necrotic-nephilim · 16 hours
"I don't care how much you hate me - you need to eat!"
DickTim during Bruce's Lost In Time phase but with Dick stopping Tim from leaving💕
send a quote and a ship and I'll write a short fic!
fucked up DickTim during Bruce's lost in time era my beloved. this is 2k of *very* dead dove DickTim, with one-sided feelings from Dick and unreliable narrator vibes. it is a smidge OOC, just bc of how dark Dick gets, but i think i kept it best i could. enjoy <3
It wasn’t supposed to go this far.
Dick thought he was doing this to honor Bruce. The last thing Bruce would’ve wanted was to see Tim drive himself over the edge and go too far, all for a fruitless chase to bring Bruce back from the dead. And sure, maybe deep down Dick knew he reflected some of Bruce’s worst traits. The obsessive control. The worrying to the point of being overbearing.
It came with the capes and spandex territory. Especially now that Dick had decided to man up and put on that damned cowl.
But even at Bruce’s worst, Dick was pretty sure he wouldn’t dare go this far.
Dick knew it was wrong. What he didn’t know was why he couldn’t stop himself. Why the gnawing guilt was so easy to compartmentalize and why every good point Tim had got ignored by Dick’s logical side, brushed off by one simple mantra.
He was doing this for Tim’s own good.
All of this was to protect Tim from doing something he would regret.
Dick had done brain scans, had Tim magically checked up, and even managed to get him to properly talk to a psychiatrist. Everything came back normal. Tim was perfectly healthy.
So maybe this was something that had always been a part of Tim. Maybe it was a bad idea for any of them to have let Tim into the vigilante world so young.
Some people could handle it. Some people couldn’t. Dick had seen firsthand how it broke minds and ruined lives. He’d seen people turn to drugs, cults, murder, and god knew what else just to try to cope with it.
That didn’t make Tim weak. Tim Drake was the furthest thing from weak, and Dick would fight anyone on that.
This was just a hard life to cope with. Sometimes, people needed support through the worst of it.
That’s what Dick was doing.
Giving support.
“I don’t care how much you hate me- you need to eat!” Dick stepped back, dodging Tim’s attempt to kick his feet out. The bowl of salad Dick had set next to Tim was completely ignored.
Dick had learned not to give Tim hot food after Tim flung potato soup at his head the first time, chunks of potato stuck to his hair.
Tim’s scowl was lethal. Technically, he wasn’t restrained. He could move freely around the manor and do whatever he wanted.
It was the shock collar that kept him from leaving the grounds or breaking into the Batcave.
Dick had decided that would be the most humane way. The shock was only momentarily painful, it was designed to knock Tim unconscious if he tried to get somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. The collar had taken three tries before Dick found a lock Tim couldn’t pick, and a few more unfortunate incidents of Tim finding weak spots in the barrier.
But Dick always found Tim and brought him back home.
That was what was important.
The fact Tim kept trying to break out and go to god knew where on some fruitless quest to find a dead man made Dick more secure about this decision.
He was doing this to protect Tim. Once Tim worked through the worst of his grief, all this would be in the past. Something they would laugh at.
It was like one of Tim’s contingency plans. Really, he of all people should understand.
But he didn’t. Which was what hurt Dick the most, the angry look in Tim’s eyes and the way his fists clenched when Dick came into Tim’s room. Tim had access to the whole manor, but he stuck mostly to his room, refusing to talk to anyone.
Especially Dick.
And now, it seemed, his latest tactic was a hunger strike.
“I’ll let you look over the burglary case we’re working on,” Dick offered. “I’ll bring you all the files and your computer if you just…” he gestured to the salad, “eat something.”
That had worked, in the beginning. Dick could coax good behavior out of Tim by offering to let Tim help with whatever case Dick was facing. It took a load off of Dick’s back and gave Tim something to focus on.
Of course, Dick couldn’t leave Tim’s computer with him. The first time Dick did that, Tim managed to break all of the firewalls and safeties put on it to start a case file about Bruce. Dick had to delete everything and only allow Tim monitored access from that point on.
After that, Tim really didn’t like Dick.
“Can’t you just go back to ignoring me?” Tim snapped. He sounded… resigned. Emotionless in a way he hadn’t been, like all the fight he’d been putting up for weeks was finally going out.
“Ignoring you?” Dick frowned. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut at the words. He kept a wide berth from Tim, wary of more punches being thrown, and decided to sit at Tim’s desk chair, a good few feet from where Tim was on his bed. “What makes you think I’m ignoring you?”
Tim scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You only talk to me to ask if I’ve dropped the Bruce thing yet, or to try to force self-care on me. The rest of the time you ignore me so you don’t have to face your own guilt.”
Dick violently shook his head. “That’s not-” he sighed, running a hand over his face- “I’m just busy, I promise. Between being Batman, managing Bruce’s estate, and trying to handle Damian, I just…” his voice trailed off. So many things to balance. He still didn’t know how Bruce managed it all. “I haven’t made enough time for you. I’m sorry.”
He decided to take on the burden of helping Tim. It was his responsibility and Tim was right, Dick was doing a piss poor job of taking care of him.
No wonder he pushed away Dick’s attempts to reconcile. It must’ve come across as half-assed, in Tim’s eyes.
Dick wished Bruce was here. He would’ve known the right way to handle this.
“Don’t start now,” Tim said icily. He picked up a book from his nightstand and opened it, pointedly not looking at Dick anymore. “Just leave me alone.”
“Will you eat first?” Dick asked. “If you just eat, I’ll go. I promise.”
With a loud sigh, Tim snapped his book shut. He picked up the salad Dick brought and shoveled down mouthfuls, all while glaring at Dick. Once the bowl was empty he set it back down and spread his hands, waiting.
Dick didn’t leave.
He wasn’t going to abandon Tim.
Dick stood up and Tim relaxed for just a moment before he realized Dick was walking toward Tim’s bed instead of the door. Slowly, like he was approaching a wild animal, Dick crept forward. He chose to sit on the foot of the bed, still far enough away from Tim to give him personal space.
“Out. Now. You promised.”
Dick ran his fingers through his hair. “I know, but-”
“What do you want from me?” Tim almost yelled the words. “Do you want me to just say I don’t believe Bruce is alive? Will you finally leave me alone, then?”
“Can you say it under a truth serum?”
Tim went quiet, grinding his jaw.
“I want you to get better,” Dick sighed.
“What happens when I get better, then?” Tim challenged. He moved to sit cross-legged on the bed. So close to Dick that Dick could reach out and touch him, but emotionally, they were miles apart and it hurt Dick’s chest. “You ‘fix me’-” he put finger quotes around the words- “to your liking, then set me free?”
“Don’t talk about yourself like you’re an animal.” Dick frowned, fist clenching at the idea Tim thought of himself that way.
Tim just stared at him. “Then don’t treat me like one.” He raised a hand and tapped the collar.
It looked like it had new scratch marks on it.
“That’s not what I’m doing,” Dick said. He tried to find the words. It was so hard to explain it when Tim wasn’t listening to him. He wasn’t even given a chance. Dick tried to reach out. For once, Tim didn’t pull away. He was completely rigid under Dick’s touch, though. His hand rested on Tim’s arm, thumb stroking back and forth. “You know I’m doing this because… because I’m worried about you. And I care, Tim.”
“No you don’t,” Tim leaned away from Dick, but didn’t pull his arm free. “Whatever version of me exists in your head-”
“-isn’t real,” Tim ignored him and kept going. “You won’t even listen to my theory-”
“Tim!” Dick tightened his grip, ignoring the small wince of pain that came out of Tim. “I’m not entertaining that kind of talk.” He tried to be firm but loving with his tone. But even Dick could hear the anger and frustration that was bleeding off of him. “This is practically self harm.”
“I know I’m right,” Tim mumbled. He wouldn’t look at Dick. “Will you just leave, now?”
Against his better judgment, Dick stood up. He had to patrol soon. “I’m sorry. We’ll talk after-”
“I’m going to sleep,” Tim snapped. “No, we won’t.”
Dick tried to throw his hands up in frustration, but he was still holding onto Tim’s arm.
He didn’t want to let go.
He knew Tim was waiting for him to let go, but Dick couldn’t force his fingers to release. He just stared for a moment, breathing hard.
Dick was doing this out of love.
And now, he loved Tim too much to want to let go of him.
Did he have to patrol tonight? He was pretty sure the Birds of Prey were in Gotham.
“Dick,” Tim said carefully, starting to scoot away from him. The apprehension in his voice was unsteady, eyes narrowed. He was always too on edge. “I’m tired. Just go on patrol.”
Instead of letting go, Dick lifted his other hand and held Tim’s face. Tim flinched but stopped inching away. He was completely still, barely even breathing.
He looked afraid of Dick.
Dick’s chest clenched. He wished he could get Tim to understand. Dick leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Tim’s forehead.
He wanted to kiss somewhere else, somewhere a few inches lower and just as unobtainable. That was a feeling Dick buried deep, deep inside of him.
It wasn’t why he was doing this.
A hand pressed against Dick’s chest. Trying to push Dick away, but for just a moment, the pressure and warmth almost made Dick shudder. Tim hadn’t properly trained in a while.
He wasn’t actually strong enough to push Dick off of him. If Dick wanted to, Tim couldn’t have stopped him.
But their relationship was already fractured. It would take a long time of repairing and letting Tim heal before Dick could even try pursuing those feelings.
Tim had once had a childhood crush on Dick, though. So he was pretty sure they could work their way up to it, be something more.
Dick pulled away. He let go of Tim’s arm and allowed himself one stroke of Tim’s hair. It was getting a little long, brushing against Tim’s shoulders.
The entire time, Tim remained perfectly still. But his eyes got wider and wider, the way they always did when he had just figured out a case.
Dick was getting too close. He needed to pull back.
“You still have the spare comm link?” Dick asked.
Tim didn’t answer. He just kept staring with those wide, searching eyes. He looked a little pale. Dick should get him some iron supplements, Tim becoming anemic is the last thing Dick wanted.
“Use it if you need me for anything,” Dick continued. He gave Tim what he hoped was a calming smile. “Get some sleep, Tim. I love you.”
He turned and walked out of Tim’s room. Slowed to crawl at a snail’s pace, hoping for an answer from Tim. He would take any kind of answer.
But Tim kept silent, even as Dick took his time intentionally, slowly closing the door. Dick just sighed, turning down the hall to head down to the Batcave.
Someday, he’d get through to Tim. Dick would find a way.
Someday soon.
