#bill guarnere
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 days ago
HEAD-TO-HEAD (part XI/?)
Summary: Joe thought she was pretty. Had he just said that, things might have been different for them. Maybe they wouldn't have gone head-to-head at each other for three years like it was a contest.
Pairing: Joseph Liebgott x Reader
Genre: angst splattered with fluff/rivals to lovers
Head-to-head: @derersketnoget @ladystardustfromarss @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark @sxalbatf @aliciax3 @jetjuliette @luvrottt @fromjupitertocentauri
Band Of Brothers: @fernando-jpg @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world @clumsy-wonderland @lordndsaviorwinters @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark
Permanent taglist: @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
Warnings: sexism, slut-shaming (borderlining harassment here ngl), language, smoking
A/N: We're halfway through and I just wanted to mention I'm low-key taken aback by the support this series is getting. It's been so long since I sat down and wrote a long ass fic series, and I forgot how much I liked it. I'm glad y'all are as invested in this silly journey as I am, so enjoy <3
Head-to-head masterlist
Band of Brothers masterlist
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"—can't believe he got himself a girlfriend." My hearing barely caught on George's full sentence, despite him standing by the pub's threshold I had just crossed, due to the racket inside.
"That's not a girlfriend, alright" Guarnere's back was to the door, but still I saw the direction he shamelessly pointed at. "that's a toy."
"Don't be mean."
"You came!" Luz turned around and took a step back, opening to me the closed half circle they boys had formed. "Thought you were ditching us for loverboy Andrew."
I hummed, taking off my uniform's jacket. "He had things to do."
"Mail boy dumped you? Looking like this?" George whistled, "Men these days," he smacked Toye's chest with the back of his palm. "am I right, Joe?"
"Oh, quit it." I dismissively waved at him, an amused smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "You playing darts?"
Babe, the new kid Guarnere had taken under his wing, gave me an enthusiastic nod. "Toye and I against Lieutenant Compton and Luz."
Of course. "Don't get sharked." I exhorted, giving the replacement a pat on the back. "Someone wants a drink?"
"I'm comin' with you." Toye stated.
My eyes flickered to the full beer he was holding. "No need to."
"I'm comin' with you, c'mon."
With some resistance, we managed to conquer a small corner of the bar counter, dangerously close to Joe and the Attagirl he had chatted up a week prior.
The woman's sharp eyes landed on my puzzled gaze. She gifted me a polite smile, which made Joe turn.
I didn't know what I was expecting, but it surely wasn't a curt nod.
"He gets laid and manners fly off the window." If he heard it, he chose to ignore it. "If he had any to begin with."
"Just order the damn drink." Toye urged me, nudging my shoulder to redirect my attention to the counter, which earned him a warning glare. "Don't go givin' me that look."
I pushed down the urge to start a pointless argument and did as I was told. The barman was quick serving the drink, but not quick enough to avoid trouble.
The free stool on my right scrapped against the wooden floor. "Your boyfriend stood you up?"
"You gotta be shittin' me." Toye rubbed his temples. "Go back to your seat."
"That's what you're opening with?" I spat at Joe, taking the drink Toye shoved into my grasp.
"You're not denying it." His tone was smug enough to almost bait me.
"Go back to your pilot and let me enjoy the night without wanting to claw your eyes out." I hissed, bumping his shoulder when I sidestepped him.
Toye walked with me without a word until our paths parted; him joining Heffron to play darts, me squeezing myself between the pub's tables until I found a free chair by Bull's fresh-faced squad. God, did they look young.
I kept my interventions to the minimum, limiting myself to enjoy the bantery conversations. I wasn't in the mood to get any additional attention; it was odd enough for me to be there in the first place, after telling my friends I wouldn't be joining them that evening.
That's why the first time Cobb threw a bad comment to one of the new kids, I simply rolled my eyes. The second time, I just shared a tired look with Bull. By the third time, though, he was out of line.
"Let the kid be, Cobb." I quipped, taking a sip of my drink, legs crossed with my back leaning on the back of the chair. "It's a damn unit citation."
"You should take that off too, Y/l/n." His words carried a poison I had heard too many times. I mused how far he would take it before getting smacked. "Not that you did anything other than suck some officer's dick."
