#siren’s song au
kojitheopossum · 19 days
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Read the prologue here !!
Meet the employees of the Siren's Song aquarium!
Some background information, the world in this au is mainly the same except the existence and normality of many mythological creatures. For aquariums in particular, similarity to how a Great White display is more popular than a dogfish one, the larger and more dangerous the beast, the better the exhibit does. The aquarium bdubs works at in particular is well known for the fact they house the largest leviathan in captivity.
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khytal · 11 months
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(siren au) 2nd encounter
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
i have been unmedicated for the entirety of spring break and thus have had little interest in writing this down, but i have been thinking about this for the entire week (as well as a dpdc clone danny au that resulted in it becoming its entirely separate batman au that includes a teenage vigilante bruce wayne, an ocarina, and me entirely incapable of making a batman au without making bruce dirt poor but we're not talking about that) and so i've finally went 'fuck it' and forcibly grabbed my laptop. I will get this done in one sitting even if it kills me.
BUT. This is about neither clone^2 danny nor about who i am calling Ocarina Batman. This is about my Danyal Al Ghul Au and more SPECIFICALLY it's me thinking about his relationship with Sam and Tucker specifically.
Tucker and Sam? Adore this asshole (affectionate) with every fiber of their being. And it is very much a reciprocated feeling, but Danny's thoughts will not be delved into much other than he would kill for them.
Tucker? The only person currently capable of getting a deep, loud, belly laugh out of Danny. Sam can get him to smile and to laugh, but it's the kind that's a chuckle-under-the-breath. The quiet, looks-down-while-huffing laughter. Snorts once with laughter and then grins stupidly.
But Tucker? Tucker can crack a slew of stupid jokes and Danny will be incapacitated for the next five minutes because he's laughing so hard that he can't breath. He lands one well-timed pun or quip and Danny will be close to tears. His laughter is their favorite sound in the whole world.
Sam is lowkey jealous of this ability, and she's gotten a belly laugh out of Danny a few times. But alas, it is Tucker who wields this power and has gotten it the most times out of the two of them.
They're also both physically affectionate with Danny as much as possible. It started roughly around when they were 12-ish, a year since they befriended Danny, and they noticed that he sought after touch but never seemed to initiate (and was in some ways repulsed by it). They started slowly being more touchy with him. Hooking a finger around his to lead him somewhere, tapping his wrist, looping arms. Little touches, grabs, etc, to get him used to it, and once he started doing it back they started increasing it.
It's gotten to a point where he will now just. Lay on them. Like a lizard sunbathing on a rock. Leaning on their backs when they're sitting in class before the bell rings, his chin on their heads. He'll talk about anything with his arms looped around their shoulders.
If they're sitting on a couch at either of their houses, he'll lay his legs on theirs. Him and Tucker will press their feet against the other's and try and push against them (newsflash: Danny always wins, Tucker claims its the ghost strength but Danny's been winning since before his accident)
Naturally, both Sam and Tucker know where Danny keeps his weapons on his person, and are allowed to grab them off of him if they need it. His only requirement is that they don't lose his weapons if they take it and forget to return it immediately.
They both understand how big of a thing this is from Danny, and so they do their best to treat his weapons with a lot of respect and care because they know its his way of saying he trusts them.
Sam and Tucker are so fond of Danny it's insane. Like fr. That's their goddamn best friend, and they are so protective of him. Emotionally, physically, you name it. They will tear the head off a grown man if they need to, Danny's had scars since he arrived in Amity Park and Sam and Tucker both are going to find the person who put them there and make them pay for it.
One time, Tucker overheard a bunch of upperclass girls speaking nastily about Danny and about the rumors surrounding him, calling him names like 'freak', 'monster', etc. Danny was with him and heard it, and seemingly appeared unbothered by it, even telling Tucker that he was used to such rumors.
Tucker was so furious that hacked into the school system later that night and tanked those girls grades. They were kicked out of their clubs and had to go to mandatory tutoring for the rest of the year. He made sure to leave some way of letting them know it was him who did it.
And Sam doesn't like using her money for things, doesn't like abusing that wealth. So instead, whenever her parents talk bad about Danny, she causes a media incident that has her parents scrambling to deal with. She does something wild, outrageous by her parents' standards.
She heard some boys on the basketball team making fun of Danny once, similar to those girls had. She kicks up a fuss about something eco-unfriendly at school and forcibly holds a protest on the same day of the big home basketball game, forcing them to cancel the event and reschedule to a visiting school.
She anonymously donates money so that there's new uniforms for the team but oops! Looks like she "forgot" to donate enough money for them to get uniforms for all the team members, and strangely enough those boys in particular didn't get them! Looks like they'll have to wait until more money gets donated for the basketball team to get their new, nice uniforms. The old ones look so ratty in comparison, right?
And since the football team gets most of the sport money, that might just take awhile. And if (and when) they kick up a fuss? oops! Off the basketball team you go, :) such unsportsman-like behavior is unfit for the team.
(The only good thing about how corrupt the school system is is that she can use it to her advantage too.)
The both of them know that Danny suspects them for the sudden misfortune falling on these people, but he doesn't call them out on it. He's kinder than he used to be, but not kind enough to vouch for people who speak badly of him. Sometimes, he might just congratulate them on not getting caught.
Because Danny is their wonderful, hurt friend with a "slightly" Blue and Orange Moral code, and enough scars that people have been calling him a criminal (and worse) since he arrived in Amity Park when he was ten. And they'll be damned if he gets hurt anymore.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#danyal al ghul#its kinda hard to get my thoughts in order bc i am ✨unmedicated✨ rn BUT#this is the gist of it#i could wax poetic about how much sam and tucker adore danny as their friend but alas. the wax is not waxing. it is stuck to the paper#and i am chipping it off with my nail and its getting stuck under it.#ocarina batman has been in my head since friday someone come sedate me. him and pit fighter batman too. who is ALSO a piss poor teenage#bruce wayne who instead of a vigilante and villains is a PIT FIGHTER. he fights blindfolded thats why he's called the bat#ocarina batman's Look is if you combined punk + assassins creed aesthetic together and then gave it an ocarina#the ocarina is because i thought it'd be cool if its how he and robin communicated across long distances bc they didnt have comms#because they are ✨poor✨ and live in a one room apartment in crime alley.#and also the mental image of him sitting on. rooftop ledge in the rain playing 'song of storms' from LoZ was too fantastic to ignore#like bro imagine hearing that as a criminal. you're off doing shady shit with your gang and in the distance you hear the faint and#haunting melody of an ocarina. two of them in a call and response duet. and its getting closer. and you cannot find where#siren type shit fr fr#look he has the assassins creed hood and a long ass coat that has spikes on the end that when flared out looks like the silhouette of a bat#on fucking GOD i am this 👌 close to finding an artist doing commissions to make this for me. i am frothing at the mouth#he is 17-19 years old with his little brother-son Robin. Logically Robin is Dick but in my heart of hearts the first Robin is Jason#and he has perfected the art of getting his older brother to play songs on the pan flute for him. long pitchy whine on his own ocarina#the familiar childlike 'pleeeaaaaaaase?' and he knows he's won when there is a 10s silence on the other end before his brother plays#a lullaby.#look up 'sailor moon - pan flute (relaxing) on youtube' and when there's the thumbnail of two green skinned aliens with long blue and pink#hair. click on it. THAT is the song Bruce plays.#hhhhhhhhhhh frothing at the mouth over this au sooo fucking badly
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son1c · 1 year
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sonic isn’t keen on being underwater, and bermuda isn’t keen on dealing with sonic’s hydrophobia. so, when the respirators aren’t enough to set sonic’s mind at ease, bermuda takes desperate measures-- he sings to him.
this song isn’t like the rest, though... this time, it’s a soothing melody.
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thenookspace · 8 months
God fucking damnit I misread sith Obi-wan as siren Obi-wan ONCE and now I have THOUGHTS about small town siren Obi-wan disguising himself as an eccentric music tutor/boardwalk busker to explore the ~human world~
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yuyubeans · 1 month
the monster
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pairing: siren!hwa
genre: gore??
wc: I actually hate that I include this tbh
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as the moonlight danced on your soft skin, your eyes scanning over the empty beach, a haunting melody slowly filled your ears, your heart racing as you heard seonghwas enchanting voice, a siren with beauty as captivating as his voice, your head slowly downing in his song, walking towards him, into the sea, oblivious to the danger that awaited you.
each step, growing more alluring, fully enveloping your senses, mind clouded with desire, holding a strong need for him to touch your body and to be enveloped by the embrace of his arms, unaware of what lurked beneath the waves.
With each step, his voice became more alluring, depriving air from your senses, eyes and mind clouded with desire, you longed for him to touch your now heaving body, or even just to be enveloped in his sweet embrace, unaware of the certain death that lurked beneath the surface.
as you neared the edge of the crashing waves, seonghwa emerged from the water, his eyes gleaming, entranced by his gaze, you felt a pull stronger than any normal force, drawing you closer to the edge of death.
whispering sweet promises in your ear, as he gently kisses your neck, he extended his hand, his touch freezing cold, unable to resist, you reached out to grasp his delicate fingers, surrendering yourself to him embrace.
But as your hands touched, a sudden realization dawned upon you, breaking the spell of his enchantment. With a sudden cry of horror, that no one would ever hear, you pulled away, suddenly understanding what had awaited those you if you fell under his spell.
but it was too late, grabbing your arm, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your neck again, you slowly become more weak as pulled you into the ocean waves, what could he say? it was his destiny after all
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a/n: siren hwa it's official!!!
© yuyubeans 2024
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solarrush · 2 years
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Woe, fish be upon thee
--> do not repost
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oceansssblue · 2 months
I love Mermay! May I request a mer!reader x Sailor/Pirate!Fives? The reader is a siren and is technically supposed to be luring Fives and his friends to their deaths, but ends up not doing so after getting into a convo with him. When someone (Palpatine, Fox, random guy, whoever you want) does try to kill Fives, the reader is able to save him. Happy ending please!
Hi there! Yay! As I have said before, I will be writing all my requests, but MERMAY! requests have priority over others even though they have been requested on a later note!
Dear anon, ty for the request! We're def going for a "cruel" badass siren that will be to her surprise captivated with our charming pirate Fives. Palpatine is obviously the bad guy.
I don't know much about sailing and i'm trying to do a past era alternative universe thing, so ignore any incongruences and that.
I hope you like it!
"Being friends with the Captain doesn't allow you to lounge around, Fives" a voice almost identical to his teases him at his back.
