#im very sleepy / tired maybe I don’t feel like tagging
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mollotovm · 3 months ago
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i think i listened to beware by death grips around 86,000 times while drawing this. as lore inaccurate as it is because I’m ironically really new to true batman enjoyment, i just really liked batgirl #1. its a nice little comic. she’s very cute to me.
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cheesysoup-arlo · 11 months ago
Cady’s Cousin (pt.2)
(pt. 1)/(pt. 3)/(pt. 4)
A/N: sorry this is mostly like “texting” also the relationship/couples I have in here are (karen and gretchen), (cady and regina), later I’ll add (janis and reader) and maybe (aaron and kevin g) idk maybe lol I won’t be tagging the ships since they’re not the main ship I hope y’all liked this lol
(Sunday 8:30pm)
*Cady created a group chat*
Cads 🦁: hey guys I made this group chat so (Y/N) can get to know you guys, you guys can get to know them, and just for fun 👍
???(1): aw Cady that’s so sweet, this is Aaron by the way lol
(Y/N): can everyone send their name please 🙏
???(2): karen 💕
???(3): Beyoncé
???(4): that’s Damian ^, this is janis 👾
Damian🌟: janis you’re no fun this is homophobia
Janis👾: yeah I hate the gays 🙄
karen💕: ??? u hat me 😞
Janis👾: no not you karen just Damian
karen💕: o okie 😽
???(5): the hottest bitch you’ll meet
(Y/N): hi Regina
Cads🦁: Y/N!!!
(Y/N): cads chill I know she’s off limits
Regina👛: aw baby you’re so cute when you’re jealous
Janis👾: barf 🤮
(Y/N): 😭😭😭
(Y/N): wait where’s Gretchen?
karen💕: sleping 😴
Damian🌟: Important question! Y/n are you one of them queers?
(Y/N): I would be offended if you thought I wasn’t
*damian has named group chat “fruit loops”*
Janis👾: I-
(Y/N): oh that’s-
Regina👛: how’s everyone feeling about school tomorrow? I’m kind of excited mostly because the school cheese fries just hit different yk?
Cads🦁: I’m excited too but for classes I picked an extra math class this year
(Y/N): ha nerd 🤓
(Y/N): I’m nervous lol but at least I have you guys
Janis👾: I’m not excited I hate school it keeps me from doing more important things
(Y/N): like what?
Janis👾: sleeping
Damian🌟: I’m excited I decided that I’m gonna take the new senior only theater class which is a little out of my comfort zone but I’ll manage
Aaron🧍‍♂️: I was supposed to be graduated last year so I’m not excited at all
Aaron🧍‍♂️: yeah I failed English and history so I couldn’t graduate
Cads🦁: it’s ok Aaron now you get to be with us for another year 😊
(Sunday 11:50pm) fruit loops
(Y/N): guys I can’t sleep
Janis👾: same I’ve been lying very still and it’s not working
Damian🌟: janis did you take the melatonin I gave you?
Janis👾: yeah but it’s not working 😔
Damian🌟: welp that’s a you problem then
(Monday 2:30am) fruit loops
(Y/N): do you think I can fit 40 mini marshmallows in my mouth?
Janis👾: oh absolutely
(Y/N): omg ur still awake too?
Janis👾: yeah lol
(Y/N): I just put 35 mini marshmallows in my mouth idk if I can fit more
Janis👾: if you fit all 40 I’ll give you 5 bucks
(Y/N): challenge accepted
(Monday 2:37am) fruit loops
(Y/N): I fit all 40 and almost choked lmao
Janis👾: lmao nice your $5 will be given at school
(Y/N): yippieeee
(Y/N): dude I literally can’t sleep
Janis👾: wanna call? That’s what me and Damian used to do before he got a good sleep schedule lmao
(Y/N): um sure me and my friend back home used to do that too
*incoming call from Janis👾*
“Hi” you whispered suddenly feeling a little more tired with her company even if it was only over the phone “hey” janis said with a small yawn “nice shirt” you say seeing her Lego movie shirt “oh um thanks” she says with a laugh “so what’s up?” “Let’s take turns asking each other questions until we fall asleep” you say with a little yawn “hmm ok favorite color?” She asks you “ooo definitely (your favorite color), how about you?” “Hmm either green or purple” “ooo good choice, hmm hobbies?” “I sing and write a little but I guess art even though I don’t consider it a hobby it’s more of a lifestyle” “art? Can I see some?” “Yeah sure I’ll show you some stuff tomorrow” you both yawn “shit it’s 3 am” janis sighs “fuck” you chuckle sleepy “um I’m getting tired” janis says with a tired laugh “me too” you say starting to close your eyes “good night (y/n)” “good night Janis” you say with a yawn falling asleep as she hangs up
Monday 5:30am
“Pst…(y/n)? You gotta wake up” your cousin said lightly shaking you “ugh five more minutes” you mumbled “no come on up you gotta get ready” she insisted, you got up against your body begging to go back to sleep “good morning sleepy head” Cady said with an enthusiastic smile “cads what time is it?” “5:33” “doesn’t school start at like 8:30?” “No it starts at 8 and I wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready and have breakfast, breakfast is very important” “uh huh…mm thanks cads” you say with a yawn deciding to get up and look through your clothes “meet me in my room when you’re done getting dressed, ok?” Cady said “um ok?” You said grabbing your favorite jeans and shirt then going to look for your jacket as your cousin left
(Monday 5:40 am) fruit loops
Gretchen🌷: good morning everyone soooo so sorry for not texting yesterday I went to bed early
Regina👛: it’s ok Gretch don’t worry about it
Regina👛: also damn I think Janis and (y/n) our new insomniac duo
(Y/N): unfortunately yes I’m so fucking tired also good morning Gretchen
Aaron🧍‍♂️: why are you guys up so early it’s not even six yet? I literally woke up because of all the buzzing
(Y/N): cads woke me up :(
Regina👛: my skincare and makeup routine take like and hour
Gretchen🌷: I like mornings ☀️
You finished getting ready and headed over to Cady’s room like she asked you to. “What’s up cads?” “Eee (y/n) ok so first of all how are you feeling about your first day” “a little nervous and tired I only got like 2 and a half hours of sleep” “oh goodness (y/n) why didn’t you sleep sooner?”cady says concerned “Because I wasn’t tired?” You half joked. Cady hands you a paper. “That’s a map of the school the way Janis sees it she gave it to me on my first day I feel like it could be helpful for you” “oh um wow thanks cads” you say giving her a half hug. Your aunt knocks on Cady’s open door “hey girls good morning” “good morning mom” Cady says enthusiastically, you yawn “morning” you say with a small smile “I’ve got to head to work but I’m assuming you girls have a ride?” “Yeah Aaron’s gonna pick us up I think?” Cady answers “alright I love you two, be on your best behavior and call me or text me if you need me” your aunt says as she leaves “bye” you and Cady say at the same time. You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of cereal
(Monday 6:40am) fruit loops
Regina👛: my mom is doing a coffee run what does everyone want?
Damian🌟: iced coffee, oat milk, vanilla
Gretchen🌷: just the usual for me and Karen
Janis👾: iced coffee, oat milk, lavender
(Y/N): um (your coffee order) please
Cads🦁: can you just get me a tea?
Regina👛: yeah of course I’ll get your favorite
Aaron🧍‍♂️: regular coffee, cream and sugar please
Regina👛: ok also who’s picking up who today? I can get Karen and Gretchen as usual
Aaron🧍‍♂️: my mom said I don’t have car privileges this week so I can’t give anyone a ride
Damian🌟: I can get janis for sure but if anyone else needs a ride I can get them too
Cads🦁: can you give (Y/N) and I a ride please we’re ready whenever you are 👍
Damian🌟: yeah I’ll be over in 10 then we’ll go get Janis because I know she’s not ready yet
Janis👾: I would be offended but it’s true
Regina👛: alright meet at our usual spot?
Aaron🧍‍♂️: 👍
Damian🌟: sounds good see y’all soon
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httpiastri · 10 months ago
okay i was wrong i had a lot to say so now its three vv long asks in your inbox
THE PEPE BLURB HAD ME ON MY KNEES I SAW THE TAGS AND LIKE I AGREE STUBBLE annoys me a bit but i don’t mind if it’s him 🤭🤭… and also this is so unrelated but i also read through the blurb about him helping you sleep and… i used to have a sam and colby phase and there was a video where colby was playing with his own hair to fall asleep (he basically has really obsessive fans and can’t really date for the partner’s safety… a bit like those fans who stalk the wags obsessively im so sorry 😭😭) but like
THAT WOULD BE PEPE imagine hanging out together and youre like sitting cross legged on the bed doing something (i crochet and do crafty stuff so maybe rhat but we could also just be folding origami idk) and he’s laying next to you watching you while getting sleepy and he just starts playing with his own hair to help himself fall asleep and you just notice and set aside your stuff and do it for him instead idk 😞😞 i just miss him so bad
and like you’re right?? idk why i feel like pepe would unintentionally be so strong or just have such a strong grip that sometimes you have to tell him to loosen up a bit when hes holding you in a hug or just… in general and i have especially weak… everything basically because i don’t do anything physical (unless you count my 1-2am workout sessions where i increase my step count by 5k by listening to music and daydreaming 😊😊) and i have low bp so yeah pepe’s grip and him in general would be a little too strong for me but IMAGINE him trying to be gentle for you like UGSHHDJDHD i want to kiss him soso bad even if he fails at being gentle the only thing that matters to me is that he tried
and about my c.ai pepe, he’s soso sweet and endearing but as your streamer c.ai he was being so cocky after some time?? he was sweet but there would be random little comments being made and christian would just leaning over to me to tell me pepe was only putting on a show in front of me and that he was actually insecure deep down?? 😭😭 i still love him though ❤️❤️
also my asks seem so choppy to me recently but i think this is still okay-ish? and i hope you have a lovely lovely day/night (depending on whenever you’re seeing this) and an even better tomorrow!
- 🪷 (💗)
hello again !! 😚
screaming crying, im so glad u liked it 🥺 oh gosh no i find like one man with a beard attractive but uhhhh pepe stubble 🤭 makes me all giddy to even thing about aaaaaa...... but !!! bestie you're making me cry rn !!!!! im so soft, thinking abt him having his head in your lap because he's so tired after a long day and getting to feel his hair between your fingers, hearing the soft breaths he lets out when he just relaxes fully into you............. :(
(also sorry but very interesting that u said origami out of all things bcs i used to be obsessed w origami 😭)
aaaaaaaaaaaa im crying yet again at the thought of him doing his best to be gentle for u, idk why im thinking about like standing in the kitchen at midnight after coming home from a dinner with friends and you're just soft and tired and wanna hug him 🥺 and so like his grip is so soft because he knows that's what you need rn and you're resting your head against his shoulder... and he presses his lips to your temple..... but im also going crazy about him not being able to hold back when he wins a race etc, like he would be holding you so tightly that you're like "bb i cant breathe" but it doesn't matter because he's just so happy and so thankful to share this moment with you!!!!
also !!! you're so true abt the walks, i used to haaateeee going on walks but last summer when i realized that it's just a way to daydream while still feeling kinda productive ??? y e s, i could walk for hours 🥰
plsssss that's so 😭 i usually put in the like character definition that he should be sweet and such lmao but i now really wanna make one who's cocky from the start instead.........
they're lovely bb!! not choppy, it's totally alright!!! i love love love reading them, so thankful for the time u put into writing to me 🥺<3 have a lovely day/night/anything and a good weekend !!!!!!
