#he should’ve known better as the hero of time
weepingtalecowboy · 3 days
Fanfic prompt: The timeline is split into three ,right ?
One where twilight comes from
One where time went to get milk and never returned being wind's
And one where legend comes from
And you know what would be absolutely hilarious
If Time married sheik in legend's timeline and therefore legend is related to him
Which would make him Malon's step grand child
And Inter dimensional step siblings with twilight
Because the potential for crack is enormous
Like their relationship would be so weird
Malon accepted him without hesitation because it’s a weird time traveler thing and obviously a different time made a different decision
But explaining that to her was something that time had no idea how to even start with that mess
Legend is incredibly awkward because he more or less is imposing on the family
(And his family never wanted him anyway so why does this one do when he is nothing but a slanderous bastard to their family and name
He isn’t a Lon Lon nor is he even part of his ancestor’s family he literally was hidden like a dirty secret for most of his life… so why?)
But time figures it out anyway
It is genuinely painful for legend to know that he was wanted by his ancestor
Because his present family didn’t
But everyone just accepts him like he deserves to and it doesn’t make sense
Malon took a single look at the sad face and decided that one is hers as well
And wind too
(Talon has no idea what is going on but if Malon decided that those kids are hers he will just be supportive)
Time feels bad because he wasn’t there for legend
Twilight and Legend are both confused by the timeline
Twilight just accepted him because one half sibling still is better then no family so he doesn’t even dare to be weird about it)
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elssero · 27 days
project partner
-in which you and bakugo get paired to work on a school project together ,sfw. angst!!!!! tw no happy endings ..
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maybe you should’ve been paying more attention but your hero analytics class was so boring you genuinely couldn’t stop yourself from getting distracted.
it’s not like the view outside the window is any more interesting- at this point your just looking at anything in an attempt to drown out your teachers voice.
you catch a pair of birds on a tree outside- watching as they shuffle around each other awkwardly. god you wish you were one of those birds right now. you really hate this class.
“and yn, you’ll be partnered with uh- bakugo.”
wait what?
oh you’ve got to be kidding me.
you don’t even know what you’ve been partnered to work with him on? some sort of fake hero interview? god could your day get any worse.
you did not like bakugo. not one bit.
you didn’t like his ‘better than everyone’ attitude. you didn’t like the constant stupid scowl on his face. but most of all you didn’t like the way he spoke to your friends.
at the beginning of the year you’d made a conscious effort to befriend most of your classmates. never shying away from a conversation and offering your assistance whenever needed.
you knew what it was like to be strong, you’d always been a step ahead, seemingly excelling in everything you did. you guessed you had that in common with him.
however, what you didn’t have in common with him was his treatment of your classmates. you had never once wanted anyone too feel inferior to you, even if they were.
sure you were teasing- often joking around with many of your classmates but it was all in good faith. nothing like the actual insults bakugo often hurled at them.
you didn’t like him. not at all.
staring at aizawa with wide eyes he only gives you a shrug. you have absolutely no idea why he thought it would be a good idea to pair you and bakugo together- you’d never even spoken a word to each other in this class.
after reading out the rest of the pairings he dismisses the class, encouraging you all too make plans with your partners about scheduling time to work on the project he’d just given you, explaining you had a week to hand in two fully fledged professional looking interviews, one of your partner and of yourself with the other playing the interviewer.
you weren’t worried about your performance at something like this, being friendly and talking to people had never been a problem for you- at least not until it came to the blonde who was now making his way towards you. his signature frown on his face.
he huffs as he attempts to make himself comfortable in the seat next to you, still somehow looking incredibly uncomfortable.
you glance around at the other pairs in the room. brewing with jealousy as you see everyone already getting along- seemingly paired with someone their known to be friends with.
the boy beside you attempts to speak before you cut him off-
“okay look- i don’t want to be here any longer than i need too and i’m sure you don’t either.” you would normally grimace at the harsh tone of your voice- except it’s bakugo, so instead you continue on.
“i’ll spend tonight watching recent hero interviews too see what types of questions are currently trending, i’ll put us both together a series of questions we can ask each other.”
it’s better you do all the work, it means he can’t surprise you with some stupidly rude question. you don’t have to get along with him. you just have to do the project- get a good grade and go back to ignoring him.
“send me a copy of your schedule so i can work out a time that suits us both to film the interviews- they shouldn’t take too long, most interviews only last a little under an hour now a days.”
you don’t look at him as you speak to him, instead opting to drawing little cats in the corner of your page as you explain your plan to him.
“oh um- okay.” he pauses slightly before continuing speaking. “yeah- um i’ll send you my schedule.”
that was oddly easy? of course your glad he didn’t fight you on this, but to say you weren’t expecting at least a little challenge would be a lie.
deciding not to dwell on his weird behaviour you take this as a win- you get to dictate your entire project which is obviously what you’d rather. when the bell rings to signify the end of the day your beyond thankful to it for getting you away from the increasingly awkward silence your having with bakugo at the moment. getting up you don’t even bid him goodbye as you meet up with your friends while leaving the class to make your way to the dorms.
it’s jirou and mina you meet at the doorway- immediately accepting their invitation to join them on their walk home.
the walk isn’t long- you listen as your friends catch you up on the work they’d done with their partners during class- expressing their excitement to work on something more media based.
