#and that dieting and exercise will fix everything
ikkan · 1 year
when u lowkey have a health issue, but refuse to go to doctor because they’ll just dismiss u for being fat :/
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dyklopces · 6 months
the thing is that it will literally be fine if I have to retake a phys ed course. but also it will be hell because I don't Want to
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blujayonthewing · 9 months
'well of course fad diets don't work' -- guy on keto
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jaspertheshark · 1 year
🙃🙃🙃🙃 something happened to my fucking knee
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elicathebunny · 7 months
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People always leave out the basics when it comes to trying to improve their looks. Prioritising health is so important before going in and tempering with your body. Your base is what you work with and you can definitely level up with what you've got naturally.
Your diet also depends on what your goals are. Someone who wants to build muscle will obviously eat differently from someone who just eats relatively healthy. So identify what your goals are and work your meals around that.
Diet not only makes you feel better from the inside, but it also reflects on your outside. Your skin is a huge display of how you eat.
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When you consume junk food, it can show up on your skin as breakouts or dullness. Your skin is one massive organ which soaks up everything put onto it and reflects everything you put inside your body. Fix the problem from the inside before getting confused about why your skincare routine isn't working.
Again, your fitness will differentiate from your goals. So work out your goals and make a plan around that. There are so many forms of fitness, some more intense than others and with different results. Working out in general is good for you, our bodies are meant to move. So even if you don't have a goal, staying active is always recommended.
Low-intensity workouts:
Yoga: Focuses on flexibility, strength, and relaxation through various poses and breathing techniques.
Pilates: A low-impact exercise method that strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and enhances posture.
Walking: Simple yet effective, walking is a great way to improve cardiovascular health and boost mood without high impact.
Swimming: Provides a full-body workout with minimal stress on joints, making it ideal for people with joint issues or injuries.
High-intensity workouts:
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Alternates between short bursts of intense exercise and brief recovery periods to maximize calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness.
CrossFit: Combines elements of weightlifting, interval training, gymnastics, and other exercises to build strength, endurance, and overall fitness.
Sprinting: Short, explosive bursts of running at maximum effort, often performed in intervals for cardiovascular conditioning and leg muscle strength.
Circuit Training: Involves moving through a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between, combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise.
These are just a few examples, but there are plenty of other workout styles out there to explore depending on your preferences and fitness goals. Walking every day is just a simple way to stay toned.
Sleeping is important for rest and recovery after workouts and energy-consuming activities. Sleep is needed for the brain to function, mood regulation and performance + productivity. Lack of sleep deprives you of all of these things, so getting your beauty sleep is absolutely needed.
School-age children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours per day.
Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours per day.
Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Adults (26-64 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Upkeeping good hygiene is always needed anyway. Making sure you are clean (smelling good is a plus). Make sure you always wash your hands and take daily showers to remove any dirt on your body (clean those feet and your back well, don't forget them!). Taking care of your oral health must not be forgotten. Oil pulling and brushing your tongue for a healthy mouth. Make sure your hair is also getting the attention to keep it as healthy as you possibly can make it (this also depends on diet). Doing the extra things like spending time on your nails (making sure there isn't that stuff underneath them), making them pretty.
Having a stress-free environment is obviously the best to thrive in. But clearly not even being lucky enough to live like that constantly. So make sure you have that space to be on your own and have some alone time to really recharge. Keeping your space clean for a clear mind. Surround yourself with like-minded people and really set boundaries for those who prey on your mental clarity (energy vampires). Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to detach, rest time should not equal spending time on your devices. Let go and truly let yourself decompress. Mental health will improve how you carry yourself.
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being-addie · 1 year
The Glow Up Game
Part One: Pretty on the Outside
A comprehensive guide to getting your shit together. You heard me. We are done standing on the sidelines, looking at people living their dream lives being rich and hot and happy. WE'RE DONE.
This is a long guide, filled with pointers covering EVERYTHING regarding physical glow-ups. I'll be editing it and reblogging it whenever I come across new ideas and information. It covers everything from head to toe. I mean this literally.
Note: This is for people who want to do glow up physically. It is totally your choice to do anything you want to/don't want to on this list. We live in a world full of unfair beauty standards, and instead of being angry about it, I'm going to exploit the hell out of it.
Are you ready to change yourself? Here we go.
The absolute basics: These are lifestyle changes you're going to implement. Non-negotiable.
Go exercise: Don't look at me like that. This isn't optional. Find a way to move your body so you like it and you're actually breaking a sweat. Leisurely walking on the treadmill does not count, half-hearted zumba does not count. Whatever you're doing, it has to make you SWEAT. A good figure is earned. Trust me when I say you'll feel better, and like what you see in the mirror.
Change your diet: Enough sugar. Toss the soda out, and chuck out your candy stash. You really don't need it. Craving something sweet? Make a batch of healthy, homemade dessert. Or have a piece of fruit. I'm not kidding when I say the kitchen is where you make the biggest lifestyle change. It will be HARD, but every McChicken you say no to, is good for your HEALTH. You want to live longer? Cut out the takeout and heavily processed foods.
Fix your sleep cycle: Sleep is so important, and I think people overlook it so much. All your hard work is wasted if you don't sleep well. Your skin will break out, and your body will refuse to change even if you exercise. SLEEP WELL. Create a nighttime routine and stick to it. Make sure you have at least 7 hours of sleep as a minimum.
Create a skincare routine: Take off your makeup every day. And have a good skincare routine. Cleanse, moisturize and apply whatever you usually do. Exfoliate twice a week and stop touching your face. I also drink an ABC smoothie (Apple+Beetroot+Carrot+Water). This does wonders.
Use sunscreen: I cannot stress this enough. Skin cancer is real, and it will get you if you don't wear sunscreen. Use something higher than SPF 50 and use it religiously. Make sure to get your earlobes, chest and back of your neck. Cover every inch of your skin that will be exposed to the sun.
Drink your water: 3 litres of water per day. You will be amazed at the results. Your skin will clear, your breath won't stink and you won't be dehydrated. This shit works, and there's a reason everyone recommends it. Drink your water.
Moving on to each itty-bitty detail.
