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masamunerei-blog · 6 years ago
Heat Up JUMP! Hey! Say! JUMP Dance Cover
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Translation: Popolo October 2018 - Yabu and Hikaru
LOVE 2018,
Okamoto’s message to Yabu and Hikaru
Pls credit @skysj4 if reposting, retranslating, sharing, posting screenshots or quoting
Yabu Kota’s LOVE
>The way girls act sly Just by how it’s obvious they are trying to act sly, it’s so cute! Everyone somehow dislikes such slyness, but I am the only one who is okay with it.
>Fried eggs Sizzling eggs on streaks of bacon while covering the pan with a cover. I don’t have a cover in my house, so I stack up the pans as a substitute (laugh). I like my egg half-boiled, and after adding condiments, it is very delicious!
>Oden (Boiled food) I like oden so much I want to eat them in summer too. Or maybe rather than the ingredients, I like the soup broth. Recently I ate oden from Shizuoka. My favourite oden ingredient is, the egg! I wonder how much I love eggs!
>Mount Fuji I have loved Mount Fuji ever since I was young. When I drew pictures, or fixed railways with toy trains, I would definitely include Mount Fuji. Climbing is good too, but I prefer looking at it (laugh)
>Sea lettuce miso soup I don’t make miso soup myself so it tastes very good when I drink it outside. Among all the soups, I like sea lettuce miso soup the most. I will definitely order it when I spot it in the menu of sushi restaurants.
>Stars I like stars and I can look at the sky forever. You can’t really see stars in Tokyo so I will definitely gaze at the sky when I go to places with clear skies. I generally know what are the constellations!
>Hot spring resorts Places where you can relax your body well are good. I also like how the place is spacious and you can put a chair and table at the veranda. It’s great rolling about on the tatami mats, but I will probably stay at the veranda (laugh)  
>Blue I like blue. I don’t know the reason why but I have always liked blue. I like having navy or blue for my clothes, and I do have quite a number of them! There is also Samurai Blue (name of Japan’s soccer team), so all the more I love blue (laugh)
>Yuto He is just kind. He will always reply me when I contact him. So when I see something interesting along the streets, I will take a photo and send it to Yuto. He will reply me with his own comments.
>Saunas and public baths I go once or twice a week. I always repeat the cycle of sauna and water baths for about 3 times. It is a sauna where you can read mangas too so I brought mine but they get all wrinkled!
>Raw egg on rice I have loved this since I was a kid but they always tell me not to eat too much. But since I am an adult now, I rearrange the recipe and eat as and when I want to!
 Yaotome Hikaru’s LOVE
>Bass I love its music of course, but I also like basses which are shaped in a traditional way. It is fun to look at music instruments from their shape too. Playing on such basses is difficult, but that’s why I can enjoy playing them.
>Miyagi My hometown is Miyagi and it is a place I should love. The seafood in the Sanriku coast is the best, and I am proud of the dishes, with seafood caught from the sea, and vegetables from the mountains. When I think of going somewhere for a trip, Sendai in Miyagi comes into my mind (laugh)
>Videos I like watching reality videos of gamers playing their games. Even for games which I think are very difficult, once I watch their videos, I feel that I can do it. I can enjoy the story while watching the games too, and that’s just like watching an anime.  
>Cold noodles I especially think cold noodles are delicious recently. The other day, I bought a whole carton. It is great how I can add on my own condiments according to my preferences, and it tastes even better when you add red chilli paste.
>Bed Because I love sleeping (laugh). Of course I am particular about my mattress, and the one I have finally found is neither too soft nor too hard. My pillow is a memory foam pillow.
>Yuto I really like Yuto’s reactions when I rebut a joke. On variety programs too, he gives a great reaction. Even out of work, when I try to pull off Yuto’s pants, he exaggeratedly seems very happy (laugh)
>MotoGP I have always supported the best rider, Valentino Rossi, who has been actively participating in events for some time. So it is fun being able to join in conversations with older MotoGP fans.
>Shoes I have always been collecting shoes. The number of shoes I own has been increasing so I had to get rid of some, but I still have about 20 pairs. They are all shoes which I love, and I have many basketball shoes.
