#vote like it matters
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wyrmfedgrave · 8 months ago
The Lincoln Project's Anti-Project 2025 Ad Is a Must Watch
Not a subject I would find funny - & I'm a guy...
I mean the Republikkkans are plotting for the 'dumping' of all seniors & the 'growing' enslavement of women to 1 household role...
Not to mention what the Rump Kissers want for the poor - plus, any & all minorities.
We should be rounding up all such traitors & their Republikkkan enablers!
Because these 'people' aren't acting like true citizens...
They only enjoy extreme racism & sexism...
Remember, it's never the end against Nazism!!
We'll always be fighting their Felon rumps...
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bellaciao-ciao-ciao · 2 months ago
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wyrmfedgrave · 1 year ago
I don't care how old Biden might be. He & the Democrats have proven to be on the ball when it comes to running the country.
It's the Republikkkans who have shown themselves to be enemies of our nation.
Worse, they've passed no laws to help their own voters. Instead, they're out punishing everyone else...
But, what they've been doing a lot of is whining about how they want a tyrant running their lives.
Fine. Go live in Russia... See if living under Putin is actually to your liking.
I'll bet you won't like it - since you wouldn't have the power you seek - to hurt others...
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inkskinned · 5 months ago
"don't make it political!" .... what proportion of death and suffering must occur before politics are involved. if this isn't political, what is even the point of any politics, ever. of democracy. the words are "by the people for the people." if i am going to be left alone by my elected representatives to "figure it out" - to undergo damage, hardship, fear. what the fuck did i elect them for. what was their job. the entire point is that they handle this shit. this is why we were supposed to be electing leaders.
poverty is political. misogyny is political. gun control is political. climate change is political. how much aid a community gets is political. what the fuck are you talking about. it's been political this whole fucking time.
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wyrmfedgrave · 1 year ago
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Pics: Evil Orange Rump at his 'best'...
1 & 2. The ex-prez continues to rail against constitutional law.
Rump's still set on becoming a corrupt President-for-Life, by the worst ways possible.
Keep an eye on everyone that he planted - err - 'appointed' while he was in office.
These For Reich Republikkkans are there to help him steal another 4 year term...
Yet, even during his many trials he's being treated with kid gloves!
When he 'couldn't' pay his 1st trial's reward, his assets (the dough he's got for the election & his NY buildings) should have been seized & sold!!
Instead, his bond payments were lowered...
Worse, his continued breaking of the judge's gag order, should have seen him in prison!
Yet, once again, his only punishment is to be continually "warned."
How long is this kind of treatment supposed to last?
Does anybody still remember how many people were victims of this con man?
Quite a lot of voters & others are being denied their due justice...
3 to 7. Everything Dumb Don & his enablers do is crooked.
Nothing they say has any legal merit.
All of their promises are of torture & pain - not of proper governance.
They literally care for no one. And , that includes the suffering of their own political cultists.
How many of his followers have been left to rot - when the Rump who would be king had no more need of them?
How many of his own Republikkkans have turned tail against Lord Rump?
And, are now testifying against King Dump?
Wake up, voters!!
You've long been fooled.
Dump the Rump...
Vote Blue & be True - to your Nation.
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mugiwara-lucy · 8 months ago
So with the growing support behind Kamala Harris, I've been seeing more of THESE:
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Do NOT pay them any attention.
Not only are these posts incredibly ignorant, narrow minded and naive....if we lose our rights how can we help the seas abroad?? I ask this because I NEVER get a concrete answer.
Kamala Harris is PRO-Palestine whereas Trump said he would "finish the job".
So between an Accomplished Attorney NOT COP who jailed pieces of gutter shit like Donald Trump or a Convicted Felon known for being a scammer, failed businessman and rapist; pick your poison.
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wyrmfedgrave · 1 year ago
And you can bet that they'll have some political surprise in store for the 2024 election.
Since they can't win with just ⅓ of the country helping them, they're sure to attempt more voting interference!!
They won with the last moment email trick they pulled on Hillary Clinton.
That move alone changed voters minds & cost her the election - that she had been winning...
Then, with Biden they tried several shady political tricks - the assault on the capital was just the more visible attempt.
It's the hidden State voting scandals that almost won the election for the Big, Orange Rump.
