#jason just vibing the entire time
doraambrose · 8 months
I feel like Jason todd being a "brick" or super bulky is only half true. I feel like he definitely has more muscle than anyone else (except Bruce), but he has to still be somewhat light to do some of the tricks he does. Like Dick is obviously skinnier because he's more acrobatic and agile than strong and I've always kind of headcannoned that Tim is just one of those people who struggles to gain weight or muscle. So yeah, Jason is going to have more muscle than them. But, I feel like, and correct me if I'm wrong, but too much extra muscle or weight would slow him down and make it harder to do some of the stuff he's done. Like, he's an agile dude. Like some of the stunts he does in Under the Red hood :
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And he seems to be light enough on his feet to sneak up on people:
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I know there's other examples but that requires some digging I don't have time for at the moment.
I'm still not entirely sure where DC writers got it in their heads that Jason was the bulky stupid one, but it gives me classist vibes tbh. I mean, even through the entirety of under the red hood, he was sneaky, cunning, clever, etc. Anyway, that's a little off topic. I'm trying to say that Jason has more muscle than the majority of the batfam but not a bodybuilder Brickhouse block kind of dude.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Something fanon gets wrong
Dick Grayson is genuinely one of the greatest fighters in all of DC.
I know people have trouble believing this for some reason but a man who has defeated every single one of his enemies, other people’s enemies, and has consistently come out on top should have his abilities talked about a bit more because they’re amazing.
Let's start small to big. Firstly Donna talks about Nightwing's abilities.
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When I read this I was confused by what she meant. Prowess means skill or expertise and that makes sense but Dick has a lot of power behind him though...
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And then I realized she meant metaphysical power.
Dick isn't a magician. He can't run at supersonic speeds, throw buildings, speak to animals, communicate with the dark, fly above the clouds, bounce bullets off his chest (Oh, wait. He can do it off his ass instead never mind), turn into animals, or other amazing abilities. But his skill is so high that he is easily able to keep up with people who can.
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M'gann, the white martian with extraordinary capabilities, tells Dick, "You are just a human, with no superpowers, yet you have consistently excelled throughout your career, despite being surrounded by godlike beings."
This is incredible.
We see Dick leading teams of superheroes and metas all the time and we take it for granted but we never acknowledge the immense power and skill he must have for him to be able to do this.
Repeatedly. Time after time. He outsmarts both his human allies and outfights his meta ones.
One of Dick’s greatest OP moments is when he takes down the entire Titans team -Gar, Raven, Donna, and Jason too when he hung around with them- single handedly. And when Jason put a gun to the back of his head in supposed victory, Dick opened his hand to let the golden bullets fall, gleaming in the light with the coldest line, “with these bullets?”
We all know how amazing Bruce is, but Dick is on Bruce's level.
Okay, here's the evidence.
Dick has fought Azael in a sword fight to a standstill when Azael has beaten Bruce separately and Tim and Jason combined.
He has defeated Ra's in a sword fight and Ra's is one of the greatest swordsmen.
Sometimes he doesn't even need a sword to defeat a skilled swordsman.
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He's a League of Assassins member and we all know that anyone from the League of Assassins is never just good. They're excellent. The entire fight Dick is looking for Blockbuster and he's so capable and good at fighting the entire scene was like watching Thanos flick Captain America away vibes. He's not even looking at him when he smashes his foot into Shrike's face!
Most importantly, he has defeated Deathstroke
The greatest thing about Dick is he is able to defeat Slade at the peak of Slade's abilities. Slade doesn't need to be weakened for Dick to win.
Here's where people has some hesitance accepting Dick's abilities.
"Bruce has defeated Slade but Dick has never been able to!"
He literally has in Dark Crisis but I'll give you the lead up.
Dick can easily disarm Slade.
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He can predict Slade's moves ahead of time and properly counteract them.
He can go toe to toe with him and in one comic, they dance down a hallway, fighting, neither able to get the upper hand. The mercenary meta, considered by the US Government to be 1 of 2 greatest assassins (the other being Katana) isn't able to pin down and defeat a 20 year old despite his enhancements.
I left out the scene where Dick twisting Deathstroke's arm and smashing his face into a bedroom mirror despite being complete weaponless and in his civilian identity. No protection and no support. But it's another example of how Dick's poweress is much greater than people expect of him.
Of course there are panels where Dick has been defeated by Slade but Dick isn't 17/18 anymore. He isn't learning to fight without Batman hovering over his side.
Also there is a panel everyone references to when talking about Nigthwing losing to Deathstroke. This one.
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"Close the hold, you morons! Close the--Guuk!"
That's Slade talking by the way. To his allies. Who do you think made him "GUUK!"?
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And here they were evenly matched.
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But Slade had to pull out bombs he had been saving for when other people came in order to defeat dICK AND HE STILL LOST BECAUSE DICK BESTED HIM.
Yup. Dick is just that good.
Nightwing defeated Bane
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Before you go into saying something like "it was a holographic construction." What the fuck difference does that make? Does a holographic construction alter the strength used by the enemy, change their fighting style, phase through when fighting, act dumber than the real deal? No, right? The fact is Dick broke Bane's back the exact same manner that Bane broke Batman's. All those scenes of Bane punching Nightwing around? Let me remind you that the guy snuck up on Dick. The second time Dick underestimated Bane's powers before getting ready to put in real effort before Batman interfered to take Bane for himself.
All those amazing scenes of him defeating enemies that we've scoffed at recently? They're just a continuation of what already is written. It's not new or unbelievable, it's expected.
Here's my final point. Dick has defeated all of the Justice League's enemies in one go.
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This is Batman/Superman comic where Kara gets infected so Dick as Batman sends her to the medbay while he tears down the Watchtower to save her. As in every single defense mechanism the Watchtower has, he demolishes it with his pure skill and abilities. Furthermore, the Watchtower defenses were enhanced by cyborg Superman to be lethal. To kill on sight.
Just. Phenomenal.
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He did it! He defeated all of them and made it to the electronic controls he was aiming for.
Another thing I want to point is Dick's strength is greater than what people assume it to be.
He's the world's greatest acrobrat and has a build fitting of that but the strength he packs in his body is equal to that of a meta. Maybe it's because of how he only fights with metas and has teammates that are all metas but he has raised his striking power to equal that.
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He shatters cyborg superman in one blow.
He can handle blows from meta humans in a way most others can't which suggests to me that he must've done some kind of training or have maybe increased pain tolerance or have the ability to backseat the pain so it won't affect his fighting. How many can take a hit and rise up the next second?
He's not metahuman. Batman must've done several tests because he also was amazed by robin Dick's poweress lol but really Dick is just extraordinary. Give him any enemy and he will garaunteed defeat them without using cheap tricks or surprise moves which is why he is one of the greatest. The only time people have gotten an upperhand on him is when he has been emotionally weakened. Emotionally. Imagine the absolute monster he would be if he controlled his emotions like Batman.
But I would never want him to though because his emotions are the reason why he's the light of DC.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
There’s the hc that Tim used to follow the bats around as a child, right? Well, I js had a cracky idea regarding that:
being the weirdo he is, baby!tim probably wanted to have a concrete fake identity, right? so what if he cosplayed as an alley kid to keep away the muggers? what if he had a specific garb that he wore every night? what if that specific garb was an obnoxiously bright red hoodie that slowly dirtied over time?
and what if the Crime Alley Residents started recognizing him walking around everywhere?
Crime Alley Resident #1: “the alley kid with the camera twice the size of his face…”
Resident #2: “the one in the red hoodie?”
eventually, “the one in the red hoodie” shortens to “red hoodie” and then maybe “red hood.”
soon enough, the entire alley treats him like an urban legend or a neighborhood stray cat.
but then he disappears.
and then a few years later, the “Red Hood” pops up. at first, the residents assume that their Red Hoodie went through some shit and came back for them, but it becomes glaringly clear that he’s not the same kid. he doesn’t even take the usual treats from their windowsills! so the whole alley is pissed at the goofy theatre kid trying to commit identity theft.
(p.s. if Joker Junior happens in this AU, “Red Hoodie” would be a good reason Joker kidnaps Tim. I imagine Joker would be pissed that his old name was being used on some kid)
Yes!!!! The layers of this is beautiful.
I do like the JJ addition as well. The hilarious part of this would be Red Hood breaking into TT to confront Robin. Tim is just glaring at him and huffs. "Red Hood was my mantle! You're not even doing half the responsibilities of it."
Now Jason has to grapple with the fact that he stole Tim's other ID and is somehow doing worse at it.
A great addition is Tim trying to throw the Robin role back at Jason because he wants his OG one back (Bruce is a pain in the ass as well. Tim did not sign up for a parent, and Jason could just go home).
The fic "The Kid" by siren_of_the_ocean doesn't have Jason, but similar vibes.
"The Kid in Crime Alley" by faithms is another great one!!!
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aingeal98 · 1 month
Stephcass long fic recs
Brought to you by me realizing if you filter the stephcass tag by 20k or larger fics and then by kudos, the first 20+ fics are all not steph or cass centric despite the tag. So I went through the tag myself to actually get the stephcass fics.
These Small Hours series by Hinn_Raven - Starting off with one of my fave fics of all time. Steph-centric trans!Stephanie fic and the stephcass throughout this entire series is solid.
Meet Me Where You're Going by Hinn_Raven - Where would we as a fandom be without Hinn_Raven. Stephcass fic set after Bruce came back from being dead, and how the two of them work things out after the canon tons of miscommunication, running away and you know. A death or two.
she does pretty well with fiends from hell by Hinn_Raven WHERE WOULD STEPHCASS NATION BE WITHOUT HINN RAVEN. Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU where Steph is the vampire slayer and Cass is.... well you gotta read to find out :D
uptown girl - In a world where Jason didn't die, it's a different take on how Steph became Spoiler. What I really love about this fic is how real and lived in Gotham is through Steph's eyes. It feels like an actual city instead of just a machine spewing out supervillains.