>Feminine people| People who have kind and sympathetic characters. And also those who are good in cooking. If someone cooks for me when I am tired from work, I will feel really healed~
>Icecream I feel like eating them when I start to get really sleepy (laugh). So I always put about 3-4 different types of icecream in my refrigerator, and choose base on my mood before I sleep that day. Mango shaved ice is the best
>My nephews and nieces Everytime I go to my elder sister’s house I definitely hang out with them, but their pureness is just adorable. I hope to watch over them growing up.
 Okamoto’s messages
Okamoto > Yabu
To Yabu-kun This time, all the members showed concern for me, but Yabu-kun is the one who was the most worried. When we just had our debut, I did not know anything, and the one who taught me many things and scolded me was Yabu-kun. 10 years have passed but nothing has changed and I am grateful for this. You believe that my studying abroad is for the sake of JUMP and while you have strong feelings that I will definitely be more mature, you also feel lonely, and honestly I do have some guilt feelings towards the members. But Yabu-kun is supporting me as an individual, while being worried at the same time. After my study had been decided, you had not changed from before and still had casual conversations and phone calls with me asking “How are you?”, and I was really happy. I am really grateful for Yabu-kun’s graciousness.
Okamoto > Hikaru
To Hikaru-kun Hikaru-kun has always been like a presence of an elder brother since debut. It is thanks to Hikaru-kun’s influence that I started the guitar, and you gave me alot of advice for variety programs like “You should do something like this”. When I had decided to study abroad, and I had a chance to be alone with Hikaru-kun, you asked “What are you going there for?” and I won’t forget the expression you had. It is not like “brothers are being separated”… but it will be lonely not being able to meet you anymore. But iwth such feelings, I want to work hard, and one day it will be great if I could teach Hikaru-kun what I learnt from NY and say “I have learnt to do such things”. And just like JUMP band, I hope to perform with Hikaru-kun again some day.
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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P Magz 2018.10
[TRANS] Messege from Keito to JUMP members
To: Yutti
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P/s: i love how positive yuto is to keito and giving so much excitement & positive vibes to keito, like he’s so sweet & supportive type of bf 💙💚💙💚💙 aww my okajima heart 😍
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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P Magz 2018.10
[TRANS] Message from Keito to JUMP members
To: Dai chan
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P/s: omg, this made me cry 😭. I like how Keito feel the most comfortable with dai chan, making him able to share his problems or tell what is in his mind. This relationship is so precious *ugly sobbing* 💕💕💕
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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P Magz 2018.10
[TRANS] Message from Keito to JUMP members
To: Yama chan
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P/s: the relationship between yamada and keito is seriously the most precious ! Yamada is not a type of person like yuto is (being all sweet & supportive) he is strict, giving keito some tough love so that it will balance. He has both sweet and strict side on keito, so that keito will grow stronger and better 💚❤💚❤
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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P Magz 2018.10
[TRANS] Message from Keito to JUMP members
To: Chinen
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P/s: Chinen is someone who speaks what is in his mind, honest & straight foward. He will say his honest opinion. In this case, he state his opinion and encourage keito to grow as an amazing person and coming back better later. Chii chan is so supportive 💕💚💕💚
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Hey Say 7 - Member’s message (WINK UP October 2017)
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Yamada Ryosuke
Yuto ➡️ good rival
Yuto is a good rival. Because he really encourages me. It is difficult to say..but to think we are as each other rival, I think it this kind of it is
✉️To Yuto: do you play games? It’s 10th anniversary, let’s get to know each other better and play games!
Keito ➡️ little brother
Both Keito and Chinen feel like little brother to me. Because I am the one who always look after them (laugh)
✉️To Keito: Please change your hair colour to black soon
Chinen ➡️ little brother
He is a business partner. That’s a big lie! (Laugh). It is a relationship where you know everything about him so what is it like….i guess he feels like a little brother to me. I will look after Chinen very well
✉️To Chinen: You haven’t changed since before. Let’s continue to remain like this!
