#otherkin safe space
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unetherian · 5 months ago
Species Euphoria
Unfortunately, often, I feel very dysphoric. However, something quite different happened earlier, but it was not unpleasant, I think I recognized this feeling... it's species euphoria.
I was walking around the city with my friends (something I'm not used to doing because my parents are strict and I don't really feel comfortable with people who don't know that I am alterhuman), the sun was beginning to go down in the sky, which lengthened the shadows of my small town, we went to a park with lots of trees and bushes. It made me very shifty, because my theriotype lives in the forest and is crepuscular. My best friend started climbing a tree, I couldn't help but do the same, because I really love doing that (maybe because I'm a feline).
We then went to the store where we saw beautiful stuffed animals of tigers, panthers, etc. and one of the people I was with said "oh it looks like [my real name]! Cute on the outside, wild and strong inside" I felt so good at that moment! She can't know how much her words are how I feel! (besides almost everyone I know compares me to a feline without knowing that I am therian, while I hide my shifts and I take care to appear a minimum "normal", I find that funny). Then we bought some chips and Monster (I had never tasted this drink because my parents... you know. Well, I like it) I felt free, for the first time in a long time. I saw the world differently, finally, human life is not always a cage, finally, life has a taste, finally, life can be worth living, and I decided that it would be the case for mine. Finally, dysphoria is not invincible. Now I look at life with envy, with excitement, and no longer with fear.
We tend to forget it, with this dysphoria, this feeling of euphoria.
Life is beautiful, even if it can have bad sides.
But it is thanks to these bad sides that we realize how fantastic the rest is.
I know very well that it is difficult, even impossible to believe it, with this dysphoria that hides your view. But it is real, even if you think you feel too bad to have this felling.
I really wish you to experience this wonderful thing, it is truly this thing that gives meaning to my life, and surely to others.
Take a moment for yourself, treat yourself, go out with friends if you want, or just go out in nature, in short, treat yourself, it's important. You are important, and you deserve to feel good.
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thelittlefirepup · 6 months ago
I swear, I just exist and suddenly my brain is like "WAIT!!! What if we are ___ kin? That would explain so much!" My kin list gets longer the more I discover.
Like I might be conceptkin. I'm questioning silence kin. But the real interesting part is im dece.tly sure I am nothingkin. Cool to discover I'm a conceptkin of nothingness itself.
Because it would explain a lot. Sometimes the fact I exist feels wrong. But not the "I don't belong way" or a depression kinda way. More like, I should be nothing. That is what I am. Which is extremely confusing with both the fact I have a human body (why? It sucks) and because I have other kin types which aren't nothing. Especially the diety part of me which feels huge and omnipresent, mixed with the fact I am nothing. Gotta love contradictory kintypes.
But I can't complain, because for the first time in a while, I feel less broken. I feel like I can finally begin to understand myself. Some parts of it sucks, Because I can't fit what I should be, but at least I feel less wrong in my existence. I am otherkin, and geez, does that make my life finally make sense.
But seriously, any conceptkins out there reading this? Shout out to all y'all. All my love to you and any other otherkin. <3
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cynthiadasorceress · 6 months ago
I realize I haven't said this, so let me do it now: this blog is a safe space for weird people. This is a safe space for plurals, systems (no matter the origin), alterhumans, LGBTQ+ people of all kinds, neurodivergent folks, the mentally ill, regressors (pet, age, or otherwise) and so many other groups I didn't list. Even if you're just generally weird or an 'outcast,' you are welcomed here. You shouldn't need to hide your interests, hobbies, or personalities just because it isn't 'normal.' I'm a Little Nightmares-obsessed creature who identifies as an omen of chaos and does quads around her house for fun. I'm not in a position to call people weird, and until you start to intentionally hurt people, you don't need to hide here.
You are valid. You are loved. You would be missed.
If you have nobody in your life you think loves you and would miss you, just know: I love you, and I would miss you. I may not know you, but that doesn't stop me.
Don't forget that. You are loved, no matter what.
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saturniasxenos · 7 months ago
❤ Mini Info Board ❤
Lazy to get the new carrd uhhh no specific dni, just don't be a nazi
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💜 Quick introduction below 💜
I'm Verin (Verrine), and I also go by Eternal_Saturn and Virtual_Regret. Any pronouns can be used for me, I'm Idemflux (Identity Flux), and a Nonhuman!
My Genders Include: Genderfluix (fluid+flux), Xenogender, Neurogender,
My Sexuality: Aroace, Omniflux, Dellosexual,
You can find the full lists of my identity on my pronouns page!
