#mentioned batman
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megalithical · 4 months ago
clark: look, i know you think my judgement's clouded because i like bruce a little bit-
diana, holding clark’s notepad: you doodled your wedding invitation.
clark: no, that's our joint tombstone.
diana: my mistake.
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spheroz · 10 months ago
Batman can’t keep his robins au: Damian Al Ghul
Damian Al Ghul is not a Robin. He will never be a Robin. He is the heir to the demon head, being a side kick is demeaning. He is also 16 years old.
Talia Al Ghul knows one thing. If Damian wants to rule the demon’s head she’ll have to die. But Damian will have to kill her. And she is perfectly fine with that.
Ra’s Al Ghul wants to kill his heir. Because the only way his heir becomes ruler is if Ra’s is dead.
Damian Wayne is a ruthless killer. He’s a ruthless killer with a highly trained almost brain dead assassin on his side. He’s a ruthless killer with a plan. A plan to get all of his father’s failed pupils. And well, make himself the ruler of a small army, and then make himself the ruler of a cult.
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thrushforreal · 9 months ago
Robin(Tim): That's my dad
Catwoman: Sorry, you mean to tell me the Boyfailure you take care of is your father? Batman?? Are you sure???
Robin: Yes, and he would like to ask you out
Catwoman: Omg, really
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
The only acceptable trans Tim headcanon would be Tim introducing himself to the batfam as a boy from the get-go with such confidence that no one questions him. Then, his first solo case as Robin is investigating the disappearance of Jack and Janet Drake's "daughter," so he pretends to have a twin sister by forging a bunch of documents and photoshopping family pictures. He then fabricates evidence of her death, committing multiple crimes in the process, and holds a fake funeral at the end. Because if his previous name is dead to him, he's gonna kill it the Tim Drake way
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prlssprfctn · 1 month ago
I know the fandom mostly agrees that Jason is that one always unemployed sibling in the family, but let me offer you a slightly enhanced concept - unemployed sibling Jason, who is the busiest sibling in the family.
No one can get hold of him. Like, ever. And it is not like he is lying, he is genuinely always has something else to do! Something random and unexpected, and, honestly, all his family can think is: what the hell?
Bruce, frowning: Remind me again, why the dinner in the circle of the family today doesn't suit your... schedule?
Jason, shrugging: I have a book club evening in the nursing home. We are discussing Margaret Atwood's Penelopiad tonight. Can't miss it. Also, Jennet-
Alfred, confused: Who is Jennet?
Jason: One of the old ladies in the nursing home, duh... Anyway, yeah, Jennet is having a birthday. She would be hella mad if her favourite grandson missed it, you know?
Bruce: ...Jason, you are not her-
Jason: (leaves)
Dick: Hey, wanna join me for tomorrow morning's training?
Jason, sighs: Sounds nice, but I have classes tomorrow.
Dick, confused: Classes? Since when you are enrolled in college?
Jason: Oh, no. I am a substitute teacher in one of the school's around.
Dick: WHAT-
Damian, calling Jason in the middle of the day: Can you pick me up from school? Others are busy, there is an emergency in the town.
Jason: Damn, sorry, kid, but I am not in the country right now. By the way, do you want to talk with your mother?
Damian: ...What that supposed to mean? Where are you?
Jason: I was planning to visit All-Caste, but first decided to meet up with Talia. I am kinda in Egypt right now, anyway.
Damian: ...
Tim, already used to Jason's constant busy status, sighing: I bet you won't agree if I call you on the lunch tomorrow?
Jason: Uh, no. I have plans. But if you tag along with me, we can get lunch together later.
Tim, surprised: ...Okay. What do you have tomorrow? Knitting club? A shift in library?
Jason: Nah, graduation ceremony.
Tim: Right, you are a substitute teacher.
Jason: No, no. My graduation ceremony. I am getting my PHD in literature.
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sparkoflena · 2 months ago
Kon: Why are you staring at me so intently?
Tim, completely casually: I think I want to stab you with Kryptonite a few times. In different areas. For science.
Kon: ...why is my best friend considering torturing me?
Tim: I'm wondering if it takes you down so badly because it is truly that dangerous to you or if the invulnerablility of Kryptonians gives you a weak pain tolerance.
Kon: And you're asking me, a half human, instead of Clark or Kara?
Tim: They'd start telling Bruce about my "concerning villainous behavior" again.
Kon: And I won't?
Tim: I've kept fighting through pneumonia, a gunshot wound, and broken bones. And you go down when I poke you with a rock. Come on, you've got to be curious.
Kon: ...okay, I am a little curious.
Tim: YES! You won't regret this!
Kon: I will absolutely regret this.
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who-always-pays-their-taxes · 8 months ago
He might be 6’0 and built like a brick but i see the rage of a teenage girl in his eyes
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ashoss · 9 months ago
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my lovely son waking me up to tell me he threw up.
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us waking up my wonderful butlerfather to tell him he threw up.
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factual-flittermouse · 2 months ago
Bruce: Dick, what’s this I’m hearing about you trying to send Tim to Arkham?
Dick: For the last time, I NEVER said that!
Tim: As good as!
Bruce: *disappointed dad voice* Really chum, I can’t believe you would tell your brother such a thing.
Dick: I didn’t! I just suggested therapy!
