#language learning for students
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mylanguageclasses · 1 month ago
The Best Time of the Day to Study a Language for Maximum Retention
Learning a new language is an exciting journey, but it can also be challenging. One of the most common questions language learners ask is: When is the best time to study for maximum retention? The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all, but science and expert advice can help you find the perfect time to optimize your learning. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ideal times to study a language, backed…
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h0n3ym00n333 · 3 months ago
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coffee + ancient greek ˖˚⊹ ꣑ৎ‎ (or pics from study sessions that i never posted)
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ros3ybabe · 1 year ago
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🎀 Hobbies 🎀
I feel as tho I don't have much time to do things besides school, work, some chores, and survive right now, but I've been thinking about some hobbies I enjoy and would like to incorporate into my life when I decide to make the time without burning out!
Reading - I used to be big on reading just about any books I could get my hands on. Then I was really focused on reading self help, and now that I haven't been reading at all, I've been thinking about getting back into reading. Always looking for book recommendations, and I do have my eye on some books I'd like to purchase.
Gardening - if I had the time and space, I'd love to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden. It always makes me happy when the fruits of my efforts come to life, so tending to plants and gardening sounds super fun and relaxing.
Video Games - I used to play video games on and off, but I wouldn't mind owning a PS4 or a Switch and spending some time playing video games whenever I'd want time to wind down.
Cooking/Baking - I love learning things, and the sense of pride I've gotten in the past when receiving praise for things I've cooked or baked has really driven me to want to increase my skill. I've only baked something from scratch once in my life, but I'd really like to expand my skills in making desserts.
Exercise - I'm talking all forms of it! Dancing, martial arts/kickboxing type activities, yoga, pilates, running, swimming, spin/cycling, weight lifting (again), calisthenics, all of it! I don't currently look like the exercise type but I find various forms of movement to be so fun! If I had more time, I'd be trying new things all the time!
Volunteer work - This is something I used to do all the time, and it's a hobby that I enjoyed that kept me humble. Not only that, but I thoroughly enjoy showing kindness and compassion to others. Making a difference in anuwau brings me so much joy, and I love meeting new people and learning their stories. I also would love to volunteer with animals, because they deserve so much love and affection too!
Drawing/Art - I used to draw for fun but when I started college, I didn't have the time to devote to continuously increasing my art skills. I still own a sketch kit, coloring materials, and several sketchbooks so it really is a matter of having time.
Crochet - The thought of making things that I can gift to others seriously makes me so excited!! Crochet seems like such a fun, crafty, relaxing activity and the added fun of gifting those crafts to others would make it so fun!!
Scrapbooking - I don't know if I'd ever do this one, but I do Ike the idea of keeping my memories in a physical space, and not just in like pictures on my phone.
Learning - if school wasn't crazy busy, I'd spend all my time learning languages (ASL, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Italian, etc), computer coding skills, how to make and do certain things, just anything I can do to keep my mind enriched.
Upcycling/Altering Clothes - I would love to upcycle or alter articles of clothes into more personalized pieces for myself. The thought of having a personalized, hand made closet full of clothes makes me really want to buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it to my advantage!
That's all I can think of for now that I'd like to someday incorporate into my life. Having hobbies is always so fun, but I've been so busy and tired that I don't mess with any of the hobbies I'd want to do. If anyone has any tips for time management, or resources for beginning new hobbies, please let me know!!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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caramelcuppaccino · 8 months ago
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if love and hate are the same words i love you german, if love and hate are the same words i hate you german<3
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indianabonez · 1 year ago
accommodations i’ve had approved as an autistic college student
helloooo today i finally had a meeting with the disability office and have accommodations after 2 years of being in college without them. im autistic and have cptsd/dissociative issues and had a hard time finding what was even available to me to request for accommodations so i wanted to make a list to help anyone else who might be having trouble.