Nakajima Yuto:
Yama ➡️ someone to consult your problem with
He is a lover. Yesterday and today too, I spent the night at Yama’s house and came back in the morning. When I’m thinking hard, he always giving me a good advice, even if I’m complaining Yama will listen to everything. There are lots of time where Yama’s word had push my back.
✉️To Yama: Yama always bring us together and show your professionalism to us. Please don’t overdo it, eat properly and try your best.
Keito ➡️ Bandmate
Keito is a bandmate. Keito’s guitar skill from long before until recently are so cool and i’m respecting that. I think about that when we are practicing together during the rehearsal.
✉️To Keito: I think so cool! He is so cool!!
Chinen-chan ➡️ A playful person
He is a playful person where during magazine’s interview when we were thinking about the comment he will say unfamiliar things but it turned out interesting, making fun moves during rehearsals, imitating someone while singing and dancing to JUMP’s songs.
✉️To Chinen: Eventhough you will be turning 24 years old, even now you still have the minimum cuteness and spoiled, but you did a lot of individual work and delivering outstanding results and it make me always think “Chiichan is awesome!”. I think it doesn’t have anything to do with “being small”.
Chinen Yuri:
Keito ➡️ Relaxing person
He is the son of my great senior (laugh). After all, he is the son of my great senior Okamoto Kenichi! I don’t know if it is really true or not (laugh). I think he is a person I can relax with together.
✉️To Keito: In this 10  years I think you have found your standing position within the group.  Also in the past 10 years, as an important member, I believe that you has become a powerful force for JUMP.
Yamada ➡️ Special person
Hmm..this is difficult. As a group member? (laugh). But, we also spend our times together in private…so he is special existence (laugh)! He is not just a friend or as work colleagues. We have always been together since school, so it is a relationship where we understand each other very well.
✉️To Yamada: Since i become a Jr and came to Tokyo I always wanted to dance with Ryosuke. From that time you are the person I pay attention to and I can respect, it has been 10 years now and it still unchanged. You have been running ahead of us and i will always be following you
Yutti ➡️ Classmates
Yuti is a person who makes impersonation as great senior. As a high school student he equipped with various of things and when important times he is always there, even at school we both have always been together. That’s what I meant the sense of “classmates” is strong.
✉️To Yutti: It still unchanged since before, when I’m doing something we both will joke around and you also get along with my foolishness. I am very glad to have a person who can joke around together, I hope we can keep playing around until we become old.
Okamoto Keito 
Yuto ➡️ Friend Recently he seems to have great interest in English and makes conversation in English with me. Thank you!
✉️To Yuto: If I am a girl, Yuto seems like a man that I would want to marry. He is earnest and smart, full of curiosity, and I think that a wonderful child would be born…I’m looking forward for the afterworld
Yamachan ➡️ Aniki
Although he is younger but he is “aniki” to me. He cares a lot about me. He is a very matured and a reliable person. Not like “older brother” but as “aniki”. I get that feeling recently.
✉️To Yamachan: There are no words to describe for all the love i feel from Yamachan in the past 10 years. I’m glad that I was born on the same era as Yamachan.
Chinen ➡️ Peace
I feel very calm whenever I’m with him. We have spend our times together for over the 10 years but I have never feel irritated at him even once. From now on, even for 50 years I would like to continue to spend my days with him without having argument.
✉️To Chinen: Sometimes, there are times I think about “There will be only Chinen in this world” “What will happen if Chinen doesn’t exist in this world?” (laugh). I like you till I imagine those things (laugh).
Scan are not mine. 
Note: I’m not a native Japanese and English speaker so there might be mistakes, sorry!