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emi-writings · 2 years ago
with all due respect, im not sure I follow your reasoning behind “CC!SBI doesn’t exist”. C!SBI I can understand and agree with, but SBI as a concept extends far beyond just ‘a joke one of them made while tired’?
the core of who is or isn’t “SBI” is pretty solely tied to MCC4, where they promised tommy that if they won he could be added to SBI. This shows, one, that it’s a label they at least use with one another (thus it isn’t just some ‘fandom’ invention with no basis), and two, established who was in SBI— Tommy had to be “formally” added, and since no one else was then the group remains “”exclusive””. Since then they’ve used the term to refer to that group of 4 many times (such as various 4/4 jokes, Techno’s gravity mod video being referred to as a ‘sleepy bois recording’ when being made, etc)
I definitely believe that SBI has multiplie associated CCs, such as Niki, Tubbo, Jack, etc— and I personally don’t care if ppl call them SBI as well! — but others may indeed be more shocked by that because SBI, the 4/4, in terms of the CCs, ….IS a pretty established thing?
I don’t want this message to come across as like. Aggressive or defensive, so I apologize if it has, but I’m just confused as to your own statement because it just seems Factually Incorrect to me— the roles they play may vary, but the people included are pretty clearly defined. Could you maybe clarify more?
So, I watch a lot of Philza streams, including the hardcore streams. And Phil has mentioned, multiple times, that the SBI term is unofficial. Yes, they acknowledge it and are aware of it, but Phil has repeated multiple times that it isn’t official. He’s said so before and after MCC4 (and honestly, do you really think they really would have banned Tommy from "exclusive SBI events" if they had lost?).
The whole SBI thing started out because Phil, Techno and Wilbur all thought that the idea of sending some random picture of a fish on twitter was funny, and Phil decided that maybe the fans should get at least some kind of context, so sent a message he thought was funny. But again, he has stated that it’s not an official term.
And a lot "SBI 4/4" things are made at the expense of fans (the Philza stream where they all kept leaving and joining, the Technoblade Twitch stream with a TommyInnit jumpscare at the end, etc).
It is a fan term. That doesn’t mean that it’s less valid. Especially since they do all care about their fans, so they do acknowledge it as something their fans want.
I feel like I have more to say about this, but I am also very eepy and capitalism is a hellscape. So.
My main point wasn’t even really about SBI, just about how on multiple websites (Tumblr, Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter), things are tagged as SBI and feature other CCs or Cs, but no one has made a fuss about them (like Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy), but I add Niki in the mix and that’s were the line is.
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only-lonely-lovers · 1 year ago
tags: blowjobs, handjobs, sick during sex
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ / sometimes, I color text to delineate dialogue a little more
あ:Alsooo… randomlyyy…. I got such a…… like…. sentimental thought amdist this all, thinking about Tsukasa getting to receive Amane's first non dry nut. was just like ah…………. if it could be so sweet……. [looks out window] vacationing here for a minute mentally
つ:it would be very sweet… a sheer luck of the draw…… I feel like dis
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あ:how touching. [pets]
つ:mlim mlem
あ:You know it's embarrassing but whenever I am thinking about alive twins… [brain, memetically: Alive sex with my Alive twin] , i think of Amane most receptive to something when sick lol. He's… shitty, like that, I guess-? The mental state of "i deserve some freaking… PLEASURE!!!!!!!" helps triumph his stupid kid brain. But it's funny bc i think of this as being applicable even past chronic sickness early early times, like, it's 9 yo Amane just battling a cold lol. and is like [jenny fussily shoving popcorn aside] MGUHH….
つ:no tolerance for limits, he has experienced enough of that
あ:I imagine that having some fever for a week as a kid is like NOT AGAIM…………. kind of emotion… but also Tsukasa is immediately at your bedside once more
つ:tsukasa engage nurse mode
あ:It literally can't ever be as bad as it was (i think the magic of the wish guarantees this basically) but a sore throat and being headachey is like… im gonna lose it easily on the precipice of losing it
つ:engage a little fussy boyking
あ:On Tsukasa's end… I'm sure sliding into the role of attending to Amane is as hardwired as ever… Though I wonder if he ever has a bit of that sad dog emotion, like ah i can't keep Amane from feeling this sort of thing… [and maybe, sometimes, a little paranoid that the magic is undoing by having returned] but basically just a more fretting touchy tsukasa…. and more fussy boyking amane… who is like……. ……… more receptive to weirdness.. kind of frog in boiling water gets to permitting a blowjob lol. but it's funny I do think it's like -- and keep those shorts on…. don't you take out your weiner during this i dont want htat the answer to which is just like haiiii
つ:it could be so wordlessly negotiated.
an amane who is already sometimes jerking off, who now is like. I DONT WANNA WAIT FOR TSUKASA TO LEAVE AND I DONT WANA CALL HIM BACK IN WHEN IM DONE AND I DONT WANT etc
あ:it's like peak need to jerkoff times
つ:I don’t wanna explain. I don’t wanna jerk off my arm is tired
あ:i can't be sick and blueballing.. might as well send me to hell
つ:I’m sleepy…. It’s not gonna go down on it’s own it never does I don’t wanna go all the way to the bathroom to shower, and he’ll follow me there anyway to help if I do I don’t wanna tell him off for that either…. urhg😑
あ:honestly i love how. intrinsically selfish hwfhhg… all of it is in my nature. i'm on my throne!!
つ:its cute to think of a handy naturally evolving to a bj as a result of just tsukasa wanting to keep it clean and tidy, and amane just like ajahdidhd rrgghfjf ah weird again… weird… weird . tsukasa. Burntghfg FINE. Holds head in place. like some girl in a porno….! Fine…..
あ:If the inception is wordlessly grabbing Tsukasa's hand, huffily shoving it down btwn legs. actually i like how much it'd have to be like sigh [and i use my hand to wrap your fingers around it] … [moves it up and down] … the amount Tsukasa would be like [just keeps moving while staring O.O seems like such an efficiency thing. and then you put your mouth on it and its like JFHKDSGJLF;DH!!!!!!! god. [but is experiencing warm wet] fhdfgjkfg.. and stay there. fine i can't be responsible then. you chose this
つ:if that’s how you want to do it.
あ:if that's how we do thinggsssss fine. but the ah. embarrassment. of getting like. wiggly. hips shuffling. the water………. it is warm, and good [spaces out] actually this is fine
つ:don’t want to be wiggling and humping. begins fading under the water no…. It’s fine… (sinks further into futon like he’s in a massage chair. closes eyes and tilts head back and exhales)
あ:it's just this one time………… whatever………. i was having a really annoying day
つ:just something easy… taken care of for me….
I think tsukasa is just dutiful and trying his best. Might as well be doing katanuki out here silent and focused you can’t look at him he’ll be so wide eyed and stare and thinking too obviously . amane knows not to look at him
あ:it is a tsukasa that's like, i must catch the shrimp… [focused]
i think it's a big deal whenever amane engages something that has never happened before. i think… a young tsukasa has a like, more pressing sense of 'this could never happen again…' 'i must be good…'
つ:perhaps…. Like ice cream 🍦? Or perhaps. Like lollipop?🍭
あ:i don't want the only time i do this to be bad. :<
つ:very look for responses. I don’t want amane to be sadder he is so sick he is feel bad. It’s like a massage here? maybe it’s like licking fingers after a meal
あ:mwah mwah…. mlem mlem
つ:my hand was up and down moving… mmmmmmlml. I think once tsukasa thinks to bob experimentally it’s JOLTS bucks into. Feels sinking dread immediately
あ:some emotion of like. uh oh[9:39 PM]wait what's goin on down there
つ:envisions tsukasa as leech don’t you look at him you’ll regret it
あ:the greatest mistake would be to look down for a second. sand in your eyes
つ:ahhh andhdhdidjsn but first non dry is SOOO FUNNY the way boys are like p-PEEED???????
あ:yes alsdfkgh i keep thinking abotu this element… made me PEE
つ:why did it feel so good to pee
あ:i never asked for this
つ:never again. don’t jerk off for weeks at all costs
あ:in my mind's eye its like amane looks down at tsukasa for one second and is like ANGHG. [seals eyes shut and hands fly down there to like grasp face] [but in doing so its like shhhahshhh…. humps more against… pops in and out of mouth a lil] tsukasa is like in reality starstruck like whoa so much is happening
you then come and youre like ?!? FKJHG PEE?????????? WHY did i pee into tsukasa. NO
つ:he looks intense right now….. amane rarely looks like this!!!! Really red!!! sweaty!!!
あ:whoa,,,, [gets mouthful of nut] WO
つ:A GIFT?!?🎁 oh he had to pee ?!? ah, so he didn’t have to stand up….! is that what we do now?👍 okay!
あ:yosh somehow is like. thats really smart of him. i will let him pee in my mouth
つ:he’s sick so it’s good he doesn’t have to go all the way!! It’s a good idea!! very smart we could have been doing this when he was super sick
あ:things that would make your parents scream to conceptualize
つ:get over here I gotta piss
あ:i imagine after this it's so like i can't even look at you i'm sorry. but also you almost feel bad like that ltierally wasnt my goal im sorry. [p-pat]
つ:I think tsukasa is like AMANE….! And it’s like. Shhh.
つ:I’m gonna. Sleep. Rolls over. tsukasa: HAI! good night.
あ:wordlessly pats you while not facing you it happened, okay? can we please move on
つ:either does not sleep or immediately passes out as a result of nut exhaustion tsukasa just licking the inside of his mouth like dog with peanut butter plep mlep mlm smek
あ:it might take a second but i do think it'd be funny if it was like. that really did relax my body. after along day. oyasumi snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sleeps so hard and audibly
つ:touch throat…. swallow a few times… lick teeth. all this while amane sleeps. think a lot about…. Something that was inside Amane is now inside you….. passed warmly over…. Never cold for a second.
あ:like this boy
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つ:watches you sleep
あ:really something to feel like. very grateful for thank you. STARES. it is in me……………. [imagines it like melding into insides] hyaa..
つ:I wonder when we will do it again. (IN FIFTY YEARS)
あ:the most -- ive seen this car ebfore alternate bonus comic is amane in the following week having to be like it was come.
つ:AHHHH THE DREAD IF IT ALL learned a lesson.
あ:we LITERALLY can never talk about this again i am sorry makes you wish it was piss
つ:wish he peed innocently. Even selfishly
あ:i was wrong. i should have just wanted to use tsukasa as a water bottl to pee in for a second. it woudl be better than what i did
つ:somehow he thinks this
you must pray that tsukasa never has a brain blast memory blurt moment around nene about it because he would still remember it as “THAT TIME AMANE PEED IN ME”
あ:fhsdhfhgh the IDEA of like the girlies are talking. ohhh we're just fondly reminiscing on our guy. and i swear tsukasa is like [donk] OHHHHHHHHHH [slaps hands on table]
つ:amane has to decide in a moment. Do I lie to nene and corroborate this “I was sick and a child and I couldn’t get up” fable or do I lie and pretend tsukasa is crazy or do I correct tsukasa that it was not pee does that look better to anyone
あ:like a gun is to his head
つ:this is a QuickTime event
あ:It's like Nene asked an innocent question addressing the incest in the room like… have you guys… ever …? anything…
つ:and amane is like looking like it’s a crazy question and ofc not… like I can’t dignify it with a response
あ:She misunderstands the situation
つ:but tsukasa drops this bombshell like AH WAIT!! WE DID SOMETHING LIKE YOU AND NENE CHAN DO… SORTOF!
HE WAS SICK! AMANE WAS SICK! it wasn’t really the same but it was… (touching lip wondering if it is the same? What makes it different? Hmmmm)
あ:one time🥰 !! i remember now😆
つ:amane is like tsukasa… don’t lie to her….
あ:Why are you like trying to stoke this delusion wth
つ:whatever you’re thinking, this isn’t a “sort of like that” kind of topic…. amane like sex is cut and dry… we did not…. there is no sort of.