The man in question turns around and grins. Echo has a half-fond, half-exasperated tiny little smile on his face. He's dressed in a similar way to him; thin linnen shirt with a deep opened v-neck and rolled up-pants, just in different tones of blue.
"Actually, it allows me to do exactly that" Fives retorts cheekily. Before Echo has a chance to put him into place, always the responsible of the two twins, he adds. "And I'll let you know lounging is a very important task on the "79's".
Echo arches an eyebrow. He crosses his arms in front of his chest; his hook just grazing the still pale skin of his left peck. Too much time spent trapped away from the sun.
"Is that so?" His brother humours him. The sun is hovering right upon them, bringing darker shades on Echo's already angular face. He's slowly filling out a bit, though, and for that Fives is glad. "How does that work, exactly?"
Fives tilts his head to the side. Echo always thought one of his twin's radiant smiles could iluminate any ship at the darkest of nights. That's the way he could eventually find the way back home, back to the 79's; Fives.
"Keeping a good mood is crutial to a ship's crew" his twin continues, going on one of his tangents. "It makes everyone work better, faster. Reduces fatigue and dangerous thoughts like plotting a mutiny".
Sometimes Echo wonders if Fives has all of this little stupid dialogues planned in his head just because, waiting for their chance to come up. The silliness of his twin's mind never ceases to surprise him; even after so many years of living together travelling through the seven seas.
"Like any of us would ever plot something of the sorts against Rex" Echo rolls his eyes, amused.
Fives shrugs, big smile still in his tanned face. They used to look so similar, Fives and him, before the accident. Now there are just... resemblances. Similarities. Probably the thing he hates the most about what happened –besides loosing his limbs–; how they had visually differentiated him so much of his twin, of his other half. For all Fives could be tiring and obnoxious, Echo knows he couldn't live without him. Even though getting used to his new body has been incredibly hard, he's glad for this second chance with him.
"I dunno' " Fives voice quickly brings him back to present time. He mimicks something dropping onto his head with his hands. "I think I'd look great with Captain Rex's hat".
Fives imitates the Captain's fierce expression and seriousness, still holding onto his imaginary pirate hat; and Echo can't keep the chuckles inside.
"You're a jokester, Fives".
His twin grins again.
"Don't make me repeat why that's important, now".
Echo smiles. Softly, this time.
Around them, at this time of the early afternoon, right after lunch, the crew of the 79' is surprisingly quiet and calm. The sea is peaceful today as well; nothing like the day before or the previous night. They're delving into dangerous waters, now. Places that don't quite appear on the map.
"What were you doing here anyways, all alone?" Echo asks.
Fives hums distractedly and glances in front of him again, at the sea; one leg staying inside the ship and the other dangling over board. The two of them have always been a little reckless like that; specially Fives.
"Thought I heard something" he whispers, then turns back to his twin again. His eyes suddenly look innocently young again, and his twin is suddenly reminded of past memories, of the two of them enlisting in the 79' when they were barely kids. "Do you think sirens really exist, brother?"
Echo sighs. They have all heard stories; but no one on board has ever personally seen one. He doesn't really know what to believe; could they be truly real, or are they just stories invented by lonely men that live by the sea?
"I don't know, Fives" he answers, going for honesty.
Fives hums, scanning the waters again; looking for something it's not quite there.
"If they do, do you think they're truly evil, like the stories tell?"
Echo stays quiet for some minutes. Then, he glances down at his hook; at the wood that replaces his legs. The skin that stays in contact with them feels sore and pained; he really should get some rest. He sighs, tired.
"I don't think so. If they do exist, and they do have something against us, I guess they'd just want to kill us directly, eliminate what they consider a danger and threat for their waters" he pauses and breathes in deeply. "I don't think they'd slowly torture us like humans do. We're the cruelest beings on land or not".
Fives golden eyes silently travel back to Echo's. He reads between the lines. He understands his point.
"You're probably right" he quietly answers, the moment unexpectedly delicate now. He shakes his head and smiles. Softer, gentle, now. "Come on. Let's go shut some eye".
Fives stands up with renewed energy, abandoning heavy feelings behind; and pats Echo's back affectionately. His twin nods knowingly, and follows him through the ship. Even though it doesn't mean he doesn't feel just as deeply –Maker knows he does–, Fives has never been one to hold up emotional conversations for too much time. They weigh heavy in his heart.
Echo takes his space on the thin cot –if you could call a bunch of old shredded clothes and blankets pushed together that– beside him and closes his eyes. Both of them, that night, dream of sirens and mermaids and all those stories the sailors spread around. They aren't aware how close they are to see some of those stories become alive.
You've been following them for two days now. Your job is to patrol the very limits of your world with the human's sea; and you were instantly alerted of their presence when they arrived, that enourmous ship of them difficult to miss.
It's not the biggest one you've seen. You had a fight with another one once, years ago; it's wood almost a dark black and it's sails a vibrant red. You still remember its name; Death Star. An aproppiate name for such an evil captain, such an evil ship. That fight was the main reason you had been assigned to keep all humans out of this waters; they just take and take, leaving nothing but destruction behind. You're not about to lose anyone else; not to the unforgiving, beautiful, yet terrifying sea, and definitively not to one of them.
This humans don't really seem to be looking for anything in particular. You had waited patiently, trying to find out their needs and wants; but reached no logical conclusion. They just seem to be... Wandering. Exploring. Ah, perhaps they're the curious ones. Many humans seem to be, just in the way young sirens are in their first years; wanting to swim through every single corner of the sea. See the world with their own eyes, and not through what elders tell them. You had been like that as well, in the past.
Mm. No matter. You're not putting the lifes of your people at risk just because these ones are looking fairly innocent. You know how quickly the tide can change directions, how surprising and dangerous the currents can be; and you're not going to let yourself be dragged by it. You'll do what you have to do; observe, wait patiently, and at night, lure them in. Your tongue wraps delicately around your sharp canines, excitement running through your veins.
You swim deeper into the sea below the ship. You almost feel impatient to play with them.
You curse under your breath, quickly hiding underwater when he almost catches sight of you while scanning the sea. You've seen this particular human before; often staring at the water or the horizon, a contemplative look on his face. He's a dreamer, this one; sometimes looking younger than you suppose he really is, others quickly snapping back to reality and jumping to his work with surprising skill. He's handsome as humans go; bronze skin looking smooth under the unforgiving sun and trained muscles peaking under his semi-transparent shirt. He has a strong jaw and nose, expressive eyebrows and golden eyes; a trait that somehow seems common with his fellow soldiers, maybe sharing the same origin, perhaps even some of them being family.
Watching him carefully under the distortion of the dark blue water, you're developed hearing catch a second voice entering the scene; and the human turns around in his precarious position on the border of the ship. This one is named "79's". It must be a reference to something you can't quite place; or perhaps a year of relevance to them.
Human tongue is quite easy to learn, contrary to your native Mando'a; so you have no trouble following the conversation even underwater. Both men hold affection clear in their voice; indicating a closer kind of relationship than two normal sailors on the same ship would have. The second voice sounds more mature to you; perhaps simply because this first human –Fives, you learn, what a curious name for a person– doesn't seem to take life very seriously. But then his voice drops, quietly asking something that makes your heart beat faster inside your chest; if your people are real.
It's a common thing to ponder between sailors. Humans like the tingling excitement of being a bit afraid; of imagining situations that may never end up happening in their heads. But no, this one doesn't sound at all afraid; just curious, cautious. When he asks his brother –you confirm– if he thinks stories about sirens are real, of what they do to humans, anger spreads like a fire inside of you. Oh, yes, because they don't do anything of the sorts to other creatures on this earth. The second voice –Echo's– answers in a quiet, delicate way; and you have to swim closer to surface just to take a look at him. You suddenly put things together; something horribly traumatic must have happened to his human, for him to look like that. You can't imagine living without your tail. It saddens you, inevitably; he's still handsome even like this, he would have been even prettier without his injuries. He would look like... Fives.
You blink, a bit confused at the direction of your own thoughts. Fives own voice tinges with understanding and fondness. He pats his brother affectionately, and then forgets about the sea; both of them quietly retiring for now, their steps echoing against the wood as they wook away.
You're left with a weird feeling inside of you. This two seemed... Kind. It isn't a word you usually associate with humans; but here you are.
You shake your head, mumbling to yourself. You won't let them fool you. Humans still carry all that darkness inside of them; that evil. You want none of that in your home, your sea.
Tomorrow, you say to yourself.
Fives smiles fondly at the sight of little 'Soka staring at the full moon in front of them. It's as big as they've ever seen it; very close to the sea, iluminating a silvery path towards the 79's in the otherwise dark night.
Ashoka is pure energy. The girl is hiperactive even at hours like this, were most of the crew has already gone to sleep; too excited to lay still in bed in the cabin she shares with Rex. The Captain of the 79's had adopted her many years ago, accepted her in his ship with a blink of an eye after finding out Ashoka had been abandoned in land by Captain Windu no less –an ex-friend and current enemy of Rex–; the small girl quickly falling under his wing like his own daughter. Fives can't understand how anyone could leave behind a kid like that; Ashoka is the only girl aboard, but she is like their own personal ray of sunlight. Hope. She's a special kid; has a perfect eye on when to pursue their enemies and when to abandon or change routes, an innate pirate even as young as she is. Fives can only try to imagine what things she would be able to do with more age and experience.
For now, though, 'Soka's just a kid. And kids do silly things; like playfully sticking out her tongue and precariously balancing her steps in the baupress of the 79's. Fives rolles his eyes good-naturatedly. He isn't too hard on the kid; he had been fearless and oblivious to danger once too. Hell, he still is, sometimes. It's just his way of being; free. He doesn't want to die by Rex hands if something happened to her, though, so he motions down with a flick of his hand.
"Get your feet down here, m' lady" he jokes, then extends his hand to hers in a courteous offer.
'Soka laughs, a sound that echoes softly in the silence of the night.
"Mm. I don't know if I shall accept such proposition, good sir" she answers, standing up in the thin baupress as if it is nothing.
Her dark black hair, looking almost blue, flies freely with the wind even with her white bandana wrapped around it. Her skin is as tanned as his, freckles tracing the outlines of the white scars that mark her otherwise perfect face. Like Fives and Echo, she has basically grown up on a moving ship.
"I'd like to keep my head, my lady, if you'd be so kind to help me" Fives insists, eyes turning to a gentle warning.
