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flowersnteacups · 2 days ago
The thing is sometimes everything is so much that I don't know where to start or what to write down first
[on the verge of having a complete breakdown] i need to make some kind of list or perhaps sort things into categories
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thorinds · 9 months ago
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read
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etakeh · 2 years ago
In case you think the writers on strike aren't making good use of their time, think no more!
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Only click the read more if you're fully prepared. I'm taking no responsibility past this point.
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Help a guy out. He's stuck. Who's got 18 brothers who all wanna cook. (source)
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mckitterick · 7 months ago
McSweeney's: doing the lord's work
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full listing here on the McSweeney's website: X
free .pdf version (it's really that long): X
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thatsbelievable · 6 months ago
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super-lovely-star · 7 months ago
Things to Put in a Middle/Kidre Bag
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A handheld gaming system like a switch or a DS and some games to play on it
Small toys and trinkets to keep you company while you’re out and about
A digital camera or camcorder, so you can still capture moments without getting distracted by your phone
Comfort items like a fidget, paci, or something like that because even big kids have comfort items
A plushie that’s small enough to fit inside the bag
Yummy snacks like chips or gummies just in case you get hungry
A cool water bottle filled with your favorite drink so you can stay hydrated
Age appropriate makeup (if you wear any)
A sketchbook, notebook, or activity book, and some crayons or pencils to keep you occupied
A small, easy to read chapter book if you’re going on a longer trip
Cute keychains and pin buttons to personalize it and show off your awesome style
Lastly, important stuff like your medicine, wallet, glasses, or emergency supplies
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If you can think of anything else, feel free to mention it!
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maleyanderecafe · 9 months ago
List Recommendations
List Recommendations
Active s/o’s in Male Yandere stories
Horror Male Yandere list
Mobile Otome Yandere list
Novel Recommendations
Yanderes around 20-30 years old
Yandere moments in IDWTKOH
Completed Yandere Webcomics
Male Yandere Games List
Submissive Yandere List
More Submissive Yanderes List
English Otome Games & Drama CDsx
Favorite Male Yandere List
More Otome Yandere List
Male Yandere Light Novels
More Horror Male Yandere List
Starter Male Yandere List
Yandere Wins List
TV Shows with Yanderes
Similar to Cherry Boy, that Girl List
Male Yandere Confinement List
Happy Ending Yanderes List
Yandere Games I’m Excited for List
More Yandere Games
MLM Yandere Games
More of Favorite Yanderes List
Pink Haired Yandere List
More Starter Male Yandere List
Recommendation Yandere Blogs List
18+ Yandere Recommendations List
Purity Yandere List
Pixel Based Yandere Game List
More Book Recommendations List
Itch.io Games List
He/They Pronoun Games List
Childhood Friend/ Sunshine Yandere List
Screamed Yandere Webcomic List
Captivity Yandere List
Goes Mad After Losing Beloved List
Yandere x Yandere List
Future Yandere Game Recs List
IOS Mobile Game List
Dark Skinned Yandere List
MC with a Character Design List
More 18+ Smut Yandere List
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Mimic Yandere List
BTD Like Games List
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Favorite Yandere VNs List
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Older Yanderes
Femdom List
Softie Yanderes List
Sadistic Yanderes List
Yandere with a Mask List
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prokopetz · 1 year ago
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I feel like I've discovered something dangerous.
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blckbuzinessdistrict · 4 months ago
There are over three million Black-owned businesses in the United States, according to the latest data from the Census Bureau, many of which are led by talented artists, chefs, hair stylists, parents and fashion designers. Over the past few years, we interviewed dozens of Black entrepreneurs to learn about the successes and challenges they face while running their companies, and most stress that they’ve had to overcome barriers like a lack of access to capital and higher rates of financial distress compared to white-owned businesses.
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f1-stuff · 4 months ago
Did carlos also used the friend word? Do you know when?
Hi, so I actually compiled some links mostly for myself, but also for you and anyone else interested. See below the cut!
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Times Charles has referred to Carlos as a "friend":
'He has obviously become a friend.'
‘We were already good friends before we joined Ferrari.'
'We have a very special relationship. I mean, we are obviously friends outside the track as well. We are sharing good moments. We spend so much time - I mean, I see Carlos more than my own family...'
'He's a super nice guy, he's super easy to get on with and, uh- straight away we understood that we had a lot of interest outside racing in common. And now I can call him a friend, outside of racing.' (newest instance, at the end of their teammate era...)
Times Carlos has referred to Charles as a "friend":
'My teammate and I are friends off the track, we get along very well and we have a very good relationship. And we make a very good team. I think that if there is something that worked and works in Ferrari, it is the two drivers...' (translated from Spanish)
'We've been teammates for four years. There's been barely any situation where we've had a contact, or we had a misunderstanding. And even if we've had them, we've always moved on and we've always remained friends and had a really good relationship." (at the end of their teammate era...)
