#is adopting everyone
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weepingtalecowboy Ā· 6 months ago
Fanfic prompt: The timeline is split into three ,right ?
One where twilight comes from
One where time went to get milk and never returned being wind's
And one where legend comes from
And you know what would be absolutely hilarious
If Time married sheik in legend's timeline and therefore legend is related to him
Which would make him Malon's step grand child
And Inter dimensional step siblings with twilight
Because the potential for crack is enormous
Like their relationship would be so weird
Malon accepted him without hesitation because itā€™s a weird time traveler thing and obviously a different time made a different decision
But explaining that to her was something that time had no idea how to even start with that mess
Legend is incredibly awkward because he more or less is imposing on the family
(And his family never wanted him anyway so why does this one do when he is nothing but a slanderous bastard to their family and name
He isnā€™t a Lon Lon nor is he even part of his ancestorā€™s family he literally was hidden like a dirty secret for most of his lifeā€¦ so why?)
But time figures it out anyway
It is genuinely painful for legend to know that he was wanted by his ancestor
Because his present family didnā€™t
But everyone just accepts him like he deserves to and it doesnā€™t make sense
Malon took a single look at the sad face and decided that one is hers as well
And wind too
(Talon has no idea what is going on but if Malon decided that those kids are hers he will just be supportive)
Time feels bad because he wasnā€™t there for legend
Twilight and Legend are both confused by the timeline
Twilight just accepted him because one half sibling still is better then no family so he doesnā€™t even dare to be weird about it)
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idontmindifuforgetme Ā· 4 months ago
Itā€™s important to go through the vetted fundraisers list regularly & see what families have little to no funds. This could be for any number of reasons, like language barriers or maybe not being familiar w Tumblr. Either way we shouldnā€™t expect families to know how to market themselves in order to platform. This shouldnā€™t rely on networking & connections. As many fundraisers as possible should get their turn in being promoted and circulated. Appealing to you first should not be a prerequisite
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mildarka Ā· 10 months ago
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Felt like making a reverted AU
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chipper-smol Ā· 6 months ago
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star abducted :3
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moonlightcycle571 Ā· 5 months ago
The JL fight a magic user who casts a spell on everyone where their biggest weakness will be displayed above their heads. If Batman takes notes later, then thatā€™s not on him.
Thereā€™s the predictable ones like Hal where it says ā€˜Yellowā€™, Clark says ā€˜Kryptoniteā€™, and Martian Manhunter ā€˜Fireā€™.
But then thereā€™s the one where you need to interpret like Flash halving ā€˜Boundā€™, the Hawks having ā€˜Clippedā€™ which pertains to their wings or even the ā€˜Prideā€™ on Doctor Fate.
Whatā€™s weird is that Batman and Captain Marvel of all people have the same word:
Little does everyone know that itā€™s for two entirely different reasons. Batman canā€™t help but adopt. Batson doesnā€™t want to be adopted.
No one knows Captain Marvel is secretly a kid, so everyone thinks heā€™s like Batman, but just doesnā€™t adopt (or thinks Freddy & Mary or the Vasquez kids are actually his if they are in AU). But for the sake of comedy, letā€™s not have them.
Batman thinks there is some kind of kinship, and asks how he battles the urge to adopt? Captain Marvel is trying really hard to not run away (he doesnā€™t want to get adopted, especially not by Batman, the puns enough are going to be atrocious).
It would look something like this:
Bruce: and thatā€™s how I got all my kids. Or at least most of them. Iā€™m not sure if technically family friends count, but they still got their parents, you know?
Billy, does not in fact know: yeahā€¦ darn those parents ammi right
Ollie, wondering if they should put Cap in the JL parent group: oh, do you have any kids?
Billy: oh no, I canā€™t (Cue misunderstandings)
Bruce: I understand the urge to adopt is real, good on you for not giving in. We live a dangerous life style
Billy: Weā€™ll we canā€™t help the fae brain
Bruce: the what?
