#republikkkan traitors
captainpirateface · 2 months
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Same Script
Putin is once again threatening nuclear war.
How long will it be before he tells Kim Jong Un to say he would bend over for Trump, but would go to war with Kamala?
How far will they go this time to influence American politics?
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nando161mando · 2 months
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wyrmfedgrave · 4 months
NBC News: Supreme Court throws out race claim in South Carolina redistricting case in win for GOP
Once again, the Republikkkan leaning Scotus rules in favor of America's For Reich Party.
Once again, Scotus sides with the illegal gerrymandering of the Rump Kissers.
Why don't the Democrats follow along & produce their own mapped version of this heavily contested area?
After all, they just have to say it was drawn in the spirit of good politics...
You know.
Just like the Republikkkans did.
This way, there would be 2 contesting maps for the same area...
I'd pay to see how Scotus would rule on that!
Please, don't be surprised to see more such politicized rulings.
These 'favors' help pay off all of the interrelated gifts that Republikkkan judges get.
Quid quo pro, right?
I don't think so...
So, let's do something about it!!
Join up with other Democratic voters and help us win both Houses of Congress.
With enough voters, we can easily beat the corrupted Party's stranglehold.
Then, we can get rid of all the corrupt judges & Rump's other enablers in 1 fell swoop!
After which, the Constitution could be tightened up a bit.
So that we don't have to go thru this same poop in the future...
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“When it was time to outline their vision for managing America’s federal lands under a future Republican presidency, pro-Donald Trump conservatives turned to a man who has spent his career advocating for those very lands to be pawned off to states and private interests.
William Perry Pendley, who served illegally as Trump’s acting director of the Bureau of Land Management for more than a year, authored the Interior Department chapter of Project 2025, a sweeping policy blueprint that the Heritage Foundation and dozens of other right-wing organizations compiled to guide Trump and his team should he win in November.
The 920-page, pro-Trump manifesto, titled “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” aims to dismantle the federal government, ridding it of tens of thousands of public servants and replacing them with “an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One” of a Republican administration.
Pendley’s dream for the more than 500 million acres of federal land that the Interior Department manages is to effectively turn them into a playground for extractive industries — the same interests he’s spent most of his career representing in court.
In fact, when it came to the chapter’s section on energy production across the federal estate, Pendley simply let Kathleen Sgamma ― the president of the Western Energy Alliance, an oil and gas trade association ― and two industry allies write it for him.”
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Marjorie Traitor Green's idiotic temper tantrums are starting to exhaust her fellow Cultists. This is the GOP that hasn't done SHIT and the worst one in history. They've done nothing but chase conspiracy theories because of this idiot. They can't pass a single law or uphold our laws. I've seen middle schoolers be more mature than this idiot. Vote her out. Vote blue.
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antidrumpfs · 2 months
Judge Cannon DISMISSES Trump Document Case
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Cartoon by Ed Wexler
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captainpirateface · 28 days
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Prediction/Bets for Tomorrow's Debate:
I bet former president Donald Trump walks on stage with his chin held as high as possible to make it obvious that he is "taller" than vice president Kamala Harris. Because, as we all know, being tall is a clear indicator of how well someone can govern.
Thirty minutes will be wasted with Trump bitching and moaning about how unfair the debate stage and debate format is for him.
Trump will accuse Kamala of wanting him dead; at least three times before the night is over. Utter bullshit, but his fans will eat it up - which is why he wanted a Wrestlemania-style debate in the first place.
Another twenty minutes will be wasted trying to get a clear answer from Trump on where he stands on abortion: should it be a conversation left to women and their health care providers? Yes or no? He will just repeat his preferred bullshit like "I will leave it up to the states" very Amy Coney Barrett-esque.
Another twenty minutes will be wasted with Trump complaining that Kamala does not get any hard questions.
Then, another twenty minutes will be wasted with Trump accusing Kamala of not doing as many interviews as him; at no point will someone mention that she's still helping to run the country while she campaigns. Unlike the poor attitude to intelligence briefings that Trump loved to skip, Kamala actually gives them the time and respect that they merit, as well as her many other responsibilities as vice president of our country.
Once the clock runs out, Trump will cry about how he did not get a chance to speak "truth to power." Post debate, he will sit for an interview for more of #2 above.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
The Washington Post: Biden denounces Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity
I say, Mr. Biden, the Scotus has given you a 'gift' - way before the election.
You might say that they don't trust the Felon Rapist by not waiting awhile longer to do this...
It would have made sense to give the Rump Con Man a 'boost' to get keep him out of prison.
But no, they chose now, while there is still time to act against Traitor tRump.
I say, "Take up the offered power & clean the Congress out of its corrupt Republikkkan leaders!"
These traitors all blew up their own chances.
It's time to get rid of the swamp gas...
Time to get back to a true, 'working' government.
A government that isn't a tyranny.
Vote Blue, folks.
Every vote is needed...
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zzzzblr-blog2 · 2 months
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KAMALA: The Lady Who Made Brett Kavanaugh Cry 2024! Order Yours: https://www.teezily.com/kamala-2024 VOTE KAMALA 2024 !
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Yes and it’s obvious who have been purchased.
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