Enigmas of Family by Apathetic_Abstract_Apotheosis - A young Spoiler Steph agrees to take a summer internship with the Riddler to help her mom pay the bills, and things spiral from there. WIP but fun so far!
The Haunting of Wayne Manor by Nokomis - Really cool gothic horror stephcass AU, where Steph gets a job at Wayne Manor being Damian's governess and Cass is her usual spooky self but with added historical gothic vibes.
Leaving Gotham by brokenmimir - AU where Cass's fight with Babs in Batgirl 2000 happens before Bruce fires her. Steph finds out Cass has been fired and together they decide to run away and become heroes elsewhere.
Girls Against God by cookiesncrows - An AU where Kate ends up living with Cass and Steph during Batgirls. On indefinite hiatus.
BONUS: The Robin Remonstration by waterunderthebridge12 A Jason and Cass fic with only minor stephcass but this person writes the best goofy fic batfam I've ever seen like it's what fanon SHOULD be and the entire series is wonderful but this installment was pure delight to me.
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p0ssym1lker · 1 year
Danny going on vacation in the DC universe but only if he promises to stay in gotham one day a week.
Easy, he just sleeps that entire day so he has more energy for the rest of the week, so he takes the form of a cat and naps
The first week selina finds him, gets the vibe of adoption™ from him and takes him in, Danny wakes up and leaves selina a little bit heartbroken but okay
Next week Damian finds him, takes him in and alfred the cat fucking loves that new cat so Damian thinks he did a great job. Both the cat and the boy are heartbroken when he leaves.
Third week is Jason time, after that Harley Quinn, then the Riddler, just Danny vibin with the entirety of gotham
Until one day someone shares a picture of him as "newly adopted" online and the rest of gotham freak out because hey! That's their kitty??
But then some other city's speak up that they saw Danny/the cat first
Just the gut wrenching knowledge that Danny has the highest stats in "adopt me" and no one is special in picking him up
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
So I am rotating the batfamily, but not like, civilian or vigilante. I am slowly rotating them all having a Malone-sona of sorts that is their in to organized crime.
Like you can't tell me people wouldn't start noticing this family that the bats, the literal cryptids and monsters of Gotham, don't even touch and lets continue to operate despite taking the older crime families apart.
And to Gotham that screams power.
Alfred = Albert “Old Al” Malone I wanna say that he doesn't go out as 'Old Al' often, but gives off Godfather sort of vibes. Usually sitting there with an old cane (that definitely has a sword, they're all dramatic like that lol) half in the dark with a cup of tea or other drink. He gets to stretch his acting skills and honestly the kids definitely had a say in the persona. Old Al is something they all made together and they have fun implying so much fun shit.
Kate = Mary “Madam” Malone She definitely gives off 'snap your spine over her knee if not for the fact it would get your blood all over her clothes' vibes. Stylized nails, hair up in fishtail braids or ponytails or whatever, looks like she could tear out ones throat and they'd thank her. It's a running gag that she's in finances, even if no one in the underbelly believes it.
Bruce = “Matches” Malone I mean, it's classic Matches (though most probably assume that Matches isn't his real name) who seems rather chill until someone breaks the rules. Gives off vibes that he doesn't usually get his own hands dirty but will do so to make a point, and enjoy doing it. He sometimes uses Matches to check in on places he can't as a shadowy cryptid, and it's not like the lower income areas would fully trust Brucie Wayne.
Barbara = Madison “Maddie” Malone Now let's be honest, Barbara enjoys messing with people, she enjoys knowing every little thing as Oracle, and she definitely does that as Maddie. The thing is, no one knows how she learns about things, other criminals search for a traitor, for a leak, for anything, and get nothing. Which is utterly terrifying. Because there has to be some sort of information network, there has to be. And somehow they're so good that they're indistinguishable to any others.
Dick = Micheal “Mikey” Malone Honestly Dick uses this chance to get into a bunch of fights just for fun. Flirts a bit more freely but doesn't really have an interest in actually getting with someone. Just has funs and is known for throwing his own parties that usually end in free-for-all brawls. He absolutely loves being able to have parties that are the opposite of galas he's usually dragged into.
Cass = Molly Malone She's quiet and graceful, but she takes it to unnerving levels as Molly. Looks slim but carries guns on her at all time to better differentiate between Cassandra Wayne, Black Bat, and Molly Malone. Everyone knows if you need a weapon, guns, meelee, whatever, she's the one you go to. Gotham help you if you cross her though.
Jason = Peter “Petey” Malone Where Molly Malone goes, everyone knows Petey will be there as well. Jason absolutely adores the time he gets to do so, it's his turn to be silent and dramatic. Everyone can recognize the jagged scar over his neck, they can recognize it from corpses the Bats have gotten their talons on. Honestly he's delighted in being able to be Cass' enforcer of sorts and just have a good fight. Even if he complains about how making his Malone mute makes it where he can't quote Shakespeare like he wants to.
Steph = “Mia” Malone Ah yes, the explosive Malone. The one who has more arson charges than Firefly. Or at least she would if she was caught, but the entire Underbelly knows it was her. Steph is living her best life being able to pull all sorts of pranks and crazy shit and takes several ideas from Harley. Honestly she probably smells like gasoline or smoke all the time, and definitely put glitter in her hair. Maybe even has red hair as a Malone as well.
Tim = Alvin “Al” Malone He still goes by Alvin Draper too, which results in half the underbelly thinking that Draper is his middle name. Honestly he's having the best time, everyone knows to come to him for forgeries and less than legal identities, which he loves to create. I mean just look at how many new identities he creates for himself alone. He enjoys this type of thing, and hey, it's so easy to keep track of whose identity is fake when you're the one who made them. Plus it also lets him do good for those on the run for good reasons, a way to make sure people are safe.
Duke = Dennis “Denny” Malone Everyone knows Denny was adopted, but y'know what, I bet they don't care. And you know Duke is utterly insane, like jump off a bridge to escape the cops and create the We are Robin gang insane. And he gets to play that up as Denny. He will put forth the most batshit ideas and actually pull them off. I bet he uses his future-sight to cheat at different games and pool tables and all sorts of things, but no one can ever prove it. Because there is no proof, and the other people playing just has to deal with it.
Damian = “Mini M” Malone The little baby of the family, who everyone knows the older Malones absolutely dote over. This is his chance to act like an actual child, just with a hint of art theft. Hey, it wasn't like they got it legally either, so it's free game, especially if they weren't taking proper care of the art or a pet. He's just pleased to get to have even more pets, and that Goliath his demon dragon-bat gets to go on walkies.
Jarro = Jadan “Lil J” Malone Now Jarro is delighted to have a third mech, and is even more delighted for people to believe Damian (or technically M jr) and him are twins. Gives off someone is going to die- of fun with Mini M, and honestly enjoys being able to use his natural telepathy to be a small horror movie child that knows too much. Like will stare up at someone with wide eyes covered in blood and the others in Gotham's underbelly still aren't sure if the blood was his or someone elses. (it was neither)
Honestly I might write a oneshot or something for the Cryptid Batfam focusing on just them as the Malones family.
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caramelcleopatraa · 6 months
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word count: 3.3k
x: finals are coming up, so i'm gonna be very busy, but i'm still writing y'all (this is the most consistent i've been lol) (excuse any errors of course) Hope you guys enjoyyy! leave comments... please. I love your comments.
content: Imani has a crush on Roman. Their friend group goes on live and her secret comes to the light. She thought that she was going to be rejected and move on, but things never go the way people expect. Roman Reigns x Imani, 18+ MDNI, oral (m recieving), cowg!rl, creamp!e
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Imani loved weekend kickbacks. Time to chillax with her favorite people, and get her mind off of things. It was moments like these she waited for. Drinks and joints in rotation, and endless fun for hours to come. Jimmy, Jey, Roman, Trinity Talia, and Imani. She wishes that she was only thinking about the good vibes that circulated in the atmosphere, but she was focused on something else. It wasn’t like she was necessarily trying to focus on Roman, but it was inevitable when she could see him so clearly from the kitchen. She knew that having a crush on him could possibly mess up the bond that the group has, but he was so gravitating, He was perfect in her eyes. She basically textbook described him when Trinity and Talia asked her to describe her dream man: Tall, muscular, sweet, absurdly attractive, charismatic, humorous, dedicated. God, she could go on to name every single one of his attributes that she loved. She tried to brush it off as a mistake at first, but there was no part about this that was a mistake. He had a tight grip on her, and he wasn't even aware. She wonders what would happen if he felt the same way. If those pretty brown eyes she daydreamed about would reciprocate the love she was anxiously waiting to give him. She could only imagine all of the things she could do for him, to him, and provide him. If she had him all to herself, how they would spend their nights alone. How it would feel to be wrapped in his embrace. How it would feel to get lost in him between the sheets for hours, and repeat it again the next day. If she had him all to herself.
“WE GETTIN TURNT!” Talia raised her glass in the air and yelled out to her viewers, watching her through the small rectangular frame. Jimmy came around the corner with uno cards in his hands as the six of us gathered around the table. Roman, Trinity, or Jey would pop into the frame to answer a couple of questions while Jimmy shuffles the cards and Imani gathers multiple bottles to bring to the table. “Mani! They have some questions for you!” Imani joins her party, sitting the bottles on the table and scanning through the comments.
‘Do you get to go backstage with the bloodline?’
“Yes! It's amazing, I'm not gonna lie.”
‘Please do a makeup tutorial!’
“Maybe, I don't have a youtube channel.”
‘Seen any guys that have caught your eye?’
“A couple, but they ain’t nothin’ important.”
“Oh word?” Talia and Trinity both look at her with curious faces, but Imani just giggles and goes back to answering questions. 
