#band of brothers imagines
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bellewintersroe · 6 months ago
Hey, there! I have a BoB headcanons request that is a bit angsty/heavy so if you don’t feel like doing it, I completely understand! I was just wondering how the easy boys would go about trying to comfort a reader with guilt/trauma from either killing a German soldier (like Winters when he shoots that one SS soldier) or not being able to save a fellow soldier if you’d like to go the nurse route. I’d just love some Winters and Eugene comfort!! Thank you!🫶
Heyyy so sorry for the slow reply!! Thank you, this is such a good request!!! I’ve combined both your ideas for the diff guys- I hope you enjoy!
Tw - talks of death, guilt, trauma, ptsd, war, etc.
BoB Headcanons - How they comfort you
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Eugene Roe:
As a fellow medic, Gene understands completely what you’re doing when you start shutting yourself away.
After leaving Bastogne you didn’t actually think things could get much worse, but when you lose Jackson in the dingy basement in the middle of Haguenau - let’s just say you don’t take it well.
“It woulda’ happened anyway… it’s not your fault.” Gene would remind.
You’d sigh with a heavy heart and attempt to leave any kind of confrontation.
“Gene you weren’t the one assigned to take care of them. He died under my watch, I didn’t do good enough.”
Not only are you heavily burdened by Jackson’s death, but you’re also exhausted and cold and hungry. Gene at first would watch from afar with a furrow between his brow until enough was enough and he confronted you.
He’d find a way to pull you back in, he’d wrap blankets around your shoulders when you’re just sat staring into space. Or he’d force Hershey bars into your pocket, practically begging you to eat.
“It’s my fault.” You’d tell him.
Gene just takes the honest route, he knows that’s better than blatantly trying to soften the blow with anything else.
“Jackson woulda died anyway. I saw what happened and… you could’ve tried everything n’ he wouldn’t have made it…”
If you need him to go into technical medical talk he would. He’d do anything, he’s the type of guy to sit talking with you for hours.
Huge empathetic so cannot stand the idea of you being troubled by this or taking the blame.
If the two of you aren’t already together then he’s a little more careful to not overstep boundaries, but he 1000% keeps the blanket wrapped over your shoulders in place by holding it there with an arm over you. Even if his hand is freezing.
Dick Winters:
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It maybe happens around Bastogne? You happen to fire at the Germans and when you guys go look after, one of them is just a kid.
Let’s say he’s nowhere near older than twenty, still in his teens, and you’re absolutely horrified from the second you find this out.
It makes you freak tf out and the men bundle you back to the line pretty fast, they all know what it feels like, that guilt ravishing them alive. And Winters especially understands the exact thing you’ve been through.
I feel like he’d find out pretty fast, the two of you are in a private relationship that can’t be openly shown out on the field.
He’d take a sensible approach, despite being oh so worried.
Has you come sit in his and Lewis’ tent at CP.
Would offer you a drink, food, another coat, new boots, worries that you need feminine products? Idk the man just wants to take care of u ok.
When it comes to it and you say no to everything he simply sits besides you and just looks over your face.
Then he opens up about Holland and how he shot another soldier, just a kid. It’s relatable and the feelings he talks about are exactly what you’re experiencing.
If you get upset he can’t engulf you into the hug he wants, but he deffo squeezes you with an arm around you, encouraging you to know this isn’t your fault.
Extremely mindful of you for the following days after. If you wanna go off the line then he does that, if you wanna go for a walk then he makes somebody’s with you at all times.
Super super emotionally intelligent and would support you through anything.
Joe Liebgott:
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Probs walks into the quiet aid station all loud mouthed and hollering about something irrelevant. He knew you were on shift tonight with one other nurse who’s occupied upstairs in the building. Your arrival in Austria luckily called for a lot less gruesome wounds and gory deaths- but every now and then, someone slipped through your fingers.
Your head snaps up, away from the patient who lay still before you. Your eyes are full of tears and at the sight of Joe, you begin to sob.
“What is it-” immediately goes to run forwards, but then he clicks when he noticed the bloodied man below you. Your hands are covered in crimson, trembling and it’s smeared all over your uniform.
Realises pretty quick what’s happened.
“I couldn’t save him, Joe.” You wept. “Nobody came to help.”
Understandably Joes first reaction is to throw a fit that nobody else was here to help you- but then he takes in your broken expression once more and remembers where they were. Things like this just happened out here.
“Okay, baby.” He’d sooth, approaching you as carefully as possible. He’d take your hands in his and meet your gaze. “Let me help you.”
You can’t tell me that he wouldn’t be the biggest sweetheart ever?
He’d wash your hands for you, rubbing his thumb gently over each patch of skin, then he’d get help from another medic, a little pissed that nobody came to help. After that he’d tell whoever’s in charge you’re done off shift and take you back to your room (screw fraternisation rules, Joe doesn’t follow them, not when it comes to you).
He’d pretty soon find out that the guy on the table had a burst artery, whilst he’s undressing you from your stained uniform, he’d tut to himself gently.
“Somethin’ like that happens n’ they’re gone. There wasn’t anything you coulda’ done.”
“No but- I could’ve tried! If somebody helped then I could’ve done it! We’re not in Bastogne anymore I should’ve been able to help!”
“Y/n, you know you can’t think like that.”
Wouldn’t allow it for a second that you blamed yourself, it physically pains him that you’re sobbing and shaking, Joe holds you close and just lets you get it all out, feeling pretty revengeful for whoever left you alone that night.
“It’s all my fault, Joe…”
“No… no, sweetheart. C’mere, the guy was a dead man the second he got hit..”
The best with comforting you with words, if he needs to be a little harsh to get it through to you that it’s not your fault he will- but he won’t allow it for a second that you take any form of blame for this.
It hurts him to know it’s hurting you.
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luminouslywriting · 7 months ago
Can I request a BOB headcanon where you haven't been sleeping well recently and the boys begin to notice that you're a bit sleep deprived, please?
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^^Gif is not mine and belongs to yourspeirs^^
A/N: Hello darling! This is a great request and I'm super excited to get this out to you guys! School started today, I got to wear my vintage 1955 lipstick that I ordered, and I'm chillin! So enjoy!
Dick Winters:
-Honestly, he probably clocks it before you even realize that the exhaustion is setting in. He's someone who pays close attention to the little things and is going to encourage you to get some rest.
-And yes, this may be given in the form of an order if you don't listen to him at first
-But if he also realizes that you're having a hard time sleeping, he's going to have a few good ol' home remedies for such a situation
-There's this wonderful tea that he makes (if the resources are available), and it absolutely helps you relax right before you go to sleep. He's also more than happy to talk to you about plans for the future as you try to fall asleep if that will help.
Lewis Nixon:
-Haha, he's not getting any good rest either. But worry not, he's got a great solution 👀
-Yes, it's literally just: "You're having trouble sleeping? I'm having trouble sleeping? The solution clearly is that we sleep together. But literally, just sleep."
-He's a chronic cuddler and this is a great way for you to get comfortable and relax. If not, he's also more than happy to look for alternative means
-Otherwise, get comfy as he doesn't like to let go until late morning haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Is probably too busy to notice?? At least at first. If it's to a point that he's noticing it, then it's probably a definite problem and he's definitely going to just give you an order to go to sleep.
-And yes, he'd go to your superior officers about it or even to the medics and order you to have a nap
-He's not above using his position to ensure that you get the proper rest that you need
-Speirs cares...it's just in his own way and that means that he's going to do whatever it takes to ensure that you're feeling better :)
Buck Compton:
-Someone who picks up on it pretty quickly and gently prods about it. He's got all sorts of stories that he remembers from his history and literature classes in college that he can tell you about while you're trying to fall asleep
-He's also pretty attentive to figuring out if it's a noise issue or a light issue and finding ways to block out sound or help with the light.
-He's going to check in and make sure that the sleep is getting better and this is something that continues well after the war
-He remembers the little things :)
Carwood Lipton:
-A mother hen about the entire thing—he's out here clocking immediately that you're exhausted and not looking too good. He's worrying incessantly.
-He's not going to overstep his boundaries...but he might kindly suggest that you speak to the medics or to a superior officer about catching a few hours of rest
-Will check back in with you to see if you were able to rest. If you were, then great. If not...then he's going to be pulling out all the stops and is going to come and lay by you until you fall asleep.
-Literally the sweetest man to go to if you're sleep deprived.
Joe Liebgott:
-Doesn't really realize that it's a problem until you're probably swaying on your feet
-It's at this point that he's going to gracefully guide you over to a cot or somewhere that you can nap and is going to sweet talk you into getting the rest that you need
-Wants to know why you didn't tell him that you haven't been sleeping well lately....he just wants you to be okay and well rested
-Also might bribe you with some slightly dirty promises haha
Donald Malarkey:
-Has clocked this a while ago and is just patiently waiting for you to realize that you need to get some rest. He's very respectful of boundaries and wants you to make your own decisions.
-Is not above stealing some chocolate to bribe you into taking a nap haha
-Absolutely the type to encourage you to count sheep or stars to try and help you fall asleep
-Also a very good cuddler to help people fall asleep
Eugene Roe:
-The sweetest bestest man for this situation??? Like, listen, he gets it. This is also someone who is sleep deprived. However, he worries way more about you and your health.
-Will pull medical rank to ensure that you get your nap
-Also more than willing to sneak you something to make sure that you fall asleep haha
-But more than anything, he's the type of man to tell you old Cajun tales in his soft voice to get you sleepy
Bill Guarnere:
-Literally will point blank tell you to go take a nap
-Then in a much softer and sweeter tone, will swing his arm around you, and ask if he can take a nap with you
-He's very invested in making sure that you're well rested and is the type of man to bribe with food and other means to ensure that you listen to what your body needs—and that's sleep
-Will talk your ear off about what it's going to be like when you're sleep deprived after the war and WHY you're going to be sleep deprived. I promise it's for a much dirtier reason lol.
Joe Toye:
-Acts as though he himself is tired and needs to take a nap. And point blank asks if you'll help him fall asleep.
-This technique is sneaky and though you might pick up on it, it's the thought that counts here
-He's out here ensuring that you don't feel like you're stressing him out by doing this—and making you feel as though you're helping him just as much as he's helping you
-Honestly, this man is a 10/10 in this situation
George Luz:
-Makes you laugh so hard that you cry out of exhaustion and then asks you if you're tired so that you have to admit it
-At which point he just takes your hand and declares that you're going to take a nap and he's going to watch your back for you
-It's all very sweet and very Luz of him tbh
-Holds your hand until you're asleep and presses a kiss to your forehead
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blurredcolour · 1 year ago
Born To Be Yours
[One-shot | Sequel to We'll Meet Again]
Eugene Roe x Nurse!Female Reader
Despite the end of the war in Europe, violence still finds its way to the men of Easy company. Thankfully, Eugene knows just where to find you to get them help.
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Warnings: Language, Weapons, Canon Typical Violence, Smoking, Treatment of Wounds, Medical Procedures, Hospital Settings, Questionably Written Cajun Accent, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [Kissing, Necking, Dry Humping] - 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: Slight warning - the events of this fic are centered around the shooting of Sergeant Charles E Grant. The title of this fic is based off the song 'Yours' by Vera Lynn. For your reference, the Cajun pronunciation of cher, Eugene's term of endearment for the reader, is 'sha.' Just to help you really imagine it in your head. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the HBO series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 3887
This kind of thing wasn’t supposed to be happening. Not here in Austria after the surrender of the German army. Not today, the anniversary of D-Day. And yet here Eugene sat, balanced over a stretcher bearing a motionless Grant, holding an IV of blood above his head as Speirs sped down the road toward Saalfelden where the 47th Field Hospital was set up on the edge of town. Talbert rode in the front seat, frequently glancing back at them over his shoulder.
It was a miracle Grant was still breathing after receiving the headwound, continued to breathe through the frantic bandaging and loading onto Speirs’ jeep.
“Where’s the nearest surgeon?” The Captain had barked and Gene had answered easily, known it immediately, because the nearest surgeon was with you.
After parting ways in Titz, following that very eventful Easter Sunday, your hospital had stayed precisely where it was intended to be – twenty-five kilometers behind the line as they advanced across Germany. You had surprised Eugene by sending your next letter not by post, but in the pocket of an ambulance driver who had been all too happy to receive a pack of smokes from you for his trouble. Your ingenuity had opened his eyes, and he’d sent his own reply back two days later, postage paid with chocolate from his rations.
Being able to write one another without the censors having a say, to share every detail of your daily lives without fear of the letter going missing – as long as you each chose a trustworthy deliveryman of course – was a relief after all the delays in communication the pair of you had previously endured. Eugene was admittedly disheartened when he learned that your station in Austria would be in Saalfelden with the majority of the 101st Airborne while Easy and the rest of 2nd Battalion found themselves a further seventeen kilometers down the road in Zell Am See.
There remained a remarkable number of things for him to do, and the lack of ambulance traffic, while a blessing, severely impeded your correspondence once more. In short, Eugene was feeling awfully guilty about the fact that he had not managed to visit you since the war in Europe had ended. As the jeep pulled up outside the requisitioned gymnasium that had been turned into the 47th Field Hospital, he was not certain if he hoped you were there or not.
He jumped off the back of the vehicle as Speirs and Talbert grabbed each end of the stretcher and the three of them rushed toward the building. Eugene hurried a few steps ahead to pull the door open, wincing a little as Speirs shouldered it open fully, sending into the wall with a ‘bang.’ There was a scurry of footsteps from down a hallway to the right before you stepped into view, clad in your white and brown striped hospital dress, a brown cardigan over top with the sleeves pushed up to your elbows. Concern etched your features.
“Follow me.” You said quickly, rushing to pull open the next door into the gymnasium itself. “On the table right there please, sir.” You gestured to a makeshift exam table built of filing cabinets and a cot.
“Chief Nurse?” A young woman poked her head out from behind a privacy screen and Eugene nearly tripped over his own feet.
Last he’d heard you were Assistant Chief Nurse, promoted after your natural leadership of the group of nurses during your nine hours of capture. You’d gone and gotten yourself promoted again. He fought the urge to grin at you proudly as they carefully set Grant down as instructed.
“Shirley, go fetch Dr. Brock from his office immediately.”
“We need a surgeon.” Speirs rasped and Eugene watched the girl halt her progress across the room and look back to you questioningly.
“Dr. Randall then, quickly.” You amended, shifting to begin triage on the patient by checking his vitals as Speirs took Grant’s hand in his tightly.
Shirley fled the room, returning in less than a minute with a dark-haired man wearing a white coat in tow – surely Dr. Randall. A cigarette hung for his lips as he looked to Eugene for the hand off.
“Shot in the head with a pistol, maybe twenty minutes ago? Bandaged and given blood by IV.”
He saw Shirley hand you a chart out of the corner of his eye and you quickly noted these things along with the vitals you’d been taking when the surgeon had walked in. Dr. Randall leaned down to lift the bandages, inspecting Grant’s wound.
“Jesus.” He muttered.
“What?” Speirs asked, looking to him quickly.
“He’s not gonna make it.” Dr. Randall said, taking a slow drag on his cigarette.
“Ya can’t operate on him?” Eugene asked incredulously. This man was a surgeon, this was his job.
“Not me. You’d need a brain surgeon. And even if you had one, I don’t think there’s any hope.” Dr. Randall rubbed at his eyes, obviously just as worn out from the endless number of casualties he’d born witness to, before walking off.
Eugene’s eyes slid to meet yours where you remained next to the spot recently vacated by Dr. Randall; felt his throat clench painfully at the look of deep sympathy you were sending him.
Speirs took a breath and turned to Talbert, breaking the stunned silence that had fallen over the group. “You find the shooter, I want him alive.” He pointed at him for emphasis before turning back to Eugene. “Come on help me.”