Billy, he just heard the term before and thought it was the common word: you know, when you just want to keep and raise a kid for yourself
Bruce, thinking of the numerous tales of witches and fae using first born children as payment only to realise itā€™s their way of adoption: ā€¦ huh
Billy, just wants to escape and hug his tiger: oh itā€™s really fine. Anyways I need to bounce, but weā€™ll see each other on Mondays meeting
Proceeds to ruffle everyoneā€™s hair (he canā€™t help it, heā€™s taller than anyone and enjoys the feeling of ruffling hair instead of having his hair ruffled)
Batman: oh OH
Cue most misunderstanding where they think Marvel mentally adopted them. They all have daddy issues anyways, so it really shouldnā€™t be a surprise when they try to be the fae brain favourite.
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lunamugetsu Ā· 5 months ago
The new hire
The Wayne Manor is a very large building with a large list of things that needed tending to. While Alfred takes pride in his ability in being the Wayne family butler, he is not too proud to admit that he does need help in maintaining the manor.
So he hired a part time maid!
A young lady named Jasmine, who is a student at Gotham University and is taking care of her younger siblings.
She's well behaved, doesn't complain, cleans well, doesn't steal, and has enough sass in her to deal with any of the batfamily's attitude.
One time she even stopped a group of burglars all by herself. When Alfred had come to check on her, he was met with the sight of Jazz having tied them up while lecturing them about their life choices and helping them find a better job.
So when he agrees to meeting with Jazz's brother to see if he'd be perfect to help with the jobs that needed heavy lifting or hard work. He is met with a 6'10 very muscled man with sharp teeth and flaming hair.
"This is my... twin brother! Dan!" Jazz introduces the man who Alfred.
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sleepy-grav3 Ā· 8 months ago
Amity Park hates the Justice League but loves Red Hood and sometimes other heroes
A/n: I got this random idea so here it is. Oh, and this is good reveal AU ok?
Due to the Justice League mocking them and ignoring their villain problems that were also publicly interdimensional problems, everyone hates the JL. It got worst with the GIW coming in, who blatantly went against the meta-laws (which included aliens, demons and so much more that weren't human from the beginning). They started to think the Justice League supported them.
In the Infinite Realms, however, there's a revenant that many adored and others respected. He did not hold back against criminals. Criminals that would rape, kill, traffic, sell drugs, and more to people. He especially didn't like when they brought kids into this. He'd avenge people the way they should've been: by promising that their abuser/killer/whatever wouldn't be able to do it again. And in the place they lived in, the only way for that to be possible was by major injury, heavy social outcasting, and/or death. Most prefer the 3rd.
And after how long the Amitians dealt with the attacks which eventually came to a slow once or twice a week type thing, they started opening their minds to the idea of coexistence. Well, further than they had. So when people started to cross over and start making their small haunts in their side of the veil, the Amitian's began to become aware of the popular hero Red Hood. He was part of the undead community, which was trustworthy in everyone's books.
So Amity Park started making merch. Most of it was for Team Phantom, but there was plenty for Red Hood as well. There were other heroes on the side, like for Superboy 1 (who they renamed to Supernova due to their hatred for Superman for 2 reasons, the obvious and that he rejected a mirror-born), and Raven (the half demon).
And with this coexistence, Team Phantom had noticed the positive feedback about killing in the name of vengeance. So they went on the offensive, and after a good year of that, the GIW lost funding for producing no results and just taking up resources. The acts were still there, but nobody enacted them in Amity, and nobody actually knew or believed them outside of the haunted city.
Then the Justice League find out about the hero group there due to tracking merchandise after they started to sell outside of the city. Superman was the guy everyone liked, so he was sent over. He immediately got thrown out and was now questioning who the heck Supernova was and when he rejected him.
Flash? Outcast. Everyone ignored and walked away from him. they had the police, who never did anything or even had to anymore, kick him out.
Green Lanter? Oh the poor guy. He had his ring taken away and thrown out of the city somehow. It took hours to find it.
Wonder Woman, they had to be ok with her. Not at first, but once Phantom had a talk with her and people learned that they were cousins through Clockwork (Kronos) and Pandora, they were ok. ish. Tolerated was the best word and she got the info back to the league.
The batfamily took a trip there, dragging Red Hood along somehow. And right when Red Hood was noticed, a crowd began to form as everyone practically worshipped him. There were many victims he had avenged and an Ancient (Lady Gotham) came and gave him the gifts she couldn't without scaring the guy.