"Hey-" Hoobler gave the man's shoulder a discrete push, causing Cobb's head to snap at him. "Ease up, pal. Don't go there."
"Why? Did I fuckin' lie?" His attention returned to me. "How else would she be here?" My posture didn't change a bit, but there was a tension straining my shoulders and jaw while I seize the situation. "How many higher-ups did you fuck to play soldier, Y/l/n?"
"Cobb." Bull didn't say anything else, but the name was so obviously a warning.
Despite my piercing eyes not breaking eye contact with the man standing across the table, I didn't miss Guarnere's gaze ping-ponging between us rised eyebrows.
"What, you jealous?" Cobb sneered at my clap back. At his lack of response, I cleared my throat and left my glass on the table, propping myself forward on it. "You know what I think, Cobb?" My tone was uncharacteristically light, my pursed smile containing half of the words I would say to him. "I think you're just mad I got through Normandy and came out of it with a promotion, when you didn't even make the damn jump."
"Wait, what?" Garcia's eyes shot Cobb a disbelieving look. "You didn't jump?"
"I was hit before I could jump." A wave of shame washed over him like a buck of freezing water, his ears heating up at Guarnere's snickering. "You're a bitch."
"Cobb, shut up." Martin deadpanned behind me.
"Someone has to say what we're all thinking."
"Oh my-" I jumped out of my seat, palms hitting the wooden table. "If you want me to punch you, just say so."
"What's going on?" A quick glance over my shoulder let me know more people than I would have liked were now on us, Buck among them.
"Cobb's calling Y/l/n names, Lieutenant." Babe was quick to give it away, triggering a sigh of resignation on my part.
"I see you don't mind getting dicked down by replacements now," he taunted, not minding Buck's steps to stand by my side. He seemed to be about to try and deescalate the situation, and a part of me wondered if the officer really expected to be successful on it. "Should've figured. Isn't your 4F boyfriend a replacement, too?" Bull secured my arm before I could go around the table. "Where's he? Too busy? Or just too embarrassed to show up with you?"
Guarnere got up with a tired groan, accommodating his uniform— if I didn't hit Cobb, he would.
"You got a big fucking mouth, you know that?" I found myself yelling.
"Funny comin' from you." The man laughed bitterly, eyes glassy from the alcohol "Bet you hear that a lot."
The back of Compton's hand extended before me as a signal for me to stop as he attempted to approach Cobb himself.
He didn't get to him before a hand yanked the instigator's bicep with enough force to make him stumble until his back hit the wall.
"Say that again." Liebgott's daring tone screamed trouble, but he didn't seem to care. "C'mon, say that again, tough guy."
Cobb gaped and, for the first time in the night, he thought twice before speaking.
"Lieb, knock it off." Malarkey had moved through the crowded bar to reach the boiling situation.
"No, I want him to repeat what he said." Cobb tried to step out of Joe's reach, but the latter shoved him back into place.
"Joe," his eyes darted at my call like a flash for a split second.
"Yeah, I know— you got it, but I'm already here." He dismissed me, his full attention on Cobb as if he was waiting to be given an excuse to come to blows.
I nearly missed the concerned yet expectant glance Buck spared me before jumping in. "Alright, that's enough." With a firm hand on Joe's chest, he pushed the Translator back; More and Malarkey took it as a cue to get a grasp and pull him away. "Next time you better watch that mouth." The blond man warned Cobb with a pointed finger. "I might just look away and let her smack your face." The Private muttered a halfhearted 'yes, sir' before our Lieutenant slapped the back of his neck on his way out.
"Thought we were 'boutta send him to the hospital." Guarnere commented with a joking tinge in his voice while he sat back down.
"You're not gonna send anyone to the hospital, Bill." Buck sounded like a father tiredly scolding his trouble child. "Y/n?"
Buck handed me my long forgotten drink with poorly hidden uneasiness. "Why don't you go outside?" His hand gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, the Lieutenant scanning the pub like he was silently looking for someone else. "Cool off, get some fresh air."
I nodded at the idea, downing what was left in the glass, squinted eyes fixed on a now mortified Cobb sitting in a corner of the bar, until I turned heel to head out. "I'll be back in a moment."