Eyes: SLEEP. You want your eyes to look fresh? No pesky dark circles? Get your sleep cycle right. No more late nights. Hot girls sleep on time.
Nose: Those blackhead-looking things are natural, they're called sebaceous filaments. And, no you can't get rid of them. But you can minimize them. Cleanse, moisturize and exfoliate. Don't pick at your skin.
Lips: Don't bite them anymore, for God's sake. You're going to make sure they're chapped beyond belief. Use lip balm religiously and don't overuse lipstick. Your lips WILL get discoloured when you're older. Use a light lip tint, and lip balm/gloss.
Eyebrows: If you want to shape them, go to the hairdresser and get it done.
Facial hair: As someone with naturally dark, thick hair I have a lot of noticeable facial hair. I'm planning on getting it lasered soon. Find a way that works for you and is affordable.
Body hair: I have zero self-consciousness about my arm and leg hair, so I have no desire to shave or wax it. I do wax my underarms, because of ridiculously thick growth. Understand that this is a personal choice, and you do not have to do this if you're unwilling.
Nails: Keep them short or long, always filed and CLEAN. Do not let grime or dirt build-up underneath. Don't keep your nails painted 24/7, it will 100% lead to yellowing. Give your nails some time to breathe between every manicure. When they aren't painted, keep them filed and presentable.
Hair: I have Type 3a curly hair, so my hair routine is tailored to suit me. But what I can tell you is wash your hair at least 1x a week, use sun protectant, and oil your hair before wash day(it works). And use heat on your hair SPARINGLY. If you want to colour you can, but remember it does lead to long term damage, brittleness and bad texture. Get your hair cut every 3-4 months with a trusted hairdresser. Keep switching up hairstyles and do not stick to a single part (middle part, side part) constantly because it can lead to thinning of hair there.
Acne: STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE I am begging you. Touching your face with grimy hands is a recipe for acne. Cleanse everyday, moisturize heavily and go to a dermatologist if it gets worse.
Go live your best life. You deserve everything, and you shouldn't let anything stand in your way, not even yourself. Now GO, you've got shit to do.
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newarcana · 8 months
general update (no news)
Hi! I continue to get very nice asks, and I feel bad responding to just one when I can't respond to all of them. So here's an update:
My health and job have stabilized. That's not to say all my problems are fixed/cured, just that things are currently under control. I still have to do hours of physical therapy exercises each week, along with cooking a special diet, and limiting how much time I spend looking at screens. I had some treatments for my eyes that helped a lot, so they're no longer inflamed, but I have to work to keep them that way. Staying healthy takes a lot of time and work! This is pretty much how things will be for the rest of my life, but I'm grateful that I'm no longer in a state of physical suffering or extreme stress.
So, with the number of hours I have in a day, I can pretty much do my job and all the health maintenance stuff, and that's it. My job does pay well enough that I'm able to save almost half my income each month for early retirement, and I absolutely still plan to spend my retirement working on Guenevere and similar things. That's still what gets me out of bed in the mornings.
As always, thank you to everyone who has sent messages, which I do read even though I can't reply. Your kindness and support means everything!
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 2: Idiots in Love
like today | @dcforts Rating: General Word Count: 1,798 Main Tags/Warnings: Domesticity, Light Angst Summary: Dean is not too bothered. Outside the weather is bad, but the place it’s nearby, the job seems easy and they can be home in time for dinner. And if they hit the traffic, well, Cas will be there. They will be fine.
Call on your future self for advice and assistance | @deliciousblizzardshark Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,136 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Canon, Crack Treated Seriously, Magic, Mentions of Bottom Dean Winchester, Mentions of panty kink, mentions of spanking, Mentions of healthy diets, Mention of canon-typical racist porno mag, Mention of Exercise, Drinking, Humor, Getting Together, Time Travel (kind of) Summary: After everything and everyone is magically okay, Dean’s not sure how to deal with Castiel’s surprise love confession. At his wit’s end, he decides to cast a spell to bring his future self (or selves, it turns out) to the Bunker for help. The only problem? Future Dean Winchester(s) are still Dean Winchester... and Dean Winchester is an asshole.
The Dadification of Castiel Novak | @Runraerun Rating: General Word Count: 4,780 Main Tags/Warnings: Idiots in love, Canon compliant, rewriting the Cas love confession scene, first kiss, growing old together, Cas has a hard time reading faces, prosopagnosia, Castiel is Jack Kline’s parent, Castiel and Dean Winchester need to use their words, Castiel and Dean Winchester use their words, We can have nice things, fluff, Sam teasing Dean as is his god given right as his little brother, team free will 2.0. No warnings apply. Summary: When one of Cas’ old I.D.’s gets rejected, Sam and Dean tell him afterwards it’s because his picture is outdated—but this doesn’t make any sense, Castiel explains; Angel vessels don’t age. Dean has to break it to Cas that he doesn’t look like he’s in his 20’s anymore.
You Will Get Wet | @notastupidbird Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,858 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, 5+1 Things, Comedy, Food Service Worker Dean Winchester, Lifeguard Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Idiots in Love, Explicit Sexual Content, Porn With Plot, First Kiss, First Time, Frottage, Theme Parks, Waterpark, Early Aughts, POV Dean Winchester Summary: The summer of 2003 could more accurately be described as the summer from Hell. It was Dean's second year working in concessions at the local water park which meant it was his second year of sunburn, screaming children, wet dollar bills, and having to stare at Cas, the unbearably hot lifeguard stationed directly across from his stand. Or, five times Dean completely failed at trying to talk to his summer crush plus the one time he didn't have to.
as for prophecies, they will pass away (WIP) | @danishdeity Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,208 Main Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, fix-it, angst and hurt/comfort, mutual pining, explicit sexual content, masturbation, Summary: Dean has worked tirelessly to bring Castiel back from the Empty, but once he finally manages, he just avoids Cas. Dean is determined to give Cas a shot at a happy life, but in order to do that, maybe he has to step back? But having Cas around all the time stirs some thoughts and a lot of panic.