At one point, the poor guy even cried.
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coquelicoq Ā· 12 days ago
the untamed is so fucked up like what if you were the brother of all time but in a cursed way. first your brother-in-law dies because your big sister loves you so much. then your big sister dies because she loves you so much. then your new big sister and little brother die because they love you so much. the only reason your og little brother doesn't die? because you died first. because you love him so much.
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dclovesdanny Ā· 4 months ago
Dan/Danny/Dani 4/5
After leaving Amity Park, Danny and Jazz had settled in Gotham. Danny got a low level security guard job at Wayne Enterprises while Jazz started her job at Arkham Asylum. Most would assume Danny had the job with the least drama.(They would be wrong.)
You see, while Danny was a security guard, he also would occasionally help out in other departments, which lead to some people gettingā€¦. possessive.
The Aerospace department had already practically adopted Danny after he ranted about how cool space was and came up with several feasible features to a new design. R&D found Danny to be a delightfully clever person whose brain was on par with their best minds, and they would trade their souls to pick his brain. Biotech adored his outlook on things and his weirdly accurate observations. The Cybersecurity department had never met anyone who could make better firewalls(though he did promise his friend Tucker, who he apparently learned everything from, would apply soon.) Even Legal liked him, since he was good with paperwork and pointing out possible loopholes.
Security was fighting the other branches back with a stick. Danny was theirs first!
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mylordshesacactus Ā· 2 months ago
Okay, I didn't want to clog up the notes of someone else's post with something tonally different because that's rude, but. I Need to elaborate some more about no-kill vs open-intake shelters because I feel like some people still don't get it.
I'm gonna use an example here: My cat, Nepenthe, came from a small municipal open-intake shelter (I don't use the term "kill shelter" because I think it's obscene and cedes ground to ARA fuckwits for no reason) in an area with a NOTORIOUSLY awful stray cat problem.
She was on the euthanasia list. She was next in line on the euthanasia list.
They would never have been cruel or manipulative enough to say it that baldly, of course, but...I can read. Status was "at rsk", with two days' grace before ticking over into "extreme risk", the red zone. The ones who have had the most time, the most chance, if the shelter ever runs out of cage space.
I have gone the fuck off on people who hear that and immediately assume I will tolerate them bashing or insulting that shelter.
Because here's the thing about Penny. She is my baby, my darling, light of my life, and if I hadn't come along, euthanizing her would have been not only necessary but an ethical obligation.
She was neurotic, traumatized, and unpredictably aggressive--not "I'm bad at feline body language and ignoring her subtle back-off signals" unpredictable, I mean "we showed footage to a professional feline behaviorist and their immediate reaction was 'oh that is NOT normal'" unpredictable. "Actual legitimate psychological problems" unpredictable. The previous three times she had met with potential adopters, she attacked them unprovoked and had to be recaptured by a vet tech wearing a bite sleeve designed for aggressive dogs. She was the textbook definition of unadoptable.
She could not be fostered. There was absolutely no way she could live in a home with small children, or older children, or an elderly person with thin skin, or anyone who would get upset if they were clawed in the face without warning every few days.
Now, here's some math for you, keyboard warrior writing up a condescending screed about how there's Never Any Excuse for euthanizing a healthy animal:
The average length of stay in that shelter, for a healthy cat, was roughly two weeks. Which means, on average, assuming fast turnover, a single cage space in that shelter can save the lives of 24 cats every year.
Penny, when I met her, had been there for 43 days. A month and a half. Three times the average length of stay.
I love her. She has improved my life immeasurably and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. Her life is not more valuable than the lives of the other 23 cats who might have been saved by the slot she was taking up. Euthanasia, if space had run out, would have been the only ethical option.
(Yes, obviously I DID show up and I DID choose her. But frankly? I was a grad student with a psychology degree, studying to be a therapist, living alone, no plans to have kids, a private room where she wouldn't have to interact with other people or animals, de-facto engaged to a professional animal behaviorist; I was ACTIVELY LOOKING for an edge-case project cat, and could calmly and intelligently articulate my understanding of the seriousness of her behavior and my plan for helping her. You can't count on that happening. I was a fucking unicorn.)