Ashoka rolls her big blue eyes.
"Okay..." she grumbles, then, abandoning the theatricality.
She turns her direction with flowless agility and starts her careful way back to him.
The ship rocks dangerously in the water –the sea not completely peaceful today–, and Ashoka stops in surprise and fear, holding her balance as best as she can. Fives also holds his breath. The 79's stops moving and they both sigh in relief, staring at each other well aware of the risks.
The girl chuckles nervously.
"Welp, that was a close one." She guiltily admits, restarting her way towards him. "I keep forgetting this waters are dangerous and not exactly what we're used to, huh?"
Fives doesn't tear his eyes from her.
"Yeah" he agrees. "Maybe you should leave your acrobatics for when we're back on the GAR sea..."
Big, angry waves splashes against the botton of the ship again; a sudden move that disestabilises Ashoka for a second time. It all happens too fast; the girl's right feet steps just on the edge of the baupress, losing balance, and her weight leans too much over one side with a terrified gasp. By the time Fives has rushed forward in a desperate attempt to catch her hand, Ashoka has already been devoured by the dark see with a dooming splash.
You smirk darkly when the sound of a body hitting the surface of the water is transmitted under the waves. You almost want to laugh at the way the small human desperately moves his legs to try to stay afloat; the sea isn't looking good for creatures without fins tonight, and it is obvious that this female doesn't even know how to properly swim even in calm circumstances. Maybe it's just because she's small, you're not sure.
You strike at her –harshly tugging her leg down and sinking her under the surface– right when another body drops into the sea. You snarl, irritated by the interuption, and turn around, scanning the water around you. Just five or six meters away, there he is; the human named Fives, the dreamer, the one who almost discovered you ahead of time.
This one does now how to swim. Even though his eyes are clearly pannicked, searching for her fellow human companion among the darkness of the black waves, his legs calmly move just enough to keep him afloat; conserving very much needed energy. His clothes are stuck to his body; both humans look so utterly small in the openness of the water...
The small female human screams, terrified, still not grasping her new reality; and the man shouts her name in a hoarse voice, squinting and desperately trying to find her. The girl goes to shout again; and your clawed hand quickly reaches up to close around her throat –not to really cut her breathing of, but as a warning–. You're not known for your patience, and you really can't stand creatures screeching.
Fives golden eyes, still having a shine to them with the moonlight, finally turns to your direction; and his whole face morphs into wonder, fear and shock, quickly taking in your claws and sharp teeth, the gills on the side of your neck and the dangerous swoosh of the powerful tail behind you. The small girl trembles in your strong arms; you glance down at her, bored but curious at the same time. She really is the smallest human you have crossed pass with. Are those marks that shine white on her face scars?
"Please" Fives voice barely picks up with the sounds of the waves and the wind. "You don't want to hurt her".
His words and his firm stare stuns you for a second. Then, you laugh out loud, the sound being carried away by the howling wind.
You haven't used the human tongue for so long... Since that fight. You'd be kind to humour this human for now. Perhaps getting to know them for a bit before eliminating them would help you understand them better and kill them easier in the future. For as small as humans are, they do make interesting big weapons.
"Don't I?" You smirk, tongue wrapping teasingly around your rigth canine. You caress the girl's hair with the hand that is not carefully holding her against her throat. You push your nose up to her neck and smell; then tilt your face back to the male. "Mm. Perhaps not hurt her. Just quickly kill her, no pain".
Fives trembles in the cold of the sea. The girl too. You grin.
"Why?" Is his pained answer. He's trying to remain calm, you can see that, even if his insides live in complete turmoil. "To eat her?"
You make a face.
"No. Human is not my favorite kind of dish" you inmediately answer, then shrug desinterested. "You kill us, I kill you first. It's the sea's law, sailor".
Fives frowns.
"We kill you? I didn't even know you truly existed until now" he points out.
Ah, humans are such natural spokesperson. Always finding an argument no matter their cause.
"You're people" you correct, drawing a claw down the girls face, not enough to draw blood from it, just a distracted caress.
Fives face... Pouts.
"That's pretty unfair, if I may say so. You can't blame a whole species in the name of a few".
You let your gaze find his eyes again. He's so determined it's entertaining to watch.
"You claim you're different?" You ask, observing him.
He nods.
You can see the fatigue starting to creep onto him. You're holding the freezing girl with your own strength, but he's on his own. You wonder how much longer would he be able to stay afloat. Maybe you should just wait and watch him sink.
"See those scars on Ashoka's face?" His words pull your attention back at her white marks. She tries to stay still while you study her. "They were made by bad people. Cruel humans. My brother Echo suffered by others as well. And yet here we are. I love Ashoka as if she were my own sister. I love my twin. I'd do everything to protect them. I don't want to cause pain to them".
You huf.
"That's easy. No one wants to hurt people that are dear to them. What about other's that aren't? Would you care?"
Fives is stubborn. You'll give him that.
"I wouldn't purposedly hurt others for the sake of doing so. Or if there's any other way. Look, there... Must be some bad sirens too. People who just enjoy killing and hunting indefense creatures just because they feel joy watching them suffer; not a matter of protecting their home or territory. And there must be good ones" he breathes raggedly. "It's the same with humans. There is evil and kindness in every living being. If you'd only gave us a chance, you'd be able to see it".
You hum. He makes a point. The excitement melts down. Your curiosity doesn't. Are all humans this interesting?
"What is your Captain looking for in this waters, Fives?"
His mouth opens in surprise.
"Know you?" You chuckle, moving your tail slowly. "Mm. I've been studying you for days, I know some things. The answer, sailor?"
Fives forces himself to push through his shock and confussion to answer you.
"We've been paid handsomely to explore this part of the Unkown Seas. We have a cartographer aboard, he's been working nonstop since we crossed the GAR frontier."
You hum, recalling those maps the humans use to sail the seas without getting too lost of their way.
"So there's nothing you want from us?" You insist.
To your shock, Fives smiles; a small, almost cheeky tug of lips.
"Well, I do have a lot of questions about sirens now that I've seen you, but no, not really. Like I said, we didn't even know you truly existed. We just want to make our trip and return to land safely".
You observe him in silence. You feel the girls energy draining too; blinking heavily.
"Mm" you hum, pushing her against his arms in a second. Fives stares at you, wide eyed, not expecting you to move that fast. "You can call for your human friends to help, sailor. I've decided I will just keep an eye on your ship for now".
Then, before Fives has the chance to answer, you tear your hands away from the girl and dissapear under the sea.
Fives receives the reprimand of his life at Rex's personal delivery. He's task with leaving the ship shiny up and down; Ashoka also punished along him. If there's something the Captain of the 79's doesn't show, it's mercy. Oh, he's polite and gentle enough, if the situation calls for it; but he doesn't let things slip by. He's always aware, always scanning his crew with his amber eyes; and even though both 'Soka and Fives had tried to make the incident sound less of a danger, just an unimportant accident, there's really no way going around the fact that they had had a very close, dangerous encounter with a Siren.
Rex doesn't believe them at first. But then he sees the light marks on Ashoka's neck; there's nothing deep or worrying, but they're definitely shaped like some kind of claws, and he know's his fair number of fish and sharks to know they can't have done anything of the sort. Fives is guilty, yes, but he seems honest when he retells the experience. Ashoka too, a pleading look of forgiveness in her big blue eyes. Rex has no other option than to accept the story as truth.
Everyone on board of the 79's has the chance to see said siren with their own eyes a pair of days later. It's at night, so no one really sees her for quite some time; til Ashoka suddenly gasps and points out towards the see with wonder –and a sliver of fear– in her eyes. Rex quickly squints and stares in surprise. Well, that's a siren all right. The Captain and his men only have time to observe her for a minute before she smirks and plunges down into the water, her tail a silent goodbye.
Fives grins and elbows Echo.
"See? What a stalker. I think she likes me" he jokes, and Echo rolls his eyes pushing him with an exasperated smile.
"Morning, dear siren" Fives greets you, carefully using the ropes to lower himself with his feet against the outside of the ship's structure, still on his shining the 79's duty. "How has sleep being under there?"
You splash him with your tail in irritation. There's no peace with the sailor around; and he has developed the annoying habit of periodically coming to talk to you.
Fives gasps with the cold water drenching his clothes; but his face quickly morphs from surprise to cheerful amusement.
"Why, thank you. I did notice I had started to smell too" he then smirks and studies your body up and down in a way that makes you as mad as nervous. "Darling, if you just wanted to see me wet, though... There's better ways we can enjoy together."
Even though there's a blush fighting it's way through your face, you keep your expresion neutral and narrow your eyes at him.
"You're the most annoying human I've ever met".
Five grins; as if your words were a personal compliment for him.
"You're magnificent company as well, dear siren" he retorts, unbothered.
You tilt your head, glancing up at him. It's both funny and irritating the way this human talks to you. He should fear you; you could jump up right now and kill him in a blink, and yet he's always like this around you. Curious, awed, and cautious while being impossibly and purposedly irritating as well. You wonder if it's his weird human way of making friends.
Fives reintroduces a wary Ashoka to you. It's only sensitive for her to be cautious; after all, you did have your claws around her neck not so long ago. After Fives' reassurance and a few patient words on your part, though, she quickly leaves the past behind; and watches Fives' careless and friendly interaction with you with bright eyes.
You grow fond of her as the days pass. It surprises you the way the girl seems atuned to other creatures of the sea; smaller ones like rain-fishes and seahorses always curiously coming up to meet her. You've heard of people like her before; humans with a special conection to the sea, with an instinctual understanding of it. Your people believe humans too came from the sea; and some just happen to conserve traits of their real origins more than others. If so, Ashoka is definitively one of them; and perhaps any of these sailors that seem for some reason persistent on spending more time at sea than in true land.
One late afternoon you ask Fives of this; of his will of travelling through the seas. You ask him wether he misses land, other human civilizations and things; but Fives shruggs with a smile. He tells you he likes it here, aboard on the 79's with his brothers, his family; and opens up about his own past as well. You listen to him mesmerised; feeling again like a kid whose being told interesting stories of lands far away.
After Fives finishes his and Echo's story –their misfortune making a strong feeling of protectiveness soar inside of you–, he glances at you with a tilt of his head, suddenly quiet and pensive.
"Plus" he continues, voice barely a whisper. "There's a certain peace you can't find anywhere else but the sea".
Even though his words are carefully soft and his demeanour almost shy –very uncharasteristal of him–, his bright eyes are full of heavy emotions; almost wanting to tell you a story different than what his words tell you. Almost whispering to you there's something more to his words than what they say.