Don't be surprised if they use their Supreme Court majority to overturn the coming election...
The Republikkkans are going all out to sell their votes to multinational online corporations.
Some of these computer companies could use their backdoors to control any machine votes.
Counting the votes for Republikkkans & giving them the majority Red Wave that the Republikkkans want.
Democrats must not give up so easily.
Count every vote via human hands.
If they can have 'observers' - then so can we!
Use cam coverage of where the traitors might try their dirty tricks.
Only we, the voters, can prevent tyranny from winning the day...
Vote Biden!
Vote Blue Wave!!
And long may our hard won freedoms reign...
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lividbrunette · 10 months ago
I am so sick and tired of seeing all these “I know biden is bad, I know biden has done some bad things but vote for biden because trump will destroy our democracy” posts bc a) clearly our democracy is a sham and b) STOP DEFENDING BIDEN, STOP DOWNPLAYING WHAT HE HAS DONE! you do not need to, nor should you, defend biden to any degree. you can say that we cannot let trump win without that other bullshit. biden is pure evil, he is scum. and part of what makes him so horrendous and disturbing is the charade he puts on like he’s the good guy and trump is the evil, the bad to his good. quite literally the only thing that he has going for him is that his opponent is somehow even worse than him. that his opponent has no pretense of even trying to act like he doesn’t want to fully be a dictator. stop fucking defending biden. stop fucking downplaying all the horrendous, despicable, evil things he has done and is continuing to do. he is fully funding and supporting and enabling a genocide. it helps no one.
and if/when biden loses, he only has himself to blame.
ideally we would all rally behind a third party candidate and the electoral college wouldn’t exist. ideally these wouldn’t be our “choices”. idfk what to do because trump cannot win but how can any of us in good conscience vote for biden’s evil, fascistic, decrepit ass ??
what makes biden so different from or better than trump? nothing!!
- he is unconditionally supporting netanyahu and his genocide of Palestinians
- democrats have done nothing to protect nor help us as roe v. wade was overturned, we still have student loan debt, the cost of living is unaffordable and the minimum wage remains unchanged, biden has increased police presence and funding for police (more so than in 2020, despite the eruption of BLM protests and the murder of George Floyd and his promise to George Floyd’s family that he wouldn’t let his murder become just another number, another hashtag), and so. much. more.
- biden is building off of trump’s policies - specifically and most recently, biden has just announced an executive order to deny asylum requests. the increase in police funding and the further militarization of police was also built off of trump’s policies
the u.s. is an evil sham of a country.
as ethel cain said …
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gomzdrawfr · 15 days ago
Old bonus works for ko-fi
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check out my Patreon
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amaditalks · 1 year ago
It’s also important to remember that there are other federal courts and the president appoints judges to all of them.
As of right now, a full 2/3 of the judges appointed to the federal bench by President Biden are women. 2/3 are also racial or ethnic minorities. The diversification of our federal judiciary during this presidency is unparalleled.
If you don’t understand why that matters, I can’t help you. 
It also points to the importance of Democrats holding the Senate. Biden has appointed more judges to the federal bench in one term than President Obama was able to appoint in two, because Republicans held the Senate during the second Obama term, especially, and they stalled his judiciary appointments.
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alirhi · 8 months ago
Look, I will get back to my fandom shitposting in November if we all survive, but I need to make one thing very fucking crystal clear:
You WILL vote for Kamala Harris this fall. You will.
If you care about Palestine, you will vote for Harris, who has called for a ceasefire.
If you care about prison reform and changing the horrifically racist and classist prison pipeline, you will vote for Harris, who, as a prosecutor in California, kept hundreds of black men out of prison for minor "drug" (marijuana) offenses and only sent a handful to be incarcerated.
If you're a woman and you want to be able to live your life and make your own choices in it, you will vote for Harris.
If you are BIPOC and want to retain your freedom and your right to vote, you will vote for Harris.
If you're any flavor of LGBT and want to retain your right to exist, you will vote for Harris.
If you're an immigrant and you'd like to avoid deportation, a concentration camp, or death, you'd better fucking vote for Harris. If you're not a citizen yet, get your friends and neighbors to vote Harris.