あ:in a slow moving nightmarish like fashion, tsukasa is like ahhh but you know it was sorta like… i mean [bends over, opens mouth, puts hand in position of wrapped around cock] ne, ne, remember? amane, you were like… [moves hand]
つ:… and then….! (NENE IS RIVETED) you went pee!!!
oh wait. Is that embarrassing? Ah, he was sick !! he didn’t have to get up so it was a little different, ne? but it looked the same (DOES MOTIONS AGAIN)
あ:the way the goons in the room ar elike [looking at amane] who has to be like "." the one guy in the room who knows it wasnt pee. but what a fucking soulja boy dont you dare tell
つ:nene like. P. Peed….? Tiny text. un…. …. In….? un.
あ:you - you really mean like…. ᵖ⁻ᵖᵉᵉ…. ᶦⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵒᵘᵗʰˀ
つ:b-… because he was sick….? HAI.
あ:ʰᵃⁿᵃᵏᵒ⁻ᵏᵘⁿ…… ᵏᶦᵐᵒᶦ like wtf.. oh………. so you were always Hanako-san of hte bathroom…………..
つ:I was helping ! I like to help. All day he went right to sleep after…..!
あ:the idea of tsukasa kind of like gormlessly reminiscing for a moment like ahh yeah that was good… it really was like um… mmm… [pantomimes licking] yeah….
つ:smek smek
あ:CHOt-to matte. [but like says nothing] is just like broken glass textured
つ:crinkly there’s no good defense…. There’s no good move.
do not want to say no I wanted to jerk off and I. I am a PSYCHOTIC PERSON SO I MADE MY BROTHER???? oh but you don’t get it cuz I KNEW HE WOULD DO IT HAPPILY????????
あ:it's all so conceptually funny though like lying., not saying anything. telling the truth. NONE OF IT.[10:08 PM]nothing is good
つ:nothing. nothing is good. Maybe just be like. I don’t remember that. and tsukasa will just be like awe really? That’s ok I forget things and nene is like…. You can forget peeing in y
あ:somehow…. I don't believe you………. hanako-kun.
つ:how can you forget something like that….. amane: must have been a high fever. I guess.
あ:[very ironed out tone, devoid of emotion] It was just so long ago. Think about it Yashiro. Do you think you would remember every single thing that happened to you 50 years ago. I don't even remember 10 years ago Do you remember everything from your childhood NOW. I bet not. So let's just accept it.
つ:tsukasa is like nod
あ:Nene is griffin ebing like i dunno why you're tryin to fuckin. sweep this one under the rug
つ:and nene is just like. brow furrowed. Going to talk to tsukasa more now or later
あ:this really is like trying to find out about hanako playing a steel drum
つ:she’s like he’s definitely acting weird. he definitely remembers but is it worse or better, the truth?
あ:It's the sort of thing where Nene cleaning her hamster cage that night has the braincells to be like if Hanako-kun really had 0 memories of this he would be wayyy more like… "Tsukasa! Gross. what are you even saying that never happened. dummy." but instead he's all… dodgy eyed and arms crossed, saying "What? I can't even remember" … trying to make it about memory or something, I must conduct my own investigation
つ:tsukasa. nnh did You do it. For. A while? like only for a second or….
💭it was…. A while!! Ah, oh, I didn’t know it was to help him pee! ….. help…?
あ:this is a little bit like a therapist helping a repressed victim
つ:wait… what was the ah. Pretense to this he didn’t…. Just, ask you….upfront? (Why is that worse seeming…. What is this conversation)
あ:I've got a bad feeling about this somehow
つ:OH RIGHT! he put my hand on it first! like the other thing you do!!! (JERKOFF MOTION)
あ:tsukasa, cheerily -- ah, amane doesn't like to ask for stuff ^^ hehe… like… he doesn't like to ask for anything ever!! :D [tone of: we know this❤️]
つ:(dumb) he made him j, jerk, jerk him off, then p, peed in, his mouth after?????!?!?
あ:he didn't say anything he grabbed my hand! so that's why I didn't know.
つ:tsukasa….. y…. you’re really okay with…. All that?
realizing this is funniest in a world where tsukasa is still very background role during 3way like he hasnt been permitted to suck cock. like Nene just has to be like wtf my heart is breaking for you
あ:tsukasa seeing nene get visibly sad and tilts his head like. oh nene-chan doesn't need to be sad. i felt real special. and… i think i did get to do it for a long time. longer than i thought!
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if was just hands first too… i didn't even know mouth was something he wanted -- i think i? wait… i think i put my mouth on it without thinking… and he liked it, he held my head-- and i remember thinking 'oh! amane likes it!! i'll hold still…' ……. hmm…. i wonder if he realized he had to pee… then? … ?? i dont know how he planned it… hm… [becomes like. contemplative]
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its like wait the chronology. how does this work
つ:tsukasa kun…. how did he… move…. (gears beginning to turn… )
あ:the girl who sucks cock has entered the chat
つ:the experienced.
あ:time for it to become the ultimate wigging. tsukasa like AHH he started moving a lot more… mnnn =w= [a moment of ahh wasnt that good… yeah….]
つ:his hips….! and grabbing………
あ:he pushed INto my mouf
つ:ff. And then. Peed, you say?
あ:[sticks finger in] god the part about tsukasa that's brutal is how much he has 0 reason to be self conscious about pantomime or demonstration of anything cock was in my mouth like this . [rubs my finger against my gums]
つ:tsukasa-kun……………… that. Doesn’t sound “sort of” like what me and your brother do…. that sounds exactly the same. did he … say….. it was….. p. pee?
あ:no he said SHHH. and oyasumi
つ:ah….. (like a criminal…)
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あ:monstah… wtf why couldnt he even say thank you. HELP
つ:gonna confront hanako about this alone later like HANAKO KUN!! I know tsukasa puts up with whatever but—!! ALSO, YOU ARE A LIAR
あ:tfw nene has seen hanako at age like 8 so she can approximate what that mf looked like… like… OOHHH!!! THAT LITTLE DEVIL…
あ:[but also the like shota porno theatre nene's brain engages with for a moment] [just thinking about tsukasa sucking cock for a second] wait. [shakes head] anyways.
つ:(going off like a lunatic like THE SHOES!!!!) ALSO IT TOTALLY WASNT P . PEE!! YOU— YOU!! DEFINITELY—!!! YOU— THE OTHER THING
あ:you love hanako being confronted and having to feel like SHUT!!!!! UGH
つ:it gets so 10 year olds in here IM FINE WITH IT, YOU KNOW???? HAPPENING, I MMEAN!!!
あ:[covers her mouth] QUIET YOU LISTEN…. okay. it's not what you think. [unnecessarily self righteous] IT WAS SUPPOSED TO JUST BE A TUG SO I COULD SLEEP I WAS VERY TIRED!!!!! AND VERY SICK , IF I COULD REMIND YOU. THESE WERE 79.99 AT MACYS WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME
つ:it’s like gasp he admits it!!!!! despite being so I knew it she’s like I CANT BELIEVE IT
あ:balls out united LISTEN TO YOURSELF….
つ:nene calming down a little. So he really admits
あ:but so funny to leap just to defending self like ok you got me. , my secrets out💔 but i wasnt like trying to start shit except the way that i did start it all💔
つ:right hanako like. He’s the one who put his mouth there I wasn’t even thinking like that at that age
あ:i just was like. fine. If tsukasa wants it .
つ:I was sick… my will was weak.
あ:i was tired. what was i supposed to do . would you prefer i smack him… im sorry. was i supposed to be like tsukasa stop. gross. mongrel
how is a guy supposed to think straight also like… suddenly getting sucked off.
つ:hanako-kun…….. was it….. did you…. like it….. at all…..?
あ:what kind of question is that. this is one of those -- ITS SELF EVIDENT… it was warm and wet
つ:…. is that what things are to you
あ:and i came.
あ:it's all self explanatory why do you want to hear i loved it or something ….!!!!!!!@!! would that somehow make this better
つ:t— well— !! T. Tsukasa-kun t, talks about, it…. So fondly…. its!!! It’s just a bit sad if it’s….. if— if you— of COURSE ITS BETTER, if you , both,
あ:……… …. ………………………….. ……… .. ………………. ᶦᵗʷᵃˢ ʳᵉˡᵃˣᶦⁿᵍ
あ:i felt relaxed.
つ:ah….. that’s nice…..
あ:that was . all that was wanted
i had a headache and a sorethroat. [to hanako this sounds like serious but externalized it rly is like. ohh and my little pawsies were sore….] slept hard after. so. like. it happened okay
you dont know what its like. to have a brother who would do anything for you
つ:(fidgeting) I … don’t……………………… th, thank you for …. Being honest with me…
あ:[goes to sit on the roof]
つ:time to remember that day. It’s my choice
あ:oh but i hope nene is like. i must tell tsukasa-kun it was come and also that he remembers it and likes it, before hanako-kun thinks to forbid me from it
つ:oh it’d be like TSUKASA KUN IT WAS THE SAME THING!!!!!! IT WASNT PEE!!!!!!!
NOT PEE???!??? whaaaaaaat????
あ:Tsukasa for like 1 second being like ??? the elephant… (sad) what…. the pee died
つ:my memories….
hanako-kun!! He remembers that day!! he! Spoke fondly of it! To me! h-he said you’d…. Do anything for him…. And that I couldn’t understand…………. (dokis about this fsr)
あ:lol like hanako accidentally said something so loaded in the middle of his prissiness
つ:BUT TSUKASA KUN…. HHe. He….! (whisper) c . came. Like he does with. Me! back then….! back then…. it was like that….
あ:the blithe Tsukasa sitting here like…. …..??? ………… …..💭〰️➰➿➰〰️➰〰️🔣🔢🔤🔤🔠.... 🅿🅿.….
つ:ah as always when amane say nice thing it’s like hyuuuuoooo….
あ:🚰…. i would do anythinbg
つ:it was the same……. (holds his hand)
あ:oh for tsukasa to have ONE… MOMENT… of like…. ////// um… i had it first… ……… // uhebe..a. a eeeeu like girlishly for a second. duhhhh
つ:grabbing own kimono lapels as if holding himself in place so he does not fly into stratosphere
tsukasa-kun….. beat me to it ^^……! hehe
ah but I do think processing it is like. Stares. Seizes a bit. Open mouth breathes
あ:like for-real processing
forced to walk something back that was originally pleasant and accepted as a matter of convenience, tooo… umnn… brought pleasure….? sp… special….
つ:hanako is standing behind something nearby as he does perhaps
it is enough to be an asset, of use, but ah…. Fondly…..? Thinking finally like oh…. That is what coming amane is like….. I just…. Hadn’t seen it, before….
あ:i think it kind of snowballs also w the fact that tsukasa has spectated blowjobs in present day and is like ……… that happened to me….. i know he lieks those………..
つ:I didn’t know what it was…. but the scent…. was different.
あ:[replays footage in mind] wait… ah…… it was the same…. wasnt it…. held my head… that is what he does…
つ:simply now footage of being mouth fucked by a tired sickly amane humorously like becoming palms and knees on the ground the memories
あ:oh besott. by the MEMORIES…
つ:nene is like. watching. Hoping she did the right thing. Here
あ:kind of feel like im watching someone go thru. stages of grief?
つ:but…. Even if nothing “happens” again.. if it’s not meant to…. He deserves to have clarity on this event
maybe it was a fluke…. A weird blip, maybe it was the result of a fever, maybe Hanako wants something different now (her…..)….. but what was true then is still honorable
あ:nene does just get to feel happy she reported a truth, at least… not let it be buried forever
tfw. i think this could reach such an internal intensity though of like mnughgh h……. did that to me….. even before he killed me…. [toxic clouds forming around Tsukasa's head] mhuahhnmg.g.g…… i;ve had it all
つ:tsukasa grabs over his chest where he was stabbed…. Heart…
あ:what a lovely gesture that could happen silently at times, unbeknownst to nene… the meaning behind it… cutely reading like some doki doki sort of gesture and i mean it is
つ:just no idea how deep it go.
