opossumprints · 2 days
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Did some drawing to get the creative juices flowing for some writing today =)
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opossumprints · 9 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder part 4 preview
Steve could try to rile Eddie up. The idea makes him warm and wriggly, and he has the perfect pair to get the job done.
When Steve took Robin out to replace last week’s casualty, he walked away with a bit more than planned.  The new pair are more reminiscent of girls' panties than shorts, high cut with dainty patterns. In truth they’re one of the few pairs that make Steve blush. 
If all goes well Steve might even land himself a date. 
sorry that part 4 is taking so long, I don't have any exact idea of when it will be done but it will be soon. in the meantime hears the preview i promised! Everyone who asked to be added to the tag list so far has been added. i didn't know if I should tag people here 'cus its just a preview but if I should, if someone could please let me know and I'll add it. Also thank you to everyone who has read my goofy little story it honestly means so much to me!
p.s. I'm so sorry my note is so long (óᴗò。)
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opossumprints · 18 days
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Ao3 is still down and……..I don’t know I think he’s cute
Every time Ao3 goes down I wish that I had an Ao3 teddy bear that to hold in these dark times.
And then I remember that I can sew and have made bears before.
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opossumprints · 18 days
Every time Ao3 goes down I wish that I had an Ao3 teddy bear that to hold in these dark times.
And then I remember that I can sew and have made bears before.
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opossumprints · 20 days
Meddling Kids
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two | Three 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two Scooby Gang One (you're here!) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
From the girl that brought you that silly little Spicy Six Scooby Movie post (I've been thinking of making that post into one of those social media series things on Tumblr but imma let that cook a little longer actually lmao) is a brand new Stranger Things and Scooby Doo crossover
Anyway, we're here for good vibes and fluffy Scooby gang, so definitely don't point out any typos hfjkds
Have fun reading!
People coming.
Steve freezes, looking at the possum that's scurried into the room and sidled up next to him. He takes a deep breath and forces his shoulders to relax. People have come to explore the abandoned lab before; usually, it's just older kids daring each other to stand inside for a few minutes. There's been that lady recently who likes dressing up as a weird rat-thing, but she hasn't bothered Steve or his friends. Actually, she may not even realize Steve is here.
"Is it the lady again?" he asks, his voice low as he places a hand on the possum's head. He feels its nerves flow through his palm, and it pushes its head against him, snout nuzzling against the 004 on his arm.
No. Four big ones and a beast.
Four adults and a dog, probably. Steve frowns slightly and gets up, carefully making his way across the dirty floor toward the window. He lifts the corner of the curtain and stares at the bright blue, green, and orange van parked in front of the building. Four adults are standing around with a big dog, which isn't looking too happy about being near the place. Steve can't blame it.
He slowly pushes the window open a crack, straining his ears to hear one of the adults say, "Okay, gang. Daphne, Velma, and I will look around downstairs. Shag, you and Scooby will take the second floor. We'll meet back in the lobby in an hour."
"Can't we just, like, not explore the creepy abandoned lab for once?"
Steve assumes this is the one called Shag, and he hopes the other man agrees to just leave. That would make his life so much easier. He hears the dog, Scooby, agree with the sentiment and hopes the other people can understand him, too.
Unfortunately, one of the women says, "C'mon, guys, the monster isn't real. Here, I'll give you some Scooby Snacks for the road."
And that seems to be the end of that. The man and dog accept the snacks, the people enter the building, and Steve resigns himself to hiding for however long they stick around.
He bunkers down, leaning against the wall beneath the window, and goes back to coloring the floor with markers. This entire room is covered in drawings that reach only a few feet up the wall. Steve isn't tall enough to go any higher.
Right now, he's drawing all the animals in the building. There are the ones that were there to begin with (mostly rats and rabbits) and the ones that moved in after the bad people left (possums and raccoons and cats and more rats). He doodles them marching across the floor, a relaxed smile tugging at his lips as he colors a cat purple.
He's putting the finishing touches on the final animal in the line (the very same possum that came to warn him about the people) when he hears a scream from down the hall. Steve blinks, looking up just in time to see Shag and Scooby throw open the door, slide into the room, and slam it behind them.
They lean against it, sinking to the ground, and finally notice Steve sitting against the opposite wall. "Like, Scooby, please tell me I'm imagining that kid over there," Shag says, his voice wavering and cracking near the end.
Scooby starts out looking as scared as Shag, but then he tilts his head. He hesitates for a few seconds before dropping low to the floor and slowly moving toward Steve. "Scoob, what are you doing?" Shag asks.
Not a ghost, Shaggy!
"Not a rhost, Raggy!"
Steve blinks, frowning in confusion. Scooby talked. Like, actually talked. He talked out loud and Shaggy (it makes as little sense as Shag in Steve's opinion) understood him. "There, like, can't be a kid here!"
By the time he says this, Scooby has reached Steve, looking up at him from the floor with hopeful eyes and an eagerly wagging tail. Steve holds himself back for all of two seconds before reaching out and scratching behind Scooby's ear.
The dog lights up and tries to squeeze into Steve's lap, licking his cheeks and covering him in slobber. Steve laughs, trying to evade Scooby's tongue and utterly failing. "Stop, stop!" he shouts breathlessly, still giggling even when Scooby finally gives him a break.
"Oh, man," Shaggy says, slowly moving from the door to approach Steve. When he's a few steps away, he stops and crouches. "What are you doing here, little guy?"
Steve blinks, glancing at Shaggy before turning his attention back to Scooby. He reaches up, scratching under Scooby's chin and trying to ignore his nerves about talking to another human after being alone for so long. "This is my home," he says.
Your home?
"Your rome?"
"Like, man, this is not a good home," Shaggy says, looking around at the dust and the cobwebs and the possum in the corner of the room. "Don't you have, like, parents or something?"
"Not really."
Can we keep him, Shaggy?
"Can re keep him, Raggy?" Scooby asks, his tail wagging hopefully as he looks at Shaggy over his shoulder.
"Gee, Scoob, I don't know," Shaggy says, frowning slightly as he finally sits down on the floor and hunches over. "A kid's a lotta responsibility, man. We gotta feed him and clothe him and, like, make sure he doesn't get sick."
Steve looks between the two and can't help a slight smile. Shaggy is nice, and Scooby is a dog, which automatically makes him good to Steve. He doesn't mind helping them out a little. "You're here about that lady, right?" he asks.
"Like, what do you mean lady?" Shaggy asks.