Icarus to Your Certainty (WIP) | @Miaintheimpala Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 9,842 Main Tags/Warnings: POV Castiel (Supernatural), Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair (Supernatural), Tooth-rotting Fluff, Fluff and Angst, No Smut, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Castiel and Dean Winchester in Love, Castiel and Dean Winchester Use Their Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Are Jack Kline's Parents, Castiel and Dean Winchester Are Claire Novak's Parents, Jack Is Not God, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Idiots in Love, Hurt/Comfort, Oblivious Sam Winchester, Angst With A Happy Ending, Canon Compliant, Fix-it Summary: Icarus and Castiel both flew to their suns and fell. They both lost their wings and drowned, but there's one difference between these two stories: after being drowned in the depths of The Shadow, Castiel wakes up on a concrete floor.
Phantom Manor On the Hill of Big Thunder Mountain | @melancholictearz Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 18,274 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Amusement Park, Dean Wears a Cowboy Hat, Cowboy!Dean, Ghost Butler!Castiel, Summer Romance, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Meet-Cute Summary: A PLACE WHERE ERAS AND CENTURIES MERGE INTO A SUMMER STORY. Dean struts around Frontierland in cowboy boots and a hat all day for a living— that’s what his summer job is about, at Big Thunder Mountain attraction in the Far West-themed area of Disneyland Parks. He’s pleased with his current life as it is, until his eyes fall on Castiel, the new haunted butler working at Phantom Manor ride next door. Only a lake separates the two rides but Dean’s inability to stay normal in front of his crush might be the biggest obstacle in the whole painting.
Fanfictionland | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,165 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternative universe jumping, canonverse, idiots in love, mutual pining, cowboys, pirates, regency era, medieval, comedy, fanfic writers, TFW 2.0, season 8. Summary: Imagine a destiel writer with the power of one of the tablets. Imagine that destiel shipper writer trying to make Destiel canon, using different ideas. Now, imagine Dean and Castiel jumping from fic to fic, following the script, tropes and AUs we all know while Sam, Kevin and Becky try to stop that mess. Yep, someone had to do it...
The Architect Of Fate | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,446 Main Tags/Warnings: Magic, modern setting, fate architect!Castiel, first meetings, character development, winged Castiel, pining, falling in love, top!Castiel/bottom!Dean Winchester, miscommunication Summary: Dean Winchester tries to live his life without any attachments as he looks for the perfect job that brings him money and prestige. But things are not going well for him following the path he decides to make. His luck changes when he meets Naomi, the leader of the Fate Architect Corporation. He only has to fill a form with the life of his dreams, and follow the instructions Castiel will give him, as his assigned Architect. It's time for Dean to get the life he deserves and get the perfect job and the perfect girlfriend. If only Castiel wasn't that beautiful, he could perfectly focus on his targets. Or… How a grumpy and professional Architect of Fate, named Castiel, has to lead with a stubborn and noisy human.
White Lightning (WIP) | @scatterbugged Rating: Explicit Word Count: 24,941 Main Tags/Warnings: top!Dean, Bottom!Cas, Castiel's Grace, Touch-Starved DeanCas, Mutual Pining, Anxiety, Post season 15, AU, Castiel Has Sensitive Wings, Love Confessions, Dean Being Stupid, Dean and his Self-Worth Issues, Anal Sex, Dean and Cas in the Bunker Summary: It started in the kitchen, he thinks, the bursting of this weirdo thing they have between the two of them. Maybe the kitchen's the wrong spot to pinpoint- maybe it was those years ago, stood in an old, dank barn gripping fear and that demon blade. Or, rather, it was before all that, with Dean cutting folks up on the racks and carving out those rictus faces, and Cas still thinking he was worth saving anyway. Wherever it was- Dean thinks now, it really started to break in the kitchen, after everything else is said and done, and when it ends up spilling, he'll be left alone to clean up the mess. - or - Castiel's a little bit human, a little bit angel nowadays ever since he got spit out of the Empty, and both his body and his grace are still adjusting. Dean's more than willing to help his buddy out.
Indeana Jones and the Tear of Pele | @amaranthhiding Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32,679 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Beach Vacation, Adventure, Hawaiian Mythology, Fallen Angel Castiel, Humor, Light Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Magic, Mystery, Castiel's True Form, Castiel's Wings, Mutual Pining, Dean in Denial, Dean Makes Up Ridiculous Excuses for Touch, Castiel Uses Sarcasm, Castiel Goes Missing, Castiel and Dean Save Each Other, First Kiss, First Time, Grace-Powered Orgasm, Post-Season 11 Canon Divergence, DCRB 2024 Summary: What starts as a relaxing beach vacation in Hawai’i turns into a journey of self-discovery for Castiel and Dean. To save the world from the Darkness, they both faced what they thought to be their imminent demise and came out the other side very much still alive. So now they have to ponder the really big questions, such as what a bucket list is, what place in the world a fallen angel has, and how Indiana Jones ever managed to keep that hat on his head. The island seems to have a way of making the barrier of touch crumble to dust until they're sliding toward the edge of something new and fragile between them that neither of them dares to put a name to, lest it might disappear. When what really disappears is Castiel, there's very little Dean wouldn't do to get the angel back.
Even The Chicken is Gay | @avonlady42 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 53,730 Main Tags/Warnings: Gay Chicken, Dean and Castiel are clueless, top castiel/bottom Dean Winchester, switching, marriage, mile high club, smut, adoption Summary: Their senior year in high school, Charlie dares Dean and Castiel to play a game of gay chicken which they both reluctantly accept. Their friends wait impatiently to see who will chicken out first, but they’ve all given up on that happening when they show up to their 20-year high school reunion having been married for 14 years and both of them still thinking they are straight and in denial that they are in love with each other. This is based on a prompt from a meme on the Destiel forever Facebook group: In high school I was dared to play “gay chicken,” which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We’ve been married 14 years and run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with our adopted daughter. If that dude doesn’t chicken out soon, I’m going to start to suspect he’s actually gay.