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i'm sorry but the idea that tim got caught on the very first night he and jason were together is somehow more hilarious then jaytim having been going on for months bc tim lies like he breathes but he couldn't even keep his relationship with jason a secret for 1 night
anon you are galaxy brained for putting that fic and that concept together oh my god. it is exponentially funnier for Tim to get caught the *first time* he sleeps with Jason. especially because Jason would also find that to be absolutely hilarious. he'd have no shame about it, and he's not going to give up something that gives him a chance to fight with Bruce. if Tim had just waited five more minutes he would've been fine, but outting himself the minute he caves to sleep with Jason, just to see if Jason can really back up all the filthy things he's been saying would be his luck. he cannot catch a single break. the worst part is, it won't even deter him from sleeping with Jason, bc now there's the fun allure of doing something Bruce openly doesn't approve of. it's a win-win for Jason, bc now he has new dirty talk to use in bed about how Tim is willing to defy Bruce just to sleep with him, and isn't that just a joy. it really is a matter of time before Jason convinces Tim to fuck in the Batcave.
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Do you have any fucked up babscass headcanons? This is vaguely for the ask game but I’m curious. I’ve also had a vision of dick being drawn into their dubiously consensual mommy kink thing, probably unwillingly. I just love the idea of babs being her teacher for everything normal, like yes on some level it is grooming but cass knows everyone’s intentions automatically, could babs really make her do anything she didn’t want to do?
for the ask game!
GOD YES. i love BabsCass. just. so dearly. they're so fucked up. and adding Dick to the mix is *also* so so fun. the concepts of how consent plays into it all when Cass knows everyone's intentions and feelings (sometimes before they themselves do) but Babs still holding clear power over Cass and how vulnerable Cass is emotionally it's just. good soup i tell you.
so, i think it's fun, if in a way, Babs has always been slightly jealous of Bruce. after becoming Oracle by means out of her control, she works with other heroes sure, but she doesn't have a protege. she watched with Dick and Bruce, how close of a bond Batman and Robin is. how Bruce got to shape and mold Dick into the hero he's become and the reverence Dick has for Bruce. there's such a nuance to that relationship, and Babs wants it for herself. the first person to carry on the Batgirl torch is Helena, something she violently disapproves of. so for her to give Batgirl to Cass, that's significant. it's both a sign of acceptance, and a sign of ownership. it's basically her way of saying to Bruce "this one's mine." and thus, their relationship reflects it. because it's easy to seak out a close bond with Cass, who's never had anyone show her love and affection with no strings. Babs' love is unconditional. and Cass wants to bury herself in it. she knows it's romantic and possibly sexual, but Babs doesn't sexualize Cass the way men do. there's no leering comments or objectification. Babs is kind and respectful, so Cass doesn't mind. she even leans into it. there's something nice in being appreciate for something other than how good of a weapon she makes. and Babs' touch is just. something Cass craves. Babs wants to respect boundaries, but Cass is practically crawling into her lap after certain rough missions, just for the companionship.
i think it's fun if the mommy kink starts with Cass. sure, Babs has been carefully guiding Cass toward being comfortable with sexual things. Cass is regularly naked around Babs with no problem, she lets Babs touch her anywhere. but it's when Babs is holding Cass that Cass talks about how she doesn't know who her mother is and she wishes she knew what having a mother felt like. and sure, Cass knows that Babs isn't entirely motherly. not when her hand is resting inside of Cass' pants at that very moment. but this is the closest thing she has. i enjoy the idea of Cass knowing that this isn't normal. sure, she doesn't fully understand relationships, but she knows mother/daughter and dating are different. but it's a two birds one stone kind of thing. she's so convinced she's not going to find enough people to love her to fill all the "roles" in her life, why not combine the two. after all, Dick and Bruce are doing it. so when Cass brings it up, Babs lets Cass call her mommy. it's a soothing thing, more than a kink thing. and it delightfully plays into Babs' hand for how she wants to groom Cass, giving her more control and trust over Cass. it's easy to get Cass to side with her instead of Bruce when she just has to stroke Cass' hair and praise her whenever she does what Babs want. Cass is so used to negative reinforcement that she'll take any kind of positive reinforcement, even if she knows it's slightly manipulative. sometimes, what matters to her the most is just that someone wants to protect and take care of her in the first place.
i love the idea of Dick getting dragged in unwillingly so much. Cass has very high standards for what a mentor/partner/mother figure should look like because of how reverently Babs treats her. and Cass is known for being critical of Bruce's methods. so when Bruce is particularly cruel to Dick, or that have a nasty argument that Cass witnesses and Bruce possibly even hits Dick, that's when Dick gets dragged in. it starts with Babs inviting him to just eat dinner and chill out with Babs and Cass in the Clocktower. then he's being invited to stay the night more and more often so he doesn't have to crash at Wayne Manor when he's in Gotham. the first time he wakes up with Cass sleeping next to him, he doesn't comment on it. he knows what it's like to be so tired you just crash on the nearest bed. it's when he notices that he's being more and more separated from Bruce, that Dick starts to notice something is off. he's never commented on what's going on between Babs and Cass bc well, he's one to talk. but now he's caught between them. Cass and Babs don't even have to talk, they just wordlessly know they're on the same page about bringing Dick into the fold. for Cass, it's genuinely to protect him. she's happy with Babs, and she wants Dick to feel happy in that way too, with someone who's not as emotionally closed off as Bruce. and Cass just wants as many close relationships as she can get. and for Babs, there is genuine attraction there. she and Dick almost flirted with dating before, and nows her chance to have him and finally beat Bruce. and as unwilling as Dick is, it's hard to say no when they're being so gentle with him. he keeps telling himself he's going to set hard boundaries and tell them no, eventually. but Babs has the manipulation down pat, and Cass is so gentle and loving, Dick just gets swept in too deep. they both know he's unwillingly, but to Cass, that's just how love works. you have to be talked into it sometimes because you don't realize you deserve it.
Babs teaching Cass about sex my *beloved*. first, it's just Cass and Babs. Babs showing Cass how she can feel good, how she can make Babs feel good. but now with Dick, they have a whole new person for Babs to see to teach Cass about sex. Dick has to be talked into it by Babs, who paints it as a learning opportunity for Cass. I just. I love throuple dynamics where one person is basically being used as a toy for the dom to tell the third person to use, and that fits them so well. Dick is just a toy, a prop basically. and Babs is guiding Cass through it, teaching her how to make Dick feel good, how to ride him. I like the idea of Babs edging both of them until she feels like Cass has "learned" enough. which is clearly just part of the kink, corrupting Cass. and they all know it, but it's an unspoken thing. even more fun if Babs gives Cass some token form of control, letting Cass control when Dick can come. and to Cass, edging is a natural part of sex, so she also tortures Dick like that, bringing him to the edge and holding him there no matter how much he begs. sometimes, Dick just watches Cass and Babs have sex and learns what they like through that. he learns Babs is a sadist, but she has to be careful with it. Cass views pain strictly as a very negative punishment and the last thing Babs wants to do is lose the trust she has built up with Cass. so she avoids pain for the longest time. it's Dick who notices Babs itching to hurt someone, so to make sure it's not Cass, Dick offers himself. and Cass watches as Babs hurts Dick, and Dick *likes* it. maybe impact play, maybe some CBT, that sort of stuff, just testing the waters of how far Babs can take it with Dick. it makes Cass curious enough to try it, both sadism and masochism. she finds it takes a lot for her to enjoy masochism, but in the right applications, it's nice. there's something about letting herself feel pain, which she was never allowed before. pain is something to be compartmentalized and worked through. so there's something nice about turning her brain off and just feeling. especially if she's being hurt while she's in Babs or Dick's arms, bc she knows she's safe. both of them have become her safe space to explore new things during sex.
eventually, Dick comes to mostly accept being part of the relationship. he realizes he's in too deep when Cass casually calls him her boyfriend in front of Bruce just to make Bruce stutter. they're all adults, so it's not something Bruce can fight too hard. and Dick does have to admit, Cass has a point. there's far less arguing and fighting in this relationship. the grooming practically works better on Dick than it did Cass, bc now he's just accepted it and is going along with everything. he starts initiating sex, with either of them separately or together, just bc he likes giving up control to them. he likes the way Cass is gentle when she's domming, taking control from him without even asking and just taking care of him. and when Babs is in control, she's a little meaner, a bit rougher, but sometimes, he needs that too. sometimes he just likes to watch the two of them, see Cass call Babs mommy while she's crying and begging for anything. it's carnal and just fascinating to watch, even if he doesn't get off to it. seeing how much they love each other and how much they love him makes his head spin, because being with Bruce was nothing like this. Bruce rarely talks about his feelings, rarely said he loved Dick. meanwhile Cass and Babs will say it about a dozen times a day. maybe it's manipulative, but they make it sound so genuine, he can't bring himself to care. and Cass is pleased Dick is finally giving him, letting himself be loved. Babs is pleased to have control of both Dick and Cass. all of them are getting something out of it so really, what's there to complain about?
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 days
I think the Robins need to be chained together by collars more.
Messily making out, feeling the other's heat, etc etc.
Maybe while blindfolded.
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 days
bruce and alfred: *thinking they managed to tag team jason into staying the night at the manor* 🤡
tim: *just existing as tantalizing eye candy for jason* 😒
jason: 😏
help i love this i'm cackling-
i think it's funnier if Tim also doesn't know and half the fun for Jason is getting to stare down Tim and make Tim wonder what on earth is going through Jason's head. he'd probably assume it's an intimidation tactic, or Jason thinking about all the ways he wants to kill Tim. it's delightful miscommunication of Tim being wary around Jason, always expecting a fight. and Jason damn well knows it, but he does nothing to correct Tim's assumption. He likes seeing Tim tense and ready to throw hands at a moment's notice. Jason just likes seeing what Tim is capable of, knowing how dangerous the little rich kid is. he wants to see how long he can stare before Tim breaks and asks him what his problem is.
and of course, Bruce, Alfred, and Dick are obvious. Cass is curious but not interfering because she just wants to see where this goes. Bruce is so caught up in the happiness of Jason finally playing nice for once pulling his punches and being willing to listen to Bruce that he's overlooking the obvious tension. Jason hasn't actually hurt Tim yet, so Bruce can't get mad for a little staring. he reminds Tim to just not sink to Jason's level.
when Tim does break and he does call Jason out for it, Jason just makes a lewd comment. just to throw Tim off and see how Tim reacts. it sends Tim sputtering and doubting Jason. he calls Jason's bluff and well. we all know how that ends.
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 days
“how else am i supposed to learn if you don’t punish me?” from the ask game is stuck in my head but i’m not sure who it would fit🤔maybe something with bruce and someone else IDK just whoever you think it would fit best
send a quote and a ship and i'll write a short fic!
okay okay i know you said Bruce, but i just did a BruJay fill for this same prompt *and* we were talking about JeanTim the other day and i felt this fit so fit them well, so i offer you 2k JeanTim with flowery writing and religious imagery instead and sincerely hope you enjoy <3
Jean-Paul didn’t deserve forgiveness.
Not from Bruce, not from Gotham, not from a single soul he’d hurt. He understood that better than anyone. So he didn’t seek out apologies. The only place he looked for penance was in his prayers, and even there, he understood.
He didn’t deserve forgiveness from God either.