“so uh- how’s having bakugo as a partner?” you roll your eyes at your pink friend. it’s no secret that your not a fan of bakugo. infact you go out of way to make it very clear to your friends your feelings about the boy.
“it’s weird. he’s totally letting me do all the work- of course i’m not complaining but i thought he’d try to argue with me with at least once.” explaining how he’d acted to your friends you feel just as confused as you did in class.
“wait- you mean he didn’t argue with you once? not even a single time?” confirming minas question you keep walking. it is weird. you don’t think bakugo has ever done a paired project without being utterly horrible to whatever pour soul had been paired up with him.
“i mean are we really surprised? i can’t think of a single time he’s ever actually insulted you.” you look at your purple haired friend as she talks. she’s right.
you don’t know why, but since the beginning of first year bakugo had never once said anything mean to you. not since you’d kept up with him on the quick assessment on your first day.
it’s weird. god it’s so weird and your grateful someone else has noticed it. he’s always so mean. never thinking twice before hurling abuse at the rest of your class while he seemingly never even thinks of throwing some at you.
you rather it that way. it gives you the perfect excuse to never have to speak to him.
“wait your right…” mina currently looks deep in thought before a sly smile erupts on her face. “maybe he’s got a crush!”
you can’t help the laugh that bubbles in your chest. bakugo?? a crush?? even the idea sounds crazy. not once in your three years of being at UA had you ever heard of bakugo even being remotely interested in anything like that with anyone.
“bakugo definitely does not have a crush on me- are we sure he even has a romantic bone in his body?” jirou beside you laughs at that, a small chuckle escaping her. “it’s not the craziest explanation- maybe he’s got a soft spot.” you shoot her a kidding glare.
“don’t be silly guys. i’m sure there’s an actual reason- maybe he just can’t think of anything bad to say about me.” your thankful when the girls next to you both burst into giggles- giving you and opening to change the subject.
the idea scratches the back of your head the whole walk. you can’t stop thinking about it as you make your way into your own dorm, showering and changing before beginning to work on your project- your thirty minutes into the most recent mirko interview when you decide you need a break.
dinner. that will definitely solve your problems. your just hungry.
making your way into the kitchen your hopes of getting your mind off bakugo are immediately shut down as you see his figure behind the open fridge door.
for fucks sake.
it’s too late to turn around now. sucking it up you made your way over to one of the cupboards before taking out some bread- you’ll just make a sandwich. something quick to get you the fuck out of this kitchen.
you nearly make it out- your so close.
“so uh- how’s the project going?” your being punished. your now completely certain someone out there has something out for you.
“um yeah it’s going fine- i have your questions all written out i’m just getting started on mine.” you forced to look at him quickly when you place the bread back into the cupboard. it’s clear he’s just back from a very intense work out. the sweat in his hair makes that evident. he looks good.
what the fuck? you turn away quickly before he notices your quick stare as you pack up your food ready to take into your room.
“you did my questions first?” there’s a slight surprise in his voice as he questions you.
“uh yeah it was easier. there’s a lot more male heros so it was easier to find interview questions compared to females.” it’s a logical explanation- you miss the way his expression drops slightly when he listens to your reasoning.
“is that all your having to eat?” this is weird. is he making fun of you? no that’s not it. there’s not a mean tone in his voice- instead it’s something like concern.
“i’m not really hungry. just wanted a quick snack-“
“you should eat more.”
you need to get out of this kitchen. why is he being so nice to you? okay maybe he’s right. a sandwich is definitely not a hero course student meal but your currently far to confused and far too tired too care.
“goodnight bakugo.”
you don’t wait for his reply as you quickly make your way to the door, desperate to get away from whatever the fuck is going on right now. you debate making your way to minas room to debrief what just happened but decide against it. she’ll probably attempt to try and convince you about her stupid crush theory again and there’s absolutely no way that’s true.
the after effect of your late night hits you like a truck in the morning, after groggily getting up and forcing yourself to get ready you rush to class- nearly missing the bell while you step in only a few seconds before your teacher.
you spend the entire period in complete silence- focusing mainly on keeping yourself awake long enough to get home and go straight to sleep. your keeping your face up with your hand while it threatened to fall when you receive a note from your left.
you okay? you look like your seconds away from biting your desk. -k.b.
why on earth did he sign his initials on this stupid note as if you didn’t just watch him place it on your desk. you decide to take a minute to calm yourself so you don’t end up writing him back a mess of profanities.
you don’t even reply at all, deciding instead to crumple the note up extremely loudly before placing it in your pocket. you miss the dejected look on his face but you do hear the scoff. that bitch.
you can’t wait for the end of this stupid project, hoping that by the end of it you and bakugo will be able to go back to how you were before. he can go back to terrorising the rest of the class while you go back to ignoring him.
it’s beyond weird that he’s starting to talk to you. you assume he feels obligated because he’s your partner but you’d rather he just ignored you outwith strickly work related conversations.
your packing up for class when he nexts approaches you- placing a piece of paper in your hand as he walks by your desk.