I'm pretty antisocial and I can't read text tones, so my apologies if I seem offstandish.
I'm a bird nerd, so if you see me reposting birds or animals in general don't question it. Hell, you can send me cool birds if you find some pictures.
I'm a safe space for any neurodivergent! I have: MDD, Anxiety, PTSD, Autism, OCD & recently diagnosed with BPD.
My birthday is November 11th. Please respect my boundaries, and an adult wooo.... Still do not like NSFW!
I may or may not post daily, it depends. I make Xenogenders that I connect to in some way. I will also be posting a variety of NTPs/ID Packs when I can! I will glady take requests (anon too!), but I apologize if I can't get it out as soon as possible.
If there's a grammatical mistake, phonetic mistake, spelling mistake, etc. Please feel free to correct me! I commonly mess up lol. If I do something wrong, make a mistake, etc etc, you are free to correct me, block me, ignore me, whatever you feel is necessary to feel safer around me.
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gagoochi · 2 years ago
Gooood morning therians/otherkin!!! <3 <3
Other people good morning too I guess... -_-
This blog is a safe space for therians/otherkin
Reblog if your blog is a therian/otherkin safe space
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seerschaos · 2 months ago
your daily reminder that it’s 100% completely OK to be a physical nonhuman, delusional nonhuman, clinical zoanthrope, clinical lycanthrope, holothere, transspecies, etc. and anyone who says otherwise needs to sit tf down LOL. try not to let other’s negativity get to you! i love you and you’re safe here :^) keep being you please
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your-rutherfurr · 4 months ago
I don't see my otherkinity as something in a past life, apart from being an archangel.
I am NOT human, my body literally feels like one big skin suit I have to wear every day until death, uniform basically. I am 2 fictional characters NOW! I am a tiger NOW! I am an unnatural thing NOW! I am a vocaloid NOW! Not in some far away memory from the past... Let's see more ppl embracing their non-humanity in a present tense if that makes sense
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otterwithafancytophat · 1 year ago
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i love you
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unetherian · 7 months ago
If you are an alter/nonhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
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thelittlefirepup · 2 months ago
Haven't posted in a bit so uhhhhh.......
*insert relatable otherkin post here*
And now I sprint back to my den like the scared little creature I am
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tampic0w0 · 7 months ago
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Shakes itself to remove water from its coat
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bizarreaizen · 1 month ago
how i be coming downstairs in the middle of the night to get a snack :3 /gen
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lifenconcepts · 8 months ago
You can be an alterhuman while still feeling content with being in a human body!
You can use terms or not, relate to certain situations or not, and it doesn’t make you any less than what you already are! You’re you and that will stay true even if you feel like you’ve changed, no longer relate to the person you once was, or on the contrary, go back to being the being you were before. There are no limits or concrete steps you must take, as it’s all just part of existence!
Being uncomfortable with things others don’t see problems with is fine, as even if they don’t understand, your experience is valid. Enjoying things that are unusual for the self you present is also quite alright and you shouldn’t be brought down by anyone!
you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, nor explain why you are the way you are. Any little detail and aspect about you is allowed to exist even without a label, and should you use one, there is no obligation to fit the stereotypical definition of said term!!
you’re allowed to have unusual symptoms or strange behaviours, desires for unsettling things and fascination with harmful things! It’s all a part of you and you don’t need the praise of others to feel like you can be yourself.
You can be a therian with no past memories, be a conceptkin of an entirely new thing you have seemingly created, make up terminology that allows you to express yourself in a way that you’re more comfortable with, you can feel like you need physical attributes to validate your identity, it’s entirely fine and possible to even have species dysmorphia and be fine with still presenting human, relate to species that simply have no concrete form, be a dog and yet like licking yourself clean, be a cat and adore dogs, be a bird and yet hate the sky, be a bug and yet seem big, be a slow creature and yet love the wind in your hair, be a god and yet proudly take on the form of a mortal.
even those “unusual” things that seemingly have no presence online, you’re still valid.
Stereotypes hold no value over you and any aspect of you is still you even if it ‘doesn’t make sense’. People can relate, or they can’t. And that’s not a you-problem. It’s theirs.
You can have reasons, or not have them. It still doesn’t change the fact you can be whatever you are. No matter if others demand an explanation. The only things you should feel inclined to share are your preferences or voluntary answers. The rest? Hidden away in a little box! Nobody needs the key, why should they?
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ashercakes23 · 1 month ago
Another day another identity crisis!!!! (I think I might be spacehearted :3)
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seerschaos · 3 months ago
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dark, stormy fields…. home
i can’t touch the sun, but i love the wind. what a perfect conclusion.
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