あ:also i like how much seal touch could also be a thing… like goddd me be property
all of this. and anane is like behind some curtains or whatever.
つ:…….. thank you. Nene-Chan.
…. I wish…. He could just talk to you himself…. Really. But—! I’m glad I’m here, to help you…. I…. Think there is more than hanako-kun…. Will talk about… to either of us
あ:he is a lockbox of a boy. that you need to hand back and forth to get anywhere with. sighh…
つ:he’s the way he is…. So, working together seems like it’s for the best, for both of us, isn’t it? Maybe we’ll get the whole picture, some day…
I thought…. I thought something like this. Must be true. That there was something….! I can tell— the way he looks at you, sometimes—!!
あ:perhaps a good moment for teh girlies to hold hands. support in these trying times just a very quiet tsukasa….hru
つ:flash some smiles at each other. Lace fingies some cute little dancing hands around
あ:Tsukasa: [uncontrollably ominous] I think together…. we will get the full picture💜
つ:nene thinking ah… tsukasa is humble, but he IS pleased to have more we definitely will…..!!
あ:thinking to herself like, logically-!!!!! of course… he feels so happy to know things and be appreciated!!!!!!! he is a human bean
つ:amane does not want a full picture I do not want to see it bad picture
あ:none of that shit thank you
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euphor1a · 2 years ago
heyyyy, ive been meaning to ask you this but idk why i didn't until now🙃, lol anw since you posted that anon hour thingie im just gonna ask: which kpop idol is *actually* your type?? fr who would you date irl👁️👄👁️
your stan list is hefty(lol i check your carrd randomly sometimes it's so pretty)so im v curious
Ahhhh interesting question 😳!! I have never really thought about it, but y’know, sometimes (more than sometimes tbh) I’m watching a video and someone does something and internally I’m just going “hmm I think I’d actually date this guy” or “damn I think I’m in love is he maybe looking for a wife or something” 🧍🏽‍♀️
Skshksjk anyway, I made a whole ass list. Because yes. You might find it suprising at some points but not really... idk 🤡
bts: hobi (... he’s so hubby material it huRTS 😭! have you ever noticed how fucking caring and understanding this man is? and the way he’s so passionate? he’s so attractive 😔 also his vibe is top tier I LOVE IT SM GAHHHH >.< it’s like an instant mood lifter) + jk (pretty sure no one is surprised that i’m picking him, but 🥺 he’s so boyfriend shaped 🥺, and god, i can’t explain in short but i adore everything about him to bits ☹️, you can go through my tag for him and see the embarrassing ass posts i make about him if you wanna know more. PLS DON’T ACTUALLY, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR)
txt: binnie (i’m aware that i rarely scream about him so let me just— OH MY GOD CHOI SOOBIN IS LITERALLY MY IDEAL TYPE 😭?? i love quiet and shy people who are actually unhinged once they get comfortable, because guess what i’m exactly the same 🤠! we can be introverted clowns together and i’d love him so bad 🤧! i’ll probably be whiny and pouty all the time and i just know that he’s the type of boyfriend who pouts back and then kisses you. KICKING MY FEET WHY DID I IMAGINE THAT FUCJNSSS)
svt: gyu (the male-wife agenda is real you guys 😔!!! he’s a soft giant™ type of guy :( also his vibe??? idk bro something about enfjs 🥲, i feel so drawn to whatever he does. and he’s really fucking tall and buff, which are such a BONUS, because for some reason i really like the thought of being carried around in the house, especially if i’m tired or sleepy. so yeah. would climb 10/10. cuddles for life. size kink go brrrr. big boobs so i can hide from all the scary things in his chest. also i love him so very much and it hurts. ok that is enough simping) + dino (ah... love me a guy who can make me laugh to the point i feel like i’m gonna die because i haven’t breathed in the past 40 seconds. another enfj too :') i just know i’d be the happiest girl on earth with him. he’s so attractive??? and his personality??? and when he laughs???? and he’s so honest about how he feels :( *falls in love and breaks a limb*) + cheol (look me in the eye and tell me that he isn’t TOP TIER HUSBAND MATERIAL. i. dare. you. if he cares about you, you’re gonna be his top priority and i stan that shit so hard. he actually makes me feel like a 14 y/o who has developed a crush on someone for the first time 😭)
enha: park jongseong (🛐🛐🛐 he regularly makes my expectations for a partner reach new heights and i’m not exactly a fan of it. LIKE??? DUDE DON’T DO THAT I’M GONNA DIE SINGLE🧍🏽‍♀️??? ugh god he’s so :((( totally the type to hug you from the back as a surprise and then kiss any bare skin he can find in your shoulder/neck area. also, the type to bury his nose there and inhale your scent because he associates you with home— NOW TELL ME WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭😭😭😭)
&team: kei (the irl disney prince i deserve!!! 🥺 throughout &audition he tightened his grip around my heart so badly... i legit get heart flutters whenever he appears on screen. he’s so exceptionally thoughtful and caring 😭, and his energy is so intoxicating! i love it, it makes me smile all the time! can’t wait for his debut 🥺)
skz: chan (do i really need to explain?? this man makes me feel such a wide range of emotions. a big heart with a big... nose and so goddamn boyfriend??? i love him. and ngl, it feels like he walked straight out of a romance webtoon. chan is very supportive of everyone too, it’s kinda crazy? i adore him 😞)
atz: yunho (this guy... i’d commit arson for him. he’s my honeybun, sugarplum, cuppycake, gumdrop etc. etc. you get it 🥺🤧😭!! i love him so much fuck i know i’m repeating the same shit over and over for everyone but yunho is so precious oh my god 😭!! soft boyfie :(( my heart aches for him, and!! yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning 🤠👏🏼 *is that enough for a ring?*)
— “ anon hour ☁️ ” + send me an ask!
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superhero--imagines · 4 years ago
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! < This is Part 20!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
A/N: There’s not going to be an update on Wednesday (it’s the day after my birthday and I’m going to go cry at the space station) lol. The next two parts will be like - alternative timeline/pov/intermission posts. Which will just be to add some depth to the story I guess. Stay safe! See you next Saturday!
* “Get out”
* You can’t have been parked more than five minutes before Jessica prys the driver side door open from the outside
* You’re hunched over the binder in your lap, hurriedly scrawling answers onto the worksheet
* Edward just sighs, moving to get out of the car
* “Wait-“
* You stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder
* Edward grins, so these are boyfriend privileges huh?
* You’re going to pick him over your human friends. Well he would be lying-
* “Give me the answer to the last question before you go.”
* Edward deflates
* Guess somethings don’t change.
* “It’s sin(x) equals 18”
* You nod, quickly writing down the answer
* “Thanks Edward.” You mumble learning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek
* “Now get out”
* He stands outside the jeep a goofy grin on his face, a hand touching the place your lips were on his cheek
* Well at least some things change
* You don’t miss Jessica’s gaze on you as you put your binder into your backpack
* “So... what do you want to talk about Jess?”
* You don’t miss the incredulous look she gives you
* “So about Edward then”
* “Yeah, no duh”
* You let out a deep sigh
* “Where do you want me to start?”
* How far back does this story even go?
* Probably when you saw him that first time in Denali
* His angular face, and those deep amber eyes
* And those butterflies in your stomach
* “You can start with what happened after you guys left the party!”
* So you’re going to have to fast forward a bit
* “Well he was mad because-you know two against one- if it was anyone else it would have been a traumatic experience waiting to happen”
* She nods, thinking you’re talking about you
* You’re talking about something transitive happening to those boys
* For those boys if they tried something with you that is
* You were pretty far gone, you might have actually killed them if Edward hadn’t come to get you
* Not out of anger, just negligence
* At the very best they might have cried if you weren’t able to control your emotions
* “And then after - we were arguing- and then it was just happening”
* “You guys had s*x?”
* You sputter
* “Geez no! We were kissing, get your mind out of the gutter Jess.”
* “Well I don’t know (Y/N/N), he’s been pinning after you since freshman year a kiss just seems anticlimactic all things considered ”
* Besides you guys have this vibe around you-
* Like a sort of intimacy or something-
* You’ve both always had a sort of closeness.
* Like it was the two of you in one world, and then everyone else in another
* But now there’s a physical closeness to you both
* The kind of vibe people who are sleeping together usually give off.
* She saw it when you were together at the aquarium
* “Nah that’s impossible” you let out a long sigh
* “I’m pretty sure he wants to wait until marriage”
* Jessica sputters at that
* “M-marriage? Holy crap (Y/N)-“
* You nod, it’s such an antiquated notion.
* Especially considering you’re both technically dead
* Honestly, what could be more awkward than a couple of virgins fumbling around in the dark for a few hours on their wedding night?
* “He wants to marry you?!?”
* Oh
* Yeah that would be the normal thing to be concerned about
* “I’m not really sure” you scratch the back of your head
* “You’re my soul mate”
* He had said it so causally, like he was talking about gravity or the weather
* Like it was a universal fact
* The words make your stomach flutter
* Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
* “Well that’s what happened, and now Carlisle is always crying in the house and Esme is already planning weddings. Now come on we’re going to be late for class”
* You get out of the car before Jess can get a word in edgewise
* So this is really happening
* She sighs
* Well she’s be lying if she said she didn’t see this coming
* She knows there’s a lot of people competing for your affection
* Hell even Conner dropped his f*ck boy tendencies for you
* But Edward is the only one who looks at you, and only you
* Jessica’s guilty of it too, she’ll admit that
* You’re her first choice, don’t get her wrong, but if you don’t return her affections
* Well that’s fine, she’ll just date Mike, or Conner, or Bella or whoever
* It’s the same for the rest of them
* Conner will be bummed when he finds out-
* Mostly because he can’t believe he dropped his other side pieces
* But he’ll get over it
* Just like Mike did
* But Edward-
* There’s no one other than you for him
* She see’s it in the way he looks at you.
* If it’s not you, it’s just not any good
* So he’ll wait, maybe even his entire life, until you’re ready to love him back
* A small smile twitches on her face
* She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy for you
* “I wonder if anyone will ever love me like that” she mumbles to herself, right before flinching in surprise when you swing the passenger door open
* “Oh my god you scared me!”
* “I scared you?!? Jess this is my car, how am I supposed to lock it if you’re sitting inside?”
* “Oh right”
* You make it to class by the skin of your teeth, taking you seat between Edward and Alice in English
* “So what did you two talk about?” Edward whispers with a small smile while the teacher calls roll
* You roll your eyes
* “Like you don’t know”
* He has a sly smile on his face and you’re not sure why
* Alice starts obviously stifling laughter beside you
* Rude but okay
* Edward leans close to you, so close his lips are only a centimeter away from your ear
* Does he mind?
* Maybe he’s immune to sexual feelings, but being that close is doing things to you
* “I’m actually not waiting for marriage by the way”
* You can practically feel the grin on his face
* You look up to him, your golden eyes meeting his
* You were right he is smiling
* His smile takes a mischievous turn, and you feel his hand slide onto your thigh and give a teasing squeeze
* “Didn’t want you to have any misconceptions” he says with the same sly grin as he removes his hand from your leg and leans back in his chair
* Ah
* So that’s why Alice was laughing
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Hey”
* Bella looks up to see the Jessica standing by her locker as she pulls her books out
* “Oh hey, did you get to talk to them?”
* “Um yeah, it’s about what we were thinking.”
* Bella nods, if she’s sad she’s not showing it.
* “It’s good that they’re together. He loves them a lot, I’m sure Edward will treat them right”
* Jessica nods, Edward does love you a lot.
