#pcos causes in hindi
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fidicuswomen · 1 month ago
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
Struture of Uterus and Reasons for PCOD PCOS | Treatment Medicine Surgery | Gynaecology Women Female
"Join Dr. Bharadwaz, Chief Doctor at Fidicus Homeopathy, as he delves into the detailed structure of the uterus and explains how it relates to PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Learn about the underlying reasons for these conditions, their impact on women’s health, and how understanding uterine structure can lead to better management and treatment. Discover insights into effective, natural treatment options with homeopathy, designed to restore balance and improve well-being."
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babybloomivfblogs · 19 days ago
Journey of Isha Ambani IVF pregnancy News in Detail.
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Mukesh Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani Parimal openly shared her entire experience of IVF (in vitro fertilization) with Vogue India in an interview. Isha Ambani shares her journey of giving birth to her twins, Adiya Shakti, and Krishna, through IVF to break the taboo associated with her IVF pregnancy
Welcoming The Modern Technology
Isha Ambani stressed the importance of normalizing IVF, saying, “I should not waste any time in saying that my twins were born through IVF because that’s how we will normalize our experience by sharing it. No one should feel isolated or down.
IVF is a difficult process; your physical appearance will tell you it is exhausting. Isha Ambani’s IVF pregnancy experience was similar to that of her mother Nita Ambani, who gave birth to Isha and her brother Akash through IVF. Nita has previously spoken about the emotional turmoil she went through when a doctor told her that she would never be able to conceive.
Isha Ambani was in IVF pregnancy or you can say that ever since her mother Nita Ambani became a mother with the help of IVF, she has been of the mind that modern technology should be adopted to help people struggling with fertility problems. “If there is modern technology today, why not use it to have children? It should be something you get excited about, not something you have to do. IVF क्या होता है? Detail Information About What is IVF In Hindi
Best IVF Centre in Gurgaon (Read More)
What Factors Determine If IVF is Right for You?
Inability to conceive after trying for a year or more
Older age
Damaged fallopian tubes
Endometriosis (usually in long-term cases)
Problems in the uterus (uterine cavity/ovaries) such as uterine fibroids
Ovulation disorders (irregular ovulation or no ovulation)
Unexplained infertility
Hormonal imbalances
Irregular cycles
Changes in cycle periods
Other health problems such as PCOD/PCOS ..
White discharge during pregnancy(Read more)
Low sperm motility or low sperm count
Inability to have intercourse
Erectile dysfunction
Chromosomal defects
Infections such as epididymitis and orchitis
Unexplained infertility
Retrograde ejaculation
Risk factors such as substance abuse and tobacco smoking
Prior surgeries and other fertility problems
IVF Success Rates: What to Expect
The success rate of IVF also depends on the age of the woman receiving treatment and the cause of infertility. Younger women are more likely to have a successful pregnancy. The success rate of IVF depends on various factors, such as
Age of the couple
Quantity and quality of eggs or embryos
Quantity and quality of sperms
Stimulation technique and timing of ovulation
Receptivity of the endometrium (uterine lining) and ease of embryo transfer are important factors for successful implantation.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has a great impact on IVF success rates.
Embracing Celebrity Success
With IVF, many families have realized their dream of parenthood. It offers a beacon of hope. Remember, if infertility is part of your journey, you are not alone. Your path to becoming a parent is filled with possibilities when you have the right support system, access to advanced medical care, and a community of individuals who understand your experience
Why are an increasing number of Indian celebrities choosing IVF?
As infertility is increasingly recognized as a common issue and societal attitudes are shifting, IVF has gained wider acceptance as a viable option for parenthood in India, a nation that traditionally emphasized the importance of biological connections.
What role does age play in the decision to use IVF?
Age plays a crucial role in the success rates of IVF. Typically, younger individuals experience higher success rates because they have better quality and quantity of eggs. However, these rates tend to decrease after the mid-30s, with a more significant drop for those over 40.
How have celebrity IVF stories impacted public perception in India?
The stories of celebrities undergoing IVF have played a crucial role in shaping public perception in India. By sharing their personal experiences, these figures help demystify the process and reduce the stigma associated with infertility and assisted reproduction. This increased visibility encourages more people to consider IVF as a legitimate option, fostering a more open dialogue about fertility issues in the country.
Who is eligible for an IVF procedure?
Individuals or couples who are experiencing difficulties in conceiving naturally may be eligible for an IVF procedure. This includes those with conditions such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, male factor infertility, or unexplained infertility. Additionally, same-sex couples and single individuals looking to conceive may also qualify for IVF. It’s important to consult with a fertility specialist to determine the best course of action based on individual circumstances.
For More Information Visit — https://babybloomivf.com/
Book an appointment: Get a free IVF consultation: Call/W:9266045700+ Email [email protected]
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fattofabweightloss · 25 days ago
What is PCOD: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | PCOD/PCOS Problem Solution in Hindi | Fat to Fab
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lottie-blr · 4 months ago
okay. nabawasan nanaman kami ng family member. iniwan na kami ng pinsan ko ☹️ meron siyang cervical cancer.
tbh. natatakot ako sa ganito dahil kinda genetic na sa amin ang cancer or yun lang talaga ang terminal ng mga sakit-sakit?
sobrang inaayos ko din talaga iyong lifestyle ko lalo na hindi na ako na bata. hangga’t kaya ko umiwas sa stress, g lang. kasi ito ang nagiging root cause ng lahat. also yung healthy sa pagkain.
