Hate on Bruce/Batman is specifically towards Comic!Bruce. š They/it
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i've been thinking about Tim's 16th birthday, and had an idea, what if after that disaster Tim realizes he couldn't handle another birthday like that, so on his next birthday he decides to try making his own party, he invites his friends from YJ, rents a place outside of gotham and just completely ignores everything that comes from the Batfamily that day. And it ends up being the best birthday of his life, and so he decides to keep doing it, and it continues going well, until a couple of years later when Dick realizes he never celebrated Tim's birthday, so he decides to give Tim a surprise party. Surprisingly everyone of the batfamily gets together to make the party, and they think they managed to hide it from Tim, only despite the fact that his last few birthday parties were amazing Tim still has a lot of paranoia near his birthday, so as soon as he noticed the family was planning something on his birthday he left Gotham a week before his birthday. No one noticed until the day of Tim's 21st birthday, when Dick tried to find Tim, only to get an automated message saying that Tim's not working today because of his birthday, also that message was always on Tim's birthday ever since he first decided to truly celebrate it, only that was the first time Dick saw it because he never sent a message to Tim on his birthday. Later the batfamily discovers that Tim had a party without even mentioning it to them and get angry because they put a lot of effort on a party for Tim, while he didn't even want them on his birthday. Up to you how Tim responds to that.
I love exploring Tim's 16th birthday trauma. I'm going to tweak your idea slightly, if you don't mind. I myself hate celebrating my birthday, so imma be biased :) Let's go!
Warning: This is an AU, so obviously a lot of details aren't gonna be canon accurate.
Tim's birthdays have always been a hit or miss for him [If you want extra trauma, y'all could make the Flying Grayson show a birthday gift/celebration for Tim. Can be the weekend before, after, or directly on his birthday... Just for fun :D]. Before Tim became Robin, his parents... tried. They tried to be home, to celebrate, to be there. More often than not, they were too busy to actually be present. In those cases, if the connection allowed, they would call Tim.
His parents believed the gifts they gave him, the money they spent on him, made up for them not being there. This is when Tim started to have a complicated relationship with gift giving.
This was the case until Tim's fourteenth birthday.
Tim asked Bruce to become Robin at thirteen, but didn't actually hit the streets until he was fourteen. Obviously, a grieving Bruce didn't celebrate Tim's birthday with him, particularly because Tim wasn't Robin.
For Tim's fourteenth birthday, imma present you with two options:
His parents actually managed to come home and this is the last birthday he gets to spend with his mom
Tim was training in Europe over his fourteenth birthday and thus he was the one to tell his parents they can't celebrate with him
For Tim's fifteenth birthday, his dad is in a coma and his mom is dead. He's also a temporary ward with Bruce. Thus, he gets a fantastic and normal birthday for once. It goes far better than his previous one, giving him hope for future birthdays.
Then the 16th birthday happens.
After this, Tim doesn't trust Bruce and Alfred. Dick, Barbara, Steph, and YJ didn't know about it, so he still tentatively trusts them.
To add extra trauma, let's say Tim's 17th birthday occurs during the BruceQuest :)
Now, for Tim's 18th birthday, he's an adult. He has rocky relationships with his family, and he knows how to engineer distractions/excuses to avoid celebrating his birthday with the Waynes. Usually, he has "missions" with his friends that are really fun adventures or vacations.
He used to leave Gotham two weeks in advance, but, after his eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth birthdays, he calms down. He isn't expecting The 16th to happen again.
[To flesh out some of his other relationships (and feel free to regard as you please), let's say that Cass gets invited to the nineteenth and twentieth.
Steph (after Tim and Steph fix their relationship with one another) gets invited to the twentieth.
Jason and Tim both share a dislike for birthdays or presents, so they usually just send each other some text message phrased as an insult ("Seems you actually survived another year. Would you look at that?") and a cheap gift (a pack of cigarettes for Jason and a pack of Zesti for Tim).
Barbara and Tim send each other puzzles/challenges for each others' birthdays. Maybe Duke is the same way too.