“Ooh this is a good one. Kiss, marry, fuck: Jason Momoa, Michael B. Jordan, and Roman Reigns,” Talia reads out loud. That question got everyone’s attention. Jimmy stopped fidgeting with the cards and Roman and Jey both put their phones down impatient for her answer. “Well?” Talia was definitely setting her up, and she could feel it. Thank god for her brown skin that covered her fastly spreading blush. “Do I have to answer this?” “Yes, you do. I'm intrigued now,” Trinity says, as Imani quickly takes a double take at the entire table to see them all staring at her. She sighs before surrendering and thinking hard about the question.
“I’ll… kiss… Michael B. Jordan, fuck Jason Momoa, and marry Roman Reigns.” She instantly regretted answering the question before Trinity pried at Imani to get out more information that everyone was itching to know. “Hmm, why marry Roman?” She quickly swiped her drink off of the table and took a long sip, hiding her face. In all honesty, she wanted to say that it was the easiest choice, but that would only make her sound suspicious. And that was not a conversation that she wanted to have in front of quite literally everyone. “I'm not interested in the other guys like that.” “So you’re interested in Roman?” ‘Wait- wait! Noo that's not what I meant!’
“No, I just wouldn't marry the other two men. It’s not that deep Trin,” Imani says, a failed attempt at dismissing the conversation. “You’ve never gotten this defensive before… don’t tell me that you in your feelings.” She could see Talia smirking at the corner of her eyes. She knew she had to stop this fast. “You’re reaching Talia,” Imani says, laughing to herself. “Oooooh Imani wants the Tribal Chief, huh?” Never in her life had she ever been more embarrassed. “Jimmy, for the love of god, please start dealing the cards,” Imani says, covering her face, her words muffled by her hands. Everyone laughs, finding amusement in her nervousness. She anxiously waited for Jimmy to start dealing the cards so this moment could pass.
11:27 pm
Several rounds of uno and spades passed, and the guests were slowly starting to make their way out. She noticed Talia, Trinity, Jey, and Jimmy momentarily texting throughout the night, which would probably explain why the four of them were explaining the consequence of Imani losing a couple of rounds. “Sooooo we thought of something. Don’t be mad! It’s just a punishment for losing so much,” Talia says, sticking out her tongue. “Your punishment is that you have to ask Roman to fuck you.” ‘ASK ROMAN TO WHATT!?!?’
Her surprised face told them everything they needed to know. “You'll be fine. Uce will probably be down to fuck either way,” Jey says. Imani gave Talia a death glare, making Talia laugh. “You’re trippin’ girl. Just approach him with the right energy and make him want to stay with you. I guess this answers the question of if you have a crush on him or not.” Before she could defend herself, Roman walks in from the restroom and the four of them are gone in the blink of an eye. ‘These trifling’ heifers’
“Guess they all left. I should be on my way out then. Thank you for the food and dr-” She steps in front of him, stopping him from exiting out the front door. He looks at her with confusion. “You okay?” Her heart was beating fast. She didn't fully think out what she was going to do after she stepped in front of him, but it was now or never. 
“Fuck me.”
“F-fuck me.” She couldn't look him in the eye the second time. The pressure weighing on her shoulders was too much. But the thing that was racking her brain the most was how close they were. She felt like this was a disaster taking place in real time. She hears a soft chuckle, looking up to see him lightly smiling at her. “Was this your punishment for losing?” She nods, and his smile stays fixed on his face. “Do you want me to?” 
‘...did he say what I think he just said?’
Her mind is searching for an answer, a reason to say no. But she can't find any. As embarrassing and confusing this was, she had daydreamed about this moment. Maybe he was just being nice and would give her a quick fuck to fulfill the punishment. That idea became her leading thought. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomf-” “Do you want me to fuck you Imani?”
‘Shit he’s not joking.’
She slowly nods, which prompts him to lock the front door behind you. Her head was spinning, trying her hardest to maintain her composure. “Ask me again.”
“Fuck me, please,” She says nervously, eyes returning her shiny tile floors. “I don’t believe you sweetheart. Ask me again.” His hand gently grabs at her chin, making Imani look at him. Once they made eye contact, she knew that she was done for. She was already feeling weak from just looking at him. She took a deep breath before finally saying, “Please fuck me Roman.”
He wasted no time pulling her into a heated kiss. Not that she minded. This felt like a wonderful dream that she didn't want to wake up from. Only this wasn't a dream, it was real life. She finally got to feel the body that she had been drooling over. Right now, he was hers, and she was going to make the most of it. 
Her curious hands creeped along his captivating body while they explored each other’s mouths, dragging her hands up his torso from underneath his shirt. He pulled away from her soft lips to trail wet kisses from her cheek to her neck. “Not shy anymore huh?” She couldn't be shy. Her desire for him had completely taken over. “I really need you right now Roman,” She pants out. 
“Bedroom?” She nods and takes his hand in hers, leading the way to her bedroom. The sway of her hips only made Roman more aroused, as he silently admired her body from behind.
They enter her bedroom and she doesn't get a chance to close the door before being pulled into his arms again, temporarily hoisting her in the air to lay her on the spacious bed. He pulls her into another messy kiss, setting his focus on getting rid of their bothersome clothes. He quickly tore his shirt from his body and she did the same with hers. Their lips connected again, moving in harmony. He started to make his way down her body, but she squeezed his shoulders, signaling him to stop. “I wanna make you feel good first.” Roman was surprised to say the least. He kissed her tummy and replied, “Are you sure?” She gives him a confident nod, with those big doe eyes and her beautiful smile. “Alright, what do you want me to do?” “Let’s switch places.”
She scooted to the side, giving him room to lay down on the bed. She crawled down to his waist, tugging both his sweatpants and boxers down. His dick springs out of his pants, finally free from cloth restraints. Her eyes locked with his before lowering down to lick the underside of him; from his balls to his mushroom tip. A wad of spit drips from her mouth and lands on his length, using her hand to lather him up. His soft hums let her know that he was feeling good, and she was determined to make him feel a whole lot better. 
Her juicy lips start at his tip, giving small kitten licks before taking the tip in her mouth. Her warm mouth felt so good on his dick. He didn't know that Imani was this nasty. She gives him kisses up and down his shaft before taking him in her mouth again. 
She didn’t waste any time trying to tease him. He was big, and filled mer mouth well, but it’s nothing she's never handled before. Before she continued, the warmth of her mouth left him once again. “Can you record this?” Just when he thought she couldn't get more nasty. 
“Record?” She nodded her head. “Only if you’re comfortable.” “I’m more than comfortable,” Roman says, while reaching into his sweatpants pocket. He grabs his phone and opens the camera app, pressing record. “It’s recording, baby.” 
She smiles at the camera, curling her fingers around the base of his dick and tapping him against her tongue. She takes him in her mouth again for the final time, keeping her hand put at the base. She bobs her head slowly, swiveling her head from left to right. 
She keeps moving slowly, making sure to fit all she can in her mouth. Her hand that stayed curled around his base, moved in juxtaposition, stroking the rest of him that her mouth couldn't get to. “Goddamn baby, that mouth feels so good. I need that mouth around my dick all the time.” She moans in response, giving him vibrations that made him feel oh so good. She had him moaning and groaning. She didn't mind that at all. She got a big ego boost that he was so vocal from her mouth working its magic. She took note of every moan, every twitch, and any reaction he made. Right now, she was focused on his pleasure. 
His grip on his phone tightened, trying his best to keep his composure. She moved her head faster, still bobbing up and down, and using her hand to stroke his remaining inches. “Ahh s-shit mama, you keep sucking my dick like that and imma cum in your mouth.” She looks at him, already staring at her every move while she’s giving him euphoria like pleasure. She moans around his dick again, feeling her panties dampen. Her other hand massaged his balls lightly. Her slurping sounds made him close to coming. 
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Those innocent eyes staring into him as he recorded her doing such lewd things. He tried his best not to tangle his hands in her hair and fuck her mouth full of him. But her mouth felt so good, and he wanted nothing more than to cum in her mouth. He couldn’t help himself when his hands disappeared into her hair, planting his feet on the bed and fucking up into her mouth. She put her hands behind her back, letting him use her as he pleased. His thrusts were quick, but soft, his balls slapping against her chin. “Oh fuck! I’m coming mama, ooh I'm comin’.” He kept her head steady while coming deep in her throat, and she accepted with jubilation. 
She bobbed her head a few more times, trying her best to overstimulate him the most she can, until his hand grabs her chin, lifting her up. “Slow down princess,” He says, ending the recording. She crawls up to meet him, giving him a quick passionate kiss. “See how good you taste?” Roman chuckles at her boldness. “Your turn. Lie down,” He says, trying to sit up, but fails due to her pushing him back down on the bed. “I need that dick right now daddy.”
“You don’t want me to eat that pussy?” She runs her hand through her messy hair. “God yes I do, but I need you to fuck me right now.” Her eyes did more pleading than her words. 
“I wanna record this too,” she says, looking down at his chest, tracing the intricate tattoo. He feels around the bed, finally grabbing the phone and reopening the camera app. “Can you prop it up somewhere? I want you to be able to touch me.” “Already on it baby.” He climbed back further on your bed, propping the phone up against the lamp on the nightstand. While he did that, she slid off her shorts and panties, throwing them behind her. He pressed record again, and instructed her to adjust herself so the camera could capture everything. 
His hands landed on her ass as they both observed themself. His hands felt so good kneading her ass, and she saw his eyes drinking in every part of her body. He couldn't keep his hands off of her curvaceous body, and he didn't want to. “You like it?” Her soft hands massaged his shoulders, making him groan softly. “I love it baby, love this ass.” An unexpected slap to her ass made her jump. “You sound so good, daddy.” His hands move her hips along his dick, grinding her body against his. 