“it’s uh- it’s my schedule.” right. you did ask him for that didn’t you? did he put this together last night? it’s extremely detailed- compiling exactly what he does everyday seven days a week, even having slots for studying and meal times.
scanning it over quickly you realise the only free time you share is saturday afternoon- tomorrow.
that works. if you get your interviews completely done during the weekend it means that this weird situation you’ve found yourself in with bakugo will be over by monday- it’s perfect infact.
“i’m free tomorrow afternoon too- i’ll meet you in the common room at 1 and we can spend a couple hours on it. hopefully we can have it done before dinner.”
“yeah um- that’s fine i’ll meet you at 1.” okay great. you take note of the fact this is the second plan you’ve made without bakugo arguing with you.
you leave the class in speed after that- wishing your friends a goodbye as you let them know you won’t be walking with them today, wishing to run straight to bed as your far too tired to spend time with them right now.
it’s hours later when you finally wake up- 7pm your clock reads. you’d really hoped that you would just have been able to sleep though the whole night- it seems the universe has other plans for you as you hear your stomach grumble. great.
your making your way down to the common room when you hear a mixture of voices from behind the wall.
“yeah it’s great- but bakugos the luckiest for sure. he’s working with yn on this and she always does well on this shit. maybe it’ll bring your hero media grade up.” it’s kaminari you hear first. your ears perk up when you listen to a mention of your name.
“yeah bakugo how is it? it’s gotta be great working with her. i’m totally jealous.” you manoeuvre quickly to hide yourself fully behind the wall now. they’ve not realised your here yet. you intend to listen fully to what they have to say about you.
“it’s alright- i guess.” you wish you could say you were surprised but alright? if he calls doing all the work for alright then you’ll never do anything for him ever again.
“come on bakugo there’s got to be more to it than that? you finally get her to talk to you yet-?” huh? what does he mean by that? finally getting you to talk to him?
“shut up shitty hair- it’s- no i haven’t!” he’s getting increasingly more frustrated as he continues.
“every time i attempt to make conversation she shuts me out completely. i- i don’t even know what im doing wrong.” his voice sounds rejected as he finishes his sentence. he’s been.. trying to talk to you?
why? it’s the first thing that crosses your mind. why after years of being in the same class- years of mutually ignoring each other why would he now make the decision he’s interested in talking to you?
you can’t listen to any more of this. forgetting all about your hunger you hastily make your way back to your dorm- attempting not to draw notice to yourself.
somehow finding yourself more tired than you were when you first made your way downstairs you flop yourself onto your bed with a confused sigh.
you just don’t get it. trying to wrack your brain for reasons why bakugo would all of a sudden decide he’s interested in you- you fail to find a logical reason.
maybe you should just sleep it off- after your interviews are done tomorrow you won’t have to speak to him ever again if your luckily. you can spend your days avoiding him during classes and in the corridors. it shouldn’t be that hard.
his friends words repeat in your mind. finally get you to talk to him? had he been interested in you for awhile? and for what?
maybe he had been looking for something to make fun of you for- it’s the only explanation you can come up with.
forging yourself to stop dreading over it you take that as your answer. bakugo katsuki is attempting to get close to you so he can find something to poke fun at you for.
you know in your mind that’s not it. even in your tired state you realise that the excuse your giving yourself isn’t the truth. however your far to exhausted- and apparently still hungry to let yourself stress over it any longer as you fall back into sleep.
your alarm wakes you up at a sharp 10am. it’s your emergency alarm for when you accidentally sleep in. fuck.
you have three hours before your supposed to meet bakugo and your already riddled with anxiety over it. waking up late forces you to miss your work out for the third day in a row- maybe you’ll be able to get one in later tonight.
opting to just start getting ready your able to take your time- an outfit choice isn’t needed, you’ll need to wear your hero costume if your doing “hero work.”
it’s 12 when you begin to start thinking about getting something to eat- your ready to leave now, your aswell heading down to the kitchen early.
your heading to your door when you get a knock, opening it expecting it to be one of your friends your shocked when you see- bakugo?
in his hand is a brown bag- the little logo of a local bakery is crumpled but you can still make it out, in the other is a coffee of some sort.
“you didn’t eat last night. picked you up something after my run.” of course he’d went on an early morning run- your almost jealous of his work ethic.
he got you breakfast? it smells good. you can’t remember the last time you went to that little bakery, you’d forgotten how much you missed it.
“how’d you know how i take my coffee?” his eyes shift to the floor at your question- nervousness clearly evident in his voice.
“i uh- i asked raccoon eyes. she said that’s always what you get.” of course he went to mina- it’s not wonder she keeps making crazy assumptions about the two of you.
you offer his a small smile when you answer him- maybe the first you’ve ever given him. “thank you bakugo.”
his eyes go wide at that- “um yeah it’s no big deal- i was getting something anyway.” did he eat it already? your foods still warm- it feels as though he ran straight here after getting it.