Dick goes out with Tim *after* Tim returns to Gotham post-Birthday (if you want a trying/good brother Dick)
Tim does not accept gifts from Bruce nor Alfred. Alfred will instead make Tim's favorite meal and leave it in his apartment for when he returns. Bruce, on the other hand, feels immense guilt over it and only sends Tim a happy birthday text and money.]
But... Then, for Tim's 21st birthday, he notices his family planning shit. His ass immediately flees town and doesn't return for an entire month, just in case.
The Waynes are pissed at him, particularly the ones who don't know about the 16th. I think Cass probably told them not to plan anything and went with Tim when the Waynes continued their plans despite her warning.
Anyways, if anyone actually yells at Tim that they "put a lot of effort into that party for Tim," I hope he crashes out and yells at them for getting upset without even asking him what he wants. All of this could have been avoided if even one of them had asked him about his plans for his birthday and how he likes to celebrate.
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Maybe I should invest in a tablet or laptop or something. It'd make answering asks easier
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lmao they got us again
Another minecraft video to one of our Tumblr posts, lmao. Should I consider having the post be the background of a five minutes craft video as a benchmark for fame or something? Should the slime and soap videos be considered the next level? Is there a tier for tik tok voicing over Tumblr posts?
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Thank you for tagging me to the other post!
If you want to add angst to the peanut idea, Bernard and Tim's relationship could be compared to someone developing a peanut allergy later in their life.
Tim loves Bernard even when Bern later becomes harmful to him. You can add a metaphor about epi-pens (a temporary remedy against allergies until you can receive proper medical care) and purposefully consuming what your body actively rejects because you miss the taste of it.
I need a villain name for Bernard. He has a food gimmick. @arandomao3user is brilliant but neither of us know how to names.
Help please?
Hii!!! š
I'd absolutely love to help... Hmm... More information about Bernard would be better, but a food gimmick villain?
To be fair, just "Chef" works. If you want more options, here we go:
The Nutritionist (pfft)
Kore (or Persephone)
Mess Sergeant
Cordon Bleu
Alright. That's a bit of a list to choose from that hopefully has something that matches Bernard. If there's a name you're looking that's more specific to your storyline, feel free to tell me more about it (or just chat about it for fun).
Good luck with your creation! ^^
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. . . F-#%# YOU!
*Makes TimBern, but Bernard is a villain AU after some traumatic event/ accident permanently alters his mind.*
TW for slight suggestive content, (blurred out) swearing, angst, and violence! :D
Bernard, one way or another, goes practically insane, and as all rogues must do, he chooses his gimmick to be food. Food was easy after all, he spent enough time with Tim to know how chemicals and toxins work and combine, and add it to food? Well, pretty self explanatory...
He goes missing an odd couple of weeks, Tim is a mess, he hasn't slept, he's torn the city apart twice and chased after lead to nowhere... Till he arrives, Bernard wasn't the flashy, showy type since high school and yet when he reveals him as a villain Tim didn't believe it.
Because how could anyone come to terms with loss that quickly?
Bernard regularly breaks out of Arkham, of course, and every single time Tim is desperate, because he visits his boyfriend all the time in Arkham, this family tells him it's no use, to move on, not to continuously fall back to someone he's lost. Dick insists it's not Bernard anymore, says he's gone, but Tim just can't. Bernard was gone with the cult, Tim saved him. He always saved him. He could do it again, he could!
He could...
The flickering lights, the ominously hum of the above them, and Tim stares through the reinforced glass at the sly smirk on his boyfriend's lips, he always looked so amused when Tim came back, like he knew he would but was still surprised at the same time. Tim didn't know if he was an idiot or not in his boyfriends eyes...
Bernard: Are you still keeping up on the dishes? You had trouble with those before, Timboo.
Tim fell for any domestic c*ap he was handed, fed off it like a starving dog.
Tim: Uh, yeah, yeah, I... When you get out I wanna make sure the place looks nice, I know you hate the kitchen being messy.
