#tim Drake
melmov · 2 days
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They’re meeting Bruce and Damian at the boardwalk
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cricket-moth · 2 days
Jason: once I tried to rob this preppy kid on his way to school but before I could even get a threat out he told me ‘please don’t hesitate’ and I was so agasp that this eight year old just asked me to kill him outright that I ran off into an alleyway and cried.
Tim: omg wait that was me!!! :D
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incorrectbatfam · 1 day
"They trick the other siblings into thinking there's a Robin test that only Dick and Jason have passed"
Okay, but what does each member of the family believe the test is?
Duke: *walks in wearing full winter gear covered in snow*
Bruce: Where have you been?! I've been searching for a week!
Duke: Climbing Mount Everest.
Bruce: But why?!?
Damian: I have returned with a wild Icelandic puffin!
Bruce: Damian, I said no more pets until next year.
Damian: But I thought you wanted it?
Bruce: Why would I want—
Steph, disheveled: It took a few tries but I finally wrestled Killer Croc with my bare hands.
Bruce: That is highly against protocol—
Tim: Here's that jar of kidneys you asked for.
Duke: The Robin test.
Bruce: What test?
Damian: The final test to become Robin, of course.
Tim: Please tell me I passed. I can't do this again.
Steph: Hang on, why are they all different?
Dick and Jason: *whistle*
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wickedbats · 3 days
Damian: If an adult needs help, do I help them? Dick: It depends. Damian: On? Tim: For starters, are you in your Robin costume? Damian: No. Jason: Then why the fuck would an adult ask for an eleven year old's help? Damian: I'm relieved I followed my gut. Dick: What did the adult want? Damian: To assist him in putting items in his vehicle. Tim: Was the vehicle a van? Damian: Yes. A white one. Jason: ... Jason: [taking out his gun] I'll be back. I have child kidnapper to kill.
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nicodrawings · 1 day
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I missed my own deadline cuz I was stumped on a page for weeks, I woke up early in the morning to finish this so I could at least put it out today. I did ittt…
Last few pages of chapter 1 will be out during the summer.
I hope you enjoy the update, I’m gonna eat a super later breakfast now…
This is part 1
I probably should have added this earlier
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Some more doodles of Snitches the perfectly normal cat. He's not all that photogenic.
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timothvy · 2 days
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based on a picture i saw on twitter
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aingeal98 · 3 days
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Tim and Steph being 90s email buddies is so fun. How often did Babs or Bruce scroll through their emails looking for security breaches and instead get godawful teen flirting and "You stop emailing first." "No YOU stop emailing first 😏" over and over again.
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inkpotsprite · 2 days
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Ra's (talking about Tim): he is a master strategist, always ten steps ahead, poised, calculating and collected–
Tim: *feral racoon mode activated*
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big8cola · 2 days
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rereading young justice 1998
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Here We Go Again
Tim-DannyTimDANNY started down at himself as his mind re-organized itself. Memories he didn't have before suddenly there in his head.
A whole lifetime as someone else another teen hero Phantom, his other family, friends,growing up
The Accident his death.
Protecting his town
Fighting ghosts
Fighting humans
Telling his parent
Becoming an adult
Becoming the High Ghost King
He blinked, something was missing
What was wrong? Why was he here in another life remembering now. Both his lives meshed together inside his head, everything finally sliding into place until he could almost hear a *click* and he no longer felt like two different people in one body.
He was Tim, Red Robin who used to be Danny, King Phantom.
A flash of green caught his eye, looking up he saw a small green note
Danny, You will understand soon enough,as to why you are remembering now, try once more in your efforts, 100th times the charm or in this case Dani's rebirth. Be safe, gather your strength. Return home safely young King C.W
Looking up past the note he saw his last failed attempt at cloning Kon, stepping forward he reached out and changed the DNA sample now being his DNA in the mix.
Danny-Tim: * Effectively taking over the LOA and getting Bruce back with a baby strapped to his chest*
Danny-Tim: *Both him and Dani wearing sunglasses while he flips off the LOA base as it explodes in the distance*
Danny-Tim being the best dad to Dani while the Bats are trying to figure out just what the hell he has been doing and
"Oh my God is that a baby! You're too young! How did it happen!!!"
Danny-Tim now mentally well into adulthood: *deadpan* "Do I need to give you The Talk?"
Kon/Bats seeing Dani floating: "UM!?!"
Danny-Tim is once again a half-a after some plot convenience with the LOA and the Pits: " Oh she gets that from my side."
*start slightly floating in the air*
"Since WHEN can you do that?!"
"Since always, keep up"
Danny-Tim & Dani:
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The others
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Just an Idea
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mocking-the-bird · 8 hours
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Tim has literally no idea what he's talking about. But that's not about sense, that's about spirit
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pokeberry5 · 2 days
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*taps mic* : shoujo manga toxic boyfriend steph
bonus double foot in mouth scene:
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galaxymagitech · 2 days
Most of the Batkids lie to Batman.
What’s unique about Tim “I lie to Batman” Drake is that he lies *successfully* to Batman.
Damian just states blatant untruths and expects people to believe them. Dick puts on a good act, but it can’t fool his family, even if they won’t call him out on it. Jason’s emotions are too easy to read, even with his helmet on. Cass lies with her words, but never with her body. Duke lacks self-awareness of his insanity and thus doesn’t try to hide any of it. Steph and Barbara don’t even bother, because Batman has no authority over her whatsoever.
Tim, though? He was raised by boarding schools and nannies and practically incentivized to lie to adults. He’s so earnest and well-meaning that everyone expects him to be a compulsive truth-teller, and he weaponizes it like the little gremlin he is. And when that isn’t enough, he knows how to spin things just right that they don’t quite sound like an untruth.
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nerdpoe · 2 days
Everyone is convinced that Tim never sleeps, and keeps trying to make him go to sleep. But he does sleep. Honestly, he probably sleeps more than any of the Bats.
Unlike the others with their cases, Tim believes in this magical concept called "Delegation".
He has computer programs that run constant search functions that notify him when a match occurs. He has ears and eyes on the streets that let him know when something happens or when they see someone who has disappeared. He prioritizes his cases based on who is in immediate danger.
He also makes sure to end his patrol at one or two in the morning if he can help it, and barring extraneous circumstances, goes straight to sleep.
This leaves him with four hours a day to do CEO stuff (with help from Tam and his computer systems), but he also delegates most of that stuff too. The rest of the time is to chip away at his cases by checking in with his computer/people, and napping. He loves napping.
Unlike Bruce and many other Bats, Tim knows how to ask for help.
Unfortunately, this means that when he's sleeping, it's when everyone is scrambling and no one is noticing what he's doing.
When he wakes up, everyone is starting to trail off to bed.
So what everyone sees is Tim bleary and exhausted, beelining for the coffee machine.
Or; I try to explain fanon Tim behavior in regards to sleep but it's actually a misunderstanding. Bruce knows, of course, but he's not saying anything because he thinks it's funny. Tim spent all that time nagging him, now Tim gets to be hounded.
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cosmicpoutine · 2 days
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that's what galas are for
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