• Priority registration
i get to register for classes earlier each term to make sure i can create schedules that’ll work for my routine
• Extended time on assignments
self explanatory i think? was also offered extended time on tests or a separate room to take them but testing isnt where i struggle
• Flexible attendance
as long as i email beforehand i dont have to stick as strictly to professors attendance policies
• Alternative formats
if i buy a physical textbook i can request the ebook/pdf/audiobook for free to have multiple methods of studying depending on what works for me on a given day
• Note taking
allowed to audio record class and send to a service called messenger pigeon who will give me a transcript of the class and professional notes based on it
• Access to lecture notes
able to access professors lecture notes prior to class/instruction
• Devices
allowed to have phone/ipad/laptop for social buffering and notes in classes that may have policies against electronics
• Flexible participation
no cold calling, option to work alone for group projects/assignments, not required to present in front of class
if anyone has any questions lmk these are just what i have been able to get at my school so far! hope it helps
edit: this is blowing up so fellow autistics, students, language nerds, etc pls be my mutual i want friends lol my dms are also open any time !!
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mochayoubi · 9 months ago
one of my students shared this cool website where you can drill yourself on japanese conjugations: link
i looked at it myself and you can mess with options to choose if you want verbs, adjectives, which conjugations you want to practice, if you want furigana, etc. there's a bunch of stuff
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thedungeonbat · 3 months ago
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grammar practise
Another day another round of studying croatian. I found a different workbook online which not only covers the grammar rules but also provides practise questions. The solutions from the book were incorrect (their translations didn’t match the sentences + vocabulary at all) but I’m still quite glad to have found a few practise tasks :)! I worked on translating and creating present tenses of verbs - so far so good. + I had this absolutely incredible tasting apple pie🥧
Now onto: studying math, (finally) filling out the application for my final exams
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amanufacturedheaven · 1 year ago
Rare Language Learning: Polari
If you have ever used the words:
- Naff
- Butch
- Camp
You have unknowingly been speaking the sociolect known as Polari, the language of queer people primarily used in the 30s to the 70s. Polari is now an endangered language, as labelled by the University of Cambridge
Something of note: Many resources out there imply (or state) that Polari was a language invented and used solely by white cis gay men, which is decidedly untrue. Many words of Polari come from drag culture, lesbians, and the Romani people and their language. The use of ‘the language of British gay men’ may be a more palatable title to the general public, but it is not to me. I did my best to curate a variety of resources, but unfortunately much of queer history has been lost many more decades than I’ve been alive, if you have any other resources for studying Polari I would love to read them, message me or leave a link in the replies.
Learn Polari, the Secret Language of the Gays ⚢ Out Magazine
Polari: The code language gay men used to survive ⚢ BBC
Polari and the Hidden History of Gay Seafarers ⚢ National Museums Liverpool
The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language ⚢ Fabulosa!
Polari People ⚢ Fabulosa!
Polari: a language born from prejudice ⚢ Englishpanish
The secretive gay language that gave LGBTQ people a voice ⚢ GAYTIMES
A brief history of Polari: the curious after-life of the dead language for gay men ⚢ The Conversation
Study Material
The Polari Bible ⚢ Internet Archive
Fantabulosa: A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang ⚢ Internet Archive
Sociolinguistics / Polari ⚢ StudySmarter
FlashCards ⚢ Quizlet
New Polari Translator ⚢ LingoJam
Polari: A sociohistorical study of the life and decline of a secret language. ⚢ Dissertation, University of Manchester
Polari: a language born from prejudice ⚢ Englishpanish
Simon Bowkett: a short blog in Polari for LGBT+ History Month ⚢ Civil Service LGBT+ Network
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vivicantstudy · 6 months ago
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30 Of My favorites Compliments in Japanese to Praise Artists and Their Work
I love complimenting artists; I like them to know that their work is always amazing, and I enjoy motivating them. Since I started creating pixel art, I have become very close to Japanese artists and realized that it is much easier to compliment them in Japanese, as it seems to make them feel more comfortable! That’s why I put together a list of compliments! Feel free to use them and correct me!
1. 素晴らしい作品ですね。 (Subarashii sakuhin desu ne.)
“It’s a wonderful piece of work.”
2. とても感動しました。 (Totemo kandō shimashita.)
