#movie!holly short
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agent-toast · 2 years ago
just found a compilation of holly short scenes from the artemis fowl movie
(not by me!)
if you:
-ignore the painful fact that the casting is inaccurate to the books' description and think of lara mcdonnell's holly as an alternate universe holly
-look past all the mentions of the 'aculos' egg acorn thing
-and all the other stuff that doesn't make any sense
these scenes are good! and the acting is great! (especially when she punches artemis heh)
just wish the full movie stayed true to everyone's character, but oh well.
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drakon-star · 10 months ago
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i'm only a beginner at photoshop but i thought it'd be fun to make a movie poster for a movie that definitely doesn't exist
instagram | my website
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yen-sids-tournament · 10 months ago
the Blue Fairy v Holly Short
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the Blue Fairy:
~She's pretty and blue Though Disney didn't want her to be based on the glamour girls of the time, he loved the design for her despite that Hates lying/liars Super sweet ~The FIRST Disney fairy deserves the nomination, if not the win.
Holly Short:
~She’s one of the coolest fairies I’ve ever heard of. Perhaps it’s just something to do with the world building in the books, but she’s such a badass. In Eoin Colfer’s book, fairies aren’t born with wings. She spent time and effort learning to use wing backpack type things to fly. She’s a good friend, but will absolutely shoot you if you’re being stupid. Please, man. I love her.
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abs0luteb4stard · 5 months ago
"A group of professional wrestlers disrespect wrestling legend The Iron Sheik. Then when lighting strikes, an Iron Sheik action figure becomes alive. The Iron Sheik doll then hunts down the disrespectful new school wrestlers down and makes those jabronis humble!"
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10464john · 2 months ago
i swear I'll upload Wednesday's and Friday's fanfiction, I just need to finish them. I haven't had the chance to because the greatest thing ever has happened to me recently.
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anna-undaunted · 1 year ago
I didn’t watch the Artemis Fowl movie which is why I’m just now realizing they whitewashed the hell out of Holly. They cast Judy Dench as Root to try and be progressive or whatever but then whitewash the female lead?? AND she’s whitewashed in those graphic novels that got made. I’m going to lose my whole mind
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gaylittleguys · 1 year ago
hey actually what was up with the artemis fowl series suddenly pivoting to make the grown adult woman a love interest for the teenage boy. like I’ve blocked everything after the first 4 books from my mind bc I hate them for many reasons but like. genuinely what the fuck.
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rewritingkel · 4 days ago
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge - Characters I Want to Meet
Haven’t done one of these in a while cause I lost track of writing again. I am working hard this year to return to doing things that bring me joy and making time for them. I say that all the time and then don’t do it, so I am being intentional this year to do the things I have been saying I was going to do. Only took me till the third month of the year to finally act. Each Wednesday Long and…
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randomrichards · 5 months ago
Pages of script notes
Between cactus and coffee
Describing sex scenes
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deathbind · 6 months ago
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Looking back at my own notes and rediscovering the name Serot was me fucking around with the name Iphigenia
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agent-toast · 2 years ago
reblog with your opinion in the tags if you would like to see me voice act some of my favourite scenes from the Artemis Fowl series! i'll update if so.
yes i will be voice acting every character. i have no friends who have read Artemis Fowl :(
i might or might not be making it into an animatic? depends on how lazy i am :D
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Sept1!! happiest birthday to my first, Artemis Fowl!!!
“If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose, then I'm crazy. That's the way history is written.”
“I want you to know, my dear friend, that without you, I would not be the person I am today." He leaned in close and whispered, "I was a broken boy, and you fixed me. Thank you.”
“Trust me. I'm a genius.”
“Butler could kill you a hundred different ways without use of his armoury. Though I'm sure one would be quite sufficient.”
“I don't like lollipops.”
“I am not concerned with us all, just myself. And believe me, I shall be perfectly fine. Now, sit, please. “
“I don't suppose you would consider peaceful surrender? “
“Let’s save some time here. I grow weary of your clumsy bluffs. In the case of an abduction, the LEP will send a crack Retrieval team to get back what has been lost.. You have done so. Excuse me while I titter. Crack team? Honestly. A Cub-Scout patrol armed with water pistols could have defeated them. “
“I prefer scared to dead. If possible. “
“Let us proceed under the assumption that the fairy folk do exist, and that I am not a gibbering moron.”
