#pcos exercise for weight loss
htlifestyle · 1 year
Follow the 5 poses for PCOS | Follow the 5s | HT Lifestyle
This Video talks about 5 Exercises that can help you to ease the symptoms of PCOS and decrease testosterone levels.
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froggierboy · 6 months
there should be a way to gain muscle that doesnt involve exercise
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kkujo · 8 months
also idk i feel so fucking good abt myself idk genuinely being consistent with my gym routine has done everything for my mental health and confidence like i still feel bad abt myself sometimes but for the first time since i was probably 9 i'm having days where i look in the mirror and thinking DAMN i look good and those days are getting more frequent it's really the best feeling
#and it's not just the weight loss like. being overweight was such a struggle for me esp bc i've had issues w eds and stuff and.#idk it made me miserable. and i wasn't the healthiest bc i'd gained a lot due to pcos and my periods were irregular etc like it wasn't good#and now i'm medicated and fuck man my period is regular now and my weight is more normal and i just feel like. good abt that#bc i spent so long being unable to lose bc of my hormones and it was so disheartening bc i was doing everything 'right'#i feel a little bad talking abt it bc ik it's a sensitive topic and i have had issues w eds i obv don't think weighing less makes u healthy#etc etc. for me it was the healthy thing to lose what i've lost so i'm proud of that and i did all of that mostly without relapsing#over 2 years and i've had like. maybe a month of relapse total over that time and each time i've come out of it after a week or two#so i'm definitely stronger mentally etc BUT. my point is. the confidence hasn't come from trying to be smaller#and now i'm actively trying to build muscle and for the first time ever my confidence comes from looking BIGGER bc i want muscle growth etc#the confidence truly comes from within and when i was overweight i started to give myself that confidence#by starting to wear cute clothes and stop hiding my body#it is so true that losing weight won't make you like yourself or your body.#like. you can lose weight if you want but you HAVE to respect yourself first. i lost a lot of weight unhealthily in 2019 and regained it#& bc i did it out of self hatred i NEVER felt better abt myself when i got smaller. you rlly have to be able to love yourself as you are rn#it's cliche but very very true#anyway i don't rlly talk abt this stuff on here bc ik it's a sensitive topic but!!!#i really would recommend weightlifting and strength training if you wanna feel more confident#ik it won't work for everyone but for me it's genuinely transformed the way i see myself.#i no longer try to force myself to be as small as possible. and for me that's everything yk#ALSO LIKE. THE MENTAL HEALTH ASPECTS. just having the routine and getting exercise and getting out every day rlly helps too#i really would recommend it i've never felt better or more confident abt myself#the only thing is unfortunately and it's a very real problem but gym/gym bro culture often leans v close to e/d culture#it really sucks bc a lot of gym folks genuinely do love it and are very healthy with it#but the chicken and rice gym bro types are pretty rampant too and there's a LOT of dysmorphia and such in the community#so i kind of avoid gym bro circles for that reason bc i do think a lot of people take it too far and are very mentally unhealthy with it#but weightlifting/going gym in itself isn't the problem and if you're eating properly & taking care of yourself it's not gonna be like that#it's just knowing the types of ppl to avoid bc a lot of the mindset is pretty toxic 😭😭 but there are def a lot of ppl who do it healthily#like. i understand why people do it but i'm kind of against bulking/cutting at least for myself#bc for me it's not abt looking as strong as possible it's abt being fit and healthy physically & mentally if i look buff asf that's a bonus#but a lot of ppl take bulks/cuts too far & a lot of it is just regurgitated e/d shit unfortunately. just b careful who you interact with
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ikkan · 1 year
when u lowkey have a health issue, but refuse to go to doctor because they’ll just dismiss u for being fat :/
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womenmatters · 1 year
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thefoodieannotation · 5 months
My Story
Who I Am: The Foodie Annotation is a food blog. Hi, I'm Bethany. I am a 20-something woman with PCOS, currently living in Walsall, West Midlands.