“you ready to go?” your snapped out of your trance when you tell him yes- picking up your bag you make your way to the training room that had been set up specifically for this project.
it looks like a real interview set- in the middle of the room is a long table with two chairs- both situated with microphones with a camera catching them both in shot.
you begin to set up straight away- bakugo insists on working on your interview first as a thanks for doing the rest of the work and you take him up on the offer, settling yourself into the seat of the interviewee as he situates himself beside you.
he looks slightly different from how he normally does- less angry, you think. he’s really gotten himself into character- dressing himself a smart-ish shirt, he’s put on his reading glasses, he looks kinda cute.
the lighting of the set is definitely doing wonders for him- you just hope it’s doing you the same justice. he coughs slightly next to you- seemingly to get your attention.
“you ready to go?” he’s looking at you patiently- urging you to take your time.
“i’m good to go- just try stay on script yeah?” your joking with him- similarly to how you would your other classmates. maybe this project isn’t so bad.
he does infact follow the script perfectly in the beginning- opening up your interview- introducing you to the “audience” as he begins the questions.
it’s the usual stuff- questions you’d answered a million times. who inspires you? why did you decide to be a hero? what type of hero do you wish to be? blah blah blah.
“if we asked your friends to describe what it’s like to be your friend- how would they describe it?” you love questions like these- you feel it gives fans a real feel for not only you as a hero- but you as a person.
“i’m hilarious- obviously. but if we’re being completely serious i’d probably describe myself as helpful? i always find joy in being able to help my friends with things their struggling with- it helps i get too tease them about it too.” you flash the “interviewer” a smile to only be met with a deadpan expression.
did you say something wrong? you thought that was a perfect answer- it paints you as a kind but funny person. what’s his problem?
“why do you do that?” his interviewer tone is gone now- seemingly given up on his part.
“do what?” your voice is laced in confusion but in reality your angry. it had been going so well up until now- no arguments, no insults- just getting the project done and now your going to have to start the whole interview all over again.
“your nothing like that- at least not to me.” he’s grumbling as he says it- looking directly at you with that same frustrated expression.
“what are you talking about.” your firm when you say it- edging him to just get to the point of whatever tangent he’s about to go on so you can get back to work.
“you-? it’s just you! your fuckin’ friends with everyone- it pisses me off.” your mouth is slightly agape- what does who your friends with have anything to do with him? you don’t reply.
“it’s just- everyone fuckin’ loves you- apparently your so fuckin’ great to everyone but i can never get that out of you-“ anger is rising in his voice as he continues- getting more and more frustrated as he keep struggling to explain how he feels.
“your always such a fuckin’ bitch to me- always ignoring me- never giving me the time of day and everything thinks m’ fuckin’ crazy because your just soo good.” your anger is suddenly matching his- your such a bitch to him?? does he have any idea about the way he treats people?
“oh that’s fucking rich coming from you- your maybe the biggest asshole i’ve ever met. no wonder i don’t wanna speak to you.” your furious- who does he think he is?? that he thinks he can dictate how you act towards people.
“what?” the tone is his voice is changed now- the anger that was there a second ago seems to have vanished- now replaced with sadness.
“and you ignore me too!- don’t act like our lack of communication is all my fault.” now it’s his turn to be in shock- he doesn’t think he’s ever seen you act like this before.
“your right bakugo- i am a bitch. i’m a bitch to you because i can’t stand you. i don’t like you, not one bit. your a horrible classmate- i can only imagine an even more horrible person just going by the way i hear you speak to people.”
you take a deep breath before you continue- finally allowing yourself to actually look at him- your vision a little blurry from anger, but you can see it clear as day- the complete expression of hurt written all over his face.
you wish you cared- you wished you maybe felt a little empathy for the boy but you don’t- you can’t. you’ve listened to the way he’s treated people for years and now that you’ve started you can’t stop.
“you don’t do it to me- i don’t know why and quite frankly i don’t care. but i hear it, i’ve heard it for years and i wont shy away from it anymore- i believe you to be a bad person bakugo, you’ll make a great hero- maybe. but that won’t change the fact i truly believe you to be a bad person.”
he still doesn’t say anything- the hurt in his face somehow even more evident as the tears threaten to spill from his eyes.
he gets up without saying anymore more- grabbing his coat as he makes a b-line for the door- leaving you alone in this stupid interview set.
he’s such an idiot- and too think he really had a chance- of course you would see him for as he was.
he loved you- he had for years.
and you completely hated him.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Everyone leaving a business course in Japan knows that Dynamight PR is THE job to get. Everyone strives and works for it without really knowing what they’re getting into. They just know it’s the highest paying job you can get and you’ll either never need to go job hunting again, or you’ll have an amazing job on your CV. That is until they work there and realise that Dynamight is a dog that cannot be contained by his PR team and the reason you get hired on the spot if you go looking for other jobs is ‘well if you can work for Dynamight, you can work for anyone’
I could write about this trope for hours I’m so obsessed with it— he’d make your job so insufferable whilst simultaneously being the best part of it😫
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On paper, a job at Dynamight’s agency is the dream for anyone in business— never mind a student fresh out of school with no experience. Strict NDA’s meant there was little information about what a job working for Dynamight’s PR team was really like, but the fact that his current manager was signed off sick for stress should’ve been an indication of what the job would be like for you.