You sink under the surface of the sea so only your eyes are peaking above the waves; needing the comfort of the water to hold his stare, this sudden shift on the atmosphere.
Fives hums, and you take a last look at him before dissapearing under the sea, running away from the human who's starting to make you feel things you haven't –and shouldn't– felt before.
Rutine makes you complacent. You get so relaxed at the knowledge that the 79's is no risk to you or your species you forget to stay vigilant; forget that they're not the only possible danger at the sea.
It happens at night; when your senses are dulled by sleep, your body curled in a tight space between the rocks at the bottom of the sea. Your return to consciousnes is a slow and lazy process. You open your mouth wide before momentarily clenching your teeth; the rest of your body muscles tensing and relaxing as well with your tiny stretch. Your eyes open and you focus on your surroundings; it doesn't feel like you've slept more than a pair of hours, and you usually don't have a problem to shut the eye throughout the whole night. Something must have awaken you subsconciously. You've long learned to trust your instintcs, so you decide to explore the sea around your little safe spot for the night before trying to get some more sleep. Maybe there's a predator around here.
It's when you swim away from the rocks you've hid in when you inmediately notice what's wrong; your too far away from the surface for the water to feel agitated here, but when you glance up, you see the usually dark ocean lit up in orange and red. The inmediate thought of the humans –of Ashoka and Fives– being in danger crosses your mind; and you're swimming up, up, up, before you're able to realise it yourself.
Your head peaks through the surface of the water and you can't help but gasp, eyes widenned in fear. The 79's wrecked. Besides it... So is the Death Star. Both ships have been fighting for who knows how long and you were peacefully asleep. It fills you with a dangerous wave of guilt; and unstopable anger. This is the ship that cost you the live of some of your best friends. This is the reason your people is no longer friendly towards humans; the pain of the past reflected on scars and lost ones. Some part of you is afraid –terrified– of facing said captain and crew again; the other part of you feels ravenous. This is your chance of revenge.
You sink under the water and sing. It's a song every siren child is taught by their elders; a call for help no one ever ignores. Sirens will stop at nothing for their people, their pods. Your voice carries easily through the water; and you hear a distant echo answering you. You know it's only a matter of time your people arrive. You'll help however you can in the mean time.
Your trained eyes and senses zoom in the fight aboard of the 79's. The men of the Death Star are dressed in black, like a bad omen; the colourful splashes belonging to Captain Rex' men. Both ships aren't the only battlefield; some are even fighting in the water, perhaps after pushing each other over board, some swinging their blades on top of smaller life-boats and lost planks of woods. The repair for what's left of both ships would be slow and costly.
You sink under the waves and move fast; jumping and dragging the 79's enemies with you underwater, drowning them or sinking your claws in their vulnerable throats, their screams futile under the water.
You can't see Fives or Ashoka yet; but just as the first of your fellow sirens arrive, you see Palpatine and Rex. They're fighting on the Death Star; blades swinging at each other while they expertly balance on the edge of the ship. You stop right below them and stare intently upwards; trying to catch the Captain's attention.
You do. Rex' eyes flicker downwards; making contact with yours. He quickly goes back to fighting against Captain Palpatine –how such an old man can move that fast you'll never know– and you wait patiently, licking your lips. You know Rex has catched on your idea and you only need to give him some time to bring him to you.
It's not a difficult move. With the knowledge that you'll be there to push him again back to safety and simultaneously kill his enemy, Rex throws his own body weight against Palpatine with all his strength and they both fall into the sea.
You almost see it happening in slow motion, such is your desire to claw your way through him. You're closing your hand around his throat in a blink, as soon as his body crashes against the waves; eyes shining and jaw opening to show your teeth while you push your face close to his. You want him to have a good look at you before you kill him.
"This is for Qui, Plo and Aayla" you tell him, eyes burning in hatred and vengance, his pathetic tugs at your hands only fueling your resolve. "And for those you'll never be able to hurt again".
You don't let him speak his last words. He doesn't deserve it; and he's not going to rat his way out of this. You snarl and sink your sharp teeth in his neck, closing your jaw before vicously pulling back and tearing his throat open mercilessly.
The carcass of his body floats away in the sea.
You turn to Captain Rex, scarlet blood dripping down your chin. He's not scared; but almost proud and relieved as he nods at you. You nod back and quickly help him get to the 79's again, reuniting with your people and organizising the counter-attack.
Once Palpatine is out of the way, the rest of his forces crumbles easily. In a matter of an hour, the few survivors of the Death Star scramble away in the remaning of their ship. You chuckle darkly. You know it's all for the enjoyment of your people; they'll do a slow hunt over the next couple of days, kill them one by one. Take their own personal revenge.
There's a conmotion up on the 79's. Rex is there, and so is Echo and Ashoka, the last two leaning down on the floor next to... Fives.
"What's wrong?" You quickly voice up from your place on the sea. "Is he okay?"
Captain Rex glances down at you worriedly.
"Blade sunk into his liver. He's loosing a lot of blood very quickly" he turns to look back to Echo and Ashoka. His expression saddens. "I... Don't think he has much time left".
Your heart starts beating out of your chest.
Fives, even gravely injured, lets out a wet laugh and jokes about it.
"I always thought you were a tad dramatic, sir".
Echo snaps at him, still squeezing his hand. You understand the sentiment. Now is not the time.
"Shut the fuck up, Fives".
You know he's scared. Everyone is scared. Echo, Ashoka, Fives, Rex... Even yourself. You've never felt this scared.
"B-bring him down" you whisper, then clear your voice and repeat yourself. "Maybe I can do something to help him".
"What can you do to help him?" Echo laughs, the kind of maniac sounding laugh that comes from a place of pure panic and terror from losing a loved one. "You're what, going to sing a song and magically cure him?"
It would be surprising to know that yes, that's...
"Something like that, yeah" you whisper, lost in your own feelings and thoughts.
You feel some of the other sirens splashing and moving their tails underwater hesitantly, wary. Nervously.
"Sister..." the voice of your friend Kid calls you from somewhere at your back.
You glance back at him. You know what he's going to tell you. You take a deep breath.
"I want to do it" you answer him, and everyone else.
They stay in silence, acepting your decission. It's a sacred thing for your species; for all sirens. The air feels heavy with understanding and expectations.
"Bring him down" you ask again, in the quietness of the night, and Rex gently squeezes Echo's shoulder before putting his faith on you and carefully laying Fives down in the last life-boat.
His brothers slowly lower it down til it softly contacts with the surface of the water and the small boat floats peacefully with the small waves. Two sirens quickly move to take a carefull hold of it so it doesn't drift away.
Fives turns his head to the side to look at you; hovering besides the boat with your claws lightly grassping the wood at the sides of it, head peaking over the water just enough to be able to look at him.
"Hey there, gorgeous" he smiles, and such brightness sends another painful dart to your heart. "Here to give me a goodbye kiss?"
Your own smile is wet with tears. It makes you let out a wet chuckle too. You haven't cried in... So many years.
"You should have thought of this strategy before" you decide to indulge him in his joke.
You know he's scared even if he doesn't want it to show. It males your decision easier; to know he's such a good person he doesn't want to make this more difficult for the people that woud be forced to watch him go.
Even though you feel almost eager for it, the need crawling up your throat, you're still afraid yourself. You've only got one chance for this. What if... It doesn't work?
You feel Kid's hand gently dropping on your shoulder, giving you the strength you need for this. You nod to yourself. The rest of the sirens form a circle around you; as tradition tells. They'll make sure nothing interrupts this sacred moment between you and Fives. Your hands tremble as you carefully place them on top of Fives' stomach wound. He makes a whimpered sound of pain and trembles, scared confused eyes quickly searching yours.
You look at him, soft.
"Trust me" you whisper. "And don't stop looking at me".
Fives doesn't understand what's happening, what's going to happen, but relaxes and nods. He can feel the exhaustion creeping in on him, the tempting feeling to close his eyes and surrender to the darkness. He focuses on you with the last of his strength.
You stop holding yourself back and let your voice sing your Song. You have never practiced it before; it's something that simply can't be, as it's not written before the moment arrives without announcement. It's instinctual, as simple and easy as breathing, and yet sounds so magical to all of those who hear it.
The first notes echoes in the silence of the night. It starts very quiet, almost a hum between your pressed lips, that slowly and unhurriesly turns into a whisper full of longing and melancholy. Fives is a human and you're a siren. It's not going to be easy. You have a feeling he won't care.
The Song fills with some softer, happier notes; lively and changing, more rythmical than the soft melody from before. A tiny smile makes it over to your face.
Fives is still looking at you. He wouldn't have been able to tear his eyes from you even if he tried. You're raw magic; raw beauty. And the sounds leaving your lips... He had never listened to anything so breathtaking in his life. He's hooked up in you.
Your gaze turns soft. You see his wound closing and healing by its self with just the corner of your eyes; and a warming relief spreads through your body, along with something sweet and gentle, painfully raw, longing and understanding. It's love.
The Song reflects those feelings; growing quieter as you keep staring into Fives' soul. You feel the notes slowing, your mind and heart finally wrapping around your feelings, accepting them, making them part of your own; and a last hum leaves your lips before the night is silent again, only interrupted by Fives' heavy breathing. Even if the Song is finished, he keeps looking at you like there's nothing else.
"That was beautiful" he whispers, dizziness still numbing his body and mind even if he's completely healed, now. He'll take some time to adjust. "Thank you".
You smile softly.
This is not your ending, Fives. But you need to...
The sailor squeezes his eyes shut. A painful headache stars at the side of his temple. He can barely concentrate in his surroundings now.
"Rest, Fives" you tell him, and he finally falls into unconsciousness almost instantly.
You glance up, noticing the wowed stares of the crew of the 79'.
"What was that?" Ashoka whispers in wonder.
You make Captain Rex a sign to let him now they can pull the small boat back up. You smile at the girl.
"My Song" you answer, misteriously. You glance at Echo, anxiously curved forward as if in a try to reach Fives quicker. You try to soothe his worries before dipping under the waves. "He'll be okay, just needs some hours of rest. I'll come back tomorrow".
With that, you nod to your pod and you slowly swim away. Your soul tries to tug you back towards him, but you comfort yourself thinking you'll be back to talk with him after some very much needed rest.
You feel like a baby Siren again.