So when Tim Drake started visiting Jean-Paul, he didn’t understand.
He didn’t understand Tim’s gentle smile and the warm food he brought with him for every visit. Not when Jean-Paul could still remember what Tim’s throat felt like, with his hand wrapped around it trying to choke the life out of him.
Sometimes, in his dreams, Jean-Paul could feel a phantom pulse underneath his fingertips.
It always woke him up in a cold sweat, panting and clawing at his own throat, as if he was the one being choked out.
Like now. Where Jean-Paul bolted upright in bed, feeling two heartbeats throb against his skin.
This was the price of his crimes. He was being punished justly, something he needed. Jean-Paul was not forsaken by God. He was simply being punished for his sins.
A hand wrapped around Jean-Paul’s arm and he jumped, pulling back with a gasp.
For a moment, he was convinced he was hallucinating.
The ghastly image of Robin was crouched on the small nightstand Jean-Paul was given, looking down at him. The shadows cast over his face made him look more nightmare than reality. The silhouette his body projected onto the wall was almost that of an angel, arching and beautiful in an intangible way. He was saying something, but the words didn’t reach Jean-Paul, through his panic. It sounded like speaking in tongues, wordless hisses that ran circles around his tortured mind.
He deserved this, he reminded himself.
These nightmares were his penance.
“Jean-Paul!” The voice got stronger and Jean-Paul gasped, skittering backward on his bed.
“You…” Jean-Paul stumbled over his words, “you’re real?” He pressed his hand against his chest to feel it rapidly beat like it was trying to escape his body.
The figure crawled off the nightstand and sat on Jean-Paul’s bed, still holding his arm. “I was just patrolling the area and decided to check in on you. Sorry if I scared you.” A gloved thumb stroked his clammy skin while a far more human-sounding voice spoke.
Jean-Paul swallowed. he sucked in lungfuls of air, trying to calm himself.
He had been Batman, once. And now he was a broken shell of a man, startled by a teenager in bright colors and a cape.
“Why?” Jean-Paul asked, his voice breaking on the word.
Tim shrugged. “To make sure you’re doing okay.” He sounded so calm about it, genuinely caring about Jean-Paul.
Something Jean-Paul didn’t deserve.
Jean-Paul shook his head before resting it in his hands. “After everything I’ve done to you, you shouldn’t…” his words trailed off. He stared at the ground and tried not to imagine blood seeping up from the floorboard to drown him in his crimes.
“Jean,” Tim’s voice was so gentle and loving. It forced Jean-Paul to look up and into soft blue eyes as Tim took off his mask. “I’ve forgiven you for that.”
“You shouldn’t,” Jean-Paul said angrily, his voice getting stronger. He clenched his fists, resisting the urge to pull out his own hair. “I don’t deserve forgiveness. I should- I need to be punished.”
“You don’t-”
Jean-Paul lunged at Tim, fast enough to make him flinch. no matter how much the boy pretended he wasn’t afraid of Jean-Paul, that he had forgiven Jean-Paul, his first instinct was still to flinch. He was expecting violence.
Instead, Jean-Paul just grabbed Tim’s cape and clung to it, pressing his forehead against the R logo on Tim’s chest. “How else am I supposed to learn if you don’t punish me?”
A long, weary sigh came out of Tim. His hand stroked Jean-Paul’s hair. It was such a gentle touch that Jean-Paul didn’t deserve. It made his shoulders droop involentarily, body relaxing and leaning more on Tim.
“How do you think I should punish you?” Tim asked softly.
Jean-Paul’s shoulders shuddered. “I’m not sure.”
A soft kiss was pressed to Jean-Paul’s hairline.
“Don’t do that,” he hissed through clenched teeth.
“Why?” Tim pressed on. Always so many questions with him. Questions Jean-Paul could never answer. The words evaporated to smoke in his mouth when he tried to find them.
Why. Why did he commit his sins. Why did he need to be punished. Why couldn’t Tim show him affection.
Why did he feel like this?
“Because,” Jean-Paul choked on his own elegies. In confession, he’d been told that airing his deepest secrets took weight off his heavy heart. Was that why this confession was too thick to pry free from his throat. “You…”
“I know.”
Jean-Paul jerked away from Tim’s warmth. “You know?”
Tim dared to shrug at him. “I saw how you looked at me.”
“Is that why-” Jean-Paul stumbled over himself, cheeks burning with shame. “Why you come to visit me? Is this the punishment?” Taunting Jean-Paul. Reminding him of his own sinful lust for a teenager too young for him.
A beautiful body with a wicked smile that seemed to be made to tempt Jean-Paul.
“No.” Tim violently shook his head, leaning back a bit. “I’m checking in because I do care about you, Jean.” His lips pressed together into a thin line. “I worry about you. I’m not… trying to punish you for anything.” He gestured vaguely.
“That is why your kindness punishes me,” Jean-Paul said miserably. “I don’t deserve it. I can’t let myself enjoy it, even when it’s what I crave.”
“Okay.” Tim spoke in that tone he always used when he was deep in thought. He grabbed Jean-Paul by the shoulders and pulled him into Tim’s chest again.
“What are you doing?” Jean-Paul asked.
“I’m punishing you,” Tim said matter-of-factly.
Then, like the devil of lust himself, Tim used a gloved hand to push Jean-Paul’s face up toward his own.
And drenched in glowing moonlight, Tim kissed him.
His mouth was warm and sweet. Jean-Paul gasped, tasting sweet lip balm. His body kissed back at it’s own accord, pulling Jean-Paul along for the ride. It was like being Azrael. He lost all control but kept the sensation. Warm hands running up his arm and down his back. A tongue pressing into his mouth.
It was horrible. Jean-Paul’s soul thrashed inside of him, turning his blood ice cold and making his hands shake. He didn’t deserve this. This pleasure, this need that tried to burn him alive from the inside couldn’t melt the frigid guilt encasing Jean-Paul.
But oh, it was wonderful.
It made him dizzy and lost in the moment. When he breathed in, it was the air from Tim’s lungs he stole.
Tim’s pulse under Jean-Paul’s fingers.
So familiar. Like a lost limb returning to his body.
When had he wrapped his palm around Tim’s throat?
Gentle, but possessive. Tim made no move to remove the hand. It was like he wasn’t even afraid of Jean-Paul.
The kiss broke and Jean-Paul swallowed, his blood roaring in his ears.
“I don’t understand,” Jean-Paul’s voice was hoarse.
Tim cupped his face. Like he thought Jean-Paul was something that deserved to be held gently. “You want this. But you won’t let yourself have it. So it hurts having it, right?”
Hurt like a wound Jean-Paul couldn’t get to stop bleeding. He nodded feverishly.
“Then this is your punishment,” Tim continued. His voice was a guiding light at the end of a tunnel. It was hard to not immediately trust and follow. “It’s also how you learn you deserve to be loved.”
“I don’t want-” Jean-Paul couldn’t get his own lie out of his mouth.
He wanted this. He wanted Tim’s touch.
He wanted to claim Tim so no one else could have him. He had dreamt about it so often the fantasy practically felt like a memory.
But he didn’t deserve it. So the righteous part of Jean-Paul kicked and clawed inside his chest like a tortured animal.
A punished animal.
“Hm?” Tim prodded him to continue.
Jean-Paul pressed his forehead against Tim’s. “What if… I can’t control myself?” None of his fantasies were as gentle as the way Tim touched him.
It was coded into Jean-Paul’s DNA, the need for blood. Vengeance.
Tim gave him a smile that didn’t seem so soft, this time. “I know what I want, Jean.”
“You want-” Jean-Paul sputtered, “this? Me?”
“Call it a fetish.” Tim shrugged.
Jean-Paul balked. “Lust is a sin.”
“God can add it to my tab.” Tim laughed, a sound that tinkled like wind chimes swaying in a morning breeze.
Something beautiful and musical, inviting Tim in.
Maybe Tim really was a demon sent to lure him in, for his punishment.
The guilt of this would eat Jean-Paul alive. He’d probably only have more tormenting visions.
Good, the little voice in the back of his mind whispered. Good. He deserved that. That could be his penance.
His punishment.
“Okay,” Jean-Paul said softly. He moved on the bed, lifting a leg to cage Tim under his body. Tim’s suit had at least half a dozen weapons on it. If he wanted Jean-Paul off of him, he would’ve easily done it himself.
But he didn’t.
He went lax, fingers still buried in Jean-Paul’s hair.
Jean-Paul pressed kisses to Tim’s jaw, then his neck. With each one, he mentally said a prayer as penance.
This was a punishment. His body shook with anguish as he couldn’t stop himself from tasting more and more sweet skin.
When Jean-Paul bit down on Tim’s pulse point, tasting his heartbeat, a beautiful noise came out of him and he arched up into Jean-Paul. It made something feral in him snap, teeth burying into Tim’s skin until Jean-Paul could taste blood.
He had made so many people bleed. Now, he had to taste it. Taste the pain he so easily gave others. Feel the way Tim’s body twitched and jerked with a soft gasp.
Still, he didn’t push Jean-Paul away.
He was asking for this.
Begging for it, practically.
Tim needed Jean-Paul’s punishment as much as he did.
An inhumane growl tore out of Jean-Paul’s throat. His nails clawed at Tim’s suit. So much fabric between him and temptation.
Tim helped Jean-Paul out, pulling off pieces of the suit and letting them fall to the ground. With each piece, more and more weapons Tim could use to defend himself, if Jean-Paul went too far, fell out of reach.
They were past the point of no return when Tim was shirtless under Jean-Paul.
No wonder the Bible said Satan was beautiful. Hard muscles across a slim figure. Pale skin that looked like it could barely contain the sin inside.
He watched Tim’s chest rise and fall with his breaths. Slow, but deep. The blood from where Jean-Paul had bitten Tim was starting to drip down his chest, painting him filthy with Jean-Paul’s desire. It was so beautiful Jean-Paul couldn’t move for a moment, just staring.
Jean-Paul whispered one final prayer.
And he descended upon his ruin.
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 days
look the bats deserve nice things
and that nice thing is a 3 hr long argument about the appropriate-ness of their relationships with each other and a migraine💖
CORRECT. Bruce and Jason have a long argument while Dick tries to avoid Tim's glare. everytime Bruce tries to bring up a supposedly valid concern about Jason and Tim's relationship, Jason just asks Bruce again exactly how old Dick was when they met. neither of them get anywhere in the argument bc neither of them will bother giving a straight answer to what are genuine questions.
meanwhile Dick is questioning how much apologizing it's going to take for Tim to forgive him and not hack his phone to make it do something embarrassing. Tim will hack his phone anyway. no one wins in the end. they all have migraines.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
au - tim sneaking out of jason's room one night at the manor and accidentally locking eyes with dick who is sneaking out of bruce's room at the exact same time, breakfast is very awkward the next morning
(i did think of having it be jason instead of tim but honestly jason has 0 shame and even less issue outing himself if it means fucking with bruce and, to a lesser extent, dick)
i'm cackling I love these types of things so much. they're so silly. sometimes we deserve mindless crack for these ships. have a *very* low effort ficlet bc this just makes me snort, enjoy <3
Dick closed Bruce's door as quietly as he could. Usually, he didn't have to sneak around when he slept with Bruce. But the temporary room Bruce had given Jason in the manor was just down the hall, and Dick didn't feel like looking Jason in the eye if he walked out of Bruce's bedroom in the morning at the wrong time.
