awordawayy-blog · 7 years
“whoa, your name is billy? That’s so crazy! My name is Billy too! Billy Batson! Maybe keep it on the down low you know my name for now.” He adds quickly, nervously shuffling his feet around.
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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DAMIAN JUST GRINNED FONDLY at his boyfriend – not caring who saw that look on his face right now. He was plenty sassy, but it was the way he showed that he cares. “Trust me, William there will be plenty of these parties I’ll be taking you to. You’ll have plenty of time to lead.” He shook his head a bit as they continued to move. It was a bit ridiculous as Billy keeps nearly stepping on his feet, but he was trying. “You can give leading a try if you’re up to the challenge” He raised an eyebrow, wondering if he would actually give it a shot. It could go well or be an absolute disaster.
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“oh, you want to take me to parties like these?” The question slips out before billy could even think about how bitter and insecure he sounded like. He blinks, hands clenching onto Damian tightly feeling insecure with himself. “I mean I’m just a poor kid Damian, you sure I would even be wanted to this kind of events?” His voice is almost a whisper, dipping lower and lower as his shame shows. Swallowing down his fear he gives Damian a fake smile. “haha really? I might step on your toes or mess up.” He let’s his eyes wonder from Damian, looking around them as he wonders how ridiculous he looks right now.
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
starter call!!
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small/medium starters!! like or reblog!! it’ll all be billy cause shazam is still hiding 
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
“Uhh..” Billy stutter’s a little, flustered by the attention. Usually, reporters didn’t approach him, they approached captain marvel. Who had the courage of a god to handle the pressuring questions? He bites his lip unsure if he was allowed to say his personal opinion. “I think the hero ban is stupid.” bitterness seeps into his words, he can’t help it. He got kicked out, and still has to keep himself hidden. in fear of being taken in. “And if the hero ban didn’t exist the shooting wouldn’t have happened. the party was for the ban wasn’t it?”
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“Excuse me, but what is your opinion on if there was no hero ban, the shooting would have been prevented? Or do you think the hero ban reduced the amount of tragedy? “ 
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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“WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW what a cupid slide is? I was too busy learning how to kill my enemies quietly to learn about slides.” Damian said, although the last part more hushed to prevent stairs from other people. “Why not? It’s not important knowledge then?” His arms holding Billy up, leading him in the way they should be moving. “I don’t mind.” 
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Billy squints at his boyfriend. “Wait. Was that a joke? are you sassing me, young man?” He chuckles a little clearly amused. He assumes it was a joke anyway. Damian might seem like a strict and polite person, but he has his moments. Somewhere in him was a child, that’s what billy believes anyway. “It’s how people dance when they don’t know how to. it’s just like us holding each other close and taking awkward steps to the left and right.” Billy struggles a little but tries to copy Damian’s footwork, letting the boy guide him through shifts in weight and positioning. “after I learn a bit, i’m leading.” Almost stepping on Damian’s foot he mutters an apology, narrowing his eyebrows. “Maybe after some dance lessons.” 
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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DAMIAN CONTINUED to lead them towards the dance floor. Nearly there at this point. “It’s easy. What’s a cupid slide? You’re making that up.” He commented as he stopped once reaching the dance floor. Luckily with masks there wouldn’t be as many people staring at them unlike the fact if they weren’t. Not like he cared, he’d glare at them until they turned away. The boy started to sway a little, leading the two of them in a dance to the music as everyone else was at the same time.
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“You’ve never heard of the cupid slide? You know...where the guy tells you which way to move?” He laughs nervously and shakes his head. “Nevermind it’s a high school thing. Like the high school two- step. You don’t need to know that one. Trust me.” Once they reach the dancefloor, Billy reaches up and clings onto Damian. Unsure how to move his feet he keeps his eyes down, trying to copy Damian. “Sorry if I step on your feet.”
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
Harry can’t help but laugh, shaking his head. He can’t believe Billy’s entire focus is on food, but he shouldn’t be all that surprised. “It’s all free kid, try everything.” He pats Billy on the shoulder, looking over the food himself - dinner had been more for appearances than anything, and he’s still a little hungry. “Just - don’t make yourself sick, I don’t think anyone wants to clean that up.”
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The familiar voice pulls Billy out of his food craze daze, looking over he smiles at his old friend. “Harry!” He yells out, opening his arms he leans in hugging his friend. “Oh whoops, I probably shouldn’t say your name so loud. Since everyone’s identity is all hush hush.” He beams at his friend, letting out a laugh. “You’re right!! Don’t worry I have a huge stomach, nothing like bart’s but I can eat a lot if I wanted to.” 
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
Taking a moment to go eat some of the food at the gala, Billy walks over to the tables. An array of both finger food and things ate with a utensil had been laid out in front of him. A paradise of fruits, and vegan dishes that made his stomach ache. Picking up a plate he looks over to his side. “it all looks really good right? what do you think I should eat first?”
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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DAMIAN ROLLED HIS EYES, of course. The masks that everyone was wearing. It was foolish, and he thinks it would be less nerve-wrecking if no one was wearing them. At least then you would know who was who. “Yeah, but I’m no stranger, am I?” He said softly, squeezing at the other male’s fingers. “You can’t be that bad. Come on.” He insisted, motioning for them to go towards the dance floor. They were both here so they might as well do something normal if only for a night. Who cares about who may be watching, none of them mattered.