No-kill shelters have the INCREDIBLE luxury of deciding who to save. They have the luxury of having all the time in the world to wait. And in the meantime, what exactly do you think is happening to the other animals? The ones they DON'T pick? The ones there's no room for? Do you think they magically don't need to be surrendered anymore? Does Santa Claus find them a home, perhaps?
You can't reduce the life of an animal to math. Good, ethical no-kill shelters can be wonderful resources--either taking highly-adoptable animals from open-intake shelters to free up space as efficiently as possible, or else taking in behaviorally or medically complicated dogs who need more time to find their perfect match than open-intake shelters can give.
But if you're going to shit on open-intake shelters, you don't get to be a fucking coward about it. So here. Prove how much smarter you are.
You've run out of space. Every cage is full. The cat cannot be fostered. You've filled all your available foster slots with other cats, to buy her time. The "no-kill" shelters are full--they pulled the cats they thought they could save, and the scruffy, psychologically-unsound, adult black domestic shorthair with chronic herpes? Nobody wants her. In this world her unicorn's not coming.
She's had three times as long as every other cat here. You have given her every chance, wrote her a lovely bio, moved other cats to other shelters to keep space open so you didn't have to make this choice; but she mauled someone else today and there's a sweet, cuddly, highly-adoptable tabby with no problem behaviors being checked in right now. If you can't put that new cat somewhere it's going to be euthanized without even being given a chance, even though it is extremely adoptable and would likely find a new home within a week.
You don't have a magic wand. You can't wish a conveniently empty second shelter into existence. Every option has been exhausted.
Look me in the eye, and tell me which one dies.
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puppetmaster13u Ā· 1 year ago
Prompt 261
ā€œSo is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child orā€¦ā€Ā 
ā€œI mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Supermanā€¦ā€Ā 
ā€œNo youā€™re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batmanā€™s bat-ears and heā€™s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-ā€Ā 
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demon-at-peace Ā· 7 days ago
DP + DC Danny and Bruce have a grudge
So short Twink Danny, you gotta love him, but I want more tall Danny. Give me Eliie at GA and Danny this scary dude with scars coming in to pick her up. Ellie who got in a scuffle and the other kid wants her in trouble.
And the other kid is Damian duh. And it's a face of, Danny Nightingale nee Fenton who would sooner die than let Ellie get hurt, and Bruce Wayne, who would do anything for his sons. It gets resolved but they take snips at each other at galas.
Danny talks about him rudely, Bruce returns the favor, he makes snips about his behavior, how he's far too happy. Bruce of course digs deep and hits hard. Talking about Vlad, how he's living of another money, how his parents kicked him out. So Danny talks to the dead, mocking him by quoting word dead people said to him.
Both are convinced the other knows their identity and is after them, eventually they figure it out and the beef continues. In the JL Phantom, the eldritch entity who is calm is constantly sniping at the Bat. And the bat responds, they bicker constantly arguing.
The JL thinks they are exes, how else would Phantom know that much about the bat? Why else would the emotionless bat hate Phantom. So they bicker, they take insults, and everyone is like dude they are totally exes. They try to steal each other's side kicks too, as a like punch in the face. The robins follow Danny around and Danny is all smug. Until Bruce bribes Ellie and it's a war.
The JL thinks they are trying to win back the children from the divorce, the lore. the chaos.
idk I liked it, also I wrote this vibing to the Life is Fun song, and now wondering what my taste in music is? also I tried the story in the tags thing, it's officially my new favorite thing
bye :)
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noneofyoubeewax Ā· 2 months ago
ļæ¼ inspired by this post ļæ¼
Deadly concerning ļæ¼
I seen a few post about Billy and Danny either getting tricked into marrying each other or just marrying each other for the convenience, so Iā€™m making my own.
Billy 12. Danny 14. Theyā€™re not in a love relationship they get along like friends ļæ¼
(During some magical ghost crisis)
Green Arrow: Are we sure we canā€™t just call Cap
Black Canary: No, I told you this already, Marvel had family troubles and that he would be off online
John Constantine: besides, you have me the worl-
Zatanna: and me
John: yeah yeah and her helping you take care of this ghost, all we have to do is-
(After trying out his plan and processed to get their butts kicked)
Green arrow: that fail horribly
John: shut it
Batman: we need a new plan before that thing destroys anymore of the city
Superman: is there anything else we can do
Zatanna: we try summoning a greater ghost to deal with this ghost
Green arrow: and who do we call to deal with the new ghost
Zatanna: no no we just need to summon a ghost who has to leave after it completes its task.