It was always mundane, like it was an act for both of them, Bernard acting as Bernard Dowd and Tim as Tim Drake, it almost felt scripted, but Tim still came by. Once a week, sometimes twice, he'd ramble about Wayne Enterprise work, hear Bernard tease him, tell him about Arkham gossip. It was close to normal, but close is all Tim ever got, so he'd take it.
He'd take it.
Bernard was aware he was Red Robin, of course he was, so anytime he did escape he made sure to get Tim's attention, and RR insisted he be the one, every single time, to deal with Bernard. Bruce stopped him once, told him this wasn't a path he should go down, it wasn't safe, sane, it was dark... Tim shrugged him off, because Bruce had no right to tell him how to handle his relationships when he could barely handle his own.
Red Hood once had enough, just once, he was tired, okay? He was tired of his little brother hurting, looking like his puppy was kicked, looking like... Like Bruce did to all his rogues, like there was someone to be saved. Jason didn't see anything left but another crazy in a mask who killed countless people for f#-%# fun, so once he took a shot. It went straight through Bernard's throat, and yet the scene of Tim holding his boyfriend's throat closed while screaming, wailing, begging him not to go, not to leave him, how Bernard was all he had, who made him find himself... The look Tim gave Jason forever haunts his mind.
Tim still talks about Bernard, plans they'd made for the future, what they talked about last visit at Arkham, how he was doing so well, even if it was just a couple days after Bernard had broken out and killed a handful of people. Tim insisted he was doing better. He was... He was doing better.
Bernard held a knife to Tim's throat once, tracing along a brief scar.
Bernard: Do you love me, Robin?
Tim didn't even try to escape, didn't even reach for a weapon, didn't move to alert the bats, he just stared into those manic green eyes, and found himself smiling.
Tim: More than you could possibly know.
Bernard was never surprised to hear that, it was consistent, something that could never be changed. They loved each other...
Bernard: Enough to die?
Tim laughs, nearly slicing his own throat with the motion. It was so funny, because... Because...
Tim: Enough to live.
Some days his family kept him in the manor for days, watching over him, keeping him there like a prisoner because they were afraid of Tim being alone. He was bad before Bernard, the family knew, he was living for the mission, for Bruce, but even then? It was hardly ever enough to keep him fro throwing himself into danger purposely. That's Tim Drake for you, so, so reckless...
Reckless. Definitely.
But when he met Bernard? Oh, oh how things changed, they changed because Tim found out who he was, what he wanted to do, who he wanted to be, he found an entirely new meaning to living. Living for those small moments Bernard poked his nose with flour as they attempted a new recipe together, those moments Bernard woke him up to open mouthed kisses to his neck, those moments they arrived at galas together and Bernard flipped off a particularly homophobic reporter. Those moments became a lifeline for him, made him realize who Tim Drake was.
Who was Tim Drake now, but alone?
Tim tackles Bernard to the ground, sending a harsh, white hot pain through his jaw when his fist collided, as he screams with tears in his eyes.
Bernard couldn't stop laughing, he thought it was hilarious, thought this was the thrill of a lifetime.
Bernard: Damn, babe, you never got on top of me like this before!
Tim sobbed, he broke down and fell apart, head dropping to rest on Bernard's chest, just for a moment wanting a molecule of comfort, to feel safe, and loved, and for this all to be a nightmare to escape...
He watched the bullet, how it embedded in Damian's stomach, how he gasped before dropping to his knees, his little brother, his scared eyes, the panic, the words that wouldn't come out...
Bernard: I love you, Timboo.
Tim hated him. He hated him with a cold realization, that he hated this man, hated this man who killed for the thrill of it, who brainwashed and mind controlled, he hated this man he visited in Arkham and talked about the sh#&y food they served there, he hated him so bad... But he loved the skin he wore, loved the green eyes and the smile of delight, he loved the hands he once held, the lips he once feverishly kissed, the arms that once held him. He loved the vessel, but no longer knew the ghost that possessed it.
Damian lived, but he couldn't wear the Robin costume anymore. He couldn't be a vigilante anymore. Tim blames himself.
He visited once a week, they said no words, but they sat an hour together in silence, and sometimes Tim would brave looking into those eyes just to see if he knew them still.