My Cryo Sleeping Beauty | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: Explicit Word Count: 55,356 Main Tags/Warnings: Space AU, Action/Adventure, Torture, Gabriel Is The Narrator, Humor, Misunderstandings, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Denial, Hunted, Flirting, Minor Sabriel, Summary: Let me tell you a story about two adorable, yet frustrating, knuckleheads in love. We got Dean Winchester of Venandi, who wakes up on an unknown spaceship with a half-naked man in his arms, and no memory of how this happened. Cuddling him oh-so lovingly, we have, fresh out of cryo sleep, prisoner James Novak, who is equally confused about his whereabouts and to find Dean sharing a bed with him. Now, prisoner Novak is really Castiel, an old acquaintance of Dean’s and his real identity appears to be only known by Dean. That’s when the mercenary Henriksen, doing Empress Amara’s bidding, stumbles upon them and crashes their little (freak out) moment. While dealing with Castiel’s mysterious past and Dean’s personal and urgent quest, they have no choice but to work side by side as they banter away to escape from everyone’s clutches and find out what really happened. I know you might be skeptical. People often ask me, “How in all the stars do you possibly know all of this, Gabe?” The answer is very simple: I’m part of the story! I witnessed first hand their tribulations and lovey-dovey looks. Well, some part of it. As for the rest…Well I’m all about tall tales.
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
january 2023 recap + february 2023 goals:
what i learned in january 2023:
taking my time in improving myself. things don’t have to happen overnight. celebrate the little strides i make and actually enjoy the process of the journey instead of only being happy once my goals have been met.
what i accomplished in january 2023:
finally got my car headlights repaired and fixed the registration problem, reapplied to nursing school and another college in the area, applied for a position at the hospital i want to work at in the future, got my hair to a lighter blonde and finally cut off the dead ends. i’m sure there’s more but it’s hard to think of everything so i’ll update this if needed.
what surprised me in january 2023:
that barre workouts and ballet strength workouts are actually really hard and i enjoy those types of workouts than just going to the gym.
the day i remember best in january 2023:
my grandmothers knee surgery day.
the person that played a huge role in my life in january 2023:
my grandmother. she went in for knee surgery last week which sparked my interest for nursing school again.
my best and worst moment in january 2023:
my best moment was when i made money at work and was tipped $1,000 to play beer pong with them (no alcohol in the cups though).
my worst moment was the time i just didn’t keep my apartment clean and i didn’t have the motivation to clean it for a week.
what i wished i had done differently in january 2023:
i wish i stayed more focus with my weight loss goals. it’s really hard going from fast food and exercising once a month to doing everything overnight. i wish i started with smaller goals and then became consistent to achieve the major goal. i also wish i had more of a work routine since i can go to work whenever i want and having that freedom let’s me be lazy whenever i want to (not having discipline).
what i stopped doing in january 2023:
i stopped focusing on dating for now until i have improved myself x10. so guys are no longer a focus for me at the moment.
what i started doing in january 2023:
i started this “personal development + accountability” blog, i started drinking more water, i decided to use better quality hair products to keep my blonde bright, healthy, and pretty, and i started to look a bit more put together (not drastically) whenever i go out.
goals i’d like to achieve for february 2023:
create a work schedule and follow it, even on the days i don’t feel like working
follow the diet/exercise regimen that worked for me before and aim to lose at least 10lbs
get selected for the position i applied for at the hospital’s earn and learn program
finish registering for college/nursing classes
start working on my brand (business)
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HOUSE MD SPOILERS below the cut
I just LOVE the ending. I hate it, but I love it and I want to talk about why it was actually so fucking good.
Tbh I love that Wilson, not House, is the one diagnosed with cancer.
Like it would have been so easy to end on the tempting note of House's actions having consequences and his drug use wrecking his body to the point of precancerous conditions that manfiest into the death he craved and nearly saw several times in the series, but they didn't. They could have given the character who is too disabled to exercise and has a diet of drugs and alcohol the cancer, but they didnt.
They said, no, the one who eats well and exercises regularly gets cancer. The one who blow dries his hair every morning and never does drugs(except the times he was roofied by House) and takes care of himself is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is nothing to be done.
Because that's how cancer is. You can be in the best physical and mental shape of anyone and still lose to cancer, and fast. Sometimes the guy who eats nothing but fast food and has never checked his bmi will be the one whose organs last longer than his friend who eats balanced meals everyday and never done a thing to harm his body. Because that's how cancer is.
Cancer doesn't spare you because you're supposed to be the Watson to his Sherlock. Cancer doesn't spare you because you're an oncologist. Cancer doesn't spare you because your friend is the one who does drug and youre clean. Cancer doesnt spare you because all your meals were homecooked and made with your body's health in mind.
In this story, Sherlock fakes his death so Watson won't have to die alone. Because even the best detective is rendered useless in the face of his best friend's cancer.
I love that the story stuck to its guns and shot Wilson in the dead center of his clavicle.
Because "Cancer is Boring".
For a show that never stops trying to one up itself every episode to come up with the most insane medical conditions, ending it with the patient being Wilson, and the prognosis being simple, boring cancer was the best choice I think they could have made even if I hated it.
Because I wanted Wilson to live, I wanted House to turn around and find some crazy thing that would mean he is okay and it never happened. Wilson was just going to die, because it's cancer.
Simple and boring, but heavy and painful. I wanted Wilson to live, just like everyone who has lost a loved one to cancer wanted them to live, for a doctor to find something else and make it all better, but that's not what cancer is.
And for it to end on that note, really solidified this show in my brain as one to be remembered. Because, despite everything in the series, all the metaphors to geniuses and God and brilliance and remarkable feats, this show is true to itself to ALWAYS cut House down to a broken man again.
He gets his old flame back, and he still loves her, but it won't take long for that to end bitterly.
He does experimental medication, it fixes his pain and he can do the thing he loves again(running/jogging) and he ends up broken in his bathtub pulling tumors from his leg and ultimately has to call someone to help him.
He gets goes to rehab, gets clean, and wins the love of the main female lead, but he falls off, he gets suicidal, he loses her, and then he goes to jail.
He helps people while in jail, then he gets out of jail, he fixes his relationship with his best friend, he helps people at his old job, his best and only friend is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he lands himself in a burning building while tripping hard and takes that chance to throw everything away for this friend who will only be with him a few more months.
At the beginning, middle, and end of the show it really says "God doesn't limp."
Dr. Gregory House is just a man.