“How long have you been thinking about this?” She shies away from his gaze, a sudden flash of embarrassment runs through her body. She had forgotten about all of her feelings of distress and nervousness and realized that she was running on arousal and adrenaline. “A-a couple of months.” He lifts her hips and grabs his length, rubbing the tip along her slit. A few rubs up and down her slickness before impaling her on his dick. They moan simultaneously, relishing in the mind numbing pleasure. “You been thinking about taking this dick baby?” She gives him small head nods, still captured by the feeling of him inside of her. His hands cupped her chin, turning her head to the direction of the phone, steadily recording them. His hands were full of her ass, moving her up and down his shaft slowly. His unsteady breaths and her elongated moans were harmonious. “Go ‘head then. Bounce that ass on my dick.”
Her eyes focused on him as she steadied herself, her hands placed on either side of his head. She throws her ass back, his thighs catching it every time. His eyes were still glued to the phone, watching her beautiful body on top of him. But it wouldn’t be long until he faced her again, her soft titties hanging in front of his face. She had daydreamed about fucking Roman, and she was finally doing it. It gave her confidence knowing that he couldn't keep his hands off of her body. Her facial expression told her exactly how she was feeling. It was almost overwhelming how sexy she was. Beautiful smile, sexy body, paired with addicting moans that made him want to fuck her all night long. 
“Mmm~ look at you taking daddy’s dick. You’re doing so good,” Roman pants, grabbing at her breasts. His gentle praises and gruff voice was enough to make her cum. His dominating presence, his words, his touch. This man had her mind running laps. Even though he wasn’t putting in any effort, he was hitting all the right spots.
Her words were slurred, eyes rolled back, mouth wide open spewing salacious moans. Her hips slowed down, the constant rhythm created by her ass and his thighs meeting no longer lasted while she hid in the crook of his neck. Her body was decorated with a sheet of sweat that didn’t take away from her golden hue. “Look at me.” She rested on her elbows, locking her eyes onto his. Their faces were laced with lust, an unsatisfied want for each other. 
His strong arms caged her in, preventing her from squirming or escaping. She was still catching her breath while Roman planted his feet on the bed again. He places a tender kiss on her cheek before fucking up into her. She grabbed on to any part of his body that could, her eyes fluttering shut. A harsh slap to her ass makes her scream in pleasure. “I said look at me,” Roman says, demanding her full attention.
“Ohhh- my god! You feel so fucking g-good!” Roman loved watching her unravel. How she screamed for glory while he fucked her. God, he could make this his favorite hobby. Making her cum over and over again. “Mhm- fuckk- keep talking to me baby.” Her mind was foggy. She could only focus on one thing right now, how good he was dicking her down. Roman was making her feel so good. She looked at his phone propped up on the nightstand again to see their reflection. Her ass rippled from his hard strokes. That sight alone had her ready to cum. “Shhit! I’m finna cum on that big ass dick!” “Yeah? You finna cum?”
Her nails dug into his broad shoulders, feeling a knot build up in her stomach. “Cum with me Imani, let me feel you cum around my dick.”
Her eyes shut as she came, her orgasm hitting like a dam breaking, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. His hips slowed down, but still gave her deep strokes, coming deep inside her. High pitched moans and deep grunts filled the room. His hands lazily grab her hips, allowing her to move again. She reached to grab the phone and ended the video, dropping the phone somewhere as she laid limp against his chest. His thumbs worked small circles as they both caught their breath. “I’m gonna take a shower when I get up, wanna join me?” Imani hears him chuckle, still working small circles into her hips. “Nah, we’re not done. I gotta eat that pussy, Imani.”
If these were the punishments she got for losing in spades, maybe losing wasn't so bad after all.
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Stupidest/silliest thing the batfam did at Tim's birthday party? That is, if you want to. Thank you very much either way.
A little late but sure
Dick: cannonballed into a pool full of people
Jason: reenacted Titanic on the diving board with Roy
Tim: honestly he's just vibing, he deserves to have a good time
Damian: sniped Young Justice with a Nerf gun
Duke: put the Jaws theme on an underwater speaker and threw it in the deep end
Cullen: tried to sneak alcohol from the adults' cooler
Stephanie: left a trail of silly string everywhere she went
Cassandra: threw a serving tray like a frisbee
Barbara: Rickrolled the entire party
Harper: built a soft serve machine to go with the cake
Carrie: introducing the Lanterns to Ring Pops
Kate: ranted about beavers chewing through her trees
Alfred: got wine drunk and slipped into a Scottish accent
Selina: dropped her ring in the lemonade pitcher
Bruce: downed six of Clark's hot dogs topped with Ollie's chili
655 notes · View notes
goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: After catching your boyfriend cheating on you, you find an escape with your old best friend.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader, Jason Carver x fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.2kish
Warnings: Cheating (readers partner on reader), Angst, readers feelings are hurt, crying. SMUT (!!) slight dry humping, making out, vaginal fingering, raw sex, unprotected sex (!!!), multiple orgasms, dirty talk, cream pie, exhibitionism kink, seniors in high school, season 4 vibes, Eddie didn’t fail in this world. Anything else? Let me know!!
A/N: I got this request (idk why I can’t tag the person, but it’s @lilsp00nvstheworld) and holy shit!! I totally fell in love with it and then this happened!!! Song inspo: “I was made for lovin’ you” by KISS
All my mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other site nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions. Please message me your thoughts!!! It fuels me!
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Eddie Munson hated Jason Carver. 
Absolutely hated him. 
He fucked hated his guts. The stupid blonde annoyed him to no fucking end. 
He hated the way he walked. The way he talked. The way he acted as if he was king of the school. He hated the way he acted superior because he was good at basketball. It was infuriating. 
He hated the way he was the golden boy of the school. 
Mr. Popular. 
He hated how just hearing his voice made Eddie’s blood boil. It made his insides turn. Made him want to vomit. Made him clench his fists in rage. 
He especially hated how he had stolen his best friend away from him. 
His best friend, Y/N. 
His best friend in the entire world. Aside from his hellfire club. You were always his number one. Ever since the third grade. 
But then, you both entered high school and you became a cheerleader. 
You had managed to balance both hellfire club and being a cheerleader. But then at the end of freshman year, you started dating fucking Jason Carver. 
And you chose him. 
You chose that ugly sack of shit. 
Eddie knows it wasn’t your decision. He knows Jason was the type of guy to give you an ultimatum. “Either you leave the hellfire club or I leave you” type of guy. 
So, you left the club. You couldn’t even meet Eddie’s eyes when you had told him on the day before summer break that freshman year. Eddie was distraught. He couldn’t believe it. He remembers clutching onto your hand, begging you to explain, but you simply tugged your hand away and ran to Jason’s side. 
Eddie remembers the smirk Jason gave him when you weren’t looking. That’s the day that fueled the hatred Eddie had against him. 
He tried endlessly that summer to talk to you again. But every single time he went to your house, you either weren’t there or you told your mom to tell her you didn’t feel well. The look of sympathy your mom gave him never stopped. 
Soon enough… he stopped trying. 
Now, almost three years later, you guys are seniors. In your last year of high school. 
And you’re still dating Jason Carver. Head cheerleader. The captain of the cheer squad. Best friends with Chrissy Cunningham. Miss popular. The most beautiful girl in school. Everyone loved you and without shame. 
You’re beautiful, kind, funny, caring, and a total babe. A real sweetheart. And Eddie missed you. Missed you every single day. 
He also thinks… 
Eddie thinks a part of him still loves you. Eddie thinks he’s always loved you a bit. Ever since you guys became best friends. But.. you were always out of his league. Even as stupid young kids. So, he never tried to make a move. 
And now, he hasn’t spoken to you since that day in freshman year. Not with lack of trying on his part. But he figured you were happy. Who was he to try and stop that? 
So, he stood in the background and let you be happy. 
He watched you prance around the hallways in your tiny green cheer uniform with Jason’s letterman jacket covering your upper body and his arm wrapped around your waist tightly. Never letting up. He’d kiss you sloppily against the lockers every chance he got and he’d even run his fingers in the inside of your thighs.
You’d instantly close your thighs, blushing furiously, telling him to stop, and he’d only try to keep going. 
It always made Eddie furious to see this, but he never intervened. You had been with Jason for over three years already. 
You knew him better than Eddie did. 
Now, Eddie was at a celebratory party for the basketball team winning the playoff game. Eddie didn’t really mind coming to parties. He enjoyed the free beer. He enjoyed providing his drugs to pretty girls and handsome guys. Sometimes… sometimes if the night felt right, he’d end up in bed next to someone.
But tonight was a little different. 
Because you were here, too. 
Usually you and Eddie partied with two completely different crowds. But since it was the basketball team that was being celebrated, surprisingly the two groups merged together into one big party. 
So there he was. 
Sipping on his beer, huddled into a corner, laughing with his friends, and he sees you from across the room. 
It’s almost like a magnet is attached to you by the way his eyes always find you in a crowded room. 
You’re looking around, peering over different shoulders, a confused look etched on your pretty face, and you look amazing tonight. 
Eddie bites his bottom lip as he zones out from the group conversation to admire you. 
Your outfit is simple, but Eddie still thinks you’re the prettiest girl in the room. You’re wearing a pair of high waisted jean shorts, a striped brown with yellow oversized sweater, and a pair of white chucks. Your hair is still in the teased updo from the basketball game and you look flawless. You’re still wearing the makeup from the game and your lips are glossy. What a beauty. 
Eddie watches you trying to peer over the groups of people. Probably searching for Jason. 
He hears you ask another cheerleader if they’ve seen him and she says that she thinks she saw him going outside with Chrissy. 
The way your face falls makes Eddie’s heart still and he sees you quickly turning on your heel and walking outside. 