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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Hey! Say! Jump–Lyricists & Composer appreciation post–because their gifts deserve recognition! I find them absolutely amazing &
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Here’s a list by date of their contributions:
6.24.15 JUMPing CAR:
UNION Lyrics: 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki, 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru, 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
3月14日 時計 ~ Sangatsu Juuyokka ~ Tokei Lyrics: 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
6.18.14 S3ART:
Setsunasa, Hikikae ni  Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
Candle Lyrics: 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
Compass Rose Lyrics: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
Come Back…?  Lyrics & Music: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
RELOAD Lyrics: 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki
AinoArika Rap Lyrics: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
6.6.12 JUMP World:
Perfect Life Lyrics: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
Hero Lyrics: 岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito
Hurry Up! Arrangement: 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki
Thumb & Pinky Lyrics: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
Snap  Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
Hana Egao  Lyrics: 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
7.7.10 JUMP No. 1:
Dreamer Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
Infinity Lyrics: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
Shinku  Lyrics: 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
Smile Song  Lyrics: 知念 侑李 Chinen Yuri
Time Lyrics: 高木 雄也 Takaki Yuya Arrangement: 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki
Score Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota Rap: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
I Scream Lyrics/Music: 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru Guitar: 岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito
Dash!! Lyrics: 中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
Thank You Lyrics: Hey! Say! Jump, 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota, 高木 雄也 Takaki Yuya, 伊野尾 慧 Inoo Kei, 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru, 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki, 岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito, 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke, 中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
2014 AinoArika, First-run Limited Edition 3
Sakura, Saita yo Rap Lyrics: 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki
2013 Come On A My House, First-run Limited Edition 2
Scramble Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
2013 Mystery Virgin, Regular Edition
Gin no Sekai ni Negai o Komete Lyrics: 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
2011 Over, Regular Edition
Screw Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
2008 Mayonaka no Shadow Boy, First-run Limited Edition
School Kakumei Lyrics: 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
And arranged by person:
有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki
2015 UNION Lyrics 2014 RELOAD Lyrics 2014 Sakura, Saita yo Rap Lyrics 2012 Hurry Up! Arrangement 2010 Time Arrangement
八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru
2015 UNION Lyrics 2014 Compass Rose Lyrics 2014 Come Back…?  Lyrics & Music 2014 AinoArika Rap Lyrics 2012 Perfect Life Lyrics 2012 Thumb & Pinky Lyrics 2010 Infinity Lyrics 2010 I Scream Lyrics/Music 2010 Score Rap Lyrics
薮 宏太 Yabu Kota
2015 UNION Lyrics 2014 Setsunasa, Hikikae ni  Lyrics 2013 Scramble Lyrics 2012 Snap  Lyrics 2011 Screw Lyrics 2010 Dreamer Lyrics 2010 Score Lyrics 2008 School Kakumei Lyrics
山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
2015 3月14日 時計 ~ Sangatsu Juuyokka ~ Tokei Lyrics 2014 Candle Lyrics 2013 Gin no Sekai ni Negai o Komete Lyrics 2012 Hana Egao  Lyrics 2010 Shinku  Lyrics
岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito
2012 Hero Lyrics
知念 侑李 Chinen Yuri
2010 Smile Song Lyrics
高木 雄也 Takaki Yuya
2010 Time Lyrics
岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito
2010 I Scream Guitar
中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
2010 Dash!! Lyrics
2010 Thank You Lyrics: Hey! Say! Jump, 薮 宏太 Yabu Kota, 高木 雄也 Takaki Yuya, 伊野尾 慧 Inoo Kei, 八乙女 光 Yaotome Hikaru, 有岡 大貴 Arioka Daiki, 岡本 圭人 Okamoto Keito, 山田 涼介 Yamada Ryosuke, 中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto, 知念 侑李 Chinen Yuri
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
1. masamuneRei
2. Yuto, because he's so funny, can play a drum (i'm play too) lol
3. This year 2018 (yeah i'm so late, forgive me)
4. HSJ's all concerts.. but my fav one is DEAR
5. I/O
6. HSJ's all songs.. if i should choose hmm Masquerade
7. Mae wo Muke
8. 7
9. I have just 2nd bias.. he is Chinen Yuri
10. Because i just love them
11. When chinen become a sadistic person.. i love it lol
12. I love Yabu's voice.. he can handle high tone
13. Of course Chinen Yuri
14. Nakajima Yuto
15. Yuri x Ryosuke
16. The best for you guys.. don't change at all.. always love each other
Hey! Say! JUMP fans QnA!
fans of H!S!J should all unite and know more about each other! So reblog this with your answers so your followers know more about your HSJ addiction!!