tapos yung lola ko may CKD alam mo yung grabe na rin ako uminom ng tubig at hindi na ako masyado sa maalat. if makakain man ako ng maaalat ex. fast food sasabayan ko ng maraming tubig.
ang problem ko lang naman sa health ko is mag pcos ako saka anemic ako. recently nagiging mahihiluin ako as in. kapag mainit yung paligid at walang nag cicirculate na hangin, nahihilo ako kahit naman busog ako.
yes, need ko na mag pa general check-up saka iwas sa social media. hahahaha shuta isa ang social media ang nag papa-stress sakin bhie. hay
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yashodaivffertilitycentre · 8 months ago
पीसीओएस क्यों और कैसे होता है? जानिए विस्तार मै (PCOS kya hai in Hindi)
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पीसीओएस (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) तब होता है जब आपके अंडाशय, आपके शरीर का वह हिस्सा जो अंडे बनाता है, बहुत अधिक हार्मोन द्वारा अवरुद्ध हो जाता है। सामान्य महिला हार्मोन के बजाय, आपका शरीर अधिक पुरुष हार्मोन (एण्ड्रोजन) बनाने लगता है, जिससे आपके अंडाशय में छोटे तरल पदार्थ से भरी थैली, जिन्हें सिस्ट कहा जाता है, बनने लगती हैं। इससे आपके हार्मोन का संतुलन गड़बड़ा जाता है और गर्भधारण करना मुश्किल हो सकता है। हालाँकि, पीसीओएस केवल अंडाशय के बारे में नहीं है; इसका चयापचय स्वास्थ्य, प्रजनन क्षमता और मनोवैज्ञानिक कल्याण पर दूरगामी प्रभाव पड़ता है।
पीसीओएस का अर्थ (The Meaning of PCOS)
पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो एक महिला के हार्मोन के स्तर को प्रभावित करती है, जिससे मासिक धर्म चक्र में अनियमितताएं और डिम्बग्रंथि अल्सर सहित कई अन्य लक्षण हो सकते हैं। सटीक कारण अज्ञात है, लेकिन शीघ्र निदान और उपचार, साथ ही वजन घटाने से टाइप 2 मधुमेह और हृदय रोग जैसी दीर्घकालिक जटिलताओं के जोखिम को कम किया जा सकता है।
पीसीओएस अंडाशय और हार्मोन को कैसे प्रभावित करता है (How PCOS affects ovaries and hormones)
पीसीओएस क्या होता है ये तो अभी आपने जान ही लिया है तो अब इस स्थिति की विशेषता अंडाशय पर कई छोटे रोमों की वृद्धि है। यह हार्मोन असंतुलन का कारण बनता है, जिससे कई लक्षण हो सकते हैं, जैसे अनियमित मासिक धर्म, मुँहासा और हिर्सुटिज़्म (शरीर पर अत्यधिक बाल)।
पीसीओएस के लक्षण (Symptoms of PCOS)
पीसीओएस के लक्षण अलग-अलग व्यक्तियों में अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं, लेकिन सबसे आम लक्षणों में शामिल हैं:
•        मासिक धर्म की अनियमितता या अनुपस्थिति
•        ओव्यूलेशन की कमी या अनियमित ओव्यूलेशन के कारण गर्भवती होने में कठिनाई
•        चेहरे या शरीर पर अत्यधिक बाल उगना, जिसे हिर्सुटिज़्म कहा जाता है
•        वजन बढ़ना
•        बालों का पतला होना और सिर के बालों का झड़ना
•        मुँहासे और तैलीय त्वचा
•        अवसाद, चिंता और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याएं
यदि आप इनमें से किसी भी लक्षण का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो चिकित्सक���य सलाह लेना महत्वपूर्ण है। किफायती उपचार विकल्पों के लिए नवी मुंबई के सर्वश्रेष्ठ आईवीएफ केंद्र best IVF centre in Navi Mumbai पर जाएँ।
संभावित भावनात्मक लक्षण (Possible Emotional Symptoms)
पीसीओएस सिर्फ एक प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य समस्या नहीं है; यह किसी महिला की भावनात्मक भलाई पर भी महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डाल सकता है। पीसीओएस से पीड़ित कई महिलाएं अवसाद, कम आत्मसम्मान, चिंता और खाने संबंधी विकारों का अनुभव करती हैं।
डॉक्टर के पास कब जाना चाहिए? (When to See a Doctor)
आपको डॉक्टर के पास कब जाना चाहिए? यदि आप ऐसे लक्षणों का अनुभव कर रहे हैं जो पीसीओएस का संकेत दे सकते हैं, तो चिकित्सा सलाह लेना महत्वपूर्ण है। शीघ्र निदान और इलाज कराने से लक्षणों को प्रबंधित करने और मधुमेह और हृदय रोग जैसी संभावित दीर्घकालिक समस्याओं से बचने में बड़ा अंतर आ सकता है। साथ ही जाने पीसीओडी क्या है और कैसे होता है। यदि अनियमित मासिक धर्म, बालों का अत्यधिक बढ़ना या गर्भधारण करने में कठिनाई जैसे लक्षण आपके दैनिक जीवन को प्रभावित कर रहे हैं, तो अपने डॉक्टर से मिलने में संकोच न करें। बेहतर उपचार विकल्पों के लिए, नवी मुंबई में हमारे विशेषज्ञ आईवीएफ विशेषज्ञों (IVF specialists in Navi Mumbai) से परामर्श करने पर विचार करें।
पीसीओएस के कारण (Causes of PCOS)
पीसीओएस का सटीक कारण अज्ञात है, लेकिन कई कारक इसमें भूमिका निभा सकते हैं, जिनमें शामिल हैं:
•        अतिरिक्त इंसुलिन: इंसुलिन वह हार्मोन है जो अग्न्याशय द्वारा स्रावित होता है और कोशिकाओं को ऊर्जा के लिए चीनी का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देता है; जाहिर तौर पर आपने यह पहले भी सुना होगा, लेकिन वास्तव में इसका मतलब क्या है? आनुवंशिकता: कुछ अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि शायद पीसीओएस का विकास आनुवंशिक कारकों पर आधारित है। जब इंसुलिन कोशिकाओं में ठीक से काम नहीं कर पाता है, तो रक्त शर्करा के साथ-साथ इंसुलिन का उत्पादन भी बढ़ सकता है। इंसुलिन का असामान्य उत्पादन तब एण्ड्रोजन का उत्पादन भी शुरू कर सकता है, जो संभवतः ओव्यूलेशन समस्या में योगदान दे सकता है।