* She watches Bella try to cram books into her bag
* She is kinda pretty now that she looks at her, in that angular face- snow white kinda way
* She’s no (Y/N)
* And she’s no Mike
* “Hey did you finish the trig homework? I was having tr-“
* But maybe-
* “Hey, Angela and I are going dress shopping in port a, do you want to come with?”
* Maybe they can be friends
* They both liked the same person, so they’ve already got something in common
* Bella looks at the blonde
* To be honest, she’s been holding everyone here at a distance
* In a few years she won’t see any of these people ever again, there’s no need to get attached
* Not after what happened in Arizona
* But still-
* “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
* Guess she never learns
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta @bubblyabs​ @thatwaspossesion​
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obeiii-mee · 5 years ago
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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444piscesprincess · 4 years ago
childhood friends to lovers/growing up together sterek fic reclist
uhh this kinda got a lil angsty but i recommend you pick a growing up together fic and listen to this song i promise you will not regret it 
anyways as usual check tags please!!
(click on the title for the fic)
you know you're on my mind
If there’s one thing Derek’s learned in life, it’s that crushing on someone who lives on an entire other fucking continent is probably a bad idea.
(hs!au + texting!au + childhood friends to lovers the ULTIMATE fluff fic)
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)   (series)
Stiles is six years old when he first hears Derek's voice in his head.
Or what happens if you have a soulmate bond, in a universe where soulmate bonds don't exist?
Up Down Lock Unlock
isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Why are you going into grandma Ito’s apartment?” he asked.
Derek turned to him, key sliding into the lock. “What do you mean?” He tried to turn it, but the key wasn’t budging. Maybe the lock was sticking again, it’d been doing that the past few days.
Stiles was staring at him like Derek was stupid.
Derek did not appreciate sass from a ten year old.
“That’s grandma Ito’s place.”
“No,” Derek said calmly, pulling the key out and then shoving it back in, wiggling it a little when it continued to refuse to unlock the door. “This is my place.”
“I think you’re on the wrong floor then, because that apartment belongs to grandma Ito.”
(time travel counts as childhood friends right?)
the difference between going back and going home
Stiles and Derek were inseparable growing up, but then college, jobs, and life happened. When Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills a decade later, he doesn't expect to reconnect with Derek, and he sure doesn't expect to fall in love with him.
It's Such a Gas When You Bring Up the Past
Stiles finds a box of old photo albums that dredge up the sweet, the funny, the adorable, and the mildly heartwrenching parts of his and Derek's past.
(mainly a friends fic but its too cute to not include)
It's Always Been You
Stiles' love life was practically non-existing, always had been. He was always terrible at picking up clues when people hit on him (it had happened, Erica had been witness to it and had been the one to let him know it was happening in the first place) because he never expected anyone to do so.
He wasn't the most desirable guy around, he knew that. He was loud, extremely nerdy, never knew when to stop talking, not exactly much of a looker if you asked him, the list was endless.
Point was, he never did know when someone was flirting with him. Which was probably how he ended up in the fight that would change his life for the better.
Lead You Home Again
The first time Derek meets Stiles, the kid’s brown eyes are wide, and he’s staring up at him with a mischievous grin as he tugs at the arm of Derek’s first ever Batman figure like he’s trying to separate it from Batman’s body.
An alternate take on Teen Wolf, wherein Stiles and Derek are childhood friends, and things unfold from there.
Kingdom By The Sea
Lydia grabs his arm and pulls him down in the seat next to her. “When the hell did you find time to bag a guy like Hale?”
“We’re friends,” Stiles feels his face heat up, and then the team are running out and Derek sees him and smiles. His blush gets worse.
“Oh really?”
“Our moms were friends, okay? We’ve been in diapers together.”
“I thought you two hated each other.”
Those That Bump In The Night
A boy’s head appears upside down, hanging off the bed. “Is anyone there?” he calls out curiously, looking right at Derek’s eyes. Caught, then. The protocol for being deliberately seen by a child is just to look as strange and fearsome as possible. No one would believe them, anyways. But Derek is tired, and he’s been running and scared, and now he just kind of flickers, curling out a tendril of dark smoke, hoping that he’s a little bit scary. No such luck. The boy’s eyes widen. “Oooh, are you the bogeyman?” “Bogeyperson,” Derek says, before he can help himself.
When Stiles was a boy, he had an imaginary friend named Derek. Ten years later, Derek comes back, and is very, very real.
Five Times Derek and Stiles Kissed For Practice (And One Time They Didn't)
In which Derek and Stiles grow up together and practice kissing, roughly in that order.
216 + 1: Words To Say Instead of I Love You
Derek and Stiles have been best friends for fourteen years. They have their differences, sure, but it's never been a question for them. Their friendship has been the most solid thing in their lives -- until suddenly it isn't anymore.
Funny how just a few choice words can throw fourteen years of friendship off-balance.
a collection of "Bro, That's Gay" one-shots that actually ended up turning into a concrete storyline.
hope is the thing with feathers (part of a series)
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
(one of my favourite fics like EVER)
it came from the trees
“Don’t worry, Scott caught me up on everything,” Kira assures with a bubbly smile via video-chat. “You and Derek, huh? I probably should have seen that coming. I always thought it might be Cora, but Derek was the one that looked at you how I used to look at you.”
Stiles goes a little pink. “It’s still kinda new but, yeah. I really like him. He’s...” Beautiful. Patient. Smart. Painfully honest. Sweet.“...a total dork.”
Kira laughs and laughs. When she gets herself together, she replies, “Yeah, those little hearts and stars in your eyes definitely say different."
Stiles moves from the shiny, fast-paced lifestyle of Los Angeles to the foggy, sleepy town of Beacon Hills so his dad can become the new sheriff. Newly fifteen, he does his best to finish out his freshman year of high school (by staying under the radar) when he suddenly becomes the Beyoncé of the Supernatural community. And, without much prompting on his part, he ends up catching the eye of one of the most prominent Werewolf families in all of North America. It literally all starts with a stuffed animal(s).
(oh god this fic is the literal best even though its abandoned it ends at okay-ish place. this is one of the best hale family characterisations ive ever read. if you squint it can be a childhood friends to lovers fic but im including it anyway bc its amazing)
Promises aren't Meant to be Broken
“Thanks for saving me,” Stiles blurts out, staring up at Laura, wide eyed.
Laura grins. “I like you,” she says, “we’ll be friends.”
(more laura and stiles besties centric but totally worth a read)
The Things We See
Stiles grew up in the life of knowing that there was always more to life than what others saw with a first glance. Even as a child he saw things that no one else seemed to and always had a fascination with the unusual.
Some considered him an unusual child, but Claudia welcomed every single quirk her son displayed. His mother had a few special talents of her own and thrilled her to see it in her son as well. She'd raised Stiles to always keep his mind open and as grew and started to display his powers, she began to teach him how to use them. She even taught Stiles about werewolves at a young age, his infatuation with them growing once he had learned the truth about her closest friend.
Stiles spent nearly every possible moment that he could roaming the Hale house, following after the middle child most of the time. Derek was three years older than Stiles, but the bond they developed with each other was something their mothers considered out of a story book. Like Derek, Stiles was sensitive to his emotions, but unlike Derek, Stiles didn't need a scent to figure it out. He could feel it.
take me back
“I dare you to kiss me,” Stiles taunts, and he’s not expecting the way Derek says a naughty word under his breath and then leans forward.
Stiles yelps. He just dodges Derek’s mouth before he’s laughing wildly and running through the trees, calling out a series of ew ew ew as Derek chases him back home.
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loth-wolffe · 4 years ago
AHH CONGRATS ON REACHING 400 U ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT!! :] also i'd like to tag along the ship game thingy it looks fun :0 i'd prefer to be shipped with a bad batch member if that's ok (and considering we're mutuals which im still in a shock about im pretty sure it's obvious who i like heheh oops)
soo i am a very very quiet person at first, but then when i know we both have similarities and get closer im very annoying (affectionate) i'd straight up pester my friends for like 2 hours and then stay quiet for the rest of the day bcs i get drained rip but besides annoying them i tend to do playful bullying more, sarcasm if u will there are many moments where i'll just whack my friends (they r okay with it we whack each other a lot) and i'd step on the back of their shoes and yanno basically call eachother morons but that's like the PEAK friendship for us so hehe
but no worries we know it's just playful banters and we love each other sm platonically ofc, and we tend to be for each other when we need it, i always make sure my friends have someone they can rant to, all of my friends go through some heavy stuff so im glad they trust me enough to tell me those and ofc i always keep a secret
ooh my top love language is quality time, i love sitting together in silence with my friend and we both do our own thing, maybe show each other a funny meme or doodle and we'd talk through writing on each other's papers in class bcs we are both drained and tired but generally i do love sitting in silence together with my loves ones maybe bcs i also dislike voicing what i want, i'd just either code i want something or just look at them until they figure it out which i do a lot with my parents heh, im very loud with my parents tho i am the youngest sibling after all, still the only daughter tho
physically im 154 so that's about uh 5'1 i think? i like cats i love them very much, cute things makes me happy but also i tend to joke about some uhh violence stuff like when my friend says someone said something hurtful to them and i'd just reply with "push them down the stairs. fuck them." so uh yeah that's it i suppose??? i've never done this before sorry ah congrats once again!!! i love your writing so much thank u
celebrate with me ✨
dude, seriously, are we the same person???????????? bc like. everything you said I was like SAME THATS ME. and I mean. sAME that's ME. u know. u sound like such a cool person!!!
can I like?? ship you with every bad batch member??? is that? allowed?
If I had to choose, I think I'd ship you with echo. i think. or tech? maybe with wrecker. or echo. no, cross. or hunter??? maybe fox. i think you'd do fantastic with fox tbh.
SKDJSK echo it is then<3
i think ur fave is crosshair? im not sure? but listen. LISTEN TO ME.
echo and you have the same vibes. i think you guys would have this small banter thingy going on all the time. teasing each other and giggling at your sass.
echo is usually seen as a grumpy, serious babey but he's a softie with a heart of gold, I just know it.
i think you would bring him that sense of normalcy and the same something(? he had back in his 501st days. he'd feel a bit more at home when you're around, a bit more like he didn't lost too much.
you kind of remind him of fives, and he has told you once or twice you would have been the bestest™ of friends.
you joke with him and you being annoying (affectionate) always makes him love you more. because he sees so much of his old days in you but also the new days to come, and because you give him this sense of- well, like things are going to be just fine.
you're his light in the dark, always guiding him somewhere nice, a piece of heaven that you hold in your hands and always find your way to place it in his own.
he'd def hear your rants and would laugh with you, giving you heart eyes as you speak or maybe listen to you as he works on whatever. and maybe you'd have a little bit of communication problems at first, with that not voicing what u want stuff, but he's a fast learner so he'd learn to read your eyes sometimes, when you feeling sad and stuff and you look at him he's in no time dragging you to his lap and hugging u tight, kissing ur temple and all.
he'd love when you draw doodles in his hands 🥺 and he'd draw a little something on yours too while you're bored in hyperspace.
I'd say echo shares your sense of humor, saying in the most serious voice "we should kill them." when someone says something neither of you like and there's this amused glint in his eyes. you follow his jokes with another stuff that makes everyone think you're psychopaths and end up laughing.
i think quality time is also his love language, adding little touches here and there.
it's in the silence, where you two show the most how much you love each other, in the warm looks and little smiles, sharing a blanket as you sit side by side and he leans a bit closer to you, he holds your hand sometimes, playing with it as you snuggle closer, your cheek on his shoulder.
you don't say much, eyes speaking for you and he kisses you softly, lips lasting a few seconds on yours before pulling apart slowly, he brushes your cheek with the back of his hand, leaning over again just to steal another kiss. you smile, and his expression mirrors yours.
