#sleepy batfam
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strangedesired · 3 months ago
Headcanon that bruce is obsessed with his sleepy children
He like never gets tired or when he finally does get tired, he just immediately passes out. Bruce doesn’t have a “sleepy” mode so he didn’t know what that looked like until Dick was living with him and he loves it
He will wake them up when he gets home from patrol literally just to see them whiny and half-lidded because he cannot stop himself
And I personally believe that while Dick is super cuddly and affectionate when he’s tired, some of them would be mean when they get woken up, specifically Tim. But Bruce doesn’t care. Like Tim is straight up cussing him out and throwing elbows every time Bruce shakes him awake in the middle of the night, but Bruce is just so happy that it doesn’t phase or deter him
And the kids eventually have to have an intervention because Bruce is waking up everyone that is not on patrol at like 3 am and they are so tired the next day that they can barely function
Also, I think the only one who is secretly okay with this habit is Cass. She is such a light sleeper anyway that it doesn’t really phase her to be woken up and she gets to see Bruce after patrol and make sure he’s okay and he will probably give her a hug, which helps her sleep better.
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batataran · 2 months ago
Tim: *opens fridge to get an energy drink*
Jason: Hey Timmers
Tim: H'y J'sin
Jason: What's the date and time right now?
Tim: Mmm...last I checked it was Jan 5, half past ten pm
Damian: TT *readies net*
Jason: Baby bird, today's January 9
Tim: *tenses, ready to run*
Dick: Get Him!!
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everwalldigan · 2 months ago
Bawling my eyes out at the thought of Dick’s last bit of parting advice for Damian on how to be Bruce’s Robin (before he went back to blud) being “just pretend to fall asleep during a stake out. Trust me”
Of course Damian’s sceptical and it takes him a long time to even THINK about making himself look that vulnerable but his curiosity eventually wins and he pretends to fall asleep during a boring night.
He thought he was prepared for all possibilities but he was not prepared for Bruce to call out his name, sigh softly and scoop him up, not letting go of him even once until they reach his bed (he will never admit it but he actually did end up falling asleep). He was absolutely not prepared for Bruce to take his shoes off, tuck him in and hesitate just a little second before giving him a forehead kiss and leaving the room silently. He ends up actually falling asleep on the very next week
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erinwantstowrite · 4 months ago
Halloween AU!!!
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hey so. i put SOOOOO much effort into this au and for what? at least it ended up looking cool? anyways Halloween is my favorite holiday and i just HAD to make something for them!
i had a LOT of ideas for what everyone would be, but i really wanted to stick to a certain theme cause it's based around Halloween. i knew i had to have a vampire, werewolf, and a witch. cause like... obviously. iconic Halloween stuff!! but i took some liberties with everyone else and i think they turned out pretty cool!!
Jason was originally a fox shifter (which i still love and might draw art for some day) but i went with a bear in the end. is that because i thought about tiny bear cub Jaybin and wanted to cry? yeah. yeah it is. i KNEW Steph was going to be my werewolf though i started doubting myself when i went to draw her. turned out to be my favorite drawing on here which makes sense cause she is my light my love my daughter my will to live and all that jazz
Tim was actually gonna be a harpy but thank god i didn't go for that in the end. Duke was the one that was a bitch and a half trying to figure out BUT!! comments on the post asking what y'all thought led me towards Psychic so THANK YOUUUU everybody that commented!! (specifically those who thought of ghost!! Duke and Tim ended up being a perfect duo in this au)
Babs was pretty easy to figure out what I wanted for her. I read somewhere that they are seen as protectors of forests/ are considered spiritual authority figures and also.... she looks cool as fuck. Did not expect how easy it was to find a ref for a deer in a wheelchair though? I can never find the right hand or face angle reference but that was super easy???