•        निम्न-श्रेणी की सूजन: यह तब होता है जब श्वेत रक्त कोशिकाएं संक्रमण से लड़ने के लिए पदार्थों का उत्पादन करती हैं। यह सूजन एण्ड्रोजन के स्तर को बढ़ाने में योगदान कर सकती है।
•        आनुवंशिकता: अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि कुछ विशेष जीन पीसीओएस का कारण बन सकते हैं।
पीसीओएस का निदान और उपचार (Diagnosis and treatment of PCOS)
पीसीओएस का निदान करने के लिए, डॉक्टरों को अन्य स्थितियों को बाहर करने की आवश्यकता होती है जो समान लक्षण पैदा कर सकती हैं। यह आमतौर पर मासिक धर्म चक्र और लक्षणों सहित एक विस्तृत चिकित्सा इतिहास लेने और पीसीओएस क��� लक्षणों, जैसे शरीर पर अतिरिक्त बाल और उच्च रक्तचाप, को देखने के लिए एक शारीरिक परीक्षा करके किया जाता है। तो, यदि आप नवी मुंबई में हैं और सर्वोत्तम देखभाल की तलाश में हैं, तो शहर में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आईवीएफ केंद्र की जांच करने पर विचार क्यों न करें? हमारा यशोदा आईवीएफ और फर्टिलिटी सेंटर बिल्कुल वही हो सकता है जिसकी आपको विशेषज्ञ मार्गदर्शन और सहायता के लिए आवश्यकता है।
सामान्य उपचार दृष्टिकोण (General Treatment Approach)
हालाँकि पीसीओएस (PCOS) का कोई इलाज नहीं है, लेकिन लक्षणों को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। उपचार व्यक्ति की चिंताओं के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकता है, जैसे कि बांझपन, बालों का झड़ना, मुँहासा, या मोटापा। सामान्य उपचारों में शामिल हैं:
•        मासिक धर्म को नियंत्रित करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली दवाएं
•        एण्ड्रोजन स्तर को कम करने के लिए जन्म नियंत्रण गोलियाँ
•        त्वचा पर एण्ड्रोजन के प्रभाव को रोकने के लिए एंटी-एण्ड्रोजन दवाएं
•        इंसुलिन के स्तर को प्रबंधित करने के लिए मेटफॉर्मिन
•        यदि गर्भावस्था वांछित हो तो प्रजनन उपचार
•        आहार और व्यायाम सहित जीवनशैली में संशोधन
पीसीओएस के लिए प्रतिबंध रणनीतियाँ (Prevention Strategies for PCOS)
हालाँकि आप पीसीओएस को रोकने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकते हैं, लेकिन आप पीसीओएस के लक्षणों को नियंत्रित करने में मदद के लिए कदम उठा सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए:
•        हृदय-स्वस्थ आहार लें
•        नियमित व्यायाम की आदत लगाए और स्वस्थ वजन पर स्थित रहे
•        धूम्रपान से बचें
•        अपने स्वास्थ्य पर नज़र रखने के लिए नियमित जांच कराते रहें
•        जोखिम कारकों को शीघ्र पहचानें और उनका उपचार करें
पीसीओएस के प्रकार (Types of PCOS)
पीसीओएस क्या है और पीसीओएस कई प्रकार के होते हैं, और ये विविधताएं लक्षणों और उपचार विकल्पों को प्रभावित कर सकती हैं। यह समझने से कि आपकी स्थिति किस प्रकार की हो सकती है, आपकी स्थिति को प्रबंधित करने के लिए अधिक अनुकूलित दृष्टिकोण में मदद मिल सकती है:
•        इंसुलिन प्रतिरोधी पीसीओएस
•        अधिवृक्क पीसीओएस
•        सूजन संबंधी पीसीओएस
पीसीओएस विविधताएँ लक्षणों को कैसे प्रभावित कर सकती हैं (How PCOS variations can affect traits)
पीसीओएस से पीड़ित कुछ महिलाओं में इस स्थिति का पारिवारिक इतिहास होता है, जो आनुवंशिक प्रवृत्ति का संकेत देता है। कुछ लोगों में मेटाबॉलिक सिंड्रोम या इंसुलिन प्रतिरोध हो सकता है, जिससे अन्य स्थितियों के अलावा मधुमेह और हृदय रोग का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।
पीसीओएस और आहार (PCOS and Diet)
अच्छा पोषण पीसीओएस के प्रबंधन में बड़ी भूमिका निभा सकता है। एक स्वस्थ आहार इंसुलिन के नियमन में सुधार कर सकता है और वजन को नियंत्रित करने में मदद कर सकता है। नियमित शारीरिक गतिविधि के साथ-साथ फलों, सब्जियों और दुबले प्रोटीन से भरपूर संतुलित आहार फायदे��ंद होता है।
निष्कर्ष (Conclusion)
निष्कर्ष में पीसीओएस (PCOS) सामान्य होने के साथ-साथ बहुत जटिल स्थिति है जो महिलाओं के जीवन पर भारी प्रभाव डाल सकती है। इस गाइड में साझा की गई जानकारी पीसीओएस को समझने और उससे प्रबंधन की शुरुआत मात्र है। यदि आपको लगता है कि आपको पीसीओएस हो सकता है, तो व्यक्तिगत योजना के लिए स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाता से परामर्श करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
अतिरिक्त सहायता और संसाधनों के लिए, अपने स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाता से संपर्क करें या पीसीओएस समुदाय से जुड़ें। याद रखें, आप इस यात्रा में अकेले नहीं हैं, और सही ज्ञान और समर्थन के साथ, पीसीओएस का प्रबंधन संभव है।