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redsod-a · 3 months
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AU stuff? AU stuff! TONS OF INFO BELOW ^_^
Kyoko Kirigiri Born into the Kirigiri name-sake, Kyoko had a predestined life. Originally her home life was incredibly comfortable, although there was an underlying presure to excel in anything she involved herself in. Having a sick mother most of her childhood further pushed her even further to be successful. (even if that meant at the moment just getting good marks.) Once her mother passed away when she was thirteen, Jin tried the best he could to continue being a competent father with varying degrees of success. It wasn't even a full two years before Fuhito gained custody of her and the rest of her adolescence was spent intensifying her interest into forensic science. She's, of course, gotten really good at that. Working for her grandfather was both incredibly traumatizing and incredibly useful, shaping her into a mash-mash of both genuinely intelligent morals and a dry sense of communication.
Married at 30 for legal and expectational reasons. Is lucky to be married to Naegi who is pretty considerate of her boundaries.
Owns and can use a gun, but for personal reasons would never result to that.
OCD, GAD, probably has a multitude of quirks to keep herself grounded. ASD
Caffeine patches > coffee
Used to be kind of an alcoholic.
She has much more free will than she exercises, but she's afraid of living her life the way she really wants. Holds her grandfather up on a pedestal he doesn't really deserve.
Blames her father for how her life turned out and highly resents him. Truthfully he's always wanted the best for her and will never stop trying to be in her life.
Please fix your diet and sleep schedule, Kyoko.
Yes, her hands are still scarred. She's insecure. Mukuro Ikusaba "Mukuro Ikusaba" (birth name lost to the winds of time) was born into filth. She and her twin, "Junko Enoshina" (real name also lost to the winds of time) where the result of unhealthy affairs, which ultimately led to their early lives being from one foster home to another. Being the oldest (because she just declared herself as such one day), Mukuro felt an obligation to keep Junko safe. Honestly, her history is muddy, and she hardly can recall her life prior to fenrir. According to Junko, she was an entirely different person. Their situation was never ideal but Mukuro was always the kinder and more sociable of the two, making their lives just a bit brighter. Until Fenrir, of course. She doesn't detail anything that had happened to her, and chooses to keep her life during her time with the group to herself. While a little annoying to Junko, when Mukuro returned, she found that her new set of skills and loyalty could be useful in her own business ventures. Mukuro spent most of her life up until her return under constant pressure and threat of death, and be re-released into society (even under her sister's care) was incredibly distressing, and she finds it hard to cope with it all. Unemployed but Junko makes more than enough money.
Really questionable coping mechanisms.
Poor thing. Just really struggling.
BPD , C-PTSD , psychosis symptoms
Despite everything, she tries to keep herself relatively healthy.
Meeting Sayaka changed a lot for her positively.
Is surprisingly very gentle but doesn't know her own strength sometimes.
Very quiet unless she's really comfortable with who she's around.
While she is exceptional at combat and handling weaponry, she has specific triggers surrounding them. Sometimes it's comforting, other times its delusion inducing.
Gets mistaken for a guy sometimes. Doesnt rlly enjoy that.
No right boob for reasons unknown. Wasn't born that way. Won't share how that happened. Celestia Ludenberg Celestia grew up in the deep south of Louisiana and lived there until she was sixteen. During that time she knew and spoke both French and English (although she spoke French much better.) and had to hit a learning curve once she moved to Japan with her mother and two other siblings. She adopted her mother's surname once she turned 18, but as it turned out, 'Celestia Ludenberg' would be more what people knew her as. Gambling was her father's sport. He gambled throughout her youth and because of the nature of his games, these matches were held in her childhood home. Of which was never truly safe for her to begin with. (Mostly why her mother choose to move back in with her parents) Celestia retained and kept this knowledge until it became useful to her. Rather than earn money legitimately to support her mother, grandparents, and younger siblings, she became a very proficient gambler. 'Celestia Ludenberg' came around as a way to protect her family's identity but once her snowball of lies formed it became a permanent way to introduce herself. Her less than legal actions kept her on a spree of winning, losing, winning, winning some more, until eventually she had a name made for herself. Unfortunately, she began to familiarize herself with organized crime and decided it'd be best to distance herself from her family forever. A portion of whatever she wins she makes sure they receive, but she hasn't seen them herself since she was 23. She lives alone with her beloved cat Grand Bois, and despite her snake-like and confident façade, she's more than a little lonely.
Multi-lingual but has an accent regardless. Sounds really fucking stupid in Japanese. English is not her best language.
Is secretly very nerdy and adores different types of media. Her good friends happily encourage her.
Thinks Kyoko cheating on her husband with her in endlessly entertaining.
Cannot stand alcohol but she'll drink wine for appearances. HATES being drunk.
Fragmented sense of self. Fuck it well ball.
Loves baking and trying new things. Can't really cook at all though.
Fashion sense beyond belief. Thinks it pulls away from the rest of her so-called imperfections.
Might be bipolar honestly. Sayaka Maizono Sayaka counts herself as very lucky. Her home life as a child was great but not without it's challenges. Her father really wanted a son he could feel connected to, but Sayaka never felt that way. Mostly because she loved the idea of becoming a pop star. She wanted the sparkly grand life and wardrobe of the girls she saw on television. Infatuated with American aesthetics and fashion, Maizono was hardly like other boys at all. Much to the displeasure of her father, and confusion of her mother. Their warnings never stopped her for her pursuit of happiness. Nothing did until she achieved the goals she's always wanted through dreadfully long and exhausting work. Her parents came around to supporting her (if not a bit wearily). Sensing her potential, her label, granted everything she could ever want at the cost of basically her autotomy and identity. She was only barely 19 at the time, but was so desperate for everything she worked for up until then that she didn't look before she leapt. She was able to transition, given a place to live beyond what her old home ever was, and had everything about who she used to be basically wiped. As an idol, everything she had every wanted was in her hands, but at the cost of becoming a product.
Dated Ibuki (popular vkei artist) briefly. Would describe their relationship as transactional and 'doomed to fail'.
Behind the scenes, she is really just that nice.
She is so fucking sick of pink but its basically her brand.
Her managment is 50/50 on the awful to pretty okay scale.
Really can defend herself perfectly fine, but hired Mukuro as her personal body guard. A) for appearances B) She thinks watching her threatening people much bigger than her is more than a little attractive.
Loves a good party, and if it wasnt for her image, she'd so be down with the freaks and weirdos scene.
