#siren food
urlove-crt · 9 months
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Homemade sushi
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
[Robin!Dick era]
Bruce: Dick has three aunts. He calls them Aunt Cupcake, Aunt Flower, and Aunt Kate.
Bruce: Time to step up your game, Kate.
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naamahdarling · 21 days
I just want you to know I'm living for jasper. I also have a beautiful brainless boy cat who makes stupid faces and threw a tantrum about his cone. I'm so glad other people get to experience this
Look at this:
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That mouth does NOT CLOSE until there is food in it.
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envy-of-the-apple · 7 months
Okay,, you have to let us know are the eggs any characters Specifically like megumi or itadori? I bet they would be clingy mommas boys.
Love you crumbs you give us and happy late birthday 🫶🏻
awww ty bestie okay okay okay holdonholdon
You'd name the hatchlings. Idk if I mentioned this or not but in the excerpt, the reader names Suguru and Satoru cuz they didn't have a concept of language yet. I think once they had a general concept of human language, they'd use their human names for each other just like you do.
When Nobara, Yuji and Megumi hatch, they'd definitely hang onto you the most. It's mostly because you are the most caring out of the throuple you were forced into. It makes sense for you to care about them, right? After all, human babies are pretty helpless and that's how far your knowledge extends. And they're adorable, with big round eyes, making cute little chitters. You get a tiny bit protective of them, especially considering the other two nagas don't carry the same sentiment. Suguru is clearly a believer of tough love and you've caught Satoru trying to put one of the eggs in his mouth (you're pretty sure he was joking...but you arent risking it when they're this tiny). They're small right now, but naga hatchlings grow up fast. They're practically your height in just a couple of years.
I feel personally, Yuji would be the (most outwardly) clingiest. He's affectionate, more dog than snake, sometimes. He's the largest of his siblings. When he was smaller, his favorite thing to do was wrap himself around your shoulders and you'd carry him around. He can't do that now, but he has other ways of spending time with you. He 'hunts' with you the most, assisting you with collecting berries and fruit. Apart from you, he'd bond with Satoru more. They share a similar personality, both are easily amused.
Megumi would be the shyest, but he loves you just as much as his siblings do. Much like his fathers, he enjoys the warmth you provide and would love cuddling with you in the languid hours of the evening. He doesn't do that much when he's older, but he's still interested in spending time with you! He likes quality time, the most. Eventually, during your time on the island, you'd have set up a tiny garden. He'd help with that. He and Suguru would have lots of similarities, so you'd often catch them together. They'd both help with your garden, helping cultivate the seeds and soil. It's not natural for them, but they understand you're different from nagafolk
But I think Nobara would be the one you're the closest to. She hatched the first. She's also different from her brothers. Again, in the naga species, the females become something akin to sirens. Slowly, you'd notice how different she is compared to her brothers, how much she enjoys the water, how dry her skin gets when she stays on land for too long. She'd evolve differently. Webbed hands, her tail would be more lithe, finned.
Because she's so different, Satoru and Suguru don't have much of an interest in her. Again, much like reptiles, nagas are fairly independent at a young age. Satoru and Suguru allow the hatchlings to stick around because you'd pitch a fit otherwise and they try to keep their mate happy. Once it becomes clear Nobara is aquatically gifted, you'd be terrified of the thought of her being out alone at sea, so you'd often go out with her, not caring how pruny your fingers get. Because of how much time you spend with her, I think she'd be the most interested in humans. She'd ask you about human culture, human customs. Every once in a while, she'd go out and collect remnants of humanity, clothes, trinkets, jewelry, anything she can find off the ocean floor. She'd sit on the rocky shore, holding out each one, demanding you to explain them to her.
You wouldn't dare mention how much you fear her fathers, but I feel Nobara would be the first to realize that you don't want to be here. She can see it in your eyes, the longing whenever you're explaining another human trinket. She wants you to be happy, but if you go back to the humans....would you still have time for her? Would you still braid her hair? Take care of her? Love her?
In the end, Nobara is the most similar to her fathers. She'd keep you on the island too.
ughhhhhh i should just write that chaptered naga fic already this is getting ridiculous.
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maxbruiser · 7 months
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I saw other people sending you their sirensonas and ..... you are very cool and I wanted to join in 👁️👁️ she doesn't have a name yet but she's a grey seal
Aww, I think you’re cool too llama 🥹
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Very cool sona, they’re totally Besties now
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heynhay · 1 year
klance but they traded jackets and lance is absolutely clowning on keith’s stupid fucking cropped monstrosity but keith can’t retort because lance’s jacket is so comfortable and it smells like him and and and and—
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you guys are good at this hang on
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mollybeenoel · 2 months
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© Patrícia Ascenso
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koolaidkiller · 1 year
Mermaid Rooms
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naffeclipse · 10 months
I’m cackling at the idea of Eclipse and humpback YN having their own baby but said baby grows bigger than their papa like he’s holding the baby when they’re born and is upset when it gets older and he can’t carry his baby anymore >:(
That's adorable, ahhh!