Eddie isn’t sure why, but he follows you. He follows silently behind you, not hovering, but close enough to where he can see what you see. 
You make your way outside and you’re immediately peering over the dark corners of the backyard. You stop in your tracks when you see something from the corner of your eyes. You look down into the dark alleyway of the house and Eddie sees your frown with the tears filling your eyes at what you see. 
You instantly turn around and run inside, covering your face, and Eddie sees you running up the stairs. You didn’t even notice him a couple feet away. 
Eddie walks over and peers into the alleyway. He stops the gasp from escaping his throat when he sees your boyfriend, Jason Carver, making out with your best friend, Crissy Cunningham. 
He has her up against the wooden panels of the house, her leg is wrapped around his waist, and he can see Jason finger fucking her underneath her skirt. They don’t even notice the second pair of eyes that have caught them tonight. Completely lost in their own world. 
Eddie almost wants to beat him to a pulp right now, but he’s more worried about you than bashing Jason’s face in. 
So, Eddie leaves them and goes back into the house. He goes up the stairs because he saw you run up them and slowly starts opening each door he comes across. Hoping he doesn’t catch another pair going at it. 
But this is high school. He catches another girl riding some guy. He doesn’t catch their faces because he quickly closes the door shut. 
He mumbles a few cuss words and proceeds to go down the hallway. 
He opens the last door of the hall and that’s when he hears your soft cries. 
“Y/N?” He asks into the dark room as he walks into it. 
You quickly sniffle, wiping your tears away, and looking around for the voice. Your face crumbles when you see him. The moonlight shines bright through the open window, coating your features beautifully. 
“Eddie?” He hears your confused tone ask breathlessly in between a sob. 
Eddie quickly closes the door behind him as he walks into the room. Not wanting anybody to see you like this and rushes towards you. 
He’s reaching out for you out of instinct and your arms are falling around him, you melt into his body, your face buried into his chest, and his ringed hands go to your hair. He tries to console you the best he can with the teased ponytail you’re rocking, he sticks with just twirling your hair in his fingers, and you cry into his chest. 
“Shhh, it’s alright. Let it out,” he whispers to you as he wraps his free arm around your shoulders. 
“D-did you see?” You ask, sounding a bit muffled, into his chest. 
Eddie sighs, “He's a jackass. Doesn’t know what he has.” 
You continue to cry into his chest, trying to control your breathing by matching his own, and holding him tightly against you. 
“I’m so sorry, E-Eddie. I was such a bitch to you freshman year! Why are you even here right now? You should h-hate me,” you cry out as you tilt your head up to look at him. 
Eddie’s already looking down at you with a small smile on his lips, he caresses your cheek gently, wiping away your tears, “I could never hate you. Never.” 
“Never,” he quickly cuts you off. “It’s high school. We all make mistakes.” 
Your cries stop momentarily as you take a second to look at Eddie. 
To really look at how much he’s changed in the past three years. 
He’s really grown into his features and wow, he’s hot. He’s always been sort of hot to you, but you knew it would never happen. Because he was always your nerdy best friend.
His hair is the longest it’s ever been. Long messy brown curls frame his face perfectly and teased in all the right places. His full pink lips are resting nicely, looking wet and kissable. His big puppy brown eyes are looking at you warmly. As if you’ve never done anything wrong before. And you know it’s not the case. Because you’ve been such an awful friend to him. 
You were supposed to be his best friend. And you betrayed him. 
You whimper are your thoughts and Eddie caresses your face again. 
“Hey, hey. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
“I’m… I’m really sorry, Eddie. I-I can’t believe I did that to you… and then now you’re consoling me about stupid Jason. God, I’m such an idiot!!” You move from his chest and cover your face with your hands, feeling angry with yourself for being so dumb, and ashamed for Eddie seeing you like this. 
“Hey, hey…” he grabs your hands, pulling them away from your face, and holds them in his big ones. 
“You’re not stupid, okay? He’s the stupid one. He’s the one who messed up here. Okay? Not you.” 
He sounds so sincere. You look at him with a pout. “What about you?“ 
“What about me, angel face?” Your old nickname slips out of his lips with ease and you flush under the darkness. 
“Do you forgive me?” You whisper low, feeling nervous, and your heart is racing. 
“I mean… of course, I do. I was… I was hurt. I’ve been hurt for a long time. But all I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. And if Jason made you happy, then I let him make you happy.” 
“Oh, Eddie.” You wonder how his heart is still so big and caring even after all this time. 
You wonder why you didn’t fall in love with Eddie instead of Jason. Eddie would have never broken your heart. 
You find yourself moving closer into Eddie’s space again. Your head tilting up to his, your lips ghosting above his own, and you feel Eddie’s body tense up against yours. 
“What are you doing?” He quickly asks, his voice shaking slightly. 
“Make me forget, Eddie.” You say lightly at him, your lips moving towards him, and you touch his lips slightly with your own. You hover over them for a little bit. Wanting to see what he does. 
All you want is to forget and who better to help you… than Eddie. You’ve heard the rumors. You know he’s not a virgin anymore. You know he’s had plenty of sexual experiences. You’ve only had Jason. You want more than simple Jason. 
You want Eddie. You want Eddie to rock your world and help you forget about stupid blondie. 
“Please,” you whisper into his lips, your eyes peering up at him, and hoping he says yes. 
Eddie is looking down at you, watching your pretty eyes eating him up, and he’s hesitant on doing this with you. He’s always wanted you. Always wanted to have you in this way. And he’s not sure if he should now that he has the chance. 
But seeing the way your body is leaning over him, almost on top of him, your glossy lips hovering over his, he can smell your minty breath, and he knows you haven’t had a drop of alcohol. 
This is all you. 
Fuck it. 
Eddie surprises you by gripping your face with his big palms and pulling you into him. His lips crash against yours hungrily, you moan into his mouth instantly, your body melting into his, and his tongue fights its way into yours. 
He could taste your sweet lip gloss against his tongue and you could taste the slight beer on his. But you didn’t care. You could care less right now. 
You’ve never been kissed like this before. Fire erupts into your belly. 
His fast hands move down to grip your waist, pulling you more into his body, and he tugs you onto his lap after he adjusts himself onto the bed some more. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, back arching into his chest, and you both don’t break the kiss. Your teeth clashing against his slightly as you both try to get a quick breath of air between open mouth kisses. 
You can’t believe you’re kissing Eddie right now, but you can’t help but increase the speed in which you’re kissing. Your lips move against his hastily and hungrily. 
Eddie moans at your eagerness against him, his hands moving from your waist to your bare thighs right underneath your shorts, and he grips onto your naked flesh tightly. Which makes you grind your hips into his. 
Eddie pulls away with a groan as you tug onto his bottom lip. “Fuck,” he mutters as he watches you grind yourself into him again, your arms wrapped around his shoulders limply, and you look beautiful sitting on his lap. 
You both are breathing heavily, staring into each other’s eyes, asking without any words if this is really happening, and you both simultaneously lean into each other to continue kissing. 
His hands are tugging at the bottom of your sweater, trying to untuck it from your jean shorts, you pull away from him, leaning back on his thighs, and hitch up your hips to him. 
“Fuck, are you sure?” He asks, breathlessly. His eyes locking with yours. 
“Mhmmm,” you moan out, biting your lip. 
With ease, Eddie unbuttons your jean shorts, tugging down the zipper, and untucking your sweater. 
You don’t bother waiting to see what he does, your hands go down to the hem of your sweater, and you pull it over your head. Exposing your breasts which are covered in a black lacy bra, almost popping out of the cups due to all the movement you’ve been doing. 
Eddie’s eyes move from your hips up to your breasts slowly, “Holy shit. You’re fucking…” His words stop flat in their tracks as his swollen lips pout in awe. 
He moves his hands to cover your breasts and he squeezes them into his palms. 
You gasp out in pleasure, rolling your hips against him, and moaning loudly when you feel how hard he is underneath you. 
“Like that?” He asks you and you can only nod at his question. Waiting for his next move. 
He lowers his head and starts leaving small peppered kisses all over the top of your breasts. You pant as he continues to move between both breasts and he unclasps your bra with his free hand. 
The straps of your bra fall down your shoulders, your arms still wrapped around his shoulders, and you proceed to lean back to let your bra fall off your chest. 
Eddie pulls away slowly when he sees what you’re doing and his eyes never leave your breasts. You let your bra fall off your arms and onto the ground slowly as you watch Eddie watching you.
He then takes his time palming each of your breasts in his big palms. Pinching your nipples in between his thumb and index fingers. Then, he goes on to lick and suck your nipples. Taking his time making sure you’re feeling the most absolute pleasure in everything he’s doing. 
Your head tilts back in a moan, reveling in the bliss, and you don’t think Jason has ever taken the time in loving your body like this before. 
Even when you lost your virginity to him, it was in and out. All these feelings were new to you and you didn’t want it to end. 
Is this what it feels like to have a man worship your body? 
Has Eddie always been this giving to his past lovers? 
Eddie continues to kiss each of your breasts, leaving small bruises to remember this night all over your delicate skin, and he moves one of his hands to run his fingers along the curve of your waist. He smirks when he feels your body break out into goosebumps. 
“Eddie,” you whine in wanting more, your eyes closed, and legs trying to grip onto him. Trying to relieve some of the built up pressure you’re feeling in your center. 
“I got you,” he whispers into your neck as he sucks a bruise into it. 
Your hands move underneath his shirt, trying to remove it to feel more of him, and he lets you. 
You admire his naked skin, running your hands down his chest, and touching his new tattoos that you didn’t even know he had. And he smiles down at you. A toothy smile. 
“Hot, huh?” He asks with a wink. 
“You don’t even know,” you reply, kissing his lips again. 
He kisses you slowly this time, but with the same sense of hunger. You almost jump when you feel his hand sneak into your panties. 