“What’re you doing?” Talbert asked, grabbing the end of the stretcher.
“We’re gonna go find a brain surgeon!” Speirs declared before they were off and running back towards the door.
“There’s a German hospital further into town, follow this road for five blocks then hang a left.” You spoke quickly, hurrying to hold open the doors to ease their progress back to the jeep.
“Thank ya, Ma’am.” Eugene nodded quickly, ducking slightly as it had begun to lightly rain while they were inside.
“Take care.” Your voice shook a little and Eugene looked back to you once he’d resumed his perch on the back of the jeep, watching you wrap your cardigan tighter around yourself as you stood in the rain, staring at him intently until the vehicle jerked into motion as Speirs took off in the direction you had instructed.
The hospital was easy enough to find, thanks to your directions, and Talbert secured another jeep there to carry out Speirs’ orders to find the shooter. The brain surgeon was not currently on duty, but Speirs was undeterred and demanded his home address, from which he fetched him out of bed to operate immediately.
“It will take several hours.” The German surgeon had warned them when Speirs had asked where the waiting room was.
“We’ll wait.” He had replied flatly, and Eugene had followed after him as a nurse led them into an empty room filled with worn chairs and a few side tables with outdated German periodicals.
Eugene watched Speirs sink into one of the chairs while he found himself unable to sit down, wandering the perimeter of the room quietly, mind turning over all manner of things, but always coming back to how reluctant you had looked to see him go. The guilt within him had multiplied astronomically – he had been a fool to not rush to see you the instant he could, and now your first interaction since Easter was purely professional and surely terrifying. Precisely why he had been so very reluctant to admit his feelings to you in the first place.
“Doc, if you’re not going to sit down, go talk to that pretty Chief Nurse, would you?” He muttered, pulling the garrison cap from his hair.
Eugene’s head whipped up to look at his commanding officer in shock. Shock at the fact that Speirs had had the wherewithal to notice the looks you had been exchanging over Grant’s prone form. Shock that he was allowing him the liberty to visit you. Pure shock.
“Otherwise, it’s going to be a very long couple of hours.” There was a dangerous edge to the man’s voice that made Eugene swallow nervously and nod sharply.
“Yes sir, I’ll be back in a few hou’s then, sir.” He moved to slip out of the waiting room.
“Be careful out there, Doc.” Came Speirs’ parting command and Eugene nodded once more before heading out into the street, thankful that the blackout was no longer in effect and he had the assistance of streetlights to retrace his steps back to the Field Hospital.
He made a much quieter entrance this time, finding the nurse, Shirley, at the desk near the door in the gym.
“Oh, you’re the medic from earlier – how is your man?” She asked in a hushed voice as she stood.
“In surgery with a German brain surgeon now…I was wonderin’ if I migh’ speak ta you’ Chief Nurse?” He tilted his head, and she nodded quickly leading him down the hall to an unassuming office door.
“She’s still here, working late again.” She laughed softly and knocked.
“Thank ya, Ma’am.” He nodded as she nodded in return before heading back into the gym as your door swung inward.
“Gene…” You breathed in surprise, peering into the hallway as if to confirm he was truly alone.
“Cher…” He murmured in response, tremor in his own voice this time, and your fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling him into the moderately sized office.
Your arms pulled him into a tight embrace as you nudged the door shut with your foot. He buried his face into your hair, fingers curling into the knit of your cardigan against your back.
“I’m right here, Gene.” You sighed soothingly, arms holding him so tightly, so warmly, Eugene was convinced you might actually be able to fuse his broken pieces back together. To make him feel whole again.
“Merci, cher.” He managed to find his voice after a moment, pulling back slightly only to press his lips to yours tightly in a physical expression of his gratitude.
Eugene felt the tremble that rolled through your body in response, his hands gripping you tighter as your fingers wended their way into his hair making him shudder in return. There was something about your touch tonight that felt like he was playing with fire, your entire presence loaded with explosive charge that could set him off at any moment. He pulled his lips back quickly before he did something wildly inappropriate in your office and panted against your mouth.
“M’sorry I haven’ come ta visit ya.”
Your response was a breathless laugh that made him bite the inside of his cheek.
“I’ve barely left this office. I’m beginning to think this promotion was a curse disguised as a blessing.” You smirked and stole one more kiss from his lips before straightening to look over his face warmly.
“It’s late, and I know ya don’ work nigh’s no mo’e…” He tried to keep the admonishing tone in his voice light, but he was admittedly upset you were working after midnight, something that even he was aware was unusual for a Chief Nurse.
“You know too much, Gene.” Your fingers smoothed his hair gently, restoring order to the strands you had put into disarray, a fond smile stretching his lips as he truly adored hearing you call him ‘Gene.’
His heart had nearly stopped when it had appeared in your letters but to hear it leave your lips was heaven itself.
“Let me walk ya home, tha man who did tha’ is still out the’e.”
He watched your eyes widen before you frowned deeply, shaking your head in dismay. “Did you find the hospital?”
“German brain surgeon’s operatin’ now…”
You took a slow breath before nodding. “I usually have an MP escort me, are you sure you don’t have to get back?”
He shook his head. “Grant’ll be in surgery a few hou’s longah. Cap’n Speirs won’ leave ‘till it’s ovah. Told me ta ‘go talk to that pretty Chief Nurse’ if I wouldn’t sit still.” Gene smirked ruefully and you blinked rapidly before biting your lip.
“Perhaps we have not been nearly as subtle as we thought, Gene…”
He laughed softly under his breath as he watched you turn to collect your things, sliding a small utility bag over your shoulder before turning out the desk light. The desk itself was still covered in stacks of files and he couldn’t help but frown as it seemed that your late nights had barely made a dent in the work your new position had foisted upon you.
“Wait here.” You said once you’d locked your office door and walked a little further down the hall to knock on another door.
He could barely make out another man’s voice, it didn’t sound like Dr. Randall, so presumably Dr. Brock, before you swung by the desk in the gymnasium to wish Shirley a good night. One last stop at the MP office to the left of the entrance where you informed your usual escort you had someone to walk you home before the pair of you were able to step out into the damp night. Thankfully, the rain had stopped falling but the puddles on the ground were plentiful as Eugene offered his arm. He could not help his fond smile as you took it without hesitation, hugging his elbow close as you walked side-by-side.
“I’m quite close to the hospital actually.” You gestured down the road and he nodded, turning that way.
“Tha’s how ya knew…”
Your soft laugh made his stomach quiver slightly though he did not miss the yawn you tried to smother.
“Ya been workin’ late a lot, cher?” He prompted softly, vigilant to your surroundings but so far, the streets were quiet.
“Mm.” You nodded slowly before sighing. “Seems the Chief Nurse before me was not such a fan of paperwork. Maude was a fantastic leader, we’re lucky to have her as the Assistant Director of Austria base, but if I had known what was awaiting me in that office…well I’d probably have asked to help her more when I was her assistant.”
He felt you tug on his arm and looked down to you quickly to see you pointing across the street to a modest apartment building.
“We’re quartered here.”
Eugene nodded and led you across the street as you fished for the keys in your bag. He couldn’t help but notice that you were in fact only a few blocks from the German hospital where Grant was still undergoing surgery. He said another silent prayer to guide the hands of the surgeon to success as you led him up to the building entrance.
A pair of sharp cries cut through the night, making the both of you freeze briefly.
“Stop right there!”
The voices were still a block or so away, but belonged to men that Eugene knew a well as his own family.
“Inside cher, now.” He said quickly, pulling you toward the building.
“Second floor.” You uttered quickly and he pushed you up the stairs front of him, hands on your hips as he could hear the voices of Talbert and Malarkey growing closer, accompanied by footsteps splashing through puddles and the rumble of a jeep engine close behind.
You stopped at an apartment door and Eugene noted your struggle to line the key with the deadbolt, gently but firmly taking it from you to unlock the door and push you inside. He was quick to close and lock the door behind him, wanting you nowhere near the drunken madman who had already killed at least two people tonight. He heard you take a breath as you turned back toward him and he gently covered your mouth with his palm, shushing you softly as he listened for further noises from the street below.
They sounded as if they were right outside, their voices rising up through the stairwell as his wide eyes bored directly into yours.
“Yeah, that’s him!”
“Get in the jeep you son of a bitch.”
The sound of the engine faded off into the night and Eugene waited a full minute before lowering his hand from your mouth, the only sound remaining being the pounding of his heart in his ears. He heard you suck in a breath, the only warning he was afforded before your lips collided with his. He stumbled slightly, startled a moment, before the adrenaline in his veins was transformed into white hot desire. His hands clutched at your lower back, pulling you tightly against him as he blindly stumbled toward the doorway he had glimpsed upon entering your apartment.
He felt your body impact with something behind you and pulled back from your lips quickly to see he had backed you into the kitchen table. He felt you rise up onto your toes, seemingly intent on sitting on the tabletop and his hands quickly seized your hips, aiding you in your efforts by hoisting you the last bit of distance. He could not help the smirk that graced his features as you gasped at his strength; hard-won through years of training and carrying wounded from the battlefield. His mouth quickly returned to yours, shuddering as your tongue met his eagerly, your fingers once more burrowing into his hair.
Eugene’s lungs began to ache from a lack of oxygen and he reluctantly pulled back from your lips only to begin trailing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and down your throat. Your shaky exhale filled his ears as your fingers began to tug at the buttons of his OD jacket, sending his own in search of the same on your cardigan. As he pushed the fabric out of the way, he slid his hands along your sides, sucking at the hollow of your throat, exhaling hotly against your skin as you parted your legs for him.
“Cher…” He rasped against your skin, gulping at the whimper that fell from your lips as he stepped closer, nestling between your thighs.
Your body felt so hot against him, even through his ODs and wool trousers, he was helpless not to press as tightly to you as possible, not even leaving a hairsbreadth of space. Your fingers curled into the front of his wool shirt, hips bucking against his slightly as you whimpered again.
“Gene!” Your gasped and he kissed you fiercely as his lower abdomen grew heavy with arousal, blood rushing to his already hardening length as he rutted against you obligingly.
The moan that rattled from your throat into his mouth had his head swimming, his baser instincts immediately taking over, demanding he do anything and everything to draw that sound from you again and again. His hands shifted to grip your thighs, pulling your body even tighter to his as he continued to move against you, delighting in your repeated cries of pleasure which he devoured hungrily. He barely noticed your persistence against the buttons of his uniform shirt until he felt your hands sliding around his torso with only the thin barrier of his undershirt separating your skin, a groan falling from his lips as he tore them from yours.
“Merde.” He hissed, screwing his eyes shut against the salaciously delicious friction between your bodies.
“Mm! I know that one…” You giggled breathily against his neck before your lips were on his skin, making his hips rock sharply against yours.
“Feel so good, cher.” He groaned again, hands shifting beneath the hem of your dress, beneath the hem of your slip, to find the bare skin of your thighs. Quite possibly the softest thing he’d ever touched.
“Yes, Gene.” You whined against his kiss-dampened skin. “Don’t stop.”
He grunted in agreement, fingers tracing higher to grip your hips, increasing the friction yet again as he rutted his fully hard cock against your underwear. The moan that fell from your lips contained an almost anguished tone and he had to grit his teeth against the desire to climax at just the sound of it. Your fingers were digging into his back through the cotton of his undershirt, hips echoing every motion of his as his fingers delved past the edge of your underwear to curl into the soft flesh of your buttocks.
“Oh god Gene I’m…” You panted, head rolling back, and he nodded vigorously, eyes latching onto your face, desperate to watch you fall apart in his arms.
Eugene had long been convinced that you could do everything with grace, and you once again proved his assumption correct as your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks, your mouth falling open to emit a soft wail of pure ecstasy. Burying his face against your neck, he cursed harshly as his hips bucked sharply, all sense of rhythm and control abandoning him as his orgasm immediately overtook him. Sliding one hand out from beneath your skirt to brace against the table lest he collapse onto you, he smiled sheepishly as you grinned up at him, your lower lip caught beneath your teeth.
“Sorry, Gene…” You murmured, running your hands along his back soothingly, your chests brushing against one another as you both struggled to catch your breath.
He shook his head quickly and then tensed. “Do ya….are ya the only one billeted in he’e?” He glanced back toward the hallway, suddenly aware of how much noise the pair of you had made.
Your bright peal of laughter caught his attention, and he turned back to you quickly.
“You ask me that now, Gene?!” You teased, gripping the back his neck to pull him down for a lazy kiss as he huffed a laugh against your lips in reply. “No, just me. Chief Nurse perk.”
He relaxed with a nod, straightening slowly as his legs finally felt like solid muscle and bone once more.
“The washroom is just down the hall if you wa–”
“Be my wife.” The words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them.
He had intended to make more of a spectacle of it. Hell, he had intended to have a ring to put on your finger. But the way you were looking up at him now with glossy eyes still hazy with pleasure, crinkled at the corners as you smiled his favorite smile to date – he was helpless to hold them back.
Eugene held his breath as he watched your eyes widen, your mouth drop open, as his unexpected statement hung in the air.
“Are you…proposing to me Eugene Roe?” You exhaled and he gulped roughly.
“I understand if ya don’ wanna marry me, I still have ta go ta tha Pacific an’…”
“How could I say no, Gene, when I was born to be yours.” You eyed him softly but there was something about your words, and the way your lips were twitching with mirth, that tugged at the back of his brain.
“Cher are ya quotin’ Vera Lynn again?” He huffed and grimaced playfully at your answering laugh, yet felt his heart begin to beat double time as your hands cupped his cheeks and your expression grew serious.
“Eugene Roe, I would love to be your wife.” You nodded firmly and sealed your acceptance with a firm kiss that made his heart soar.
Band of Brothers Masterlist
Tag list: @ronsparky, @fuckoffthanos, @bcon24, @phyllisthefirst, @footprintsinthesxnd, @she-wolf09231982
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narwal-ed-in · 8 months ago
ARMY GLITTERATI - (Band of Brothers x Bimbo!Reader)
✨glitterati✨- /ˌɡlɪt̬.əˈrɑː.t̬i/ - 1940's slang for famous people, glamorous people, in the spotlight.
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Summary: “You want to become a combat medic for the 101st?” “What, like it's hard?”
Warning: Period typical sexism, Fem reader, she/her pronouns, slight body shaming (not directed at reader). NO BETA READ. I WROTE THIS JUST NOW SO PLEASE DON'T EXPECT MUCH.
No disrespect to the real veterans of WW2, all my BoB fanfics are based on depictions by actors in the miniseries.
Borders by @plutism
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The war is raging and everyone is doing their part to help the men on the front.
For you, that mostly meant trying to look your best at all times, no matter how inconvenient the situation.
"Looking good is a ginormous part of the war effort, it's good for boosting troop morale. I saw it on a poster at the teaching hospital" You reasoned with your father after he complained about you buying another pair of shoes and some expensive vanishing creams.
"Darling, I think they meant that we should all keep our appearances up, not buy out our local department stores"
"Oh my god daddy, you're suffocating me! I'm just doing my part by looking nice..." you glare at your father in his work clothes and eye him with a grimace "...and clearly you're not"
When you get a telegram informing you that you've been selected to participate in a program that aims to send female medics into combat you jump on it.
This is going to be so much fun.
"I'm going to be the talk of the town when everyone finds out. Not even Reverend Smiths boring old story about dying for ten minutes in a car crash and seeing Jesus will be able to outdo this!"
Your supervisors at the hospital are shocked that you've been chosen, seeing as you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
You had once walked out of an operation because it was bloody and you were wearing white (all the nurse uniforms are white).
You hoped you wouldn't be assigned to the army or the airforce.