"The one dressing like a rat," Steve says, wondering how they didn't make that connection themselves. Haven't they already realized it's not a real rat-thing?
"Oh, man, I guess Velma was right," Shaggy says, a relieved laugh bubbling out of him as he slumps even more. "We gotta tell the gang, right, Scoob?"
Yeah, yeah!
"Reah, reah!"
"Are you trying to catch her?" Steve asks, looking between the two once more.
"Well, like, the rest of the gang's gonna want to."
"I can help with that," Steve offers, smiling reassuringly at the concerned looks that Shaggy and Scooby give him in return.
Hawkins is supposed to be a vacation. Sort of. There's a possible mystery in the town, but even Velma couldn't confirm for sure, and Daphne had encouraged them to just relax.
Steve is inclined to agree with her, especially when she buys them a house with a pool that Scooby immediately launched himself into.
Still, he can tell that Velma won't relax unless she gets a chance to look around, so he finds her to go on a grocery run. "Oh, you're right," she says when he points out the lack of food in the house. "We'd better get something before Shaggy and Scooby start chewing on the walls."
"We'll set up the bedrooms while you get groceries," Fred says, grinning at them from across the living room. He digs in his pocket and pulls out the keys to the Mystery Machine. After making sure Steve is ready, he tosses them over.
"Please just don't put me in that plaid room," Steve tells him, catching the keys and passing them to Velma.
"I think that would count as cruel and unusual punishment, Steve," Daphne calls, her voice coming from down the hall where she's no doubt started setting up her room. She pokes her head into the hall, smiles at him, and adds, "Don't worry. We'll put Shaggy and Scooby in that one."
"Knowing them, they'd like it," Velma says.
As if he was just waiting for his queue, Shaggy leans over the second-floor railing and shouts, "Dibs on the plaid room! It looks groovy!"
Steve snorts as Velma rolls her eyes with an amused smile. "Come on, Steve, let's get going."
The drive to the grocery store is quiet, with Steve paying more attention to the town around him and Velma focusing on driving. He notes anything that looks weird, like the lack of people walking around. They pass other cars, of course, but even when they drive past what could be called Downtown Hawkins, he doesn't see anyone walking around.
He tucks that away for later, seeing nothing else of note until they park near a pile of bikes at the grocery store. "They're not locked," he says, nodding to them.
"It's a small town, Steve," Velma says, unbuckling as she turns the radio down so their ears aren't blasted when they get back. "They probably don't feel the need to."
"I guess," Steve mumbles, hopping out of the van and waiting for Velma to round the front. He walks next to her and holds the door open when they reach it. "Maybe we can get sandwich stuff."
"We'll have to wipe out their entire deli section," Velma says, sighing as she grabs a cart and pushes it towards the produce aisle. "At least we never have to worry about food waste."
Steve hums in agreement, easily falling into their normal routine of Velma calling out items and him grabbing at least five of them if there's enough in stock. "What do you think about that mystery?" he asks, placing a bag of apples in the cart.
"I think that forest out there is prime real estate," she replies, leaning on the cart's push bar. "Get a watermelon, too, Steve. Anyway, demon dogs aren't the weirdest we've run across."
"They were demodogs. Not demon dogs."
"I still think that was just a typo. Either way, I'm sure we can walk around the forest later and, you know, learn what the squirrels have seen."
Steve crinkles his nose, glancing at her as they make their way towards the deli. "You know the squirrels are too flighty. We're better off with the raccoons. Or, like, the sparrows."
He looks over to see her smirking and realizes she was just teasing him. Steve huffs and grabs as many sandwich meats as he can, getting everything but ham since Velma can't eat it and it gives Daphne migraines.
"Well, whichever animals you interrogate, I'm sure they'll clear up this mystery in no time."
Steve hums in agreement, follows Velma into the cereal aisle, and is about to say they should consider focusing on field mice when a voice from the other side of the shelf says, "Dude, spray cheese isn't gonna help us against the demodogs."
He blinks, pauses, and looks at Velma. She tilts her head, holds a finger up to her lips, and waves off the smirk he gives her at being right about demodogs not being a typo. "Yeah, I know," another voice says, followed by the clatter of grabbing a few cans, "but I want Cheez-Whiz."
"That stuff is gross," a girl's voice says, her tone flat in a way that Steve almost recognizes. He frowns slightly, tilting his head as he silently places a few cereal boxes in the cart. "It tastes fake."
"That's the point, El."
"Shouldn't we focus on lighters and hairspray?"
"I mean, this is technically a spray, right?"
Steve glances at Velma, raising an eyebrow before gesturing to the end of the aisle. She nods once and starts pushing the cart in that direction, huffing in amusement when Steve drops in a few more boxes along the way. "You'd think we're feeding an army," she says, tone dry.
"We might as well be," Steve replies, feelings his shoulders relax at the routine exchange.
They round the corner to see three kids down the aisle, two boys and one girl. One of the boys has curly hair and a baseball cap while the other is wearing a basketball jersey, and the girl has short hair that falls to her shoulders. They're all looking at the shelf, but the girl glances over when Velma and Steve enter the aisle.
She meets Steve's eyes, and he wonders if he's met her before. Her eyes narrow slightly, more in confusion than anything else, and her gaze travels down. He feels it on his arm as she lands on the 004, and her eyes widen as she steps away from the shelf.
Steve glances down at her arm in turn, sees the 011, and feels like his breath has been punched out of him. "Eleven," he whispers.
Next to him, Velma shifts closer, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I'm here," she says, her voice low and more reassuring than she'll ever know.
"Four," Eleven says, walking up to him without another glance at her companions. "Are you here to hurt me or my friends?"
Steve blinks. "What?"
"Are you violent? Kali, Eight, was violent. And angry. Are you angry?"
As she talks, the two boys move to flank her, looking between Steve and Velma with something between suspicion and confusion. "Is this one of your siblings, El?" Basketball Jersey asks.
"Yes. Four. He was...transferred a year before the Upside Down. Four, these are my friends Dustin and Lucas"
"I go by Steve now. And, uh, no, not violent. We're grocery shopping," Steve says, awkwardly gesturing to their cart.
"Steve? You can name yourself and you choose Steve?" Dustin asks.
Steve blinks and frowns. "I didn't name myself. I asked the smartest rat I knew to name me."
The two boys blink as El nods in understanding. "The rat chose well," she says.
"Dude, how many people are you feeding?" Lucas asks, seeming to finally notice the shopping cart.