John: true there are ghost like that but usually very weak, doubt they could take out are problem.
Zatanna: there is one we try
John: which one areā€”OH HELL NO, you trying to get this all killed
Batman: what are you both talking about
John: she wants to summon the The Ghost King Consort ļæ¼
Black canary: and thatā€™s bad way?
Zatanna: The Ghost King is already a bloody tyrant and you can imagine how worst his partner ļæ¼can be. But the Constant can beat this ghost and would have to return back to the ghost realm.
John: yeah but that doesnā€™t stop them from going to the king and getting us in trouble.
Zatanna: what other choice do we have
Batman: do it
(The summoning)
John: stand back everyone , thereā€™s no telling what this thing can do
Billy: *poof* ā€¦..
Everyone: ā€¦ā€¦
Superman: tha thatā€™s a child
Billy: um hello (ā€œnonono did they figure out my identityā€)
John: this canā€™t be real
Batman: (crouching down to Billy) hello little one, are you ok?
Billy: um ā€¦.yes!ā€¦ā€¦ why am I here? ļæ¼
Batman: Do you know who the ghost king is
Billy: (thinking about Danny, not the previous ghost king) yes heā€™s my husband (ā€œthat so weird sayingā€)
Superman:thatā€™s a child
Batman: (presses his lips together ļæ¼into a frowning ļæ¼face) we called you here to help us take care of a ghost that is destroying everything, can you help.
Billy: (smile so bright that there is a tingļæ¼ of pain that goes through everyoneā€™s heart) of course, it would be my honor. Tawny here can help (raises a Stuffed ļæ¼beat up Tiger)
Superman: Oh god the tiger has a name.
( after defeating the ghost and sending it back)
Billy: (prepare to step in the summoning circle to go back home)
Black canary: wait ummm
Billy: billy
Black canary: has the ghost king made you anything you donā€™t want to do
Billy: what
Green arrow: how old are you
Billy: um 12, look I have to go before someone comes looking for me
Batman: here take this (holds out a card), call if you ever need help.
Billy: ok (takes the card) bye
( billy vanishes ļæ¼right before their eyes as he steps into the circle)
Superman: oh my god that was a child.
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somnoir Ā· 2 months ago
first time giving a prompt
deaged!Danny (may include Dani, Dan and/or Jazz too if you like) given to Themyscira to be raised by Kronos (Clockwork). They were given a vague reason (they either might end the world or save it. kinda like the PJO Great Prophecy "to preserve or raze")
cause a boy/s is/are involved. They get sent to be raised by Diana instead
i just really want mom!Diana to happen
god I love mom!Diana so much! I need this woman to just pop up to the watchtower with her own baby and tell the others to fuck off cause, BATMAN HAS HIS BABIES I HAVE MINE!
Percy Jackson themes? Let's go!
Children of Diana - part 1
Kronos was always a mysterious and frightening figure in their stories. The father that devoured their children upon a prophecy of a throne to be taken by his child. Five had fallen into his stomach, Hestia of the hearth fell first, whilst Hades was the last to be eaten. Only by Rhea's cunning did their youngest, Zeus, survive his father's hunger and grow to be king.
But Kronos never truly stayed dead.
He was time embodied, moving with every universe, even as he melted away from their world and into another.
Hippolyta told her stories of Kronos, along with how she wished for a child and how her love for one allowed her to make Diana out of clay and give her blessing of goddesses to be a mother to a blessed daughter. Diana heard stories from her mother of everlasting Kronos who's name shifted with worlds, with his domain of time. How the titan has moved past from his children and embedded himself into the stars.
Diana heard of his stories but never in her lifetime did she expect to be met with that same Titan.
Her first instinct was to bow, to greet this almighty titan with the proper etiquette. But Kronos only smiled at her, snapping his fingers.
One moment Diana was Louvre, then next she was beside her mother in Themyscira.