The army is too basic, and if you were stuck on an airbase somewhere then nobody would be able to see how fab you always were.
The navy was your goal, their uniforms were sooo cute, you were just dreaming of all the ways you could style it.
It's just your luck when you get assigned to airborne.
"THIS BLOWS! I'm in the two most unglamorous branches at the same time"
After your initial breakdown you realized it wasn't that bad. If you were jumping out of planes it just meant that your hotness would have a bigger audience since it would literally be raining down from the sky.
"When the Germans see all this falling from the sky, they're going to flip their friggin wigs! AHHHH"
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You're assigned to Easy company and meet the men a few months into their training at Camp Toccoa.
You show up randomly in the middle of the day.
Although the men had been told a woman would be joining them and they had been expecting you, they hadn't been expecting YOU.
You were a ditzy thing and looked like you’d jumped out of one of their pin up postcards. The brass surely couldn't expect them to put their lives in your hands.
"I'm sooo happy to meet everyone. You know, the other girls in the program are such massive liars, they said airborne was where all the uggos went, but that's so not true. After all, I'm here"
You always woke up an hour earlier than the rest of Easy so you would have time to put your face on.
It was one of your tenets to never be seen by anyone outside of family without makeup on, or with your curlers in.
Malarkey, Skip, Penkala, Shifty, Bull, Christenson, Lip and Winters had all been kind to you from the beginning, expecting nothing in return.
But some of the guys had other ideas.
George was one of the men that befriended you initially. And although he did have the ulterior motive of getting it on with you, he eventually stuck around because he actually liked you.
You guys have great play-flirting banter and you're both very entertaining people to be around, especially when you're drunk.
On the rare nights anyone gets passes they want to be around you and George because they know that's where the funs at.
You get sloppy drunk with George, flirt with men from Easy and other companies all night, then end up with your shoes off at 3am, sitting on the curb and crying about one of your ex boyfriends.
Perconte was one of your original detractors but when you found yourselves making the same brain dead comments about obvious things, you both decided to put your two half braincells together to form the singular braincell you share between yourselves.
Talbert was trying to get into your pants instantly. Nobody was surprised.
But just like George he grew to be genuinely fond of you.
What was surprising was Joe Toye taking you under his wing.
Toye could see that you were absolutely clueless and the worst part was, you had no idea.
Toye couldn't bear the agony of watching you skip around camp with your happy-go-lucky attitude, harping on about celebrity gossip nobody cared about.
"Y/N!" Toye yelled as you all got dressed to run Currahee "Why the hell is your PT shirt pink?!"
"Isn't it just the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen, Joe? I put a red handkerchief in with my laundry. Cosmo said carnation pink is the color of the summer"
Huffing and puffing, Toye took out one of his spare shirts and forced you to wear it.
"And when you give it back, it better not be fucking 'flamingo pink'" Toye said.
"Oh honey, this isn't 1939, flamingo pink is so over. I wouldn't be caught dead in that. You know, Joe, sometimes I feel like you don't care about fashion at all" You scoff at his cluelessness as you walk out.
Joe Toye is secretly your best friend in the company.
Toye taking you in meant Gaurnere and Johnny Martin had to be around you, much to their chagrin.
They didn't want some girl hanging off of them.
You win Gaurnere's respect when you coach him on what to write to his girlfriend back home to assure her that he's serious about their relationship when she began doubting his intentions.
And you win Johnny's respect when you help him find the most romantic gift for his wife for valentines day.
"Y'know, back home they call me the love doctor...Well, they used to, before I told Betsy Kline that Rob Jones was her soulmate but then he left her at the altar to elope with his housekeeper"
Sobel despised you from the moment he laid eyes on you.
Not wearing your red lipstick everyday was torture, but you had to stick to natural colours so Sobel wouldn't be able to tell what you had on.
He tried with everything in his power to get you kicked out, but much to everyones surprise, you kept up extrordinarily well with the men when it came to physical training.
"I do a lot of Pilates. It's really good for flexibility and helps you keep a positive outlook so you're not be such a 'negative nancy' all the time. Some of you could really use it. Some more than others..." you said as you side-eyed Skinny who just looked around incredulously
Eventually most of the men come to consider you a friend and a confidante since you give remarkably sound relationship advice.
"It's like sooo hard being the smartest person and the hottest catch in this camp at the same time"
The hardest nuts to crack in your immediate friend group end up being Leibgott, Cobb and Doc Roe, all for different reasons of course.
Leib was snide and arrogant and spoke to you like you were a silly little girl.
He didn't shy away from telling you how dumb he thought you were to your face.
Your relationship eventually becomes friendly but he will still be mean occasionally.
He always ends up apologising though and feels really bad when he makes you cry (the other guys nearly bite his head off whenever this happens).
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, stop being a baby already. I said I was sorry" Lieb said to you as you cried into your pillow.
"You can say sorry to me, Joey, but how are you going to tell Rita Hayworth you're sorry for saying nobody cares about her nighttime face washing routine?" You spoke inbetween sobs.
"I ain't saying sorry to Rita because I ain't sorry I said it. I stand by what I said. Nobody cares how some broad washes up at night"
"You take that back! That routine saved my life" You jumped up, pointing an accusing finger at the man.
"How the fu-"
"You're a horrible, horrible man Joseph Leibgott"
"Oh put a sock in it" Leib rolled his eyes, making you cry even harder.
Toye, ever protective of you, had enough "I swear to god Leibgott, leave that girl alone!"
Cobb was just straight up cruel to you and made sure you always knew "your place".
Roe didn't seem particularly close to anyone.
But as you all of you went into the more specialised aspects of your training and you and Roe spent more time together, he found himself looking out for you.
You were sitting alone on the grass after everyone had groaned and walked off the moment you started talking about an article you read in a magazine.
You sigh sadly, pulling at the grass when a shadow falls over you.
Bringing up a hand to block the sun you finally recognize who it is. It's Eugene Roe.
"I, uh, I was wondering if I could sit with you?" he asked.
You nodded excitedly and he took a seat beside you in the grass.
"What was it you were telling the others?"
You gasped "You really want to know?"
"I guess…"
Doc had seen everyone walk away, and although he didn't care much for mindless conversation, he knew talking to people meant a lot to you and had come over to cheer you up.
Without missing a beat you began one of your famous tirades.
By the end of your first year in Toccoa you end up finding your place.
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Thanks for reading! Please like, comment and reblog if you want❤️
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bloodstainedsaint · 1 year ago
the sniper (joseph liebgott x sniper! reader)
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summary: when you transferred from dog company to easy company following the battle of bloody gulch, you thought you knew what to expect of men in the military— though you really wanted joe liebgott to prove you wrong
word count: just over 3500
warnings: period-typical sexism & misogyny (big part of the story), very minor violence, denying feelings, mutual pining, reader lowkey has trust issues, full of other characters but hopefully no one's ooc?? also this fic is kinda messy 😭
notes: happy thanksgiving! enjoy this fic for the holidays 💞 also your favs AREN'T sexist, just confused
Gossip, you realized, was an easy way to kill time for the men of the military, especially with the recent news that there would be a transfer to Easy Company— the transfer being you, of course. You had no idea you were such a hot topic until you walked down a street of Aldbourne in search of the man currently in charge of your new company, Lieutenant Winters, and overheard a trio of soldiers discussing rumors as they sat around awaiting orders.
“Hey, have you heard that there’s a transfer coming from D-Company?” one said, lighting a cigarette.
“Whew, he must’ve not taken any smokes from Lieutenant Sparky, huh, Don?” another chuckled, stealing the cigarette out of who you guessed was Don’s fingers and puffing for emphasis, much to Don’s displeasure.
Huffing, Don continued, “He’s a sniper, apparently! Better than Shifty!”
“Nah, no one’s better than Shifty,” the third butted in. “Shifty can shoot you right between the eyes blindfolded.”
“Shifty would deny that ‘til he died, Penk,” said the second with a smile.
“It’s true, Skip! Apparently he tracked a target from 1,000 yards away and still got him in the head! Bang! Just like that,” Don said while he mimicked holding a rifle and firing.
“Psh, our boy Shifty could do that, or better: 2,000 yards, right?” Skip nudged Penk with his shoulder.
Penk shrugged. “Length don’t matter, anyway. It’s what you do with the gun, not how far it shoots.”
Skip and Don shared a look and grinned, the latter joking, “Don’t you mean distance, Alex? What, you insecure about something?”
The trio devolved into laughter and banter, but was suddenly quieted as Don patted the others and pointed at you approaching. Several other men standing nearby swiveled their heads to watch as well.
A woman dressed in fatigues, the shoulder of her uniform emblazoned with the Screaming Eagles patch, a M1 Garand slung around her back— they couldn't seem to get their mind around it. Disregarding their curious stares (you’d gotten a lot of them for the past two years or so that you've been enlisted), you walked past the group of spectators.
A couple of men whistled lowly, and a murmur spread through the small crowd. You stopped in your tracks for a moment, eyes downward in thought. Surely one of these men knows where Lieutenant Winters is. You turned on your heel toward the group.
“Afternoon,” you addressed the onlookers, who were now either standing up or gathering around in interest. Your eyes went from man to man, meeting inquisitive and suspicious stares alike, unfazed. “Anyone know where I can find Lieutenant Winters?”
“You, uh, you lost?” a diminutive man — Perconte, his name tag read — asked.
One with a strict face and a glower already etched into it — Martin — stepped into the scattered group. “Who’s asking?”
“Private (Y/N), sir,” you said with a quick salute that was returned. “I’m transferring from Dog Company to Easy Company. I was told to look for a Lieutenant Winters.”
The men exchanged a look amongst each other.
The man from earlier, Don, spoke up with awe apparent in his voice. “You’re a sniper?”
You turned to him with a curt nod. “Yes, I’m a sharpshooter.”
Then a lanky, scrappy-looking guy, Liebgott, entered with a smirk tugging upon his lips. Just by looking at his crooked smile and raised eyebrows, you knew he was going to cause you trouble. Just another man ogling at you like you're nothing but a pretty face. What else is new? “You need help getting around base?”
“No thank you, that won’t be necessary,” you swiftly rebuffed, turning your attention back to the rest of the men. You set them with an expectant look.
“You can find Lieutenant Winters over there at CP,” Randleman, a large red-headed man, said around a hefty cigar in his mouth, nodding his head in the tent’s direction. “If he’s not there, try the mess cabin.”
With a small smile, grateful that someone finally answered your question instead of asking more of them, you thanked him, saluted, and walked off.
As you started towards CP, you heard behind your back, “Did Roosevelt change something while we were overseas? ‘Cause I just saw a lady wearing paratrooper clothing with a rifle ‘round her back.”
“Very astute, George,” someone replied.
You could almost hear the smirk in Liebgott’s voice as he declared, “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Yeah, come back alive,” another voice — Skip, maybe — chimed in. “Speirs might’ve rubbed off on her.”
You only had a few seconds to mentally prepare yourself before you heard footsteps catching up behind you. Liebgott was now walking side by side with you, matching your brisk pace.
“Hey, (Y/N), right?”
You took a sidelong glance at him. “That’s right.”
“Joseph D. Liebgott. Technician 5th-Grade.”
“And is there a reason why you’re following me to CP, Liebgott?”
“Thought I’d show you around base, get to know you a little.”
“And I thought I declined your assistance,” you said firmly. “I was part of Dog Company; I'm not new around here.”
“Alright, how about introducing you to Easy men when you’re finished?” He threw a smile your way. “They’re curious about you.”
You slightly grimaced at the thought of being at the center of attention for so many strangers. “I’d rather not.”
“Why? They’re great guys. I don’t know about Dog Company men and their Lieutenant Speirs, but Easy men, especially Toccoa men, are different.”
They don’t seem all that different to me. You gripped the strap of your gun a little tighter. “Once again, I’ll pass.”
He shrugged. “You’ll warm up to us.”
A tense silence ensued. You did your best to not seem bothered by it. Usually by this point people gave up and stopped talking to you entirely.
“So, uh,” he began, running his hands through his hair. Of course you weren’t getting rid of him that easily. Your intuition earlier was right. “Why’re you transferring over to Easy? No offense, but we've got a helluva marksman already.”
“I wasn’t given a reason, just an order.”
“That so? Well, maybe you’ll take his place as our resident sniper, huh?”
“Looking forward to it,” you responded drily.
He chuckled. “You’ll fit right into Easy with the rest of the snarkers. Where you from, (Y/N)?”
You eyed him cautiously. “Lansing, Michigan.”
“Get outta here, you serious? I'm from there too!” Liebgott cracked a smile and gazed at you. “Man, I might’ve seen you around and just haven’t realized it. Could've been talking to you years ago.”
You pursed your lips. “It wouldn't have helped your chances, Liebgott.”
Grinning, he said, undaunted, “What chances? We're just talking. I wanna know the lady I’ll be fighting with.”
“You just want to know if I’m single or not. That’s all,” you icily said as the two of you neared the tent.
Apparently found out, Liebgott smiled broadly and stopped a few feet from CP while you continued walking. “Well, are you?”
You turned to face him. “Yes, I’m single, and no, I’m not interested in sleeping with you.”
You couldn’t see the smile melt off his face as you entered the tent, eyes searching amongst all the men and equipment for the tall soldier you’ve seen conversing with Lieutenant Speirs before.
“Private (Y/N),” a voice called. You looked in its direction and finally found Winters.
“Lieutenant Winters.” You saluted.
“You’re the new transfer, right?” he asked, beckoning you further into the tent for some privacy. You were thankful that most of the men here were too occupied with their own duties to notice you.
You followed him to a quiet corner. “Yes, sir.”
“Met the men yet?”
“Some of them.”
“Anyone give you trouble?” he asked gently. “You can tell me.”
You paused, thinking. Nothing past some inquisitive stares and a couple of questions. “No, sir.”
Winters perceived your hesitation. “If that changes, tell me. They're good men, but they might be a bit eager to meet you.”
You nodded. Liebgott certainly was. He analyzed your face for a second before continuing, “Try to get yourself acquainted at dinner before you go into combat with them. That’ll be all, Private.”
You saluted, knowing full well that you’ll most likely try to get a seat by yourself, away from the clamor of the men.
“Thank you, sir.”
It turned out that no seat was good enough to escape the onslaught of questions.
You had gotten there early and took a seat at the far end of one of the tables with a book in hand and not much of an appetite. Unfortunately for you, being one of the first ones there instead of a head in a crowd of people singled you out, and eventually you were surrounded by men wanting to know more.
“Hey, this is the new replacement I’ve been hearing so much about, yeah?” Bill Guarnere, or Wild Bill, as they called him, questioned, shoving himself into one of the seats at your table.
“Transfer, Gonorrhea, not a replacement,” Liebgott said from your side. When he had entered the mess cabin, you had attempted to hide yourself with your book, but to no avail. He had beelined toward you, beaming ear to ear as he slid into the seat next to you.
“You into books?” he said, eyes going from you to the book in your hands.
You thought that he might actually surprise you.“Yeah, are you?”
He scoffed lightheartedly. “What, you kidding? I love to read!”
A ghost of a smile graced your face. “What kind?”
“Oh, you know, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, mostly!” he said, seemingly proud of himself, and your smile disappeared.
Soon after that, people swarmed your table. If you were being fair, though, Liebgott had spoken for you for most of the night, making sure you could read in relative peace. If you didn't know any better, you’d say that he was just enjoying you being by his side, but you were still wary of any underlying intentions (let’s say, getting into your pants) he might have.
Yet, out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the way he looked at you from time to time with a small smile upturning his lips, and you wanted to believe he didn't have any.
“Transfer, replacement, whatever,” Bill brushed it off with a wave of his hand. “What I wanna know is—”
“—why she’s a girl?” Liebgott finished. “Jeez, I dunno, she’s only been asked this twelve times tonight.”