"Well, one of them is a Great Dane," Velma says. "Hello, El. I'm Velma, one of Steve's...guardians, I suppose. How would you like to come by for dinner? El and Steve can catch up, and you can tell us about those demodogs you mentioned."
"Were you spying on us?" Lucas asks.
"You weren't exactly being quiet," Velma tells them.
Before Lucas or Dustin can start arguing, El cuts them off, "We will come by for dinner. I am glad we met again, Steve."
"Yeah. Me, too," Steve replies, smiling at El and wondering if they'll have to explain how Scooby can talk.
Tag List (please let me know if you'd like to be added!)
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opossumprints · 21 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder pt. 3
part 1, part 2, part 3
Robin looks around disturbed, she hates places like this and is very ready to voice her displeasure.
“Steve, what are we doing here?” Robin groans. Steve hums in confusion, looking around before looking back to Robin and arching his brow as if to say 'you know, why are you asking me?'. It should be obvious Steve drove her here, he told her where they were going and it should be pretty obvious from just that alone. 
“I need new sleep pants? You agreed to be my cover for things like this, remember?” he responds. It's true, they have an arrangement. It comes down to the simple fact that–as robin is quick to point out–what Steve politely calls “sleep pants” are definitely not that. 
In reality Steve sleeps in lingerie. 
The soft silks, satins, and laces of babydoll shorts are very appealing to him. It started innocently, really it did. Steve runs hot when he sleeps and he found that silk pj bottoms were the most comfortable. It also just so happens that lingerie was easier to come by…  and he liked it. 
Robin became his go to cover when they got close, claiming he was buying a gift for her so he could shop in peace. They had no secrets between them and it was less of a hassle than carefully timing a catalog order so his parents wouldn’t find out. She didn't always come with but for some reason the clerks and shop attendants were less likely to try to get him to buy bras if she was around (not that Steve didn’t own some). 
Unfortunately Robin wasn’t pleased with his answer.
“Steve, you just bought some!” she snarked “ what happened to those valentines ones you were so happy about?” Robin’s eyes are practically looking at the inside of her brain, she was rolling them so hard. Rude. 
She waltzes around a particular raunchy display to snoop at what Steve was looking at. Steve was vaguely aware that his best friend was still talking but he really started paying attention when she froze mid sentence. 
“Oh” she said awkwardly “that kind”  Steve realizes she thought they were there for the more subtle boxers that he also bought and suddenly he’s blushing head to toe. After a pause Robin pokes him in the shoulder to get his attention and speaks up again. 
“That still doesn't answer my questions Stevo” she prods “last time I slept over you said you were good?” 
Steve takes a deep sigh, the shoulders drooping kinda deep sigh, before turning to meet her eyes. 
“I need to replace my favorite pair.” he answers (only somewhat glumly). He looks down at the pair of shorts he has in his hands. They’re the wrong shade of purple, a bit too short, and don't have any lace, but it's the closest he can find. The shop doesn't have the same pair that he wants to replace apparently. 
He knows the disappointment is radiating off him as he stares down at the best replacement he can find. That's got a word for it in economics he thinks, Robin mentioned something about how she learned about it in her class on the way here. 
“Hey, it’s like that thing you were talking about!” he chirps while bumping Robin with his hip,”the next best alternative thing?” He knows the joking is to deflect from his dismay but he’s hoping Robin hasn't picked up on that yet. 
“Opportunity cost? Why are you–wait hold on” Robin disappears from his side for a second and returns holding the shorts he’s looking for. He’s so happy he could cry and tells her as much. Even though Robin always brushes him off when he thanks her, he's really lucky to have a platonic soulmate like her who understands he likes things a particular way and that if things aren't that way he’ll get hives. 
“Why do you need to replace these anyways?” she hands them over “you love these..also you bitched for an hour when you pulled a thread from your favorite sweater so I feel like I should have heard about this already.” Steve wanders over to the counter while Robin continues musing. He only gets her to shut up when he grumbles that he’ll tell her in the car als long as she shuts her mouth while he tries to pay. 
Steve was hoping that Robin would continue her trend of having a brain like a goldfish and he was done with it but he was poked, prodded, and nagged all the way to his house. When they finally got inside and were safely squirreled away in Steve’s room, he asked if Robin remembered when his washing machine bit the dust. 
“In February?” She tilted her head like a dog “but i thought that was fixed?” 
Steve scrunched his face and made a noise between a hum and a ‘yeah” 
“It was fixed…But it was still down for a week so I went to Sudsy’s.”
 Steve pauses to take a breath while Robin questions if he really does mean he went to a crappy laundromat on the other side of town instead of going to her house (which yes, he did, her parents already think they are dating having his dirty gym shorts mixed with her bras would not help). 
Steve turned to look her directly in the face (as close that the two of them could get to eye contact) 
“Robs I met someone” 
It's quiet. 
It's quiet for a long time. 
“You met someone?” she whispers reverently before her face twists into doubt “ at the laundromat?” 
He nods, heart eyed, and oh boy is he gone on whoever he met. 
“We bumped into each other” he sighs dreamily” was my fault really–clothes went everywhere” 
“Oh man really?” she responds “and they're interested? You’re sure?”  Robin knows where this goes–seen it happen way too many times before–she wont get her hopes up for her platonic soulmate until she knows it’s a sure thing. 
“Yeah, I know it,” Steve says with a dopey grin “I know ‘cus he stole my underwear.” 
Steve huffs. “And before you say anything!” he points an accusatory finger “ I know it was on purpose because he never gave any back! And it’s not like we could have openly flirted ‘n a laundromat in Hawkins, Indiana, that's how people get killed, Robbs!” 
Yeah okay, he knows he sounds pretty petulant right now but it's the truth! It’s not like robin can judge , she once tried to flirt with a girl by cracking a joke about a tuba. A tuba! 
“Yeah.. I guess you have a point”. Wait “any? Any as in plural, as in, More Than One!” 
Steve–the poor boy–Isn't sure why she is shouting.
“I also might have snuck him some in his laundry”
Yay! its done! (andalsonotedited) but it's DONE!
Part 3 wont be a while but I think having a preview worked out well so I'll be doing that again =)
Some people asked to be tagged and I'm willing to do that! I just want to politely ask for a couple rules/boundaries. I will tag you if you ask in the reply's (because that's easiest for me to see) and I'll do this for this fic only (for now), but I won't tag more than a handful of people for now because I'm new to this and I really don't want to mess anything up ʕ•́ ᴥ •̀ʔ
@slv-333 @jaytriesstrangerthings
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opossumprints · 21 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder pt. 3
part 1, part 2, part 3
Robin looks around disturbed, she hates places like this and is very ready to voice her displeasure.