“I was very moved.”
3. あなたの才能に驚かされます。 (Anata no sainō ni odorokasaremasu.)
“I am amazed by your talent.”
4. 色使いが本当に綺麗ですね。 (Irozukai ga hontō ni kirei desu ne.)
“The use of colors is really beautiful.”
5. 細部まで丁寧に描かれていますね。 (Saibu made teinei ni kakareteimasu ne.)
“The details are drawn so carefully.”
6. ユニークなスタイルですね。 (Yunīku na sutairu desu ne.)
“You have a unique style.”
7. 本当に才能がありますね。 (Hontō ni sainō ga arimasu ne.)
“You truly have talent.”
8. 見ていてとても楽しいです。 (Miteite totemo tanoshii desu.)
“It’s very enjoyable to look at.”
9. 構図が素晴らしいです。 (Kōzu ga subarashii desu.)
“The composition is amazing.”
10. こんな作品を作れるなんて信じられません。 (Konna sakuhin o tsukureru nante shinjiraremasen.)
“I can’t believe you can create such a piece.”
11. とても独創的ですね。 (Totemo dokusōteki desu ne.)
“It’s very creative.”
12. あなたの作品はいつもインスピレーションを与えてくれます。 (Anata no sakuhin wa itsumo insupirēshon o ataete kuremasu.)
“Your work always gives me inspiration.”
13. 表現力が豊かですね。 (Hyōgenryoku ga yutaka desu ne.)
“Your expressive power is remarkable.”
14. 見るたびに新しい発見があります。 (Miru tabi ni atarashī hakken ga arimasu.)
“I discover something new every time I look at it.”
15. あなたの作品には心がこもっていますね。 (Anata no sakuhin ni wa kokoro ga komotteimasu ne.)
“Your work has so much heart in it.”
16. あなたの作品には魂が宿っています。 (Anata no sakuhin ni wa tamashī ga yadotteimasu.)
“Your artwork has a soul in it.”
17. 発想力がすごいですね。 (Hassōryoku ga sugoi desu ne.)
“Your creativity is amazing.”
18. あなたのスタイルはとても独特です。 (Anata no sutairu wa totemo dokutoku desu.)
“Your style is very distinctive.”
19. 作品に強いメッセージ性を感じます。 (Sakuhin ni tsuyoi messe-ji sei o kanjimasu.)
“I feel a strong message in your work.”
20. この作品を見ると、何かを感じずにはいられません。 (Kono sakuhin o miru to, nanika o kanjizu ni wa iraremasen.)
“I can’t help but feel something when I look at this piece.”
21. あなたの作品を見ていると、とても幸せな気持ちになります。 (Anata no sakuhin o miteiru to, totemo shiawase na kimochi ni narimasu.)
“Looking at your work makes me feel very happy.”
22. どの作品も心に響きます。 (Dono sakuhin mo kokoro ni hibikimasu.)
“Every piece of your work resonates with my heart.”
23. この作品の雰囲気がとても好きです。 (Kono sakuhin no fun’iki ga totemo suki desu.)
“I really like the atmosphere of this piece.”
24. あなたのアートはとても洗練されています。 (Anata no āto wa totemo senren sareteimasu.)
“Your art is very refined.”
25. この作品からインスピレーションをたくさんもらいました。 (Kono sakuhin kara insupirēshon o takusan moraimashita.)
“I received a lot of inspiration from this piece.”
26. あなたの技術は素晴らしいです。 (Anata no gijutsu wa subarashii desu.)
“Your technique is superb.”
27. これからの作品も楽しみにしています。 (Korekara no sakuhin mo tanoshimi ni shiteimasu.)
“I’m looking forward to your future works as well.”
28. 色彩の使い方がとても巧みですね。 (Shikisai no tsukaikata ga totemo takumi desu ne.)
“Your use of colors is very skillful.”
29. こんなに素晴らしい作品を見たことがありません。 (Konna ni subarashii sakuhin o mita koto ga arimasen.)
“I’ve never seen such an amazing piece of work.”