“But my father is so close, Butler. I can’t give up now. “
“The problem is that I know the textbook answers to any question you care to ask.”
"I think it's mine"
“Certainly, Doctor. Let's talk about your chair. Victorian?”
“Let’s just say I’m a very smart boy, Mister Spiro.”
"I'm glad to hear it Holly. But my eyes are blue, as you well know."
“And one more thing. About my name — Artemis — you were right. In London, it is generally a female name, after the Greek goddess of archery. But every now and then a male comes along with such a talent for hunting that he earns the right to use the name. I am that male. Artemis the hunter. I hunted you.”
“I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am. They would be too scared. “
"Honestly, Butler, the second we return to the hotel, I am disposing of this outfit. I miss my suits."
“I do remember, Holly. I remember it all. Especially you. It’s a real comfort to have you here.”
"If we make it through this, we will be friends. Bonded by trauma."
“Butler! You’re here!”
"Finally, some intelligent conversation."
"I am not most humans."
"No one ever calls me just to say 'Hello'."
"I have a friend, he knows all the numbers."
"Holly, let me look at you. "
"Fabulous. We're planning a june wedding. "
"I know magic can be stolen... because I stole some myself."
"I have a trick for you. "
“Extraordinary, thought Artemis. What have I lost?”
“Remember the pain?' thought Artemis. I hate myself. I really do.”
"I hear you went on a date with Trouble Kelp. Are you two planning on building a bivouac any time soon?"
“Me. I’m the nut.”
“I love you, Mother. I love you more than life. If only you could know what I have been through to find little Jayjay. Just be still for five seconds, then this nightmare will be over.”
“I am prepared to invest everything I have in this project.”
"Five. Five is everywhere."
"Does the T-shirt have any writing on it?"
“Ah, my princess. Noble steed. How does the morning find you both?”
"You were here to rob me!"
"Inkblots! Please, doctor, my lifespan is considerably shorter than yours..."
“Is this a joke? I have travelled through time, Doctor. I think I know a little about relativity.”
“Perhaps we can win, he thought. But there will be no happy ending.”
““Artemis Fowl will never be secondary.”- “I thought you were Artemis Fowl the Second? Said Holly.- “That’s different."
Artemis Fowl (2001)
Artemis Fowl : The Arctic Incident (2002)
Artemis Fowl : The Eternity Code (2003)
Artemis Fowl : The Opal Deception (2005)
Artemis Fowl : The Lost Colony (2006)
Artemis Fowl : The Time Paradox (2009)
Artemis Fowl : The Atlantis Complex (2010)
Artemis Fowl : The Last Guardian (2012)
+ Artemis Fowl Files (2005)
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opossumprints · 5 months ago
I'm Your Guy part 1
Mike Wheeler and Steve Harrington have a complicated relationship. Most people assume that they only barely tolerate each other because of Steve’s past relationship with Nancy. Most of the party assume they reluctantly get along because of the Upsidedown; trauma bonds forged in Hell and a need to survive. 
The truth runs deeper than that. 
Steve knew Mike long before any Demogorgon sunk its claws into Hawkins. Before Steve was Nancy’s boyfriend, he was Mike's babysitter. 
At first, Mike really did hate Steve. He hated Steve for being there instead of his parents, or even Nancy. He hated Steve for the rumors he had heard about the older boy. But mostly he hated Steve for needing Steve. 
The Wheeler parents spent very little time in their own house, leaving several hours when their children would be home by themselves. For a while, it wasn't a problem because Nancy was there but Nancy joined as many after-school clubs as she could on the literal first day of her freshman year.  That meant Mike needed a babysitter. 
He tried to argue that he could take care of himself even though he knew that wasn't true. Even if it was, there was still one problem. Mike couldn't take care of Holly. 
So Ted Wheeler grabbed the first decently responsible-looking high schooler he could find and that was that. 