“If you’d let me finish,” Bill said with a pointed look at Liebgott as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, “I was gonna ask if she did shoot a Kraut from 1,000 yards away.”
“You’d be giving ole Shifty a real run for his money, ain't that right, Shift?” Joe — the other one, Joe Toye — said from beside Bill, reaching over to another table and shaking one of the guys there.
Shifty, you assumed, looked over and met your eyes with a kind smile. “No, no, I’m sure she's a better shot than me. Y'all give me too much credit.”
“That’s what being humble will get ya.” Bill chuckled and puffed from his cigarette. “Your spot as Easy’s best shot out from under ya.”
The table laughed, and you steeled yourself before uttering in a quiet, yet steady voice, “It was two men.”
A hush descended over the table. Liebgott turned to look at you. “What?”
“Two men. I dropped the first. The other one heard and started running. I dropped him next. Both in the head,” you relayed, without the humor of a storyteller but the gravity of a historian. You didn't know it, but you had a stony look in your eye.
Luckily, you were saved from the stunned silence by a man getting up and reciting a poem, but you could feel Liebgott’s eyes burning into you. With fear? Admiration? You weren’t sure, but you didn't dare look over.
Joe Liebgott was nothing if not persistent. For months now, he'd been lingering around you, flirting and striking up conversations with you. To be honest, you never outright said for him to stop (besides that one time in the very beginning when you said you weren’t interested), so you guessed he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.
Still, he seemed determined to get you into his bed.
“C’mon, I think we’d look cute together!”
“That’s what you think, Joe,” George said, squatting next to his friend, “Giving her heart eyes and all. Meanwhile, she looks at you like you're her next target.”
Brushing his teeth, Frank followed the other two’s gaze across the road, where you were happily talking with Bull and Shifty. He spat out the toothpaste residue on the ground beside him and said, counting on his fingers, “Seems like the only people she gives the time of day to are Shifty, Bull, Doc Roe, even Webster.”
“Who, if you'll notice,” George said, gesturing with a cigarette between his fingers, “are all quiet, reserved, well-mannered people. You, on the other hand, got a loud mouth and, uh, what’s it called, Frank?”
“A short fuse,” Frank supplied.
“Yeah, a short fuse. She probably thinks you’re trying to get into bed with her, in which case, you're shit outta luck.”
Frank said, shaking his head, “Scary, that girl. With her rifle and that look in her eyes.”
Liebgott exhaled. “But I’m not tryna just sleep with her! I even gave her some of my favorite comics ‘cause I knew she likes to read.”
“Yeah, real books, Joe— that's why she gets along with Webster!” Frank exclaimed. “You sure you didn't give her the pornos?”
George laughed. “That'd give her the wrong impression.”
Liebgott narrowed his eyes as you giggled at something Shifty said. “You’re right, maybe she doesn't like me.”
Standing up, George sighed and snuffed out his cigarette. “That’s not the point, Joe. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”
“Yeah, like I’m her next target? You told me already.”
“No,” George said with an exaggerated eye roll, “like she wants more outta you. ‘Cause all she's getting is the impression that you wanna fuck her.”
Liebgott stood up as well, still watching as you laughed with Bull and Shifty. George and Frank patted him on the back.
“She’s all yours, buddy,” Frank assured with a sympathetic smile. “She makes heart eyes at you too.”
There were only a handful of women selected to serve outside of something like a nurse’s position; you just so happened to be one of them, most likely because of your experience with a rifle. So, you’d gotten used to the lustful ways some men would watch you, or the demeaning ways they would taunt you. You guessed almost all of them had never seen a woman with a combat position in the military before (or by the way some of them acted, ever spoken to a woman at all).
But such men only assumed that you had earned your jump wings by sleeping around with officers. They assumed that they should be able to get in on it too, or that they should condemn you for something you didn't even do, for being unworthy and unskilled all because you were a woman.
It had always been a difficult pill to swallow: your military career would be littered with scathing remarks and crude comments, and you’d have to be strictly professional or closed-off with most men lest you’d be seen as a whore rather than just “scary”. But the hardest fact to accept was the fact that Liebgott, for all the kindness he had shown you, all the times he talked to you like you were a human being— that he most likely had the same intentions as everyone else.
As much as you relished his company, his crooked smile, his jokes, his lingering touches (and as much as you had to pretend you didn't), you had to accept his end goal was for you to warm his bed. And sure, maybe he was more dogged with his efforts than other men were, and maybe your friends in the company had told you that he was a genuine guy, but you just couldn't believe that he had anything else in mind when it came to you.
Maybe all the criticisms thrown your way had affected you more than you thought.
With the success of Operation Pegasus, Bull had dragged you (not literally, though you’re sure he could've) into a pub in the Netherlands for some celebratory drinking.
You didn't drink, and you disliked pubs; the smell of booze and drunken people was often overpowering, but at least you found quiet company with Bull. Across the room from your table, you saw Liebgott staring at you with a smile and a drink in his hand. It seemed as though he had noticed you the second you entered.
“It’s alright if I leave you alone for a second, little lady?” Bull said, chewing on a cigar like usual. “You'll be fine?”
“Sure, Bull. Go enjoy yourself.”
The large man smiled and patted you on the back before leaving to talk to some of the other men in the company.
Not one to mingle, you were only a few pages into your book when you caught the attention of an intoxicated soldier.
“Look who it is,” Cobb said to himself, hardly standing upright. You recognized his voice, seeing as this wasn’t the first time he’s derided you. “Ms. 1,000 Yards, huh. Bet the officers over at Dog Company only made up that story so it looks like you had some use.”
You ground your teeth. Typically, if you didn't give someone like him the satisfaction of an answer, they’d leave you alone. Why defend yourself and give people another word to call you: bitchy?
“What's a woman got to do in the military anyway?” Bottle in hand, he shambled towards you. “Besides suck the dicks of the men who are actually fighting.”
Steadying your uneven breath, you tried to look behind him to find Liebgott, but his body blocked your view.
Taking another swig, he spat, “That why they transferred you over from Dog Company? Those boys got their fill of you and passed you onto us, huh? Fuckin’ good for nothing slut.”
“What the fuck did you just say to her?” You heard Liebgott’s voice and felt relief wash over you.
Cobb turned around, and you caught a glimpse of an incensed Liebgott, a fierce glint to his eyes.
“Tell me what you just said to her.”
“Oh, please, Joe, you trying to get her to suck your cock faster—”
He was interrupted by a fist flying his way, toppling the inebriated man. Liebgott got on top of him and began trading punches before the surrounding men, drawn by the commotion, tried to pull him off of Cobb.
Your eyes were blown wide as you stood there, speechless. Bull found you and pulled you by the arm out of the pub.
“But what about Liebgott?” you said, peering behind you.
Bull shrugged and did the same. “Seems like he was winning anyway.”
That night in your billet, all you could think about was the fury that twisted Liebgott’s face into one you only saw on the battlefield.
And it was all for you.
The next day, you searched for Liebgott at breakfast, the table feeling a bit more empty without him taking up his normal spot beside you, but he had found you first, as he usually did.
“Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you for a sec?” he said, his hand on your shoulder. You turned around in your seat and were met with a slightly bruised Liebgott, a small cut across his nose. Concern filling your chest, you nodded, and his hand held your wrist as he led you out of the mess hall.
“So, uh, about last night,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes searched yours for how you felt about him bringing it up, but he found no hints in your unreadable expression. “I’m sorry for fighting Cobb for you. You're a strong woman, you could handle him yourself—”
Smiling at his uncharacteristic hesitance, you cut his apology short with a peck on the cheek. You pulled away and saw his temporary surprise.
“Thank you, Joe. I appreciated you standing up for me. It means a lot.”
His face broke into the widest beam you've ever seen.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked eagerly, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could even process what they were. “Shit, sorry, that was too soon—”
You answered his question by tenderly holding his bruised face with your hands and bringing his lips to yours. You could feel him grin into the kiss as he pulled you closer, and your heart just about melted.
Maybe you had gotten Joe Liebgott all wrong from the start.
“Great, he’s never gonna wash that cheek again!”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop
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inglourious-imagines · 2 years ago
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Band of Brothers Masterlist
George Luz:
Jokes on You
Forever Yours
We're Never Coming Back
Flirt and Blush
Lonely Lips
Ronald Spiers:
Oh Captain, My Captain
Overprotective Captain
The Captain's Knife
Cuddly Mornings
Have Me
Together in Hell
Joe Liebgott:
Arrogant Lover
Hate Me, Love Me
Germans Brought Us Together
Lewis Nixon:
Poker Game
Beers, Tomatoes and Suspenders
Broken Hearts Lie All Around Me
A Bet Worth More Than 50 Bucks
The Only One
"I'm Out!"
Blame it on the Alcohol
Engaged - Part One, Part Two, Part Three (completed)
Get Drunk with Me
The Meaning of Vat69
"At Least Look at Me."
Carwood Lipton:
Sweet Lovin'
Soldier's Rescue
I Wish I Could Have Saved You - Part One, Part Two (completed)
How Are Those Nuts, Sarge?
Eugene Roe:
French Spy
Like I'm Gonna Lose You
Smile at Me
David Webster:
Sick With Love
Donald Malarkey:
Coming Back to You
Thank You For Your Loving
The Moment that Mattered
Floyd "Tab" Talbert:
Edward "Babe" Heffron:
Light in Hell
Darrel "Shifty" Powers:
Golden Eyes and a Smile Made for War
Richard "Dick" Winters:
War Hero
Joe Toye:
Yes, Sir.
Denver "Bull" Randleman:
Market Garden
Warren "Skip" Muck:
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donovanlizzie · 1 year ago
Hidden affections - Joe Liebgott
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Band of brothers masterlist
The tension between Joe Liebgott and Y/N during basic training was palpable, their constant bickering earning them a reputation as the pair who couldn't stand each other. Yet, hidden beneath the surface, there was a strange connection that bound them together.
One evening at the bar, the air was thick with the familiar scent of cigarette smoke and the low hum of conversations.
She found herself watching Him from across the room, despite the tension that existed between them. His animated conversations with friends drew her attention, inadvertently coaxing a smile from her.
As she observed, George Luz snuck up behind her, curiosity etched on his face. "Who are you smiling at?" he asked, a playful tone in his voice.
However, his smile quickly faded and his expression shifted from playful to concerned as he followed her gaze to Joe Liebgott.
"Really? " George scoffed, looking at her like a disappointed parent "Liebgott?, after the way he acts around you?"
"It's complicated Luz" she replied, taking another sip of her beer.
Luz raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Complicated? That's one way to describe it. I mean, he acts like he can't stand you half the time."
She sighed, her gaze lingering on Joe as he laughed at something Talbert had said. "Yeah, well, maybe it's his way of dealing with things. Doesn't mean there's not something else there."
George smirked, leaning against the bar. "You're telling me there's something more to Liebgott than meets the eye? Colour me intrigued."
Chuckling she shook her head. "You wouldn't understand, Luz. It's like we're constantly at odds, but when it comes down to it, he's got my back. And I've got his."
George gave her a skeptical look. "Got his back? More like got each other's throats."
"Trust me, Luz, i know there's a lot more to Joe Liebgott than what he shows. " she replied cryptically, swirling her beer in her glass.
George sighed, "Well, just be careful. Liebgott's a complicated guy, and complicated usually means trouble."
She nodded in acknowledgment, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I can handle a little trouble."
Liebgott sat at a nearby table, the conversation he was engrossed in had become irrelevant as his ear pricked up at the mention of Y/N's name from the table behind him , overhearing Roy Cobb, a fellow paratrooper, running his mouth about her to a group of new replacements.
"Y/n? Oh, you mean Easy Company's little sweetheart," Cobb remarked with a mocking tone, eliciting a few chuckles from the newcomers. "she's just a liability. She should've never shown her face in easy company! My bet is she's been playing the commander, putting on a show of competence that's going to get someone killed. Sobel should've gotten rid of her a long time ago."
Anger flared in Joe's eyes as he clenched his fists, his jaw tightening as Cobb continued to tarnish her name.
"And have you seen her? No wonder she hasn't found a man yet. Who would want to be with someone like her? It's not surprising she's still single; she's probably too busy ruining missions to care about settling down."
Unable to contain himself any longer, Joe jumped up from his table and approached Cobb's group with a scowl on his face.
"What the fuck did you just say about her?" Joe sneered at Cobb, who tried to laugh it off and reason with him. "Come on, Joe, you know what she's like – my bet is she's had half the company now-"
Before Cobb could finish his sentence, Joe's fist connected with his face, sending him sprawling to the floor. The commotion drew the attention of the entire bar, and the rest of Easy Company rushed to stop the impending fight.
She and Luz watched, exchanging puzzled glances. "What was that about?" She asked, concern furrowing her brow.
George shook his head. "I don't know, but Liebgott looks pissed."
As the men of Easy Company pulled Joe away from the scene, Cobb nursed his bleeding nose and shot a glare in her direction. She met his gaze with a cold intensity, her eyes daring him to say another word.
Joe, still seething, was restrained by his comrades. "You talk about her again, and I'll do more than just break your nose," he spat at Cobb, the words laced with a dangerous edge.
The bar returned to its uneasy quiet, the rumours quashed by the unexpected confrontation. Joe may have acted on impulse, but his protective instinct for her had been laid bare for everyone to see.
She watched as Joe stormed out of the bar in a huff, cursing under his breath. She placed her empty pint glass on the table in front of her and felt a sense of urgency to follow him. "Hey, where are you going?" George called out, walking back to the bar - no doubt to get another drink.
"Don't worry about it," she mumbled back, not wanting to explain as she made a beeline for the door Joe had just stormed out of. Once outside, the cold air hit her like a thousand tiny needles, causing her to shiver. Walking a few steps away from the door, she scanned the darkening area, the sun just starting to set, painting the sky with an orangey-red hue.
Her eyes fell upon Joe, leaning against one of the nearer barracks, smoking a cigarette. She took a deep breath and began walking towards him, the stones crunching under her shoes catching Joe's attention almost immediately , his jaw tightening in response.
"What are you doing out here?" Joe asked, stubbing out his cigarette. Ignoring Joe's question, She confronted him,
"What the hell was that back there?"
"Never you mind," Joe replied dismissively.
"Joseph Liebgott, I will mind. You punched a fellow paratrooper in the face!" Her tone carried a mix of disbelief and frustration, feeling as if she was scolding a schoolboy.
"Cobb said some shit that wasn't true, and I hit him – no big deal," Joe responded, trying to downplay the situation.
"What did he say, Joe?" She pressed, her voice rising a little.
"Damn it, Y/n, what is this, 21 questions?"
"Liebgott, tell me what he said!" She insisted, her frustration evident.
Joe sighed pushing off the barracks wall and walked over to her, the distance between them closing until they were almost nose to nose , his breath fanning her face, the smell of the recent cigarette lingering in the air.
Joe's gaze softened, and he let out a heavy sigh. "Look, I might not always show it, but I don't like hearing lies about people I... care about," he admitted gruffly, avoiding direct eye contact.
Her expression softened in return. "Care about? Liebgott, you're not known for being the sentimental type. Why would you care about what Cobb says about me?"
Joe hesitated for a moment, his jaw clenching. "I hate to admit it, but... I don't like the idea of anyone talking crap about you. Especially when it's a load of bullshit."
Her eyes widened, surprised by his admission. "Joe Liebgott, did you just say something vaguely nice about me?"
He scoffed, trying to deflect. "Don't get used to it. I just... I don't know, I just don't like people thinking less of you because of some idiot's lies."
A small smile played on her lips. "Well, I appreciate that, Joe. It's strange, you know? Despite all the bickering, I never thought you'd... care."