A baby between an orca siren and a humpback siren would have a lovely mix of traits from both parents--the baby is bigger than orca siren young but smaller than humpback siren young, so the kid isn't too huge, but still an impressive weight to Eclipse! You would fret over the baby's 'small' size but between the two of you, you both ensure the infant has more than enough food to grow big and strong.
Eclipse loves being a father. He's holding the baby in his arms and cooing and singing sweet lullabies. He just can't believe this little pearl is gonna grow up so big one day but for now, he'll hold his kid as close as he can, when he's not adoring how sweetly you cradle the child (our baby.)
Eclipse is still gonna hold his (not so small) baby even after the years go by, but he does miss when he could cradle the kid.
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fattributes · 2 months
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Balkan Šopska Salata
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shego1142 · 2 months
At this point and up until the elections are over and the results are announced
I think that we should just call a spade a spade.
Anyone and everyone who is neigh-saying Kamala?
They're a Trump supporter.
Anyone and everyone who is a centrist, a "let's see both sides of things right now" type of person?
Trump supporter.
Anyone calling for people to "vote third party" right now?
Trump supporters.
Anyone calling for people to "just not vote" ?
Those are Trump supporters.
Because there are two really hard to swallow facts you need to hear:
#1.) This is, without a doubt, going to be the most important and instrumental election in American history.
#2.) Like it or not, the American Political System is a two party race. It wasn't supposed to be, sure.
But for right now it is. There's no ifs and or buts about it. The system is set up so that a third party candidate cannot win.
Every single vote that isn't counted for Kamala is a vote for Trump.
I don't care how leftist, or how progressive you think you are, if you're not willing to vote for Kamala then you're a Trump supporter.
If you are not loudly rallying behind and supporting Kamala, who is very likely our one and only chance of hope and progress, then you should either be quiet about it or else you are a Trump supporter.
If you're not willing to be an active participant in our society with how it works right now, then sit down and shut up and don't complain about anything.
If you think that they’re both equally bad then you must be privileged enough to feel safe in Trump’s America.
It’s a privilege for you to even consider voting third party or to consider throwing your vote away and not using it. It’s entitlement.
You feel safe saying that they’re the same.
But for us poor people, us queer and trans people, us disabled people, and for people of colour, for Palestinians and Ukrainians, and so so many more people, Trump’s America would not be safe.
Kamala could be our only chance at preserving our democracy and if you're not supporting her just for the sake of your own selfish performative white knighting about your "morals" trying to make yourself look good?
Then the only person you're benefiting is Trump.
So you're a Trump supporter.
If being called that doesn't feel good to you then maybe analyse why that is.
If being called a Trump supporter makes you upset, stop doing things that support him.
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I wonder… Zoo Siren AU but reversed? MC is the siren stuck in the zoo and the skeletons are the workers? How would that work out? 🤔
owHOOPS tripped and fell in love with the pretty local siren girl
Sans: He's a researcher studying siren communications. When the local aquarium offers for him to interact regularly with their resident siren for his research, he's delighted, and jumps at the chance. She's initially very hostile toward him but nothing can cool his absolute fascination with such a beautiful apex predator- he wears her down with his consistency, always visiting and giving her snacks and talking with her. He also wears her down with his obvious admiration and delight... it's hard to hate someone, when they think everything about you is perfect and worth its own individual peer-reviewed paper. She often finds herself blushing at his clear googoo eyes.
Over time, they do build a genuine connection. And Sans feels that. He's always visiting, and he's making great progress with his research. But... he starts to realise that he isn't even paying that much attention to his research anymore. A lot of his growing obsession with his field... well. It boils down to an obsession with her.
Red: He's her 'trainer' technically, but he dislikes the word. He's the one who spends the most time in the tank with her, his job description is pretty much just to make her do tricks for the crowd but he goes out of his way to try and keep her entertained and mentally stimulated, with tank games and complicated routines they can perform together underwater. If anyone else tried to get her to do 'tricks' she'd bite their hands off, but she allows it with Red, because he makes it really fun. She still does bite him every now and then- but it's much more playful. Much more flirty. Red seems chill... but secretly, he fucking hates the idea of anyone else being in the tank with her, because everyone else seems to treat her like a performing monkey.
She may have a little bit of a crush on him. He's always so confident, and he's always spending time with her. His teeth remind her of a big shark- a big predator, just like her. She trusts him.