You didn’t meet Dynamight during your interview, even though it was held at his agency. A fact you found a little peculiar, thinking a Hero climbing the rankings would be invested in who he’d have as his PR assistant— especially as it could help further his career, but it didn’t surprise you. Dynamight was one of the most in-demand heroes, with the media, fans and public desperate for his attention. Of course he wouldn’t have the time to interview everyone that applied for the job.
But you didn’t even meet Dynamight when you got the job. The three weeks since had been surprisingly calm, surprisingly easy. You’d spend your days filtering through emails, most of them from fans who’d beg for a chance of meeting the Pro, or autographs or merch. Not unlike a lot of the emails from the media, trying to arrange interviews or publicity stunts while trying to offer their fees.
The only complaint you’d received was from a young photographer that hadn’t known any better when he shoved his camera directly under Bakugou’s nose during a rescue mission, the hulking Pro carrying an injured civilian over one of his broad shoulders as he grabbed the camera with his palm. The heat of his quirk no match for the intricate technology as it melted beneath his touch, effectively destroying the memory card as he let it drop to the ground. The only evidence a blurry, charred JPEG of Bakugou’s angry face as he reached out for the device. The complaint quickly settled with a new photography set as compensation, as well as a well scripted apology from the Pro. An apology, which you soon realised, was carefully scripted by yourself and signed by the Pro-Hero himself.
“What do you want?” You hadn’t expected these to be the first words your new boss would say to you, and yet here you were.
“Oh, I’m your new PR assistant,” You understood now why people felt intimidated in his presence. Crimson eyes shot you a glare from across the room before he quickly went back to the laptop on his desk, even though thick-rimmed glasses he still felt as intimidating as ever. Even if he did look much cuter like this— “I just need you to sign this apology to the photographer from last week—”
“I ain’t fuckin’ signing that shit,” He scoffed, “Tell that prick he’s lucky it wasn’t his head.”
Now you understood why there were always vacancies available for this job.
You were certain Dynamight wasn’t trying to make your job difficult on purpose, he always seemed to answer your calls when he was inside his office— even if it was usually with an abrupt “what?”. And he even agreed to tone down his aggressive views online, “Fine, sweetheart. I’ll cut the fuckin’ politics. But you know those fuckers need tellin’ how dumb they are”. The peace could only ever be short lived, because no matter how hard you tried, things just seemed to get worse.
If the hero commission weren’t a bunch of pussies Deku wouldn’t be number one for another year in a row.
“Oh my god,” Your eyes squinted as you read the tweet at six in the morning, before you’d even had a chance to wake up and get ready for the day.
The likes and retweets continued to grow as you began to get messages from your team at the agency, and the media as you contemplated just never coming back.
Usually someone in the IT department would lock his account just in time, or intercept the tweets but it wasn’t always quick enough. You really were in the trenches as you decided to take matters into your own hands. Scrolling to your contacts as you called your boss immediately, pinching the bridge of your nose to try and calm the migraine you knew was coming on.
“You’re callin’ a bit late for a bootycall, sweetheart—” He grunted, his breathing laboured on the other side of the phone so you assumed he was at the gym. Or so you hoped, not wanting to imagine him on top of another woman whilst talking to you, “Don’t you start work in an hour?”
“Cut the crap, Bakugou,” You snapped, irritated by the offensive tweet mere hours after he’d promised to tone it down, “You said no more ridiculous tweets.”
“You said no more ridiculous tweets,” He mimicked your tone, “I’m just posting pure fuckin’ facts and you know it. If the commission weren’t so far up Deku’s ass I’d be number one by now.”
“No,” You growled, “If you weren’t such an insufferable asshole all the fucking time and actually tried to show up to some of the events that were organised for you, you might actually have a chance of changing public perception of you. Nevermind the simple fact that Deku had better numbers than you this month. Deku’s number one because he deserves to be, but you deserve it too. So maybe if you fixed up we could get you there, but instead you choose to be a jerk.”
You couldn’t believe the words had left your mouth. Every single ounce of annoyance and irritation you’d felt working under Dynamight for the past month had spewed out in under thirty seconds. The emotions you’d kept bottled up every time you received a new complaint or read a new interview or post from Bakugou, now released from your system.
And even though you were certain that you’d lost your job now, at least you could say that you’d given your notice in style.
“Well shit,” You heard the running stop on the other side of the phone as you assumed he paused his treadmill, panting into the receiver.
“I’m sorry, sir,” You sighed, “Maybe it’s better if you get someone else for the job—”
“I like it when you’re pissed, sweetheart.” He cut you off completely, catching you off guard, “I’ll see you in an hour. You can tell me exactly what you want me to do.”