"Y/n/n, can I take your seat?" Babe tentatively questioned when I passed by him and Toye.
"Suit yourself." I tried not to sound too irked, forcing a small smile at the replacement who repaid me with one of his own.
"Hey," Toye stopped me briefly, cutting through. "You alright?" I shook my head affirmatively. The Irishman stepped closer, looking over my shoulder. "You want me to deck him?"
A genuine, quiet laugh left my lungs.
"We'll make it look like an accident." George joked, jumping into the short exchange to offer me a cigarette. "Heading out?"
"Yeah, I need a minute." I placed the smoke between my lips for Luz to light it. "I'm not about to get court-martialled for punching that piece of shit."
"Smarter than some." He mumbled under his breath, pulling a smoke for himself too. "Speaking of the devil, I think Lieb's outside." It was a friendly heads-up.
"Alright." I took a puff out of the cigarette and walked past the boys and out of the place. Aldbourne's cold air hit the bits of my skin left exposed and suddenly I was very grateful for my uniform's jacket.
I slipped it on, braced myself and took a few steps out of the entrance, my heels clicking on the street. Sure enough, there he was, leaning against the building's wall, hands shoved into his pockets while he maintained a heated yet hushed conversation with some of the boys.
Before I could decide whether it would be best to stay on my own or approach him, Don took it upon himself to call for me. With a drag of Luz's cigarette and a double check behind me, I strolled over, arms folded over my chest to preserve the heat.
"—was just drunk, Joe." I only caught part of Skinny's sentence, but the topic was obvious.
"Half of us are drunk, Skinny." More countered before Joe could. "You see anyone pulling that shit?" The man speaking, standing across from me, greeted me with a nod.
The small group made space for me, Talbert quietly checking if I was alright while the rest seemed to be trying to convince Joe this wasn't worth it.
"Y/n, side with us here." Penkala begged, introducing me into the conversation.
"Side with what?"
Liebgott tilted his head up with a humorless laugh, earning an exasperated sigh from Sisk.
"Do you think this was worth the trouble?" Malarkey asked, motioning at the pub.
"What? Cobb?" I turned my face away to exhale the smoke out of the circle of soldiers. "Fuck, no."
"Okay, don't act like you weren't gonna throw hands at him." Joe hissed, throwing a judgmental glare in my direction.
"Doesn't matter what I was gonna do 'cause you beat me to it."
Silence, filled with nothing but the tension coming from two wound-up individuals who didn't know how to talk things out.
"C'mon Mal." More was the first one to bail, giving both Malarkey and Penkala a tug to follow him back in.
"Are you gonna give me shit for this?" Joe inquired in that high-pitched tone he used when he was pissed and didn't even know at what.
Skinny was quick to follow Alton's example. "I'm out."
"Wait for me." Tab called, taking half a step back to the entrance before looking over his shoulder at us. "Don't kill each other."
And just like that, Joe and I were left alone to tread a ridiculously thin line between an argument and an honest conversation.
"I'm not giving you shit for anything." I tried my luck, making a point to sound genuine —because I was.
Joe seemed to get the memo. Truce.
"He's a fucking idiot." He commented, kicking a pebble away.
"I know." I shrugged, taking a drag and exhaling it into the night. "He's all talk, though."
He puffed. "I'm not."
"Neither am I."
Joe mused his next sentence before laying it out unceremoniously. "You wanted me to punch him, didn't you?"
The ghost of a grin twisted up the corner of my lips for a split second; long enough for him to catch on it.
"He's gonna get himself beaten up one of these days." I tossed the cigarette to the ground and heeled it. "Mark my words."
"That wasn't the question." Joe taunted me with a crooked half smile of his own.
"He's not worth the trouble, Joe." I limited myself to reply.
"Still not an answer."
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I threw another question at him; an obvious deflection he allowed me to get away with. "You left that poor thing in there on her own."
"She knows how to handle herself."
I stole a glance at the pub's door, as if I could see the woman if I tried hard enough. "What's her name?"
"Where's your boyfriend?"
My lips twitched. "I asked first."
"Lorna." He gave in without a fight, which meant he expected me to do the same. "Where is he?"