You gasp out as you feel his fingers spread you open, feeling how wet you are, and he moans with you. 
“Fucking drenched, angel face. All for me,” he says as he continues to cup your pussy with his hand, spreading you open, and slipping a finger into you with ease. 
He slowly opens you up with one finger, his movements slightly constricted because of your shorts, but it doesn’t stop him. He continues to finger fuck you, inserting a second finger when he feels you’re ready, and goes in between your breasts to kiss each of them. 
You’re already whining above him once again. His thick fingers feeling so good inside of you, clenching your eyes shut in pleasure, and you start rolling your hips against him to try and catch your impending orgasm. 
Eddie moves away from your breasts and chooses to simply just watch you come undone in front of him. 
He can’t believe he has you like this right now. 
He watches the way your chest heaves up and down, your skin coated in a light coat of sweat, your eyes closed with your head tilted back, but you have a smile on your face. Your body is feeding off of the pleasure you’re feeling. 
And Eddie is reveling in it. 
He inserts a third finger, which makes you moan loudly, and he moves his thumb to your swollen clit. Which causes another loud rippling moan to escape from your lips. 
Your hands move from the back of his neck to intertwine into his locks and Eddie continues with his movements. 
He can already feel your legs twitching with your closing orgasm. 
He wonders for a second if Jason ever made you come undone like this. He seems too self involved in himself. 
He pushes Jason out of his mind and focuses on you again. The way your jaw is slacked open, soft whimpers coming out, and you’re riding his fingers so perfectly. 
“Almost there, baby?” Eddie asks you and you can only whine in response. 
He adds a bit more pressure on your clit with his thumb and continues to move his fingers into your tight walls. Your thighs clench around him, your lower stomach getting that familiar feeling that you usually get only with your own fingers, and you whimper sweetly above Eddie. 
Your fingers grip onto his roots when you finally feel your orgasm take complete control over your body. Your legs are shaking, tears are pricking the corner of your eyes, and an exasperated scream breaks out of your throat as Eddie only increases the speed of his fingers. Milking out your orgasm as best as he can and he’s smiling like an idiot underneath you as he admires your blissed out state. 
He slows down his fingers inside of you, sucking on the bottom of his lips, his eyes taking you in so greedily, and you pant above him. Your body relaxes against him in your post orgasm haze. 
Your soft eyes slowly open, taking him in, and smiling when you feel how hard he still is under you. You untangle your hands from his hair and hold his face in your palms. You peck his lips, licking his bottom lip, and proceed to suck a bruise slowly into his neck. Smiling to yourself when you see the pretty purple bruise against his milky soft skin. 
Eddie let’s put a moan at your actions, eyes hooded, and a dizzy smile on his face. He slips out his fingers from inside your shorts and grips into your waist. He gently lifts you up over his legs and you stand up in front of him. Your hands resting on his naked shoulders as your legs feel unsteady underneath you. 
He starts tugging on the bottom of your shorts, pulling them down, letting them fall to your ankles, as you kick off your shoes, and watch his eyes fall down to your lacy pair of black panties. 
“Fuck,” he mutters out, you reach down to unbuckle his belt, unzipping his pants hastily, and trying to tug them off as he’s sitting down still. He chuckles at your frustrated grunts, “Eager there?” You roll your eyes playfully and cross your arms over your chest. 
Eddie mutters something under his breath and stands up, towering over you. 
He kicks off his dirty Reebok’s, shoves his jeans down with all the chains hanging off the hoops, and brings down his boxers with them. 
His thick, red-rimmed, hard cock springs out from the fast movement. Your thighs immediately clench together at the mere sight of him. 
“Fuck me,” you blurt out and blush at your own comment. 
“I will,” he replies cockily, his fingers reaching down to the sides of your panties, and he slowly pulls them down. 
The cold air hits your warm pussy, making your entire body break out into goosebumps, and you shiver slightly as you kick off your undies. 
Your pussy is glistening in front of Eddie and he can’t take his eyes off of you. 
“Look at that,” he whispers. His fingers spread you open, “Glistening and all wet for me. C’mere.” His grabby hands hold your waist again as he helps you come back and sit on his lap. His cock sitting pretty in between you and you can’t wait to feel him inside of you. 
You lean back, one of his hands is holding you by your back, and the other is holding his cock. 
You lift your hips up, mouth open in a whine when you feel him move himself in between your folds, his pre cum spilling into you, and your wetness coating his thick cock. 
His ringed fingers grip your flesh as he aligns you above his cock and swiftly slides into you with one movement. Bottom out in you easily, your tight walls suctioning him in, and you both whine at the connection. 
Your arms hold onto his shoulders, nails digging into them, and your head falls into his shoulder as you whine at how big and thick he feels inside of you. 
You’ve never felt so full before. 
You’ve never felt so open. So spread out. Your walls burn at how thick he is. 
His cock is fitting perfectly inside of you, letting your body adjust to his size, and he almost comes undone when he feels you squeezing against him. Trying to feel more of him. His fingers digging into the fullest part of your hips as you both adjust to each other’s warmth. 
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking big!” You whine out, biting the flesh around his neck, and leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses. 
“Me? F-fuck, you’re fueling my ego. You’re pussy is fucking heavy, angel face.” 
His grip on you never falters as he starts to move you up slowly, the tip of his cock at your entrance, and he moves you back down again. 
You both whine again, feeling so blissful, so fucking wonderful. 
“You feel amazing,” he mutters out into the curve of your neck, biting down gently, and he continues using your body as he pleases. Continues moving you up and down on his hard, pulsating cock. His hips meet yours as you start to increase the speed. 
Rolling your hips into him as he moves you as he wishes, both moaning together, and the sweet smell of sex starts filling the room. 
Eddie suddenly grips both of your hands, moving them behind your back, and holding them by the wrist in one of his own. He holds you steady, your body leaning back, but his cock never stops moving inside of you. You feel fucking amazing right now. Never having felt like this before. 
You both look down at the same moment, both watching the way his cock pulls out of you and swiftly enters back into your soaked pussy, and they way you both enjoy watching. 
Your nails dig into your hands in pleasure, your wetness soaking his thighs, and Eddie moves his head down to your breasts. You arch your back to give him more access as he swirls his tongue over one of your hard nipples, you cry at the pleasure that rocks into your spine, and he moves one of his free hands to massage your other breast. 
“You fit my cock perfectly, fuck. You’re taking me so g-good. Oooohhh, honey. You feel like heaven, angel.” His thrusts only increase in speed, the sound of thighs hitting against each other fills the room, with the loud sound of his cock destroying your pussy. 
You can feel your orgasm building up once again and it’s as if he can tell because he releases his hold on your wrist. You instantly reach down in between your bodies, and cry out when you finally reach your awaiting clit. You hold onto Eddie with your free arm wrapped around his shoulders and he buries his head against your breasts, but continues to hold your hips to keep the pace fast and hard. 
“Oh, f-fuck!! E-Eddie, I’m s-so fucking close. D-don’t stop! Are you close?” You whine out, increasing the speed of your finger against your clit, and you squeeze his cock inside of you with your velvety walls. 
“Oh, sweetheart.. I’m fucking close. Keep going, k-keep touching yourself,” he sucks a couple more bruises into your breasts and then he moves his big hands to the bottom of your ass, cupping both cheeks roughly as his thrusts continue to enter you deeply. 
Your head is tilted back, jaw slacked, mouth open in your whining, your bodies melting together into one, and you feel your orgasm almost taking over. 
“That’s it,” he coos you and then suddenly, you hear the door open loudly. The door hitting the wall in a bang, but Eddie’s doesn’t stop your movements and you don’t either. 
“What the fuck?! Y/N! What the fuck are you doing with this f-fucking freak?!” You hear your boyfriend's loud voice yelling into the room, but you don’t care. All you care about is your orgasm. You need to come undone on Eddie’s cock. That’s the only thing on your mind right now. 
“Shut the fuck up, Carver! And look at your beautiful fucking girlfriend drunk on my cock,” Eddie yells back at him and you finally reach your climax, tears prickling the corner of your eyes. 
“NO! What the fuck?!” Jason yells from the door, slamming his closes fists onto the wall next to him, his eyes locked onto your fucked out body on top of Eddie, and he can’t look away. 
The stimutanous feeling of Eddie fucking you hard and the pressure you’re putting on your clit feels overpowering. And somehow being caught by Jason fuels a kink you didn’t know you had. 
A loud scream explodes from your throat and Eddie follows suit with a loud groan. His thrusts don’t slow down, instead your release triggers his own, his cum spurts out and coats your walls, your pussy clenching around him, squirting on him, and your thighs are shaking. The most overwhelming orgasm you’ve ever felt consumes you. 
“Be fucking loud,” Eddie demands against your neck as he watches you come undone. 
Your whining loudly still, your vision turns hazy with spots filling the corners, your hands gripping onto him as you come down from your climax, and you let out a breath of satisfaction. Your body feels like jelly against his. 
Eddie’s breathing is jagged underneath you, a smirk on his face as he pulls himself away from your breasts, and you finally take a look at the door. 
Jason is standing there, a shocked look on his face, mouth dropped, wide eyes, and he’s speechless. 
You can’t help, but notice how hard his dick is in his khaki colored pants. 
Eddie must have noticed, too. 
“Liked the show, Carver?” He asks cockily as he gently lifts you up over his throbbing cock, you hiss at the sensation and the emptiness. You stand up and you clench your thighs together when you feel Eddie’s cum leaking out of you. 
Jason doesn’t even speak. He’s only watching. His eyes moving down your naked bruised body and locking onto your fucked out pussy. 
Eddie maneuvers his hand in between your thighs, his eyes on Jason, and pushes his cum back inside of you. The squelching sound of his cum getting pushed back inside of you makes your knees buckle. 
You moan at the feeling, squeezing around his fingers, and you look at Jason. 