Knows that everyone sees her as totally innocent. Uses that to her advantage.
Only Mukuro knows she's a trans woman. Came out while drunk, Mukuro didn't care. Was way more focused on the fact Sayaka liked her.
Dog person.
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1863-project · 9 months
This is a really difficult time of year for me now. It's been this way ever since I got sick.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the autoimmune thyroid disorder I have, causes both weight gain and weight loss resistance. At this time of year, everyone is bombarded with things about weight loss and exercise and all of that stuff, and it's really difficult when your body isn't capable of it. Exercise is difficult when your thyroid pushes on your trachea and makes it harder to breathe, and you can't do it very long anyway since the same issue has caused you muscle weakness. You have to take everything slower.
I used to enjoy hiking. I can't walk uphill now without being short of breath almost immediately because of the pressure going at that angle puts on my trachea.
It hurts to see all these people talking about how they're going to "improve" their bodies and become rail thin and lose weight and knowing that they think your body is unacceptable because you're sick and it won't change the way theirs will. Diet and exercise can't really do much when you have an autoimmune disorder, and when you try to find out more you find all these quack products and solutions that clearly don't work.
My weight's plateaued at the point it's been at for a few years now. I'm not really getting any bigger anymore, and most people don't even notice it even though I feel like I'm distended. It's dysmorphia on my end - I never look the way I do in my mind - but since I'm not completely flat with no body fat the people in the commercials and ads and medical professionals are all going to just keep trying to "fix" something that can't be fixed because I have an autoimmune disorder.
I want so badly to feel comfortable in this body, but it isn't considered attractive or beautiful or even acceptable by society at large, so it makes it so difficult to really be okay with it.
I'm dysmorphic. This is what I look like in reality.
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Even looking like this, doctors like to focus on my weight, so you can imagine what people far bigger than me have to deal with.
I wish we could just move on from this, but it doesn't look like we will anytime soon.
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worshipper-status · 6 months
💙A General Guide to Taking Care of a Disabled Darling (From a Disabled Yandere)💙
Hiya everyone! I saw someone make a guide on this and wanted to add some more in depth detail as a disabled yandere so I can give you all the best advice on keeping and caring for your darling. Admittedly as someone who's disabled, nothing makes me want to be away from someone more than someone who is ableist so if you want to keep a darling with a disability it's best to be informed. I'm going to approach this as if you are in an active relationship with someone just because that's where a lot of my perspective comes from (as well as from the perspective of my personal disabilities) but if you all want any more advice please tell me! Anyways onto the list!
(Long post below)
1.) Research, research, research
If your darling tells you what specific conditions they deal with write it down. Remember it. Anything. And when you get a spare moment, I want you to pour yourself into research for that condition and generally how disabled people are treated. If you are an able-bodied yandere, you are not immune to ableism and that is the number one thing that will push your darling away. Learn everything you can about their condition. What may help one disability may hurt another. Also if you and your darling are on good terms don't be afraid to ask questions! Take note of what personally helps them. Good example, while hot water is known to help with joint pain and muscle aches it can be really bad for disabilities that cause light headedness and vertigo like POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) so knowing what you're dealing with can give you a leg up.
As a general note, try to avoid telling them to exercise, meditate, do yoga, go on a diet, etc. If that stuff could fix out conditions we already would have done it, and for certain conditions, it can make symptoms worse. Please listen to your darling on what they specifically need. Become an expert on every facet of them and their opinions on their disability. If you're reading this you're probably a yandere so it's not exactly like research is hard for us.
2.) Have supplies on hand
Being disabled and going anywhere usually requires some level of forethought, or effort. So try making it easier by having supplies on hand. Here's a list of stuff I keep on me at all times to aid with m disabilities when I'm out in the wild!
Pain meds of choice
Instant hot packs
Instant cold packs
Electrolyte drink or drink mix with water
Compression items for different joints
Blood pressure reader of some kind (I use a fitbit tbh)
Sunglasses (Sun is to bright, don't judge)
Fidget toys
My mobility aid
Now this is what I personally carry on myself. What you can carry for your darling is going to vary on who they are, where they stand in your life and what their disabilities are. (Note: If you know someone with POTS and they have a flare up, being able to provide an electrolyte drink during the episode may help get you on their good side, especially if they know you as someone they can rely on for that. Don't hold me to that advice all I know is I would probably marry someone if they did that for me lmao.)
Adjust to what they personally need. There's a lot of other items that could be useful to have on hand depending on what their disabilities are, such as different types of OTC meds you could grab, specific compression items, heart rate monitors, glucose monitors, vomit bags, incontinence products, if legal marijuana products, etc. It's all based on what they struggle with which is why step one is research. You can't build a medical supply kit if you don't know what you're trying to treat.
3.) Be their advocate
This is the me lecturing you about ableism section. Your darling whether physically or mentally disabled has to put up with a LOT of bullshit. Ableism is very deeply rooted in our society, so often you're gonna see your darling in certain situations. Strangers asking whats wrong with them, people claiming they don't have what they say they have, saying their faking for attention, saying they don't really need XYZ support item, etc. You need to learn to defend your darling the correct way.
It's going to vary from person to person, from situation to situation, but your best bet is shutting shit like that down. some stranger walks up to your wheelchair using yandere and asks what's wrong with them? Tell them your darlings medical history is none of their business. Someone says their lazy for using their supports? Stand up for them. Say they need these supports and being on a fair playing field with everyone else isn't lazy. At a doctor's appointment and your darling is AFAB and the doctor's trying to blow off their symptoms? Tell them what you've seen. Ask the doc what they would do if your darling wasn't AFAB. Tell them to mark lack of treatment in charts. Make the doctors cover their asses. You in these settings are your darling's biggest resource.
But also...
4.) Learn when to shut the fuck up. Don't put your foot in your mouth.
You (if you are an able bodied yandere, which is my target demographic with this) reading this, probably struggle a lot with being ableist and don't even realize. This is where listening to others is gonna win you a lot of brownie points. Sometimes, you need to advocate, sometimes, especially in disabled spaces with your darling, you need to learn to shut the fuck up and listen. It will usually benefit you greatly to not speak over your darling in these settings because it can give you a lot of useful info on how to deepen your relationship and also not be an ass to them. In the beginning, there's going to be times where you say hurtful shit. Move your pride to the side and apologize. You are not immune to having bigoted ideals. General rule of thumb, if your darling wants to speak first, let them, you can give input afterwards. And if they specifically tell you to shut up in a certain setting because you're talking over them, shut up.