“Steve, what are we doing here?” Robin groans. Steve hums in confusion, looking around before looking back to Robin and arching his brow as if to say 'you know, why are you asking me?'. It should be obvious Steve drove her here, he told her where they were going and it should be pretty obvious from just that alone. 
“I need new sleep pants? You agreed to be my cover for things like this, remember?” he responds. It's true, they have an arrangement. It comes down to the simple fact that–as robin is quick to point out–what Steve politely calls “sleep pants” are definitely not that. 
In reality Steve sleeps in lingerie. 
The soft silks, satins, and laces of babydoll shorts are very appealing to him. It started innocently, really it did. Steve runs hot when he sleeps and he found that silk pj bottoms were the most comfortable. It also just so happens that lingerie was easier to come by…  and he liked it. 
Robin became his go to cover when they got close, claiming he was buying a gift for her so he could shop in peace. They had no secrets between them and it was less of a hassle than carefully timing a catalog order so his parents wouldn’t find out. She didn't always come with but for some reason the clerks and shop attendants were less likely to try to get him to buy bras if she was around (not that Steve didn’t own some). 
Unfortunately Robin wasn’t pleased with his answer.
“Steve, you just bought some!” she snarked “ what happened to those valentines ones you were so happy about?” Robin’s eyes are practically looking at the inside of her brain, she was rolling them so hard. Rude. 
She waltzes around a particular raunchy display to snoop at what Steve was looking at. Steve was vaguely aware that his best friend was still talking but he really started paying attention when she froze mid sentence. 
“Oh” she said awkwardly “that kind”  Steve realizes she thought they were there for the more subtle boxers that he also bought and suddenly he’s blushing head to toe. After a pause Robin pokes him in the shoulder to get his attention and speaks up again. 
“That still doesn't answer my questions Stevo” she prods “last time I slept over you said you were good?” 
Steve takes a deep sigh, the shoulders drooping kinda deep sigh, before turning to meet her eyes. 
“I need to replace my favorite pair.” he answers (only somewhat glumly). He looks down at the pair of shorts he has in his hands. They’re the wrong shade of purple, a bit too short, and don't have any lace, but it's the closest he can find. The shop doesn't have the same pair that he wants to replace apparently. 
He knows the disappointment is radiating off him as he stares down at the best replacement he can find. That's got a word for it in economics he thinks, Robin mentioned something about how she learned about it in her class on the way here. 
“Hey, it’s like that thing you were talking about!” he chirps while bumping Robin with his hip,”the next best alternative thing?” He knows the joking is to deflect from his dismay but he’s hoping Robin hasn't picked up on that yet. 
“Opportunity cost? Why are you–wait hold on” Robin disappears from his side for a second and returns holding the shorts he’s looking for. He’s so happy he could cry and tells her as much. Even though Robin always brushes him off when he thanks her, he's really lucky to have a platonic soulmate like her who understands he likes things a particular way and that if things aren't that way he’ll get hives. 
“Why do you need to replace these anyways?” she hands them over “you love these..also you bitched for an hour when you pulled a thread from your favorite sweater so I feel like I should have heard about this already.” Steve wanders over to the counter while Robin continues musing. He only gets her to shut up when he grumbles that he’ll tell her in the car als long as she shuts her mouth while he tries to pay. 
Steve was hoping that Robin would continue her trend of having a brain like a goldfish and he was done with it but he was poked, prodded, and nagged all the way to his house. When they finally got inside and were safely squirreled away in Steve’s room, he asked if Robin remembered when his washing machine bit the dust. 
“In February?” She tilted her head like a dog “but i thought that was fixed?” 
Steve scrunched his face and made a noise between a hum and a ‘yeah” 
“It was fixed…But it was still down for a week so I went to Sudsy’s.”
 Steve pauses to take a breath while Robin questions if he really does mean he went to a crappy laundromat on the other side of town instead of going to her house (which yes, he did, her parents already think they are dating having his dirty gym shorts mixed with her bras would not help). 
Steve turned to look her directly in the face (as close that the two of them could get to eye contact) 
“Robs I met someone” 
It's quiet. 
It's quiet for a long time. 
“You met someone?” she whispers reverently before her face twists into doubt “ at the laundromat?” 
He nods, heart eyed, and oh boy is he gone on whoever he met. 
“We bumped into each other” he sighs dreamily” was my fault really–clothes went everywhere” 
“Oh man really?” she responds “and they're interested? You’re sure?”  Robin knows where this goes–seen it happen way too many times before–she wont get her hopes up for her platonic soulmate until she knows it’s a sure thing. 
“Yeah, I know it,” Steve says with a dopey grin “I know ‘cus he stole my underwear.” 
Steve huffs. “And before you say anything!” he points an accusatory finger “ I know it was on purpose because he never gave any back! And it’s not like we could have openly flirted ‘n a laundromat in Hawkins, Indiana, that's how people get killed, Robbs!” 
Yeah okay, he knows he sounds pretty petulant right now but it's the truth! It’s not like robin can judge , she once tried to flirt with a girl by cracking a joke about a tuba. A tuba! 
“Yeah.. I guess you have a point”. Wait “any? Any as in plural, as in, More Than One!” 
Steve–the poor boy–Isn't sure why she is shouting.
“I also might have snuck him some in his laundry”
Yay! its done! (andalsonotedited) but it's DONE!
Part 3 wont be a while but I think having a preview worked out well so I'll be doing that again =)
Some people asked to be tagged and I'm willing to do that! I just want to politely ask for a couple rules/boundaries. I will tag you if you ask in the reply's (because that's easiest for me to see) and I'll do this for this fic only (for now), but I won't tag more than a handful of people for now because I'm new to this and I really don't want to mess anything up ʕ•́ ᴥ •̀ʔ
@slv-333 @jaytriesstrangerthings
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opossumprints · 23 days
here's a preview of the next part of Your Weird--I'm Weirder. I'll (hopefully) be able to post it either tonight or tomorrow
“Steve, what are we doing here?” Robin groans. Steve hums in confusion, looking around before looking back to Robin and arching his brow as if to say 'you know, why are you asking me?'. It should be obvious Steve drove her here, he told her where they were going and it should be pretty obvious from just that alone. 
