a single person can blame Dick for it. Bart Allen of all people, in a "fuck or die" situation? just about anyone would end up so annoyed they'd cave to the sex. and it puts Bart as the one who "initiates" and feels the guilt of coming onto Dick. which is so easy for Dick to manipulate and mold into what he wants. he's got Bart in his hands and soothes him after the sex, saying that it wasn't Bart's fault and Dick doesn't blame him. after that, it's easy for it to become a repeat thing. Bart gets too wired or stressed or full of energy, and sex is a very easy distraction to mellow him out. then, before Bart knows it, he's pretty sure they're *dating* bc Dick is giving him flowers and gifts and taking him out to dinner. and Bart is still convinced he somehow caused this, so he's got that fun dash of guilt that Dick can use to get what he wants out of Bart. any time Bart acts out, Dick just has to give him a Look. just full-tilt manipulation and grooming. i think it's also fun if they publically date as civilians, bc once again, Dick being a cop, other Bludhaven cops are the last ppl to question the morality ambiguity of the age gap. they just laugh and clap Dick on the back for finding "such an easy twink". the news would filter into the hero world, but by then Bart's a (barely legal) adult and everyone knows about the sex pollen. there's not much anyone can do, and really, Dick doesn't hold blame bc he was in such an awkward situation. he has his cake and eats it too, especially everytime he sees that sour look on Wally's face, when Wally knows damn well he can't say anything.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
Hey there, are you ok?
hey! thank you for checking up on me, this was really sweet!
i SWEAR i did not die. i just got a bit busy doing SladeRobin Week (which i will finish so help me god-) as well as things in my real life. i'm still trying to find the balance of like. fandom creation and working. i am very lucky to have the living situation that i do rn, but it is the sort of schedule where i do have to be ready to watch a baby at really any given point so. it's a tricky balance right now, but i'm going to be active here again! maybe not as many asks answered a day as before, but i want to try to answer like, a few a day and whatnot.
i also think i got briefly overwhelmed, in that i got more asks faster than i answered them. which is the opposite of a problem and something i'm very lucky for! but it did make it difficult for me to keep up and know what to answer next. (this is *not* a discouragement to sending asks! i love them all and pls send as many as you want! i just am a little slow sometimes so i appreciate the patience! <3)
so! i'm back and i'm good, ty for asking! we are back to the regularly scheduled programming <3
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
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Still not over how Frank Miller made Dick into a homoerotic Joker for Dark Knight Strikes Again. And the nicknames Bruce calls him… one complaint? Pretty boy Dick should have been a Pretty Joker.
Inktober Day 17: (Manly) Journal
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Fandom: Batman: Arkham - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Other(s) - Past/Implied Characters: Slade Wilson, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Past Torture, Blood and Injury, Sex Pollen, Extremely Dubious Consent, Conditioning, Brainwashing, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Possessive Slade Wilson, Topping from the Bottom, Painful Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Porn With Plot, Codependency, Alternate Universe - Batman: Arkham (Video Games) Setting, Timeline What Timeline, Sex Addiction, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Series: Part 25 of necrotic nephilim's writings Summary: Slade finds Jason Todd in the abandoned wing of Arkham, being tortured and conditioned. He makes the completely, totally charitable decision to be Jason's savior. And in the process, he reaps the benefits of Jason's conditioning. - SladeRobin Week 2024 - Day 4: “You… saved me?” “I’m not through with you.” | Spoils of War
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Stephanie Brown/Slade Wilson Characters: Stephanie Brown, Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fighting, Blood and Injury, Blood Kink, Kidnapping, Manhandling, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Competence Kink, shock collar, Inappropriate Use of Healing Factors, Cunnilingus, Biting, Knifeplay, Pain Kink, mild Identity Porn, Consensual Stabbing During Sex, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, BAMF Stephanie Brown, fight for dominance, Choking, Timeline What Timeline, Banter, Dirty Talk, Face-Sitting, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Series: Part 24 of necrotic nephilim's writings Summary:
The problem with Stephanie is this: she loves too much. Too deeply and too violently. It's an infection that no one else has or understands. That is, until Deathstroke comes to kidnap her for a contract and somehow, she ends up underneath him. Split open and spilling violence he's all too eager to drink up.
SladeRobin Week 2024 - Day 3: Competence Kink | Collars
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
It's sladin week, what are your thoughts on Maps and Slade? Or Carrie or Stephanie?
hi! i have GREAT news for you in that not only am i doing SladeRobin week BUT: i'm doing a day for both Steph and Carrie!! today's fic (which'll be posted in a couple hours) is a SladeSteph fic and in a couple days, I'll post a SladeCarrie. i love both of these ships a lot, i absolutely adore how Slade could be into either of them for different reasons, and how they could contrast him. Steph is someone who's argumentative and fights back against authority and i think Slade would respect that. i love the idea of Slade wanting to take in Steph because he feels like her potential is being wasted by Bruce ignoring and dismissing her.
and for Carrie, i just love Carrie. something about Carrie's sass, but her still following Bruce like a good soldier slots so well against Slade and how she'd react to him depending on how they met. since Slade isn't in the Dark Knight Returns universe, it's a free sandbox to work him in and see how he'd react. i think their banter could be delightful, and i think they fit well into the whole grumpy x sunshine trope, except the sunshine is a little shit who just decided she was Robin and somehow, that worked out for her. i think it'd give Slade a fun "someone really needs to put this kid in her place" complex about her.
as for Maps, i have to be honest that Maps is too new of a character for me to know much about! the only comics i've read where she appeared significantly are Robin War and Batgirls (2022). so i don't know if i could say much about her and Slade as a ship, just bc she's so outside of my wheelhouse, but i do *definitely* see the vision. she has that sort of "untouched by the Horrors yet" vibe to her and to ship her with someone like Slade, who honestly *is* the Horrors atp, makes for a *very* fun contrast. i could totally see them fitting together and like, corruption kink vibes, i absolutely see your vision anon.
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Fandom: Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake/Slade Wilson Characters: Slade Wilson, Tim Drake (DCU) Additional Tags: Porn With Plot, Past Rape/Non-con, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Not Canon Compliant - Red Robin (2009), Touch-Starved, Caretaking, Whump, Protective Slade Wilson, Tim Drake is Not Okay (DCU), Past Tim Drake/Ra's al Ghul - Freeform, Creepy Ra's al Ghul, Lazarus Pit Conditioning, Post-Lazarus Pit Tim Drake, Vaginal Fingering, Trans Tim Drake (DCU), Aphrodisiacs, Porn with Feelings, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Series: Part 23 of necrotic nephilim's writings Summary:
Of all the birds to show up bleeding and desperate for help on Slade's doorstep, Tim Drake is the last one he expected. And he definitely doesn't expect to end up liking the kid.
SladeRobin Week 2024 - Day 2: Passing Out on the Other’s Doorstep | Touch Starvation
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
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Ehehe, yeh, keep going ✌️💕
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Characters: Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Rape/Non-con Elements, Wound Fucking, Blood and Gore, Blood Kink, dead bodies, Graphic Description of Corpses, Graphic Description of Wounds, Blood As Lube, Dacryphilia, Threats of Necrophilia, Slut Shaming, Evil Slade Wilson, Top Slade Wilson, Rape Aftermath, Masturbation To One's Own Trauma, Sex on top of dead bodies, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Timeline What Timeline, Human Experimentation Series: Part 22 of necrotic nephilim's writings Summary: Slade needs something from Dick. And he'll take it one way or another. If Dick won't let Slade use his hole, then Slade can just make another. - SladeRobin Week 2024 - Day 1: “You’re the only person I could ask for this."
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