Just because he was pretty sure Jason knew, didn't mean he needed confirmation and confrontation.
Dick had almost caved to staying in bed with Bruce when Bruce tried to pull him back down, but he kept some level of wits about him, prying Bruce's arm off of him and giving him a final kiss on the cheek before heading for the door.
The one thing Dick did allow himself, though, was wearing one of Bruce's shirts instead of his own. It was a size too large on him but smelled safe and comforting. Dick breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the door latched silently. He let go of the handle, turning around to creep off to his own bedroom in another wing.
And found himself staring at another figure.
With all of the lights off and only faint moonlight streaming through the windows, Dick couldn't tell who it was, at first. His reaction was embarrassing no matter who it was, jumping nearly a foot backward and clutching a hand over his chest.
He was a goddamn vigilante. This was just embarrassing.
The other person wasn't nearly as shocked as Dick, but they stood perfectly still, staring with wide eyes that faintly reflected what little light illuminated their face. Dick squinted, leaning forward to see who it was.
"Tim?" Dick hissed, trying to keep his voice to a whisper. Bruce had fallen asleep and if Dick woke him up now, he was never going to get the stubborn bastard back to bed.
Tim, still looking like a deer in headlights, just blinked at Dick.
"What are you doing up this late?" Dick asked. They'd all agreed to take tonight's patrol off, letting Babs, Helena, Dinah, and Zinda handle it in exchange for tackling the massive human trafficking ring in the morning with fresh eyes and cleared heads. The job was the only thing that had gotten Jason to agree to work with them in the first place. Bruce barely managed to strong-arm Jason into sleeping in the manor, with a decent amount of guilting from Alfred.
Jason, who was in the room only a few feet away from Dick. The room that Tim's hand was resting on the doorknob of.
"That's Jason's room," Dick said slowly.
Tim just nodded. "I know." He wasn't whispering like Dick was, but his tone remained impossible to read.
He just saw Dick walk out of Bruce's room. Had he put it together? It was Tim, after all. if he hadn't yet, Dick assumed he only had a couple minutes before it dawned on Tim.
"What were you doing in Jason's room?" Dick frowned. If he focused on Tim, it could keep the focus off of him for as long as possible. Dick tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating.
Tim's expression was hard to make out in the dark. "We were talking about the case." Still, his tone remained entirely neutral.
Too neutral, for Tim.
"At two am?"
"Well, what were you doing?" Tim huffed slightly when he said it, folding his arms over his chest.
He was shirtless, Dick just realized.
Shirtless and coming out of Jason's room.
"I was-" Dick stumbled over his words, choking as he tried to come up with an alibi. "We were talking about the-"
"I already used that excuse, pick your own," Tim deadpanned. Dick was pretty sure he also rolled his eyes. "I've known about you and Bruce for years, you know. You don't have to pretend."
The noise that came out of Dick's throat was almost as mortifying as the realization that not only did Jason likely know, but so did Tim.
"It... okay it has not been years," Dick's face was hot and he was glad it was too dark for Tim to see his blush. "I mean- it's been a while but not years-"
"Whatever you say." Tim shrugged, sounding unconvinced. "There have been feelings between you two for years, close enough for me."
If Dick died, right here, in this hallway in front of Bruce's door, he hoped the cause of death would be put down as homicide instead of natural causes. Because every word from Tim's mouth made another piece of Dick die inside, just a little.
"It's none of your business either way." Dick tried to stand up straight to sound more in control of the situation, clearing his throat.
"Trust me, I don't want it to be my business."
Dick would've laughed, if this was happening to anyone but him.
"What about... you and Jason?" Dick asked carefully.
Tim shifted on his feet. "What about it? I told you, we were talking about the case."
"Right." It was Dick's turn to roll his eyes. "In his bedroom, at two am, without your shirt?"
Tim stared at Dick for a long, torturous moment. A moment that made Dick agree with Tim, about not wanting to know any sordid details.
"I'm going to bed," Tim said suddenly, turning away from Dick. "Goodnight."
Dick had a thousand more questions he wanted to ask. How Tim and Jason even got together, when it happened. Last Dick knew, they could barely stand to be in the same room.
But Tim was walking away at an alarmingly brisk pace and Dick just sighed. He was too tired and mortified about his own secrets to chase Tim down for an impromptu interrogation that would just end up embarrassing them both more.
Maybe it was best for Dick's sanity if he didn't know the specifics.
Dick didn't consider how awkward it would be until he was standing in the kitchen, staring at Jason bent over a cup of coffee.
Did Jason know Dick knew? It didn't seem like he did, but he had always had a good poker face.
When Tim ambled into the kitchen and grabbed overnight oats from the fridge, he didn't even look at Dick. He seemed to be pointedly avoiding it, sitting as far away from Dick as he could at the oversized dining room table.
All while Dick couldn't seem to stop staring.
"Your cereal is going to get soggy," Jason muttered, and it took Dick a moment to realize Jason was talking to him. "At least eat it before trying to explode my head with your mind, or whatever your staring problem is."
"I'm not-" Dick stuttered. he shut himself up with a mouthful of cereal when Cass gave him an odd look.
Would she be able to figure it out just from his body language?
Dick had never fully understood the lengths her ability to read people could go. he looked away from her and stared at a random spot on the table, trying to eat at a normal pace.
Bruce was the last to wander into the kitchen. He squeezed Dick's shoulder as he walked by, making Dick jump. It was an innocent enough touch that no one would question, but all Dick could think about was the brief look from Tim before he quickly averted his eyes again.
The silence around the table was going to eat Dick alive. He started eating cereal faster.
"Oh for fuck's sake," Jason broke the tension, throwing his head back and slamming an empty mug down onto the table. "Everyone knows you two are fucking, alright?" He gestured between Dick and Bruce. "Stop being so goddamn weird about it, you're acting like there's a bomb in the room."
Bruce choked on his coffee. "Jason." He tried to sound reprimanding, but his voice was a few octaves too high.
Dick threw his hands in the air. "I knew you knew about that, but I didn't know about you and Tim until last night so excuse me for feeling a little awkward."
"You didn't know about what?" Bruce nearly yelled, spinning around to face Jason.
"Damnit, Dick!" Tim groaned, putting his head in his hands.
Jason just scoffed, pointing a fork at Bruce. "Oh don't even give me that self-righteous bullshit-"
Their argument went back and forth while Tim just rubbed his temples, muttering to himself and glaring at Dick.
Worst of all, Dick was pretty sure Cass was giggling next to him under her covered mouth.
Dick just sighed and ducked his head, dutifully waiting for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
So much for his breakfast.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
okay i was asked for fic recs regarding my post about red hood acquiring timbin through various means and i searched and searched through ao3 and didnt manage to find the couple of slash fics that i thought existed?? it could be that i missed them or they were deleted, but if anyone knows of any pls pls pls send them to me!!! i will love you forever
but i would remiss not to add @necrotic-nephilim's fic where black mask gifts timbin to red hood and they both get a little too into it (HERE)
i originally thought id also link all the platonic fics i could find that fit the premise but none of them rly have the same vibes that the slash would have, i think i will still reread them all over the next few days and ill come back and add them if i think theyre close enough lmao
but as it stands for slash the closest i could find is a red hood/red robin fic with a similar premise
Docile by Extrication - rated E, completed at 2,612 words
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
For the ask game
How do you think the rest of the bats would react to a truth serum ridden tim and dick being forced by bruce to reveal every secret they kept from them, the SA, ra's, potential timdick relationship, whatever you wanna add, maybe even a dead dove past spadick relationship
for the ask game!
ooooh, i love good ol truth serum confessions and all their potential, especially for Dick and Tim. this is so fun.
so the thing with truth serums and the Batfam is obviously, they've all been trained to withstand that sort of thing bc Bruce's training leaves no stone unturned. which means it'd take a particularly strong serum to get the truth to come out. if Tim and Dick are dating and they both get drugged, they're thinking the same thing: they do *not* one to be the one to accidentally say it. i think it's fun if Dick accidentally says it, bc he got too possessive over the idea of being separated from Tim bc the serum is making his whole mental state vulnerable. Bruce would want to separate them because he knows they're both likely to say things they'll regret, so it just seems like the answer that lets them keep their dignity bc of course he doesn't know. so Bruce tells Cass to take Tim to another room to let the effects wear off and Dick is immediately explosive and it's the first truth to come tumbling out. he goes on the defense about it, insisting Tim was of age when things started to happen and Tim can't stop from adding his own comments about how young he was when his crush on Dick started. it's just a two-sided word vomit while everyone else listens. unsure of what to do and Bruce is just trying to get them to shut up bc Dick is starting to go into slightly too much graphic detail. but of course, Bruce is skeptical and concerned about the relationship. he can't stop himself from asking a couple questions.
in a desperate attempt to divert the conversation, i think TIm would bring up his time with Ra's. he wants to protect Dick from the scrutiny Bruce is putting him under and his only thought is to put the attention on himself. he admits to the dirty details about what he did, while working with Ra's. everyone vaguely knew he worked with Ra's briefly, but they had no idea the extent it went to. what Tim did, what he allowed Ra's to do. i'd go full fucked up and include all of Ra's' manipulation that Tim never fully actualized. having it in the open means other people seeing just how badly Ra's fucked Tim up in ways Tim didn't even realize. even Dick is concerned. he can tell how uncomfortable Tim is about it. so he mentions Liu, the woman who groomed him when he was a teenager and how similar the experiences sound on paper bc well, Dick can't stop himself from telling the truth about what's on his mind. it becomes an awkward feedback loop of Tim and Dick confessing their worst trauma and no one knows what to do about it.
and of course, the height of it: Dick admits to his relationship with Slade before he and Tim got together. Dick admits he had real feelings for Slade, admits sometimes he even misses Slade and has thought about dating Tim and Slade at the same time. that's when Bruce does decide to actually separate them so they can wait out the serum in privacy. because the look on Tim's face is one no one can handle. by the next day, Dick and Tim are fine, but everyone's walking on eggshells. even Dick and Tim can't figure out how to face each other. they admitted a lot to each other they weren't ready to. sure, Tim had suspicions about Dick and Slade, but he knew better than to ask about it and was content to let it be an unspoken thing. he knows Slade gave Dick things that Tim can't, and now it's an insecurity on full display, for Tim. Cass quietly asks Tim how he's feeling about everything, makes sure that his relationship with Dick really has been a healthy one. they talk about Ra's, all of it. on Dick's side, it's Babs who talks to him about all of it. they're difficult conversations because all in all, no one knows how to react to it all. they can't really *stop* Dick and Tim from dating, no matter how concerning it sounds as a relationship. and getting onto Dick for dating Slade years ago in a way that was definitely unhealthy seems equally useless when Dick is just as aware how unhealthy that relationship was. he was with Slade when he was at his lowest and Slade too advantage of how young and traumatized Dick was. DIck doesn't crave Slade, per se, he just craves someone swooping in to listen to his feelings and fuck him brainless. but Tim doesn't know how to address it, so for a while, they're avoiding each other.