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temis-de-leon · 1 month
Gn!MC with chronic joint pain
Characters: Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor (x reader, separately, could be read as romantic or platonic)
Main Masterlist
Anon request: Could I request the brothers with a gn!MC with chronic joint pain? Sure, medicine makes it feel better when they take it, but it never 100% goes away and the meds aren't without side effects. On a good day, they can function relatively normally even if they do certain things at a slower pace. However, on a bad day, they can hardly get out of bed or do basic tasks (brush their teeth, lift a coffee cup, use a hand towel, etc) without difficulty, and require a fair amount of support when flare ups happen
A/N: I'm pretty sure Google thinks I'm the one with chronic pain
Although he’s the one who spends time with you the most, it took an embarrassingly long time to notice how significant your winces and fatigue were. After all, his initial belief was that humans were naturally weak.
He thought he understood why you stayed too long in bed from time to time or why your brows would frown when you grabbed your backpack if it was especially heavy some days.
You’d say you couldn’t help it whenever he teased and of course, you talked with frustration each of those times, so he learnt to ignore it; just like you tried to do.
Then came the day when he crushed you in the hallway while running away from Lucifer. The only thing he could do before both of you fell to the ground was twist your body so he could act as a cushion, but even that wasn’t enough.
You started to complain before he had the chance to ask for payment for his ‘sacrifice’, but it wasn’t just words or berating; Lucifer was already doing plenty of that.
It was a mix of gasps and moans of pain that stopped both brothers in their tracks.
The only reason why the eldest didn’t obliterate the younger demon on the spot was because the guilt was already eating him alive.
He helps you with no asking needed, carrying your backpack to and from school, helping you put on your coat or making you breakfast, although it’ll most likely be burnt.
He’ll stop if it makes you feel useless or incapacitated on days when you are mostly okay, but if you’re barely able to lift your head off the pillow, you can bet all your money he’s laying right next to you ready to make you some company, even in silence.
It will take him some time, but, eventually, you will have his undying support.
Being as distracted as he is, with his eyes glued to a screen most of the day, wasn’t an excuse for him to ignore all the pill bottles in your bathroom cabinet or the way you sometimes couldn’t keep up with him when he was excited and walking too fast.
He feels like a horrible friend when you tell him. He should’ve known!
You will have to explain the whole situation to him in the comfort of his room, moments after he requests your presence for the testing of an arcade shooting game that will, for sure, make your arms sore for the next few days.
Although you assure him you can still play, just not for excruciatingly long periods and on lower difficulty, he still feels like he failed you in some way.
Sharing his interests with you will never be enjoyable as long as it has the possibility of causing you pain.
Fortunately, he knows countless games where long-range movements are not required and you can have fun anyway: visual and choice-based novels, turn-based RPGs, social simulation games…
He especially likes the choice-based ones. From your views on morality to romance and friendship, each important interaction with the characters or the lore helps him know you more and more as the game progresses.
It doesn’t stop there, though.
He will also try, not so subtly, to find games, shows, comics and manga where you can relate to the main character in one way or another.
It could be seen as pity, but that isn’t his intention at all. You should enjoy the media you interact with! Either heroes or villains or something in between, you should have someone you can understand on the screen or paper.
Since observing you and everything related to you is an enjoyable pastime of his, it doesn’t take him long before he figures out your medication schedule. At first his beauty-driven mind thinks your pills are vitamin supplements, but then he notices the headaches, the stomach issues and the exhaustion; no doubt side effects.
It is on one of your worst days when he knocks on your door asking to spend the evening together. The only thing you can do to greet him is throw a weak peace sign from beneath the blankets and that’s when he pouts and frowns in worry.
He hopes you trust him enough to talk about it in case you want to keep it a secret and, if not, why would he treat it like a taboo subject?
He may be the only one who straight-up asks with absolute normality.
Changes are not noticeable at first seeing that he already liked being around you and dotting on you before knowing anything, but rest assured he will be there if you ever need him.
On days when you feel like you can’t take care of yourself, the only thing you have to do is send him a message.
Whatever you need, he will do.
From drawing a bath so you don’t have to stand up while holding the shower head to applying dry shampoo on your hair so you don’t get out of bed at all. He will also do your skincare routine and even your makeup if you're up to it; brush your teeth and your hair and organize your room while mindlessly chatting with you.
His favourite shared activity is painting your nails since you don’t have to move at all and you still enjoy each other’s company.
The rest of the brothers need to remind him from time to time that you aren’t a doll for him to dress, but he won’t ever do something that makes you uncomfortable in any way.
He doesn’t really notice until it comes up naturally in conversation.
You’re both in the kitchen, getting a snack to hold on until everyone is ready for dinner, and he starts talking about a new workout plan he is following in the gym. A famous bodybuilder posted it on his Devilgram account and he was too curious not to give it a shot.
Although he can do it on his own, he likes to spend time with you, so he innocently asks if you want to go with him someday and try it, even if it’s a watered-down beginner version.
It’s not like you can’t go to the gym, but the number of exercises you feel like you can do is limited and you need to be mindful while doing all of them. Hell, even at home you need to be careful with some of your movements, doing simple chores like making your bed or washing the dishes.
You remind him how you cook too, usually doing one-pot meals and trying to use your body as little as possible; there are human influencers (highly recommend) that show specific tricks to make cooking easier for people like you, after all.