"Care to explain to me what kind of voodo magic you did to me to turn me from a corpse to my handsome self again?" is what Fives first chirps at you upon seing you arrive the next morning, him waiting patiently for you in the small boat again, this time a bit further away from the 79's.
You smirk and place your folded arms over the border of the boat, resting your right cheek on top of them.
"I already told Ashoka" you answer playfully. "It's my Song".
Fives snorts and carefully pushes himself closer to you. You track the movement, distracted.
"Yeah, your song" he repeats, squinting and tilting his head in questioning. "Echo told me the other Sirens acted as if we were getting married or something".
You laugh freely, Fives smiling unconsciously.
"Well, singing your song to another holds pretty much the same meaning for my people. Your circumstances pushed me to do it way earlier than I would have prefered but... It's okay. You're okay".
Fives eyes turn soft.
"I know you love being all sexy and misterious. But tell me what has really happened, please?" His voice is also gentle and full of warmth.
He should know.
"All Sirens have a special personal Song. It's something instinctual that can't be repeated or prepared; born of raw feelings, desires and needs. It's different to other songs we sing. We don't use our normal vocal cords for this; it comes from somewhere within, deep in your soul. Sirens believe our kind are made of magic and music combined into one, and protected by a physical body shape; that of a predator so it can defend the pureness it holds. This Song... Can only be sung once, to just one other being, and it will create a special bond no-one but the two of them would be able to break. From that day on, this two beings will always be linked to each other, perhaps even able to feel or hear the other; and the Siren won't be able to sing in this kind of way to anyone else, ever again".
You grow quiet; waiting, patient. Expectant. Fives barely blinks.
You're not afraid to him not corresponding your feelings now. If it were that way, your Song wouldn't have worked the night before. A Song can't be an impossed thing; it must be accepted by the other's soul. Fives has subsconciously done that already; if his present mind needs more time to process it, nevertheless, you're willing to give him that.
Fives finally takes a deep breath in, noding in quiet understanding, before showing you his own signature smirk and closing the distances between your faces so that your nose is barely grazing his.
"Well. I think I'm definitively finally winning a kiss" he tempts you, eyes shining with mirth.
Your small laugh is pure unadulterated happiness. With your soul almost vibrating inside your chest, you cup his strong jaw and close the insignificant distance between you.
You kiss him –passionately, then gently– and Fives smiles against your lips.
I'm sorry this took me ages to write! I got a bit blocked on how I was going to put Fives in danger and I also started with my finals.
I'm aware there are some errors in this but I prioriticed publishing it as soon as possible over having a second read to correct them. Sorry!
I hope you've liked it, dear. Second Mermay fic done, go check Tech's first one on my profile! (It's on: sw masterlist> 2 part of requests > Blue dreams).
Got requests closed cause finals and already a few of them in the line. I'll prob reopen in a month. If you want to you can still send them, just notice I'm not gonna be able to write it anytime soon.
Lots of things to come, stay tunned!
Back to masterlist here:
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lace4forest · 23 days
The Legend of Zelda Forgotten Songs
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We've recently been drawing on Stream, so we ended up making a Legend of Zelda AU. (I'll post the stream vods on my channel later)
Basically Din and Farore decide to mess with Nayru, and shuffled the Triforce pieces.
Anyway! Zelda, the Hero of Songs, needs to search for the Forgotten Songs lost to Hyrule, to bring light back to the Kingdom. She teams up with Link the bard and the two travel together. The Scholar King Ganondorf of the Gorudo is trying to take over the Kingdom of Hyrule and bring silence and darkness to keep the Kingdom under his control.
The Nicknames Zelda - Song (Songs) Link - Lute Ganondorf - Cacophony
Rabbit hole time!
Zelda is the Hero of Songs. She has the Hero's Spirit, and was given the Triforce of Courage!
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Zelda is a menace to society. Yes. She fights in this dress, and she is GOOD AT IT. Her "Roll" is a little jump and spin. She also is a very physical character, she doesn't use a lot of magic Items, and don't let her looking frail fool you, she is very strong. (Yes Zelda has the Master Sword)
Link has been nicknamed Lute. He isn't fully Hylian, he is only half! The other half is Siren! He is a Bard. He also has the Triforce of Power! (Think of Zelda 2 btw) So the Northern Palace? Everyone remember that place? Yeah, Link's house is on the beach north of there, he has a cute little beach house, and also has an under water one (Because Siren/mer fun stuff)
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Now Link here is a little Uncanny, right? Well, literally EVERYONE in town think's that. That's why he lives out by himself on the beach. He does go into town and play music for money, and he's really good! (Because Siren) and people ALWAYS PAY HIM- (Because SIREN) He doesn't do anything bad tbh. Lastly, Link uses the magic Items here, he is also holding onto the Interments and sheet music they get from the Dungeons! (Looking for the Forgotten Songs of old to save Hyrule)
Now, Link and Zelda are besties, Zelda was traveling past his house, and she just wanted to see who lived there, met Link, liked his weird vibes (Literally all her guards were like NOOOOO SIREN BOY- But Zelda doesn't know) Also, Zelda gave Link Anxiety. (Zelda "No Fear" Hero of Songs traveling with the Siren Bard Link the Lute player)
OH! One last thing, Zelda doesn't know Link is half Siren. She just knows he has funky vibes and she likes the funky vibes. Someone (Villager) will be like "That is a Monster" and Zelda will be like "THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND" (Holds Link's face) "NOW SAY SORRY TO HIM" Villager - "....sorry" Zelda doesn't care.
(another link thing, sorry, that hair? that short hair? Yeah, No. That's an under cut, he has long hair, its just brained and stuffed into the hat)
LASTLY we have Ganondorf! He is cousins with Zelda, and he holds the Triforce of Wisdom! Ganondorf want's to take Hyrule, and he knows he is right behind Zelda for the throne, so all he needs to do is Kill Zelda! (He tried to just hire a guy to shoot her with a cross bow, the guy shot, Zelda cause the arrow, AND THREW IT BACK- NO BOW- and Killed that man.) Ganondorf had to think a little outside the box. His list of Priorities goes 1) Kill Zelda, 2) Kill Link and 3) Take over Hyrule.
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Now, Ganondorf here is SMART. (Nicknamed Cacophony) Ganondorf and Zelda are Cousins, and they are pretty close. Their relationship is VERY complicated. Like - Someone talking crap about Zelda in front of Ganondorf "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE THINGS!" Person - "That is your Mortal Enemy!" Ganon - "THAT IS MY COUSIN!" (Zelda does the same thing)
Link and Ganondorf also have a complex relationship, they have an emotional support group for talking about the crazy things Zelda did and the two just need a moment to reassure they are normal and it's just Zelda being weird.
Also Ganondorf is a magic user in this AU. He tries to outsmart his opponents when need be. And in this game he is fighting Zelda and Link, who share a single braincell. (I love those two so much oh my gosh XD)
The Dungeon's in the game would be actually kinda hard, relying on your ability to remember things and a LOT of Puzzles. The beginning you can just switch between Link and Zelda to figure stuff out, one being in another room and yelling the answers to the other type of thing. But as the game goes on (After Dungeon 3) Link will become unable to get into the Dungeon without Zelda finding the Interment inside and summoning him inside. (There will also be a Dungeon where you do mainly play as Link in, it's the water temple.)
Now, Dungeon's 1 through 6 you can get Link inside to help, but less and less. By Dungeon 7 Link is unable to be summoned inside. Again, you would need the Dungeon Item to summon Link, BUT Ganondorf is SMART. He figured this out, and went and TOOK THE ITEMS OUT- They are now in other Dungeons (You may find 2 Items inside one dungeon) You might need to return to a Dungeon for a Door you were unable to unlock with a new Item/song/sheet music.
But During Dungeon 7, when Zelda leaves she can tell a fight happened, the area is destroyed, and Link is nowhere to be seen. Ganondorf and his men ambushed Link, and Kidnapped him. (Along with all your stuff.) Zelda heads to Dungeon 8, learning that Link is somewhere inside.
(Our reasoning on why Link get's Kidnapped- "WELL ZELDA GETS KIDNAPPED ALL THE TIME! IT'S LINK'S TURN!")
Now Dungeon 8. Ganondorf is Smart. Zelda and Link Share a SINGLE Braincell. Each room is one of three things. 1) A previous Mini Boss (Link Dungeon 8(?) in Link's Awakening) 2) A Puzzle to get a key or something (Normal Dungeon stuff) OR 3) A Puzzle from a previous Dungeon, but the hint isn't in the Dungeon and Link isn't here to yell the answers for you.
So you will have to do one of three things for those rooms, Look up a guide online, Have a good memory and know what to do, Or go back to the Dungeon it was in, and write it down.
But if you leave you'll have to restart/run through the Dungeon again! AND THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE A MAP- HAHAHA-
We wanted to create the hardest/funnest Dungeon. (Ganondorf is SMART, HE WANT'S ZELDA DEAD.)
Also, Ganondorf convinces the King to send Gaurds after Zelda and Link. (Kinda like Lttp, but instead of "YOU KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS" It's more like "Zelda Please, You Need To Come Home!" and Zelda is like "GANONDORF IS EVIL" "No HE ISN'T!" "HIS VIBES ARE RANK!")
I might draw some short comics of them later tbh! (I think it's fun to make stories with everyone on stream, it was good, 10/10 will draw on stream again XD)
If you have any questions, just ask.
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celestiall0tus · 2 days
Siren's Song, Mariana
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Ah, Chloe, our lovely turtle here. Went with a light, sleeker armor design since it feels that the modern and futuristic armor is very sleek and often skintight. I kept some hints of traditional armor because turtle while keeping the elegance because it is Chloe.
Name was suggested by an anon.
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kojitheopossum · 6 days
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Welcome to the Aquarium!
The PROLOGUE is here! I’ve never drawn a full comic before, it was a challenge but I rlly like how it turned out! This chapter was very short but chapter one will be longer for introductions. In case of confusion, the dead employee is made up, just some random dude I drew for the story.
Reblogs greatly appreciated this took 38 hours 😁😁
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funnybandit · 9 months
What if Sirens are born of betrayal, but each song is different because it's tailored to attract the one who betrayed them
And for them to transform into a siren after being betrayed their heart is ripped out of their body and given to the sea who in turn protects their hearts they no longer have
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onekonii · 10 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔞 𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔫 [2nd part]: Where the melody is lost, another is reborn
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Thank you very much to those who have waited for this ugly thing, my mind is not good at doing these things so sorry if it took me almost 2 years to bring this, but I had SO many personal problems that I honestly don't have time for my Tumblr. Also, as I said, it's a hobby and lately I don't feel like doing anything, I took advantage of the fact that I was inspired.... enjoy I guess :P
Domestic abuse, mentions of physical violence and— uh... Character deaths (non-protagonist) There may or may not be inconsistencies or misspellings/pronouns, apologies to readers if that happens.