5.) Okay now for the fun stuff. Love languages!
With people who struggle with disabilities, they may express their love languages in different ways. Acts of service may carry more weight if your darling really struggles with tasks. Quality time may matter more if they're bed ridden and bored out of their mind. Here is a very general guide of love language actions for disabled darlings.
Acts of Service:
Cleaning their room for them
Doing the dishes
Taking out trash
Doing their laundry
Making doctor's appointments for them
Taking them to and from doctor's appointments
Refilling and picking up their prescriptions
Quality Time:
If they're in a pain flare, keep them company, even if it's just napping with them!
Watch shows with them if they're struggling with doing anything that requires a lot of movement.
Run errands with them, so they can have help with difficult tasks like carrying heavy objects, or talking to customer service representatives.
If they're unable to leave the house but able to move a little bit, suggest video games, board games, or some fun low energy activity together
Go to doctor's appointments with them. Like be in the physical room. You'd be surprised how much it helps if your darling wants the assistance.
Words of Affirmation:
Physical Touch:
Okay, gonna get the caveat out of the way, some conditions will cause physical touch to be painful. Find out from your darling if that's the case. Otherwise...
Does your darling struggle with hygiene? Do they trust you enough to be naked in front of you? Shower together. Not even in a horny way, taking showers while disabled fucking sucks man. Having someone to help me wash myself helps a lot. Bonus points if shower chair is involved.
Massages. If your loved one needs a lot of creams or ointments, put them on for them, work them in carefully. If they're more pain treatments, a deeper massage may also help work those knots out. Just be careful and be gentle and slow. Listen to your darling. Pay attention to their responses. Whether they're leaning into or away from how hard you're kneading. Just communicate clearly for this. Don't hurt them on accident
Cuddles. I'm gonna be blunt. Sometimes, your darling will end up stuck in bed barely able to do anything. Cuddle them. Being stuck is so much less lonely that way. Also bonus points for nap time being a quality time thing.
Help them with "intimate" tasks they may struggle with. Showering together goes in this category but for a broader purpose, this category exists. Once again this has to have that layer of trust, but this is things like helping them get dressed, helping them feed themselves, helping them brush their teeth or manage their hair (PLEASE DO RESEARCH ON THEIR HAIR TYPE FOR THIS).
Receiving Gifts:
Help them pay for medical supplies if you can afford it. It doesn't need to be a power chair. If you want to just buy someone some ibuprofen, or a heating pad, or just like... some small item that may help them, I promise you it will matter. If they mention running low on a critical medical supply that's OTC and you have the money for, just buy it for them.
Buying them things that can keep them entertained in bed or inside the house is also a really nice thoughtful item.
This one is a little more tailored to me, but if your darling is like me and appreciates monthly subscription boxes with surprise items in them, consider a "spoonie" or "chronic illness" box. They are usually pretty surface level stuff but the items in them tend to be nice and veer in the self care category so it's an option to consider.
Don't give them "Get well soon cards" unless you know FOR CERTAIN that whatever is plaguing them right now can actually get well soon. Most disabilities you can't recover from. There is no "get well soon" for most of us. Don't give us a reminder of that.
Anyways! That's my list. Feel free to add onto this if you all have any other ideas. If you're ableist in my notes, I freely block and report so don't test me.
Have a nice day!
(I didn't proofread this, please cut me some slack if this is all over the place)
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kamiliora · 6 months
Too people who want to get "prettier" and have a "glow up" Do NOT expect it to go over night.
Plenty of people believed that you just become pretty with no effort like you see on TV. It's never that easy. It takes steps, processes and Discipline. Always start with the basics like :
Make a skincare routine for your skin
Know your skin type and build you skincare routine from there
body care for the entire body
Scrubs , lotions and body butters are a must
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week
haircare (hair is everything even if u have a hijab hair care is still possible)
Oil train your hair and know you hair porosity to know what products to use
Use a non sulphate or silicon shampoo
Conditioner and a hair oil of your choice based on your hair problem
Hair mask 1 times a week
Know ur hair pattern to be able to use the right products and not damage your hair pattern
Do not straighten your hair everyday!!!
Use Silk pillows and silk scrunchies instead of elastics!!!
Getting a closet and hair cut for you
Find your best colors and body type
Therefore you would know which colors make you shine the most as well as
Find your seasonal color and which fraction ur in (like winter bright , summer light and etc)
Find which type of hair cuts and bangs suit your facial featured and face shape most
I recommend looksmaxing or the Yt channel Dear Peachie to help you including makeup tutorials, which archetype you are and which closet you can do
Look for styles that match your personality and makes you stand out
Build up a hobby
like sports photography, drawing, crocheting, dancing, and etc.
Doesn't have to be time consuming just something to do when ur bored or free even
Also depends on your time to be careful on what you commit to
Try to explore more options without much costs before fully committing to something that isn't for long-term
Exercise ( unless you already do)
Exercise requires discipline for you to be able to do it continuously for progress
If you can't afford a premium membership take a walk/jog/run around the block,street,park
If you feel unsafe you can do a YouTube work outs as they are effective depending on your goal
I recommend channels like :Madfit ,Hinafit, Shirley kim, April Han, ema wong, and Chloe ting
Take time for yourself (not all the time)
If you dont have time for yourself your body and brain will get stressed (from experience)
It can be as simple as drinking your daily detox water, green juice, coffee, tea or reading a book
Get 8 hours of sleep
Make sure not to stress for something so complete a task when given no matter how far the deadline is!!!