Luckily, he understands immediately, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to give up.
Unbeknownst to you, he researches specialized exercises and routines, as well as food, made to alleviate pain and strengthen your weakest points.
It isn’t a definitive solution, and certainly not the best, but it’s the thought that counts and he’s genuinely trying to make your life more comfortable and pleasant; not so draining.
He won’t push if you decline his offers and options (he’ll never force you to do anything, even if it benefits you), but will be extremely happy if you accept.
He never asks, but you never have to tell him either, he just knows.
Your pain reflects in the way you move and live your day-to-day life, slower than the rest of them and always taking precautions, medicating yourself periodically even if sometimes that isn’t enough.
All of them have dinner in your room when you’re feeling way worse than usual and each time his memories can’t help but go back to that fateful evening in the attic.
He willingly and excitedly caused you abysmal pain back then, but he doesn’t want to imagine how underestimated his measurements are.
You suffered, yes, but all of that happened in the past.
Asking you what exactly hurts and what makes it worse won’t help his guilt at all.
Now that he can help you, he won’t do anything but.
Being who he is and liking what he likes, he has a trustworthy list of mattresses and pillows that he doesn’t hesitate to share with you.
He knows better than anybody else what a well-rested body can do to the mind and, although it may not help much, he insists you try at least once.
Going shopping for something like this and doing it with him is a double-edged sword; while he couldn’t be a better critic, there’s also the possibility of him falling asleep on one of the mattresses on display.
And you know perfectly well you aren’t going to be the one dragging him back home, so inviting Beel as well is always the best choice; especially since you can hang out after shopping knowing that you will have your purchase delivered.
If you still feel like you aren’t getting any rest, he will use a little bit of his magic to make you fall asleep more easily without waking up in discomfort.
Taglist: @hatchers-hoard @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
183 notes · View notes
cxlamarisalxmi · 1 year
Being a variant and being on Miles’ side [GN]
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[Platonic Headcanons]
c/w: major spoilers, gender neutral terms and pronouns (they/them), no gendered terms used to describe reader, canon inaccuracies? I’m not really sure I’d just gone off what I had perceived from the movie
• Miguel and Jessica had been keeping a keen eye on the teenager spider variant (you) from Earth-2315126 since you’d been bitten at five years old
• Strange thing was your father; Peter Parker was also bit, which meant your dimension had two spider variants as opposed to one— not unheard of but not common either
• It was fortunate for you however because you had someone to teach you, show you the ropes, the fact that it was your father who had become your mentor was only the icing on the cake
• And you were brought up into a spectacular spider variant in his care; strong, compassionate, kind
• Though despite having a father the pair kept a watchful eye on you regardless, seeing promise in your future and believing in your potential
• When you were fourteen your father was killed by Lizard, and for an entire year following you gave up on your heroic persona— hanging up your suit in the wake of your father’s death that rocked your entire world
• Being Spider-Man/Woman is about sacrifice, your father taught that to you when you began and you should’ve expected that you could not have it all
• A loving and doting father and the most badass secondary identity ever, it was always bound to happen and you should’ve prepared yourself for it
• But nobody could prepare themself for the loss of a loved one, and the ache in your chest and the burn in your stomach was something you’d never felt before— nor do you ever wish to feel it again
• So you gave up on the suit and you gave up on being the hero, eventually your Aunt May had stepped in and she scolded you pretty heavily about your state
• You didn’t think she had room to talk and she laid into you pretty hard for that comment because she most certainly did, Peter was her brother after all
• After you got it pretty good you decided that she was right, sulking about and ruining yourself wouldn’t change a damn thing, not only that but you knew your father would hate to see you like that
• You knew he wouldn’t ever force the suit upon you and you accepted that you had the choice to avoid dawning it ever again, but you also knew what he would do in your position
• He would bear the responsibility of his beloved city no matter the circumstances and no matter the heartache, because Spider-Man always gets back up
• So you stood firm upon all the valiant determination you could muster and picked your life back up again
• You got better emotionally and grew stable once more, and in the acceptance of your father’s death you had grown stronger, confident, courageous
• With you back on the streets of NYC the people of Brooklyn often voiced just how much they had missed and needed you
• And you didn’t plan on letting them down again, so despite the lack of a piece of your heart you always showed up when people needed you and you’ve not yet let them down
• Now, back to Jess and Miguel— they had known Peter would die and they had known they could not interfere as this was your canon event, the moment that would make or break you.. turns out it did both
• And they watched as you suffered through the loss, gave up on everything and everyone (including yourself) for a little over a year, worked through your pain and powered forward to overcome your grief, then became one of the strongest variants they had ever seen just before your seventeenth birthday
• Yes, they’ve been watching you for twelve years and yes, you have no idea
• It was on your seventeenth birthday that you had encountered Lizard once again, and this time he had taken enhancement drugs to increase his growth rate to tremendously rapid levels
• To say you were a bit stunned to see Lizard the size of a fucking dinosaur would be the understatement of the entire damn year