"Diana!" Hippolyta blinked, bewildered to see her daughter before the atmosphere turned tense, cold.
Once again, the Amazons were gracesā€”perhaps even cursedā€”with the Master of Time's presence.
"Kronos." Hippolyta sucked in a deep breath, her stance going rigid as she prepared to greet and attack their guest. "My lord..."
"Progeny of mine," Kronos wore a purple rone that shadowed his face, with a body that floated from the ground. In his hand was a peculiar staff with a glowing blue clock. "I have no trust in my children but... You Amazons are more sensible and responsible than my brats."
"Except for Hestia. I would trust her but she is too close to them for my liking." He drawled, startling Diana.
Hestia was the eldest of the traitors, the first to be eaten. She was still referred to as a traitor and yet there is evident fondness in Kronos' voice.
"Nevermind that." Kronos waved it off, "Pandora has claimed that you are trustworthyā€”" THE FIRST WOMAN PANDORA?! "So I shall trust you with this prophecy. Especially, Diana... Wonder Woman. You will prove essential to the fulfillment of this prophecy."
Diana's body stiffened, unable to help but grab her mother's hand. Blessed as she was, Hippolyta squeezed her daughter's hand, comforting and reassuring before they nodded and waited for the prophecy...
Kronos was smiling.
"From the death of youth, a monarch shall rise,
To fall, and rise again with time's reprise.
Brother and sister by the throne will stand,
Balance to bring, or doom to command.
Should the path be dark, the stars will weep,
For the universe's fate, the king shall keep."
Diana's breath hitched. The prophecy was... It was scary. She couldn't fathom it. From the lines alone, there was a possibility of the universe's doom... But it involves a king of sorts.
What did that entail?
Kronos was laughing now. "Be wary, Diana of Themyscira... The High King of the infinite realms and his siblings will arrive soon..."
"The infinite realms?!" Hippolyta almost looked faint.
"Yes. The king, his royal siblings the prince and princess have entered a new cycle. Their oldest royal sister is currently regent and unable to raise them in the realms."
Diana cleared her throat, "My apologies, but why is the regent unable to raise her siblings?"
"Regent Queen Jasmine Phantom died long ago. She is a full ghost whilst her siblings are epitomes of balance, both living and dead. As they are still very much alive, being in the realms for too long during their years of development is unhealthy for their constitutions." He explained, glancing at his staff.
"It is time."
Again, Diana was startled and almost lunged forward for more answers before her mother squeezed her hand again. Her breath caught, glancing back at her mother who sent her a warning glare.
"I wish you the best of luck, Diana." Kronos smiled, almost softly, "You will do well to raise my children. I am in your debt."
All at once, Diana was suddenly the mother of three and someone the Master of Time owed a debt too.
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Diana had not expected to find three children in her home. Yes, she expected to find three individuals, but she had at least expected infants. Not three children who's ages varied.
"Hello..." The middle of the three said, blue eyes, black hair, scrawny and small.
"Hello." She softly said, looking around her apartment before crouching in front of the children with the softest smile she could ever give. "I am Diana. Could you give me your names, little ones?"
"Dante." The eldest of the three, with blue eyes that flashed red, grunted.
"Daniel but I go by Danny." The middle smiled, then gestures to the toddler that clung to Dante. "This one is Danielle but she likes to be called Ellie."
The girl waved at her, rosy cheeks with blue eyes pile her brothers.
"Clockwork said we had to come to you because our sister couldn't keep us in the realms. We're sorry for the trouble." Danny grimaces, genuinely apologetic and clasping his hands together.
"I told that bastard that we didn't need to be deaged or anything. But no! He kept saying that we needed a vacation or whatever." Dante scoffed, rolling his eyes before adjusting little Elle in his arms.
Diana saw the discomfort on the eldest's expression as he tried to adjust his little sister in his arms. She offered her service to him, gesturing for Dante to give the toddler to her, bur she received a growl and a glare from crimson eyes.
One of the boys was the king of the infinite realms turned into a child. The prophecy had clearly stated that the king would be joined by his sister and brother, so the possibility of little Ellie being the king was void. So it was between the boys then.
"Don't be mean, Dan! Miss Diana is already trying her best right now. I'll tell Clockwork and Aunt Pandora that you're being mean to their favorite." Danny snapped, swatting his brother's shoulders.