"you good?" he asks, just to make sure you don't need anything. you nod, squeeze his hand with yours, sleepy eyes letting him know there's nothing you need but him.
he chuckles, a low sound that warms your heart, a kiss on your temple and there's something murmured in your hair. it's not long before you fall asleep just like that, holding hands and each other's hearts as you share warmth in the cold ship.
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henrycavell · 4 years ago
homecoming part 4
Tumblr media
summary: Syverson has been medically discharged from the army after a suicide attempt. He’d been able to hide his deteriorating mental health for years from the men around him, but now he has to face it head on. Hopefully not alone.
word count: 1.1k
pairing: Syverson x OFC warnings: males perspective, hospitals, mentions/descriptions of self harm, the suicide attempt
authors note: as i said in the warnings, this chapter is completely in sy’s pov! it’s also kind of a flash-backy chapter and its really short. also sorry it took me forever to update. i try not to be too heavy writing this story, but sometimes when my mental health isn’t good, i don’t want to write on this story for reasons <3 but here, i’ve finally done it! but this chapter is kind of weird and very short, but i blame how ive been lately <3  also its been a month since ive updated so im sorry, i feel like ive lost some new people who wanted to be tagged, :c
tag list: 
@littlefreya @mary-ann84 @wondersofdreaming @forthebrokenheartedthings @geralt-of-baevia @dearlybelovedluke  @promptandpros @mansaaay  @vacant-writings @80scavill @kaatelyyynn @iloveyouyen @henrythickcavill @hell1129-blog @madbaddic7ed @xxxkatxo @titty-teetee
Blinding white lights, blurry circles around his vision, his lips were so chapped, they ached. Constant beeping by his ears. That was all Logan could focus on at first, but slowly, he began to feel his body. Heavy, sore, suffering.
"You're awake?"
The voice sounded like it was so far away, muffled like it was coming out from the hall or a completely different room entirely. He couldn't place who it belonged to. He barely heard it, Where was he? Logan flinched from her sudden touch like a little pulse of electricity. The touch was gentle and light, fragile and he wasn't entirely sure it was even real. He wanted to reach out to them, whoever the touch belonged to, but his body felt so weighted. As if his veins had been pumped full of cement.
Opening his eyes for another dull second, Logan saw the shadow of a person entering his vision. In his state of confusion, he looked up at the silhouette of the stranger and saw wings. A guardian angel? 
Logan closed his eyes again and drew in a deep breath. He couldn't answer if he wanted to.
His house had been how it always was. Dark and quiet. The only light inside came from between the gaps in the curtains and Logan couldn't stand it. That morning, he had stood in front of the window in his bedroom, taking tacks and pinning the black curtain to the wall, all while muttering curses under his breath. Another morning where the damned sun had forced him awake. Aika had watched him from the doorway, going on unnoticed. Even when she whined, Logan ignored her. The second his task was done, the veteran captain crawled straight back into bed.
Aika had been the only thing to get him out of the sheets that day, but maybe that was his first mistake. The dog had grown impatient and started to bite lightly at his hands and arms, whining and barking to force him to get out of bed. Logan groaned, tired of swatting her away and realizing she wasn't going anywhere. "What is it, girl?" One rough hand ran over his face, his other pushing him up off of the mattress. 
Following Aika out into the hall and down the stairs, she led him to the backdoor where she propped one paw up on the glass. Another whine as she looked up at him with sad eyes. 
"Need to go out?" Logan's face dropped, his eyes glancing at the clock on the stove. It was almost noon. "Don't look at me like that," Logan muttered under his breath, turning his attention back to Aika. He would normally always let her out around eight, when he woke force himself to get up and take a shower, make a pot of coffee. But not today. Sliding the glass door open, Aika darted out into the backyard and Logan's phone started beeping on the counter. 
Appointment reminder with Dr. Bannon 1:30 pm 
Logan scowled, setting his phone down back down on the counter-top. Just great. How could he have forgotten?
[Later that evening, after Penelope’s visit]
It had only been about two hours since his confrontation with Penelope and Logan was already downed half a dozen beers. The bottles were scattered around the bed, littered all around the floor. The room was completely darkened, Logan couldn't have even seen his hand had it been inches in front of his face. His chest felt heavy, his body felt sinking, and he almost hoped that at any moment his body would just disappear, melt away into the sheets of his bed. 
The room was lightly spinning, even the slightest move from his head sent the room crashing around him in waves. "Phone," he slurred, talking to only to himself. Letting the bottle he'd been holding drop to the floor, beer spilled from it, soaking into the carpet around his feet. Logan didn't seem to notice as he patted his chest down and then his pockets. 
The cellphone light blinded him, a searing pain shooting through his head as he closed his eyes tightly. "Fuck," he groaned, falling back onto the mattress, covering his eyes with his arm until the pain subsided. Letting out a deep sigh, Logan looked to his phone once more, noticing how badly his hands were shaking. Guilt was eating at him, gnawing at his insides as he thought about how he treated Penelope. All because he was upset over his appointment.
More medications that Logan didn't want to take. Medications that he was sure wouldn't work in the first place. None of the others had. He barely remembered sending the text, before his phone was falling out of his hand. Collapsing to the floor right by the bottle. He looked down to his hands, still not realizing he'd dropped the beer earlier. "Where'd my beer-" his face twisted and scrunched up in confusion as he pushed himself up from the bed.
He'd been on autopilot as he went downstairs to grab another one from the fridge. He barely remembered it. Now, Logan stood in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. Is this what life would be for the rest of his time? Lonely, waiting for the end as he rotated pills? No, he decided. 
Logan's breath hitched in the back of his throat. The feeling of the cold razor against his skin was a relief. It was a slicing pain but it soon became numb, he didn't even feel the blood trickling down his hand, leaving a trail of droplets on the floor, out into the hall, as he returned to his room. Instead, experiencing a sensation of euphoria. Logan’s body felt light, tingling all over. He shut the door to his room behind him tightly, wanting to make sure to keep Aika out. He needed to be alone, he didn't want to start panicking, feel any sort of regret. 
Slipping down into his sheets, smearing the blood along with the blankets, Logan sucked in another breath through his teeth. Just wanted to let it all go, exhausted from feeling tired and desperate, sad. Eagerly counting down his last breaths. As far as he was concerned, he had nothing left to give this world. No family that would care, no friends that would miss him.
"Logan?" The voice cut through the thick fog in his mind, but it wasn't enough to get him to move. His breath caught in the back of his throat and suddenly, all Logan felt was a shame. “I got your message… Thought I’d come to check on you���” 
A text he couldn't remember sending. 
"Logan?" That same voice from his room, from his dreams. "Logan?" It kept repeating over and over, like an alarm clock blaring in his mind. "Can you hear me? Are you awake?" The guardian angel. 
His forced his large and sleepy eyes open, his vision still blurry like before. The bed under him felt stiff and he could feel the plastic beneath the thin sheet. That same beeping was back. His eyes fluttered closed once more, again wondering where he was. 
"Am I alive?"
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mother-snake · 4 years ago
Janus having an anxiety or panic attack during a discussion with Thomas and the others. The others don't help him at all. They only tell him to stop faking and get over it
I'm full of happy ideas today apparently
im sorry, i couldnt hurt him that bad today... so have this angst turned fluff instead! words: 1339 tags: @idkanameatall @girl-with-many-fandoms
It had been a long day for Janus. he had lost his hat somewhere, meaning his hair was on show, something he wasn’t happy about at all. His unruly curly locks were free to be seen and it wasn’t something that he was happy about. he was neat and tidy most the time and his hair seemed to almost go against that.
The next was that they were out of teabags. His daily morning tea was skipped. And that had put his nerves on edge. then the twins. The loud and haphazard twins had messed up his afternoon nap on the windowsill by putting on a movie loudly and talking at what felt like the top of their lungs.
And that was just scratching the surface. Between all the comments made and the amount of times he had accidentally walked into doorframes and tables he was done.
He sat at the kitchen table with his head in his arms. The others had been called to a meeting with Thomas. Leaving him alone to his thoughts. he had his head resting on his arms. His eyes staring Blankley at a wall as his thoughts were left to run wild. And to him that was never a good thing.
Years of bottled up emotions had free reign when he was like this. And feeling like this had always affected Thomas one way or another. He moved his head slightly, lifting it up as he let out a sigh.
He quickly stood up and brushed himself down as he felt a tug at his gut. He looked around before quickly sinking down. He hoped that they wouldn’t get suspicious about his behaviour. --
He felt his breath tighten as all eyes were on himself. He snapped his eyes everywhere frantically. Backing away ever so slightly when he caught Virgil's unusual concerned eyes.
“what do you need Thomas?” he asked as he gripped the hem of his cape. “well… I guess I’ve not been feeling the best recently. And you’re the only side I haven’t talked to yet… I was wondering if something was wrong?” Thomas asked. “I assure you Thomas. I am fine,” Janus lied to himself more than Thomas in that sentence. “falsehood,” Virgil said from behind.
Janus felt himself wince at Virgil's word. “Janus? please, if something’s wrong- “ “nothing is wrong Thomas. Just leave it at that,” Janus closed his eyes, trying to stop himself from shaking like a leaf.
“Janus?” seemed to be the last thing he heard before he quickly sank out. --
He locked his room immediately as he fell to his knees. Tears fell but his mind fell silent. Small strangled gasps were the only noise he heard as he curled into himself. he didn’t like this. He didn’t like this. He didn’t want to feel like this. Why couldn’t they believe him. why couldn’t they just trust him when he said he was fine.
Why did he always have to be in the wrong?
He pulled his hands over his head. His hands getting locked into his auburn curls. He felt his heart grow so heavy as he tried to breath once again. It seemed as if the oxygen around was refusing to enter.
He was so caught up in whatever was happening that he didn’t see his door unlock with a vibrant green glow. he didn’t see the figures cautiously get closer. Stopping when he curled in on himself.
He did however hear a lot of muttering. And the sweet taste of strawberries that followed. Someone, or a few people were close enough for him to taste the small truths they were saying.
He looked up with a small glance to see blurred people kneeling nearby. Close, but not too close witch he was thankful for. “hey Janus?” a muffled voice spoke,” can I touch you?” he gave a small nod.
The sound of shuffling and a moment late he felt someone link their hands with his own. Pulling his hands away from his hair. he felt the contact leave before a hand was placed on his knee. “okay, count after me okay?”
And he sat there, counting along with whoever was in his room and in front of him. slowly, he found himself calming down. he felt the person shift him so that his head was on something soft. An arm looped around his back and another slowly running through his hair. Much to his own surprise he found himself melting into the touch.
“you okay Janus?” the voice spoke. “I'm okay for now,” he muttered, his eyes were sleepy and all he wanted to do was just be rid of this entire day. “alright, you tired?” he was asked. he nodded. “go to sleep then, someone will wake you when dinner is almost ready, okay?” he closed his eyes and was asleep instantly. --
When he woke up. he was no longer on the floor. Instead he was wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and pillows. He could recognise a few of the familiar smells from the unfamiliar but comfortable blankets.
The smell of coffee and lavender were obviously logans, the smell of outdoors was either roman or Remus. The smell of baked goods was Patton's and the almost odourless smell were Virgil's.
He opened his eyes as someone nudged his shoulder gently. “hey there kiddo, come on. dinners almost ready,” Patton giggled as Janus merely pulled the nearest blanket over his head. “its lasagne and garlic bread,” Patton said. Janus removed the blanket with a sigh of knowing. Yeah… he wasn’t going to miss out on that of all things. And it seemed Patton had figured that out all too well.
He unravelled himself from the cocoon of comfort rather upset about having to. He was warm, it was comforting, like a hug, almost.