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1. nickname
2. your bias, and why?
3. when you became a fan
4. favorite concert
5. favorite album
6. favorite song
7. favorite music video
8. 7 or Best?
9. who’s your 2nd and your 3rd bias?
10. How you became a fan?
11. favorite Itadaki High JUMP episode (just describe what they did if u can’t remember the date HAHAHA)
12. favorite singer out of the 9?
13. favorite dancer out of the 9?
14. funniest out of the 9?
15. Your ship (if any)
16. A message to Hey! Say! JUMP?
I hope with this we can all learn more about each other! Have a greaaatt day!
[just a note: favorite doesn’t mean best ^-^]
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Translation: Myojo January 2018 - Hikaru x Yuto x Takaki crosstalk
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Pls credit @skysj4 if reposting, retranslating, sharing, posting screenshots or quoting
In this issue of Myojo’s crosstalk, there are 9 flashcards with words that originate from the characters of their name. They pick random cards and are required to have a free talk along the topic of the word written on the card.
Yu- Millennial generation U- A puppy just born To- City legends
Hi- Treasured photos Ka- Hidden camera Ru- Roommate
Ta- Cry of the soul Ka- Traditional landscape garden Ki- Gold medal
 Takaki: Firstly, Yuto’s “U”! and we have “Umaretabakarino koinu (A newborn puppy)”
Yuto: I have not seen such puppies before except on television
Takaki: Me too!
Hikaru: When I was staying in Miyagi, I picked up an abandoned puppy.
Takaki: I see
Hikaru: That puppy was really small. I wonder how big are those that are newborn?
Yuto: How old was Hikaru-kun then?
Hikaru: When I was in kindergarten. I named the dog Korosuke and kept it
Takaki: I want to have a puppy too but it will be really pitiful when I am not at home, so in the end I can’t have one.
Hikaru: Speaking of that, didn’t you look after your sister’s dog for a period of time?
Takaki: Yup. That dog only listens to what I say. Serious!
Yuto: So why did you take care of the dog?
Takaki: My sister had a chihuahua dog and she gave birth.
Yuto: You are talking about your sister’s kid and not the dog right?
Takaki: Yes (laugh). Because there was also a baby, so she had a hard time taking care of the dog. So I said “I will help you take care of the dog” and it stayed with me for awhile.
Hikaru: Let’s go to the next one~ Yuto’s “To”
Yuto: It’s “Toshidensetsu (City legends/rumours)”
Hikaru: I like such stories. I was once really into them with Dai-chan.
Takaki: If you go and eat with male friends and someone starts on this topic, it will probably not stop for 2-3 hours.
Hikaru: Definitely!
Takaki: I am in charge of listening only though.
Yuto: I am the type who doubts them. Even when I see such stories on television, I will think “They are just trying to find something to talk about right?”
Hikaru: But even if you know that it’s a lie, it’s a good story too and I like them.
Yuto: But I like this story. If you fold a dollar bill,  there will be a hidden image of the twin towers which were destroyed on 9/11
Takaki: Ehh. Freemasonry stories are also exciting.
Yuto: Isn’t there a Freemason lodge below Tokyo Tower?
Takaki: Yup. Their mark appears there too. Not hidden at all.
Hikaru: I also heard that you can see UFOs on an American or some other country stealth plane.
Takaki: I heard that too!
Yuto: Okay let’s move on to the next one! Takaki’s “Ki” and we have “Kin medal (Gold medal)”! This is already the movie “Kin medal otoko”
Takaki: I watched the movie!
Yuto: Some time ago, Shirai-kun also got a gold medal in the national gymnastics.
Hikaru: Yup
Yuto: The presenter was Chinen so I thought, that guy is really the gold medal guy after all!
Takaki: That’s a good one!…. This topic seems like it’s not gonna branch out, so that’s the end! The next one is Hikaru’s “Ru” and we have “Roommate”
Yuto: Does roommate means staying in a sharehouse?
Takaki: When someone comes to stay over, it can mean roommate too. When I was 18 years old, my male friend who was an actor came to stay over.