"His pass got revoked."
A shrug. "Didn't ask."
"Bullshit." His tone got a chuckle out of me. "That's the second time I said it and you didn't deny it."
"He's not my boyfriend," I clarified, leaning in before adding "don't lose sleep over it."
His mouth opened like he was torn between laughing and countering something. I didn't let him do neither before waltzing back to the entrance.
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easygyal · 3 days ago
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oh yes all my bbgs together : D
(credits- I got this off pinterest- thanks to the comment below we know it’s from an annual BBQ :) reunion of bob also featuring the pacific cast.
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luminouslywriting · 2 days ago
i wanted to know how BoB men would feel about dating a short girl? your writing is very good! ❤️
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A/N: As a certified 5'2 girlie, this one hits home for me haha! Anywho, gif belongs to dvnedain! Enjoy and remember that my requests are open and I don't mind spam!
Light spice included under the cut :)
Dick Winters:
-Doesn't really care about the height difference all that much? Like yeah, he's tall, but it's not a huge factor in the relationship
-He's very aware of your height—as in, this man is thoughtful and tries to place things that you use regularly where you can reach them, is the first to volunteer to grab something that's out of reach, and is generally aware of your height.
-Aware of it within a crowd and so he usually has his hand in yours or his hand on your back as you walk through a crowd so he doesn't lose sight of you
-Likes to pick you up and hold you in the shower....it definitely has its advantages then
Lewis Nixon:
-A shit-talking jerk (affectionately) about the entire thing. While he's not the tallest, he's definitely one who uses nicknames to get under your skin and to bring attention to the fact that you're short. It's all affectionate though.
-Is aware of some of the logistical problems....and thus he places things on high shelves to purposely annoy you
-Loves cuddle time though and especially loves spooning with you, it brings him a lot of comfort
-Absolutely leans on you way toooo much
Ronald Speirs:
-Doesn't care????? Like your height is just your height and it is what it is.
-But you know what he does care about? Meeting your needs—whether it be holding you up against a wall or making it so you're at eye level while in the throes of passion, this man is out here trying to ensure that you're having a great time
-Never loses sight of you in a crowd
-Personally prefers being on his knees for you actually, so the height difference isn't that big of a deal lol
Buck Compton:
-Affectionately teases you about it in a lighthearted way. But the second someone else makes fun of your height, it's a glare for sure.
-Likes the sorts of hugs where he can pick you up because it's so easy to do so
-Presses kisses to the top of your head
-Prefers to be on top so that the size difference isn't as noticeable tbh
Carwood Lipton:
-Also a man who does not care very much about your height. So long as he gets to hug you every morning, he's pleased.
-He does think it's adorable when your little legs CANNOT keep up with his and he might make a remark or two, but nothing crazy
-Will perch you on some stairs if it's convenient to kiss you
-Otherwise is very happy to lean down to kiss you and much prefers being able to sit with you so you're on the same level
Joseph Liebgott:
-Also a shit-talker about your height (Affectionately). Totally has nicknames that are both affectionate and meant to rile you up. Has 100% called you a munchkin and gotten punched before.
-Ruffles your hair ALLLLL the time because he's taller and can get away with it
-Tbh, this man prefers you on top anyway, so the height thing is a turn-on for him
-Will, in fact, get horny anywhere and everywhere he can pick you up and put you on top of (including the kitchen counter, the hood of the car, and the washing machine)
Donald Malrkey:
-A sweetheart about your height who just likes to have your arm around him and loves to press kisses to your head.
-Always picks you up when he hugs you and spins you around
-Tries to be conscious of your height in accordance to the home and probably gets you a stepstool so you can feel some independence
-Loves dancing around with you because it's just a cute thing you two do, regardless of height
Eugene Roe:
-An angel about your height tbh; while he's not the tallest, he is still taller than you and he likes to rest his chin on your head
-Never makes a single remark about your height, he thinks that you're perfect
-Likes to cup your face when he leans down to kiss you
-Probably likes to twirl you around and does it with ease
Bill Guarnere:
-Absolutely into picking you up over his shoulder and carrying you into the bedroom at his convenience
-Babe, this man has a size kink and he WILL be using it to his advantage
-Absolutely the type to just pick you up and give you a piggyback when you're falling behind or getting tired
-Has affectionate nicknames for you with some needling
Joe Toye:
-But actually, this man is so sweet about it....most of the time. Sometimes he'll hold something over your head and demand that you pay the price (it's just a kiss haha)
-Likes to gently rub your back after a long day and traces your spine
-Probably adores your short thighs tbh
George Luz:
-He's gonna offend you accidentally at some point with some sort of short joke buttttt he's real sweet about it most of the time
-Compliments your height but alsoo... "how's the weather down there, honey?"