Joe mumbled something incoherent, avoiding her gaze. The tension between them lingered, the unspoken words hanging in the cold air. , Feeling a mix of emotions, She took a step closer to Joe.
"I don't hate you, Y/n. I might not show it, but I..." Joe's gruff words trailed off, and before he could finish, She closed the remaining distance between them, pressing her lips against his. It was a moment of unexpected intimacy, fuelled by the unspoken emotions they both struggled to express.
Breaking the kiss, Joe sighed, his forehead resting against hers. "I hate to admit it, but I... I like you, a lot."
She looked at him, a mix of surprise and a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, that's something," she said, a teasing glint in her eyes.
Joe rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a smirk. "Yeah, yeah, don't get used to it."
As they stood there, the realisation of the unexpected turn of events settled in. The tension that once hung between them had transformed into something different – something neither of them had anticipated.
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mads-nixon · 1 year ago
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hi everyone! welcome to my band of brothers & the pacific side-blog! my messages and ask box are always open, so shoot me a message anytime you feel like it. also, requests are now CLOSED for the pacific and bob!! you can find the request guidelines below!
request guidelines | gifsets/icons
mads :)
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Band of Brothers
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italics - wips
Eugene “Doc” Roe
- At Last
- Break the Distance
- C'est Toi (Soulmate!AU)
Joe Liebgott
- Of Course It’s You
- Liebling
Floyd Talbert
- “The Night of the Bayonet”
- I’m Here (oc)
George Luz
- Home
- Old Friends
Dick Winters
- Winter at the Winters'
- Meine Liebe
Ron Speirs
- Keeping You Safe
- For Me
- Knight in Dirty ODs
Lewis Nixon
- Here With You
- The Vow
- Timeless
- Epiphany Series Masterlist
Johnny Martin
- Follow You Anywhere
- Nix When He's Sick
- Dating Eugene Roe
- Post-War Harry Welsh
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The Pacific
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Robert Leckie
- Crazy
Bill "Hoosier" Smith
- You Before Me
Eugene Sledge
- See the Good
- Hoosier Dating an Extrovert
- Chuckler Dating an Artist
- Chuckler Dating a Medic
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Masters of the Air:
You can find things from gifs to fics, and posts about the flyers and ground crews in Masters of the Air on my sideblog, @major-mads!!
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comment or message me if you want to be tagged in anything!!
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mads-weasley · 2 years ago
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Summary: After (y/n) signs up for the WAC's Athena Program, she joins the war with Easy Company, unaware of how much her life will change over the next few years.
Out of the Woods
You Are In Love
State of Grace
You’re On Your Own, Kid
Forever Winter
Soon You'll Get Better
Right Where You Left Me
Castles Crumbling
Innocent - currently on break!!
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epiphany playlist
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!!
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cmspeirs · 4 months ago
Band of Brothers Headcanons: What music they’d be listening to
(+ Playlists and absolutely historically inaccurate)
A/N: Hey! So here’s my first BoB headcanon - I hope you enjoy it! I’m sorry if this is rather short. Let me know if you’d like to see other characters in those or have any requests :) I also spent way too much time making several playlists for them, I’ll link them for you at the end if you wanna listen to them!
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{Dick Winters}
• Classical. Music.
• Can list you every thing that Bach or Vivaldi ever published, but with the backstories
• I just picture him closing his eyes and sighing very loudly whenever he listens to something he loves
• Will dance to old Jazz music until the sun comes up, and says the day after that it was a really wild night
• Also listens A LOT to Lana (would never admit it)
• Secretly gossips and argues over her online. Tries to keep it a secret but his username is “DickDelRey101”
{Lewis Nixon}
• Classic Rock all the way
• I’m talking Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, ACDC…
• “Paranoid - Black Sabbath” was his wedding song
• When he gets home he falls into the old chair next to the record player with a bottle of whiskey already waiting
• He’s always like “I need this music to calm down, don’t you understand???” and absolutely means it
• Drives the car only to listen to “Enter Sandman” and wear sunglasses while he does (windows all the way down, volume max)
• 100% certified Dad music
{Ronald Speirs}
• This mans music is all over the place
• Just like my feelings for him lol
• But mostly listens to a lot of old music???
• Like 40s to 60s, also a big fan of Elvis and Johnny Cash
• Literally has pictures of them hanging in the doorway
• Always says he doesn’t care about things like music, but will make a playlist for every one he meets with songs that remind him of them
• I swear to everything music would be one of his love languages - he’d absolutely remember every song you ever liked
• Turns the radio louder randomly to songs with the explanation “saw you smiling to that with your morning coffee last week”
{Donald Malarkey}
• Listens to a whole lot of sad songs - and I’m talking about gut wrenching, laying on the bathroom floor kind of sad
• Also somehow into Grunge??
• At least three Radiohead songs in every one of his playlists
• The Smiths is his happy music
• When his favorite Pink Floyd Record is on he listens to it all day. He runs to push the play button again every time it stops.
{Joe Toye}
• 100% an alternative Rock / Nu Metal kind of guy
• Would have Deftones playing all day
• Also listens to Bloodhound Gang a lot lol (The song “Jackass” is his anthem!!!)
• Just imagine him sitting in the garage with Guarnere, drinking beer while an old Limp Bizkit vinyl is on
• He thinks it’s the greatest thing of all time that bands began to combine Rap with Hardcore
• In terms of that - definitely a fan of Deez Nuts, Hollywood Undead or Linkin Park
• “Band of Brothers - Deez Nuts” is literally his favorite song
{George Luz}
• Unironically listens to the Soundtrack of Oklahoma
• It just puts a smile on his face every time he hears it - takes him back to the news of the musical still on broadway back in war
• Also loves & defends Tom Lehrer to death
• He knows every song from him by heart and always sings the loudest
• Will randomly sing his favorite songs throughout the day, which makes everyone shake their head but deep down they all love it
• He’s almost afraid of sad music
• He aspires to be Ricky Nelson in another life
{Eugene Roe}
• Similar to Malarkey, but doesn’t cry to those songs
• Just sits in silence with a cigarette between his fingers, staring into the nothingness while thinking about his time with Easy
• “Feels like a movie” - songs were made for him
• When he listens to Elton John or Billy Joel you know he’s in a happy mood
• Is also the anonymous person Winter argues with online about Lana
• DickDelRay101 replied: Are you clinically insane? How could you deny it’s her best album? Did you even listen to it?
• Absolutely knows that it’s Winters and accidentally called him Sir when he replied (several times)
{Joe Liebgott}
• Hear. Me. Out. He’s a pop punk & grunge boy all the way
• Has a big collection of thrifted vinyls (if you can’t find him, search at the next thrift market)
• Puts on Nirvana or the Offspring and just lays on his bed while smoking a whole pack of cigarettes
• Room full of ripped band posters and at least one guitar (but can’t play, although he says he can)
• 10/10 would’ve lived in a skatepark in another life
• Also really into Old school HipHop, loves the Beastie Boys
• Accidentally went to a New Kids on the Block concert once. Said he hated it but stayed until the very last minute.
{David Webster}
• Would also listen to classical music
• But it would just be for people to think he’s very intellectual, actually can’t stand it
• In reality really into slow and soft love songs
• Listens to Vera Lynn on a daily basis and happily admits that he cries to her songs. Always speaks of “Our Vera.”
• When he listens to “There’ll always be an England” he suddenly gets an English accent.
• The Fleetwoods is his favorite band
• Tries to listen to Pop Punk because he knows Joe loves it, but he absolutely hates it
• “There’s no emotion Joe!!”
• “For fucks sake, Web, there’s all the goddamn emotion!!?!!”
{Bull Randleman}
• Hard Rock, can’t say more
• Also 100% certified Dad music. He’s the one who visits Nixon once a week to play poker and smoke cigars while listening to his records
• Is the guy at a concert who will accidentally throw you to the ground while in a mosh pit
• But will absolutely make everyone stop so he can pick you up again
Link to the Ronald Speirs playlist:
Link to my profile - the other playlists are on there (still updating them regularly):
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m0isan · 2 months ago
A part of my heart will always beat for you //Joe Liebgott x y/n
Synopsis: Joe and y/n was in love, but it may take a few years without seeing each other to finally take the last step.
Wordcount: 1402
A/N: Another Joe fic! Hope you like it <3
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1950. San Francisco, USA.
Joe was running late. How he had managed to oversleep did he not know. He was almost running down the street when he collided with something, or more like someone. He fell back towards the ground, and he could see the person he ran into do the same. “Fucking hell”, Joe let slip out as he quick was back up to his feet. “Look where you are going will ya?” Joe could feel irritation grow inside of him, so typical that this would happen when he was running late and all. He realized the person he knocked down was a woman, who had dropped the bags she was carrying. But he quickly realized that he may be the one at fault and changed his approach,
“You know what? I’m sorry, let me help you get your things”, he bent down to help the women, but she hissed back at him. Which he didn’t blame her for, giving his very bad first impression,
“Maybe you shouldn’t run that fast if you can’t control where you are going and thank you, but I can manage myself”.
Joe froze in his movements. That voice. A voice he could pick out from any crowd, at any time. He had spent hours listening to that voice in different vehicles on the roads in Europe, evening after evening having pillow talks with the woman it belonged to and listening to the sweet loving words the voice had carried his way for years.
“Y/n?” Joe could barely hear his own voice but giving her reaction, the woman had clearly heard it. Her head flew up and her eyes met his. The shock was clear, whoever she had expected to meet that day, he was not high up on that list.
“Joe? Is it really you?” a smile spread over her face. “I can’t believe it! It is really you!”, y/n threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck while burying her face in his neck. By instinct did his own arms catch her waist in his arms and he hugged her close. The hug lasted for a few moments before she pulled away, but she still held on to him while still supporting a big smile on her face. “How are you? What are you doing these days? Why have you never reached out? It was way too long since we met Joe!”, she fired away the questions so fast Joe had a hard time keeping up.
“Do you still live here in Frisco? You are driving the cab, right?” She was bubbling with questions, and didn’t give him the chance to answer.
But gathered himself and he answered her question with a smile on his face, he had missed her so much. The two of them had met in the war, she was a medic in the company and Joe had taken a liking to her from the start. The Easy men had spent years teasing him about his very obvious crush on the woman. But he had never told her, and his feelings were slowly but steadily growing throughout the war. He never told her about he love he felt for her, but he had a feeling she knew. The five years that had gone by since the end had he spent beating himself up for not telling her.
He could have told her back at Toccoa when she punched a man from Dog Company for making a suggestive comment about her. He could have told her when she was cheering him up after his heated confrontation with Bill Guarnere on the boat towards England. He SHUOULD have told her before the jump into Normandy, that could very well have been the last time he saw her. Which lead Joe’s mind to when he almost did it, when she came walking up to him after D-Day and both were still alive.
They had seen so much during the war and gotten to know each other on a level no other could understand. Long conversations were held in foxholes in Bastogne, and they even planned their future, he thought of asking her to come home with him then it all was over during one of those foxholes’ conversations. But he didn’t dare. The future was still too uncertain to plan anything ahead of tomorrow. But when the war had ended and they were safe in Austria, was he just a coward. Many chances passed and with much encouragement from the other Easy guys, but he didn’t, and he had no one else to blame then himself.
He was interrupted in his thoughts of the beautiful smile she held on her face. Y/n stood in front of him and her facial expression changed to looking as conflicted as Joe felt.
“Standing here Joe, I realized how much I have missed you… what happened back then, I really can’t understand”,
“I know, everything just went wrong”, y/n nodded at his statement. “I think we were kinda broken when we got back. I loved you Joe, but just looking at you back then brought back so much pain. I wanted to leave the war behind and to do that… I guess that included to leave you too”, y/n turned her head to hide her tears, but Joe could see her wipe them away.
“Today I wouldn’t have left you behind, or let you do the same. I’m sorry I can’t turn back time”, y/n softly voiced the last part, and Joe could once again see the tears form in her eyes. “I should go before I… well, I will… before- I will just go. Call me sometime Joe, please”, she wrote down her number on a small piece of paper and held it out for him to pick up and then proceeded to picked up her bags.
“I will call you”, she nodded again at his agreement and moved to continue her way down the street. Joe followed her figure as she walked away. He got a weird feeling for Déjà vu as she left. The same scene had taken place at the harbor when they five years earlier came back from Europe. That was the last time he had seen her before today, and he made up his mind quickly.
Joe leaped forward and took hold of her wrist, once again did she drop the bags she was carrying. With a swift movement did he made her turn around. She was pressed to him and he held her close, while he stood on the street looking down at her surprised expression.
“I can’t do this again love. I can’t watch you leave me again and not know if I will ever see you. I did that way too much during the war and when I actually thought I could finally be with you, that was when I lost you”, Joe was rambling. Everything he should have said so many times before had at last made its way to the tip of his tongue.
“I should have told you in Normandy, in Austria and back home y/n. I love you”, he was now holding her face in his hands, and he started to see blurry from the tears forming. “There are feelings that will never end and you should know that I haven’t forgotten about us, there are-“ Joe was interrupted by y/n this time, she stood on her toes to reach up and pressed her lips to his. They both melted into the kiss that lasted for minutes, and Joe had to pull away to catch his breath. With Joe to stunned to speak, y/n felt the need to continue.
“You should know Joe that I have missed you. I have seen your face in crowded places and called out your name just to realize it was someone else. The picture of you can I not replace, and I don’t want to either”, y/n was crying, five years have passed, and she could finally tell him how she felt.
“I love you, Joe”, Joe had no answer at that moment. The woman he had loved for so many years loved him back. But with a smile on his face and with newfound confidence did he know exactly what to say.
“Y/n, a part of my heart will always beat for you”, he said before he leaned down to seal their lips in another kiss.
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bellewintersroe · 9 months ago
Easy Boys x Reader - Smut
Smutty smut - how the sex goes down after months of not being able to touch one another, 18+ content below the cut - like pure filth so be warned.
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Babe Heffron:
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“Babe.” You’d be grinding on top of him, the two of you attempting to keep quiet as you move your hips back and forth on top of him. You’d be red in the cheeks, the warmest you’d felt in months, completely naked in the small bedroom you’d escaped to in Haguenau. Babe would swallow harshly, hands digging into your hips as he focuses on not cumming so quickly but he’s so captivated by the way your body moves against his, the way your face is confronted in pleasure and the way your tits would bounce with every movement.
Your back would be arched and you’re feeling like you’re ready to hit your peak until somebody bangs harshly on the door. “What the hell are you two doing in there?!”
Babe would shoot up, pulling your body below his protectively, with a harsh shout of, “nothin’! Go away!” At first he’d be a little disgruntled that your first love making session after months would be interrupted. “You’re doin’ nothin’?!” One of the other men would call out, not sounding so sure and you’d make eye contact and begin giggling before shushing each other.
“Yeah, nothin’! Just fuck off!” He called out again before looking down to you and kissing you deeply. “Just make sure you wrap it, Babe!”
Ron Speirs:
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Dirty, dirty, pent up tension sex in his office after waiting for so fucking long. He’d have you bent over his table, your hands gripping onto anything they could find as he’d hold you by the hips and thighs, pulling your body into his with every single thrust of his hips.
It would be the kind of sex where you can’t walk properly for days after, like it’s sinful but you have to say quiet. Ron has his tie wrapped around your mouth, gagging you as he mutters praises every now and then.
“Missed you so much, sweetheart.”
“You’re even tighter than I remember.”
“God, I love this pussy.”
Ron is such a dom, and the two of you would get soooo carried away with how rough and lustful the sex gets. When you’re laid back over his desk and he’s on top of you he doesn’t give two shits about swiping everything onto the floor. After, when both of you are dishevelled and relieved it takes a whole long time to tidy up the mess you both make.