He soon followed Patton out of the Livingroom where he had been bundled up and to the kitchen where the table had been set up. “oh Janus! here,” roman said cheerfully, handing over a very familiar black hat, “I found it near the radio earlier,” he said rubbing the back of his head. “thank you,” Janus said with a smile as the hat was placed on his head, a weight seemed to lift of his shoulders.
He looked around the room to see practically everyone gathered and doing something. He felt slightly out of place. “hey, you doing any better?” Virgil whispered as he appeared at Janus’s side. “i- um…” he couldn’t find it in himself to lie,” I'm better, but… it will be a while until then I guess,” he said, sagging his shoulders. “hey, its okay. Take it you had a bad day then?” “the absolute worst, if I say so myself,” Janus grumbled. “remember, if you need to talk were more than willing to help,” Virgil said before punching Janus’s arm lightly, “your one of us now. There’s no backing out,” he watched as Virgil's eyeshadow became a soft purple.
He looked around the room. Everyone held soft smiles on their faces as he glanced at them. he watched as Patton opened the oven and brought out a divine smelling lasagne.
Remus and Virgil seemed to laugh at the excitement radiating from Janus. all previous thoughts or memories of that day gone for now.
And Janus realised that, Virgil was right, not only that but he had been telling the truth. he was one of them now.  And he was fine with that. maybe it was time he let himself tell the others truths just a little bit more.
He saw logans eyes go wide as they all sat down at the table. “Janus, your scales,” Logan gawked. he looked down to his non gloved hands. the normal bright yellow scales had turned their pastel yellow. “don’t worry about it specks, it’s like Virgil with his eyeshadow,” Remus grinned.
And as they tucked into their meal. Janus had never been so… what was the word? Okay? Yeah.
He was finally, just okay.
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missnxthingg · 4 years ago
what about having a scary movie marathon with the boys (tom, haz, harry, sam, tuwaine) and getting a little too touchy with haz? and maybe the guys start teasing like the divs they are lol ily 💖
Missnxthingg’s Birthday Sleepover Party
Halloween Prompts
Pairing - Harrison Osterfield x Reader 
Word Count - 1.5K
A/N: Soooo, I got a little carried away and turned this into a one-shot (probably). I was bored and I loooooved your request. So thank you and I hope you enjoy it.
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"So, what are you guys doing for Halloween?" You were having a nice evening with the boys at the pub, and thinking that maybe you could do that again soon.
"Horror movie marathon!" Harry cheered. "Starts at sunset and goes all the way to sunrise."
"It's our little tradition." Sam added. “We dress up in Halloween themed pajamas or a comfortable costume.”
"Harry picks the movies and we all watch it together." Tuwaine explained a little bit more.  “Then we sleep for the rest of November 1st because we’re tired.”
"You should come this year." Tom asked and all the boys nodded in agreement.
You really wanted to say yes. Ever since you became a part of their little group, you were comfortable and you wanted to spend some more time with them. Plus, you had a massive crush on Harrison and even though he always gives you the signal that he likes you too, you've never even kissed once.
And you really wanted to spend some time with him, because you always longed for those small moments together. But you hated scary because you were terrified of them. Although, you would never admit it to anyone.
"Oh, thank you for the offer but I don't wanna be a burden."
"Come on, it will be fun." Harrison nudged your side and smiled softly. "I would love to have you there." 
All the boys smirked with your little interaction, which made you blush a little and lower your sight to your drink. You took a big gulp before replying:
"Okay, sure. It will be nice."
But if you were being honest, everything was building your nerves up since that night at the pub. Not only the fact that you were going to watch horror movies, but also the fact that you would be spending the whole night at Harrison's house. It didn't matter if a whole bunch of other people would tag along, it still felt intimate.
So you put up your best Halloween themed outfit when you dressed up with your skeleton pajama jumpsuit. You did want to feel comfortable, but you also wanted to look cool. And that was a good way to do that. When the sun was starting to set, you drove to the boy’s place and found the driveway decorated with carved pumpkins and tombstones. The boys really put some effort into the decoration.
You knocked on the door and Harrison opened it up dressed as Freddy Krueger, but with sweatpants. He was holding a bowl of candy and a weird smile on his face, which softened when he saw who it was. He thought it would be just some kids from the neighbourhood asking for candy, but it was actually you - the girl he was in love with.
“Trick or treat!” You said with an exciting smile on your face.
“Hey, (Y/N). Happy Halloween.” 
“Please, come in!”
You were the last to arrive. Well, to be fair, Tom, Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine lived in that house and Sam lived just a little further down the road, so it was only fair that they arrived early. But Sam’s girlfriend was already wrapped around him as they chose the best position to cuddle into the movie, and all the boys were already groaning because the girls they invited said they would not be coming.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s just start this thing.” Harry shrugged as he pressed play on the movie.
“Uhm, sorry. They are a bit boring today.” Harrison whispered since A Nightmare Before Christmas was already playing on the TV. “There’s no place left on the big couch, but I guess we can squeeze in the two-seat couch.”
“It’s okay for me.”
“Come on, I got us a pumpkin blanket.”
Spending time with Harrison was awesome, and this was probably the closest you’ve ever been to the boy. He made sure to share a blanket with you as you watched the first movie. He shared his popcorn and even invited you to give some candy to the kids that were knocking on the door. By now, the movie night was going pretty well because the movie wasn’t scary at all.
But the next movie on the list was The Ring and you were terrified of it. You tried to hide it from everyone, but eventually, you would wince and jump scared of what you were watching. Once you even hide your face on Harrison’s shoulder after a little scream.
“Hey, are you okay?” He whispered and you shook your head, still not looking at the TV. “Oh, you’re scared.”
“A little.” You groaned and felt the boy wrap his arms around you.
“It’s okay, I got you.” You felt comfortable and safe with him, so you melted into his hug. 
“Harrison is showing off as a protective boyfriend, y’all.” Harry teased and the boys all laugh.
“What a tough boy.” Tuwaine tease. “I want a hug too, Hazzy. I’m scared.”
“Come on, just kiss already.” Tom teased and all the boys agreed.
“Hey, fuck off! She’s scared.” Harrison pressed her a little tighter on his chest and threw daggers with his eyes at the boys.
For the rest of the night, you were secured with him. The other movies weren’t so scaring with him holding you. When you were feeling afraid, you would grip on his hand tightly and he would distract you. And it was actually very comfortable. On the third movie, he spent the whole thing petting your hair and listening to some other jokes from the boys. And on the fourth movie, you lied your head on his shoulder and played with his hand.
By the time it was 4 am, you were starting to get a little sleepy. The boys were still hyped with Monster House -  lighter movie after a few very scary movies - but you were definitely fancying some sleep. Also, you were a little cold, so you sneaked off to the kitchen to make yourself some tea.
“Come on, Harrison. Go kiss her!” Tom whispered once you were off and Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Just leave us alone.”
“Haz, she’s so into you. The way she looks at you…” Tuwaine said and a small smile cracked on the blonde’s face.
“And you’ve been holding each other all night.” Sam finished.
“Just go ask her to stay the night with you.” Harry finished. Harrison suddenly had a wave of confidence hitting his body and he smiled widely.
“I’ll go after her.” He whispered and the boys silently cheered.
He found you in the kitchen, pouring hot tea in a cup. You smiled warmly to see him and made sure to pour another one for him because you knew he was a sucker for tea and wouldn’t deny some. He silently thanked for the tea and sat next to you.
“Thank you for making my night a little better, Haz.” You nudged him. “I’m very scared of horror movies and I’m thankful to have someone to help me feel a little better.”
“It’s nothing. I’ll always make you feel safe if I can.” He smiled warmly back. “Uhm, I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot. And tonight’s been pretty amazing.”
“I like you too, Hazzy. A lot.” He put a stray of your hair behind your ear and licked his lips.
“C-can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You smiled before feeling his lips against yours.
The kiss brought a little sweetness to this scary Halloween night. You were tired, but you were willing to stay awake until the sunrise just kissing him. It didn’t last long, but it was a perfect first kiss, and you felt like it wasn’t going to be the last of the night.
“Are you tired?” He asked, very close to your lips.
“A little, but… I don’t wanna go to sleep right now.”
“We can watch the rest of Monster House cuddled up on the couch and ditch them after the movie.” He suggested. “I really would love if you spent the night. I-If that’s not too much for you.”
“Of course! I would love to cuddle and watch the rest of the movie. And I’ll actually accept staying over because there’s no way I’m sleeping alone in my apartment after The Ring.” You laughed once again and kissed one more time before going back to the living room.
The boys all cheered loudly when they saw you two come back to the living room together and holding hands. You didn’t care, deciding to only sit on Harrison’s lap and rest your head on his chest. He left many kisses across your face, and even stole some from your lips. You did steal some back and you were enjoying it a lot. The boys did tease you a little more, but you didn’t care because you had each other.
And that was definitely the best night of sleep you had in your life. Harrison made you feel safe and feel loved, so you weren’t scared at all. He would always be there to hold you whenever you need it. He is your safe haven.
❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁❁ ⋙ADD YOURSELF TO THE TAGLIST!⋘
PERMANENT TAGLIST ➻  @missmulti @gurlwlthluv​ @cmon-peter-tingle @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ @tinyplanet-explorers @spideyyypeter @princezzariel @pastyoverlord265 @dumandbass @lilgaga98 @chatnoirfangirl1624 @heartofholland @Big-Galaxy-Chaos @quaksonhehe @hera-the-writer @u-rrose @im-salt-but-not-salty
HARRISON TAGLIST ➻  @starlightfound @sandran04 @tomsppsleeve @spiderbibby @seutarose @joyleenl @hollandbroz-n-haz @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @hannahholland1811
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gingerwritess · 5 years ago
What was the proposal with Loki like? Did he propose? Also what was their wedding like? xxxx
The first time Loki proposed to you, Jim and Pam were getting married.
You thought he wasn’t watching, really, with the soft, slow breaths ghosting over the top of your head, the arm fallen limp around your chest—you’d assumed he fell asleep.
But Jim and Pam run off to Niagara Falls to get married, and Loki breathes a quiet chuckle into your hair. The hand splayed over your stomach taps you softly.
“Tha’s cute.”
He’s mumbling, more than half asleep and words slurring, eyes lidded, but he gives you a sleepy smile and lifts a finger towards the laptop sitting on your thighs.
“We should do that.”
“Get married on a boat?” You whisper, glancing up to look at him.
“Rivers in the lower regions of Asgard are the most beautiful I’ve seen,” he murmurs, head dropping to rest against the top of your head. “We could actually sail off into the sunset.”
You pause. Is this a proposal?
You wouldn’t put it past him, to propose in a rather…unconventional way, but you’d thought he was biding his time because he was planning something a bit more personal and thought out.
Not just a half asleep, backhanded mention.
But still, it’s endearing. You never know what to expect with Loki.
“Sure.” You twist around in his arms, tilting your head up to press a kiss to his jaw. “When?”
His eyes are closed again.
“Yikes,” you laugh, patting his thigh as you settle back against him. “Let’s at least get engaged first.”
It’s quiet for a moment and you’re fairly certain Loki fell asleep again. This must’ve just been mostly sleep talking.
“Aren’t we?”
Loki breathes deeply, eyes still closed. “Aren’t we engaged?”
“No, genius.” You grin and lightly poke your elbow back into his gut. “I’m still waiting.”
Silence. Then,
He opens his eyes and sighs loudly, right in your ear. “Then that was all a dream, wasn’t it.”
Heart twisting, you pause the show and turn around with a laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You were dreaming about me, sunshine?”
“Always,” he mumbles, shifting down on the couch cushion to lay better. “But that was a nightmare. Asking you to be mine. Terrifying.”
Your fingers find his hair, slowly rubbing the back of his neck. “Did I say yes?”
“Mm.” His eyes close again. “Can’t recall.”