इसके अलावा, किफायती उपचार और विशेषज्ञ देखभाल चाहने वालों के लिए, नवी मुंबई में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आईवीएफ केंद्र (Best IVF centre in Navi Mumbai) के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त यशोदा आईवीएफ सेंटर का दौरा करने पर विचार करें। डॉक्टरों की हमारी विशेष और अनुभवी टीम आपको पीसीओएस में चुनौतियों से उबरने और प्रजनन के संबंध में अपने उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने में मदद करेगी।
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bestivfcentre-gaudiumivf · 1 year ago
Understanding Poor Egg Quality and its Influence on IVF Success
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IVF, a breakthrough in reproductive science, brings hope to many couples longing for conception. Despite its promise, a major IVF obstacle remains compromised egg quality. This issue substantially influences the procedure’s IVF success rates.
Egg quality holds pivotal importance in successful fertilization and subsequent embryo development. Compromised egg quality encompasses abnormalities impacting their structure or genetic composition. Various factors influence this decline, such as age, lifestyle choices, genetic predispositions, and specific health conditions.
An influential factor contributing to diminished egg quality is advanced maternal age. As women grow older, a noticeable decline occurs in both the quantity and quality of their eggs, posing hurdles to achieving successful pregnancies via IVF. The aging process significantly impacts the chromosomal stability of eggs, increasing the likelihood of genetic irregularities within embryos, including conditions like Down syndrome.
This age-related decline involves various intricate biological mechanisms. As women age, the pool of eggs diminishes in number and tends to harbor more abnormalities. The chromosomal integrity of eggs weakens over time, increasing the likelihood of errors during fertilization and early embryo development. These errors often result in genetic irregularities, posing challenges to successful pregnancies.
Apart from age, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking, heavy alcohol intake, and obesity have adverse effects on egg quality. These behaviors trigger oxidative stress, causing cellular harm and directly influencing the quality of eggs collected in IVF.
Genetic factors also play a role in determining egg quality. Some women may have genetic predispositions that influence the quality of their eggs, making it more difficult to produce viable embryos during IVF treatments (IVF Treatment in Hindi).
Furthermore, certain medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis can affect egg quality. PCOS, characterized by hormonal imbalances, can lead to irregular ovulation and lower egg quality. Endometriosis, a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, may also impact egg quality by creating an inflammatory environment that affects egg development.
The impact of diminished egg quality on IVF results is significant. In an IVF cycle, the objective involves obtaining top-notch eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, and then implanting resulting embryos into the uterus. Nevertheless, subpar egg quality may yield fewer retrieved eggs, reduced success in fertilization, and a lowered chance of viable embryos for transfer.
For individuals facing poor egg quality, there are some strategies that the Best IVF Doctors in Mumbai may employ to improve their chances of success during IVF. Supplementing certain antioxidants and vitamins, like coenzyme Q10 or vitamin E, might help reduce oxidative stress and potentially enhance egg quality. Additionally, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can be utilized to screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities before transfer, increasing the likelihood of selecting healthier embryos.
While these interventions may offer some improvement, they may not completely overcome the challenges posed by poor egg quality. For some individuals, considering alternative options such as donor eggs might be more viable pathways to parenthood.
To sum up, compromised egg quality stands as a substantial barrier in achieving favorable IVF results. Understanding the elements impacting egg quality and exploring potential interventions are vital in helping individuals facing fertility hurdles, enabling informed choices about their reproductive possibilities.