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Tufts of hair rippled in the soft, cool breeze of the garden. The tiny, slightly bruised hands of the barely four-year-old girl tried to catch an elusive butterfly. Her clothes, simple and a bit worn for someone her age, did not diminish the curiosity that drove her to explore beyond the restrictions imposed by her absent mother. The Duchessess had asked her never to go out without her supervision, but the inquisitive nature of children was stronger than any warning.
To the little girl's eyes, the garden of the mansion, now abandoned and overgrown with vines, seemed like a magical world. A soft scent emanated from the flowers, even though they had withered with time. The tall trees were like silent guardians, their leaves whispering stories of the past in the breeze.
The butterfly, delicate and ephemeral, was the child's guide in an ethereal dance. Each flutter of its wings was a ray of hope in the midst of the melancholy that surrounded the mansion. The sweet little girl could not help but chase after this ray of fleeting beauty, despite her mother's warnings.
While the little girl was clumsily climbing a tree in pursuit of the butterfly that seemed to mock her innocent determination, her mother had come in from her 'homework'. Her eyes, which had been silently watching from a discreet distance, had finally come to rest on her daughter. A smile, both loving and stern, lit up her face, revealing the inner struggle that she, too, was facing.
(Y/N), her small hands gripping the rough bark of the tree, realized that she had been discovered. Words of rebuke were on her mother's lips as she finally decided to climb down from the tree, but before she could speak, her daughter looked up with innocent eyes and a loving heart.
"I'm sorry, Mommy," she murmured (Y/N) in a soft voice. Her confession was filled with an innocence that would melt even the hardest of hearts.
The Duchess sighed inwardly, tired from the hardships she had to face on a daily basis, both inside and outside of the mansion. Her words, however, were filled with love and concern. "You must be careful, darling. You are too young to risk such games. Besides, you are well aware that you are not supposed to be helping me with the cleaning of the palace, and yet you do it because we have no servants. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Understanding her mother's concern, (Y/N) nodded. "Sorry, Mommy. I promise that I will be more careful and I will help you as much as I can."
The girl held onto her mother's hand, and together, mother and daughter, they walked back into the mansion. 
The Duchess held her daughter in her arms as they walked back to the rooms of the mansion. (Y/N) looked around curiously and asked, with the innocence befitting her age, how her mother's day had been. The Duchess smiled and assured her that there was no need to worry, that she was a child and should not be burdened with adult responsibilities.
But the little girl sulked and began to whine when her mother suggested that she take a bath. "Mommy," she protested, "I don't want to take a bath. "I always get itchy dandruff and my eyes hurt when I go in."
With a hint of melancholy in her eyes, the Duchess sighed. She knew that her daughter's peculiarities were more than just skin-related. They were a reminder to her of a past she would rather forget, of a time when things had been different. But out of love for her daughter, she kept her thoughts to herself. She nodded tenderly.
"I understand, my love." She replied softly as they reached the bathroom. "But it's important that you become clean. Perhaps we can find some way to make it less uncomfortable. "
The Duchess prepared the bath carefully. She made sure the water temperature was perfect and added some fragrant herbs to ease (Y/N)'s discomfort. Her blue eyes watching the reflection of the candles on the surface, the girl cautiously stepped into the water.
As the Duchess gave her daughter a bath, (Y/N) once again asked with a child's curiosity, "Is it normal for me to look like this, Mama? My scales show and my eyes feel strange when I get we."
The Duchess gently stroked her daughter's hair and replied, smiling softly. "You are special, sweetheart. You have been given a gift, an inheritance that makes you unique, your appearance and especially your eyes. You should not be afraid of the opinions of others."
Her mother's words brought a small measure of comfort to (Y/N), who was beginning to feel more at ease in the water. As the last of the day's light filtered through the bathroom window, mother and daughter shared a moment of intimacy and love that reminded her of why she had not yet given up.
As the Duchess gently dried herself with the towel (Y/N), she was suddenly struck by a coughing fit. The cough was as hoarse as it was painful, and as blood spurted from her lips and stained the white towel, (Y/N) looked up at her mother with eyes filled with fear and confusion.
"Moma, are you all right?" the little girl asked with a look of concern shining in her blue eyes as her small hands gripped the towel tightly in her grip.
The weakness in her voice betrayed her inner struggle, but the Duchess tried to smile. "It's just a little cold, my dear." She replied tenderly. "You don't have to worry. Moma is going to be fine."
(Y/N) nodded, accepting her mother's words with the innocence befitting her age, though it didn't make her stop worrying. "It's okay, Moma ...  I'm going to take care of you."
But in the depths of her heart, the Duchess knew that all was not well. Worry and pain gripped her being, not only because of her own failing health, but also because of the dark secret she held in her heart. A secret that would affect (Y/N)'s life in ways she couldn't even imagine.
Even so, she pushed her feelings and her worries to the back of her mind. Smiling, she carried her to bed and told her a story. 
The sun was slowly beginning to set in the sky, casting a golden glow over the garden as it did so. (Y/N) was holding a makeshift broom in her hand as she eagerly swept up the fallen leaves. Autumn was just around the corner, and the little girl was very excited about the arrival of the new season. She jumped up and down, giggling as she chased the leaves to the ground. Her laughter filled the quiet garden with an infectious joy.
The duchess watched her daughter fondly, her smile a reflection of her happiness to see her enjoying her childhood in spite of the adversity she was facing. The Duchess couldn't help but giggle as (Y/N) turned to her with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and told her she could sweep faster.
"Oh, do you really think you can do it any faster, little tempest?" the Duchess teased as she came closer. "In defiance of your mother, are you?"
The little girl nodded her head with determination, and then, in a playful gesture, the two of them began a friendly competition. Both swept fervently, their laughter filling the air as they exchanged complicit, playful glances.
In the end, they both finished the job exhausted but full of joy. The Duchess scooped up her daughter and began playing, picking up leaves and dropping them on (Y/N), who laughed and rolled in her arms.
The garden, with its dry and broken fountain, was filled with the laughter and the love shared between mother and daughter, a breath of happiness in the midst of the shadows that threatened to darken their world and to extinguish the little light in their lives.
The play between the Duchess and her daughter was pitifully interrupted when the butler of the main house, a man of elegant and serious bearing, approached, looking formal. "My lady," he announced in a respectful voice, "I am sorry to disturb you, but your parents have arrived and wish to see you." 
The girl hid behind her mother, obeying her mother's rule of not allowing the man to see her as such.
The Duchess nodded. Her smile was subdued, but her eyes reflected concern. This visit was a routine that her family followed to make sure that the Duke was not completely neglecting her, and to maintain the flow of money that would never make it into her hands. Remembering the harsh reality of her marriage, the smile faded slightly.
(Y/N) looked at her mother and then at the butler, not fully understanding the situation. In youthful innocence, she asked inquisitively, "Can I meet my grandparents, Moma?"
The Duchess bent down to be at her daughter's level and gently stroked her hair. "Not this time, my dear," she replied in a sweet voice. "While I'm away, I want you to stay here and take care of the mansion. I promise I'll return soon."
She looked at her mother with doubtful eyes, watching the Duchess's expression become increasingly sad as she went after the man. She could feel the sadness in the air and was unsure if she should follow her mother or stay behind in the mansion, despite her young age.
The little girl decided to break the rule her mother had given her with a feeling of fear and curiosity. Leaving the broom on the floor, she sneaked around the mansion, dodging the servants, dressed in simple clothes, and walking barefoot, as if she were a common slave, if you looked closely enough. Following her mother from a distance, she came to a hallway where the doors were ajar, excited and curious at the thought of meeting her grandparents (Y/N), she wondered if they would be kind like in fairy tales and if she would finally have a complete family, but unfortunately several voices in the room burned away those hopes and revealed the harsh reality that had been hidden from her childish eyes.
Surrounded by imposing and cruel figures, the Duchess sat in the center of the room. Her grandmother, a high society lady, scolded her daughter in an authoritative voice. She said: "What on earth are you wearing? My God, what indecency, have you lost all sense of decency and propriety? You have a filthy, emaciated appearance."
The grandmother went on to compare the Duchess to other high society ladies. She pointed out the Duchess's shortcomings and harshly criticized her daughter. "Have a look at the other ladies, with their fancy dresses and jewels. Compared to them, you look like a tramp."
The grandfather also sighed, bored, the girl could see from afar that he was a cold and distant man, he just looked on indifferently, before he started to say cruel words to his own daughter as well. 
"For God's sake, even after all these years you're still useless, a burden. You're only here because your brother asked for it. And to be honest, he made us waste the family fortune."
Helplessly, the Duchess swallowed her tears and pressed her lips together, reminding herself that it was for his sake. But the fact that her husband was also part of the chorus of criticism was annoying enough, as it was an opportunity for humiliation. "You should learn from other ladies who know how to please their husbands and make them happy," he said.
Even the Duke's mistress threw her own darts in her sweet, venomous voice. "Poor Duchess, you thought you could compete? Your beauty is a thing of the past, and he has found happiness in my arms. We only keep you here for pity, you dirty bitch!" 
(Y/N) watched in silence, hidden in the shadows of the hallway, as the sadness and humiliation washed over her mother. The cruel dialogues and the oppressive atmosphere of the room made her feel tormented. Sadness began to fill her young heart, and although she did not fully understand the complexities of the situation, she could sense the injustice and cruelty that hung over her mother.
With a heart full of rage and helplessness, (Y/N) clenched her fists and pushed open the doors to the room and entered with a determination. She began to cry uncontrollably as she glared accusingly at all the gathered adults.
"Liars! You're the bad people who hurt my mommy!" she shouted with courage and a rage that contrasted with her young age. As she tried to defend her mother from the cruel trial she was being subjected to, her voice quivered with emotion.
The adults present were shocked to see the little girl act so bravely and defy social norms with her unexpected behavior, including (Y/N)'s grandparents. The Duchess's mother was outraged by what she saw as disrespect. She said:
"That little girl is acting like a savage! Get her out of here!" she shouted in the tone of a lady of high society who could not understand the insolence of such a thing.