eventually, Dick and Tim have to face each other. their conversation is awkward and stilted. they mostly knew each other's secrets, but some things were even hidden from each other. Dick never admitted how far things with Liu went. Tim never admitted Ra's likely groomed him. it's clear their relationship is defined by their past traumas. they love each other, but neither of them are the best at it. it doesn't help that now, they have the eyes of the Batfam on their relationship. everytime Dick and Tim are together, they know someone is looking at them. Bruce doesn't send them on missions together anymore. Dick is called to help in Gotham less and less often. they can both feel the unspoken disapproval. it's mostly avoided because everyone is more worried about everything else. Bruce is going after Ra's, Steph and Babs go after Slade. neither Tim or Dick like being treated like victims who have to be saved. it's a specific uncomfortable kind of vulnerability where they understand it, but these are things they don't want to face in the first place. that's really the worst part of it all in general: the vulnerability. if there's one thing the Bats like, it's bottling up their feelings/trauma to protect themselves. and now Tim and Dick are known by everyone else in a way that's entirely one-sided and it puts a strain on a lot of relationships. there's unwanted pity and conversations. especially when most of this trauma is pretty old news, it feels like tearing open old wounds. for a while, Dick isolates himself from the Batfamily, staying in Bludhaven most of the time. Tim also tries to pull away emotionally, almost falling to the same spiral that led him to being manipulated by Ra's in the first place.
eventually, things balance back out for some semblance of normal. it takes a breaking point of Tim lashing out for Bruce to finally understand that trying to push Tim and Dick away from each other is bad for them. everyone's still questionable about the relationship, but if it makes them happy, they accept the grey area it falls into. Tim and Dick still don't ever fully talk about the Slade thing. and if Tim is particularly violent the next time he fights Slade, it's not like anyone has to know why. Dick and Tim end up closer than before, almost codependently so. they're both just a little afraid of being ripped away from each other again by overprotective family. it leads to some possessive behavior, but it's a quirk everyone deals with.
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
"How else am I supposed to learn if you don't punish me?" With Jason x Bruce ship pls 🙏
send a quote and a ship and I'll write a short fic!
fucked up BruJay my beloved. this is. honestly more emotional whump than physical and the romance is implied, but i do like this piece a lot, even if i struggled with it a bit. have 2.2k of Bruce and Jason struggling to get along. enjoy <3
Sometimes, Jason did it on purpose.
He knew Bruce’s patrol route better than anyone. Which was by design. Jason wanted to know where Bruce was, what he was doing, and who he was doing it with at all times. And really, Bruce didn’t seem to be stopping Jason from keeping tabs. None of Jason’s carefully placed trackers were removed, and Jason knew better than to assume Bruce had lost his touch. Bruce knew they were there, and he knew they were Jason’s.
So if Jason wanted to avoid Bruce, he knew how to do it. And when he really did want to get work done under Bruce’s nose, it was easy for Jason to dance around Bruce’s schedule and send him tail spinning just trying to keep up with Jason.
But some days, Jason didn’t want to avoid Bruce. He wanted the thrill of the chase.
So he got caught on purpose.
He picked a gang on the side of town Bruce always patrolled at this hour. He used the loudest guns he had with no silencers. He started the messiest brawl he could.
And he waited.
Jason didn’t have to wait long.
Like it always was with Bruce, the entrance was dramatic. Shattering glass as a large form with an unfurled cape descended from the skylight. Jason smiled under his helmet.
There were already at least half a dozen dead. The rest were running around like ants, either trying to get away from Jason or futilely trying to fight him.
“You’re late!” Jason shouted over his shoulder. He dodged a batarang thrown in his general direction. “I expected you to get here at least five minutes earlier.”
“Robbery a block away,” Bruce said brusquely. He turned to a few gang members with tire irons and shivs lifted, ready to charge Jason. “Run. Now.”
They didn’t need to be told twice.
Jason raised his gun to shoot one. He wasn’t particular about who he picked. He knew it didn’t matter. The bullet wouldn’t actually hit them.
Because just on time as Jason squeezed the trigger, a batarang buried into his hand. He swore and dropped the gun.
“Enough, Hood,” Bruce said coldly.
Jason smiled under his mask. “Someone’s gotta clean up this city.” He lunged for another thug.
Bruce’s body was like a battering ram, slamming into Jason. He was heavy enough to knock the wind out of Jason, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Jason groaned, trying to throw Bruce off of him. When that didn’t work, he went for his belt, grabbing his kris dagger and flipping it around.
“Do you hold any value for human life?” Bruce demanded. He grabbed Jason’s wrist and pinned it against the ground. “These aren’t supervillains, they’re normal people down on their luck-”
Before Bruce could finish talking, one of the gang members bashed him over the head with a wooden plank. Bruce’s cowl was reinforced, but the little bastard had managed to hit hard enough to snap the plank clean in half. A grunt was forced out of Bruce and his whole body buckled.
Now that was just rude. Bruce was Jason’s meat, not some stupid punk’s. Possessive jealousy flared through Jason, watching Bruce wince in pain to a wound Jason didn’t give him.
“Yeah, they seem real grateful to their savior,” Jason sneered. He threw Bruce off of him and grabbed the gang member. A wiry thing, probably still a teenager. Jason twisted them around to hold his dagger against their throat with his fingers buried into their hair, holding them still. A horrified noise came out of them. Not that Jason particularly cared. He wasn’t the one stupid enough to try beaning Batman with some plywood.
Bruce was on one knee, looking up at Jason. “Don’t.” His fingers twitched toward his utility belt.
“You can’t stop me,” Jason taunted, pressing the blade against tender flesh until the person was squirming in his grasp and blubbering out incoherent pleas for mercy. “Hands where I can see ‘em, B.”
If Jason was anyone else, Bruce would’ve stopped him by now. A quick flick of his wrist to hit Jason with a tranq dart, was how he guessed Bruce would do it.
But he wasn’t just some rogue. He was Jason. And that made Bruce go still, actually listening to Jason’s demands.
“You’re just doing this for attention,” Bruce said carefully, keeping his whole body tense, but not moving it. “Let them go.”
“It’s working.” Jason shrugged, adjusting his hold on the stranger. “So can you blame me?”
“There are other ways to do it without-” Bruce briefly looked around the room at the bodies littered everywhere- “casualties. And innocent hostages.”
“Innocent?” Jason laughed. He turned to address the person he was holding. “Do you think you’re innocent? Why don’t you tell the Batman where these drugs were getting funneled.”
“I don’t- please, I just help packaging- I didn’t-”
Jason huffed in annoyance. “I’ll tell him for you. The middle school down the street. And if there was extra supply, the youth center just around the corner from it too. You remember that youth center don’t you, B? I slept there sometimes as a kid. It was warmer than the streets.”
Bruce’s mouth faintly twitched. His jaw was set. Jason could see him grappling with the rage of knowing exactly who these low lives were dealing to, while still wanting to tell Jason off for all the ugly murder.
How contradictory that nasty little moral code of his could be.
“Let them go,” Bruce spoke slowly, “and we’ll work together to figure out how-”
“Oh don’t even pretend,” Jason laughed. “Don’t pretend you would work with me for a second.”
“Let them go,” Bruce repeated. He seemed to pointedly avoid admitting to Jason’s point.
Jason let out a long hum like he was thinking about it. “I don’t know. What’s one more to my body count?” He started to press the blade.
Bruce moved inhumanely fast. He kicked up, knocking the knife out of Jason’s hand without hitting the gang member. His hands went for Jason’s throat and he managed to get Jason back on the ground. The gang member ran off, footsteps echoing until they were gone while Jason and Bruce grappled, trading punches and kicks until Bruce managed to pin Jason down. Blood was pouring from Jason’s nose and Bruce had human claw marks across his cheek.
Rough. Animalistic. Just the way Jason liked it.
“Why do you do this?” Bruce spoke through grit teeth. “Why do you make me do this?”
“Like you said,” Jason grunted, trying to twist out from Bruce. “I like the attention.” His struggles only got him pinned harder. Bruce forced Jason facedown against the concrete, with an arm twisted behind his back. Jason’s helmet was torn off and tossed to the side.
“I never want to hurt you,” Bruce actually sounded choked up about it. “Why do you have to take it too far every time?”
Jason would give anything to see his face, right now.
“Maybe I want you to hurt me,” Jason said. He looked at his hand resting against the concrete, blood still pouring out of the wound the batarang left. it was a bright, pulsing pain that danced across his reality, making his blood sing. He hoped it would scar. Another to add to the collection of ones he’d goaded Bruce into giving him.
“Why?” Bruce’s voice broke on the word. It was an ironic thing. How badly Bruce wanted to show Jason his mercy. His gentle side. And how badly Jason wanted Bruce’s violence. He wanted Bruce to fight Jason until Bruce’s knuckles were bloody and Jason was barely conscious. He wanted to feel Bruce’s violence down to the marrow.
Jason craned his head back to look at Bruce and smiled. “How else am I supposed to learn if you don’t punish me?”
Bruce stared. For a long moment, he was silent. Jason listened to his breathing like a lifeline. “You don’t actually believe that.” his voice was soft and laced with something that sounded dangerously close to concern.
Sentimental bastard.
“No,” Jason admitted. “We both know I’ll never learn.”
To prove his point, Jason grabbed a stray piece of glass from the ground and stabbed it into one of the weak spots on Bruce’s armor. It made Bruce’s grip loosen enough for Jason to roll free and try to kick Bruce in the face.
Bruce wasn’t fighting him. He only blocked Jason’s blows, and even then, let some of them hit. It was like fighting a brick wall. Hard and unrelenting.
It was starting to piss Jason off.
“Don’t be afraid to hurt me now, Bruce,” Jason said through grit teeth, throwing another punch. It sailed uselessly over Bruce’s shoulder when Bruce easily dodged.
“No.” Bruce’s expression was unreadable under his mask. “I’m not playing your game, Jason.”
“Damnit!” Jason could feel his anger threatening to take control. He kicked Bruce hard in the shin, forcing the man to his knees. Jason ripped Bruce’s cowl off. He wasn’t stopped by Bruce. Hard blue eyes stared up at him. Practically emotionless. “I know you hate me. I know you’re itching to rip my head off for…” Jason spread his arms, gesturing to all the bodies. “For this! For everything I’ve done.”