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onlythefitness · 4 years ago
सावधान! इन 5 वजहों से हो रही है यंग लड़कियां PCOS की शिकार
सावधान! इन 5 वजहों से हो रही है यंग लड़कियां PCOS की शिकार
आजकल का गलत खान-पान, व्यस्त जीवनशैली, तनाव आदि की वजह से लड़कियों और महिलाओं को कई स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी परेशानियों से गुजरना पड़ रहा है। वे थाइरोइड, डायबिटीज, रक्तचाप बीमारियों की शिकार हो रही हैं। ऐसे में कई महिलाएं ऐसी हैं जो PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) नामक रोग का सामना कर रही हैं। शोध के अनुसार लगभग 70% महिलाएं इसका शिकार हो चुकी हैं। अब तो यह परेशानी कम उम्र की लड़कियों में भी काफी देखने को…
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bbarican · 3 years ago
life updates: november 09, 2021
my seniors recently complimented me again saying na im a really efficient junior designer and that my main senior is so lucky to have me work with her in all of her projects
yung makati project namin nakakatawa nalang kasi ang daming extra na gustong pagawa nung client namin so syempre madedelay yung turnover pero sila din tong atat mag move it; pls make it make sense po
yung alabang project naman namin, hindi mafinalize ng boss namin yung mga details kasi magboboracay daw muna siya; basta ako ill finalize everything on my end para wala siyang masabi
also! im super duper excited for this one: my ninang asked for my help in designing her condo unit so thats basically going to be my first ever freelance project! wish me luck! im about to prep for our meeting tomorrow too before i go to bed
praying to god na wala kaming ganap masyado sa work para keri kong pumunta ng ust after lunch
last for work: i have officially decided to take the board exam next year meaning i have to email my bosses already regarding my plans on filing for leave from march to july; fingers crossed they allow it!
im so glad my dad is feeling much better; yes, i always am annoyed at him but i really do love him and care about him so much
i am: confused cause my younger brother didnt enjoy bungalow's homer donut as much as i did; IT WAS THE BEST DONUT EVER
my lola is staying over for the night and having her here at home always makes me feel safer than usual
i miss my mom and brother; i cant wait for my mom to come home
syempre di na ko magkukunwari, excited na din ako sa mga pasalubong ng nanay ko yahu
im so fucking excited to see my bestfriends; we're going back to the beach for tiger's birthday and im just so excited to spend a weekend with them especially since its been so long since we all last hung out
i miss my tumblr bestfriends a lot; sometimes i wish it was 2020 again when all we were doing was staying up late on zoom and literally just playing games and watching movies and talking about everything under the sun and planning random meet ups and actually ending up meeting up with almost everybody
im really excited to review with my bestfriends too and go cafe hopping once review season starts! also syempre matik na din yan, lagi sila matutulog dito sa bahay
personal life:
my puson is hurting a bit and im kind of getting worried na its either 1.) pcos related since i do have pcos or 2.) its something to do with the fact na ang lakas ko nanaman sa juice, soda, and coffee
i have to drink water ONLY i swear to god i do not want to get sick at all, especially in this pandemic
got my first ever 13th month pay today! i really really really need to save kasi i dont want to go into review season with an empty bank account
which means, no coffee or pastry runs whenever im out of the house; i seriously need to discipline myself para din i dont keep gaining more and more weight
i am itching to fix and reorganize and clean my room; cannot wait for the weekend kasi ito talaga gagawin ko
eamon and bec, you have stolen my heart; plus your accents are the cutest thing ever
watching their videos just made me really really want to visit morocco soon cause ive been wanting to go their for so long already
syempre wala
if youve made it this far into my post, thank you so much. i just felt extra chatty this evening and i feel like i had to type everything down cause if i dont, i wont remember them with how busy i am. i hope you guys are doing okay and please know that if you ever feel like just typing everything as well, go for it. just go for it! who cares what other people say? either way, again, i hope you guys have a really lovely tuesday evening and i hope the rest of the week treats us well!
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ly-p · 5 years ago
Ang quarantine
Bawas na ‘rin ang dosage ko ng gamot. Hindi ko pala nasabi na nagkasakit ako na Erythema Nodosum—may lumps sa paa ko nun (nagstart ng November 2019) at hindi makalakad, makabangon or kahit makagalaw lang ng kamay sa sobrang sakit kaya kailangan ko ng anti-inflammatory meds. Pero ngayon, hindi na ako nagttake ng prednisone. Meloxicam na lang. Sana pag lifted na ‘to, tapos na ‘rin pag-inom ko. May kaunting sakit pa ‘rin sa paa ko, pero manageable at kaya ko naman na maglakad o kahit nga tumakbo. LOL
Nag gain ako ng almost 5 kgs, naging makakalimutin, nahirapan matulog nang maaga na palaging 5am or later na ako nakakatulog at nagkaroon ng moon face dahil sa side effect ng gamot. Nagstop din ako magtake ng birth control pills kasi akala ko ito ‘yung cause ng sakit ko. Since may PCOS ako, irregular ang menstruation ko at apat na buwan akong hindi nagkaroon nito. Tinatry ko na magdiet ngayon kahit papano at nagstart na ulit magtake ng pills + vitamins.
Masaya naman dito sa bahay during this ECQ kasi may tropa plus Ely. Puro laro (sugal!!!), foodtrip, TeamPayaman at movies.
Pero miss ko na gumala. May pending pa akong flight ticket pa-Taiwan na ilang beses nang na-rebook dahil sa Covid-19. Namimiss ko na ‘rin ang Greenfield, Megamall at PITX!!!
Tumawag din pala sa’kin ‘yung company kaninang umaga kung okay daw ako sa WFH set up sa ngayon para sa training. Nagconfirm ako na okay. Sa May 11 ang start.
Wala pa ‘rin akong plano sa buhay ko. Buti na lang medyo may ipon ako at kayang i-sustain sarili ko sa loob ng limang buwang walang trabaho. Pero syempre, ipon ‘yun at hindi naman sana nagalaw. Maibabalik naman ‘yun. :)
Nag-update lang ako dahil 2019 pa huli kong posts at nagpplano pa ko ng India/Egypt trip na hindi natuloy kasi nagresign ako. Hehehehehe
Miss u Doha. Pero Mandaluyong is lifer now.