The Duke, looking at (Y/N) with interest and surprise, finally turned to the Duchess, who was trembling with fear to see her daughter in the middle of this confrontation with those who only wanted to hurt her. Frankly, she blamed herself, knowing that her daughter would not always obey her. As the Duke hurled accusations, the adults present surrounded her, demanding answers and explanations about the identity of (Y/N)'s father.
"Who is the father of this child, Duchess? Damn it, I thought you were boring and you turned out to be a whore," he complained and accused her coldly, even though his look was full of malice. "I thought you were barren. And look, you had this brat well hidden from me!" 
The Duke, taking the child by the arms, examined her, while the poor mother of the child just stopped in the midst of so many questions and reproaches.
The Duchess, her eyes filled with tears and trembling with fear, knew that she could not reveal the true identity of (Y/N)'s father at that moment. It was her secret that was at stake, and she had to protect her daughter from the consequences of the truth.
Tension in the room rose as the Duchess tried to explain the situation. But her mother, her face flushed with anger and contempt, slapped her hard before she could answer. Everyone in the room was momentarily silenced by the sound of the blow.
"You are unfaithful and ungrateful," the Duchess's mother charged bitterly. "You are a traitor to your family and to your blood."
Then the Duchess's mother began to complain in a bitter tone, blaming her also for the death of her older brother, Crysten, who had asked everyone to help care for his sister before he died fighting in the Northern War. The Duchess listened to the accusing words, tears streaming down her cheeks as she felt crushed by guilt.
"Crysten was the only one who cared for you. And look how you rewarded him. You slept with another man and fathered a bastard." The Duchess's mother sneered.
Finally, in a fit of rage and grief, the heartbroken Duchess burst out. She cried out her truths mixed with bitterness and despair, her words filled with raw emotion. 
"I know all this, Mother!" *Her face said it all, she was hysterical and angry. "I know that I'm here at my brother's request before he died, I know that no one wants me here! Yes, I have made mistakes, but how can I face my husband's betrayal when he is wallowing with another woman right in front of me? The world is hypocritical! Yes, I have been running away from my problems, and I am still doing that, but I'm not going to let you insult this little girl. She's my daughter, I'M HER MOTHER! I don't care who her daddy is, she makes me happy and guess what, I'm sick of all of you. Because I care about her, I can't leave! Even if I'm suffering, I'm okay when she's smiling".
After the Duchess's passionate words, silence fell over the room. Everyone in the room, including (Y/N), was taken aback by the revelation that she had a father, and by her mother's emotional defense of her. Raw emotions filled the air and created a tense and charged atmosphere in the room. The shock was so great that the Duke let the little girl go, leaving her bruised and battered.
Erizebette was heartbroken and tears welled up in her eyes. She took her daughter by the hand and led her away from that place of accusations and bitterness. The angry voices of the adults shouted at her to return and settle the matter. But Erizebette could not stand it any longer.
She walked determinedly, holding her child, covering her ears and hiding her in her chest. The girl could not say a word, feeling the sorrow of the atmosphere around her and still afraid of the looks that were directed at her, scornful and humiliating. Her broken dreams, her childish wish for her mother and grandparents to be with her... were gone.
Finally, in the safety of her room, Erizebette put her daughter to bed. The darkness of the night had enveloped the room, and the weight of all that had happened was weighing heavily on her shoulders.
(Y/N), with eyes full of innocence, broke the silence. "Moma, is all that stuff they said true? ..... My grandparents looked at me with disgust. Am I a mistake? I... Do you regret that you had me?" Her voice trembled with a child's fear of not understanding the cruel world around her. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm a fool for not realizing how much you were hurting. Forgive me for being greedy and for my desire to live out a family fantasy like the stories you have read to me."
Erizebette looked at her daughter incredulously for a moment, then hugged her, tears flowing freely. "Oh, my girl," she whispered, voice broken. "You should never have to feel like this. You are the light of my life, my love, my strength. You are the light of my life, my reason to go on."
Letting their emotions boil over, they hugged each other tightly. Erizebette's tears mingled with (Y/N)'s. In the darkness of the night and their lonely sobs, they formed an unbreakable bond between mother and daughter.
With (Y/N) always by her side, Erizebette continued her daily chores in the old mansion in the days that followed. Together they cleaned the deserted spaces, brushed away the dust of the past and brought some life back into the forgotten place.
The little girl's curiosity was insatiable. She kept asking questions about her father. She wanted to know what he was like, why he wasn't with them, and why she couldn't get to know him. Erizebette would answer these questions in vague terms, protecting her daughter from the painful truth that threatened to tear at her innocence and shatter what little emotional stability Erizebette herself had left.
But in these days, when the nights became dark and silent, Erizebette began to share (Y/N) memories of her past. She would talk about a certain albino, mentioning his attractive features, his curls like snow in winter, his crystal clear eyes like the deep sky in which it was easy to lose oneself, and his indescribable beauty. The Duchess would tell these stories with melancholy, as if the memory of these moments brought her comfort in the midst of her present suffering. But it was also a painful source of pent-up feelings and unfulfilled regrets.
It was on one of these nights, however, that an uncontrollable fit of coughing shook Erizebette's fragile body. (Y/N) panicked. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched helplessly as her mother suffered. The girl promised her with sobs that she would go for help, but Erizebette stopped her with a trembling hand.
"No, dear," she said faintly, leaning against the wall. "Just take me to lie down."
(Y/N) obeyed and carefully carried her to bed. The Duchess was still coughing. Her strength was waning as she tried to remain calm in the face of her daughter's concern.
Erizebette showed no sign of improvement when she finally lay down. The child cried beside her, clutching her mother desperately. Erizebette knew it was time to reveal the truth as she looked into her daughter's painful eyes.
"You must know, my love," she began, voice shaking. "I am ill and I do not think I can be at your side much longer."
The heavy words hung in the air, leaving (Y/N) heartbroken as she took in the harsh reality and the possibility of her mother's loss. The room, once filled with stories and laughter, was now filled with tears. The little girl's chest felt heavy. 
Caressing her daughter's face, Erizebette began to tell her the truth in a weak but loving voice. "Listen to me, my precious light," she said in a low voice. "Mum's got to leave soon, and frankly, you've seen how bad people can be, so .... Don't cry, please. Be strong. Don't let anything get in your way." A cough interrupted her words. But she continued with determination.
"But let me tell you something, my baby..." Erizebette could not finish the phrase as her daughter interrupted her with tears. "Don't say that! You can't die! I know you'll get well. You said you would, Mummy!"
The woman smiled warmly and stroked her daughter's face as she continued to cry. "I'm sorry, my love. I won't be able to keep this promise, but listen," she said softly. "When I leave this world, leave this house without looking back. And take with you the shell necklace that is buried in the biggest tree near the well. Look for Papa, I'm sure he will help you," Erizebette smiled tiredly and whispered her last breath as she coughed.
"(Y/N), I want to tell you that among all the bad and pathetic things in my life, you were my only achievement that I can really be proud of. Please don't ever forget that. Don't let anyone try to diminish how you shine.
With these words, Erizebette closed her eyes and her hand cooled on top of her daughter's. (Y/N) was stunned and refused to come to terms with the loss.
(Y/N)'s tears continued to flow as her mother continued to speak. The little girl desperately tried to wake Erizebette. She cried out: 
"MUMA!!! This isn't funny, please don't fall asleep!" She pleaded, breathless. "Mummy, mummy, please, I know you're sleeping, but get up .... Please don't leave me here alone! PLEASE!"
Silence fell over the room. The little girl was caught in a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions. As she mourned the departure of the one person who had been her refuge in this cruel world, sadness, loss and confusion washed over her.
"Mummy... Why? Mum, I was greedy with you and now .... now - wuaaah!!!" She couldn't speak, her throat closed up, and to be honest, she could hardly process anything but the fulfilment of her mother's (Y/N) words, still crying inconsolably, she walked towards the place where she used to play with the Duchess.
Suddenly the weather turns nasty, with dark clouds covering the sky, almost reacting to the little girl's grief, or perhaps to the sound of another person crying in the distance. Between sobbing, the little girl digs out the jewellery box her mother told her about. 
She opens it and finds a beautiful crystal shell which makes melodious sounds when caressed by the nascent wind, as the old villa was near the coast. As the water from the recent rain soaks her completely, (Y/N) carefully puts on the necklace. The girl screams and cries, feeling the loss of her mother and the longing for her presence, but she gradually fades away and begins to feel sleepy. She crawls over to the Duchess's corpse, smiles and wishes her goodnight as she sleeps beside her mother's cold body.
Elsewhere, somewhere far away, a figure awakens suddenly with the feeling that his connection with Erizebette has been abruptly severed. The pain in his heart is gone, but all that does is cause him to scream and cry out in despair. The pain is unbearable as he knows his beloved is dead. But something inside him tells him that there is still a faint connection, a small piece of his magic, linked to the necklace he gave her years ago. The necklace the girl now wears. He has a feeling that something has changed, but he can't quite make sense of it, but he hasn't given up hope and vows to find the source of this new connection.
For like a last melody abandoned, another will be reborn...
Nearest, yet far beyond
Warmth in the distance
How would you respond
To this madness, this existence?
Hold me closer
Hold me tighter
I'm mirroring this clear view
Filling up with blindness
Projecting that I need you
To overcome my weakness
Oh, the cold, the void, the light out
This warmth will go, wither out
(Hoo-ooh, ah)
(Hoo-ooh, ah)
Dearest, I shall not long
Grief in insistance
How to break this bond
When it's timeless, when it's cherished?
Hold me closer
Hold me tighter
Admiring this clеar view
Feeling crushed with brightness
Forgеtting that my time flew
Forgetting I was lifeless
The cold, the void, this light out
Our warmth will go, wither out
(Hoo-ooh, ah)
(Hoo-ooh, ah)
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Thanks for reading and this time I won't put the thank you box in given my image/video oversaturation. I hope you like it and I still have to finish the third part, let's see if I can think of something. Bye bye! (-.-)Zzz・・・・(*゜▽゜)_□
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doctorsiren · 3 months
The song Birthday Boy (by yours truly LMAOO HAHA) fits Astro Boy Miles Edgeworth methinks :3
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queewp · 1 year
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been lacking w/ rise art, so sorry bout that ^^ Have some small mer au doodles :)
374 notes · View notes
ghoulette-knell · 9 months
Ghost B.C Kinktober:
October 3rd 🎃🔞
Prompt: Monster AU
Warnings: Siren song attraction; Dom!Rain; virgin(reader); friends to lovers; oral (f receiving); fingering; delayed penetration (sequel chapter down the line??? I think so).