For Bruce there was literally no question he HAD to be human. it's literally so funny that everyone who knows Batman thinks he's a spooky vampire but he's human. his first son, however?????? THAT'S the vampire. I knew Dick had to be a vampire too. A little nod towards that one comic run but in my au nothing bad happens ever 🥰 Damian also being a bat shifter is very on purpose because how funny is it that he's a bat man. Literally not a single person in the League thinks that Bruce is telling the truth about being human. Bruce you are NOT beating the secretly a vampire allegations.
adding in Jay's hilarious joke it's so fucking funny:
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Alfred is actually a demon. I CAN NOT remember who made this post so if someone can help me find it, it would be appreciated!! because this was inspired by them!!! but somewhere i saw someone talk about Alfred being a demon that Thomas and Martha made a deal with (i think it was for an au idea?) and I just HAD to put it here. Alfred looks so human and everyone expects it, but he's definitely not. I put the ??? because it's so fucking funny. see if you can spot the 1 hint i put on his drawing that something is amiss!!
Peter is from an alternate dimension still, but it is not a world of creatures like him, it's just the same as LoF canon except Peter grew some extra limbs and eyes. He finds that it's actually pretty easy to fit in with the Waynes. Hard to feel like a freak when a guy can turn into a fucking bear, or your dad is a vampire, and the teenagers in the family are trying to summon ghosts or make potions.
additional doodles for this au:
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i am still debating whether i am going to draw something for this au or write a oneshot, but i DO want to do something with these for Halloween
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rosemaryhoney27 · 13 days ago
sleepy boy
Danny is tired but happy he told his parents about him being Phantom and they took it surprisingly well. Sure they were sad but accepted what happened. It was all to good to be true so Danny remained on his guard around his parents.
But as time passed nothing happend and his parents became even more supportive of him. After finding out about Danny and how he became a halfa it was easy for the to figure out Vlad after an epic beat down of one Vladimer Masters The Fenton parents forced vlad to use his influence to get rid of the GIW
After all of that Danny finally felt himself relax all the tension left his body and he fell asleep. just a little nap.
At this time, the still unknown king of the infinite realms gained a new power. This is also when Danny begins his sleepwalking adventures.
The first time it happend the Fenton family had no idea what to do Danny had just created a portal in the middle of town and sleep walked right into it and reappeared out of a another portal on top of the school.
The next time it happened, Danny had fallen asleep in Mr. Lancers' class when he suddenly stood up, created a portal, and walked through it while also transforming into his Phantom form. Needless to say, Danny's identity as Phantom was no longer a secret in Amity Park after that.
Danny, of course, has no idea this is even happening. No one has the heart to tell him when he has finally started to relax. The people of Amity Park quickly got used to Danny randomly popping up in places via a portal, so much so that there was a segment called Sleeping Phantom Watch on the news. This was the new normal until one day Danny Portals away, and no one has any idea where he is.
The bat fam had just sat down for dinner when a lazerus green portal appeared in the dining room. Everyone freezes, watching the portal, when a white-haired teen walks out.
Everyone is immediately on their feet, ready for battle,e yelling at the white-haired boy as the portal closes behind him
"what are you doing here" Bruse growls using his Batman voice the boy doesn't respond just stands in place
Damian rushes towards the boy and presses his sword to the intruder's neck. "he asked you a question." still no response
Soon, the boy was surrounded, and they got ready to attack when the white-haired teen let out a loud snore. "Wait, is he..." Tim gets closer to look at the boy and waves a hand in front of the boy's face, who snorts. "He's sleep"
"What, no way " Dick leans forward to see for himself just as the white-haired boy starts walking again and walks straight through Dicks body as if he wasn't even there Panic erupts as Dick pats his body down, shivering "S..so cold"
The boy keeps walking, and they can't grasp him. Then another portal shows up in front of the boy, who walks through it, and it closes instantly after him.
After that, the Bat fam kept seeing the sleep-waking portaling teen all over Gotham.
