#petre safe space
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kidkuna · 2 months ago
sigh . . . petre x agere relationship . . . sigh . .
bringing a toy in ur mouth to ur partner only to be met with a rough head pat ,, “puppy!!” . . . wagging ur tail and kissing them all over their lil baby face while they giggle shdkdhfhb
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carespace · 1 month ago
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♥︎♡♥︎ . ♡♥︎♡ . ♥︎♡♥︎
Requested by : Anon.
Like ﹠ Reblog if you enjoy.
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littlelalaland · 3 months ago
kitty space mood board <3
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sweal · 5 months ago
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:3 imagine hatin me when im over here like:
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flipp-snowy · 12 days ago
Do it 🩷
To all the angels out there, don't forget to be yourself!
You like doing something? Do it!! Don't think about what people say! They are just jealous they didn't think of it first.
You wanna do something that is not the usual? Do it!! You don't live this life to make someone else happy. If it makes you happy, then you must do it.
You wanna do something that makes other people think it is selfish but it actually isnt? Do it!! You get one life and you live it for yourself! Live your life the way you want it to!
Go dance in the rain!
Have a tea party with your stuffies!
Watch your favorite toon!
Have a tug of war with the piece of blanket you wanted to chew for a very long time!
Do stuff you were scared to do cause you were afraid of people judging you :D
It's your life and it's in your hands. No one else's.
Live your life the way you want it so when you look back one day, you'll look back at the moment you decided to dare and just do it <3
My angels are so so awesome and momma's proud of them cause they are here!
Make sure to drink water, eat something and take your meds for momma okay?
Am cheering for all of my angels <3
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littlepolyps · 1 month ago
cg!tanjiro kamado & little!reader
ft. little!nezuko
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tl;dr: headcanons about tanjiro being your cg! i got this idea when rewatching hashira training arc, when those slayers were calling tanjiro “mom” i got some agere ideas hehe
warnings: demon slayer spoilers! also allusions to reader’s ambiguous trauma (but considering this is kny, their family was probably killed by a demon) . reader is also a demon slayer
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☀️ tanjiro found out about your regression during training one day during training.
you’d slipped into your headspace after he managed to land a blow on you. it brought you back to that night… he was worried at first that he hit you too hard. he’d stopped the sparring completely, getting you a cool towel for where you were hit. he noticed you seemed out of it. you told him about your regression. he was curious, naturally, but got it right away when you explained it to him. he immediately offers to help you through this regression episode, and that sort of sets the tone. soon, he becomes your caregiver.
🟩 tanjiro is so incredibly patient with you as your cg. he’s especially good with littles who are shy or nonverbal.
⬛️ if you’re comfortable with it, he is soooo giving you piggyback rides. if you think you’re too big or too heavy for him, you couldn’t be more wrong. “i’ve carried someone probably bigger than lord tengen!” (the pic below is what i’m referencing btw)
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🎴 lives to see your smile and hear your laugh. whether he’s tickling you, telling you a funny story or a joke, or scolding inosuke or zenitsu. or something he does intentionally accidentally like topple over or bump into something. (cough cough he may or may not do it especially on your bad days where you hadn’t smiled once).
🗡️ he’s either listening to you yap or he’s the yapper. even if it’s nonsensical baby babbles, coos, or talking about anything and everything you can think of, he’ll be like, “uh-huh, then what happened, sunflower?” “*gasp* no they didn’t!” if he’s the one talking, it’s usually about a mission, something he saw, the people he saved, or the shenanigans of zenitsu and inosuke.
☀️ he loves to call you his “sunflower” as mentioned. you’re also his sunshine, his sunbeam, his little sundrop. and as for you? you call him… wait for it… ✨mr. mommy✨
🟩 lends an article of his clothing (usually his haori) if he’s going on a mission without you.
⬛️ if you slipped during a mission and he’s there with you, he’s pulling you aside to make sure you’re okay and lets you sit with the box nezuko is in. she always comes out to sit with you until the sun rises, then she’d go back into her box (until she conquered the sun. then she’d be able to step in and help take care of you when tanjiro couldn’t).