Yuto: Male friends do not have to be too considerate to each other, so it seems good
Takaki: Yup
Yuto: I can’t live in a sharehouse or with someone else. There are so many things you have to share, like the washing machine or fridge.
Takaki: That’s right.
Yuto: I have many rules so it is definitely impossible to stay with someone else!
Takaki: That guy was in my house until he decided his next apartment, so it was a short period of time, and because our lifestyles are different, we didn’t really get to meet at home.
Hikaru: Me too, I have a friend staying in Yokohama who came for an audition near my house, so he stayed over for about a week.
Yuto: When you stay together, do you create rules?
Hikaru: I don’t give him rules. But my friend was considerate and helped to throw the trash, so it was easy.
Takaki: I am the type who will say “Don’t touch the things in my house”. I don’t really remember but I was the one who did the housework.
Hikaru: Then if you had to stay with a member, who will you choose?
Yuto: Not a room mate but if I had to get a wife, Yama. Seems like I will be hearing the sound of the chopper when I wake up. I will have an abundance of meals.
Takaki: Ah, that’s true. For me, Arioka-kun. Because I will think that I have to be the reliable one.
Yuto, Hikaru: Ahahahaha (laugh)
Takaki: He is bad at waking up so I have to wake him up.
Yuto: Feels like a mother though.
Hikaru: For me probably Chinen.
Yuto: But Chinen cannot do anything, so he will leave everything to Hikaru-kun
Hikaru: Because I want to do everything myself, so someone like Chinen will be better. And he doesn’t seem to get violent, so that’s a relief (laugh)
Yuto: So Hika and Takaki-kun are both like the wife and I am like the husband type (laugh)
Takaki: Wife, wife, husband
Yuto: Lastly, Hikaru’s “Hi” and we have “Hizoushashin (Treasured photos)”
Hikaru: I have the members’ sleeping photos in my phone. I take photos of sleeping faces if they are funny.
Yuto: I have accumulated a collection of Hikaru-kun’s sleeping face in my phone.
Takaki: Hikaru-kun is always sleeping
Yuto: He always lies on the sofa in the dressing room but yesterday, he was sleeping while sitting on a chair. Me and Yabu-kun were chatting nearby and even though he was sleeping, his mouth started moving. Like Mouri Kogoro in Detective Conan (laugh)
Hikaru: Ahahaha (laugh) I was probably really trying to join in your conversation.
Yuto: But after that you stopped talking, and seemed like you were pouting, that was cute.
Takaki: That’s alot of expressions you have.
Yuto: In the past, whenever I had my camera towards Takaki-kun, he would always respond with a weird face, so I have a collection of that too.
Hikaru: When I still owned a flip phone, I took a photo of Dai-chan in a bathrobe at the hotel. Actually, that was a ghostly photo.
Yuto: What else was in the photo?
Hikaru: At first we thought Takaki was playing a prank and showed his face from the bed, but it seemed like a female face. I did not throw that flip phone away so I think that photo is still there.
Yuto: What kind of photos does Takaki-kun take?
Takaki: When I am with someone, I take alot of photos. I want to leave the happy times in my memory.
Hikaru: You are so cute (laugh)
Yuto: You have many photos of satisfaction in your real life.