“I saw you with Chrissy,” you say causally and his eyes snap to your face. “We’re obviously over. So… maybe get the fuck out?“ 
Jason looks as white as a ghost and he quickly rushes out the room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
Eddie’s fingers are still in you when you look down at him and he’s already looking at you, with a smirk on his face and he bursts out laughing. You follow suit, a loud giggle bursting through your lips. 
“Did you see his face?“ He asks between his laughs. 
“It was priceless,” you say as you kiss his lips. 
“Mmm,” he moans into your lips, “Pussy so tight for me. Filled with my cum.” 
“Want to go again?” You ask, eyes glittering with want as you met his own. 
“Fuck yeah, but I want to take you home instead.” 
“Okay,” you whisper against his lips with a smile and a small kiss. 
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universalmofo · 8 months
okay i finished heroes of olympus a couple days ago and here are some of my thoughts :
-nico should’ve been a part of the seven. he was essential to the success of the quest in numerous capacities and one of the big three’s kids. it made NO sense to me that he wasn’t one of the seven. (on that note, i think it did make sense that thalia wasn’t one of the seven. she has been with the hunters for some time and she was presumed a tree for like a long time.)
-grover could’ve very very easily taken coach hedges part in hoo. grover was already out looking for percy, so if he was already looking for percy and if annabeth found out that a “clue” to where percy was, was at the wilderness school grover would’ve jumped at the opportunity to go and try and figure out what was going on at the school by acting as a student again. he would’ve been back at camp by the end of the lost hero and he would have, what, 6 (?) months to go spread a warning to the wilderness about gaia and get things in order before they took off on the argo ii. and he could’ve been trying to communicate with percy via empathy link the ENTIRE time he was doing other stuff.
-it was just lazy of rick to write out grover tbh. and even tyson who came all the way across the country for percy. only for them to have extremely limited amount of time spent together (which makes sense, but this would’ve been HUGE for percy).
-it has been stated over and over and over again that quests should only be taken on by three. this quest was the biggest task they had ever faced, with far too much at stake. therefore, the prophecy of the seven should’ve been a utter tragedy ( one could even say a modern greek tragedy ) where they all accepted that four of them would Not be finishing this quest alive. that they were all willing to give themselves up for the greater good.
which four should’ve lived, i think percy, nico, annabeth and leo. (this pickings are biased and based on the idea that nico should’ve been included in the seven prophecy, if nico is not included then frank or hazel could take his place, but also these choices are based on their importance to the quest and their strength/ability)
- there was no need for there to be so many couples in the group of seven. it caused a huge lack in my opinion of actual friendship development.
there was very little actual friendship development/ vibes even in the lost hero when piper and leo HAVE been friends for MONTHS??? also this continues to be an issue in the rest of the books where piper and jason literally leave leo out or there is a comment along the lines of “he knew to give them their space”.
rick constantly threw in comments about how hazel and piper had become closer, or piper and annabeth had become “best friends” while not actually showing that. same thing with the boys. the only example i can think of where there was some real development was that conversation leo and frank had when they were at the bottom of the ocean.
they never had moments of them all sitting and talking besides about strategy.
- and on THAT note piper and jason never should’ve started dating. it was forced. it just seemed like the thing they should do after hera forced these memories in pipers head. quite frankly, it was a huge missed opportunity for a storyline in which leo and piper had been dating and hera shoved jason in between those memories and leo piper and jason are all SUPER pissed about that, or a storyline about how jason and piper try to figure out if there’s something there the entirety of the lost hero but the reason it just doesn’t feel right to jason becomes more obvious to him as he slowly develops a crush on leo.
there were just a LOT more interesting ways to go about that trio and none of them happened which made that entire dynamic fall flat for me and i think a lot of people.
which makes sense why frank leo and hazel worked SO much better and were believably close and connected. (even if frank and hazel were mainly the audience being told they like one another and not shown)
-percy was slightly off throughout the books. i believe even rick admitted he had a hard time writing percy in these books since he hadn’t for a while.
-did we ever find out why leo and piper were totally fine out in the world even tho they were 15??? i don’t remember this being explained??
-i distinctly remember jason getting some memories back and remembering frank and hazel as his friends AND hazel or frank discussing jason as a friend in son but then in house of hades or maybe mark of athena or blood of olympus (i can’t remember), hazel thinks to herself that she was still not sure what to think of jason? like she couldn’t tell what was going on underneath the surface? as if they hadn’t been friends or ever met before the quest?
-nico and percy are friends at the end of the day. percy is on some level protective over nico and nico is connected to percy / cares about him even if he doesn’t have a crush on him. they have a very interesting dynamic but at the end of the day, if percy went missing for MONTHS, nico would’ve been looking for him. and he most definitely would’ve not just pretended to entirely not know him when he came to camp jupiter??? especially when percy asked if he knew nico. that was SO weird to me. i was expecting them to have a conversation, even if nico gave him very brief and vague info.
on that train of thought, percy WOULD NEVER doubt the idea of rescuing nico??? his fatal flaw is LOYALTY. no matter how pissed he was at nico he would never question if they should even save nico. even if NOT for nico, it was kinda established that percy felt like an older brother to hazel (even tho this dynamic was never again touched on or seen), which again, he is loyal to those he cares about so he would be willing to do it, if not for nico, then for sure for hazel.
-percy never says i love you or i love you back to annabeth until blood of olympus. which is CRAZY and sooo not percy in my opinion.
-why the hell were mark of athena and house of hades the hardest parts of the entire quest ??? fighting gaia should’ve taken up the the majority or better yet, the ENTIRETY of boo, similarly to the last olympian.
i think this came down to a poorly paced series. rick could’ve broken his formula in tlh and son and moved the stories along faster. have the annabeth reunion in son or make the books longer.
- leo and nico would’ve been an interesting dynamic and quite frankly, they could’ve been a very cute couple. both feel like they are always on the outskirts / like they don’t fit in, both have complicated and sad familial issues, both of their mothers died because of the gods in some regard, both have never had a stable home, both speak other languages, both don’t have any other family then their godly parents, both have constantly been running their whole lives and haven’t been able to make real connections and friends.
the fact that i could even come up with this many makes me even more mad cause my lord. what a missed opportunity.
-leo was the heart of the entire quest. he literally CARRIED for five books straight and he was paid DUST.
i hated his ending.
you’re telling me that he literally has spent a year, fighting alongside his friends, building a ship for them to be able to carry out this quest, living with them, caring about them, and then “sacrificing” himself and all that mattered to him was A GIRL??? his FIRST priority was calypso??? not even letting his friends know that he was ALIVE??
on that subject, why wouldn’t he tell them his entire plan? if he was gonna tell hazel and frank that he was going to die anyways?
-percy losing his heroes blessing or whatever it’s called?? 😐 it seems like rick just needed a reason to get rid of this? it honestly just made no sense.
- and last but very not least ( i can’t believe i almost forgot ) WHAT WAS RICK THINKING NOT HAVING PERCY OR ANNABETH’s POV’s in BOO????
i gotta be real y’all i did not know i had so many opinions/ issues with the books until i started doing this.
anyways, mark of athena and house of hades are by far the best books of this series and also the most gripping and well written. please remind me if i miss remembered something and am wrong.
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sondheim-girly · 2 months
Fav moments in outsiders GMA performance (warning I’m gonna use actor names instead of character names cuz it’s easier for me, but please know that 95% of the time this isn’t about the actors lmao):
-when Brody and sky start singing together and you can see that they’re both genuinely smiling and laughing with each other and it’s so cute
-“they’ll do all that they can to keep you poor and scared”
-when all the greasers are revealed Brent’s kinda hugging Anna and it’s so cute
-at the same time Tilly’s messing with Daryl, then she reaches up to Renni, then kinda hugs Brent’s leg and he leans into her AND ITS SO CUTE HRHFJDH
-Daryl and Brody doing the handshake
-Jason greeting sky then audibly slapping Josh strobl with the rag 😭
-Jason slapping Brody with the rag
-the way Emma’s with kwp and they’re being all romantic and then basically immediately she’s lifted into the air by rj and kwp is forgotten
-melody and Barton are so cute before they start dancing together, just watch them lol
-Kevin csolak also holds saragrace up before the socs dance, but not nearly as high as Emma and it kinda looks funny 
-Brody spinning tilly
-kwp and Dan berry just chilling and watching during all the dancing is so funny to me
-Kevin csolak kinda tries to go to I think Brody, but sarahgrace pulls him back
-Jason hugging Tilly in the final pose
-and don’t forget all of Brody’s riffs in the entire song. Special shoutout to the run he does on “just one thing”
-whatever the fuck Trevi’s doing during “some of us are cool like James dean” KILLS ME LMAO
-Daryl having his arm around sky on the car is so cuteee
-Brody not being quick on his feet
-when Joshua Boone goes over to sky and they have this really cute moment and ugshhddhhf the tragedy hits 😭
-Anna and Josh strobl just vibing on the car for the entirety of ggah
-Trevi flipping and everyone doing their own thing after “no we ain’t got money, but we got something to prove”
-Trevi and Jordan chin doing the handshake
-Brody looks so blank when Jason is greasing his hair
-at the very end when Daryl pretends to throw dirt that isn’t there then motions to the camera 😭
-Renni hanging upside down on the bars
-just the fact that all the swings got to go and seeing their separate costumes and everything makes me so happy
ok that’s it for now lmao
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deadendwips · 9 months
Dead on Main Prompt.
But it's just Jason's wedding vows on their mostly "arranged" marriage, it's a fanfic quote no one expected but it surely is the most romantic shit everyone has ever heard and Danny's crying while listening.
Anyway you can imagine the quote but personally I chose the: "I would recognise you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion." - by The song of Achilles.
I don't know it just fits their vibe so well it makes me cry 'cause I want that for me.
