#pet wizard
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ionomycin · 2 months ago
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necromancer's lure
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siriusblackdevotee · 2 months ago
Sirius gets the cuteness aggression from watching Remus be a total mess so he can't control himself from play biting but that makes Remus fumble more which makes Sirius want to bite even more and it's a total vicious cycle
Like...wolfstar laying together, Remus is tryna tell a story and already by default sucks at that though he's doing okay but the problem comes when Sirius decided to roll over, lay on top of Remus, on his elbow, and starts playing with his hair and now his story telling is all over the place "wait this isn't even relevant, oh I should be saying this first, hold on forget about that, idk why I said that" and the whole time Sirius is like oh wow he's such a loser...my loser tho, ugh so cute, extremely pleased Remus is like this bc of him, like hes watching Remus stutter, turn red, sweat just overall being a mess and gets this weird urge to squeeze the life out of this boy but obvious he can't do that so settles for the next best thing which is biting him, specifically biting his neck. When he gets bitten, he just freezes up, he doesn't breath, say a word or even blink, he's straight up gone. Sirius is obv not a nice person so he doesn't address the whole biting thing and just asks with his innocent eyes "why'd you stop moony? what happened next? keep going, what did James do?" Remus is still dying btw so he can't respond with anything other then "um" or like, really pathetic noises that make you wanna cringe but not for Sirius clearly! He's into that and just goes back to biting!
Soft wolfstar<33
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marauders-bs · 3 months ago
"Jesus Christ," Evan muttered to himself. "Okay, who broke the lamp? Be honest, you five."
Kay Rosier-Crouch stood, eyes wide, beside her cousins Luna and Ascella and a broken lamp. Estrella and Cherie Potter-Black stood guiltily behind Kay as though the twins were attempting to hide.
"Honesty is the best policy," Lily tried when no one spoke up. "We won't be mad if you're honest."
"Oh, okay," Cherie said, looking relieved. "All the time?"
"All the time," James agreed, looking at his daughter.
"Uncle Barty taught me the word fuck because I asked him to," Ascella blurted from the corner.
Absolute, dead silence rung throughout the room. Evan knew Pandora had the most pissed off expression and really, really did not want to look.
"Aunt Andromeda is my favorite," Estrella said.
"Last year I snuck onto the Hogwarts Express to see Bianca and lied to you about it, and her dads knew."
Regulus looked like he was trying not to immediately Apparate to his brother's house in a fit of fury at Cherie's words.
"We use your Netflix account," Luna told Evan. "You should really change your password, you know."
"I don't even care who broke the lamp anymore," Pandora said. "I just need a drink."
Regulus stood up, sweeping Cherie into his arms. "Yeah, I'm going with you."
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soft-likethesunset · 21 days ago
all the marauders (but mainly sirius) call james 'sunshine' it's true they told me themselves 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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apollos-polls · 11 months ago
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l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft · 17 days ago
ted called andromeda ‘dove’ i feel it in my soul
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dreamyyesenia · 30 days ago
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Welcome to Ravenwood! Wait no, let’s introduce our furry magical companions first. Meet Elminster (m), Gemma's familiar, and Lamia (w), Gavin's familiar!
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cheriboms · 10 days ago
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a wizard and her kitten 🔮
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chumbby · 2 years ago
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Chumbby wants to reminding you, to taking some time to resting and dinky you fuccy bobble. Not erryday has to be busy and also crazzy
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lupiinist · 9 months ago
once james finds out regulus signs everything with rab he starts calling him rabbit (regulus does not appreciate, sirius is appalled, and barty and evan immediately jump into it)
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lulublack90 · 2 months ago
Prompt 24 - First Pet
@wolfstarmicrofic January 24, word count 746
Every day for the past two weeks, Remus had been stalked on his way to and from work. His stalker knew exactly when he’d leave the flat or the school, then from out of an alley or around a corner he’d appear. Remus had tried running, he’d tried shouting, he’d even tried squirting water at him, but nothing worked, the little, scruffy, black puppy always found him. 
“Hey, Mr Lupin, your puppy is waiting outside the gate,” Gavin piped up during personal reading time. Remus looked up. 
“It’s not my, oh, never mind,” He moved over to the window and looked out at the sad puppy eyes staring back at him. He warred in his head for a few minutes before he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he came to a decision. “Is anyone going to dob me in if I bring a puppy to class?” A chorus of no’s sounded around the classroom. “Do not misbehave while I’m gone,” He warned them, he didn’t have to, as all the students in his class were amazing and as usual the best behaved in the school. 
He’d taken his big coat out with him and hurried across the paved court at the front of the school. As quietly as possible, he opened the wrought iron gate and whistled for the puppy. The puppy came plodding along, tripping over his too-big feet. “Hi,” Remus breathed as he stroked the scruffy puppy for the first time. He picked him up and bundled him into his coat. The puppy was so light. Remus hurried back into the warmth of the school. 
“He’s so cute!”
“Can he come in every day?”
“He’s such a good boy,” Remus’s students gushed. The little puppy was having the time of his life, going from student to student before settling under Remus’s desk for a long nap. 