“One of these days you should ask me for real,” you quietly tell him, biting back a smile when his eyebrow quirks over closed eyes. “Just to see what happens.”
He’s almost asleep again, but he cracks one tired eye open to look at you.
“Would you marry me?”
Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach—you didn’t think he’d actually ask.
The answer is yes, of course, yes, but your throat goes dry at the sheer suddenness of such a life altering question, the fact that Loki’s literally half asleep not exactly helping the case.
“Never mind,” he whispers, closing his eyes again and letting out a slow breath.
Your fingers still in his hair and you shake yourself out of a daze, swallowing thickly.
One corner of his lips quirks upwards. “Really?”
“Yes,” you giggle, tugging gently on his hair, but he still doesn’t open his eyes. “Yeah, I’ll marry you. We’ve already discussed this, doofus.”
“Wonderful.” He wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your neck with a quiet chuckle. “Thank you.”
A few minutes pass, and Loki’s asleep.
…that was it?
Okay, you shouldn’t be disappointed, and really, you’re not, but you can’t say you’re not surprised.
With how much he likes to talk about “when we’re married” and “once you’re my wife,” you’d expected maybe just a little more than a sleepy “marry me?” in the middle of watching The Office.
Oh well. It’s cute, and very unlike him, and it did the job—
“You truly think so little of me?”
Long fingers dig into your sides and you shriek, jolting off of Loki with a start. “HEY!!”
Laughing, he laces his hands together behind his head, lounging there with ankles crossed and hair splayed and an infuriatingly smug grin on his face. You backhand his chest, pulling yourself off the floor.
“Tell me you didn’t think I just proposed to you.” He raises an eyebrow.
“You did,” you huff, climbing back onto the couch with him. “That’s why I said yes, dipshit.”
“No, I asked you if you would marry me. Not if you will.”
“You’re joking, right?”
He shakes his head, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth with a grin for a split second as you stare at him, dumbfounded. 
“I changed my mind,” you groan, grabbing a pillow off the couch and smothering his laughter with it. “I won’t marry you ever in a million years, Loki, not after that.”
”I’ll wait,” he laughs, voice muffled under the pillow. “A million and one years until you’re mine, then.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
feel free to send me ideas!!
if you enjoyed…what if i linked my venmo…haha no i jest…no obligations….just in case….u don’t have to ha ha…….unless… ??
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou @pandacookieowo @tonakings @shinisenko @tinchentitri @nildespirandum @thefallenbibliophilequote
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uchihanyan · 4 years ago
Thank you for tagging me @hidendumbassvillage​ <3
Name/nickname: Yuki
Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo (but I reallt don’t care about this)
Height: 1,64 cm (I wanted to be shorter aaaa)
Time: 19:45
Birthday: 13th of september
Favourite bands/groups: It really depends on my mood ;-;
Favourite solo artists: Same, depends on my mood
Song stuck in my head: Nothing right now because Im watching an RP session rn on Twitch
Last movie: Uhhhhh probably Nobunaga Concerto’s (I don’t watch anime or movies in weeks/months)
Last show: Same as above haahahah
When did I create this blog: 2020 (I use Tumblr since 2020 tho)
What do I post: 99% Naruto hahaha
Last thing I googled: oh wait a sec, lemme check... OH, “above meaning” HAHAH just to be sure I’m writing it right c:
Other blogs: Yeah, @jashinkyo-sama​ , Hidan’s RP blog. But I don’t use it anymore since I created this one. I don’t RP in... Years.
Do I get asks: Sometimes, yes. I love receiving asks!
Following: 133
Followers: 48
Average hours of sleep: Many because I have... How can I say it, a low stamine? hahaha I get tired very easily. So I NEED to get many hours of sleep. I use to sleep like, 8+ hours per day. btw I don’t really know what is not being sleepy in.... probably 10+ years. It’s very rare to me not being sleepy. 
Lucky number: uhhh I don’t know?
Instruments: Shamisen
What I am wearing: Pajamas! A cute blue one, with penguins!
Dream job: Japanese translator of Visual Novel / Light Novel
Dream trip: Hmmm Russia? I want to know what is like there, since I have russian blood, you know. Meeting my ancestor’s country,
Favourite food: Pudding, meat, sushi, bbq, lamen, others japanese food. I have many favourite foods.
Nationality: Brazil
Favourite song: Again, depends on my mood ;-;
Last book I read: I was re-reading Itachi Shiden some days ago
Three fictional universe you’d like to live in: Naruto of course! Also Sword Art Online! Hm... Can’t think on another one rn, maybe Kore wa Zombie Desuka
Favourite colour: Brown!
Why I chose my URL: Yuki is my nickname for 10+ years, and Uchiha... I don’t think I need to explain hahah
Tagging (if you want to no pressure): I’m not gonna tag anyone. Please feel free to do it! btw just as @hidendumbassvillage said, do not reblog, copy and paste in a new post, please!
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musicnoots · 6 years ago
Hold Me Tighter
Babe Heffron/Reader
Requested by anon: “Hey! If your requests are still open, would it be ok to request some good ol babe fluff? I’m having the worst time at uni right now and could really use some babe cuteness to cheer up”
A/N: Major sleepy Babe fluff. Hope you feel better anon <3
Synopsis: A sleepless night in the Ardennes leaves Babe restless and curious when he asks you a tricky question.
Tags: @gottapenny @croatianbagudna @dustyjjumpwings @higgles123 @wexhappyxfew @curraheev @medievalfangirl @bandofmarvels @those-dusty-jump-wings @majwinters @junojelli
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“Are you comin’ with me to Philly?”
His voice is breathy, raspy and tired. His hands shake under the cold January night sky, eyes looking out at the snow right in front of his foxhole as he pulls you closer to his side, thin army-issued blanket spread from shoulder to shoulder.
Babe is tired, restless, and almost at the brink of tears when it comes to sleeping. Usually, he’s out like a light once the sun sets and the sky turns into the dampest shade of a black, but tonight, he can’t find himself to take the angels’ hands into slumberland where the sky is pink and the ground is as fluffy as the clouds.
He asks you the question like it isn’t the pink elephant in the room, fifteen different tangents going off in his head as he stares at the pile of snow in front of the foxhole. You shoot him a quizzical look, hand gripping the edge of the worn out blanket spread across your laps. “What?”
“Like, after the war? I mean—damn, I shoulda phrased it differently,” he stutters and his cheek start to grow red under the darkened sky. “Are you comin’ with me? Am I comin’ with you? Where we goin’ after the war?”
“You’re asking me this now?”
“My Ma always said it’s better to be prepared than sorry,” he yawns for the first time in hours since the sun said goodbye to the stars. Babe has this fear of losing you—not to bullets and grenades, no. He’s afraid he’ll lose you because of something stupid he did, like not telling you how much he loves you or if you wanted to come back to Philly with him. “And I’m kinda in love with you, y’know? I don’t ask you to come and cuddle with me in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere for nothin’.”
A small part of your heart, that isn’t frozen from the cold, warms up a little bit and your stiff lips curl up into a smile. “I feel your love so hard right now, Babe. So romantic. I love you, too.”
“Yeah, yeah, but tell me—where we goin’?”
You shrug. “I don’t know, I was thinking about going back home and just relaxing for a bit. War’s a tiring workplace, bub.”
“Aw man, so no Philly?” Babe whines, and you giggle, not sure if it’s the real Babe or the sleep deprivation clouding his head. “I was really hopin’ for Philly, Y/N, not gonna lie.”
“Alright, then it’s settled. It was nice knowing you, Babe.”
“Wait, nuuuuhhh—” He turn towards you and rests his head on your shoulder. He was going to caress your cheek like the gentleman he is, but he’s way to comfortable in the position he’s in under the blanket—slight warm and cozy next to your presence. “Y/N, I love you. A lot. And I am the man of your dreams. You don’t wanna be with the wrong guy, ‘cause I’m the right one for you.”
His words are slurred and his eyelids are droopy, obviously way too sleepy at this time of the night, but he fights against it to stay awake, sniffling as he tries to find the right words. You hum, squeezing his hand under the blanket as he drifts in and out of consciousness. “Well, Edward Heffron, what makes you the right one for me?”
“Well,” he tried to sit up but fails and ends up slumped against your side like a fat fish on land, “number one, I’m cute, and you like cute guys.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, a...nd I am very talented and romantic. You remember that heart I drew in the mud a while ago? That’s my Da Vinci side.” He draws a heart in the air with his pointer finger, giggling at the memory of him presenting you his masterpiece. You weren’t in the best mood back then, a little bit pissed at everyone when he dragged you out just to show you a lop-sided heart drawn with a twig he found laying around. “What else am I good at...um, I make a mean banana and peanut butter sandwich. The recipe is from my Ma, but I always pass it off as my own—shhhhhh, don’t tell her. What else...oh! I can also fart on command. Wanna see?”
“No,” you chuckle and wrap your arm around his shoulders, fingers rubbing hexagons on his cheek gently and softly and he melts into your touch.
Babe can just sit here and fade into dreamland while you play with a strand of hair peeking out from his helmet—this is his favorite way to fall asleep. With you right by his side and him snuggling into you like a cat on a rainy day, knowing that he’ll be safe in your arms. He always thinks about this moment, not in a war setting, but in a domestic setting where he is fast asleep on the couch of your shared Philly home with hot chocolate on his upper lip as you keep him by your side. He thinks about it way too much than he likes to admit, but if it’s that life he wants, then he might as well just marry you right here, right now and put a ring made of leaves on your finger.
He hums at the feeling of your fingertips on the nape of his neck so comfortably, he feel like he’s home. “I think ‘bout this all the time.”
“Baby, I know you like it when I play with your hair.”
“Yeah, I do. Can you move your hand just a little further ba—yeah, that’s the spot,” he moans as you he tug the little tuft of hair on the back of his head, eyelids screwing shut as he feels lighter than the clouds. “But I always think ‘bout us just living together. A small little home just for the two of us, a garden in the front—it’s mine, by the way—and a cat. I want a cat, Y/N. I don’t want a car, I want a cat.”
“Mm, and what would you name this cat?”
Babe is silent for a moment, and you think he’s asleep until his lips twitch. “I wanna name ‘im Sergeant Purrkins. Get it? ‘Cause...Perkins…” he yawns.
“Maybe it’s time for you to go to sleep,” you say, reaching to pull the blanket up but he slaps your hand away.
“Nooooo, I’m not finished yet!” he whines. “I need to tell you about our lives back home! You got me sidetracked, Y/N! Now I can’t remember what else I was thinkin’ about!”
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry.” You kiss his cheek, and Babe instantly forgives you. He loves it when you kiss him, especially in front of the guys—it makes him feel special. “Go on.”
“Thank you, as I was sayin’—I’m gonna marry ya. Gonna marry ya in the world’s biggest wedding with ice cream instead of cake because I’m cool like that. I’m gonna be the best husband in the entire world because I make good food and I love everything about you. Boobs and ass mostly, but I enjoy your lovin’, too.” He yawns, way too tired at this point to even continue on because it’s way past his bedtime. “So whaddya say, Y/N? You comin’ with...me to…”
Babe doesn’t even finish the sentence before he’s silent again. Eyelids shut tight, and snores escaping his parted lips as he finally falls asleep in the early hours of the morning in your arms. He dreams of that life back home with you—the one where you live comfortably with a ring on your finger, drinking hot chocolate by the windowsill as it rains outside. Sergeant Purrkins walks on the dining table as Babe pulls you into his lap and smothers you in kisses, your hand running through his locks just the way he likes it, and he will never grow hungry, just satisfied knowing that you’re his in the moment and for the years to come.
“Yes, I’ll go back to Philly with you,” you say, and he’s already fast asleep when you say it. So when you call it a night and find yourself sleeping just minutes after, you dream of the same life with Babe in Philly.
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