Trump wants to be a dictator with unlimited, unquestioned power and a corrupt government beholden to him. He's said as much himself. The unhinged bigot frequently says the quiet part out loud, in the midst of his nonsensical ramblings.
Kamala Harris is level-headed, strategic, a cunning and experienced politician and lawyer. She's eloquent and delightfully sassy, but that last one's just my own opinion.
Donald Trump is a jabbering weirdo, a felon, a rapist, and he wants to kill, remove, or enslave everyone in this country who's not a wealthy cis het white man willing to lick his boots.
A third party vote is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump (I know. I and many people I know didn't vote in 2016).
A vote against Trump means only one thing: Vote. For. Harris.
It shouldn't even be a fucking question.
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Hello everyone who lives in the United States and is over 18, early voting has been open for a little bit and stays open until the 2nd. If you’re mailing a ballot, they have to have it by the 5th so you should send it in probably by the 29th. The election is on the 5th, so don’t let the deadlines slip your mind!
Vote for Kamala and let’s keep that orange fascist out of office!
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rodeodeparis · 4 months ago
trump winning mostly due to channeling the economic concerns of american voters into a better campaign (and probably also a few bomb threats) being blamed by hardline dems on arab/muslim/jewish voter treachery is pretty medieval europe coded i have to say
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wyrmfedgrave · 1 year ago
You can squirm & fret about having to vote in a repeat of 2020's presidential race.
But, don't be fooled.
If you vote for the Republikkkans, you will suffer whatever they want to do to you...
If you're at all wise, you'll see that the Democrats are the only sane way to vote.
Don't be surprised if the Rump & his Russian enablers try to cheat their way into office again.
They did the cheated their way into office, when going up against Hillary.
At the last moment, supposedly new info (on the Republikkkan's baseless witch hunt into her emails) was revealed to the media - not to Congress, as it should have been...
The reason was that it was a lie. One that a Republikkkan dupe was forced to reveal.
This was all part of the various illegal plans that Republikkkans tried to put into action.
Expect the same come this voting day...
And don't believe Republikkkan lies.
Vote, instead, like if your life & your freedom is on the line - cause it is...
Vote Blue!!
Start a Blue Wave...
It's needed, to get rid of every traitor & their Congressional entourage of enablers.
It can be done.
Just vote your conviction & you won't go wrong!
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No excuses for not voting
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blackbearmagic · 5 months ago
@ my international friends and followers: I'm sorry. We tried. We really, really tried.
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leupagus · 1 year ago
On Voting in America
So one of the most profound comments on routine chores that I've ever encountered was, hilariously, the Pickle Rick episode of "Rick & Morty," where (after a lot of shenanigans have already ensued) this therapist absolutely lays Rick out:
"I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is: it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. And the bottom line is some people are okay going to work and some people, well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose."
I think about this at least once a week — usually while I'm doing my laundry or sweeping or some other task that needs doing and won't get me anything more than clean clothing or a dog-hair-free floor. There's no Pulitzer for wiping down your microwave or scrubbing your toilet; no one's awarding you for getting all the dishes out of the sink. At best you have the satisfaction of crossing it off your list.
Voting is very much the same (and I'm talking about the US here, as an American). Sure, you sometimes get a sticker; but nobody's going to cheer for you. There's no adventure here, no potential for anything more than crossing something off of a list. It's a chore, something that needs doing in order to repair, maintain, and yes even clean. So I get why people don't like doing it.
And I've decided I don't give a shit.
Do it anyway. Your country takes astonishingly little from you — taxes, the once-in-a-blue-moon jury duty, and a theoretical draft that hasn't been used in over half a century and likely will never be again — but it asks you (asks! not requires! not demands!) to vote once or twice a year. It's not always easy; especially in conservative states, the impediments to vote can be ridiculous. But it is once a year and unlike in our nation's all-too-recent past, you will not die if you do it.
In fact, the worst outcome from voting these days is that the person or issue that you vote for loses — but you won't know if they lose until after the election. Polls are less accurate now, for a whole host of reasons; you cannot know until after the election who or what will win. This makes your vote more valuable than possibly ever before.
Use that power. Not because it's exciting or even rewarding, but because your vote is what keeps our country's metaphorical teeth from falling out and our metaphorical ass from stinking.
Brush, wipe, vote.
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