Every time he breaks out the family deals with him, Tim can't... He can't even check the news.
On their anniversary Bernard shows up, broke out undetected, and sat on the deck with Tim. No words are said, but Tim fiddles with his necklace, the one Bernard gave him, and Bernard watches the entire time while they share a bottle of wine.
On the rare occasion Tim has to get involved with Bernard when he breaks out, the question is always asked, simple for them, really.
Bernard: Do you love me?
Tim: Enough to live.
He hates him. He really, really does.
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You most certainly can tag me ^^
I need a villain name for Bernard. He has a food gimmick. @arandomao3user is brilliant but neither of us know how to names.
Help please?
Hii!!! š
I'd absolutely love to help... Hmm... More information about Bernard would be better, but a food gimmick villain?
To be fair, just "Chef" works. If you want more options, here we go:
The Nutritionist (pfft)
Kore (or Persephone)
Mess Sergeant
Cordon Bleu
Alright. That's a bit of a list to choose from that hopefully has something that matches Bernard. If there's a name you're looking that's more specific to your storyline, feel free to tell me more about it (or just chat about it for fun).
Good luck with your creation! ^^
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I need a villain name for Bernard. He has a food gimmick. @arandomao3user is brilliant but neither of us know how to names.
Help please?
Hii!!! š
I'd absolutely love to help... Hmm... More information about Bernard would be better, but a food gimmick villain?
To be fair, just "Chef" works. If you want more options, here we go:
The Nutritionist (pfft)
Kore (or Persephone)
Mess Sergeant
Cordon Bleu
Alright. That's a bit of a list to choose from that hopefully has something that matches Bernard. If there's a name you're looking that's more specific to your storyline, feel free to tell me more about it (or just chat about it for fun).
Good luck with your creation! ^^
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I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts.Ā
May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.
I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.
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Ruthlessly protective bodyguard Tim is an absolute must I didn't know I needed in my life.
Alright, may I add more details?
I think it would be brilliant if Tim and Damian had parallels to Alfred and young Bruce. The sort of familial relationship contrasted with the strictly professionalism of Alfred/Tim's job. The mentoring and kind care, but also the distance that must be maintained due to Alfred/Tim sort of working for their younger charge.
The dynamics would be a bit different because Tim is still a child in this while Alfred was an adult. However, if Tim is seen as Damian's bodyguard and *not* as a potential successor (to either Bruce or Ra's), then there's not that barrier between Damian and Tim.
I would love to see Tim and Damian slowly growing closer, Tim losing his absolute shit whenever Damian is danger, and Damian being a protective little shit over his bodyguard (because that's *his* Tim and no one else is able to harm his older brother figure). Tim teaches Damian about Bruce and the world outside of the League for the 4-5 years they are together. Damian, on the other hand, would protect Tim due to Damian's higher position in the LoA.
Just Tim teaching Damian other ways to utilize his position of power and Damian using those skills to bail Tim out of the chaos Tim gets into.
[Also, these additions allow flexibility for whether the LoA/Ra's/Talia are kind and good to Damian/Tim, or if it's a Damian and Tim against the world situation]
Imagine that after Tim getās sent overseas to train, when he works with Lady Shiva, she drops a hint that the League of Assassins has Jason. Do you think Tim would go back to Bruce?
Bruce Wayne, who in his grief, has hurt Tim more than villains probably have? Bruce Wayne who Tim has been doing everything to save? What if Tim decides the best thing for Bruce would be his actual son?
So instead of going back to Gotham, Tim sleuths and finds his way to the cradle. He doesnāt go empty handed. Heās not stupid. He shows up with a dossier on a number of league enemies and potential assets.
Raās is fascinated. Thalia is confused. She 100% planned on using Tim as a focal point for Jason except Tim is here saying heās no Jason and Bruce wonāt survive without his son.
What if they trade places?
After a dip in the pit, they send Jason back and Tim stays. He has Lady Shivaās training and heās boarder line genius, or obsessive enough to never let something go until he wins. Heās adaptive, he had to be with Bruce. And he knows how to mask.