Mike couldn't hate Steve for long though. Not when Steve would actually play with Mike and Holly, not when he would cook on nights when Mike's parents would be out late and Nancy couldn't bother to be home, especially not when Steve bought Mike The Dungeon Masters guide despite knowing nothing about the game just because mike wanted it and was 4 bucks short. 
So it's complicated.
He gets really annoyed with Steve, like all the time, and sure it pisses him off that his babysitter started dating his sister only to dump her and be a complete asshole. But he hasn't hated Steve for a long time. 
On the other hand, they're not friends. 
Mike isn't really nice to Steve and Steve doesn't really hang out with Mike one on one anymore. Mike doesn't treat Steve like one of his friends either.
Mike cares about his friends, there is nothing he wouldn't do for the people he cares about and there is a lot he wouldn't do for Steve. 
Mike knows he gets jealous pretty easily (and deep down he knows he's a bit too possessive of his friends) but he's working on it.
It's been forever since he snapped at one of The Party for doing something without him. He didn't even complain when Holly, El, and Max had a sleepover and he wasn't allowed in his own damn basement. 
But right now even he can tell all his progress has flown out the window.
Because right now he's glaring daggers across the room where Steve and Eddie are sitting cross-legged hunched over the Wheelers' coffee table, Eddie is Teaching Steve how to play DnD...that's supposed to be Mike's job. 
For the first hour, he rationalized it as having always been the guy to teach people how to play DnD. But if he’s honest, for the first time since he’s met the guy, Mike feels possessive about Steve, Mike's jealous That Eddie and Steve are doing this without him, He is angry that this is happening.
Because it's not just about Eddie Stealing Mike's job--It's not just about Mike.
You see, Steve asks a lot of questions about a lot of stuff and everyone in the party is Steve’s guy for something or other; Dustin is the science guy, Lucas is the comics guy, Will and El are the Upsidedown guys, Max is the movie/videogames guy.
And Mike? Mike is the fantasy guy.  
Mike has always been Steve’s fantasy guy, he's always the one Steve asks about how magic works or what Moradoor is.
Mike should have been the guy Steve asked to teach him how to play. 
It's not fair that after everything they've been through together, Eddie gets to swoop in and be Steve’s new go-to fantasy guy just like that.
What if it doesn't stop there? Now that the Party is officially in Highschool Steve does have much reason to hang out with any of the party just by themselves besides them being Steve’s guys. What if Eddie becomes Steve’s guy for everything? 
Mike can't let that happen.
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ladykailitha · 23 days ago
Yellow Daisies Part 3
I appreciate all the love this one has been getting. And after this is the epilogue with Eddie giving Stevie all the flowers in the most ridiculous ways possible. Because we love one enamored goober.
Part 1 Part 2
5. Valentine’s Day: Red Roses and Purple Lilacs, Hydrangeas, and Roses- True Love and First Emotions of Love, Desire to Understand One Better, and Enchantment
Valentine’s Day was Steve’s favorite day of the year. He loved that he could get flowers for everyone and no one would bat so much as a single eyelash at it.
He was particularly excited because it was his first Valentine’s day with Nancy. He was going to pull out all the stops.
But not in the way everyone thought he was going to do it. He wasn’t a total putz. He knew she was still hurting from Barb’s death and he had assured her it was going to be a quiet night in. His parents had already given him the okay to use the kitchen and the living room, so he was totally set.
He made sure to get her favorite meal and dessert from her. He could have asked Karen or Mike, but he couldn’t be sure Mike wouldn’t fuck with him and that Karen paid attention to Nancy. Or least judging from the comments Nancy had made about her mom lately.
So being absolutely as open and guileless as he could be he planned the perfect night.
Complete with red roses in a vase for the centerpiece and lit candles that weren’t the only lighting. He wanted her to be able to see what she was eating after all.
But it was perfect.
Or it would have been had Nancy not gotten Holly’s cold two days before. Her face was red and puffy, her nose was runny and her eyes watered.
In short she wasn’t going anywhere, least of all, Steve’s.
He still brought her over the presents and treats and even boxed up the meal for her to eat once she was feeling better.
But it was by far the worst Valentine’s Steve had ever had, going to bed sad and alone.