“I need new sleep pants? You agreed to be my cover for things like this, remember?” he responds. It's true, they have an arrangement. It comes down to the simple fact that–as robin is quick to point out–what Steve politely calls “sleep pants” are definitely not that. 
In reality Steve sleeps in lingerie
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opossumprints · 29 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder
POV Eddie, a part 2/continuation of this
Eddie has a problem. Like Eddie Munson, the person has a problem. On a psychological level. Normal people have problems like flat tires or going to the store only to find that they don't have their favorite cereal. But noooo, not Eddie. He just has to be different. 
Eddie is sitting on the floor of his room–which, to be fair, is a pretty normal thing to do–staring at eight pristine pairs of underwear. Odd, but not totally out of the question. The freaky bit is that not a single one belongs to him.
Eddie spread them out, laid them in a straight line, sat down, and wondered how the hell he got here. 
In theory, he knows exactly how he got here. It had started on a completely normal Sunday laundry day. The Munsons have a system; every Sunday morning, Eddie unceremoniously chucks his dirty laundry in a bucket, chucks the bucket into his van, and drives his sorry sleepy ass down to the town's cheap, dingy laundromat when the church crowd is too busy doin’ their thing and the building is at its quietest. 
The system worked very well for Eddie. The structure meant he actually got his laundry done instead of leaving it piled in a corner, and it gave him an excuse to get out of going to church with his Uncle Wayne. 
It's not that he didn't love his uncle; he just hated going to church (and the people at church hated him, so it’s a win-win scenario). 
The only problem came about Sunday, the 16th of February, 1986 (yes, he remembers the day, it's that bad). That problem’s name is Steve freaking Harrington. 
Eddie had walked in like normal, said hello to the owner like normal, and walked to his normal machine near the back. The day was totally and completely normal except for the fact that when he looked up, Steve was standing right there. 
Eddie had been so surprised to see King Steve in a crappy laundromat of all places that he had frozen mid-step and lost his balance. It also just so happened that Steve’s basket of dirty laundry was directly under his foot, and when he teeter-tottered over, Eddie stepped right in it and slipped like it was a cartoon banana peel. 
Clothes had flown everywhere. 
Eddie had been so preoccupied with apologizing that he wasn't paying attention to whose proverbial panties he was snatching. It hadn’t been until he dumped his clean clothes on his bed to sort and put away that he even noticed the pair of underwear he'd nabbed definitely weren't his. 
It was an honest mistake—one that anyone could have made. The boxers looked like something Eddie would buy: red with a black waistband, probably came in a three-pack with a matching blue and gray pair. 
If it wasn't for the fact that the tag inside read “Stevie” instead of any of the crude jokes Eddie labeled his underwear with, he probably wouldn't have noticed.
Obviously, Eddie couldn't give them back without risking having his face pummeled, so he shoved them in his closet, and that was that.
Or it would have been, but it kept happening.
From that point onward, every Sunday, Eddie would come back from the laundromat only to discover underwear that didn't belong to him and definitely belonged to Steve.
The real kicker was that he couldn't remember stealing a single one! Besides the first pair, he had no idea when and how the offending underwear ended up with him. 
So now here he is, sitting in front of a line of underwear and contemplating his life choices.
(And admiring his collection. But only a little!)
Oddly, each pair got, how could he put this, more…cutesy? than the last. The first pair is solid red and normal, but the second pair is a sweet and buttery pastel yellow. Pair number three is baby pink. Number four is the first pattern, a classic white with red hearts. Pair number five is also pink, but this time with pale five-petaled flowers scattered across them. And so on.
He can excuse the patterned ones as probably some sort of Valentine's gag gift. It had been two days before the initial panty pilfering after all.   Not that he needs excuses for the pattern of boxers he doesn't own. What he has no excuse for is pair number eight. 
Pair number eight is made out of silk and lace, the color of bittersweet nightshade. They have Stevie written on the label like all the others. They’re teeny and sweet and most definitely lingerie. And they're driving Eddie up a wall!
Not even for the normal reasons! Most dudes like Eddie would be losing their minds because they stole lingerie from their crush, but the thing that's bugging Eddie is that there is no possible way he’s the one who stole them. 
Eddie was extra careful today. He kept his head down, and he chose a machine further away from Steve, he didn't even talk to the guy. 
(Steve had come over to talk to him since Eddie's grand spill. The first time it happened, Eddie was fully prepared to meet his maker, only for Steve to ramble out apologies rapid fire. It turns out that Steve had spent the whole week guilt-ridden because he had left his basket in the middle of the walkway, which caused Eddie to slip.  Poor guy didn't calm down until Eddie had reassured him no less than 15 times that he wasn't hurt and they were totally cool.)
It had become part of the routine, part of the system, for the two to have a conversation before one or the other left. But not today. today he was careful. The very second he had noticed Steve make his way over out of the corner of his eye he made a break for the bathroom. Never before had he been so grateful for the fact that Sudsy’s had a toilet left over from when the building was something else. 
He hid there for as long as was socially acceptable before slinking out to start his drier cycle. He waved to Steve across the room when he saw him. Just to say they were still cool. No other reason. 
The point is that the only time he was anywhere near Steve’s laundry basket was when Eddie passed it on his way out. He definitely did not grab anything then. Or at least he thought he didn't. 
Oh god did he? Was he so far gone that he didn't even notice?!?!
Eddie groaned and dropped his head into his hands. Hands that were still holding the underwear, the underwear, The probably not clean underwear, the–Jeasus, maybe Eddie did need to go to church ‘cus the thoughts he is thinking are not pure!
What does he do now? He can't turn himself in, he’s in too deep. But if this continues… well he doesn't know what will happen, but it can't be good!
For now, he figures that as long as Steve hasn't figured out where his underwear wandered off to everything will be fine. 
On the bright side, Eddie probably still has another hour until Wayne gets back. He can think of plenty of ways to fill that time.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hehehehehe Steve and I are twirling our collective nonexistent evil mustaches. If anyone was disappointed that Steve didn't show up much another part is already in the works. so don't worry! more is on the way.
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opossumprints · 30 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder
POV Eddie, a part 2/continuation of this, now with part 3
Eddie has a problem. Like Eddie Munson, the person has a problem. On a psychological level. Normal people have problems like flat tires or going to the store only to find that they don't have their favorite cereal. But noooo, not Eddie. He just has to be different. 
Eddie is sitting on the floor of his room–which, to be fair, is a pretty normal thing to do–staring at eight pristine pairs of underwear. Odd, but not totally out of the question. The freaky bit is that not a single one belongs to him.