During one of his sessions, he interrupted the joker who had kidnapped Jason and Damian, but this time, he wasn't alone. Behind him was a tiny green puppy who was pulling on his pant leg, trying to drag the boy back through the portal when it closed, leaving the boy and dog.
The dog seems to cover his snout in frustration, and honestly, Jason and Damian could understand. But of course, Joker had to ruin the mood.
"Well, well, what have we here?" He grins, getting into the boys's faces. "An uninvited guest, how I hate party crashers. How about I introduce you to my friend Pain. Tell me what hurts more. I never get a straight answer." Joker cackles and swings a crowbar at the boy's head
Jason and Damian yell, hoping to wake the boy up as the weapon comes down. A loud growl makes the joker pause before he could land a hit and he looks down to see the puppy growling fiercly at him standing in front of the boy. "Out of the way, mutt!!" Joker yells, kicking at the dog
A move he would quickly regret as the dog grew and grew and grew until it was the size of a large Bear with teeth bigger and longer than jokers arms which was proven as the dog proceeded to tear said arm and crowbar off jokers body
The clown screams in horror as the once tiny harmless looking puppy procedes to tear his limbs off. Soon the Joker was nothing but a head with a body. The dog was about to finish off the joker and bite his head off when the boy starts walking towards another portal.
The dog shrinks and chases after the boy before the portal closes.
Jason and Damian looked down at the crying limbless joker, and Jason burst out laughing, "That was the best thing I had ever seen in my life."
From then on, every time the mysterious sleepwalking boy appeared in Gotham, Jason was there with Damian, offering the dog treats and pets and helping the poor pup take care of his sleeping boy.
As for the rest of Gotham, they, like the Amity parkers, had become accustomed to the boy and his dog magically appearing in random places. No one bothered them, and after what happened to the Joker, none of the other Gotham rouges would even dare touch him if he showed up near them with the dog.
And if the dog wasn't there, well, the giant werewolf and the yeti were enough of a deterrent.
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smilesheartshugs · 4 months ago
Cuddle piles:
The robin pile: all the batfam siblings (cas and duke are honorary robins even if they’ve never formally held the title)
The team pile up: any group of young heros but usually any team dick is on
The grumpy pile: Jason, Damian, and a sunshine of their choice (some times it’s Jon, sometimes it’s dick, sometimes Kory finds the siblings snuggling and just joins in)
The no we arnt sleeping pile: Tim and Bruce on top of their paper work
The top secret pile: the justice league in that one room they all swear dosent exist
The plus one pile up: the bat fam siblings all brought their significant others and they’re all in one giant snuggle pile.
The Polly piles : Tim or Jason get cornered by their significant others so that they get some sleep
The puppy pile: after dick is angsty everyone piles on him so he can get his snuggle time
The rabid pile: Bruce and the “what’s this? Physical affection?”
The revenge pile: the bar siblings are making a point to snuggle with out dick, he probably made some really bad pun again
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medusas-graveyard · 1 year ago
Someone you used to know.
an AU where after Danny's parents find out the truth about his biology, they turn their weapons against him; affectively leaving him no choice but to run away. There was no longer a 'Daniel James Fenton'; a child long dead after he was killed via electrocution. He cuts contact with everyone— and I mean everyone; only the god of time knows where he is. He turns to Gotham to start a new life there; under the guise of 'Danyal Nightingale', a homeless kid in crime alley, under the protection of the sentient city herself.
Enter: Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne was quite the enigma to him. The teen basically knew everything about self defense, but Bruce is rich rich; Danny can't really understand why he would need to be athletic as shit for "self defense" when he's pretty sure he could've just hire mercenary level bodyguards. But he doesn't pry on it too much; because Danny understands that somethings are better to not poke around at.
They both grew up. Danny still couldn't understand Bruce. They grew closer, yes; but Bruce would literally... disappear. Like— for long amounts of time. He would ask Alfred for his whereabouts, but the butler simply shook his head, insisting that Bruce would be fine.
And he was right, technically.