Joe Liebgott:
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The two of you are friends until things bubble over during the party in Eindhoven. One minute you’re talking about how the neither has got any for months and then next thing you know you’re making out as needy and desperate as anything. The underlying sexual tension finally bubbles over and Joe is groping at your titties as you lay back on the table in some random house and he fucks you stood up.
The two of you don’t really speak, but considering how loud the festivities and party goers are outside you can be as loud as you want resulting in some pretty noisy, energetic sex. I wouldn’t necessarily call it rough, but it’s quick, his thrusts are erratic and you’re bouncing like crazy on top of him. Joe’s super cautious however, like he’d deffo check several times that you’re sure, especially as you’re friends- you’d deffo forget to use a condom and after the sex it sure does make for some awkward meetings later on.
Gene Roe:
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Listen, cos you’re a nurse and he’s a medic you probs get the opportunity to be together alot more than you would in any other position. But just because you’re together doesn’t mean you’re alone, you’ve both tried for months to get some time alone, behind the closed curtains in the aid station, outside behind a bombed out building- hell you’d even sought each other out in a foxhole sometimes.
But nothing went past making out and touching over the clothes, that was until now. You’d finally got back to England and the house he was billeted in was empty for the night meaning you two were left to it on a rickety single bed. Did either of you care? No. The two of you would spend hours exploring one another’s body’s again, kissing, biting, sucking. Gene would have his head between for legs for hours if he could, and when he’d on top, fucking into you he’s already warning you he can’t last for long. Poor Gene would probs finish so fast but he’d go for another round, huffing and puffing past how sensitive his cock was because he knows it makes you feel so good.
Joe Toye:
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“Fucking finally.” He’d mutter as soon as he was inside of you. His hips would move slowly, exhaling as he throws his sling onto the aid station cot behind him. “Joe.” You’d warn quietly. It’s super late in the aid station, Joe’s messed his arm up and the only perk of being at the aid station is that he gets to see you. After a heated exchange you find an empty space and the two of you give into your temptations.
It’s slow and sensual, you both have to be extra fucking quiet but Joe’s kissing up and down your spine when he takes you from behind, muffling your breaths with his hand and spilling his cum all over your ass, feeling like he could bust all over again at the sight of his seed dripping over your sweet pussy.
“Just 10 more minutes, huh, sugar?”
Lewis Nixon:
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After you both go through breakups towards the end of the war, neither of you have had sex for a good year. The two of you would be drunk and comforting one another and one thing leads to another and soon you’re writhing beneath him, moaning out ‘sir’ as he’s bucking into you. Ugh and it’s so good, so lustful and dirty, you both have so much pent up emotion that’s released during the sex and afterwards the two of you kinda look each other like, ‘holy fuck that was good, did we actually just do that?’
Lewis deffo shares a cigarette with you after.
Floyd Talbert:
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“C’mere, doll.” He’d hush pulling you into some kind of shed, close enough to where everybody in the company were. He had you picked up, holding your thighs and ass up whilst he fucked you as quietly as possible. Neither of you cared about the impractical location, you were alone and Floyd was inside you. The two of you probably wouldn’t bother with a condom which ummm leads to a worrying few weeks after but it’s all chill.
Floyd would have you in every kinda position, on the floor, up against the wooden wall- only when the whole shed was shaking did he have to lay you down using his blazer as a barrier between you and the floor. Floyd would be all over you, squeezing, grabbing, kissing, even though it’s probably just a quickly he’d throw in a million different things, including foreplay just to touch all the bases.
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luminouslywriting · 9 months ago
Heyy, I recently found your blog and omg I’m obsessed🫶It’s so rare seeing people that write for Band of Brothers.
Could you maybe write something about the BoB guys reaction to their new lieutenant being a woman? And they fall in love after a while and stuff. Just a fun little idea lol, have a great day!
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Nonny, I adore this idea so much! Enjoy note the fact that my requests are open and I adore spam!
Cut for length, kept short and sweet since I've done some similar things to this, and please note that my requests for Dead Poets Society are also open :)
Dick Winters:
-He's stunned in the best way possible—super impressed with your credentials and your reputation already and gives you the utmost of respect.
-I think he genuinely enjoys working with you and getting to know you—it's a slowburn for sure though.
-Doesn't make a move until he's in Austria with you and you two get to talking about what'll happen at the end of the war and everything :)
Lewis Nixon:
-Laughs at first because he thinks you're joking and then very quickly has to backpedal himself out of the dog house because oh SHIT he did not mean to offend you
-Quickly becomes one of your closest friends and talks to you about a lot of his relationship issues back home—the two of you are a very much "will they, won't they" type of thing
-You probably hook up while in Austria and things just progress from there.
Ronald Speirs:
-Secretly impressed by you the entire time but is not about to share his feelings on that—but he keeps a careful eye on you and makes sure to have your back whenever you need it
-This man is out here just trying to make the men drink 'respect women' juice and that starts w/his example and he's perfectly aware of that.
-Steals a lot of stuff so that he can express his feelings to you with nice things haha
Buck Compton:
-He's pleasantly surprised and waits to make a judgement until he gets to know you—best decision of his life really
-He's out here able to talk to you about literally anything and enjoys your company as a friend first and foremost, which is important to both of you
-He absolutely writes you once he leaves the line and hopes that you come back safe
Carwood Lipton:
-Shows you nothing but the utmost respect and never steps a freakin' toe out of line. He probably isn't even trying to get close to you because he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea about him.
-Bonds with you during Bastogne and deeply admires the way that you carry yourself in hard situations
-Probably asks in a soft tone if he can write take you to a nice restaurant once all of this is over and take you on a date
Joe Liebgott:
-Simp with a capital S, and there's just no putting that any other way. This man hangs onto your every word and then pretends as if he never heard you speak. SIR, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF.
-In all practicality though, he's probably the type to become your friend and hang out with you/help you integrate with the men
-And when he's talking to Webster about his post-war plans...yes, they involve you and no, you are not aware of them (yet, anyway haha)
Donald Malarkey:
-Also someone who is not about to step a toe out of line or show you any disrespect. He takes the time to listen to your opinions and your orders and values what you have to say.
-It's quite easy for him to fall for you, though he's not going to say anything about it until some liquid luck finds its way into his system during Austria
-Feelings are exchanged and so is a kiss :)
Eugene Roe:
-You are his favorite lieutenant—the most competent person in the world in his eyes—and one of the people he values most.
-He consistently takes the time to check in on you and makes sure that you're doing alright in your leadership position and tries to keep a wary eye out for anything that might do you harm.
-And if you kiss him after the events of Bastogne to get his head back in the game?? Well neither of you is going to kiss and tell haha
Bill Guarnere:
-Doesn't know how to feel about it at first?? He's a little confused and a little standoffish but then he sees how Sobel treats you and he's just not having it
-So the two of you become fast friends after that and integrating into the group is a lot easier with Bill on your side
-Admits that he loves you amidst a bloody and snowy ground in Bastogne and hopes that you'll write to him
Joe Toye:
-Impressed by the fact that you've made it this far and isn't about to go out of his way to make life easier or harder for you. He's just going to simply have your back.
-However, he's a great person to talk to and always will second your opinion or thoughts and add that he thinks it's a good idea.
-Also the type of person who writes you love letters after he ends up back home and hopes that things can work out between the two of you
George Luz:
-Makes a joke about it at first and then realizes that he has colossally messed up–grovels a little bit and does you a few favors before becoming your friend
-He relies on you a lot, especially during some of the heavier times for the company, and if you keep a smile on his face, he falls for you
-Would, in fact, invite you to come home and meet his family (you know, if you want haha)
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blurredcolour · 1 year ago
In The Bleak Mid-Winter
Ronald Speirs x Nurse!Female Reader
No good deed goes unpunished, but your reassignment brings with it an unexpected reward.
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Warnings: Language, Weapons, Canon Typical Violence, Smoking, Treatment of Wounds, Medical Procedures, Hospital Settings, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex - m/f receiving, fingering, cum eating] - 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: This was written entirely on my phone as my laptop is in for emergency repairs - I hated the experience, and apologize if there are any formatting issues or a surplus of typos. Also, I made some distinct narrative choices in writing this but I won’t burden you with them up front. They’re in the post-script if you’re interested! This is a work of fiction based off the actors’ portrayal in the HBO series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life persons mentioned within.
Word Count: 6171
December 29, 1944 - Bastogne
“Fifty surgeries in two days with only three deaths. It is nothing short of a miracle. I’m halfway through a report recommending you all for a medal....and then I come to find out you landed in the middle of an encircled town on an unpiloted glider, through all manner of artillery fire, with a goddamn woman?! A woman!”
Your bleary eyes focused on the lit end of the cigarette pinched between the index and middle finger of your right hand, the icy caress of the north wind howling between the tent and the garage outside the Bastogne barracks one of the only things keeping you awake. Weary from nearly forty-eight hours of surgery, it would have been difficult to stay awake under normal circumstances, but the mortification you felt as General McAuliffe screamed at Major Dorward behind thin walls of canvas was certainly helping keep you on your aching feet in the ankle deep snow.
Bundled tightly in your great coat, collar turned up against the wind, face buried into the olive drab scarf around your neck, helmet protecting your head, the only bit of exposed skin was that hand you were straining to focus on. The other was deep inside your pocket, balled into a fist. You were vaguely aware of various people darting through the barracks yard behind you, making their way to and fro, loading vehicles, delivering men to the now-central clearing station since the bombing of the cathedral the day before your arrival. Covered as you were, you were barely indistinguishable from an ordinary soldier, yet the General had managed to find out your secret nonetheless.
“I have every faith that she can handle herself out here sir, there was no more qualified surgical assistant to accompany us.”
“But she is not a surgical assistant, Major, is she?! She’s just a nurse! A nurse whose life you endangered by sneaking her aboard that glider! I ought to have you court martialed!!!”
The General did have a point, hidden though it was within the avalanche of vitriol he was sending the Major’s way. You were in fact no more than a surgical nurse - assistants were enlisted men. But during your third or fourth surgery with the Major, right after D-Day, a brand new surgical assistant had been assigned to the operating room and not five minutes in had fainted to the floor.
With the patient in a life threatening position you had stepped forward to fill in the gap and ensure no impact to care or outcome. It had been the start of a very effective working relationship as the 12th Evacuation Hospital made its way across France behind the advancing American army.
Thus when Major Dorward had volunteered for this assignment, and asked if you would consider joining him, your only hesitation was born of the concern for the hell you two might catch. The hell he was in the very midst of catching right now.
You hissed at the sudden pain as the lit end of the cigarette met your flesh and quickly flicked it into the snow, not having taken one puff. When General Nuts himself had stormed into the tent, eyes blazing, the Major had sent you outside in the early dawn light with the lit cigarette and his rifle for protection. It had rather felt like you were your own firing squad, though the Major was most certainly the one under fire at the moment.
The creak of boots in the nearby snow, much closer than all those that had passed by before, made you jump slightly. You turned quickly to see an exhausted soldier, eyes bleached a pale grey in the now-brilliant morning sunshine. He looked cold, and exhausted, as all the men you’d run into here did. His face was handsome, though, lashes luxuriously long for a man carrying a Thompson submachine gun. He held out a pack of cigarettes to you, offering you a new one to replace that which you’d mistakenly allowed to burn out and you shook your head before extracting your face from its position nestled deep within your scarf.
“I don’t actually smoke, please don’t waste any of your cigarettes on me, soldier.” You smiled weakly, watching as his eyes widened a fraction before the General’s voice somehow rose even further in volume to respond to something the Major had said.
“I don’t give two shits if she can transplant heads, the risks involved were unacceptable, Major, and believe me you have not heard the last of this! Your surgical record over the last two days has been impressive, but this was utterly reckless!”
The soldier’s eyes flicked to the tent then back to you as everything surely came together in his mind and you looked down at the outline of yourcombat boots buried in the snow, wondering if it was too much to ask for the ground to open up beneath you and swallow you whole. You heard the tent flap flutter and tensed in anticipation of the General’s departure, but instead a gunshot rang out from across the clearing beyond the barracks, the snow scattering at your feet.
Strong arms yanked around your waist and pulled you back behind the shelter of the tent and the pair of you quickly lay flat in the snow, unmoving, barely breathing. The harassment from the enemy had been almost constant from the moment the glider had entered occupied air space and that, combined with any and all abilities you might possess being questioned by the General simply because of your gender, had you feeling rather enraged.
Pulling Major Dorward’s rifle from your shoulder, you crawled on your elbows to cautiously peer around the corner of the tent across the meadow and into the tree line beyond. Nothing moved. Years spent stalking deer at your father’s side had taught you patience, and how to aim the rifle in your hands. It seemed the former would not be required as a soldier came blithely walking out of the garage-turned-operating theatre completely unaware that there was a sniper.
The soldier at your side gestured at him violently - you could feel the movement of his body where his hip was still pressed against your leg, but it went unnoticed. Another shot rang out.
“Holy shit!” The man wailed as he darted back inside, a shower of brick dust audibly hitting the snow somewhere to your rear. The sniper was clearly lacking in talent, but you were focused on the movement in the coniferous tree to your two o’clock.
Exhaling slowly you squeezed the trigger and there was a hoarse shout followed by the sound of a body tumbling through cracking branches and ending in a sickening thud.
“Trying to kill my goddamn patients.” You muttered bitterly under your breath and carefully sat up, looking back to the soldier as he exhaled slowly.
He was eyeing you, expression intense and inscrutable, but your gaze was drawn to the gap at the collar of his ODs where you could see fresh blood oozing from a poorly bandaged wound at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, staining his wool shirt just below below his silver 1st Lieutenant’s insignia.
“You’re bleeding, Lieutenant.” You said quickly, pushing on his hip to encourage him to roll over so you might kneel at his side for a better look, pleased when he immediately complied.
You laid the rifle in the snow next to him and pulled the bandages away, frowning deeply to see lingering splinters of wood in the wound. As you carefully probed at them he hissed and you tensed, quickly apologizing.
“It’s nothing, ma’am, I’m fine.”
The tent flap opening and closing followed by heavy footfalls in the snow signalled the arrival of General McAuliffe on the scene.
“Everything alright, Lieutenant?” He asked quickly and the man below you nodded quickly.
“Just some shrapnel from a tree burst, sir.”
You looked up to the General slowly, watching his eyes land on the rifle at the Lieutenant’s side before glancing across the clearing.
“Good. Well done with the sniper, son.”
The Lieutenant shifted uncomfortably but you nodded quickly, helping him sit up. “An impressive shot, sir.” You added.
The General’s eyes fell on you, still full of that heated rage, but apparently he’d run out of words to say on the subject of your unwanted presence for he simply turned and made his way back towards the barracks.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, Lieutenant.” You turned back to him, the coppery tang of blood on the air focusing you like nothing else seemed to be able to.
Working your way to your feet, you picked up the abandoned rifle before leading him into the tent. Major Dorward looked up from some papers on his desk, opening his mouth but closing it quickly as you were followed by the Lieutenant.
“Tree burst shrapnel, sir.” You announced in your easy working shorthand.
“Damn Nazis have weaponized the forest. Have a seat, soldier.” He stood and offered his chair, walking over to the stash of supplies to fetch a field kit and bandages for you as you set the rifle on the cot in the corner, putting your helmet down beside it. “Ah my apologies, trooper.” He amended.
You turned back to see the distinct jump boots with bloused trousers now that the Lieutenant was seated and smiled. “I apologize as well, Lieutenant. I missed that outside.”
You worked his ODs and wool shirt open to began carefully cleaning his wound, leaving him in his undershirt in the chill of the tent.