Eddie spread them out, laid them in a straight line, sat down, and wondered how the hell he got here. 
In theory, he knows exactly how he got here. It had started on a completely normal Sunday laundry day. The Munsons have a system; every Sunday morning, Eddie unceremoniously chucks his dirty laundry in a bucket, chucks the bucket into his van, and drives his sorry sleepy ass down to the town's cheap, dingy laundromat when the church crowd is too busy doin’ their thing and the building is at its quietest. 
The system worked very well for Eddie. The structure meant he actually got his laundry done instead of leaving it piled in a corner, and it gave him an excuse to get out of going to church with his Uncle Wayne. 
It's not that he didn't love his uncle; he just hated going to church (and the people at church hated him, so it’s a win-win scenario). 
The only problem came about Sunday, the 16th of February, 1986 (yes, he remembers the day, it's that bad). That problem’s name is Steve freaking Harrington. 
Eddie had walked in like normal, said hello to the owner like normal, and walked to his normal machine near the back. The day was totally and completely normal except for the fact that when he looked up, Steve was standing right there. 
Eddie had been so surprised to see King Steve in a crappy laundromat of all places that he had frozen mid-step and lost his balance. It also just so happened that Steve’s basket of dirty laundry was directly under his foot, and when he teeter-tottered over, Eddie stepped right in it and slipped like it was a cartoon banana peel. 
Clothes had flown everywhere. 
Eddie had been so preoccupied with apologizing that he wasn't paying attention to whose proverbial panties he was snatching. It hadn’t been until he dumped his clean clothes on his bed to sort and put away that he even noticed the pair of underwear he'd nabbed definitely weren't his. 
It was an honest mistake—one that anyone could have made. The boxers looked like something Eddie would buy: red with a black waistband, probably came in a three-pack with a matching blue and gray pair. 
If it wasn't for the fact that the tag inside read “Stevie” instead of any of the crude jokes Eddie labeled his underwear with, he probably wouldn't have noticed.
Obviously, Eddie couldn't give them back without risking having his face pummeled, so he shoved them in his closet, and that was that.
Or it would have been, but it kept happening.
From that point onward, every Sunday, Eddie would come back from the laundromat only to discover underwear that didn't belong to him and definitely belonged to Steve.
The real kicker was that he couldn't remember stealing a single one! Besides the first pair, he had no idea when and how the offending underwear ended up with him. 
So now here he is, sitting in front of a line of underwear and contemplating his life choices.
(And admiring his collection. But only a little!)
Oddly, each pair got, how could he put this, more…cutesy? than the last. The first pair is solid red and normal, but the second pair is a sweet and buttery pastel yellow. Pair number three is baby pink. Number four is the first pattern, a classic white with red hearts. Pair number five is also pink, but this time with pale five-petaled flowers scattered across them. And so on.
He can excuse the patterned ones as probably some sort of Valentine's gag gift. It had been two days before the initial panty pilfering after all.   Not that he needs excuses for the pattern of boxers he doesn't own. What he has no excuse for is pair number eight. 
Pair number eight is made out of silk and lace, the color of bittersweet nightshade. They have Stevie written on the label like all the others. They’re teeny and sweet and most definitely lingerie. And they're driving Eddie up a wall!
Not even for the normal reasons! Most dudes like Eddie would be losing their minds because they stole lingerie from their crush, but the thing that's bugging Eddie is that there is no possible way he’s the one who stole them. 
Eddie was extra careful today. He kept his head down, and he chose a machine further away from Steve, he didn't even talk to the guy. 
(Steve had come over to talk to him since Eddie's grand spill. The first time it happened, Eddie was fully prepared to meet his maker, only for Steve to ramble out apologies rapid fire. It turns out that Steve had spent the whole week guilt-ridden because he had left his basket in the middle of the walkway, which caused Eddie to slip.  Poor guy didn't calm down until Eddie had reassured him no less than 15 times that he wasn't hurt and they were totally cool.)
It had become part of the routine, part of the system, for the two to have a conversation before one or the other left. But not today. today he was careful. The very second he had noticed Steve make his way over out of the corner of his eye he made a break for the bathroom. Never before had he been so grateful for the fact that Sudsy’s had a toilet left over from when the building was something else. 
He hid there for as long as was socially acceptable before slinking out to start his drier cycle. He waved to Steve across the room when he saw him. Just to say they were still cool. No other reason. 
The point is that the only time he was anywhere near Steve’s laundry basket was when Eddie passed it on his way out. He definitely did not grab anything then. Or at least he thought he didn't. 
Oh god did he? Was he so far gone that he didn't even notice?!?!
Eddie groaned and dropped his head into his hands. Hands that were still holding the underwear, the underwear, The probably not clean underwear, the–Jeasus, maybe Eddie did need to go to church ‘cus the thoughts he is thinking are not pure!
What does he do now? He can't turn himself in, he’s in too deep. But if this continues… well he doesn't know what will happen, but it can't be good!
For now, he figures that as long as Steve hasn't figured out where his underwear wandered off to everything will be fine. 
On the bright side, Eddie probably still has another hour until Wayne gets back. He can think of plenty of ways to fill that time.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------hehehehehe Steve and I are twirling our collective nonexistent evil mustaches. If anyone was disappointed that Steve didn't show up much another part is already in the works. so don't worry! more is on the way.
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opossumprints · 30 days
I would like to make it clear that I have an unhealthy love of commas, and you can pry run-on sentences out of my cold, dead hands.
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opossumprints · 1 month
Part One Seventeen
TW for biological functions I guess? In a fantasy setting? And brief mention of blood.
“Stee,” something nudges Steve, rocking him a little, and then there’s another, whispered but urgent, “Stee.”
Steve blinks the rest of the way awake, squinting in the morning light, “you okay?”
“No. Ow.”
Steve’s all the way alert immediately, “where? What’s wrong?”
Eddie takes Steve’s hand, pressing it real low on his tummy, “ow.”
“Oh,” Steve says, leaning over and pressing a little bit.
Eddie immediately seems to panic, dragging Steve’s hand away and shoving one of his own right up between his legs, pressing hard. He looks uncomfortable as fuck.
“Oh! Baby, do you need to pee?”
“Called pee?”
“I-it’s when- you know what never mind, just come with me.” Eddie comes with Steve into the bathroom, and Steve shuffles him over to the toilet, “you need to pull your pants down.”
Eddie looks at him uncertainly.