Bruce shook his head, hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. “I don’t hate you, Jason. I could never-” He doubled over when Jason’s knee connected with his stomach.
“Well you definitely don’t love me,” Jason snapped, ice dripping from his tone. “If you did… if you loved me, you would let me have this.”
“Killing people?”
“Hurting me,” Jason corrected. He snatched his kris off the floor from where it’d fallen to. He stared at the blade. “I’m sick of your pacificism. I’m sick of you pretending you don’t crave hurting someone and pretending to be someone you’re not.”
“I’ve never pretended,” Bruce looked at Jason through careful, hooded eyes. “That want… that need has always been a part of me. I take too much pleasure in hurting people. Pleasure in believing they deserve it.” He studied Jason for a moment. “I never wanted it to consume you the way it consumes me. Because I know it’s something you can’t come back from, once it takes root.”
Jason hated it when Bruce waxed poetic. It was a whole lot of bullshit that meant nothing to Jason. It did nothing to fight the roar of rage building in Jason’s chest.
“Do you want to hurt me?” Jason asked.
He needed Bruce to say yes.
He knew Bruce wouldn’t.
Even if it was the truth. Which now, Jason wasn’t so sure.
Bruce was silent. He didn’t give Jason any answer, not even a change in expression. Bruce just pushed himself to his feet and looked at his cowl that Jason was still holding.
“I love you, Jason,” Bruce said. He grabbed the cowl, but Jason didn’t let go. “I want to help you. Please let me help you in any other way that’s not… this.” Bruce’s thumb brushed over the still bleeding gash on Jason’s hand.
Jason tightened his grip on the cowl. “I’m not giving you the free pass to sleep easy at night,” he hissed. “You can’t take back any of the scars you’ve given me. And we both know sooner or later, there will be new ones.”
Bruce tore the cowl out of Jason’s hand. Before putting it on, he started to reach out for Jason’s face, but seemed to think against it, hand abruptly dropping. He opened his mouth to say something. An apology, probably.
A muffled, crackly voice came from inside the cowl. A police scanner, by the sounds of it. Jason only caught the words bomb threat and hostages.
So much for Bruce’s attention.
“Come with me?” Bruce offered, pulling his cowl on.
Jason shook his head. “You know you don’t want me there.”
“I always want you-” Bruce cut himself off, seeming to realize how dangerously vulnerable his words were. “The offer to come to me will always be open, Jason. You know that.”
Jason’s fist curled and his blood dripped onto the concrete. “Go to hell.”
Like that, the intimacy was gone. Bruce put his emotional mask back on to go with his physical one and turned heel, walking away. Jason just watched him go, some part of him foolishly waiting for Bruce to turn back and say something. Anything. He could get any other hero to handle the bomb threat. He could spare Jason just a few more moments of arguing and fighting. Maybe even something more.
But of course, he didn’t.
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 days
Weekly Batman/DC Fic Recs (4)
This week I've mostly read fics focused on strong emotions. We have Jason and Tim hatefucking during the Battle for the Cowl and Jason being insecure about his relationship with Slade. There's also a funny Slade and Dick neighbors AU, an outsider's perspective on Jason's return to the land of living, and a Tim and Lois Lane team up. The last one is a fantastic Stephanie-centric oneshot dealing with families, murder, and grief. Hope you enjoy the recs <3
you cut so deep (but i always loved you deeper) by Anonymous Going after Jason was a bad idea. Putting on a Batsuit to go after Jason was an even worse idea. Tim pays the price for it, bloody and trapped under Jason with nowhere to go, and unspoken feelings to confront. He was always going to submit to Jason, sooner or later.
Tim confronts Jason during Battle for the Cowl, but their fight ends much differently.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | DCU (Comics) | Tim Drake/Jason Todd
a night of revelations by Tauria Jason knows Slade would rather be with Dick.
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, DCU, DCU (Comics) | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
and i’ll pull your hedge down by wingdingery After Jason’s death, Dick finds himself in Blüdhaven, trying, for just a moment, to take a break from the world.
His new neighbors don’t make that easy for him.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics) | Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson & Rose Wilson
the public return of Jason Todd by ArbitraryCategories Various times when someone cared that Jason had come back from the dead (and maybe murdered some people along the way).
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types | Gotham City & Jason Todd, Gotham City Residents & Jason Todd
A Bat and a Reporter Break Into a Warehouse by HMSLusitania “I know what charismatic megafauna are,” Lois interrupts.
She doesn’t say get to the point, Drake, but Tim’s pretty sure he can feel her thinking it.
“Right, well, fun fact, although there’s been various charitable efforts to replace the pipes in all residential buildings, Gotham sewers have the largest collection of lead infrastructure in the United States still to this day because there are large, angry, violent and occasionally cannibalistic, depending on how much you go along with the line at which something transhuman becomes not human anymore, things down here. And it’s easiest to just…”
“Uncharismatic megafauna, yeah, great,” Lois says, exhaling. “Lead infrastructure?”
“Yep!” Tim says.
Lois sighs, annoyed but not particularly frightened. “Well, I think we’re probably going to be late to dinner.”
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics), Action Comics (Comics) | Tim Drake & Lois Lane, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
yeah, dad, maybe no one is perfect by Luvo There’s the sound of a grappling hook hissing and light feet landing on the platform. “Hey, Batman,” Robin says. “What’s—uh. What’s happening?”
Stephanie laughs louder. Above her, Batman looks over her head, face grim. “We’re not taking in the Cluemaster,” he says.
“Yeah, I figured. He’s, um. Dead, and all. What—oh. Did she…”
Stephanie swallows her laughter, taking a breath to steady herself. “Yeah,” she says through a smile, “I pushed him. I killed him.”
“Right,” Robin says. “Okay. So, do we…” He looks helplessly at Batman and asks, “What do we do now?”
It's a story about murder, it's a story about motive, it's a story about mommy issues. Or: Stephanie Brown kills her dad!
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) | Crystal Brown & Stephanie Brown, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 days
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TimJay featuring tall Tim uwu
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 days
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 days
What do think about dick/talia
so Talia is one of those tricky characters for me where i read all the wrong content for her to begin with.so for the longest time i had a piss poor understanding of her and i'm still trying to. rectify that, Grant Morrison when i catch your ass-
but i do have a newfound love for her and i think she and Dick have an interesting relationship. bc they can't stand each other. so i do see the potential for shipping them! i wouldn't say it's a ship i seek out to would ever personally write, but if a fic/art/concept using the ship was top-notch, i would absolutely be into it.
bc there's a lot of fun stuff to play with for them. these two do not get along in canon and it always seems to be such a personal hatred, it's so funny. they dislike working together the rare times they do and tend to be at odds for the typical reasons you'd expect like morality and all. but they always seem to respect each other, which is the fun of it. i love an enemies to lovers situation that's rooted in respect. i think my favorite version of this ship would be the Pre-Crisis version, bc they just always seemed to have issues, usually fighting over Bruce. it's so antagonistic and i love that.
and of course, the fun of it is where Damian falls. because Talia and Dick are both parental to Damian, but clearly have wildly different opinions on what raising Damian should look like. so it'd cause interesting conflict if they were dating how they would be forced to find a middle ground and Damian's just. stuck in the middle. honestly Damian's reaction to their relationship could be fun in general, bc i do think it'd send him through all the stages of grief at once.
all in all, i think there's a ton of nuance that would make a really fun ship, whether you played it straight or took it in a dead dove direction. forcing these two together and seeing them slowly fall for each other is absolutely in character for both of them. tbh if Talia wasn't created to be Bruce's love interest, she and Dick probably would've kissed by now. they do always have an interesting tension when they're on page together. i could see Talia getting obsessed with Dick in a way- his purity, the way he's a virtuous light to the entirety of the hero community. how she would try to get him to see her side could be a lot of fun in a corruption kink sort of way. lots of potential for these two.
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 days
What do you think of alfred/bruce?
!!! good question, i love them so dearly.
shipping Bruce can get difficult when you want to put him in the position of submission. it's not impossible and there are characters you can make him submit (Clark and Diana are the obvious choices) but they're not characters who would any significant power over him, so for the fun of like, fucked up power play, unless you're doing something like an Injustice or Justice Lords AU, it's hard. so if you want to ship Bruce with someone who holds an implicit power over hi him and has the rare ability to tell him what to do, the answer is Alfred. which is just so fun.
because i personally really enjoy putting Bruce in a submissive role. it's a subversion of what you expect out of him, and subverts a lot of his key character traits. he's someone who *requires* control as a part of his personal regiment, part of his mission. he doesn't like to give it up, and he won't give it up to just anyone. when he does give it up, it's always conditional. the few times he gives someone like Dick control, he always takes it right back. Alfred is one of, if not the only person who has full control over Bruce. he can tell Bruce what to do, and Bruce will listen. it's still not perfect and Bruce will go against him, but largely, he can and will exert that control when he feels it's necessary. so that's so fun to play with romantically. especially with the aspect of him not only raising Bruce, but knowing Bruce practically his whole life. Alfred has just always Been There. he's a constant pillar.
and i had an interesting conversation with a mutual about how Alfred's life pretty much revolves around Bruce. Alfred will toss aside his own blood family (Julia) to prioritize Bruce. how Alfred behaves around the rest of the Batfam is defined by their relationship to Bruce and his love for them is often just an extension of his love for Bruce. it's complete devotion from Alfred, and if you make it romantic, it immediately borders on obsession. there's no. "healthy" version of this ship and that's the fun of it. especially if it's a Year One type era, where it's just the two of them. but it's also fun to introduce the rest of the Batfam and see their reactions to it. how long they take to notice, what they feel about it, etc.
these two are so intertwined in a very similar Batman/Robin way, in that most superhero spoofs have a butler for a reason- you just can't separate Bruce from Alfred unless you're willing to kill one of them off. we treat Alfred like this kindly old man who's just there to make tea and witty remarks, but in reality this man is a war vet who served in MI-5. he's rough around the edges in a way that if he and Bruce had met under any other circumstances, they likely wouldn't get along. Alfred has killed people in combat, he has no reason to believe in a no-kill rule and would see the flaws in it. but it's *Bruce*, a man he's been devoted to since the Waynes died. someone Alfred watched grow up.
if i were to personally write them together, i'd have them get together after Bruce leaves and trains for years. because who Bruce is when he leaves Gotham and who he is when he returns are two very different people. and Alfred still lives him wholly, but this isn't a traumatized boy anymore, this is a man who's systematically turned himself into a weapon. and so when Alfred agrees to help, it comes with a natural relationship that's complicated and has built-in fucked up power dynamics. Alfred is the one person who can get away with telling Bruce what to do, killing for Bruce, and taking care of him when he's emotionally vulnerable. there's a deep level of trust in all of that so i really love it and wish we had more of it. you can take it to the extreme dead dove end of things, or play with it in a more domestic sense and both. both are good.