“Doesn’t seem you miss much, Nurse.” He looked up to you as he spoke softly and you swallowed thickly as you noted his eyes were actually hazel, with flecks of gold around his pupils.
Mercifully Major Dorward broke out into rich laughter and shook his head. “That she doesn’t.” He commiserated affectionately from his newfound seat on the cot.
“Let me guess,” you murmured to the man seated before you as you gently worked out the last few splinters of wood that had escaped initial treatment, “you also told them this was nothing at the aid station because there were men there whom you considered hurt worse than you.” You glanced to his face as his lips twitched a little. “This could have become a real problem, Lieutenant, I’m glad you came over to offer me a cigarette.”
Turning back, you called the Major over to double check your work.
“Wound is clean and ready for bandaging.” He nodded after looking it over. “When you’re done I suggest you try and sleep. We’re driving out as soon as the truck is ready and the ride out will be about as relaxing as the flight in.”
“Understood, thank you Major.” You nodded as he stepped out of the tent to light a cigarette. You carefully lay some gauze over the crook of the Lieutenant’s shoulder before wrapping some bandages around his neck and under his armpit to hold it in place. “This should heal nicely in a week or so if you can do your best to keep it dry for me…” you trailed off as your fingers found the hole in his ODs.
Casting about the tent, your eyes landed on a tattered blanket in the corner and you began fashioning a patch, whip stitching it into place over the gash in the fabric. “That ought to do it.”
“Thank you, Nurse.” He murmured, looking up at you before he stood slowly, buttoning up his shirt and ODs with practiced efficiency.
“Take care of yourself, trooper.” You nodded, watching him step out, hoping against hope that he would be alright out there.
General McAuliffe proved to be a man of his word, which in retrospect was of no surprise to you whatsoever. The hellish ride out of Bastogne in the back of a truck on the only opened road, with the sounds of battle still raging on either side, took you to Orval where you received orders to report to the 60th Field Hospital there while the men from the 12th would return to the Evacuation Hospital you’d been stationed with since before June 1944. You had been informed your personal effects would arrive at a ‘later date.’
Nuts, indeed.
You worked in Orval for nearly a week, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, wearing the same clothing day-in, day-out, until the 60th was relieved and pulled back to Mourmelon-le-Grand. As promised, your belongings were waiting for you there, in the iron grip of a dour-faced Chief Nurse MacDonald who was only too happy to put a ‘reckless, insubordinate’ Nurse like you in her place at the 123rd Station Hospital.
What followed was a grueling month of scrubbing and refitting the near derelict buildings abandoned by the Airborne when they were abruptly called to the Ardennes. By the time the place was worthy of being called a hospital, you had managed to become at least friendly with your new colleagues, though they remained suspicious after your filthy and unceremonious arrival.
By mid-February, a tent city began to spring up around the base, heralding the impending arrival of troops from the front. And with them came all manner of cold weather maladies - pneumonia, trench foot, frostbite. Working on the general ward now, you could only eye the surgical nurses with envy, knowing your skills were going to waste emptying bedpans and changing bandages and that you had no one to blame but yourself.
Stubborn in all things, however, you worked without complaint, often being rewarded with more work or the worst assignments because your superiors knew you would complete any task with efficient silence. It was precisely this combination that saw you assigned to the night shift, a small mercy in that the vengeful Chief Nurse would never deign to work such hours, allowing you to develop a new working relationship with Captain Munro, MD.
“Nurse might I borrow you a moment?” He interrupted you as you stepped away from the bedside of a postoperative patient and you quickly nodded, following him off the ward and down the hall to his office. “I’m up to my eyeballs in trench foot but there’s an officer in here, seems he lacerated his hand helping one of his men climb out a transport - quite stubborn. Whether or not it needs sutures I am confident you can determine…” he exhaled, clearly exhausted from working a double shift as he came to a stop outside the door. “Is it alright if I leave this one in your capable hands? You’ll find everything you need in the cabinet.” He looked at you pleadingly, eyes underscored by dark bags of fatigue as he held out the chart and you nodded quickly.
“Certainly sir, please don’t worry about a thing.” You smiled softly at the relieved slump of his shoulders before he nodded firmly in thanks, dashing off down the hall to no doubt deal with another man’s beleaguered feet.
You glanced over the chart of Captain Ronald Speirs quickly before knocking on the door, giving the man some warning, before you stepped inside. You tilted your head to see the Captain with his back turned to you, halfway back into the worn jacket of his ODs, appearing quite prepared to leave.
“Just a moment please, Captain Speirs, I would like to take a look at your hand, sir.” You said softly, eyes widening as the man turned around swiftly, arms still slightly akimbo, to reveal the very same Lieutenant whom you’d bandaged that morning in Bastogne. Who’d saved your life, and watched you take out a sniper with barely a comment.
His eyes were fatigued, his hair grown long. He clearly hadn’t seen a razor in quite some time and yet you were struggling to recall a moment when you’d found a man so attractive in your entire life. You suddenly felt acutely self conscious in your white and brown seer sucker hospital dress with brown cotton stockings and cardigan to match, nursing cap pinned in your hair.
“It’s nothing ma’am, I’m fine.” He repeated himself word for word and you bit the inside of your cheek, having a hard time deciphering if he was joking or just built that obstinately. You did not miss, however, the slight rasp in the back of his throat.
“Good, let’s keep it that way, shall we Captain?”
You gestured for him to sit in the chair he’d surely recently vacated and carefully took the one across the corner of the desk from him, holding out your hand expectantly. As he set the back of his left hand in yours, you frowned at the laceration along the side of his palm. Captain Munro had been right, it really was borderline in need of suturing.
Laying his hand on the desk gently you stepped over to the cabinet to collect the necessary supplies, deciding to play it safe. You could suture quickly enough - the man clearly needed to get some rest and you did not want to keep him from it. While swiping his palm clean with an iodine wipe you glanced at him as he cleared his throat.
“I didn’t think you were assigned here.” He commented quietly.
You shook your head ruefully as you unpacked a tube of pre-threaded sutures with a curved needle. “I wasn’t until very recently. I used to be assigned to the 12th Evacuation Hospital but after my…behavior it was deemed necessary to reassign me.”
“I said nothing, I swear.” He replied quickly, brow furrowing and you could not help the smile that pulled at your lips.
“I believe you, Captain. Heaven knows where I’d be if you had.” Gently positioning his hand on the desk top, you smoothly rotated the curved needle through first one edge of his cut and then the other, looping the length of it around your forceps twice before pulling the end through to create a square knot.
You repeated two more casts before snipping the ends of the suture, looking to him sharply as he let out a rattling cough. “How long have you had that cough, Captain?”
“Few days…” he replied evasively and you hummed disapprovingly.
“If it doesn’t go away in a couple of days, you should come back and see me.” You spoke as you began the next stitch.
“And if it does get better?” He asked quietly, watching your careful work.
“I’ll be here all the same.” You replied, pressing your lips together as you fought another smile at the thrill that unfurled in your stomach.
“Whom should I ask for?” His voice came out particularly gravelly and he cleared his throat forcefully.
It was your turn to look startled as you suddenly came to realize you had yet to introduce yourself. You quickly shared your name before shaking your head in shame. “You must think me some wild animal, Captain, please forgive me.” You muttered and tied off the fourth and final stitch.
He nodded at you, eyes taking on a glossy quality that had you growing more concerned by the moment. You set down your tools and raised a hand to brush the backs of your fingers against his forehead, heart clenching as his eyes fluttered closed. Those infernal eyelashes dusting against his cheeks. His skin felt a normal temperature but another ragged cough wracked his frame and you clenched your jaw.
“I’d like to listen to your lungs, Captain.” You muttered and stepped over to the cabinet once more to grab the stethoscope you’d seen there.
He blinked up at you as he began to undo his wool shirt. “It’s Ron.” He corrected you and another smile escaped you before you managed to smother it, hands cupping the bell of the stethoscope to warm it.
“Thank you, Ron.” You said softly, inserting the tips into your ears before stepping closer to press the stethoscope against his upper left chest. “Deep breath in for me?”
You listened carefully to each quadrant of his lungs, pleased there was no crackling or anything else abnormal. Satisfied it was most likely just a cold, you looped the stethoscope around your neck as you stepped back.
“Everything seems alright, promise me you’ll get some rest and keep warm?” You asked gently, doing your best not to allow your eyes to linger on the way his undershirt clung to his lithe frame. You did take a selfish moment to appreciate how well his wound from Bastogne had healed, however.
“Promise.” He nodded, doing up his shirt more slowly this time, courtesy of the stitches in his palm. “Remind me when I get to see you again?”
You bit your lip slightly and took a breath. “If the cough doesn’t improve, a couple of days. To get your stitches out, a couple of weeks. Please keep them clean and dry until tomorrow night at least.”
“Got it.” He nodded and straightened his OD jacket, pulling on a worn scarf from the back of the chair before standing slowly.
“But for now straight to bed.” You opened the door, watching over him feeling wildly and inexplicably overprotective.
“Thank you.” He looked to you drowsily and you nodded, seeing him out then turning back to clean up and complete his chart before rushing back to your actual duties that night.
One week passed, and then another. There was no visit from Captain Speirs. You did your utmost to convince yourself it was for the best, that it meant he was healthy. That he’d had his stitches removed by a nurse on the day shift at his convenience. Word came that his entire Division would receive a Presidential Unit Citation and Ike himself would be coming to visit to deliver it on Roosevelt’s behalf.
You were promptly informed by Chief Nurse MacDonald that your presence during the ceremony was not welcome, but if you wanted to observe the Divisional dress rehearsal a few days before, on your own time of course, she would not stop you.
Breaking out your dress uniform for the first time in months, you obstinately got ready just after the end of your shift that morning and strode your way over to the parade ground with a few of the girls on the evening shift who were certainly better rested than you. More than a few off duty nurses from the five other hospitals in Mourmelon had found their way onto the grounds to take a peek at the men in their finery and you could only imagine that number would be many times higher on the fifteenth when Ike himself was there.
The weather was thankfully cooperative as you huddled together near a collection of trees watching the men of the 101st file past. The contrast between their neatly pressed uniforms with mirror shined boots and the battered but not beaten men you’d encountered in Bastogne was truly striking. Each and every one of them truly deserved the honor that was about to be bestowed upon them.
Once everyone was satisfied that the ceremony would proceed without a hitch, the men were dismissed and you turned to head back to your tent to catch what sleep you could before your shift that night. Smothering a yawn behind your hand, the group of women you were walking with all came to a halt when a familiar voice called ‘Nurse!’ All of you almost seemed to turn back as one.
If six pairs of inquisitive female eyes intimidated Captain Speirs he did not let it show. He quickly clarified with your name, the other nurses filing away murmuring amongst themselves disappointedly.
“Good morning, Captain.” You nodded to him as he came to stand in front of you, sliding his helmet from his head to tuck it under his arm.
“Good morning.” He replied, eyes skimming over your uniform curiously.
You noted he’d found the time to visit a barber, his hair neatly trimmed and styled, though you rather missed the tousled waves he’d first arrived with.
“You are sounding well, Captain. I’m glad to hear it.” You smiled softly. “Did your hand mend nicely?”
He lifted it for your inspection and you looked to him startled to see the stitches still in place.
“Captain, these sutures were ready to be removed days ago.” You chided him softly as you cradled his hand in yours.
“I was told you were unavailable.” He replied quietly and you looked to his face quizzically before it dawned on you that he must have returned to the hospital during another shift and simply left when he learned you weren’t there.
“My apologies, I work nights. Any nurse can take care of these, they must itch something fierce.” You frowned.
“What time does your shift begin tonight?” He asked, seemingly happy to leave his hand at your mercy for as long as you chose to hold it.
“2100.” You replied, noting the disappointment that pinched at the bridge of his nose. “But I could meet you there at 2015 if it means getting this taken care of.”
He nodded firmly. “2015, then. Thank you.” He eyed you a moment as you tried in vain to fight back another yawn. “What time does your shift end?”
“0900. I should get back to get some rest. Just wanted to sneak a peek at the big show. You boys will do great when Ike’s in town.” You nodded warmly.
“You won’t be here?” He tilted his head curiously and you let out a scoff of self deprecation.
“Reckless, insubordinate nurses like me aren’t to be seen by the Supreme Allied Commander.”
A furrow appeared between his brows, the muscle of his jaw ticking slightly before he exhaled. “I wish they would stop punishing you for your bravery.”
Your eyebrows shot up beneath the brim of your service cap. You had been trying your damnedest to not let it bother you, especially after hearing the men of the 12th Hospital you’d gone in with had all received the Silver Cross. To hear him speak in your defense was quite honestly overwhelming.
After a careful glance around the nearly empty parade ground confirmed the remaining individuals were otherwise occupied, you leaned in to quickly press your lips to his freshly shaved cheek, thumb swiping away any trace of your lipstick.
“Thank you, Ron.” You swallowed tightly as the heat of his gaze was as palpable as a caress on the skin of your face. “I will see you later to remove your stitches.” Squeezing his hand gently you released it to hang at his side.
His silent nod was the only response you received before you turned to make your way back to your tent for some much needed rest, though your mind would have much rather focused on the way the sunlight lit his eyes than to let you sleep.
Arriving at the hospital that night at 2000 you tracked down Captain Munro and secured his permission to borrow his office once more in the name of treating the stubborn Captain Speirs. Setting out suture scissors and tweezers on a tray upon the desk, you hurried out front to meet the Captain lest he was misinformed about your availability again.
“Good Evening.” He nodded as you stepped outside, hugging your cardigan close against the chill of the night.
“Evening, Captain, please follow me.” You smiled and led him through the maze of hallways before holding open the door to the prepared office.
He assumed the same seat as before and, closing the door behind you, you sat opposite, looking over his palm as he set it in your waiting hand.
“You’ve done a very good job keeping it clean for me, Captain, thank you.” You smiled and picked up the curved scissors, the edge that pressed against the skin not at all sharp. “I’ll cut the stitches first and then pull them out with the tweezers, alright?”
He nodded, watching you closely as you snipped your way through the silk strands very carefully.
“They call me ‘killer’ you know…” he spoke apropos of nothing and you slowly raised your eyes, feeling as though you were joining an internal conversation well in progress.
Rumors spread through camp faster than that bone rattling cough he’d arrived with - you’d heard your fair share of things about him. Particularly after your tent mates had learned that he’d spoken to you earlier that day on the parade ground.
“Sure he’s pretty and all but after the things he did to those Nazi prisoners…” Betty from Indiana had insisted with a dramatic shudder.
“And his own Sergeant!” Philomena of New York had chimed in with an emphatic nod.
All of it struck you as hollow and vapid, coming from two wide-eyed girls fresh from Stateside who’d only ever known war stationed in hospitals with roofs and walls. Never been fired on, never had an enemy soldier try and take the life of a patient right out from under them.
“Well, Ron,” you replied thoughtfully as you set the scissors onto the waiting tray, “they could easily say the same thing about me. It just so happens I had a very honorable man at my side when my anger got the best of me.”
His eyes seized yours, pinning you to the spot with your hand hovering just above the set of tweezers as you forgot how to breathe. His lips tentatively began to form words several times before he abandoned his attempts to speak and lunged forward to close the space between you, his lips slotting against yours in reply instead.
Inhaling sharply through your nose in surprise, you found yourself quickly leaning into his kiss, fingers threading into his shorter hair as you tilted your head to press your lips more firmly to his. Sliding his arms around your shoulders, he pulled you close, tongue delving into your mouth greedily. A soft whimper escaped your throat only to be swallowed by his devouring mouth as he tasted you thoroughly.
