#mini ranting
counting down the days till i go back to london why tf did i choose to go to college in buttfuck new york
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The reason Goncharov was fun and worked well is because Tumblr didn’t plan for it, we just “yes and” it, everyone went with it and added to it with no planning while TikTok people with Zepotha are trying to recreate that by deciding to start a trend and tell people this movie existed, there isn’t even much more than “you look like this character” and sometimes people saying it was actually them.
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godivaghoul · 3 months
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(click tweet link for articles sources)
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valtiere · 4 months
Showed my work to family and the response was, well, let's just go with less than enthusiastic... Not unkind, but it left me feeling like a child seeking validation, which is stupid. I'm not, I'm just (apparently) really bad at reading people. I don't pick up on the subtleties so if someone says they like a thing, I share more of it, not realizing that maybe they were just being polite.
Take this blanket (pattern: cosmic cal by Helen Shrimpton), for example . A while back, I gifted it to my mother only for her to immediately give it away. If I'd realized she wouldn't value it, I'd have kept it for myself. And yet still, here I am, trying to share things with people who clearly are not interested. 😒 Am I a hopeful optimist, an idiot or just a slow learner?
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Rhetorical question, by the way. This really is just a long winded way of venting into the void and saying, sod it. From now on I'm going to do this stuff for myself. My art. My enjoyment. The way I should have approached it from the start.
Edit: thank you to everyone here who has commented, liked or reblogged my work. It warms my dark and brittle soul to see that people *do* like what I do. I know I'm just bitching here about how the people close to me don't seem to care about it, but I know there are many, many other people who do and that matters to me. I appreciate you all. 💕
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existennialmemes · 1 month
Oh no, my wonder is not "childlike." My whimsy is old. My frivolity is steeped in ancient wisdom.
My silliness is battle worn. My awe at the world has been long forged through trial & tribulation.
I have earned this wonderment. I have protected it for decades against a society that tells me constantly that it should not belong to me.
I was born with wonder, and I have carried it, against all odds, with me through adulthood.
It is not "childlike" by now it is Older than me.
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Just in case anyone else needed to hear this today-
Your health is not your fault. You didn’t do anything to “deserve” this. And you are right, it isn’t fair. You are allowed to feel upset, hurt, angry and jealous that your health, body or mind disables you.
It’s not fair, and that sucks. You are allowed to scream about that as much as you need to.
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wintvies · 11 days
“i’m thinking logically” and then it’s just cutting out empathy and emotional intelligence
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Of course, the burkini ban is messed up on grounds of religious freedom and racial discrimination. But also
Under any other circumstances, people would be HORRIFIED at a government mandate that women have to show a certain amount of skin. Like. That’s fucking dystopian, and the absolute opposite of feminism. If a government tried to pass a law that all women had to wear tube tops and miniskirts to go outside, people would rightfully be up in arms demanding blood
But because it’s targeting a marginalized religious group, many folks are lauding the blatant forced sexualization of women. Appalling
(apparently the ban also outlaws things like sun – protecting bathing suits if they cover too much skin. Which like. Yes, let’s give everyone skin cancer just so we can spite a religion we’ve decided to hate. Sounds like a good plan </s>)
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crippledtoaster · 1 month
I hate the fact that a lot of abled people dont know (or do and just dont care) that the term cripple is used against physically disabled people in a negative way. Ive personally experienced harassment being yelled at in halls that i was crippled and broken. You broke your foot? Oh no! Doesnt give you the right to call yourself a cripple. Same thing with gimp/gimpy. I still cant get family to stop calling me gimpy. Its just really annoying and frustrating when everyone else around you is abled and don’t understand the issue
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👁👄👁 is my sociology professor insane
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Always remember this is the one and only time I will ever speak about this Netflix live action adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender.
The sexism elements are a very important part of the show. Sokka being a sexist at the beginning is important because it’s a part of his character development. He has this delusional view point of masculinity all while being ignorant about women and what they are capable of doing. He gets humbled hard by the Kyoshi warriors, especially by Suki, who mostly did all of the humbling, and that is where their relationship starts.
The sexist interactions between the water tribe water benders and Katara is in the show not just to have Katara gain a win over a man, but to prove her biggest point, which is simple: she is just as capable as the male water benders in the tribe, and she doesn’t care if she loses or wins, she is there to prove her case.
So removing the sexism in the live action show shoots Sokka’s character development in the foot, and it takes away the biggest character highlight for Katara. It would be just like them removing the genocide elements from the show because it would be too scary or too dark for kids, which would declaw the Fire Nation, especially Azula, who is the best female villain in the series.
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frownyalfred · 18 days
“This fic would be better if—” babe this isn’t your high school English class and my fic isn’t assigned reading. it’s something a stranger wrote on the internet without an explicit request for constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement. you are not grading my smut fic on a rubric (I hope).
if you cannot consume writing without needing to criticize it, that’s a you problem. stop leaving me these kinds of comments — and if you DO: for god’s sake, please make sure you’re actually objectively correct about the criticism you’re leaving.
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sxturn-to-mxrs · 8 months
book!percabeth are my parents but show!percabeth are my babies
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godivaghoul · 7 months
Check this out:
(if you didn't know, I'm probably the last to know as usual)
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it's ridiculous that we have to scroll down to the "blog settings" and check this box to not get our art stolen by this shit "ai", and if it wasn't for my friend warning me I'd never even known.
I got no notification or update in privacy warning from tumbler... should be also illegal in Europe now right?
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
saying you look better without makeup shouldn't be so taboo tbh. like some women need to be told that their fake lashes and heaped foundation and painted eyebrows look objectively terrible and their natural features are hot. why can't i say that you look hot fresh-faced? because you do. forget whatever men think. those freaks would fuck a piece of abandoned carboard in a dirty street. they don't even know what a healthy woman looks like. they have literally lost all objectivity. these fools don't even know how our bodies work and you expect them to give an accurate opinion on what kind of woman looks good or healthy? they don't know shit! your pooch is actually attractive! so is your buccal fat! so is your arm and leg hair! YOU'RE A BABE! stop trying to get rid of the babe-ness!
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rachiebeee · 3 months
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they are best friends and siblings and i love them both so dearly. featuring piercings bc i stand strong in my belief that they would
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