Steve was nervous as hell. He hadn’t done anything like this before and he was really anxious. He chewed his lip as he waited for Eddie to answer the door.
Eddie threw open the door and skidded to a stop. “Oh. Hey Steve.”
“Were you expecting someone else?” Steve asked, his heart in his throat.
“Um...” Eddie hummed, pressing his lips together. “Like not a date or anything. Just um... like there have been a lot of ding-dong ditchers today and uh...well...” he scratched the back his neck sheepishly.
Steve’s smile came back in force. “I getcha. Those assholes like to psych each other up into ringing doorbells of so-called ‘scary people’.”
Eddie raised his eyebrow. “You one of those boys, Stevie boy?”
“Once upon a time,” Steve said with a bright laugh. “But these days I know what real fear looks like and a softy who takes in lost sheep under his wing is not one of them.”
Eddie looked down at the flowers in Steve’s hands. “Have you done something to apologize for again? Because I don’t recall anything you’ve done that requires flowers.”
He reached for them and Steve willingly handed them over. “You do have a fascination with purple flowers, though. I am but a simple man and like red and black.”
Steve’s eyes went wide.
“Not that these aren’t great!” Eddie rushed to assure him. “But I’m just saying if you wanted to get me flowers in the future...”
Steve’s cheeks turned a bright red. “Black tends to mean bad things, but black tulips mean power and strength. And of course red flowers are all about passion and true love.”
Eddie tilted his head to the side. “You really like this flower stuff don’t you?”
Steve nodded.
“You want to come in?” Eddie asked indicating the house behind him. “Wayne works and I was just going to watch horror movies and order pizza, but I wouldn’t mind the company.”
Steve shook his head. “I’ve got to help Robin get ready for her date with Vickie. But I could come by after if that’s okay?”
Eddie brightened up. “Yeah! Give me a call when you’re on your way and I’ll order the pizza so it’ll be hot when you get here.”
“I’d like that.”
Steve turned and thundered down the front stairs, but as he got to the bottom, Eddie called out.
“I know you helped with the flowers Birdie’s gonna give her date tonight,” he said with a grin. “So wha’cha get?”
Steve returning smile was blinding. “White lilies, lavender, and purple violets.”
“And...” Eddie prompted.
“It’s all lesbian love coded.”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Because of course it is. Go on, then. Help our dear Sapphic woo her lady love.”
Steve gave jaunty salute and turned to trot back to his car.
Eddie looked at the little card that came with the flowers Steve gave him but all that was written on it was the types of flowers in the bouquet.
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he wandered into the kitchen. Wayne had gotten his apology flowers a proper vase when he saw them, so Eddie got that out and filled it with water and carefully placed the flowers in it.
He turned the card over and over in his fingers. He wasn’t going to get anywhere on his own so he did the smart thing and called Jeff.
“This better be important,” Jeff growled. “I actually have plans tonight and really don’t have time for your dramatics.”
“Steve bought me flowers again,” Eddie said softly. “But they aren’t red roses.”
“Huh.” There was silence for another beat before Jeff said, “I can’t say I blame the guy he doesn’t exactly have a good track record with the things.”
Eddie looked over at the purple flowers. “They’re all purple.”
“Purple can mean romance too,” Jeff pointed out. He put his hand over the bottom half of the receiver. “Lacy! Hey do you still have that language of the flowers book you got for that college class of yours?”
“Why?” Lacy, Jeff’s older sister called back.
“Eddie got flowers from a boy well versed in the art.”
There was a brief sound of struggle before he heard a female voice come on. “Which flowers, do you know?”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Hey, Lace. Hello to you too.”
“Shut up,” she huffed. “This is too important. Which flowers, Ed?”
“They’re all purple,” he muttered, “because I know that matters.”
“Good,” she said. She turned to Jeff. “The book is on my desk, top side drawer on the right.”
Jeff grumbled but did as she was told.
“The little card says they are lilacs, hydrangeas, and the roses I knew.”
“All right,” she said fiercely. “So we’ll start with the roses because that’s an easy one. It means enchantment.”
“As in bewitched?” Eddie asked, tilted his head. “I mean that could be romantic, right?”