Appearing discontent with the separation between your bodies, his hands shifted to grip your hips, guiding you onto his lap before his fingers began to pluck at the buttons of your cardigan. Rucking up the skirt of your dress and slip beneath, you settled over his hips, shuddering as the hard bulge of his length nestled tightly against your core.
“We don’t have a lot of time” you panted against his lips as his hands brushed aside your open cardigan to tug at the tie of your wrap dress, revealing your cream coloured slip beneath.
“Understood.” He murmured as he pulled back to drink you in, eyes taking on that glossy quality from back in February that’d had you so convinced he was febrile.
“Ron…” you urged gently, your own hands sliding between your bodies to work at the fastenings of his dress trousers.
Lost in some sort of trance he leaned forward to press his lips against the hollow of your throat before he secured the ball chain of your ID tags between his teeth and pulled them out from beneath the v-neck of your slip. Brushing his lips against the flat metal stamped with your name and serial number, preceded by the letter N, your heart lurched beneath your ribs fondly as it forgot its normal rhythm for a few beats.
The feel of his fingertips undoing the fastenings of your stockings from your garter straps refocused you and you quickly worked his fly open, sliding his trousers and boxers down as he did the same with your underwear, depositing them onto the floor.
Shifting higher onto your knees, you pressed your face against his temple as he took his cock into his hand, pressing into your entrance slowly. You whimpered breathily against his hair before dropping your head to the crook of his shoulder to try your best to keep your volume down. Rocking your hips against his with a smothered moan you clenched your thighs to begin working up and down along his length.
Heavy breaths fell from his parted lips, brushing against the skin of your neck, goose flesh erupting in the wake of each exhale. His fingers curled into the flesh of your hips as he helped drive your hips against his.
“Ahn, Ron!” You keened against his jacket, lifting your head to kiss him hungrily.
He rocked his hips up into yours each time your pelvis met his before letting out a frustrated grunt against your lips. “On the desk.” He rasped pleadingly and you nodded quickly, sliding from his lap to shuffle backwards, pushing the tray of instruments further behind you before perching on the edge.
Surging to his feet, he nestled between your legs, tongue sliding along yours as he thrust into your aching warmth once more. You cried out hungrily down his throat as your nails dug into the sleeves of his uniform jacket, clinging to him as he set a deliciously dizzying pace that had your toes curling in your shoes.
A ragged moan rumbled through his chest as his cock twitched within your wet heat and he quickly pulled back, chest heaving. Pushing from the desk, you fell to your knees, ignoring the slight sting as they impacted the floor, to wrap your lips around the leaking tip of his length.
He hissed through clenched teeth, hand coming to rest against the back of your head as you hollowed your cheeks tightly around him. Encircling him in your grasp, you eagerly stared up at his face as you stroked his cock, clenching your thighs together as the corded muscle of his neck flexed with the effort to remain silent as his salty release filled your mouth.
Laving him clean with your tongue, you sat back on your heels, swallowing every last drop as he watched on in stunned silence. Fingers sliding up your thighs to retrieve the first of your garter straps, you shivered a little as you remained highly sensitive, having been so close yourself, but also very much aware of the lack of time. You rose to your feet, about to begin fastening your stockings when his hands were on your waist, guiding you to sit on top of the desk once again.
“You didn’t…” He exhaled through flared nostrils and shook his head sharply. “Unacceptable.” Was all the warning he afforded you before he crouched down to seal his lips around your throbbing clit, two fingers plunging into your trembling warmth.
“Holy…” you barely managed to cover your mouth with your palm, hips bucking violently toward him.
He hummed against you approvingly as you lay back onto the worn wooden surface, writhing as fingers picked up the thread of your pleasure, winding it tighter and tighter as his mouth felt like it was sucking your very soul from you. Every muscle in your body became taught with exquisite tension until, at last, like the blowing of a fuse your release detonated behind your clenched eyelids.
Relaxing into the desk top with languid ease, you ran your fingers through his hair in tender appreciation. “Really…have no time now…” you murmured breathlessly and he pressed his damp lips to your inner thigh before pulling you up to a seated position and began to help you re-dress.
Any time his lips were vaguely within the vincinty of yours, you unhelpfully insisted on kissing him softly, significantly hindering progress, but eventually the pair of you were mostly presentable. He cupped your cheek with his left hand and your eyes shot wide at the rasp of sutures against your skin.
“Ron!” You gasped, grabbing his wrist and groping behind you for the tweezers before setting about carefully trying to remove them.
It was his turn to be a nuisance as he nuzzled his face into the soft skin of your neck, sighing gently, making you giggle under your breath as his eyelashes tickled your flesh.
“You are a wild animal.” His voice held a dreamlike quality, lips brushing against your throat as he spoke.
You honestly would have swatted him if his tone weren’t so reverent, doing your best to focus on removing the last two sutures.
“A lioness - fierce and strong and brave and gorgeous.” He rambled before brushing a line of feather-light kisses up towards your jaw.
It made your heart ache with the longing to linger with this verbose version of him that had somehow been unleashed, but according to the clock above the door, you had to be on duty in two minutes.
“Ronald Speirs, you sweet talker.” You whispered weakly, setting down the tweezers, your task finally managed. “I hope you sleep well.”
“You know I will, thanks to you.” His eyes met yours warmly before he cupped your cheeks, pulling you in for one last searing kiss. “May I…write to you?” He asked, incongruously hesitant after all that had transpired.
Sliding your arms around his neck, you kissed his forehead. “You’d better. This lioness has claws.” You smirked in a playfully threatening manner, earning a broad grin in response.
Band of Brothers Masterlist
Tag list: @bcon24 , @ronsparky
Post-script: Firstly, I agonized for several hours about whether or not to have Ron be married in this. Ultimately, after reading that Ronald Speirs asked his first wife not be mentioned in any way in the miniseries I decided to do the same here. Secondly, while I used a fake name for the Major who flew into Bastogne by glider, this is all based on real events that took place! I decided to use fictional characters here to justify the radical actions I had them take in bringing the reader, but you the story of Major Soutter and the men of the 12th Evacuation Hospital is really quite something!
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bloodstainedsaint · 1 year ago
noises in the bedroom with dick winters
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(gif is made by @danny-boy27 🫶)
word count: 300+
warnings: reader has female genitalia, p-in-v sex, praise and other wholesome stuff
notes: inspired by this post, made for @yezzyyae
contrary to popular opinion, dick would NOT say “great googily moogily” during sex (shocking i know)
he still keeps true to his virtues and doesn't cuss any further than “hell” and “damn”
i feel like he would use his mouth on you to bite down any curses building in his throat
(imagining him in missionary cause he's a simple guy; he loves missionary and he makes you love it too iykwim) kisses on your body, throat, lips, groaning and leaving marks where he goes
speaking of groans, THERE’S A LOT OF THEM
they're quiet and kind of subdued (probably subconsciously since he couldn't really be loud during wartime quickies), but they’re there and throaty and so hot. especially when he moans your name, good lord you feel like you’re the only girl in the world
plus he sounds like a goddamn angel’s harp, and it's only for you to hear
he’s moaning into your ear as he pushes in, the crook of your neck as you clench around him, your mouth as your walls spasm when you come. you swallow his groans every time he puts his lips on yours, holding each other's faces and pulling the other deeper into the kiss
aside from that, he would praise you SO MUCH. he would call you beautiful and perfect and tell you how good of a job you were doing. he’s blushing when he says how good you feel around him—it sounds so dirty and crass to him, but it's true and the words are just tumbling out of his mouth
panting and in a slightly husky voice, he reminds you how much he loves you as he climaxes
y’all definitely laugh together when you come down from your highs, showing that he doesn't need to curse to express how much he's enjoying himself when he's inside of you
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop
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Time Enough
Warnings: Angst? Cursing & I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 1,779k
Description: Time. There would always be enough time to tell each other how you felt. At least you had hoped. Time, it seemed would not wait for either one of you.
I blame me listening to Beginning of the End Movement IV by The Newton Brothers for the angst.
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Time, you had realized, had become your real enemy. You never seemed to have enough of it. Every moment that passed you by seemed to go by in blur. Each smile, every laugh and tear, just flowed into each other. It was never enough - any of it. You wanted desperately to hold onto it, clutch it with your bare hands and never let go. To freeze all the moments that you had. 
But you couldn’t. Time continues to flow, ebb and bend around you. Every moment felt like your last. And yet, even with that, you couldn’t find it within yourself to tell him. To tell him that he kept all the fear away, brought in the light. Joe Liebgott was your person. The one that through all of it, you could confide in - run to. He was the reason you wanted more time. To freeze it. To stay with until everything else faded into nothing. 
You loved him. You loved him more than you thought you could love anyone. But you could never tell him. Not now. You needed to focus on surviving, on finding some way to hold on. 
Maybe if you had more time…even then you weren’t sure. You closed your eyes and let time pass around you. The warmth leaving your body, and with it the pain. 
If you only had more time…
The sun shone brightly overhead. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it kissed your skin. You were laying down in a field, basking in the heat. You enjoyed the rare moments in time where it was calm, almost serene. These moments were few and far between - the chatter of the men around you made you smile. Faintly, you could hear Bull Randleman poking fun at Frank Perconte. A chorus of laughter soon followed. 
A smile tugged at your own lips, as the sound of bickering continued. The heat suddenly left you, it’s warmth replaced by a shadow. 
Opening one eye, you looked up to see Joe Liebgott grinning down at you. 
“Do you mind?” you asked, closing both your eyes once more, your smile never leaving your face. 
“No, not at all,” he teased. Joe didn’t move one inch, instead his stance relaxing as he stood over you. 
You let out a huff, sitting up. “Joe-”
“Alright, alright,” he laughed. Moving to sit next to you, he bumped your shoulder with his own. “What are ya doin’ out here anyways?” 
“Well, I was enjoying the sun and some peace and quiet.” You turned to look at him. He feigned shock. 
“Me? Ruin your peace and quiet? Never.”
You let out a laugh that only made to broaden his own. Joe Leibgott had wormed his way into your heart. Burrowing himself in there until he belonged to him and only him. It had taken him time, months, years of teasing, arguing, and talks. Talks like this, where everything else drifted away. It was just you and him. Nothing else mattered. 
“Mm?” He hummed, laying himself down on the grass beside you. He closed his eyes now, tucking an arm behind his head. He had a faint smile on his face, a gust of wind tousled his hair in a way that made you want to run your hands through it. 
“I got something for you,” you watched as his face lit up. He squinted up at you, the sun creating a glowing silhouette around you. Carefully, you pulled out your gift, enjoying the way his eyes widened. 
He sat up quickly, “No, shit,” he laughed gingerly, taking the chocolate candy bar into his hands. “How in the hell did you get this?” He paused, “No, wait, do I want to know?” 
You punched him in the arm, “Idiot, Euegene owed me favor. I can just take it back, you know. I’m sure Bill would be a whole lot more grateful for it.” 
You didn’t miss the way, Joe’s eyes darkened with annoyance. “You don’t have to be so dramatic,” he replied. 
Rolling your eyes, you turned forward. 
“Hey,” you turned back to look at him, a look on his face you couldn’t quite place. “Thank you.” 
You smiled back, laying back down. Joe followed after you. The both of you remained quiet, enjoying the silence and each others company. 
You were freezing, you had never known a cold like this in your life. Bastogne was its own hell. You were only stopping by to help restock supplies for the medics. Your help was needed at the aid station. 
Still, your presence did help to lighten the mood for most of the company. George Luz nearly jumped like a small child at the sight of you. 
“Finally,” he had said, “something beautiful, I was tired of looking at all these ugly mugs.” His comment, of course, was met by a chorus of groans. 
Your feet lead you eventually to Joe. He was huddled in his fox hole, grumbling to himself in annoyance. His eyes caught yours, the frustration leaving his expression, if only for a moment. 
“The hell are ya doin’ here?” He grumbled. 
“Restock,” you said simply. Shrugging your shoulders. You shifted your weight, Joe had been more short with you lately. You weren’t sure why, what you had done, but it was killing you. 
“None of the other nurses could do it?” 
You felt almost as if you had been slapped. You knew he was angry at you for some reason, but this? 
He must have seen your face. “I just mean that it’s dangerous here, you shouldn’t be here.” 
“Because my life matters more than any of the other nurses?” You bit back. 
Joe had a look of shock on his face, his jaw tensing as if trying to find the right words to say. “You know damn well you-”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. Instead a loud crash and explosion rang out around you. You hadn’t realized you had been blown away a good few feet until your body collided with a tree. 
All the air in your lungs left you. You could hardly breathe, you weren’t sure if you could move. The only thing you could hear was ringing in your ears. 
You tried to blink back all the dirt and soot from your eyes. The trees swaying gently above you, you thought only of Joe - the look on his face. Was he angry with you? You wanted to tell him that the only reason you had come was so you could see for yourself he was okay - that he was alive. Because you loved him, you were in love with him. You just needed the time to say it. 
Now? Now you weren’t sure there was any time at all.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
No, this wasn’t happening. Not to you, God, not to you. 
Joe scrambled his way out of the fox hole, ignoring everyone who screamed at him not to. It was you. It was fucking you. 
His whole body went numb as he screamed your name. Shouting it over and over and his eyes scanned the horror around him. He was going to find you. He was going to find you and you were going to be just fine. 
You were going to scold him like you always do, give him that teasing look that you reserved only for him. He was going to tell you why he had been ignoring you these last few weeks. Because he couldn’t hide anymore just how in love with you he was. That every time you looked at him, it was like you uncovered a new part of his soul. He was a different person when he was with you, a whole happy schmuck that wanted to spend every waking moment he had with you. 
You and he were going to have all the time in the world. 
When he finally saw your body sprawled across the snow like a ragdoll, his knees buckled underneath him. With shaky hands he reached forward to touch you, you were like ice. 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Joe whispered with a shaky voice. “Come on, Angel, look at me.” Trembling hands, pushed back the hair on your face. “Please, please look at me,” he choked out.
“Joe,” you gurgled out, coughing blood.
“Oh, fuck, okay, you’re gonna be fine,” he quickly assessed your body, you had a piece of metal in your side, and blood flowing freely from it. Cuts littered your body, but your limbs were intact. “You’re gonna be fine, you hear me?”
“Joe,” you coughed, “I-” 
“Save it, please, you can tell me later.” His tear filled eyes searched yours. You didn’t look worried or panicked and Joe was sure what scared him more. “Medic!I need a fucking medic over here!” 
“Joe, please,” you were straining, your breathing becoming more labored. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he cried out. 
“‘M not.” You smiled, “I - I-” 
“Medic!” He cried out once more. 
“I-” you swallowed, “love -” 
Joe kissed you, fuck the blood, fuck everything, he kissed you. He felt like a fool for not doing it sooner. He was so damn scared of losing you that he didn’t realize he could actually lose you. 
“Joe, Joe you gotta move-” 
Eugene Roe forcefully pushed him back. His hands quickly work over your body. He watched your eyes close as Roe pushed the morphine into you. 
You were going to be fine. You both had more time. You both would have all the time in the world. 
You had to. 
You had to. 
Joe walked along the pavement. The busy streets of San Francisco flowed around him. Time had kept moving around him, slowly and quickly all at once. He thought of easy, of clear blue water in Austria, but mostly he thought of you. He thought of your smile, your easy laughter, everything that made you, you. 
He thought of that quiet day you shared. When you had the sun glowing around you like a halo. The sweet chocolate bar you had given him, of the peace he felt when he was with you. 
Nothing had ever been the same since he had met you. Nothing would ever be the same after. 
He turned watching you carry a bouquet of flowers towards him. You limped slightly, your breath a bit shallow when you caught up to him. But you were there with him. 
“I got those,” he said simply, kissing you on the cheek. 
After, there would never be an after you. There was only you and him- and time. As much time as you could steal.
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