I have been struggling with weight gain for around 5 years now, able to gain weight but not lose it. After trying almost every diet I can think of, calorie deficits, all carbs, just eating a bowl of Coco Pops a day, nothing worked. For some time, I thought it was a lack of exercise causing the problem, so I turned to doing extreme amounts of cardio. Walking, running, Zumba, etc etc. Yet, it still felt like I was still putting the weight on. (The scales didn't move either way for most of that.)
Later, in the middle of 2023, I was diagnosed with PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. At last, somewhat of an answer. It felt good (even though I cried a lot) to 'understand' what was happening. Yet, I didn't have the slightest clue. It felt like everyone was saying: "Just lose weight.". Of course, that is great advice BUT HOW?
My Approach: After feeling like an endless cycle of trying diets that don't work, doing workouts and nothing. I did some research on types of PCOS, relationships with food, the 'right' kind of exercise, etc. I now have the right tools to help manage my weight and stick to it.
Deciding to create this blog was a battle with me internally, yet, in the end, the blog won. The hope for this blog is mainly, to keep myself motivated to carry on the journey.
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godtears · 6 months
It just hit me that like. I'm always complaining about migraines and feeling nauseous at certain points and being cold all the time and being tired all the time and etc. And all my doctors have been like "well there's nothing wrong with you so like. Idk man" and whenever I tell those same doctors that I don't really eat all that much they're like "you're lying we're giving you a hunger suppressant". And I just kinda connected some dots here like. Maybe the reason why I'm experiencing those symptoms is BECAUSE I don't eat a lot.
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thefitindian · 7 months
Explore the world of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS) and its impact on health, including insulinresistance, weight management challenges, andirregular menstrual periods. Learn how a well-structured diet plan can empower you to controlPCOS and its associated symptoms
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sincerelychyna · 9 months
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Sunday Afternoon Walk
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pslvtv · 1 year
Tips on how to get pregnant with PCOS quickly | గర్భం దాల్చడానికి చిట్కాలు | PSLV TV
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friendzbox5 · 2 years
Do you have an underactive thyroid?
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Hypothyroidism will affect your life and several other internal functions of your body significantly. This specific disorder is thought to own aggravated symptoms over time which will even cause issues together with your cardiovascular conditions.
It is essential to understand that hyperthyroidism may be a serious issue further. the problem of hyperthyroidism can cause variety of significant side effects if not properly treated. you must be made attentive to the symptoms that identify with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
The symptoms will vary from one person to a different, but those over the age of 35 are likely to determine the symptoms present with unique symptoms. the subsequent are the foremost general symptoms of hypothyroidism:
Being Tired After Eating
Sensitivity to Cold
Memory Loss
Muscle Pain
Feeling very Sick Hypothyroidism is usually misdiagnosed as depression given its close association with tiredness and fatigue. Hypothyroidism isn't considered a psychological state and isn't typically diagnosed by knowledgeable. However, a doctor can confirm this diagnosis. it's also worth mentioning that the symptoms of hypothyroidism can sometimes be confused with signs of early pregnancy in women who have recently become pregnant.
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
I hear a lot about how fatness is a "risk factor" for certain illnesses and diseases. I don't hear much about how so are age, socioeconomic status, experiences of abuse, starvation, sex, race, queerness, and so many other aspects of a person's life. And that's because the world already for the most part accepts that a lot of these factors cannot be changed and that many of these factors are not what actually causes an illness or disease.
You don't develop a medical condition because your bank account suddenly shows a different, smaller number. You developed that medical condition because poverty means unbearable stress every day, less access to healthcare, worse housing, inability to clothe yourself for protection from the elements, having to overwork yourself to be able to afford your basic necessities, going without food, and so many other aspects of oppression. You don't weigh your wallet to measure your health because the amount of money you have is not what actually causes a medical condition.
But no one wants to look at the studies with legitimate methodology and admit that fatness is also in this category—that fatness is not something that we can just choose and will away, that fat people face immense systemic oppression just like any other oppressed group, that the correlation of fatness and illness is not some simple relationship of causation. And that's because doing so would mean no longer making hundreds of billions of dollars off of fat people's oppression and having to admit it's not actually okay to treat fat people as an acceptable punching bag.