30. あなたの描くキャラクターはとても魅力的です。 (Anata no kaku kyarakutā wa totemo miryokuteki desu.)
“The characters you draw are very captivating.”
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Some observations made by my Japanese study friends!
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1. あなたの作品には魂が宿っています。
This phrase is correct, but it’s quite poetic. If you want a simpler expression:
あなたの作品には力強さを感じます。 (Anata no sakuhin ni wa chikarazuyosa o kanjimasu.)
“I feel strength in your work.”
2. 発想力がすごいですね。
Correct and commonly used.
3. あなたのスタイルはとても独特です。
Correct, but for a softer tone, you could say:
あなたのスタイルはとても個性的ですね。 (Anata no sutairu wa totemo koseiteki desu ne.)
“Your style is very unique and individual.”
4. 作品に強いメッセージ性を感じます。
Correct, but slightly formal. You could also say:
作品から強いメッセージを感じます。 (Sakuhin kara tsuyoi messe-ji o kanjimasu.)
“I feel a strong message from your work.”
5. この作品を見ると、何かを感じずにはいられません。
This phrase is fine, but can be made simpler:
この作品を見ると、心が動かされます。 (Kono sakuhin o miru to, kokoro ga ugokasaremasu.)
“When I look at this piece, my heart is moved.”
6. あなたの作品を見ていると、とても幸せな気持ちになります。
This is correct and conveys the intended meaning well.
7. どの作品も心に響きます。
Correct and natural.
8. この作品の雰囲気がとても好きです。
Correct and natural.
9. あなたのアートはとても洗練されています。
This is fine, but “アート” (āto) is a bit casual. Using 作品 (sakuhin) might be better for a more formal tone:
10. この作品からインスピレーションをたくさんもらいました。
This is correct. Another way to say it:
この作品にとても刺激を受けました。 (Kono sakuhin ni totemo shigeki o ukemashita.)
“I was very inspired by this piece.”
11. あなたの技術は素晴らしいです。
Correct and natural.
12. これからの作品も楽しみにしています。
Correct and natural.
13. 色彩の使い方がとても巧みですね。
Correct and suitable.
14. こんなに素晴らしい作品を見たことがありません。
Correct, but sounds slightly dramatic. A softer version:
こんな素敵な作品を見たことがないです。 (Konna sutekina sakuhin o mita koto ga nai desu.)
15. あなたの描くキャラクターはとても魅力的です。
Correct, but can be shortened for a more natural tone:
あなたのキャラクターは魅力的ですね。 (Anata no kyarakutā wa miryokuteki desu ne.)
16. あなたの作品には魂が宿っています。 (Anata no sakuhin ni wa tamashī ga yadotteimasu.)
Correct, but it’s quite poetic and intense. A simpler alternative could be:
あなたの作品には強い感情を感じます。 (Anata no sakuhin ni wa tsuyoi kanjō o kanjimasu.)
“I feel strong emotions in your work.”
17. 発想力がすごいですね。 (Hassōryoku ga sugoi desu ne.)
Correct and natural for complimenting creativity.
18. あなたのスタイルはとても独特です。 (Anata no sutairu wa totemo dokutoku desu.)
Correct, but “独特” (dokutoku) can be interpreted neutrally. For a more positive tone, use:
あなたのスタイルはとても個性的です。 (Anata no sutairu wa totemo koseiteki desu.)
“Your style is very unique and individual.”
19. 作品に強いメッセージ性を感じます。 (Sakuhin ni tsuyoi messe-ji sei o kanjimasu.)
Correct, but it can be simplified:
作品から強いメッセージを感じます。 (Sakuhin kara tsuyoi messe-ji o kanjimasu.)
“I feel a strong message from your work.”
20. この作品を見ると、何かを感じずにはいられません。 (Kono sakuhin o miru to, nanika o kanjizu ni wa iraremasen.)
Correct, but it’s a bit formal and literary. A simpler alternative could be:
この作品を見ると、心が動かされます。 (Kono sakuhin o miru to, kokoro ga ugokasaremasu.)
“When I look at this piece, my heart is moved.”