Reduce screen time to 3 hours a day (outside of school/work related stuff)
Never go too extreme like you see those people online do
Unless you are talking to professionals such as dieticians, Nutritionists and etc. (Bc most public figures do have professionals that they seek help too for these types of situations)
stick to a healthy diet like the 80/20 method
Or you can also do keto/greek/high carb or protein just never go extreme as it will slow down your metabolism
Find who you really are and trying to be better
People never really open up to try different things you should try more to find what you like most or which you are most stable with
See the perspectives on how you act im different situations and see what your mistakes are to try to avoid doing them again
Fix your mentality (watch wizard Liz, Song Jia,) and read quotes to inspire you to do better and the most you can
Always Analyze the situation before commenting or doing action unless its an emergency
Do not let people decide for you or get to your head it is their opinion not yours. You opinion is never invalid and justified in your perspective
Confident vs Arrogant vs Egoistic
Confident people never brag nor do they drag people down. They know they are THAT person and will NOT care about your opinion of them.
Arrogant people like to Brag about something that they have and thinks their all That. They bring down people for not having the luxury they have. But when someone has more and better than them they always try to avoid them, argue with them or get annoyed by them as They want to show supremacy
Egoistic people tend to make fun of people. Self-centered people that only think about themselves without knowing or thinking that they hurt others. Their too preoccupied with themselves to think of others helps or needs
(Sorry its so long and unorganized I made this at 2:30 am bc idk and these are just some tips)
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
im feeling ugly. i just cant get it out of my head. i keep remembering everytime someone commented on my boobs, my acne and i feel stupid (i dont even invest in stocks). and i feel poor (my job doesn't pay. and i hate my coworkers.). tommorow i'll clean my desk. also i cant just give up on the fyodor book. i hate myself. when will i change and when will i get a real job. i know consultants make a lot of money for doing nothing…i wish that was my job. idk what i'll do with my life. and everytime i look at my school classmates…they're richer than me. and evryone is pretty and happy. and everyone has experience in love, friendships, work and everything. why am i the only one who doesn't fit in? why am i soo different? i wnt to be happy. i cant even say anything to my sister she'll yell at me for doing all the things. im so ashamed of myself. idk
Hey sweetie, I feel you. I've been there. It's the hamster wheel of feeling shit and worthless. At some point, all that self-depreciating talk just digs you into a dark hole of feeling like absolute crap. There is no light, just misery and depression. So my question is, are you ready to leave this place? Are you ready to step into the light? To start choosing better thoughts? To loving yourself? Being kinder to yourself? It's not a quick fix, but it does require you to invest time and energy into loving yourself. Some suggestions:
Learn to meditate - download an app or do guided YouTube mediation
Start listening to Podcasts / YouTube for uplifting inspiration
PRAY - and set the intention you want to heal
Remove all negative streams of content, movies, the news, Netflix, music. Only high vibe, good feel media (chic flicks, feel good music, etc)
Write down 10 things you love about yourself daily for this whole month
Read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne (there are free PDF downloads floating around the internet)
Make sure you are eating properly, drinking enough water. Learn about nutrition, cut sugar from your diet.
Make sure you are exercising every single day. If this is too much do at least 10k steps (you can listen to an inspiring podcast during walk)
Pause mid sentence if you feel you are putting yourself down or complaining about life.
Make sure you are clean / showering / brushing your teeth.
I hope these help sweetie, DMs are open if you need more support xoxo
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
Idk if it's the way I perceive fpk, or if it is intentional, but he looks like he has upper body strength. Is he equally strong everywhere, or does have a specific strength?
He does, I put extra effort into making his arms look more muscular so I'm really glad you noticed! He's generally quite physically strong now, and if you took all his fat away, he would be fairly muscular. The arms are the most noticeable because of how his fat distribution works - he's fatter in his lower body, that is his stomach, legs and the base of his tail.
It also makes sense that his arms and upper torso would be the most defined. Whenever he goes hunting, he does a fair amount of climbing, not to mention the most effective way to chase his meal is to run on all fours, and for that he needs very strong arms. Then there is his workshop, his projects involve dealing with metal objects and stone among other things. He primarily fixes and tinkers with small items like watches, but he also delves into designing and upgrading larger farm equipment and similar mechanical constructions, which are a lot heavier. And because he works alone, he has to carry everything himself, so he gets his daily exercise and builds his muscles.
He certainly enjoys his food, he's without a doubt a foodie (though his childhood trauma also plays a role in how much he eats during hunts), which is a contributing factor to why he's so visibly fat, but it's also connected to the role the extra weight plays in his body. The fat protects him from injuries but it also helps him keep warm and regulate his body temperature, which is crucial for living on the surface in such a cold climate. And unlike Grimm, the kids, Hornet or Holly, he doesn't have fur or an exoskeleton-like shell, which would shield him from cold, so his body had to adapt in its own way.
As a little fun fact, this is something which wouldn't be that unheard of among his kind. I imagine his home land to be a somewhat cold desert with large sand dunes, which periodically experiences winters, including freezing temperatures and snow. So there is a precedent for his body, albeit physically much different in this reduced form, to have this kind of adaptation for cold climates, which wouldn't be visible until now. Before that, he lived underground, and the lack of a proper diet (or any, really) meant that he wasn't able to build any extra fat. Over time, he started losing even more weight, but that's something I already talked about in the past so I'll end this side ramble here.
But to bring this back on topic and to answer your question, he's physically strong all over the body. His tail is flexible, but the base is very muscular under all that fat. This lets him use it almost as a third leg, it acts as counter balance but he can lean on it to support his body if he needs to. His legs are very strong, allowing him to jump quite high up, certainly higher than you'd expect (though the fat tail does drag him down a bit, so he's not as skilled of a jumper as he could be). He can walk, trot and run with no issue, although it does resemble a clumsy waddle, mainly due to how short and stubby his legs are. Already talked about the arms so I won't repeat myself, I'll just add that the nice result of all his physical exercise is that he can lift up and carry Grimm for quite some time, which I think is a very cute (and slightly amusing) mental image. His neck and back are also worth mentioning. The neck is a bit short, but it's decently muscular, which is necessary considering his large head. And his spine, similarly, has the strenght needed to carry all the extra pounds he gained, so he doesn't suffer from back pain (well, unless he spends all day carrying large boxes of heavy materials without taking a break).
So all in all, despite being fat, he's physically healthy and strong. I think it makes sense considering all I said. Plus it's just really fun to think about all of his physical traits working together like this. And it goes to show that relying on soul in his past just couldn't replace all those processes needed to make him as healthy as he is now.
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