Takaki: Well, my real life is really full of satisfaction♪
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Wanna see this HEARTBEAT at concert soooo badly~  #I/O performance
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
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*image source: JStorm & Johnny’s Web (how to register: here)
Hey! Say! JUMP - “Maeomuke” Messages
Keep reading
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Translation: Calendar 2018-2019- all Yabu and Hikaru parts Hey! Say! JUMP's PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE
Pls credit @skysj4 if reposting, retranslating, sharing, posting screenshots or quoting
Yabu Kota
Q1. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years ago?   To Me: You will be relatively enjoying this 10 years later, so it’s okay to feel at ease. To Hikaru Yaotome: You had a little more dignity than the you now. To Kei Inoo: I don’t remember. I don’t have memory of it. To Yuya Takaki: You were thin and was a rather edgy person To Daiki Arioka: Your looks won’t change 10 years later too so don’t worry To Keito Okamoto: Work a little harder on your Japanese To Yuto Nakajima: Both your height and character are totally like a kid To Yuri Chinen: How are you? To Ryosuke Yamada: You were chubby but 10 years later you will become stylish and cool
Q2. If you give a shout out to this member now? To Me: You are working hard and have mellowed down compared to the past. To Hikaru Yaotome: You have lost the dignity, but you are cute. To Kei Inoo: Inoo Kei is just Inoo Kei To Yuya Takaki: You have mellowed down fairly. You love for the members and JUMP is unbeatable. To Daiki Arioka: Just as usual, you often have problems waking up on time To Keito Okamoto: Work hard on your Japanese. But it has become a little better than 10 years ago though. To Yuto Nakajima: You are always innocent, still like a kid now To Yuri Chinen: We eat thrice a week. Let’s increase it to 5 times a week. To Ryosuke Yamada: Let’s go eat good food again
Q3. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years later? To Me: Become a wonderful man!  To Hikaru Yaotome: You are still cute. To Kei Inoo: 10 years later too, Inoo Kei is just Inoo Kei To Yuya Takaki: Your edges have disappeared and you are totally round now (laugh) To Daiki Arioka: I am sure your face wouldn’t have changed. To Keito Okamoto: How’s your Japanese now? To Yuto Nakajima: Seems like you would have become a rather sullen guy. To Yuri Chinen: We meet 7 times a week! We have already married each other. To Ryosuke Yamada: Your height hasn’t changed, but your tolerance has become better
Yaotome Hikaru
Q1. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years ago?   To Me: You will be surrounded by good members and blessed fans, so stay the way you are now. To Kota Yabu: My great partner since I joined the agency. I was happy that you were with me. To Kei Inoo: We will have another temporary unit, and at first I was worried. To Yuya Takaki: You were like a sole loner, but soon you will feel the fun being with the members To Daiki Arioka: I was relieved that a member who had been close with me since junior days was around. To Keito Okamoto: You did work very hard while crying when you couldn’t remember the dance moves. To Yuto Nakajima: You are shorter than me, but soon you will grow taller To Yuri Chinen: You sat on the laps of the members, and were like a “small kid from the relatives side” To Ryosuke Yamada: With being the centre from our sudden debut, you worked hard and didn’t lose to pressure
Q2. If you give a shout out to this member now? To Me: I hope to get some advice from the me 10 years later. To Kota Yabu: We can talk about anything, and you understand everything about me too, a presence like a father. To Kei Inoo: Your solo work has increased, and how you can work hard on a multilevel is amazing. To Yuya Takaki: Your comments during the MC talks are really interesting, so I look forward to them from now on too. To Daiki Arioka: We have work together 2 days a week, so your presence is like a partner. To Keito Okamoto: Repetitive practicing in remembering the dance steps hasn’t changed since 10 years ago, that’s amazing. To Yuto Nakajima: Thank you for always laughing at my lame jokes. To Yuri Chinen: Thank you for creating a good atmosphere during concerts with your cheerful character! To Ryosuke Yamada: With me and Arioka as a target, you often have small jokes in the dressing room.
Q3. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years later? To Me: Stay unchanging. Live youthfully! To Kota Yabu: Don’t get any serious injury. You are clumsy, so do take care. To Kei Inoo: I’m sure your work will increase dramatically, and more turning opportunities will come to you. To Yuya Takaki: You like the sea, so use your interest in the sea in your work too. To Daiki Arioka: I hope we can maintain this good partner relationship To Keito Okamoto: Seems like you will resemble your dad even more. Especially when you play instruments. To Yuto Nakajima: Seems like you will become a stable actor or a model, and become even cooler. To Yuri Chinen: Always and from now on, be that cute Chinen like you are now. To Ryosuke Yamada: From now on, please continue to maintain the centre position.