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 days
"Can you two manage not to tear each other apart while I'm gone?"
Bruce, Jason, and Tim (With JayTim or maybe even BruJayTim)
send a quote and a ship and I'll write a short fic!
god, this one was so good. so, you get the catch-22 of this being a bit longer, 4.5k, but with the warning, i have not edited it so it might be a little rough. but the whole point of this is quick fun so! this is basically Tim and Jason trying to kill each other bc they're under the influence of a toxin. both have a relationship with Bruce and are mad about it. it does end in some short JayTim porn and an implied BruJayTim ending. you could argue dub-con, but it's mostly consensual. enjoy <3
Tim honestly would’ve preferred if it was fear toxin or Joker venom.
Those, he at least knew the tricks for dealing with. How to keep his heart rate down, how to focus and not give in to his body’s adrenaline response. And even if none of those failed, the worst of the fear toxin was just something Tim could wait out while playing distracting music.
This was different.
Anger was different.
“It looks like someone took Crane’s compound and modified it,” Bruce, the lucky bastard who had managed not to inhale the substance, was stood perfectly calm in front of the Batcomputer. “It’s difficult to tell though without a direct sample.”
“If you would just let me look at it maybe we could get somewhere,” Tim hissed through grit teeth, aiming a lethal scowl at Bruce. His nails were digging into his palm. He frowned and tried to take a break. “I’m sorry.”
Bruce looked over his shoulder at Tim with concern and pity. “Are you sure you don’t want to be tranquilized until I synthesize the cure?”
“Bruce, if you try to get close enough to tranq me, I’ll probably try to rip your larynx out with my teeth,” Tim said. The itch for violence sat right underneath his fingertips. He was desperate for it, already twitching at the thought.
Logic and reasoning were hard to hold onto. Every straight thought Tim had was immediately consumed by the fire of fury, burned into something unrecognizable.
Tim didn’t feel like himself when he was angry. That was the worst part. He never liked his anger before and now, it was the only part of him on display. An ugly and twisted thing.
“He could just shoot you with a tranq dart,” Jason said smoothly. “I’d pay to see it.”
Jason was also affected by the rage toxin, though compared to Tim, he looked barely bothered. His head was tilted back to rest against the back of his chair, eyes closed. Both hands were in his lap, fingers calmly laced. His hands were forced together by the same cuffs that Tim was also wearing. Tim had suggested the cuffs when he tried to claw out Bruce’s eyes because Bruce put a hand on his shoulder. Despite Jason’s lack of reaction, it was universally decided to also put Jason in the cuffs. The handcuffs were chained to the chairs Tim and Jason were sitting in, with at least six feet’s distance between them so they couldn’t try to grab each other.
Which Tim had done at least a half a dozen times by now.
“If you’re not going to have helpful input you can keep your goddamn mouth shut,” Tim snapped, holding himself still in the chair from trying to launch across the room again. His muscles were so tense from clenching them that he was starting to shake.
“Tim,” Bruce said softly, giving him a look. Bruce was perfectly fine if Tim snapped at him. But when Tim snapped at Jason, he got a stern reprimand.
Which only pissed Tim off more.
He didn’t understand how he was fine with Bruce sleeping with both of them now. The thought was ridiculously enraging, how he could allow Bruce to even be around Jason Todd. It usually didn’t bother Tim, and was one of the things Tim accepted about Bruce. The lack of monogamy.
But now? Staring at Jason’s smug face that Tim itched to break? It made Tim’s blood boil.
He was more important and useful to Bruce than Jason could ever be. And Tim didn’t have a pile of bodies on his ledger. He actually knew he to behave like a person and not a wild animal.
Ironic how they looked now, then.
Jason’s face split into a feral grin. He leaned forward. “Yeah, Tim,” his tone mocked the one Bruce used. “Let’s behave ourselves.”
Tim could see it in Jason’s eyes. How angry he was, how he was holding back everything that Tim couldn’t. His little show was a facade and Tim damn well knew it.
He wanted to rip Tim apart just as badly.
Now it was Jason who Bruce gave the look to. “This is easier for you to control than it is for him, Jason. Don’t try to provoke him.”
Tim hated how he was spoken about as if he wasn’t even there. Like he was some hapless child throwing a temper tantrum that Bruce was indulging, but sharing quiet whispers about with the real adults.
Like he thought Jason could control himself better than Tim just because Jason had experience with the Lazarus Pit, making him less susceptible to anger manipulation.
At least that was the working theory, currently. Jason’s working theory was simply that he was better than Tim. It was when he said that, that Tim suggested the handcuffs. He had enough of his wits left about him to know he’d sort of regret killing Jason Todd, no matter how badly he wanted to right now.
Jason just shrugged at Bruce’s words and relaxed back into his chair, crossing his legs. “He shouldn’t be so easily provokable then.”
“You know damn well-” Tim started.
“Timothy.” Bruce put a command in his voice that he rarely used with Tim. It made Tim straighten on instinct. The endless patience Bruce had was getting worn more and more thin with every jab and insult traded between Tim and Jason. He looked like he was at his wit’s end. “Don’t listen to him.”
A slow, deep breath did nothing to calm Tim’s nerves. He bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood and then resisted the urge to spit it at Bruce. “B, I love you, but you have no idea how hard this is. Especially around him of all people.”
The look that crossed Bruce’s face was pained. They always danced around the elephant in the room, that was Bruce accepting Jason back into the fold a little too quickly for everyone’s comfort. It was his soft spot showing. Even when Tim wasn’t under the influence of a drug he didn’t like it and had tried several times to warn Bruce that Jason was a lost cause.
It’d caused a lot of arguments on their best days. Weeks of not speaking to each other on their worst.
And because Tim was the dutiful partner, the loving Robin, he always gave in first. Bruce needed him. In some ways, romantically. But in most ways, Bruce just needed genuine companionship from someone who wasn’t batshit crazy and murdering drug lords like it was a sport. That was Tim’s job. A job he liked, even.
Not that he was too fond of it right now.
They both knew, deep down Bruce had desperate wants of Jason and Tim getting along. The soft comments Bruce made about how well Tim and Jason could work together in a hypothetical always held an unspoken meaning. It wasn’t actually about Tim working with Jason on the field. It was about the fantasy of them being in Bruce’s bed at the same time, loving each other the way they loved him.
That would happen over Tim’s cold, dead body.
“I know,” Bruce said quietly. He reached out for Tim, then seeing the look in Tim’s eye, seemed to think against it and pulled his hand back. It only made Tim angrier. Angry Bruce didn’t currently trust Tim to give him affection. Angry Bruce was right not to trust him. So goddamn angry that despite craving comfort, all Tim wanted to do was bite the hand that fed him. A frustrated growl came out of Tim’s throat and he kicked the ground.
“You know,” Jason drawled, studying Tim with his barely contained madness, “I’m glad for it, honestly. I was starting to think you didn’t have any bite in you at all, Drake. Least we all know what it takes for you to finally snap.”
Tim opened his mouth for a biting insult, but looked at Bruce. He took a deep breath. “I hope all this self-restraint you’re showing is a lesson you keep when all this is over. The last thing we need is for you to go on another murder rampage because someone hurt your feelings.”
Jason’s eyes flared. His hands curled into fists. “Oh, you have no idea the self-restraint I show. If you want to see on a real rampage I’ll fucking-”
“Enough!” Bruce slammed a hand on the console. He ran his hand over his face and sighed. “I have more files on fear toxin in my study I need to find.” Bruce looked between them, giving them both a hard stare. “Can you two manage not to tear each other apart while I’m gone?”
“Ask him,” Jason shrugged. He was trying to sound nonchalant again, but he spoke through grit teeth. “I’m just fine over here.”
Tim just held up his cuffed hands, showing where the chain ended, keeping him firmly connected to the steel chair. “I couldn’t go anywhere even if I wanted to.”
Bruce nodded. He passed one more look between the two of them. “I’ll be right back. We’ll figure this out, I promise.” Again, he looked like he wanted to reach out. To which of them, Tim wasn’t sure. probably both, which sent an involuntary wave of disgust through his body. If Bruce touched Jason in front of him, Tim was probably going to puke. Bruce turned on his heel and walked out of the cave. They both watched his figure slowly disappear from view.
Before Tim could even turn to Jason and say something, he was tackled to the ground by a blindingly fast and heavy human body.
“What the-” Tim started, raising his hands to protect his face when a fist tried to come down on it. “How the fuck-”
Jason was wearing a grin that had gone completely mad, in every definition of the word. He had easily pinned Tim to the ground, a knee on Tim’s chest. Jason’s hands were still cuffed together but somehow, he’d undone the chain connecting him to his chair. Which boded particularly poorly for Tim, who was still chained to his chair, giving his arms a limited range of movement to defend himself.
Of course, Jason had picked the lock without either of them noticing.
“Thought you were the smart one, Drake,” Jason sneered. His hands were forced together, so when he reached for his waist with one hand they both had to move away from Tim’s face. “You really fucking thought I’d willingly hand over all my weapons to Bruce in a room with you?” He pulled a small, switchblade out from under his waistband and flipped it open. “I wouldn’t have even if I wasn’t drugged.”
“I knew you were acting, you fucking bastard,” Tim snarled. He didn’t have a weapon. It had been his suggestion to hand all of them over to Bruce because Tim was trying to be reasonable.
He should’ve fucking known better. There was never any reasoning with Jason.
Tim still had his bare hands. He launched them toward Jason’s throat. They managed to curl around flesh, nails just starting to dig in, when Jason stabbed Tim in the hand. Tim yelled, yanking his hand away and taking the other one with it.
That was the other shitty part of the anger. It made pain harder to ignore.
“Had to convince Bruce it was okay to leave you alone with me,” Jason said, shrugging slightly. “Figured I would only get one chance.” He raised the knife and tried to bring it down on Tim’s face. Tim managed to stop him, getting the knife tangled in the chains. “For fuck’s sake.” Jason shifted his weight. He pulled the knife free and brought up his over leg, using it to pin down the chain under his boot. Without any slack, Tim’s hands were forced against the ground, tugging uselessly.
“I will rip you apart with my teeth if I have to,” Tim growled, trying to snap at Jason’s face to prove his point.
Jason easily dodged and laughed. “I’d like to see you try. Maybe It’ll make you interesting, for once.” He brought the knife down and held it to Tim’s throat. “Grayson, I could’ve understood. He’s a pretty guy. Got a good sense of humor on him. Even Gordon. I don’t like her, but I could’ve respected it.” Jason’s face twisted into an ugly look, staring down at Tim with utter contempt. “But you? I have to share Bruce with you of all people? My goddamn replacement? That’s just fucking insulting.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten yourself killed then,” Tim shot back. “You were easy to replace.”
“Yeah, provoke the guy with a knife to your throat,” Jason pressed the blade against Tim’s skin until a drop of blood was sliding down his adam’s apple. “I’ll show you what a dead Robin looks like.”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “You really think Bruce will forgive you for killing me?” He tugged at the chain as hard as he could. It still wasn’t budging. “He’d tear you apart.”