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anonymous11blog-blog · 5 years ago
Pcos Fighter
Having pcos is not easy, nagiging moody ka, emotional and mabilis mapagod parang every negative situations that you received caused a big stress in your life. Akala ng iba wala lang ang pcos ang di nila alam mahirap magkaron ng pcos especially if you really want to become a mom. Sobrang hirap magconceive kase di ka nagoovulate or di mo na alam kung kelan ka nagoovulate kase nga di pare.parehas ang date of menstruation mo. Madalas kang delayed kung hindi 1 week almost 2 weeks kang delayed. Pag di bumabalance ung hormones mo nagiging emotional ka nagiging moody ka and worst part nagkecrave ng foods ang problema di naman lahat pede mong kainin kase nga prone ka sa type 2 diabetes. Dagdagan pa ng papababain nia self steem mo. Bakit nga ba ? Kase nagkakaron ka ng skin discoloration akala ng iba libag haha tumataba ka akala mg iba buntis ka how i wish and sobrang naglalagas ang buhok mo kala mo may sakit ka ng cancer. You feel severe pain sa balakang, sa puson tipong kala mo may malalaglag. I tried a lot of meds and change my lifestyle but all of it didnt work. Spend a lot of money but still it didnt work. Used a lot of PT's but all of them are negative pede ko na nga pa frame eh. Visit diff OB's none of them work. There are times that I ask him bakit ako? Kelan mo ba ibibigay ung para saken? Para na kong naghahabol ng due date dto. Just let me know early as you can kung ibibigay mo ba talaga sya saken. Minsan bigla ka na lang maiiyak kase naisip mo na naman ang mga bagay na to. Walang nagmomotivate sayo to work. Walang inspiration to work. In short walang dahilan para magsumikap ka magtrabaho.
If there's one thing na gusto kong ipagpasalamat un ung binigyan mo pa rin ako ng partner in life na naiintindihan ung situation ko, someone na di nawawalan ng pagasa, someone who can understand why you need to make a plan B, someone who supports you all the time.
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fidicuswomen · 1 month ago
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
What is PCOD PCOS? | Treatment Cure Medicine Surgery | Gynaecology Women Female | Dr. Bharadwaz
"Learn about PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) from Dr. Bharadwaz, Chief Doctor at Fidicus Homeopathy. In this video, he explains the causes, symptoms, and effects of PCOS on women’s health, including irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, and more. Discover how homeopathy offers a natural approach to managing PCOS symptoms and restoring hormonal balance without side effects. Subscribe for more insights on holistic healthcare!"
Dr. Bharadwaz | Gynaecology Women Female | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
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Speciality Clinic Fidicus Women highest success with homeopathy No Sideeffect | Permanent Result | Personal Care
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lxtgrlfrmnvrlnd · 6 years ago
Hello, y'all. It's me, once again.
This article is about me dealing with my endometrial cysts. Yes, with "s" kasi dalawa sila.
So, lately, I've been experiencing pains in my lower abdomen. I somehow found it very unusual kasi sumasakit siya 'though wala naman akong period.
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A couple of weeks ago, I've finally decided to have my check-up done. Why not? Regular employee ako, might as well i-avail ko 'yung benefits ng healthcard ko. So, 'yun, my boyfriend and I went to The Medical City. There, I had some few talks with the Ob-Gyne, asking me some questions regarding my concern, and later on underwent some tests and observations. I had urinalysis, ultrasound and pap-smear. Upon doing the Transvaginal Ultrasound, masuka-suka ako 'though 'di ko pinapahalata. I had this feeling na parang hinahalukay nila 'yung kaloob-looban ko and I hated it.
We waited several minutes para makuha 'yung results ng ultrasound ko. We were so damn nervous. Personally, talagang 'di ako mapalagay. Well, who would be? You're on the brink of knowing kung may sakit ka o wala.
Twenty minutes later—charan—we finally had the results. Based on my ultrasound, we've found out that my ovaries vary in size. The left was bigger than my right. My right ovary was perfectly normal, but the left wasn't. There were some findings in my left ovary. We've found out na may bukol ang matris ko. May cysts ako, mga sis! And it wasn't just an ordinary condition. Would you believe that?
Before, I was really bothered by this so called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). I mean, sobra talaga! Kinakabahan ako at napapraning everytime na makakabasa ako ng article or makakarinig ng about PCOS dahil baka mayroon na rin ako ng ganiyan—but only to find out na mas malala pala 'yung condition na mayroon ako. Nakakaloka, 'di ba?
Endometrial cysts 'yung existing sa akin, and these have to be removed. Kailangan ng operasyon! Gash! Hindi lang isa 'yung tatanggalin sa akin kundi dalawa. Two, mga cysts! Hays! Although, 0.1 percent lang 'yung chances niya na maging cancerous, still, nakakakaba pa rin. The Ob-Gyne said na if kayang i-preserve 'yung left ovary ko, gagawin nila, pero kung hindi kaya na 'yung bukol lang 'yung tatanggalin, might as well i-remove na rin daw 'yung whole left ovary ko. How sad was that? Nanlumo talaga ako upon hearing that. Yes, I might be able to conceive a baby dahil perfectly normal naman 'yung right ovary ko but low na 'yung chances, and it was very depressing on my part.