“Oh yeah,” Lacy agreed. “Then hydrangeas....okay. It says here, desire to deeply understand someone. So... to get to know you really well.”
“Okay,” Eddie said, nodding along. “Paired with the roses that’s definitely romantic.”
“And you said the last one was lilac, right?” she said a little breathless. In the background he heard Jeff swear softly.
“Yep!” Eddie said, popping the P.
“First emotions of love.”
And suddenly Eddie wanted to swear too. “He’s asking me out, isn’t he?”
Jeff wrenched the phone back from Lacy. “Considering it’s Valentine’s Day, dude, that’s a hell yes!”
“So I need to woo him back?” he asked, chewing on his thumb.
“He’s wooed, man,” Jeff said and Eddie could practically hear the eye roll from here. “Just fucking say yes.”
“Got it,” he replied firmly. “Thanks, Jeff. Have a good time on your date.”
Jeff snorted. “You too.”
Eddie hung up the phone and looked over at the flowers. “Holy shit, I have a date.”
He laughed out loud.
~ +1 First Date: Yellow Daisies- Happiness and Joy
That night after kissing Steve senseless and telling him he loved him too, Eddie asked Steve out on a proper first date.
The first thing he did after waking up the next day with a shiny new boyfriend was call Jeff and have him come over to help plan the date. They chatted and gushed about their Valentine’s and how everything went.
“So I want to get him flowers,” Eddie concluded. “Because he’s always giving everyone else them and wanted to do the same for him.”
“And you want to say something in the language of the flowers?” Jeff guessed, since Eddie asked him to bring the book with him.
After about an hour or so of pouring over the book, Eddie decided on the best flowers. They were perfect for a first date and for Steve.
He picked Steve up the next day, too eager to wait until ‘date night’ or Friday night as single people called it.
He pulled up to Steve’s house in Wayne’s pickup truck because the last thing he wanted was his crappy old van breaking down on their date. He wanted this to be perfect.
He grabbed the flowers off the seat next to him and let out a slow shuddering breath. He could do this.
He walked up to the double doors which had never been so intimidating before. Not even when he was party crashing to sell drugs. Not even showing up for the first movie night as a friend. Not even when he had a nightmare and drove here on autopilot did they instill this much apprehension.
He took a deep breath and let out slow, then he knocked.
Steve opened the door and Eddie was enthralled by the sight in front of him. Steve was wearing a nice button up with a red sweater over and the bottom shirt’s sleeves rolled up over the sweater. He was wearing nice black acid washed jeans and his white Nike’s.
“Wow,” Eddie breathed. “You look amazing, Stevie.” Then he handed him the flowers. “These are for you.”
Steve blinked at Eddie a moment before taking the flowers. “They’re beautiful.” His cheeks dusted pink.
“They reminded me of you,” Eddie said shyly shoving his hair in front of his face. “Happiness and Joy. Like you.”
Steve’s blush darkened to more of a red then a pink. “You looked up the meaning for me?” He looked up at Eddie through his lashes and Eddie was struck at how beautiful he was in that moment.
“Sure did!” he said brightly. “Jeff’s sister, Lacy loves this sort of stuff too so between the three of us, we found a good one.” He paused for a moment. “I hope.”
Steve grabbed Eddie by the lapels of his jacket to haul him inside away from prying eyes to kiss him breathless. When he finally came up for air, the flowers were a little squished but otherwise fine.
“They’re perfect,” Steve murmured. “I love them.”
A small, fragile smile lit up on Eddie’s face. Then Steve kissed him and with every kiss, Eddie and his smile grew more confident.
Steve finally stopped kissing him and Eddie was a little sad about it but at least he got to see his pretty face.
“These are the first flowers anyone has ever given me,” Steve murmured with a goofy smile on his face.
“I know,” Eddie said softly. “That’s why I wanted them to be special.” He stroked Steve’s cheek. “Because you’re special and deserving of flowers as much if not more than anyone else, sweetheart, because you take so good care of everyone, you need to be recognized for it. And I’m going to be the one to show that same amount of love and care.”