Tim: *scoffs* Yeah, in METROPOLIS.
Bruce: *Gasps*
Jason: *Gasps*
Damian: *Betrayed*
Alfred: *Too proper to gasp so loudly, but almost fumbles his antique feather duster*
Dick: Oh come on, it’s not that bad! It’s close, it’s relatively safe, and their PHDs are less likely to go rogue.
Jason: *Cover’s Damian’s ears as he backs them both out of the room, still loudly gasping in offense like the theater kid he is at heart*
Bruce: I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.
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arkangelo-7 · 2 months ago
Bruce, high on pain meds: one time I wiped your memory and returned you to the orphanage because you had tried to convince me that Superman didn’t murder my parents.
Dick, also high on pain meds: we listen and we don’t judge
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batsyheere · 4 months ago
Bruce tries to adopt Ellie, who is immediately against it. She keeps throwing him off her trail and he keeps tracking her down. She's honestly concerned, and normally she would handle her problems by herself- but this is Batman.
So when Bruce gets a little too close and Ellie is just so tired... she calls for Danny.
Cue college student, perpetually tired and overworked Danny "High King Phantom" Fenton appearing from the very shadows Batman normally does himself, seeing the situation and going off at this "clearly older man" chasing his daughter in the middle of the night.
Cue the most elaborate "stop trying to adopt my kid before I adopt yours" series of battles
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megalithical · 4 months ago
clark: wait, what's going on? are we all talking about how hot bruce is? because bruce is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of babe city, assachusetts, usa. the last a just stands for more ass.
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ifyoucandaniel · 5 months ago
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this is so stupid but here’s a little comic i made for a little bingo au me and @twisted-tales-told came up with a few weeks ago. pretty much just the idea that jason needed a cover at some point and stumbled in on bingo night and was quickly adopted by the little old ladies there. now he plays every friday and has beef with dora and gets sent home with banana bread :) clara is trying to set him up with her grandson and all of her problems with her land lord have mysteriously been solved :))
being involved in his community is very important to jason and he loves seeing them host community events bc it feels like his home is healing
bonus: none of the bats have the faintest idea what Jason does in his spare time aside from babs and dick is so butthurt he wasn’t invited (not pictured: nightwing outside the bingo hall window looking in look a kicked puppy while jason flips him off)
(this is my first comic pls be nice it’s just a sketch)
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oifaaa · 4 months ago
It's funny how opinions can change over time for instance I used to want Bruce to be a good parent but then I realised how fucking boring that is to read at the end of the day comics are soap operas and I'm here for the drama
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months ago
Alfred gets sick of Bruce breaking and losing stuff on patrol so he gets a label maker and starts naming items after the kids
Alfred: I got you a new phone, just like you asked. Its name is Jason. Try not to let it die.
Bruce, tearing up: Why would you say that—
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breannasfluff · 6 months ago
“Tony’s Pizza delivery!” Danny knocks on a door and stands back slightly, waiting for the answer. Silence. He knocks again. “Pizza order! For…” he checks the box, “Rob!”
There’s the thud of footsteps behind the door, but it doesn’t open. It’s like someone walked right up to it and is waiting. The house itself has blacked-out windows and piles of trash on the lawn. Something about the situation feels…off.
Danny pulls out the taser, which he usually keeps in his pocket. The other hand tightens slightly on the pizza box. He doesn’t go intangible, not yet, but his powers bubble around his core, ready at a moment’s notice.
The door swings open. There’s a gun pointed at his face. 
Acting on instinct more than thought, Danny snaps the taser forward and presses the button when it meets the man’s arm. There’s a roar of pain and the gun is dropped. 
Keeping a hold of the taser, Danny drops the pizza box on the steps. “You owe us payment next time you order thank you goodbye!”
He bolts, grabbing the bike and wheeling it next to him instead of jumping on it. Pulling on intangibility it spreads to the bike as well. As soon as he’s around the corner, Danny goes invisible. His heart is hammering against his chest and all he wants to do is curl into himself. 
Still, he keeps a hold of the bike–no good if it suddenly pops into existence–and breathes through his panic. The taser worked. Sure, he didn’t get paid, but he also didn’t get shot. If Tony’s upset, Danny will ask him to take the cost out of his wages. 
After another few minutes of breathing exercises–thank you Jazz–he’s settled enough to flicker back to visibility and bike back to the shop. 
Tony glances up at him when he enters and does a double take. “What happened, kid?”
“Didn’t get payment for the pizza. Sorry.”
The owner’s eyes narrow. “This wouldn't happen to be because someone pointed a gun at you, would it?”
Laughter is not what he expects. Tony just grins at him. “Kid, I just got a call saying the delivery boy had a taser he wasn’t afraid to use and skedaddled without payment.”
Danny winces, waiting for the beratement. 
“Rob gave you a five-star review. Said it’s the smartest move he’s seen in a while. Paid over the phone for once. You’re good, kid.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Do people often answer the door for pizza while holding a gun?”
A shoulder shrug. “Around here, it’s more common than you’d think. But if you think you’re in danger, you act to protect yourself, got it? The pizza shop will recover if someone decides to order elsewhere. Besides,” and Tony’s grin edges on feral, “they don’t get many other choices.”
Crime Alley residents, Danny decides, are a rare breed of people.
Read the rest here!
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