That Ob-Gyne also suggested na mag-pills muna ako for six consecutive months, to avoid having menstruation. 'Yung cysts daw kasi na mayroon ako, lumalaki everytime na may period ako, that's why I'm experiencing high levels of pain during the first day of my menstruation, 'cause the thing inside my left ovary feeded on it. Kumbaga, 'yung period ko 'yung nagtitrigger sa kanila para mas lumaki pa, so it needed to be stopped. Then after six months, babalik ako for another ultrasound and to see if lumiit 'yung bukol. If not, then kailangan ko talagang mag-undergo ng operation. Hays! That operation would cost hundred thousand. Well, there are two possible procedures: first, 'yung bikini cut na tinatawag nila; bubukahin 'yung lower abdomen ko na parang sa caesarean; second is 'yung may ipapasok na camera inside me, and through laser tatanggalin 'yung cysts ko, but this procedure would cost triple times than the first procedure. Imagine? Kung hundred thousand na 'yung paghiwa-hiwa, triple nu'n 'yung paglaser-laser. Gash! I can't talaga!
Sa ngayon, ang daming bawal sa akin. Plus may two prescriptions pa ako aside from pills dahil may findings din sa pap-smear at urinalysis ko. Based on the results, may infections din ako—both. Well, these two can be treated in a week naman. Unlike sa case ng endometrial cysts na mayroon ako, kailangan ko talagang sobrang pagtuunan ng pansin. It might not be cancerous pero once na pumutok 'yung dalawang bukol at 'di maagapan, baka sila pa ang mag-cause ng other complications. 'Di naman daw basta-bastang lumalaki ang mga bukol, in my case, years na raw itong nasa akin. Pre-existing na bago pa ako magpacheck-up.
Kailangan ko tuloy uminom ng maraming tubig, 1 liter na nga raw dapat sabi ng doctor. Bawal na rin ako ng kahit anong malamig na beverages/food. Bawal magpuyat at magpagod nang husto. Kailangan ng proper diet at exercise. Hays. Well, lesson na 'to for me. Kailangan ko na raw talagang magbago ng lifestyle kung gusto kong maayos ang health ko.
Kaya kayo, lalo na ang mga ladies diyan, maging super extra sensitive kayo sa mga katawan niyo. Sabi nga ng boyfriend ko, mahal ang magkasakit kaya dapat alagaan niyo nang husto ang mga katawan niyo. It's not good na 'di kayo nagpapacheck-up kasi wala kayong nararamdaman sa mga katawan niyo physically, mas maganda pa rin 'yung kumokonsulta kayo once in a while just to check. Just like in my case, kung naagapan lang sana 'to, e 'di sana, 'di ko na kailangang humantong pa sa operasyon. This is a serious thing. Tama 'yung sinasabi nilang prevention is better than cure. Kaya hangga't maaari, iwasan ang mga dapat iwasan. Huwag balewalain kapag may nararamdaman sa katawan, go see a doctor right away. Health is wealth! So, take care, mga mamsh!
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lastevia · 2 years ago
The Ultimate Glossary of Terms About Buy Healthy Sweets Online
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You might be one of those people who love sweets. There’s no need to feel guilty about indulging in a sweet treat every now and then, but for your overall health, it’s important to make sure the majority of your snacks come from nutritious sources. Filling up on sugary snacks can lead to weight gain, cavities, and the risk of developing diabetes, but by choosing to buy healthy sweets online that are high in healthy fats, fiber, and protein, you can actually help improve your health.
Diabetics Can Also Eat Delicious Sweets
Eating sweets can be very difficult if you have diabetes. One day of unbalanced sugar can cause weeks of struggle to balance sugars back to normal, whether you have very basic or mild diabetes. For severe diabetics, sweets are completely absent. These people need an alternative recipe that balances their sugar levels while giving them equal amounts of fun. LaStevia delicious Bajra Laddu, Moong Laddu, Ragi Laddu are available online to suit you, so you can have as many sweet laddus as you want.
Are these sweet laddus suitable for diabetics?
Laddus made with LaStevia have a sweeter taste. But it can be eaten by diabetic patients without suffering. The main reason for that is the stevia leaves that are added to it to give it a sweet taste. Stevia is a zero-calorie natural sweetener. It does not raise blood glucose levels, making it a perfect choice not only for people suffering from diabetes but also for other non-diabetic health conscious people.
Nature’s gift to mankind
Stevia is 300 to 400 times sweeter than regular sugar
It has zero glycemic index and glycemic load
Stevia can be consumed by people of all ages
Each type of sweet latte made at Lastevia has a unique taste and nutritional value. Its taste gives a sweet taste to our tongue and plays an important role in providing the necessary nutrients to our body. And children in our home often refuse to eat nutritious foods but keep on eating sweets without telling them enough to buy healthy sweets online. From kids to adults, Lastevia makes delicious laddus with Stevia leaf as an ingredient. Here, know the benefits of eating Bajra Laddu, Moong Laddu, Ragi Laddu and if you want to buy Indian sweets bulk order, LaStevia is one of the best platforms.
Bajra Laddu — Zero Sugar Stevia sweetened gluten free Laddu
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Benefits Of Eating Bajra Laddu
Zero sugar, bajra laddu (pearl millet) is a rich source of magnesium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.
Bajra is rich in proteins, which helps in strengthening muscles and repairing tissues.
High dietary content helps control blood glucose levels.