The (now pretty grown) man would always come back, even if he was battered and bruised. He would wave off his best friend's worries with "I'm fine"s and "stop worrying"s that just fueled his distaste about Bruce leaving.
And then Bruce left, again.
While he was slightly annoyed by Bruce's constant disappearance, he can't help but just sigh in resignation at the hard headed billionaire. Bruce will come back.... eventually, at least.
He was right; Bruce did come back.
But he didn't.
He couldn't.
He was trapped inside a neverending nightmare.
Because they found him.
Years pass by and his whole body felt numb, numb, numb. He's always either strapped inside a straight jacket in an empty room or torn open like a frog in biology class, on top of a surgery table. He doesn't remember how to speak, what he sounded like, what food tasted like— how it felt to move freely. Because all he could do over the past years (decade?) Is silently take the torture if simply existing.
On a good day, they would let him dream. He dreamt of talking, hyperfixating about stars and Greek mythology— he dreamt of playing tag and cooking messily in a kitchen; all with a boy and older man whose face he doesn't remember. On those days his life felt a little more bearable; like it gives him the motivation to just exist.
"... there's no way you're named after a bird."
"....ne. What's yours?"
"Danny is a nice name."
"Hey, wh— HEY! Get down from there!"
"Don't be such a worrywart. I'll see you soon, Danny."
His dazed eyes weakly focused on the familiar voice calling his name; the sight of a dark figure by the lab door greets his line of sight.
He's strapped on the table; chest still wide open as the figure rushes over him. He could hear their heart rattling inside their ribcage and their heaving breaths.
....no. this is all just a dream.
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mollotovm · 3 months ago
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i think i listened to beware by death grips around 86,000 times while drawing this. as lore inaccurate as it is because I’m ironically really new to true batman enjoyment, i just really liked batgirl #1. its a nice little comic. she’s very cute to me.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 10 months ago
Random memes based on "The Drakes Spoiled brat (im sorry dad.)"
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banterbat · 4 months ago
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ummm silly… silly guys?
(+extraz) alt caption: in the limelight
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also of anyone wans to know my thought process behind this I WILL WORD DUMP I WILL (also yes i did edit that caption bc i felt like it)
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ditzybat · 1 year ago
ik that people like to headcanon tim as a nocturnal being that never gets sleep and lives off of caffeine, but my personal headcanon is that bro has narcolepsy and physically cannot stay awake - like at every gala for the first half of the night he’s all socialite smiles and polite conversation, but towards the latter half of the night? he’s knocked out under the tables with ace while damian is playing animal crossing on his nintendo switch using him as a seat.
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magnoliasandarson · 8 months ago
violent delights
You wouldn't expect it, looking at Tim, but there was a darkness to him. It was subtle, hidden in the glint in his eyes and the flex of his hands. No one suspects it, so no one sees it.
Timothy Drake was brutal in a way that his brothers were not. His way wasn't the electric edge of Nightwing, the explosive domineering threat of Red Hood, or even the artistic violence that the newest Robin employed indiscriminately. No, Red Robin was surgical and precise.
Even the team he led grew to be known for their draconian tactics. They were a sign of hope to those in need, but for those that ended up in their line of fire... Timothy Drake was raised to lead, and he was damn good at it.
You wouldn't expect it, looking at the young man slumped over a keyboard cradling a cup of coffee like it was his last hope, but there was something other to Timothy Drake.
This was the man who had been nearly killed by his childhood hero and now shared a breakfast table with him. This was the man who had an organ ripped from his body by a man playing at being a demon. This was the man who lost everything, over and over, and rebuilt himself anew.
Timothy Drake fought and earned his name as Robin. He was the first to sacrifice, the first to jump into the line of fire, he was a hero. But in another life he ruled the world with an iron fist and a team that would do whatever it took to keep him in power. The only difference in this life is his lack of desire for a throne.