Somehow, Remus got to the end of the day without anyone finding out about the puppy sleeping under his desk. Remus put his coat on and tucked the puppy down the front, holding his little butt to keep him from slipping. 
“Oh, Mr Lupin,” Ms McGonagall called out, just as he was about to walk out of the door. 
“Yes, Ms McGonagall,” He turned his head and smiled pleasantly at her.
“Don’t forget it's parent's night on Friday,” She reminded him.
“Of course, Ms McGonagall,” He said, forcing his smile wider. He turned to leave again. 
“Oh, and Mr Lupin,” She called after him again. He stopped walking. “Please refrain from bringing your dog into class again tomorrow.” Damn it!
“Yes, Ms McGonagall.” Finally, she let him leave. 
Their flat was only a short walk from the school, and he knew just how Sirius was going to react when Remus showed him the dog. 
“OH MY GODDDDDDDD!” Sirius squealed when the puppy jumped into his arms, putting his huge paws on Sirius’s chest so he could lick all over Sirius’s face. “Remus, I love him!” Sirius said, wrapping his arms around the wriggling pup. “What’s his name?” 
“He doesn’t have one yet,” Remus told him. The puppy jumped off Sirius’s lap and began exploring the flat, his enormous paws making soft padding sounds as he did. 
“What about Padfoot?” Sirius suggested. 
“No, that’s totally lame,” Remus scoffed. 
“Alright,” Sirius pulled a face at him. The puppy was snuffling around making a terribly loud noise as he sucked in air, smelling everything in front of him. 
“Snuffles?” Sirius asked, and before Remus could say anything, the pup had launched himself at Sirius and was licking him again. 
“Snuffles?” Remus said. It was almost as bad as Padfoot. The puppy jumped off Sirius and landed in front of Remus, plopping his little butt on the floor as he looked up at Remus, wagging his fluffy tail. 
“Yay, Snuffles,” Sirius cheered, and Snuffles ran back over to him. 
That night, Remus’s stalker ended up in bed with them. But only after the bath, Remus insisted he needed and took up far more room than a little puppy should in a kingsized bed, but he was so damn happy that Remus couldn’t find it in his heart to tell him to get down. They slept surprisingly well, Snuffles between Remus and Sirius, snoring softly. “We’re keeping him, right,” Sirius asked quietly, stroking Snuffles’s head. 
“Yeah, I think we are,” Remus smiled at him, leaning over and kissing him before turning off the bedside light and snuggling down to sleep. 
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months ago
i bought a very expensive computer to play wizard 101
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littleliterarylesbian · 1 month ago
He's been warned about this sort of thing. Everyone has, nowadays. It's something a parent tells their child once they're old enough to understand.
Look both ways when you cross the street.
Stranger danger.
And that demons are of no good.
So of course when James wakes up in the middle of the night, the moonlight outside covered by clouds, with a weight on his lap his first, sleepy, delirious, thought was 'Oh. I didn't call my mum yesterday.'
It very quickly changed though. He wouldn't call himself a prude nor a whore. It's just that he's a man and he has needs, that's all. And the person on top of him, straddling his lap, seems to cater to each and every one.
Dark hair that curls around and frames sharp cheekbones, moles that litter pale skin, silver eyes that seem to glow in the dark, a thin waist emphasized with a black ribbon tied around it like it's a present just for him. Fuck.
But there's also the other things. A pair of horns, curling up over his head, small bat like wings, a tail that is curled over that pale hip- tip pointed and sharp and nails that matched on thin wrists and long fingers. It's so very obvious what this nightly visit would entail.
It's said that a visit by a succubus meant death, that those who survived always lost their minds trying to chase something that could replicate the pleasure that was given to them that night.
But, as his hands slide up smooth thighs and settle on the demon's waist, playing with the ribbon with his thumbs, James thinks he'd be fine. He'd survive. He won't be like the men that have undoubtedly come before him.
The beauty in his lap leans down, red lips ghosting James' jaw.
"Hello, darling." Accented words fill the air, quiet but proud and satisfied. A small nip to his skin comes right after. His skin feels tight and buzzing. Logically he should be pushing away, walking across the hall and getting in between Sirius and Remus but. No. It feels like a crime at this point, to do such a thing. He'll stay right here.
James grips tighter, a lazy smile stretching across his face.
"Hello, love."
Yeah. He'll live. He's sure of it.
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cutiepieautistic · 4 months ago
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Wizard kitty!!!!
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popberrypop · 2 years ago
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my pet wizard his name is ginkus
you should be given your own pet wizard when you sign up for this website
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arielthedaydreamer · 2 years ago
I will forever be bothered by how boys in fantasy shows lack whimsy.
The teen girls are riding unicorns, talking to fairies and being happy, while the teen boys are like "eew, fairies. Magic. Ew. I wanna go home and play videogames" I literally wanna punch them.
I want whimsical boys plz. Hell, I want whimsical men. Fully grown adult men, their eyes sparkling with childlike wonder as they cast spells and pet unicorns and protect magical plants.
Jupiter North. I want more Jupiter North please. Read Nevermoor, yall
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