“Yeah, I really do,” Jason mocked Tim. He leaned in close enough for Tim to smell mint on Jason’s breath. “He always does. He’ll just blame it on the toxin. We both know he always forgives me no matter what I do.” His grin was a ghastly thing. “Can you say the same, Drake?”
Tim just growled. He headbutted Jason, not caring about the knife. If he was going to die, he would at least leave his mark.
Jason jerked back, rubbing his nose. Tim had hopefully broken it. Blood was already starting to pour down Jason’s face. Jason had the audacity to laugh. “Cute.” He rubbed his nose for a moment, feeling the bone. “You know I’m not going to kill you, though. That would be way too nice.”
“Nice?” Tim scoffed. “Did you finally learn the meaning of mercy, or something?”
“For you? Never.” Jason brought the knife to Tim’s face. “I just want to make you wish you were dead.” he dug the blade into Tim’s temple and Tim yelled, feeling it cut through his skin all the way down to his jaw. “What part of you do I have to mutilate to make Bruce stop loving you?”
Tim didn’t say anything. He was too busy trying to blink through the pain of a shallow cut that should’ve felt like nothing. Instead, it felt like a hot iron had branded the entire left side of Tim’s face, melting most of his skin off.
“What’s so pretty it could make Bruce like someone as pathetic as you?” Jason pressed on. He put another cut across Tim’s face, slashing through his cheek. “You’ve got a nice face. Is that it?” He leaned back so he could rip Tim’s shirt apart, exposing Tim’s chest. “We both know Bruce is a physical guy. Maybe it’s something else.” The blade trailed across Tim’s chest, looking for the next place to cut.
Tim managed to get leverage against the concrete with his feet. He pushed himself up as hard and fast as he could, throwing Jason off of him. Before Jason had the chance to recover, Tim launched himself forward and wrapped the chain around Jason’s throat.
“Maybe his love for you is only skin deep,” Tim pulled the chain as tight as it could go, watching Jason’s face turn red without oxygen. The rational part of him knew he was taking too much pleasure in watching Jason struggle for air. The rest of him didn’t care. “But Bruce actually loves me.”
Jason snarled. “He’s loved me longer.”
He wildly stabbed at Tim until the knife sank into Tim’s forearm. Tim screamed and let go, giving Jason slack to breathe, getting a hand under the chain and yanking hard on it. Tim didn’t fall off of Jason but instead fell into him. Their bodies were pressed together, and Jason used it as an excuse to wrap the chain around Tim, forcing them against each other.
“Can’t get away from me now,” Jason whispered into Tim’s ear. He ripped his knife out of Tim’s arm.
“You really want to be this close to me?” Tim asked. He tried to headbutt Jason again but didn’t have enough damned room to move. “Your fucking funeral.”
“I’m the one with the knife,” Jason said in a sing-song voice. He wiggled his arms between them and brought the knife against Tim’s crotch. Tim had his pants as a layer of fabric protecting him, but he still went rigid. “Is it here? Is this what Bruce likes so much? Go on. Tell me how he likes to fuck you, Drake. Bet you’re real fucking vanilla about it and he has to be all nice to you.”
“You sound jealous,” Tim tried to bite Jason, who kept pulling his head away. “You’re the one who needs to hear him say he’s proud of you just to come. I’m not the one of us who cries during sex.”
“How the hell-” Jason’s whole body jerked in anger.
Tim knew his grin was feral. “Trust me, I know all the embarrassing details. Bruce talks about it all the time.” That wasn’t entirely true. Tim had just overheard it once when Bruce forgot to turn off his comms. But the lie was far more embarrassing for Jason.
“I could make you cry,” Jason sounded angrier than Tim had ever heard him, which was a hell of a feat. “He’s just not fucking you hard enough. Putting you in your goddamn place like you deserve.”
“You want to fuck me, now?” Tim taunted. “I thought you hated me.”
“Too vanilla to know what hatefucking is, Drake?” Jason shot back. He pressed the knife harder into Tim’s crotch. “I could make you fucking beg for it.”
“Like hell.”
“You wanna find out?” Jason asked.
Tim paused his struggles. He pulled back and gave Jason an incredulous look. “You’re not actually serious.”
“Either I kill you, torture you, or bitch you.” Jason shrugged. He dug the knife down enough to cut open Tim’s pants. The fabric tore loudly. “I’ll let you pick.”
“I’ll kill you first,” Tim shot back. He refused to take the offer seriously.
He didn’t know what his answer would be, if it was a serious offer, so it was better for Tim to not think about it entirely.
“Scared you’ll like it?” Jason was just mocking him now. “If I ruin you enough, you’ll come crawling back for me instead of Bruce. And besides,” Jason lowered his voice to a purr, “we both know he’d pay to watch. Bet he’d even help me hold you down.”
Against his will, Tim shuddered. His anger was clouding his judgment, making it hard to figure out what other emotions were there. Maybe there was arousal. Maybe it was fear.
Tim always had trouble telling the difference.
“Have you always wanted to fuck me?” Tim avoided everything Jason was saying. It made him too dizzy to think about.
Jason just gave him a shrug. “Can’t say I haven’t wondered what’s so special about fucking you that he keeps doing it. Is your ass really that good or something?”
Tim snorted. He had no idea Jason didn’t know. “He doesn’t fuck me in the ass.”
“What?” Jason’s brow furrowed.
“If I had a dick down there, you’d have cut it by now,” Tim pointed out, looking down at the knife.
Jason frowned. He dug the knife deeper, ripping open a bigger hole in the fabric of Tim’s pants until he could force his hand inside, thankfully the one that wasn’t holding the knife. Tim tried to kick, but he couldn’t stop Jason’s hand from groping until it found his cunt, pressing against Tim’s underwear.
“Son of a bitch,” Jason said. “Well, that makes you even easier to fuck. Now I don’t need prep.”
“You’re not fucking me,” Tim snarled, trying to get away from Jason’s hand. his skin was too hot, to have Jason that close to his most sensitive areas. He didn’t want to know what his body would do if Jason got past the thin barrier of fabric between him and Tim’s skin.
“You haven’t actually told me no yet,” Jason pointed out. He managed to cut apart Tim’s underwear, a cold reminder of how close the knife was to his cunt. Thick fingers pressed against Tim’s hole until two managed to sink in. “You’re wet.”
“No, I’m not,” Tim gasped, even though he could feel it. The easy slide of Jason’s fingers inside of him, the way there was no resistance from his body. He still wasn’t ready to admit to himself that he wanted this. Not when he wanted Jason dead just as badly. Tim opened his mouth to say something more, but Jason brushed a thumb over his clit. “Oh god.”
“if I’m being honest with you,” Jason hummed, starting to move his fingers inside of Tim, “I think it’s a lot easier to be horny than angry right now. That’s the only damn feeling that works to fight this.”
He was right and Tim hated him for it. The anger thrumming under his skin pulled back, just slightly, to make room for arousal. It made Tim want to give in, just so he could have anything to latch onto besides cold, empty fury.
And Jason’s fingers felt good inside of him. They arched right up into Tim’s sweet spot, making him gasp and jerk.
“How quick do you think I can make you come?” Jason asked. He worked his fingers and thumb together, finding a good pace. Like he knew exactly how Tim liked it.
“Fuck you,” Tim groaned, throwing his head back.
“Tell me to stop and I will,” Jason said.
They both knew he wouldn’t. Tim didn’t want Jason to stop. If Jason stopped, Tim would probably grab the knife and gut him.
“I hate you.” Tim’s hips were moving against his will. He was acutely aware the knife was still down there too, but he put a small amount of trust in Jason to not let it trust.
“It’s mutual,” Jason agreed. He shifted his hips until they were pressed against Tim’s thigh. He was hard. Tim could feel the outline of Jason’s cock as Jason started to rut, grinding against Tim for friction. A low moan came out of him, going straight to Tim’s core.
Jason was kind of handsome, at least. Especially with blood all over his face.
“Now are you gonna come for me or what?” Jason growled into Tim’s ear. “Show me exactly how much you hate me, Drake. I want to fucking feel it.”
“You’re a bastard who doesn’t deserve Bruce,” Tim whined as Jason’s fingers worked him. Rubbing his clit and thrusting into his sweet spot. It was a sweet, torturous distraction from his rage, but it still didn’t make the feeling quite go away.
“Agreed.” Jason shrugged, seeming unbothered by the statement. He groaned again, pressing his forehead against Tim’s. “I’m still better than you, though. You’re the little bitch who’s never going to forget what being fucked by me feels like. Maybe I’ll be nice enough that you’ll enjoy it and jerk off to it every time you’re wet.”
The thought of jerking off to Jason repulsed Tim. Yet it was the same thought that sent his orgasm through him, like a shock to his core. He yelled, so loud it echoed through the cave. His hole clenched around Jason’s fingers as his body worked through the spasms of pleasure.
For one glorious moment, Tim didn’t notice his anger. He just had the beautiful crescendo of pleasure crashing down on him, making his body sing.
“Isn’t that fucking adorable,” Jason gasped, grinding harder against Tim. You’re finally not annoying for once. No wonder Bruce fucks you. It’s the only way someone can enjoy being around you.”
The words were mean and Tim wanted to snap back, but he was boneless. Every insult from Jason was a new aftershock of pleasure down Tim’s spine.
Tim opened his mouth to find something to say, but he was cut off.
“What the hell are you doing?” Bruce stood at the mouth of the cave, staring at them with wide eyes. He looked just as angry as Tim felt, stalking over to where they were pinned and bloody on the floor. “Jason if you hurt him-”
“I’m fingering him, actually,” Jason corrected lazily, still grinding his hips.
Bruce stopped walking. “What?”
Jason thrust his fingers inside Tim to make his point, pulling a cry out of Tim. He was oversensitive from his orgasm and couldn’t get away from the pressure against his g-spot. “You should be proud of us. We’re getting along pretty well.”
Sure they were. Like Tim’s face wasn’t cut up and Jason’s nose wasn’t broken.
“You…” Bruce trailed off, breath caught in his throat. Tim watched his pupils dilate.
“He’s enjoying himself. Just came on my fingers,” Jason said. He pressed the knife against Tim’s thigh as a warning. “Right, Drake?”
Tim bit back a remark. He nodded.
“I promise to behave if you let me fuck him,” Jason looked up at Bruce. He was definitely lying. “We should both fuck him. See how much he can take. I’ll even keep the cuffs on just to be nice.”
Tim couldn’t stop the soft moan that came out of him at the thought.
Bruce looked between them. His eyes settled on Tim. “Are you-”
“Yes,” Tim said. “Please?”
As soon as Tim said the magic word, Bruce was by their side, taking his clothes off. Jason groaned in victory. He grinned against Tim’s cheek. “Now we can have some real fun.”
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