You wouldn't expect it, watching Timothy Drake carry food and supplies to an encampment of homeless children, but if you looked at the dried blood on his bo staff....
Timothy Drake was raised to be cut-throat, if only Janet Drake knew how literally he would take it.
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fanartsandstuff · 7 months ago
"This song do not work well with *insert platonic/romantic ship* ! Their dynamic in the canon is so much different ! "
Well it works perfectly fine with my animation in my head full of my silly headcanons and AU's so-
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theredcuyo · 6 months ago
Late night idea
Batman doesn't talk about his life at all, not to the league at least, and no matter how much they try, he's pretty closed off
Except for one thing, his kids, his 'babies' as he sometimes spills saying, if you want to hear Batman's voice for over two hours with no pauses just ask about them
And everyone thinks this are actual children and not full grown vigilantes
"My babyboy, he's just so talented, his jumps are so magnificent"
They think it's a and actual baby learning to jump, no, Bruce is talking about Dick's latest landing on a catwalk
"Oh, my little boy? He just started writting, he's so creative with his words"
They think it's a kid learning to write, Bruce is remembering Jason writting a ramson note in careful detail
"My sunshine? He was using the computer the other day, i still don't know how he found the access to the FBI's most classified list, he just has squeaky fingers"
A kid not knowing what he was doing, for sure
And yeah, Tim was trying something else and he and Bruce haven't yet figured out the process that got him there, but there are no complains
"About the... "babybat"? Oh, he's such an artist, i pay him to be able to display his art"
Just a doting father
Yes, but also, Bruce literally payed for whole gallery to display Damian's paintings, and he money-fought Talia to buy as many as possible for him to have at the office
"My princess? She's perfect"
He has favorites
And they are right this time
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antheia3 · 1 year ago
I personally think since tim can fall asleep anywhere he has given his family members multiple heart attacks.
Allow me to elaborate
Its a random Tuesday, very calm and suddenly you hear the sound of bruce wayne losing his shit because his son is just nowhere to be found.
He sits down at the batcomputer, ready to call reinforcements (clark probably) to help search for his son, when his leg bumps into something under the table.
And that something turns out to be tim- who thought the tiny space looked very comfy and decided to lay down for a nap
That is all,thank you
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sbrinnie · 2 months ago
Absolute lover of differences between actual playboy with daddy’s money Oliver Queen and raised by a old fashioned english butler, never took his time to party (like, legitimately party like a normal teenager) Bruce Wayne and how different their rasing children styles were.
Because if you don’t remember, Oliver had the playboy lifestyle tm until getting stuck in that island, he was insufferable, new money rich never had any consequences at his peak, only stopping because he got stuck in a island and was forced to learn how to survive. There was no skipping parties for this guy.
While Brucie haven’t seen happyness since he was eight, was raised by Alfred Pennyworth and spent years traveling around the world (ON HIS OWN WILL) to learn how to be THE Bat. Constancy and discipline became this guys motto and I have no doubt that this was passed to his kids because they are crazy.
Oliver who raised his kids to eat the rich, not care about consequences, live the moment and value what they had at the moment, a young adult turned into a man because he lost everything he had so fast and never wanted his kids to feel like they could do something differently vs Bruce who expected the most of his kids because they were always in a death threat so then he would never lose someone he cared about again, a man so desperate for safety he pushed people away.
Craziest part is how much we see those differences in their children in the smallest details, like:
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Jason using a full suit every time he goes on a plane and Roy just showing up trying to one up Disco Wing with this V neck. Jason always aware of the mannerisms programmed in him by a over attentive father and grandfather while Roy being more free to wear whatever because at the end of the day, its just another day and everything could be your last moment.
And the more I think about it the more I want to search for it because at the back of my mind I remember more moments of me just going damn, holy raising styles Batman.
I will not search for them because I’m lazy but thats my Ted Talk.
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++ I raise you this: Brucie Wayne is just a copy of what Ollie was before becoming Green Arrow.
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