“Here, these,” Steve gives Eddie’s sleep pants a tug, and Eddie soon joins in on pulling them down. “Uhm,” Steve says intelligently, faced again with that slit between Eddie’s legs, “I didn’t...I guess you should sit?”
Steve guides Eddie down, and he perches on the toilet.
“Now just, relax I guess? Let it happen?”
“Stee,” Eddie says, plaintive and confused and clearly fucking uncomfortable.
Steve squats in front of his knees, which is so new it takes Steve by surprise all over again, and he rests a hand on Eddie’s brand new bare knee, just because he can. Just to feel it under his palm, smooth and...maybe there's a little stubble growing on Eddie's thigh. He uses his free hand to gently press at Eddie’s lower stomach.
Eddie yelps, grabbing Steve’s hand away, “ow ow ow ow ow,” Eddie’s bloodshot eyes water, and then there’s a splash and very loud and insistent stream of urine that goes on for quite some time. Eddie’s breath is shuddering throughout, his eyes squeeze closed and he grips Steve’s hand and shoulder desperately.
It’s finally done, and Eddie's left panting, “many ow. Many.”
“Uhm...it doesn’t usually, maybe because it was the first one? No ow next time?”
“Next time?” Eddie repeats, sounding distraught.
“Yeah, sorry baby. Pee a few times a day.”
“Called few?”
“Few...not many.”
Eddie sighs through his nose, kind of relieved by the news, “not many.”
“Just wait until you gotta’ poop.”
“Called poop?”
“I-it’s- you know what, lets just cross that bridge when we get there.”
When Eddie stands, pulling his pants back up, still a little uncertain on his feet, the toilet bowl looks like it’s full of blood. Steve drops the lid and flushes it away, trying desperately not to worry that Eddie’s kidneys are like, failing, or something. “Yeah, hopefully the next one will be okay, like with what you coughed up...you should probably drink plenty of water today.” It’s not like they can get Eddie to a doctor.
“Water,” Eddie repeats, “brush teeth?”
“Yeah baby, we can brush our teeth.”
Eddie does, standing next to Steve. Steve watches them both in the mirror, but Eddie appears to, mostly, be frowning at himself. Once he rinses, he touches where his eyebrows were, then runs a hand over the top of his head. “Different. No hair. No Eddidie.”
“Oh baby,” Steve reaches out, touching gently, “hey, there’s a little bit of stubble, here, feel,” Steve guides Eddie’s hand. The first sign of hair is so minute as to be not visible yet, but Steve can definitely feel it, “your hair will come back.”
“Tomorrow?” Eddie asks, more hopeful.
“No baby...it’ll take some time,” Eddie pouts, “but it will.”
By the time they get back to the bedroom, Eddie is pulling a face, “wet,” he tells Steve, pulling at the crotch of the sleep pants.
“Oh...right. I guess we’d better wipe next time, hang on, I’ll get you a clean pair.”
“Clean pair,” Eddie parrots back, sitting on the bed, all long flailing limbs. He struggles a little, getting tangled, but he doesn’t ask for help, so Steve just waits and watches; he’s going to have to get the hang of this at some point. “Breakfast food?”
“Sure thing.”
Eddie stands, and his pants immediately fall down. Eddie looks down at them, pooled around his ankles on the floor, “pull pants down.” Steve can’t help but laugh.
Eddie’s pouting, but Steve can tell it’s good humored, a little smile hidden underneath. Eddie hasn’t changed at all; still just happy to be involved. Happy that he’s made Steve laugh.
“Okay, lesson one I guess,” Steve goes and stands next to Eddie, “come on, you can get them.”
He’s awkward in his movements, and Steve stands close to make sure he doesn’t like, fall over and face plant or anything, but Eddie manages to bend and grab them, and then pull them back up, clutching at the material.
Steve pulls the drawstring cords tight for him, tying it securely, “all my stuff it going to be way too big for you.”
“Too big.”
Eddie sits on the stairs, and Steve waits half way down. He sits for a second, looking at Steve, thoughtful. And then he stands back up, both hands awkwardly gripping the rail, “oh boy,” Steve sighs, “okay, but carefully.”
“Carefully,” Eddie hovers a bare foot out, wobbling. It takes him a second to coordinate bending his knee, and his foot lands on the next step with a thump. Steve never really thought about how much easier up is than down, but it definitely is.
Eddie gets a rhythm going, still white knuckling the rail, but they get there, and he’s much more confident by the time he gets to the bottom.
Steve looks at the sad contents of his fridge and sighs. He’s not giving Eddie a cold bowl of cereal, he’s not doing it.
“Wait there,” he heads into the garage, rummaging through the freezer. He comes up with a couple of frozen pizzas, and prays he’s not setting a bad precedent with pizza for breakfast...but then it occurs to him what day it is, and he thinks fuck it, it is Christmas.
Steve gets both pizzas in, dealing with the pot of peas they had abandoned on the stove top last night.
Steve makes himself a coffee and Eddie another glass of water; Eddie looks at it mistrustfully, and Steve figures Eddie has already made the link between drinking and peeing, “you need to,” Steve tells him, pushing the glass closer.
Eddie sighs like a man going in front of the firing squad, but he does sip it.
“Pizza good good good,” Eddie says, licking his fingers clean of cheese grease.
“Yeah, I like it too. You done?”
Eddie looks sad, “no yes,” and rubs his tummy.
“I get that,” Eddie has half his Pizza left, and Steve three slices of his, “but we can eat the rest later.”
Eddie perks up, “lunch?”
“Yeah, we can eat it at lunch time. You want to see what’s on TV?”
“TV.” Eddie stands up, determined. Steve watches; Eddie uses any furniture in reach, and then the wall, to make it to the kitchen doorway. He stands for a second, faced with the gulf between the doorway and the couch. Slowly, and a little uncertain, Eddie makes the trip.
He sits, and Steve watches it dawn on him that he needs to get back up again to turn on the TV. The sigh that comes out of Eddie is spectacular, but he gets up, and he does it.
Steve feels like he just watched Eddie sink a winning basket, or something.
Eddie’s fallen asleep again, Steve can feel it in how his breathing has evened, how his body is lax. They’d watched 'A Wonderful Life' this morning. Granted they missed the first little bit, and Steve is sure Eddie didn’t really follow the plot, but Steve just...couldn’t resist it.
Clarence earns his wings, Eddie got his legs.
Eddie had finished his pizza at lunch time, and had more water, but only because Steve bribed him with half a beer for afters. And then came Eddie’s second ever pee; almost clear this time, with maybe the faintest trace of pink. To say Steve was relieved is an understatement.