Like... Their marriage wasn't something expected, they didn't know each other before Danny got to Gotham, but it sure was great matchmaking from their little wingman Damian. The little gremlin got their show running and after a few "accidental" encounters, a few awkward small talks, lots of chemistry and losing their mind on not being able to talk with each other like normal people do, they finnaly got to go on dates and appreciate each other and their respective interests and passions.
We got ghost courting rituals, Joker losing some limbs (and his tongue), we snowball fights as a bonding exercise with the whole family, a long engagement with slow burn (but not that slow!), someone hitting Batman on the shins for being a stuck up bitch about killing (we don't kill in this city, we only incapacitate forever time and Danny will make use of the loophole), we got sibling bonding time with hunting the city for good gifts, burning down the government of the US, leading a rebellion, saving the turtles and the planet while on it, you know... the works.
(I got to thinking [never a good thing for me lol] about this prompt because of my decent into dcxdp rabbit hole and @kuroishuuha post about Damian wanting the guy-who-doesn't-need-a-magic-flute-to-enchant-animals-and-can-bring-extinct-species-back-to-the-mortal-plane into the family by way of marriage. Can't blame the guy 'cause I woukd do the same)
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Jason Todd/Red Hood Headcanons
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Very much dcs deadpool vibes
Like being the comedic relief of the Batfam
helps to deflect from the trama
Patronizes the criminals while patrolling to the point of annoying whoever he’s with
Loves to cook when he has the time but ends up defaulting to gym bro chicken and rice if he’s not just getting takeout to begin with
Loves milkshakes (I have no further explanation)
Is meticulously organized and well adjusted
Definitely has a headboard and amazing hygiene (almost directly because of Alfred lets be honest)
Picked up random rich boy habits from Bruce and dick
Like I imagine the entire batfam wears expensive underwear
Probably not much of a drinker, besides the occasional whisky or beer
I imagine he’d enjoy cigars tho
I saw someone say he’d smoke cigarettes especially when stressed and I can definitely see that
After all he’s been through I don’t think he’d be much into vices even though he has every reason to
He probably thinks they’re stupid
Prefers to either wallow or start punching shit when the mood strikes him
The depression workouts go hard tho
Totally drives a blacked out muscle car
Has an indoor mini herb garden and some house plants
Could definitely see him having a big dog
Definitely had a hoe phase when he first came back to Gotham
Like he’d go to bars and just wait for women to approach him
Got really good at playing pool and likes to bet thousands of dollars with people he knows can’t afford it just for kicks
Has so many books he’s close to having a library
Never forgets anyone’s birthday
Has weapons everywhere, pockets(even in his civilian clothes), every room of his home, in other peoples homes, vehicles, like he goes for change in his pocket and pulls out a switchblade or a batarang he stole
Has to force himself into exposure therapy to acclimate back to society (dick definitely forced him to sit at a coffee shop a couple times a week)
Finds women’s makeup routines fascinating
Listens to Eminem and just late 90s early 2000s rap during patrol
Or jazz, there’s no in between
This is really long- whoops
I’m honestly not even done
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
do NOT kill Tim
stop being mean to tim in your fics when Bruce is right there to be mean to
let Tim run off and get into shenanigans with his friends while Gotham burns
maybe give tim amnesia and somehow gets reported as dead on a yj mission and his friends help him recover and accidentally on purpose don't mention anything about Gotham except Cass who is his sister and their friend so she's allowed and she sees Tim happy for the first time in so long that she goes along with letting Tim remember, or not, in his own time
and maybe he does remember, when they're in space and too far from Gotham for Tim to immediately rush back and try to fix things because fixing things, trying to help, has always been his first impulse, and he's convinced to wait, to see if anyone tries reaching out to him instead
and he becomes resigned as only cass reaches out, as the rest of the bats just accept that he's dead, without even a body, with just one line in a mission report, a mission report that they didn't even read, the bat computer just noted key words and updated red robin's profile accordingly in its system and no one noticed until someone mentioned that red robin had no patrol routes assigned for awhile and then the profile is brought up
and in the meantime space shenanigans for yj, including the retired ones, and cass who wants her brother to be happy
I mean... you're 100% fair in that I should emotionally beat up Bruce instead in my fics. I do have one where Tim leaves the Bats/Gotham. He has a goodbye conversation with Dick, Jason, and Damian, tries to have one with Bruce, and leaves a video/note for Alfred and Babs. I'd love to chat more about what he does afterwards if anyone wants to know more.
So... I have one fic where he leaves the Bats. There :)
As far as the rest of your ask, I'm so vibing with the amnesia. Let Tim get into wild adventures with his friends (family) and have Cass stop by to say hello. Maybe Tim goes to see her a bunch since he's no longer stuck in Gotham (if Cass is still based in Hong Kong).
I also absolutely love the idea where he gets his memories back in space and spends the entire trip back to Earth processing his thoughts. Should he go back? It's all he's known, but should he try to help out the Waynes some more? Tim is still doing good. He's still helping people. He's just no longer helping specifically Gotham and the Bats.
The part where the Bats don't notice he's dead is cruel and so delicious. Very tasty angst.
I'd also kill for Cass's POV in this (maybe a few chapters), where she discovers Tim is amnesiac, starts to realize the other Bats don't notice or seem to care about Tim (it's hard to understand the way you or a family member is being treated is wrong if that's "normal"), has her own growth and realizations about the Bats, and has complicated feelings about loving the people who are usually good to her but usually bad to Tim (in this AU).
I don't know as much about Cass's canon, but I would be interested to hear more about how her canon could or could not apply to this.
Then let the Bats have a meltdown that Tim is "dead" including their own warped perceptions of how they DO care/love Tim. Maybe they blame Tim for being distant, blame themselves, and try to hunt down who killed Tim. Let them remember certain interactions with Tim that RR remembers differently. Let the Bats be grey in their relationship with Tim because they never did mean to hurt him [they never realized that they did].
Just fun complexities of dysfunctional families :)
Moving on, let Tim be free from the Bats as they all collapse and chat about him. He can have his space adventures far from the chaos as they implode (perhaps the Bats try to take Gotham with them, and the JL has to get involved).
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Jason overstimulating himself inside you to the point hes whimpering and shuddering n you just keep milking him 😮‍💨 - 🌙
where is my vibe??? where the fuck is my vibe???
He’s panting and whining, unsure of if he wants to buck up into your tight pussy or flinch away. The pleasure slots halfway into pain and Jason feels his head swim, feels every thought shatter like spun glass. There’s a knowing look on your face, you’re smug with it. You look like you know his deepest, darkest secrets and he wants to shy away, wants to wither under your stare.
“You can’t run from me, Jay.” You say, voice breathless, hips slowing to a soft grind. “I wanna come on your cock again, won’t you let me squeeze at your pretty cock?”
“Baby–I can’t. S’too sensitive…I can’t take it, please.”
Lifting your hips you bounce on his cock and Jason wants to tear out of his skin, wants to fuck up into your perfect cunt and come again. But he can’t and it hurts and you’re not stopping. You keep tightening around him and Jason feels tears spring to his eyes.
“S’too much.” He whimpers, body jerking and shaking underneath you. “Baby, please, please, please. I can’t.”
“Yes you can.” You insist, slamming your hips down and engulfing his cock in your slick hole. “You can take it, sweetheart. You’re my good boy. And I think my good boy wants to feel me come on his cock again.”
His back arches when you start rubbing at your clit, the swollen little nub twitching and throbbing and having you clamping down around him like a slick fist. You’ve had him coming inside you twice already and each time you’ve shuddered and gushed around him, leaking a mixture of his come and your own.
“M’gonna come again, baby.” You moan, pace faltering. “You want me to come again, don’t you?”
His body cries out for you to stop, overstimulation hooking into the sensitive nerves of his struggling cock. He whimpers and sobs softly, voice cracking in his throat. You coo gently when he reaches out for you desperately, hands pawing at your waist, your chest.
“Oh, Jason.” You whisper, and he feels tears stream down his cheeks. “It’s okay, just one more, okay? Just want you to tell me to come for you once more then we can cuddle.”
He doesn’t know how you manage it. How you can hijack his entire nervous system with a few soft words, how you can turn his own body against itself. Your hips don’t stop moving and your pussy is milking him for all he’s worth but he shudders and begs you with a raw, cracked voice to come again.
“Please.” He tries, leaning up to bury his face into your neck. “Please come on my cock, baby. Wanna feel you milk me again. Want to feel you squeeze me when you come.”
“Good boy, Jay.” You praise, and his hips twitch, shoving his overstimulated cock deeper. “I knew you wanted me to come again. I knew you wanted me to milk your poor cock.”
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months
Batfam quotes as quotes from my dnd group (part 5)(but my homeland security class once more, we had a guest speaker- it was a vibe)
Dick:“I'm sorry I keep swearing- i'm from Gotham it's how we say hello” Steph:“He impaled a bunch of people IRL” Duke:“The Vampire”?? Damian:“If someone says nothing ever came from waterboarding I would say thats incorrect” Jason:“The first time is just a new experience, but the 73rd time? it hits different"
Jason:“The amount of drugs in that shit could have killed the entire fucking country- if you kill everyone who the fuck are you going to sell to”?
Duke:“This doesn't look right for Gotham New Jersey, means you had to be doing some stupid shit to be suspicious in GOTHAM”
Tim:“Are criminals stupid? Thank god sometimes they are”
Duke:“..How did you burn it”? Cass:“With Gasoline.”
Daimian:“She's a white woman” Dick:“Of course” Steph:“Yeah frikin white women”
Jason:“I'm missing a trigger finger- they went how are you gonna fire, I can do it like this” *flips them off* Steph:“This old guy went fuck it, give me the drill, and he just drilled” Tim:“I have never respected the elderly more”
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