🌸 and now… a nezuko interlude 🌸
speaking of nezuko, she’s possibly the best playmate ever for you, and tanjiro just loves seeing his sister play with his little. he doesn’t even need to remind her to be gentle with you because he trusts her with you entirely.
when she’s relearning how to talk, nezuko mimics you (which leads her into calling tanjiro mr. mommy and then calling zenitsu and inosuke mr. mommy too).
sometimes she might end up regressing too, and making herself smaller helps that. she’s the perfect size to curl up to you and sleep.
very very sweet little, giving you flowers, headpats, anything to gain your trust.
🌸 this has been… a nezuko interlude 🌸
🎴 tanjiro likes to cook you any of your comfort/safe foods. whatever it may be, and he’s not too good to ask for help from mitsuri (who i hc as the master chef of the demon slayer corps).
🗡️ he sits you on the counter when he’s cooking, humming out of tune (bless his tone deaf heart, but he can’t mimic a tune to save his life).
☀️ good at soothing you after nightmares. he’s hushing you softly, stroking your hair, rubbing your back, laying you on his chest (if you’re comfortable ofc)
🟩 goes to great lengths to ensure you feel safe, happy, comfortable, and loved as his little.
⬛️ he would love to watch fireworks with you. but if you’re sensitive to loud noises, he’d try to find something to plug your ears with. or if you’re not about fireworks at all, he totally understands! you can hang out with zenitsu (who i hc also doesn’t like the sound of fireworks bc of his sharp hearing).
🎴 sometimes he needs a reminder to take care of himself.
🗡️ he may or may not also end up slipping and regressing himself.
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cynthiadasorceress · 6 months ago
I realize I haven't said this, so let me do it now: this blog is a safe space for weird people. This is a safe space for plurals, systems (no matter the origin), alterhumans, LGBTQ+ people of all kinds, neurodivergent folks, the mentally ill, regressors (pet, age, or otherwise) and so many other groups I didn't list. Even if you're just generally weird or an 'outcast,' you are welcomed here. You shouldn't need to hide your interests, hobbies, or personalities just because it isn't 'normal.' I'm a Little Nightmares-obsessed creature who identifies as an omen of chaos and does quads around her house for fun. I'm not in a position to call people weird, and until you start to intentionally hurt people, you don't need to hide here.
You are valid. You are loved. You would be missed.
If you have nobody in your life you think loves you and would miss you, just know: I love you, and I would miss you. I may not know you, but that doesn't stop me.
Don't forget that. You are loved, no matter what.
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mothermoonscafe · 7 months ago
Build A Fort ; This Or That
Agere/Petre Game PT3
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click for part 1, click for part 2
Requested by: Anon🐾
Choice!! Petre & Agere Gear
Set One (All Agere)
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Set Two (All Petre)
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Set Three (MIX)
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Mother Moon hopes you all (especially anon🐾) enjoyed! I know this is a pretty different way of doing this or that, but the other ways I tried, I hated how they looked.
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kidkuna · 2 months ago
i just wanna live the puppy life :( . . .
turnin my ears at whatever sound i just heard
big sigh bcus puppy life such hard work
walkin in circles before laying down . . . paws go pitter patter pitter patter
stick ? yes i’ll fetch plspls yes throw stick yay fetch
what do u mean im not allowed to rip the stuffing out of ur pillow :(
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carespace · 1 month ago
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Petre Silver the Hedgehog.
Requested by : Anon.
Like ﹠ Reblog if used.
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what-sw33t-tragedae · 4 months ago
Lambtheriaregressic (Lamb-th-air-ree-gress-ick)
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A term for lamb therians who pet regress into a lamb because they are a lamb therian
Specifically for pet regressors who are also therians, sfw only, NOT TO BE USED BY PET PLAYERS PLEASE.
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asmolllurker · 8 months ago
I am Lurker, and this is my Ask Blog!
I am a Cryptic Shapeshifter, and I live in my small Cryptic town called LurksVille!
I like to draw, read, and listen to music!