Steve figures he’s right, just like with the crap that came out of Eddie’s lungs, there must be some sort of trauma when it comes to using body parts that are brand spanking new.
Steve’s not really watching the TV any more; there’s another Christmas movie on, something about Prancer the reindeer. It makes nice background noise as Steve decides Eddie has the right idea and allows himself to doze.
He’s very nearly asleep when the phone rings, startling both Steve and Eddie awake.
Steve’s halfway up, Eddie flopping off him onto the couch when it hits Steve; he hasn’t told anyone. Shit.
He answers the phone, already half certain the it’s Robin, “Hello?”
“Hey,” it is Robin, “look, Steve, I know you said no and everything but I’m really worried about you, and it's Christmas so I really don’t think-”
Steve cuts her off, “Eddie’s fine. He’s here he-”
“Yeah, he, he came out of the pool last night. He’s like, completely fine.” Steve smiles as Eddie appears in the doorway, one hand resting on the wall.
“So he’s just- alright? Like, what happened then, why..?”
“Oh. Oh shit, no he has legs Rob!”
She squeaks down the phone, “legs!”
Eddie moves closer, careful steps that are already about a million times more confident than yesterdays, “called?”
“It’s Robin, you want to say hi?”
Steve hands the phone over, watching as Eddie holds it to his ear, “hi Birdidie.”
Steve can hear the noise Robin makes, it’s so loud, Eddie completely startles, dropping and then fumbling the phone and nearly stumbling himself. Steve manages to grab Eddie by the tops on his arms to steady him, and then takes the phone back, he can vaguely hear Robin saying, “hello? Are you still there?”
“Sorry, Robs, you just scared him a little.”
“Okay, yeah, okay yeah that’s fair. Sorry. Can I come over? I should come over-” and Steve cannot blame her at all, but he does kind of wish their little bubble had lasted a tiny bit longer.
“Okay Robs, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yup yup Mom will drop me, I’ll bring left overs!”
Eddie sits with his legs pulled up, trying to tuck them under himself like he would his tail; it isn’t really working.
“Birdidie in?” He asks looking distinctly uncomfortable, plucking at the frayed edge at the bottom of his sweater.
“Yeah, Robin's coming to visit.” Eddie looks distinctly unhappy at the prospect. “What’s wrong? You don’t want Birdy?”
“Eddidie-” he starts and the stalls out, “Birdidie good bad.”
“Okay, can you tell me why?”
“No Eddidie,” he says, a hand going to the top of his head.
“Oh...you’re worried about you hair?” Eddie nods, “baby, no ones going to care.” Eddie just looks, if possible, even more downhearted, “but you care, don’t you?”
Eddie nods.
“Okay. Okay I can sort this, wait there.” Steve heads upstairs, raiding his mother’s wardrobe. It’s arranged by season and then occasion, so all of her ‘skiing’ – drinking too much in a lodge – outfits are all clumped together. Steve finds three hats, they’re all bobble hats and all distinctly feminine, but Steve takes them to show Eddie. On his way out, his eyes catch on the jewelry box.
All the rings in here are probably too small to fit Eddie properly, but Steve takes a plain silver band that might fit Eddie’s pinkie finger. He takes his haul back down stairs, kneeling in front of Eddie where he’s sitting on the couch.
Steve lays out the three hats across Eddie’s thighs, “okay, here we go, what do you think.”
“It’s a hat,” and then Steve commits a personal cardinal sin, he pulls one on to demonstrate.
Eddie seems to brighten as he understands, touching each one individually. He chooses the one Steve hoped he would, it’s the subtlest of all of them, black and white herringbone with a black edge and a grey faux fur pompom, which Eddie quite likes the softness of if his stroking is anything to go by. He pulls it on, smiling, “hat good.”
Steve reaches into his pocket, pulling out the little silver trinket he found, “and this.”
Eddie brightens again, touching the ring where it lays on Steve’s palm. He clearly wants to say something, his mouth opening and closing, but he doesn’t have the words. Eventually he points to the lights on the tree, opening and closing his hand to imitate the slow blinking of the lights.
“Those are lights...they're shiny,” Steve tilts his palm, the ring catching the light, “this is shiny.”
“Called pretty?”
“Uhm...so if something looks...good. So if you like shiny lights,” Steve points, “or…” Steve struggles through Eddie’s known vocabulary, “trees, trees can be pretty.” He touches Eddie’s sweater, “blue, pretty blue.”
“Purple more good than blue,” Eddie informs him with some certainty, making Steve laugh.
“Okay, purple pretty,” Eddie nods, “so, you want this on,” Eddie gives his left hand over easily. His fingers are actually much slimmer than Steve had really anticipated, and the ring spins loosely on Eddie’s pinkie finger. Steve moves it to the one next door, where it fits well, snug against the last vestiges of Eddie’s webbing, “okay?”
Eddie leans forward to kiss Steve, “thank you Stee.”
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opossumprints · 1 month
Yaknow what, gimme accidental perv Eddie Munson x intentional weirdo Steve Harrington
Gimme an Eddie who after having an incredibly confusing run in with Steve—at the laundromat of all places—accidentally steals a pair of the poor dude’s underwear.
Gimme a Steve who realizes that a pair of his underwear has gone missing after a run-in with (in his opinion) the hottest dude in Hawkins and starts finding ways to sneak Eddie as many pairs as humanly possible.
Steve would have the time of his life flirting in the absolutely weirdest way possible.
Eddie is probably loosing his mind in the background
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opossumprints · 1 month
Yaknow what, gimme accidental perv Eddie Munson x intentional weirdo Steve Harrington
Gimme an Eddie who after having an incredibly confusing run in with Steve—at the laundromat of all places—accidentally steals a pair of the poor dude’s underwear.
Gimme a Steve who realizes that a pair of his underwear has gone missing after a run-in with (in his opinion) the hottest dude in Hawkins and starts finding ways to sneak Eddie as many pairs as humanly possible.
Steve would have the time of his life flirting in the absolutely weirdest way possible.
Eddie is probably loosing his mind in the background
Update did expand on this so uuuuuuhhhhhhh *slaps link on ground and runs* part 2
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opossumprints · 1 month
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Something about this feels very Steddie coded to me
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opossumprints · 1 month
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Something about this feels very Steddie coded to me
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opossumprints · 1 month
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Haunter! Look at that silly goofy guy!!!
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