🔞 MDNI 🔞
Word Count: 2,189
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The ministry had a very secluded spot. A very beautiful spot. A spot that only you and Rain knew about. You had had a very hard day in particular, and decided to go to this secluded spot to unwind.
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The secluded spot was yours and Rain’s haven. The two of you would often come to this place and spill all of your problems out to one another to vent, spend time together, and create an everlasting friendship with the man who means the most to you.
You have always had feelings for Rain, that would never change. You were too much of a coward to tell him how you felt, and you knew Rain was too shy to tell you how he felt. You weren’t stupid— you knew you had Rain wrapped around your little finger just as much as he had you wrapped around his.
You had gone to this secret place today alone, and you hadn’t anticipated Rain to be there already when you pushed past the hanging vines that blocked the walkway. As you dipped further into the safe haven from the ministry, something caught your eye.
In yours and Rain’s space, there was a lovely pond, untouched by humanity. The two of you would often go swimming after hard days of practice with the ministry’s band, Ghost. The water would always soothe your over-used muscles. In this pond however, you saw someone, or something that you didn’t recognize.
“How did you find this place?” you hissed while walking up to the unknown creature… which was when you realized the ‘person’ you were talking to wasn’t a person at all.
The moon illuminated down into the water, and you began shaking from fear. There was some kind of aquatic monster swimming in your pond… a siren!
You backed away, a small scream leaving your mouth as the creature frantically tried to climb on shore, “(Y/N)! Calm down! I won’t hurt you, I promise! It’s Rain!”
You felt the creatures claws grip your arm as it struggled to climb on land. Another scream left your mouth as blood began to cloud your vision.
‘This was it!’ your mind was telling you, ‘This is where I die!’
“It’s Rain,” the creature said with a calmer tone as it noticed how deathly afraid of it I was, “(Y/N), listen to me. I’m Rain. I won’t hurt you.”
That was when you noticed how gentle the siren was being while holding your arm. It’s claws weren’t digging into your skin; forcing you to stay. It’s touch was loving.
“R-Rain?” you asked slowly while looking up into the siren’s eyes, “What do you mean you’re Rain? Rain is my best friend. He would tell me if he was a… a monster! This is one of your siren song tricks to get me to stay with you!”
Your fear enveloped into anger as you yanked your arm from the apparent Rain’s hands while backing away.
“(Y/N),” the beast said while taking a cautious step backwards, “I know things about you that someone who had never spoken to you before wouldn’t know. I know you love to make me flower crowns when we sit here on nice summer days. I know your most favourite food is fried eggs with toast, but only if it’s me who’s cooked them for you. You hate eggs otherwise.”
He takes a deep breath and continues. For some reason, you’re beginning to believe him.
“I know, although you’re a demon from Hell, you’re terribly afraid of the dark. I know you love to listen to classical music while you do house chores. I also know I won’t be able to live with myself if you walk away from me right now. Please, (Y/N). Believe me.”
Tears pooled in your eyes as you took a step closer to the siren… to Rain. Your hand reached out and touched his scaly cheek; him leaning into the touch.
“You should also know how much I love you,” you whispered while wrapping him into a hug, “Why didn’t you tell me about this? You know I would still be your friend and love you all the same.”
Rain shuddered as a sob threatened to leave his mouth. You shushed him and pressed a reassuring kiss to his cheek.
“You’re so important to me,” the water ghoul whispered while slowly leaving the hug, “I couldn’t risk losing our friendship. I was worried you wouldn’t understand my transformations. If I could control them, I would. I’m so sorry.”
You sighed lovingly and pressed your lips against his. You didn’t expect yourself to do something like this, but you knew Rain needed you right now.
“Please don’t apologize,” you whispered while wrapping your arms around his neck, “You’re still my Rain.”
His scaly arms cupped your face and suddenly kissed you. You squeaked from surprise, but you didn’t struggle. You drifted deeper into the kiss; your eyes fluttering closed as you felt the water ghoul begin to ravenously make love to your lips.
“I’m so pleased that my secret won’t ruin our friendship,” the man whispered while sinking back down into the fresh, clean pond. His hand was clasped to yours as he carefully brought you into the water with him.
Rain looked elegant as he was fully submerged in water. His scales glowed brightly against the water which caused a smile to flow to your lips.
You held your arms out to him and motioned for him to come over to you. He did as requested; splashing over and into your arms.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know? About how I love you,” you whispered while pressing your lips to Rain’s once more, “This whole siren thing has made me realize it, and it made me realize how much I love you no matter what you are or what you do. Rain, please love me the way I want to love you.”
The siren grinned a fanged smirk and pressed his lips hungrily to yours, “I’ve always loved you, (Y/N). I can’t put into words how much you mean to me, and how much it means to me that you love me back… that you love me for who I am.”
Rain’s webbed hands made their way up and under your soaked shirt. Your eyes filled with nervousness as he did this, which caused the water ghoul to hesitate.
“Is this okay?” he asked carefully while removing his hands from your shirt.
You inhaled slightly, took a few seconds, then nodded, “Of course, Rain. I’ve… Ive just never done anything like this before.”
Shock and disbelief washed over Rain’s face as he registered what you were insinuated, “You’re a virgin?” he whispered as a small smile rose to his lips.
You blushed from embarrassment, “Yes. I’ve never met anyone who I was willing to give something as special as my purity to. That is, until I met you.”
Now it was the siren’s turn to blush. His scaly hands returned to your stomach as he rubbed your soft skin carefully.
“I’ll take good care of you, princess.”
You knew he would. The water ghoul slowly began allowing his hands to head under your shirt; his fingers grazing lovingly against your soft skin before settling firmly against your breasts.
You squeaked suddenly at the new sensations that were flowing through you. Rain’s careful fingers were softly massaging your hardening nipples; his teeth softly nibbling against your skin as goosebumps began to appear.
Although you were submerged in the pond up to your chest, you could feel yourself getting wet. It wasn’t just the pond water— it was arousal.
“R-Rain,” you whispered while kissing down his jawline. You were a little embarrassed to ask Rain this impending question.
The ghoul cupped your face lovingly; his amber eyes gazing into yours, “Yes, my love?”
A blush appeared on your cheeks at the pet name. You nervously grabbed Rain’s hand, suddenly bashful. You cleared your throat, “Is it bad to say that I really want you right now. I want everything of yours.”
Your eyes pointed down at his soaked pants. You wanted his everything. His love, and ultimately, his cock.
A devious smile appeared on Rain’s lips as he realized what you meant. The ghoul nodded and kissed you deeply, “There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m absolutely honoured you’re willing to allow me to be your first time.”
Rain gripped your hand lovingly and began leading you towards the shore. You were confused by this for a moment, that was until you realized his intentions. The ghoul was eyeing a flat rock on the shore; the perfect place to breed someone who can’t breathe underwater, unlike himself.
“The rock should be warm. The sun just sat,” Rain whispered quietly while helping you sit up on the rock, “It won’t be too cold on your bare skin.”
You pressed your lips to Rain’s once more. He was truly the sweetest man; always worried about your comfort levels.
“Thank you, sweetheart. This is perfect.”
Without another word, you slowly began to slip your soaked t-shirt over your head. Rain’s eyes bulged out of his head as he saw your hardening nipples through the soaked fabric of your bra. The eager ghoul began pawing at his sex from underneath the water.
“You’re so perfect. So gorgeous.”
You blushed wildly while removing your bra. Rain quickly swam over and began attacking your breasts with loving kissed, bites, and sucks.
You let Rain completely take control. You’d never seen this side of the ghoul before, and you actually enjoyed it. Rain was usually shy and rarely even spoke. There was no way you could’ve ever guessed that Rain would be as dominant and confident in himself as he actually was.
“S-Shit,” you mumbled out while beginning to lay down on the rock; the siren climbing up to meet you as you did so.
His sharpened fangs began to draw a little blood from your sensitive breasts, but you didn’t mind. This actually made the whole act all that sexier.
As Rain continued to kiss and pleasure your breasts, one of his scaled hands made their way down and into your pants.
You hissed in pleasure as one of his webbed hands gracefully brushed your swollen clit; a hand going up to your mouth to silence yourself.
“Feels good?” Rain questioned against your supple skin as he continued to pleasure your clit and breasts both.
You mumbled incoherently into your hand that covered your mouth. Rain just snickered, knowing that was a ‘yes.’
You began to feel a slight pain in your abdomen; an unorthodox pain. It was pleasurable and painful.
Rain smirked in understanding as saw your face begin to contort into multiple different emotions. He decided to speed up the process as he realized you were about to experience your first orgasm from another person.
His webbed fingers dipped into your willing pussy and turned up, causing a scream of pleasure to leave your covered mouth. The siren giggled against your tits as his tongue flicked eagerly over your hard nipple.
“You’re so tight around my fingers, baby. I don’t know if you could handle my cock just yet.”
You groaned in annoyance at that, “I could absolutely take you.”
As you began to talk back, the siren added another finger into your swollen sex, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head. He then began to thrust his fingers rhythmically into your cunt,
“Don’t talk back to me. I know what’s best for my princess.”
You just nodded your head as wave after wave of pleasure wracked your body. Rain had his pointer, middle, and ring finger inside of your swollen sex. He continued to pump them eagerly inside of you as his thumb made its way up to your clit. He multitasked between massaging your eager clit and thrusting inside of you.
“F-F-Fuck!” you hissed, slamming your eyes shut from Rain’s incredible power over you. You were putty when you were with the ghoul, and he knew it.
“Cum for me, baby,” he hissed while bringing his lips back to yours, “I want to make you feel good. Cum for me.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as the siren gave you permission to experience an orgasm. It was heavenly. Your whole body shook from head to toe, as if all of the muscles in your body decided to seize all at once.
A loud, pornographic moan left your swollen lips. Rain immediately placed his fanged mouth over yours; absorbing your screams into his mouth.
As you came down from your high, Rain couldn’t help but lick your slick off his hands in a very slow, seductive manner; his eyes never leaving yours.
“That was amazing,” you whispered while bringing your lips to his. You could taste your juices on his lips, which made everything so much hotter.
Rain smiled softly and laid down on the rock beside you, “I’m glad you enjoyed, princess. Next time we meet, you get to pleasure me. You had your fun.”
You giggled and curled up into his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Fine by me. I’m getting your cock inside of me next time. There’s no debate.”
“I won’t argue with that.”
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