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Chuckling a little he feels the tender squeeze around his hand. It was only a joke, but somehow Damian had turned it all around into something enduring and sweet. He hadn’t expected it, but this was the wonderful gift of being close to Damian’s heart. He can treasure times like this. “No. But isn’t that what I’m supposed to say?” He wasn’t exactly sure since he’s never been to a masquerade before. The soft tug to the dance floor was enough to get Billy walking alongside Damian, a soft smile as they approach the floor. “Ok. But you lead. I have no idea how to dance, unless you count the cupid slide?”
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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DAMIAN WAS GLAD TO HAVE FOUND BILLY finally, looking at him, finding him to look really nice he’d admit. “Stranger?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow, but stepping closer towards him. “Well most people get drunk, but we can’t. You can eat, dance, talk to people too I guess.” He threw out suggestions to his boyfriend, already able to see that the two of them would probably end up having to dance wouldn’t they?
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The suit was actually one he’s been saving for a really long time, it’s his fathers. Luckily he’d taken care of it over the years so it didn’t even look tattered or roughed up. “Well yeah! isn’t that why we have masks? SO no one knows who we are?” Billy asks while he casually intertwined his finger’s with Damian’s. “Dancing? Oh no, I’ll fall on you or trip.” He couldn’t possibly do something so close to Damian, he’d  get too flustered. He already had a hard time looking away. The suit framed so nicely around Damian, and shit. He’s glad he’s got the mask on, hopefully, it’s doing a good job and hiding his flushed cheeks.
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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      If Billy didn’t go to the masquerade with Damian, he probably would have had a harder time looking for the boy. But Luckily he could recognize the sleek black outfit before he disappeared into the crowd. Reaching out he tugs Damian’s sleeve lightly, a bright smile on his face, “Hey stranger.” He whispers in a teasing tone. In truth he was excited, he’s never been to a dance before! This was his first and he didn’t know how to contain this much excitement.
“So, what do you do at a masquerade?”
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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Billy’s outfit theme:      blue and black
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
Harry -> texting
Harry: You did, but thanks. It's... nice to hear it anyway.
Harry: What? You're a good kid, Billy.
Billy: well it's not the same without you harry! schools so boring now...Well I mean it uses to be. I actually can't go to school for a bit.
Billy: when I want to be :P sometimes I'm pretty bad
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
📱 Valentina ⇆ Billy
[ Val ] : That's a fair point.
[ Val ] : See... I'm not really sure
[ Val ] : But what could be worse than falling off a building??
[ Billy ] : I think so. But what do I know I'm just a 17 year old
[ Billy ] : don't you read scifi books? To change something it causes something else to occur.
[ Billy ] : like...if i didn't fall off a building maybe someone else now has to.
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
DAMIAN DIDN’T UNDERSTAND HOW OTHER KIDS his age manage to multitask with this all the time. It was no wonder their grades were awful when their attention was constantly elsewhere and not on the lesson. He was smart though, he came up with a plan for this. He paraphrased the notes or wrote them quickly so he could have some seconds to type out a response.
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[TEXT] → William: No. I was always homeschooled until we moved to this place.  [TEXT] → William: When this is all over I’m going to make sure you wrap that up. No questions about it. [TEXT] → William: Totally have NO idea what it’s like to punch another face. :-)
Damian wondered how much trouble Billy was in for this, surely he’d end up suspended right? 
The sound of the clock was starting to sound louder and louder. Each passing tick seemed to grind into Billy’s head as he waits for his turn to explain the whole story. No doubt Jimmy was spinning some lie about how Billy just attacked him.   
{text -> ❤️️ grump babe} why aren’t you homeschooled now? {text -> ❤️️ grump babe} hehe only if you wrap it up for me! maybe a kiss too to help make it feel better <3 {text -> ❤️️ grump babe} Hey! I know your being sarcastic now! But Dami, does it always hurt this bad??
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Swinging his legs he’s about to get up and walk around when the door opens up again. Jimmy walking out of the room and the teacher directing for Billy to come into the room. Biting his lip, his heart pounds. Sure he’s gotten in trouble before, but it didn’t make the walk less nervewracking.
{text -> ❤️️ grump babe} hold on. beiling called in. Wish me luck :)
Billy didn’t feel all that lucky as he sat in the big seat. Hearing the click of the door close behind him he lets out a deep breath. It was going to be fine, the worse the teachers would do was a suspension, or expelling him. Well, he guesses that’s still pretty bad. God he hopes Jason doesn’t kill him. Looking back up to the principles kind face he explains what had happened, knowing that Jimmy had said a whole other story. It had seemed as though the principle wasn’t going to say it was all bullshit. She seemed to give him a level look and explained if all that was true, he still was going to be suspended. 
Nodding Billy accepts that he knew fighting someone was going to have consequences. That’s a given, they couldn’t allow shit like this to happen willy-nilly. But the principle seemed to want to give him the benefit of the doubt and said they were going to ask Damian some questions to see if this was all true. Being let out of the room just as quickly he’s let in the waiting room again. He guesses they were going to call his parents in now. What a mess. He feels his phone vibrate, the only thing that seemed to be calming him down. Out of this whole crazy mess, Damian seemed to be Billy’s anchor. The teether to keep him afloat, reminding him all of this was worth it.
(ง'̀-'́)ง i’ll fight || Damian & Billy
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awordawayy-blog · 7 years
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“How did you forget your own birthday??” Billy asks giggling, what a silly thing to do. “Glob? Have you been watching adventure time?” 
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“Oh my Glob, I just remembered my birthday was last week.”
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