Skull: He's in charge of her feeding schedule and health. Something of a vet and a chef, he makes sure she's healthy, stable, regularly eating nutritious food to keep her safe. She likes him a lot and not just because he's always bringing food- at first he was intimidating, but nobody can resist the Skull Rizz and she grew to consider him a close companion. She likes that he lets her gnaw on his hands... she also likes that if she offers to share some of her food with him he'll literally eat it on the spot. She admires the intense dedication- no one else will eat raw fish like him.
He'll sit on the edge of her pool, and she'll come spend time with him. Most siren doctors who try to give her checkups end up losing a few knuckles here and there, but Skull can simply hold out his hand and she'll let him examine wherever he needs to. He feels deeply responsible for her safety and health.
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
You're in Gotham. A bunch of petty robbers are holding up the bank. You're huddled under the counter, sipping the iced coffee your work bestie had brought you.
You're in Gotham. The subway tunnel just blew up. The conductor cracks jokes as he takes you through the detour and you share your jacket with the woman next to you.
You're in Gotham. Carnivorous plants cover the road leading to the dentist's office. You glance at the car next to you and see a puppy sticking its head out the window.
You're in Gotham. The wind carries a cloud of deadly toxins downtown. You're baking chocolate chip cookies while your kids play in the living room.
You're in Gotham. Classes are delayed because of an extraterrestrial threat. You take the extra time in the morning to chat with your neighbor about the upcoming holiday.
You're in Gotham. The Wayne family is plastered all over the tabloids again. Your dad turns the page and asks you for a seven-letter word describing fruits and vegetables.
You're in Gotham. Except you're not. You're in London and you're waiting to pick your sister up from school. You're in Manila and your cat just had kittens. You're in Lagos and your brothers are helping you move into your new apartment. You're in São Paulo and your crush just texted you back. You're in Istanbul and you just discovered your new favorite sandwich. You're in Mumbai and your cousin calls you to fangirl over a band. You're in Sydney and you just got your driver's license. You're in Boston and you're writing this because it's what you need in this moment.
You're at the end of the post. You realize it was never about comics at all.
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smokbeast · 9 months
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Spitballs another ref complete, soma!! She is the one I ship mainly with fang in Regular undertale setting and in her Canon og setting with Makoto. Shes just a lovely lil siren out to have a good time :D and she love her hubband and wife allot.
About soma below!
- she's a fire demon/siren hybrid. She's not meant to look like that for a siren. So she's considered "ugly" to siren standards and thata why her had is broken, sirens tried to bash her head when she was a baby to kill her, thinking she was a bad omen.
- she can turn ablaze like fire, and spit oil like ink that increases the intensity of it to a point that she can make fire happen underwater and it is difficult to put out. If she inks, and sets it ablaze. Consider that an explosion waiting to happen.
- Soma doesn't like using her fire powers as they hurt her allot due to her sensitive skin, her hybrid powers sadly are not stable.
- she used to have horns! But those opened cracks on her cranium are the result of them being gone :,)
- her father is the king of firedemons, and she has no idea what that even means LMAO
-Soma was raised by Orca sirens, hence her mimicing their colors. She can click and whistle like an Orca and dolphin and does this frequently to lure dolphins to kill and eat them.
- she is extremely aggressive to male sirens and prefers they stay away due to past experiences, unless they show an ounce of kindness to her. She will take that as mate worthy and try to court with them (the mistake fang did.). However she has a immense curiosity of the land beasts and humans, finding them very interesting.
-Soma is really clingy and sweet once she's out of her shell. She does like making friends and will do her best to learn their mannerisms to not make them uncomfortable! She knows her customs are different to those on land.
-her tentacles can shift to legs when she's on land, she's a little wobbly but it works PFNG
-Soma has a beak like teeth and three tongues. Her venom is similar to that of a blue ringed octopus but multiplied to her size, she can take down even the largest sirens with it and tear their throats or stomachs open with her mouth. She's genuinly horrifying and WILL make example of someone that tries to hurt her partners or babies
-Soma has two babies with makoto and fang! But in undertale au, it's only one baby with fang.
-in undertale au, soma is simply a siren monster that lives in the surface, most stories where she meets folks is because they either went to the surface or she accidentally fell to the underground through a stream that led her there.
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distant-screaming · 21 days
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this line by antinous compared with the fact that although odysseus has done everything right (gone to war, kept his men safe, won) he still doesn't get to go home for years on end? this line compared to 'the line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible'?? yeah I'm like okay and feel normal about this overall (lie)
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zer0expektation · 11 days
I really really don't go out of the way to learn about bts stuff in supernatural so I have no idea if this is actually a thing, but I guarantee, GUARANTEE, that in the episode Sex & Violence, season 4 episode 14, when they were originally writing the episode the monster of the week was a succubus but once they got to the whole Sam and Dean drama of the episode they were like "hmm maybe it doesn't really fit to have this whole thing happen with a Sex demon... Oh I Know!" and they just changed the name of the monster to siren and changed exactly Nothing else in the script
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