Rich in iron and fiber, bajra reduces visceral fat around the abdominal area, thereby helping to control menstrual cycles, PCOS, etc.
Pearl millet aids in digestion, prevents constipation and promotes a healthy gut.
The catechins in bajra, quercetin cleanses the liver, and kidneys and detoxify our body.
Rich in vitamin A, bajra helps improve eyesight and vision-related problems.
Pearl millet is called bajra in Hindi and Bengali, sajjalu in Telugu, kambu in Tamil and Malayalam, sajje in Kannada and bajri in Gujarati.
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Moong Laddu from Lastevia is an excellent source of protein and vitamin B, an added benefit of zero-sugar, zero-calorie natural stevia sweetener, which is great for diabetes, weight loss and obesity management. Moong Laddu from Lastevia is packed with magnesium and anti-oxidants.
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Rich in iron, protein and B-complex vitamins. Folate in bamboo helps in healthy pregnancy.
Lastevia Moong Latu is rich in antioxidants and fiber, which helps in heart health and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).
Because of the potassium and magnesium in whole bamboo, our latte helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar.
Whole mung also supports nerve function and brain health.
Moong helps reduce inflammation and helps build the body’s defense mechanisms, thereby preventing infection.
Green lentil is also known by many names as pacchi paru in tamil, serubayar in malayalam, besara paruppu in telugu, hesaru kalu in kannada and moong dal in hindi.
Ragi Laddu — Zero Sugar Stevia sweetened gluten free Laddu
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Benefits Of Eating Ragi Laddu
Lastevia Ragi Lattu is high in protein and iron and has high mineral and calcium content compared to all whole grains.
Ragi contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid as well as calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, thus justifying a truly healthy breakfast.
Our product is rich in calcium and iron, which helps strengthen bones and effectively treat anemia.
Ragi balances hormonal functions and stimulates milk production in lactating mothers.
The phenolic acids and flavonoids found in ragi have excellent anti-aging properties.
Rich in tannins, ragi reduces pimples, boils and acne and is good for the skin.
In India, its local names include “Ragi” in Kannada, Hindi and Telugu, “Nachini” in Marathi, “Madua” in Bengali and “Kelvaraku” in Tamil.
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Also read: Celebrate Special Occasions with Best Indian Sweets
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fattofab · 2 years ago
PCOD/PCOS Causes, Symptoms & Treatment In Hindi | How To Lose Weight Fast With PCOS/PCOD | Fat to Fab
Watch This Video For PCOD/PCOS Causes, Symptoms & Treatment In Hindi | How to Lose Weight Fast with PCOS/PCOD | Client's Transformation - Suman Pahuja | Fat to Fab
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hianak · 3 years ago
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May 18, 2022
Hi Anak,
Took this photo at around 10:30-ish pm. Papa's snoring 😴 (as per usual hehe). He's tired from work again and a bit down kaya I cooked one of his favorites - CHICKEN CURRY!!!
He's wearing his Ateneo jersey shirt na more than 10 years old na ata. The quality is good din naman kasi and also comfy. You know, Pinoys like to use basketball jerseys as pambahay at pang-swimming hahaha! Pasensya na din super dumi nung sofa natin. Di pa kami nakakahanap ng maayos na cleaner for it. But promise, before ka dumating sa mundong ito, it'll look better na ulit! 👍🏻
I took a nap too but your papa woke me up. I opened twitter and saw a thread about the letters that the late DILG Sec. Jesse Robredo wrote for his family. I'm very touched by how authentic and raw it was so I decided to it as well. Imitation is the greatest form of flatter - imitation ba talaga o simpleng gaya gaya lang? Char! Haha!
I really think this a good outlet for me to show how excited we are for you to arrive kahit na we're still waiting na magkaroon ako kasi hindi nag-work yung last batch ng Yaz pills ko. My PCOS causes so much delay for us to have you, Anak. Sama mo na yung tatlong beses na na-delay yung church wedding namin. But I'm glad na we can now focus on conceiving you ayyy sorry anak SPG 😁🤭🫣
Dami ko ding ginawa today, puro interview din. Mag 1 year na din pala akong housewife. Dami ko ring nakuhang email na hindi ako natanggap sa work but it's okay. Kahit gustong gusto ko yung company na yun wala eh, di ako qualified. Sobrang saludo ako sa papa mo, kaya siguro siya din yung una kong post eh kasi gusto ko makuha mo lahat ng traits niya. Makuha mo yung pagiging matalino niya at masipag. I wouldn't mind too if you'll look like him kahit sabi niya sa akin kamukha mo siya!
Sana next week may good news na para matulungan ko na din si Papa mo sa mga gastusin dito sa bahay. Kahit kaya niya mag-isa. siyempre hirap na din siya. I really really like to help your Papa, Anak. Also, pag andito kana, kaya ko na din ibigay lahat sayo. Hindi yung pinaka-expensive na mga bagay ha. Pero siguro pwede once or thrice a year haha! I would like the three of us to go to different place. Maybe that's the kind of luxury that I really want to give you. For you to experience different cultures, cuisines and weathers!!! Haay Anak, wala kapa dito but we have tons of plans and dreams for you. We're prepared na anak, ikaw na lang ang kulang. Sana dumating kana.
'Til my next letter! We love you!
Your Bestfriend,
Mommy 💖
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kripashaktiayurved · 3 years ago
What is PCOD? | Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | Pcos Symptoms in Hindi...
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