-Please just get on your knees a few times and use that height to your advantage, I promise you'll get whatever you want from this man
-Actually adores your height and leans on you alllll the time
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andromeddog · 4 months ago
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bob requests 👍
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bxberoe · 5 months ago
‘i never see you at the club’
okay?? well i never see you scrolling through the band of brothers tag on tumblr
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historyl3sbian · 6 months ago
"baby boy" and its a grown man in uniform
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wtrpxrks · 8 months ago
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i can fall asleep to heavy artillery and cries for a medic like it’s nothing 😴
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thanosgf · 6 months ago
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band of brothers • behind the scenes pt. 2
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lupoteodoro · 8 months ago
Guide for the recent BoB fandom information explosion
Essentially, the US Army and Heritage Education Center possesses a vast collection of materials related to Dick Winters, which served as the original source for writing the book Band of Brothers and for the production of the TV series. This includes a huge amount of photocopies of Winters' personal papers and personnel documents; photocopies of correspondence, memoirs, news clippings, oral history transcripts, and photographs from the men in Easy Company.
There are a total of 20 boxes, containing 100+ PDF documents that can be read online, involving most of the E Company soldiers whose names we can recognize.
These materials may have been on the internet for many years, but no one paid attention until very recently.
Here are some notable files among these materials: The complete catalog of the Dick Winters collection
Dick Winters interview in Aug 1990
Another Winters interview transcript with 10 pages all about Nix
Lewis Nixon file
Harry Welsh file
Ron Speirs file
Carwood Lipton file
Herbert Sobel file
Doc Roe file
Bill Guarnere file
Babe Heffron file
David Webster file
Floyad Talbert file
Skip Muck file
Don Malarkey oral history: 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
Johnny Martin file
Bull Randelman file
Joe Toye file
George Luz file
Band of Brothers TV series "Bible": 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
For all other materials, you can search on the main page here: https://arena.usahec.org/
ps, you can also find the 506's newsletters from the late 70s-early 90s: The Five-O-Sink
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lookatperconte · 7 months ago
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creds to meme lord @gothscientist
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luzlylovely · 2 months ago
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stopstopstopit · 2 months ago
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band of brothers text posts 18/?
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ronsenthal · 1 year ago
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Band of Brothers + Mean Girls
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 4 months ago
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Frannie and I wanted to get married right away, but our families tried to talk us out of it. They didn’t want Frannie to marry a cripple. They gave us a lot of trouble. They told Frannie, “You’re going to have to take care of him. The older he gets, the worse it’s going to get.” But that wasn’t me. I knew I’d live a normal life. I never believed in saying “I can’t.” If someone else can do something, I can do it. I may do it different, it may be awkward, but I’ll do it. If you climb a ladder, I’ll climb a ladder. I may go up every rung on my ass, but I’ll do it. I have done it. April 23, 1945, Frannie and I ran away to Elkton, Maryland, and eloped. Not a penny between us, just each other. When you got something good you don’t let it get away. I married an angel. She put up with me and my crazy ways. Calmed me down. She understood me, helped me, never stopped me from doing anything I wanted to do. She was my leg, she was everything. Gotta give the gal credit. We went on our honeymoon in Columbus, Ohio. Drove to Johnny Martin’s house. Where were we gonna go, Hawaii? We didn’t have a damn dime. Johnny got discharged early for medical reasons, so we went to see him and Pat. We did things simple, but we had fun.
~ Bill Guarnere
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nixon-nitration-works · 4 days ago
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Band Of Brothers + textposts
maybe I went a bit overboard but i was on a roll so-
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