When I look at medical information for whatever illnesses, see the risk factors laid out, and the only risk factor the website says to change is fatness? I think about all of the research I've read that shows actual permanent weight loss is as likely as finding Atlantis. The amount of hypocrisy at not telling someone to drink a youth potion as a form of treatment at the same time as they lose weight becomes so palpable that I can taste the dirty money being made off of this website telling people to "just lose weight, fatty." It's as cruel as selling an ill person a random crystal that you tell them will fix their health, which they then rely on instead of actual medical care, causing them to get worse and even die. And if you think that comparison is a stretch, you do not realize how many people die every day because they were told weight loss was the answer or were forced to lose weight before the doctor would actually respect them enough to run tests or so much as touch their fat body.
We live in a world where people with PCOS are told to "just lose weight" to solve their infertility, where that is the very first bullet point listed on a website about a medical condition that makes weight loss even more impossible than the already 95% failure rate for the general population. A world where fat people have to stick their own fat bodies with needles during a doctor's appointment because the doctor is too disgusted by fat rolls to even look at the person's body to give them a shot. A world where fat people with eating disorders are encouraged, applauded, and told to keep going while the thin person with an eating disorder has the "luxury" of receiving help, compassion, and a diagnosis that isn't separated in the DSM with the word "atypical." A world where a fat person accidentally given chemotherapy is told by the doctor "At least it helped you lose weight!" A world where weight loss corporations are making the exact same promises they did in advertisements from 1910, yet somehow over 100 years later we have an "ob*sity epidemic" because diets, weight loss products, and exercise regimens "Really work!!!"
If this single "solution" to ill health has not worked despite well over a century of desperate, constant attempts, maybe we should stop trying to jam a triangle into a square hole.
-Mod Worthy
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prettyebonylux · 6 months
YouTuber’s I'm Taking Into 2024:
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Afrifitness {dance, workout, exercise}
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Annika {self-care, vlogs, faith}
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Ashley Sinari {luxury, self-care, beauty, vlogs}
Ashleysayque {fitness, weight loss journey}
Athina {vlogs, beauty, wellness}
Atozy {commentary}
Ayesha Noelle | Affirmations {Affirmation}
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Breanna Anastasia {beauty, fashion, vlogs}
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Creatively Designed Presents {pro-bw, entertainment}
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De’arra Taylor {vlogs, entertainment}
DIDI DA DON {commentary}
Doing Life Alone Diaries {self-development, self-care}
Dr.Alexis Stephen’s {self-care, skin care tips}
Dr Cheries Types {commentary, entertainment}
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Most of Miree {commentary, self-development}
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Olivia Yang {self-care, lifestyle}
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PCOS Weight Loss {health, exercise, womanhood
Psych2Go {mental health}
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The Chic Maven {luxury, fashion}
The Danni Rose {cooking, baking}
The Economist {economics, business, education}
The Learmann Twins {uni-life, vlogs}
TheKenyaAlysia {vlogs, beauty}
Thewizardliz {motivation, self-development}
Tiffany TV {self-care, self-development}
Tom Bilyeu {motivation, self-development}
TotallyCluelessTV {entertainment}
Transmuted Living {self-development, pro-BW, self care}
Treadchic {health, exercise}
TRINDINGTOPIC {self-development, self-care, leveling up}
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Vogue {beauty, fashion, self-care}
Women Love Power {feminine archetypes, womanhood}
Your Vintage Lane (Jazz music, vintage music}
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starblr-diet · 4 months
My ed girly with PCOS gym routine :)
As someone with PCOS I found that doing cardio and high intensity workouts didn’t work for me at all, I never saw any weight loss and always felt exhausted after leaving the gym. Instead, I did some research and implemented a few of the methods of other people with PCOS’s workout routines into my own. Having a routine planned and prepared before I even enter the gym is so useful to me, it really eases my anxiety and it keeps me motivated, so I thought I’d share my silly little low-intensity but still effective workout routine for my girlies who struggle with insulin resistance and PCOS :)
5 minutes on the treadmill; incline of 4 at 2.8km/hr
Main workout:
Leg extension 4 x 12 (I started at 20lbs to make sure my form was correct before increasing the weight, ended my set at 40lbs)
Leg press 4 x 12 (again, starting at a lower weight and increasing once I’m certain that my form is correct, ended my set at 60lbs)
Calf press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Seated row 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Shoulder press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Chest press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Diverging lat pulldown 4 x 12 (20lbs)
Do whatever works best for you, personally I find that stretching and moving my joints helps to ease any pains I may get. I’d say the most important part for me is doing squared breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat) throughout the entire cooldown as this lowers the heart rate and blood pressure.