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This is just what I could track down, but if anyone knows of others let me know!
Carlos has spoken about how he and charles get along very well, but that it's hard for him (and other drivers) to truly be friends with their teammates bc they're always so competitive with each other, and there's so much pressure to beat one another. ("Friend is a strong word that I don’t like using for anything or anyone.") And combine that with what we know about how, as a kid, he was surprised by other kids he thought were his friends running him off track and out of the race, we can see how much weight he applies to the 'friend' label.
To Carlos, I think a 'friend' is someone that a part of his brain would hesitate to race too hard against, and he can't let that happen with his teammate, who he wants and needs to beat more than anyone. He can afford to maybe leave Lando or Alonso a little more space on track bc he values his relationship with them as friends, and they're not currently his teammates. But he can't let himself have that relationship with Charles, or, for that matter, Alex next season.
Will he be able to say that he and Charles are friends more readily next year when they aren't teammates any longer? I think so. That was certainly the case with Lando. But I also think his relationship with Lando was a bit different - Lando was almost like a little brother to him. With Charles, he's more firmly a peer, and I think that hyper-competitiveness between them may always linger, right up until they aren't racing eo anymore, maybe especially bc their partnership was cut short before either could win a championship as teammates.
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Time will tell, but it's clear that they already view their time together very fondly. They've spoken plainly about 'hating each other' inside the helmet when they've battled and disagreed, but that they always make up after two minutes. It's beautiful that they can always come back to the respect they have for one another. It's a unique relationship, and I look forward to seeing how it evolves in the years to come. ❤️
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slfcare · 2 months ago
How do I feel like myself?
find harmless things that make you laugh (and indulge) ╱ get in touch with your body by moving around ╱ allow yourself to get bored ╱ talk to yourself out loud or by writing things down without a plan ╱ form opinions on completely random and mundane things ╱ go a whole entire day without listening to music and spend time in silence instead ╱ give someone a complete rundown of everything going on in your life including the feelings you've been experiencing ╱ set timers throughout the day: when it goes off, immediately write down what you're doing and thinking about ╱ keep track of literally everything that makes you feel happy or good ╱ take care: sleep when tired, shower when uncomfortable, eat when grumpy (you're possibly hungry) ╱ keep on going.
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helenaludoella · 5 months ago
things i love
( a list by helena )
- sleeping intertwined and entangled
- sleepy sweet cats
- vintage designer handbags
- henry mancini, lana del rey, disney music,…
- tall windows, decorated bed frames, beautiful curtains and bathrooms
- steak with pepper sauce and fries
- good books
- people who can play the piano well
- boxes of childhood treasures
- planes
- bouquets and dried flowers
- herringbone gold chains and crystals in jewellery
- sinterklaas
- freshly shaved and showered in new sheets
- tipsy evenings in nightly cities with my friends
- family history stories
- diaries
- love letters
- storms with lighting, thunder, just before the heavy rain, crispy sunny autumn days, warm summer breezes
- when the twilight sky is nearly purple blue
- passionate kisses filled with love
- long hugs
- excitement for classes and studying because it’s so interesting
- my ipad
- beautiful furniture
etc… etc……… etc………………….
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thorinds · 5 months ago
The "BBC" Book List Challenge
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alexanderwales · 2 months ago
Unreliable narrator who's trying to manipulate the audience
Unreliable narrator who's engaging in self-deception
Unreliable narrator with intense biases
Unreliable narrator who lacks crucial context on the situation
Unreliable narrator trapped in a specific sociocultural worldview
Unreliable narrator slowly losing his grip on reality
Unreliable narrator who's been deliberately fed false information by other characters
Unreliable narrator who keeps getting distracted by irrelevant details while missing major plot points
Unreliable narrator who perceives the world through the lens of genre
Unreliable narrator who keeps accidentally narrating possible futures instead of the present
Unreliable narrator who's unknowingly a character in someone else's unreliable narration
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krissiefox · 3 months ago
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A list of blogs where you can get free stuff. Please respect each blogger's terms of use!
https://www.tumblr.com/darklack-obscurite Free sprites for making RPG games!
https://www.tumblr.com/sonicfangamebot Many free Sonic fan games!
https://freegameplanet.tumblr.com/ Free PC games!
https://armorgames.tumblr.com/ Armor Games flash games can be played for free at the link in their bio!
https://rpgmakernetwork.tumblr.com/ Free RPG maker games!
https://obsidiandawndotcom.tumblr.com/ Free Art Resources!
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