I’m in these fandoms; (from knowing most to least-)
UTMV, FNAF, Welcome Home, KinitoPet, CreepyPasta, BATIM, and probably more I’m forgetting right now!
I go by all pronouns and am PanGender!
DNI if you are;
a pedo
if you call people cringe due to special interests
wanting to start an argument
This list will probably need to be updated, if you could help me out I would appreciate it!
I am a system, have ADHD, and we don’t come here to engage in arguments. We want our blog to be a safe space for everyone, and are always excited to get asks!! Lurker is an OC we made for all of us, so Lurker is a little chaotic at times but very sweet!
we enjoy Reading, Writing, Drawing, listening to music, and more! We share our fandoms with Lurker, and are more than happy to chat about them!
our other accounts are
@vines-mansion - another ask blog!
and @lurker-shares-xeir-hoard - a Reblog blog!
We are out of character more on our Reblog Blog, and asks are appreciated on all three blogs!
We will do requests on all blogs, but we may not do some things for multiple reasons!
We love getting; Art, Asks, RP requests, goofy random statements, comments, Reblogged, ETC! We love interacting with others!
we are chronically online, and will probably reply within a day.
Have A Wonderful Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night/Next 24 hours!!!
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angelicstarchild · 3 months ago
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he / hymn / saint
autistic || minor
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haii >w< i am angel!! this is my super duper mega cool blog!!!!!
i use primarily he/hymn/saint pronouns, but i am ok with experimenting with other neos!!
my page is filled with angelcore cuz its kewl >_<
i lovveee mlp!! fluttershy is me irl!! n minecraft!! eee ^_^
i support agere on this page!! and petre!! (little space and pet regression — sfw!!)
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ahhh requests are open !! i do;
moodboards, hcs (if i know!!), cg/littles moodboards, petre moodboards, etc !!
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um um um this is my friend!! @demochan !! meow is veryyy kewl x3
baiiiii ;3
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pupboyarcher · 3 months ago
Hii! I’m a puppy regressor too! I was wondering, what is puppykin and how can I tell whether I am one or not?
Puppykin just means I identify as a puppy! So if you identify as a puppy in any way then you'd be considered a puppykin. Hope this helps! <3
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vines-mansion · 8 months ago
I am Lurker, and this is The Mansion’s Ask Blog!
I am a Cryptic Shapeshifter, and I have found myself in a mansion with many other people! I’m still learning about this place as I go along!
I like to draw, read, and listen to music!
I’m in these fandoms; (from knowing most to least-)
UTMV, FNAF, Welcome Home, KinitoPet, CreepyPasta, BATIM, and probably more I’m forgetting right now!
I go by all pronouns and am PanGender!
DNI if you are;
a pedo
if you call people cringe due to special interests
wanting to start an argument
This list will probably need to be updated, if you could help me out I would appreciate it!
This account is run by a system, have ADHD, and we don’t come here to engage in arguments. We want our blog to be a safe space for everyone, and are always excited to get asks!! These are all OCs we made, and if you ask, you can find out which fandom each of them are for!
we enjoy Reading, Writing, Drawing, listening to music, and more! We share our fandoms with Lurker, and are more than happy to chat about them!
our other accounts are
@asmolllurker - another ask blog!
and @lurker-shares-xeir-hoard - a Reblog blog!
We are out of character more on our Reblog Blog, and asks are appreciated on all three blogs!
We will do requests on all blogs, but we may not do some things for multiple reasons!
We love getting; Fanart, Asks, RP requests, goofy random statements, comments, Reblogged, ETC! We love interacting with others!
we are chronically online, and will probably reply within a day.
Have A Wonderful Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night/Next 24 hours!!!
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mothermoonscafe · 7 months ago
Build A Fort
Agere/Petre This Or That Game
Requested by: anon🐾
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CHOICE: Do you want the fort inside or outside?
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Indoor Outdoor
Choice: Blanket(s) you want for the fort.
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Colorful Bluey Spider-Man
Choice: Pillows you want in the fort
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Cookie pillow Moon & Stars Flower pillow
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