"It is alright, your majesties."
"Oh!" Danny flushed red, "No need for that. You don't have to!" He insisted, "I'm not king at the moment since Jasmine demanded we were given a break... I just didn't think that a break meant going through a new human cycle."
Diana's eyes softened, so Daniel was king. "I see... I do not mind being your caretaker, little ones. I have friends who have children, and I have found myself rather envious of them. Truthfully, I never expected to beae children myself but... My mother lost the ability to have one herself, and yet she made me from clay."
Dante nodded, "We've heard of your story. It's quite beautiful how your mother loved you so much, even when you were nothing but a dream... But she managed to make you reality with that love. It's quite inspiring."
Danny soon explained, "Our mortal mother died many years ago. She and our father were ghosts, citizens of the infinite realms before my siblings and I encouraged them to follow through with reincarnation. We would have had our eldest sister do the same, but she is more stubborn than our parents." The fond smile on his lips was one tinged by melancholy and longing.
Diana realized that these children were ripped away from what they called home, forced by their own sister for their sakes. Immortal monarchs were thought to be all powerful, undying and never needing rest.
Diana herself saw it as such, with how Zeus refused to relinquish his throne, of how his siblings and children attempted to usurp him the same way he did with Kronos.
But the royals of the infinite realms seemed to be of a different breed. The dead who were once mortal, living, before time caught up to them and their existences were given to the realms. That humanity seemed to be what made the Ghostly royals to be so... Extraordinary. Because it was clear to Diana that the regent Jasmine loved her kingly brother and royal siblings with all her heart. Especially when she was willing to sit upon the throne, carry the burden of monarch, for a life time. All because she wanted them to be given a chance at happiness.
Diana has heard stories of the realms, of how the previous king, a tyran named Pariah Dark, was defeated. Phantom became king through conquest and it was rumoured he had still been a child, still alive and only half dead, when he was given the crown.
"Well then..." She cleared her throat, smiling softly. "I hope that you will be able to live comfortably with me, little ones. I will not force you to see me as a mother, but I will do everything I can to be a proper caretaker. I will love and cherish you the same way my mother and sister did."
That statement alone seemed to have affected the three, enough that Dante relaxed.
The second time Diana tried to take Ellie from his arms, Dante sis not resist. He carefully tucked his sister into her arms, showing her how she liked to be held.
Ellie giggled, reach up to her and nuzzling her cheek against Diana's chest.
"Adorable." She whispered, kissing the little girl's forehead before turning back to her brothers. "May I know how old you currently are?"
"Physically or chronologically?"
Diana chuckled, "Physically."
"I'm ten. Danny's eight and Ellie's two." Dante explained, pointing to them each whenever he spoke. "But chronologically, we're around... Actually, I don't know. Time in the realms and time here is different. It's also different from our earth. So..."
"Ah, no need to explain if it's too confusing. I understand that time flows differently for everyone. Let us just say that you've existed for a few centuries, yes? Keep it vague for everyone else." Diana grinned, already thinking of how Batman would be utterly perplexed by that.
"Well then, let us get you settled in, yes? Unfortunately, I only have one guest room." Diana frowned, cooing at little Elle that tried to wiggle our of her grasp, "I was planning on moving soon since this part of Paris is a little too loud for me."
A little white lie. She'd have to ask Bruce for help of finding a new space in a short time.
The three looked suspicious, skeptical, and already feeling guilty. Diana was quick to act, ushering them to their rooms, asking them if they've eaten and what they'd like for dinner if not.
Aside from a new place, she needed to acquire herself some parenting books. Yes. Lots and lots of parenting books, especially if her children were eldritch beings.
Maybe Bruce had more experience in that field.
No, Diana, do not think like that. You're a mother now.
Especially when she was the mother of three while Bruce was only parenting one child. Though said child was now a rather rebellious fifteen year old.
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ditzybat Ā· 11 months ago
any teenage female hero: oh no, i think i'm starting my period :(
bruce, proud girl dad, procuring a basket of menstrual products and comfort items: i've got this guys.
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the-black-bulls Ā· 11 months ago
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Nacht's going through a phase. Ignore him.
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