Steve kissed him again and then turned to walk into the kitchen. Eddie followed close behind to see what he was doing. He watched in absolute joy as Steve carefully unwrapped the flowers, filled a vase and put the flowers in the water.
Eddie was a little surprised when Steve cut the stems before putting them in the water. “Did they not fit in the vase?”
Steve looked over his shoulder. “Hmm?” Eddie pointed to the cut stems on the counter. “Oh! No. They fit just fine. It’s just helps the stems get water better. Over time the stems get hard and they start to dry out.”
“So cutting them helps them live longer?” Eddie asked, walking into the kitchen to touch one of the blooms.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a soft dusting a pink across his cheeks. “And I want to be able to keep for as long as possible.” He ducked his head and scratched his cheek. “Especially after reading your note. Then I was going to have Dustin’s mom dry them for me so they last forever.”
The note had read: ‘I will love you until the last petal falls- xxxooo Eddie’
Eddie chuckled and picked up one of the fallen stems and twirled it in his fingers. “Those must be some pretty fucking strong sheers, babe.”
Steve turned to him with a frown of confusion, so Eddie dropped the stem into Steve’s hand. Steve held it up and then burst out laughing. He searched the vase for the right flower and pulled it out.
“Don’t want the metal I just accidentally exposed to ruin the water and kill the other flowers,” he said with a giggle. He twirled the silk flower in his hand with that goofy grin come back in full force.
He looked up at Eddie and Eddie melted on the spot. There was just so much love and adoration coming from Steve that Eddie was helpless in the face of it all.
So he did the only thing he could think of and kiss that beautiful smile. When he pulled back, Steve’s blush had returned a third time.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Eddie said brightly. “Let’s go on that date!”
“I can’t wait.”
Epilogue Part 1 Epilogue Part 2
1- @itsall-taken @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @irregular-child @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @xxbottlecapx @chaotic-waffle @im-sam-fucking-winchester
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In case I’m interested?!?!?!
This is amazing! Holy crap. I’m in love with it. They look so perfect. Who are the villains??
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More Mad Max AU This time with the obligatory Mad Max: Fury Road cover redraw.
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pretty-blkgirl · 3 months ago
Soul’s Desire [Ch. 40]
- Masterlist -
A/N: LAST CHAPTER!!!! Thank you guys so much for tuning into this series. This chapter is a bit short but I hope you guys like it! Again, thank you so much 🫶🏾
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”That cloud looks like a pig”
“It doesn’t, it looks like a hippo”
“It looks like my ass”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“Means it’s plump and juicy”
“Please shut the hell up”
You giggle as your soulmates bicker around you, each one defending their interpretation of the clouds above you.
A couple times they asked for you to settle the argument, but you knew better than to take any sides. It would lead to dramatic outbursts that would mean having to kiss away over exaggerated pouts.
They had arrived at your temporary home with all your favorite foods, a blanket, and a cute little stuffed bear Hyunjin had picked out.
Han was quick to push all his members out his way to hug you first. It made you think back to how your relationship started.
Han started it all, and he was so insistent on getting to know you. You thought having eight soulmates would be too hard to handle, and even though there were a couple setbacks, you couldn’t be more grateful for your soulmates.
As the boys attacked you with kisses, picked you up, grabbed the snacks, and ran out onto the back patio, hundreds of memories ran through your head. Arguments about clouds, debates on old rap beefs, and having to explain the plots of movies the Aussies never seen made your palm start to warm up.
The boys all looked at you as soon as they felt the sensation, smiling and teasing you.
You were grateful for your career, your relationship, and all the hardships you went through to get to where you were.
Taglist: @chuuyaobsessed @h0rnyp0t @prttyxbby @yukichan67 @hanniemylovelyquokka @xxeiraxx @loveforlee444 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @cunninglibrarian @holly-here @galaxy4489 @hyunmikim @yougottobekittenme @hyeon-yi @katsukis1wife @multi-fandom-nightmare @staybabblingbaby @kozumesphone @fuck-you-im-gae @thatonedarkskinnedsiren @just-a-blackthorn-cookie @champagneconfetti @juju-227592 @borahae-reads @reallychaoticwoo @hwangfrnd @fiest4plum
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