Remember to drink water, stay hydrated!! The most important thing you can do for your body when working out is drinking water so that your muscles are able to work as they should, dehydration can cause you to pull a muscle which hurts like a bitch.
Also, remember to eat (as much as you probably don’t want to) because your body needs food to create energy in order to workout. Whether you eat before or after the workout is up to you, but even something small like a protein bar will help you get through the workout without feeling super low energy and feeling like giving up. Being able to do low-intensity workouts for a longer amount of time is equally as effective, if not more so, than doing a 30 minute high-intensity workout and feeling completely burnt out and exhausted by the end of it.
Stay safe and enjoy yourselves, exercising is for everyone, regardless of shape and size and you can do this!
(Reminder that this is my own personal opinion and what I find helps me the most, I’m not a professional so don’t rely on this advice as 100% accurate. These are all just things that I myself have tried and found are beneficial to me.)
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kittysdiary · 1 year
What are some good workouts for wanting no waist?
Well basically a hourglass workout , because i don’t know where to start
Here is my workout routine!
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Side note: I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) so my workouts are low intensity with a big focus on lifting weights as it is more beneficial to my health + weight loss journey. I’ve done HIIT and CrossFit in the past, both are fun and a great way to incorporate cardio into your workouts.
Day 1: Lower Body
I typically go until failure aka as many reps as I can do on my leg days. But doing 3 sets of 15 reps is a good starting point or doing as many reps as you can within 60 seconds. Play around with the weights on each machine and do as many sets and reps your body is most comfortable with doing.
10-15 minute warm up on the StairMaster
Leg Press Machine 3x15
Seated Leg Curl Machine 3x15
Hip Abductor Machine 3x15
Glute Kick Back Machine 3x15
Leg Extension Machine 3x15
Weighted Hip Thrusts 3x15
Weighted Lunges 3x15
Weighted Squats 3x15
Don’t forget to do glute activations with a resistance band my favs include: fire hydrants, donkey kicks, leg kickbacks, glute bridge and hip abductors.
Day 2: Upper Body
15-20 minute warm up on the Treadmill. (Low speed + at an incline)
Seated Row Machine 3x15
Torso Rotation Machine 3x15
Chest Press Machine 3x15
Shoulder Press Machine 3x15
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3x15 (pull downs are really great for that snatched waist look! there are so many variations to try but these workouts are gonna be your bestie trust!)
Any of the Crunch Machines 3x15
How you build your workout routine is completely up to you and your research. I personally try to go to the gym 3-4 days a week with 3 days focused on glutes!
Day 1 would be a leg day, Day 2 would be an upper body day, Day 3 would be another leg day and Day 4 would be a mix of upper and lower body.
Some people prefer having different days dedicated to target specific areas in an in depth way like one day for legs, one day for abs, one day for arms and one day for back!
{At Home}
I like to follow fitness YouTubers who have free workouts plans to follow while you’re at home. JaneKate Fitness is my fav and she posts workout routines to follow each month!
Here are some at home equipment I’ve invested in for my at home workouts:
Yoga Mat
Resistance Bands
Ankle Weights
Kettle Bell
These are just a few examples of exercises you can use as a starting point. Fitness is such a broad topic so there’s a lot of information surrounding it.
I built my workout routine by doing lots of research and watching workout videos + fitness routine videos on both TikTok and YouTube.
Remember to stay hydrated and focus on being the best you can be for yourself!
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