 To Yabu from the members
Q1. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years ago?  From Hikaru: My great partner since I joined the agency. I was happy that you were with me. From Inoo: Your clumsiness won’t change 10 years later too. From Takaki: You were one of my members, but you were a “senior” From Arioka: You had an image of a cool elder brother From Okamoto: You were working actively as one of the elites, and had an image as an awesome senior. From Yuto: You were an elder brother who is knowledgeable and would answer anything I asked From Chinen: 10 years later, I will call you ojisan From Yamada: Though you carried alot of burden, but you worked hard with all your might.
Q2. If you give a shout out to this member now?
From Hikaru: We can talk about anything, and you understand everything about me too, a presence like a father. From Inoo: You seem like a reliable person, but just like before, you are still clumsy. From Takaki: “Sauna friend”. You teach me alot of things. From Arioka: Your presence now is adorable. Your actions and words. From Okamoto: I am happy that you interact with me warmly. From Yuto: With that backlash, now you have blended with the members. From Chinen: For my birthday, I want a small wallet like Kota’s From Yamada: Everyone shares the burden now, so it’s okay to relax
Q3. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years later? From Hikaru: We can talk about anything, and you understand everything about me too, a presence like a father. From Inoo: You are still clumsy (laugh) From Takaki: I will be happy if you could be of a presence where we motivate each other. From Arioka: You like sports so I hope you can form a team. From Okamoto: With your basic knowledge and great knowledge about history and others, you might probably become a newscaster. From Yuto: You are really good in singing to I hope you can become a musical actor. From Chinen: I want a detached house. If it is Kota, you would buy it for me right? From Yamada: Do continue to be my discussion partner from now on too
 To Hikaru from the members
Q1. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years ago?  From Yabu: You had a little more dignity than the you now. From Inoo: You were such a funky person that I cannot believe your airheadedness character 10 years later. From Takaki: You were really mischievous From Arioka: Somehow you were rather edgy. In a good meaning, you were overbearing too. From Okamoto: You were like an awesome elder brother, and gave me alot of advice. From Yuto: You were often edgy right? And self centred… From Chinen: Mellow down a little more. There was a period where you were a little scary From Yamada: You felt like “The Senior”, and was really reliable.
Q2. If you give a shout out to this member now? From Yabu: You have lost the dignity, but you are cute. From Inoo: You have started to forget your belongings. You often read and say the wrong words. From Takaki: In a good meaning, you have calmed down. From Arioka: You have mellowed down, and your airheaded phrases are interesting. From Okamoto: It’s great that I am able to teach you things like English too. From Yuto: I think you have become more cooperative. I like Hikaru-kun’s acting. From Chinen: You sleep too much. I wonder if it is “a well slept child is a well kept child”? You really sleep in front of others. From Yamada: You are a senior but you feel like a comrade. And we are able to tease you now.
Q3. If you give a shout out to this member 10 years later? From Yabu: You are still cute. From Inoo: I cannot imagine it! You are a person with extreme change. From Takaki: I can’t imagine your hairstyle and clothings so I am looking forward. From Arioka: I hope you will become a cool and rock person. From Okamoto: I feel that you will be working actively in your solo work and I am excited for that. From Yuto: You have good acting as a negative person so I hope you become a famous supporting actor.   From Chinen: Have you built up a happy family? I guess not (laugh) From Yamada: It would be great if the number of things you forget don’t increase (laugh)
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
*video source: tomoniwithjump @ blogspot
There are some really talented people in JE, ne~?
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I had hoped that this would be completed by New Year’s, but what can I say? The holidays bring out the A.D.D. in me, lol. Hope the holidays were good to you, too! ♥
If you are someone knowledgeable enough to suspect that this may have been a Google Translate job, then you would be correct then you would probably be fluent enough in both Japanese and English that you’d might like to consider becoming a translator! Send us a message and you’ll be welcomed with open arms and a shower of compliments that will leave you blushing ‘til next New Year’s!
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(Closed captioning for JUMPinYutopia’s first fansub release was brought to you by Google Translate)
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Hey! Say! JUMP performance at M Station. Oh my God, they’re so cool 😍😍
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Mae wo Muke performance at Buzz Rhythm 20180216
cr youtube nyan pink12
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masamunerei-blog · 7 years ago
Cr: Weibo:  _MacciRto_
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