After some intense training, he becomes Damianās bodyguard. When the coup happens, Thalia sends Tim off with Damian and they arrive together in Gotham.
Jason doesnāt remember anything. He was still catatonic for about half a year after he was dropped on Bruceās door Step. Doesnāt remember the league at all so he doesnāt know thereās a tiny kid who traded places.
The Drakes never report their son missing because Tim informed them heād forged their signatures to transfer to a boarding school over seas. Since heās still taking classes at the league he just forges report cards and anything else. The money he withdraws gets shoved into an account thatās routed through multiple countries just for emergencies.
Bruce temporarily forgot about Tim because Jason arrives before Timās return date form training and all his focus went to his no longer dead son.
So when Bruce does finally remember Tim, itās too late. The story has been set. He reaches out to the Drakes and hears that Tim wanted to transfer to a boarding school to focus on his education. Tim looks into it, and Timās not thereā¦but Tim is also nowhere. Itās like he dropped off the map. Hell he even calls in Constantine to make sure he didnāt like swap his life for Jasonās or something.
And then a few years later Tim kinda just appears with a kid who looks suspiciously like Bruce at that age. āThalia sends her regards.ā He says with a bright smile. Thereās a type of emptiness behind it though. Or a sharpness that wasnāt there before.
Bruce pulls them both in. Itās disorienting, Damianās a bit more adjusted. As his bodyguard, Tim also taught Damian about society as a whole. What is acceptable. What isnāt acceptable. How to hide intent behind a lm expertly forged mask. Damianās more adjusted to the change, and Tim is just as bright as the day he leftā¦until he canāt be.
The first time Bruce witnesses even a fraction of Timās Ruthlessness is when Damian is captured as a civilian. Tim is in and out before Bruce even has a lock on The location. Later when they investigate, because the kidnappers are all missing, they find nothing.
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Hey :D Got a great angst idea!
We got the regular death time loop situation where it resets every time the MC dies.
Except, the MC is forced to be mentally present (kind of like a ghost) until their body is discovered. Only then does the time loop restart :D
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Dodgeball???? I-
But alright. Apollo it is. I'm also thinking Dionysius might help for the hell of it.
Which god I gotta pray to so that I may cradle my very own brain between these hands?
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Hmm... why Apollo?
Which god I gotta pray to so that I may cradle my very own brain between these hands?
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Which god I gotta pray to so that I may cradle my very own brain between these hands?
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i can never take stories about how tim comes out to the bats seriously bc bro he just wouldn't. this guy doesn't even tell batman when he's going to france and then causing international incidents in eastern europe. he's not gonna bother being like "um... btw bruce... im bisexual...!!!" he's just gonna let bruce figure that one out on his own. he's the world's greatest detective he can handle it, right?
like it's either that or tim only ever mentions it if it comes up. i.e. bruce is like are you free to help with a stakeout tomorrow night? and tim is like no. and bruce asks what are you doing? and tim says ...i have a date. and bruce, trying so hard to be a normal person and remembering how annoyed tim has gotten with him in the past for crashing things like his date with zoanne, is like oh! with who? and tim is like ............ kon. and bruce just freezes and then goes hm. okay. and then a full week later he's like wait. i didn't actually say anything. does tim think im homophobic. how do i clarify this. im fine with him being bisexual but i can't just walk up to him and say that.
so a week later tim just gets a package that contains a mug with a bi flag on it and no return address and goes ...? ...ah. and puts it in his cabinet. they do not speak of it at all. bruce is like oh yeah, nailed it. and that's it. the end.
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stress relief batblob doodles
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I have enough WIPs. I have enough WIPs.
..... But there's this game I love that absolutely no one else is talking about?
I don't need more WIPs... but there's not a single fanfic for it.
Gods fuck. I need to tell myself to focus on my other WIPs... I have absolutely zero impulse control. Fuck.
#the game is reveil in case anyone was wondering#i'm surprised too that there's not a fanbase for it??#gods fuck i might end up doing a batfam au based on the game's concept#fuuuck
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