#fuck republikkans
mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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nando161mando · 8 months
Republican Officials Openly Insult Women Nearly Killed by Abortion Bans (Slate)
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captainpirateface · 1 month
Fuck yeah.
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Because they are traitors, racists, Nazis, ignorant trailer trash, scumbag Republikkkans, actual KKK, alt right assholes, domestic terrorists, paranoid racist right armed wing militias, and bigots of every persuasion. Fuck everyone who displays these flags and fuck everyone who's ok with it! Hate speech isn't the same as free speech. Go fuck yourself if you have some lame Republikkan talking point rebuttal about the First Amendment. You're not even capable of reading the Constitution let alone comprehending it or interpreting it you inbred Bible Belt racist Republikkkan stooge. Go back to your cigs, scratch tickets, porn, cheap ass booze, wife beating, low class trailer park, and wait for your welfare/disability/public assistance checks. Don't think real Americans will miss you if your, or one your militia buddies, AR 15 accidentally discharges into your face. Try spending your money and time on being a good parent, spouse, good Christian, and a productive citizen instead of playing soldier and prepping for when the shtf. You dumbass un-American KKK Nazis fucktards. Don't forget to smoke next to your oxygen tank either so we can have a good laugh when your trailer full of booze, bullets, tobacco, and porn explodes.
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
The MAIN reason I’m voting AGAINST Trump is because this guy is a legitimate THREAT to America. What do I mean? Let’s not forget he STOLE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE:
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What the fuck was he going to do with those? And when you couple the fact that he kisses ass to DICTATORS:
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He is NOT someone we can afford to let back into the White House.
For the sake of us NOT becoming a dictatorship, please let’s all vote blue down the board.
SO MUCH that the votes won’t be taken to the Supreme Court because they will fuck us all over for him.
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mugiwara-lucy · 23 days
So it’s been brought to my attention that female Donald Trump aka Marjorie Taylor Greene will have “poll watching training” next month.
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I find this just ironic because if you all don’t know; back in 2020, there were 2000 lost ballots for Joe Biden!
And the party of “law and order” doesn’t want the Media observing this “poll training” so make of the above information what you will.
Now what’s the overall relevance of me telling you all of this?
Assuming you guys don’t do mail in ballots and actually go to the poll place to vote; please do NOT give your ballots to anyone calling themselves “poll watchers”. There is a box that you deposit your ballots into so please use THAT.
And should these MAGA jokers try anything, PLEASE defend yourself since as evidenced by January 6th, 2021, these guys are dangerous and will do anything for their precious 34 count felon.
Just wanted to give you guys a heads up in case they start something because they WILL 😒
But yeah please don’t give your ballots to ANYONE OR ANYTHING BUT the ballot machine!
Please and thank you 🙏 😊😌
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
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Tim Walz is Kamala’s VP!!
Admittedly I wanted Pete Buttigieg BUT Tim Walz is great for the reasons listed down below!!
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And compare that to Trump’s VP JD Vance who LITERALLY wants to stop women from getting abotions and finding alternative means to them along with insulting women without children to the point where JENNIFER ANISTON had to get on his ass:
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
With 100 days until the election, I have to say I'm VERY AMAZED and PROUD of my fellow Democrats for rallying behind Kamala Harris LITERALLY in the last week! Like seriously! ALL the MONEY she raised and Beyonce, Taylor Swift and NETFLIX are endorsing her?!
My FAVORITE part is the UNITY! Since the summer started there was CONSTANT going back and forth with Biden that while I was confident, I had a feeling in the back of my head that we'd get 2016 again but MUCH WORSE with this Project 2025/Agenda 47 shit.
I haven't seen THIS MUCH UNITY since OBAMA! (And even though I was a kid back in 2008, I remember the UNITY that led us to win!).
1.) Just because things are going in our favor, we can NOT get complacent and lazy! This is going to be a DAY BY DAY EFFORT to reach the finish line!
2.) The Media is going to be on Kamala Harris even WORSE than Biden since she's not only Black but an outgoing, unintimidated Black Woman and the only black people the Media likes are people like Candace Owens, Tim Scott, Bryon Donalds and etc. so if you're gonna leave because you can't handle the attacks, LEAVE! We do NOT need any pussyfooted cowards amongst us!
Now with all that said and done....
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Let's win this thing and be RID of Trump ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!
(Non Voters/Third Party voters can FUCK OFF btw)
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
I have to say it now….mainly because I’m sick of being bothered by these Anons for WEEKS UPON WEEKS
These Palestine Armchair Revolutionaries who want us to lose everything in a second a Trump administration, thinking that will help that situation, are just as dangerous as MAGA.
Like to think we should lose everything just so we can suffer to is just….foolery and thinking that will helping Palestine along with them trying to sabotage Kamala is just idealistic naïveté.
Like if you see ANYONE saying anything like THIS:
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Block them and move on.
Do NOT forget we have to make sure Project 2025/Agenda 47 do NOT become a thing, less we want America to become North Korea, Russia and China.
And the ONLY way to do that is to ensure Trump does NOT enter the White House.
Thank you 🙏
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
One take I’m glad I’m seeing less and less of with the growing rise of Kamala Harris’ popularity and something I’ve wondered since I’ve heard it for the last year….
If Trump gets in and we lose our rights with that Project 2025 bullshit because we didn’t vote as a protest vote, how can we Palestine if we’re scrambling after losing our own rights?
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I ask this because I’ve never gotten a concrete answer.
Thankfully I see these people are just a vocal minority.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
I'd like to talk to my fellow white women for a second!
Now we all claim to be feminists and will help other women through any means necessary?
Well currently we have a candidate in the current 2024 presidential election race who wants to be a wannabe dictator like they have in North Korea, Russia and China. And running against him is a WOC named Kamela Harris who is a successful attorney who has locked up PLENTY of POS for raping and all sorts of other horrible atrocities.
Now does this sound familiar? Well for those who live in America we remember a similar situation where it was Trump versus a woman named Hilary Clinton.
Now women rallied behind Hilary Clinton (but we lost due to people wanting to use Third Party/Non Voting) BUT the problem with this country are the WHITE FEMINISTS we have and white feminists are white women who claim to be feminists but only pay attention to white victims and ignore when marganilized groups of women need help.
Now are we going to rally behind Kamala Harris and FINALLY DEFEAT THAT ORANGE LUNATIC PEDOPHILE??
LET'S DO IT SO WE CAN BE DONE WITH HIM, HIS GOLD DIGGER WIFE (before anyone says anything she went to visit children in cages with an "I don't care" jacket that her deranged husband caused) and Trump's cokehead son!!
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
So apparently the Trump shooting situation is real since an Audience member died which is why I took down my earlier post.
And my thoughts on Trump getting shot?
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Let's not pretend he's a good old Mr. Rogers type of Old Man who was a kind person who loved everyone and bettered his community.
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And BRAGGED ABOUT ENDING ROE V WADE which caused not only women to die from life threatening pregnancies and child births but for them to lose their children too. Go look up the Amanda Zurawski case, it will break your HEART.
He deserves NONE of our sympathies.
And I just KNOW he's going to use this to drum up support against both Biden and the Democrats so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE EVEN MORE CRITICALLY NOW THAN EVER!!!!
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