21. あなたの作品を見ていると、とても幸せな気持ちになります。 (Anata no sakuhin o miteiru to, totemo shiawase na kimochi ni narimasu.)
Correct and natural. No adjustments needed.
22. どの作品も心に響きます。 (Dono sakuhin mo kokoro ni hibikimasu.)
Correct and natural.
23. この作品の雰囲気がとても好きです。 (Kono sakuhin no fun’iki ga totemo suki desu.)
Correct and natural.
24. あなたのアートはとても洗練されています。 (Anata no āto wa totemo senren sareteimasu.)
Correct, but the word “アート” (āto) is a bit casual. Using “作品” (sakuhin) might be more appropriate for a formal tone:
“Your work is very refined.”
25. この作品からインスピレーションをたくさんもらいました。 (Kono sakuhin kara insupirēshon o takusan moraimashita.)
Correct. Another way to say it:
この作品にとても刺激を受けました。 (Kono sakuhin ni totemo shigeki o ukemashita.)
“I was very inspired by this piece.”
26. あなたの技術は素晴らしいです。 (Anata no gijutsu wa subarashii desu.)
Correct and natural.
27. これからの作品も楽しみにしています。 (Korekara no sakuhin mo tanoshimi ni shiteimasu.)
Correct and natural.
28. 色彩の使い方がとても巧みですね。 (Shikisai no tsukaikata ga totemo takumi desu ne.)
Correct and suitable.
29. こんなに素晴らしい作品を見たことがありません。 (Konna ni subarashii sakuhin o mita koto ga arimasen.)
Correct, but it sounds slightly dramatic. A softer version would be:
こんな素敵な作品を見たことがないです。 (Konna sutekina sakuhin o mita koto ga nai desu.)
“I’ve never seen such a wonderful piece.”
30. あなたの描くキャラクターはとても魅力的です。 (Anata no kaku kyarakutā wa totemo miryokuteki desu.)
Correct, but can be shortened for a more natural tone:
あなたのキャラクターは魅力的ですね。 (Anata no kyarakutā wa miryokuteki desu ne.)
“Your characters are captivating.”
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This list was quite a bit of work to make, but it was very fun! I would appreciate it if you shared it! Thank yoooooou!
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expiationist · 9 months ago
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been trying to visit new coffee shops since its my last month in japan —
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sudaca-swag · 11 months ago
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criminales malandristicas
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h0n3ym00n333 · 3 months ago
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once again studying at the library ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ i literally had a dream about ancient greek grammar last night, i can't make this stuff up😭
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ros3ybabe · 3 months ago
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ToDo *Dec 15, 2024
I have some stuff I've been putting off, so I figured I'd make a todo list and be productive today. Some of it is little mundane tasks, some of it are larger things I've been procrastinating.
wash makeup brushes + sponges
research summer internship opportunities
put away laundry
plan language studies for this week (when, where, and what)
clean out backpack + old stuff from this last semester
make list of calls to make + emails to send tomorrow
do a digital declutter on iPad + chromebook
rewrite my personal budget for when I return to work
work in journal/workbook for 2025
read at least 2 chapters of a book
maybe practice crochet
hopefully I do at least half this list today, I'm feeling a little tired so we shall see. Will update tonight and restart my daily check ins as well!
til later lovelies 🩷
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caramelcuppaccino · 10 months ago
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the last two weeks of may.
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asyastudieskorean · 4 months ago
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11.29.2024 — 해피 금요일 여러분! Discussion is done, now ten pages of textbook 숙제, then a listening quiz. Let’s get to it! 화이팅~!
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thedungeonbat · 3 months ago
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present tense verbs + masculine/neutral words
Guess who gave up on studying math (for now). I spent most of my day reading. In the end I read 5 articles on the anti ai and modern luddite movement and 60 pages in my book. After a longer break to eat dinner I continued studying croatian. Today consisted of translating sentences (which was quite hard because I was lacking the needed vocabulary) and writing flashcards for present verb tense, masculine and neutral word endings :)
Screentime: 1h (who am I and what have I done to Finn?)🦦
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