• Now, you held malicious and vengeful feelings towards Lizard for a long time in the wake of your father’s murder but it was feelings you had never ever acted upon, not even after you decided to pick up the suit once more
• As mentioned before you knew very well that the angry and hateful feeling brewing inside you at the expense of Lizard killing him could ruin you if you let it
• And that’s not where your morals lie, your beliefs and virtues are straight from those of your fathers— to be strong and courageous, righteous and pure for being Spider-Man/Woman is about hope
• So you did intend to take him down but you’d never do it with sinister intent or threatening tactics— just bring him down is all you wanted to do
• And if you were to speak honestly, it wasn’t as hard as you thought it was gonna be, obviously it was still pretty tough because hello? He’s the size of a fucking house, might as well be fighting a damn dragon
• It was easier because you’d felt at peace with yourself, and when at peace with yourself you worked harder and cleaner, jobs and protecting the city was just.. easier
• The fact the fight was easier than you expected could’ve also been because of your bite, the abilities you had gotten from it were a bit different than your father’s
• See, you’d been bit by a radioactive spider yes but it was a specific species and in accordance with that species you’d gained significantly different skills and traits
• The spider that had bit you was a Northern Wolf Spider, the arachnid gaining that name from it’s behavior of chasing, hunting and stalking prey, and in an odd turn of events you’d gained qualities that were more akin to that of a North American Timber Wolf
• Heightened senses came with the bite for every variant, and your specific qualities included; advanced stamina and strength, increased sense of sight, tremendously keen sense of smell and auditory processing, you had thick and durable fangs meant for tearing and searing
• You also bulked up a whole more more since your father passed, and in gaining more weight in pure muscle you’ve had to make your webs more durable, which helped out a lot with your fight against Lizard
• Speaking of—
“They’ve probably got it handled Miguel, is there any reason to actually go to their dimension?”
“I protect the multiverse which makes anomalies my responsibility, regardless of if that variant can handle them or not. And I’m going to have them join us.”
Jessica didn’t say much after, and she followed Miguel dutifully as he walked into the glowing orange portal. The pair flew through the multiverse for all of two seconds before a portal opened ahead of them and they were dropped onto a roof in your dimension.
“Went a bit too heavy on the ‘roids didn’t ya Doc?” The voice of a young teenager caught their ears. Just off to the side and a couple blocks away. Now facing that way they could see the large head of Lizard standing tall over the lip of the building on the distance.
“Is.. is that?—”
“Dr. Curt Connors.”
You leapt off the metal grail of the fire escape just as Lizard destroyed it with a whip of his massive tail. Using the momentum from your jump you swung a reverse axe kick to Lizard’s chin— putting enough force into it to throw his head back as you flip-jumped from him and landed on the road down below.
“I’m going to rip you apart and feast on your innards!” Lizard snarled as he recovered and glowered down at you with a sinister bear of his teeth.
“Season them well first at least, I’d suggest a nice barbecue rub!” You responded before shooting a web to the corner of the building on your left and swinging yourself into the air. Lizard roared angrily before lunging forward and attempting to catch you between his teeth. They snapped close with a chilling clamp and throaty growl from the beast.
Reaching the corner of the building you had shot your web at you leapt up and backwards flying over Lizard’s head and connecting a web to the side of his muzzle.
“Almost got me there!” You yelled as you swung around and around Lizard’s large scaled snout. “Don’t you know that animals that bite are often fitted with muzzles!” You quipped, enunciating the last word with a firm tug thus tightening the webs you’d been wrapping around his jaws and effectively sealing his mouth shut.
You kept the momentum and attached another web to the end of the one you’d been swinging around his muzzle. Then, you angled your hip to swing towards Lizard’s legs and using the same tactic looped around them several times before you were doing the same thing for his arms. When you deemed him wrapped up enough you landed behind him then tugged hard on the web end in your hand and forced Lizard to the ground by pulling his feet out from underneath him.
Once you were sure he was on the asphalt you were swift to web him up tightly and bind him to the ground. Hopefully, Captain Stacey got your message about the antidote and would arrive soon with it.
Meanwhile, as you waited you playfully walked along the edge of the building. The lip acting as your balance beam as you walked on your toes along it, doing a flip every so often just cause. You’d long since forgone your mask in favor of eating the sandwich gifted to you by the bodega owner on the corner.
Your spider senses tingled before—
“That was pretty impressive.”
You only flinched slightly at the abrupt interruption of your own little world, and turned to see two people. One, a very tall and broad man with wide shoulders and a muscular physique. The other, a woman with dark skin and a styled afro.. and she was pregnant.
“Uhm… thanks?”
“Was that a question?”
“Sorry it’s just—” you shook your head before jumping down and only now standing on the same level as him did you realize how tall the man actually was. “Who exactly are you two?”
“I’d think the suits gave you plenty context.” The woman replied, a smirk tugging up one end of her lips.
“Okay.. and why are you here?” You answered, still on edge about the two variants standing in front of you.
“My name is Miguel O’hara, and I lead an elite strike force dedicated to helping maintain the multiverse.” The man responded and you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“That still doesn’t explain why you’re here?”
“There was an anomaly reading in your dimension and we’re here to retrieve whatever villain has jumped into your universe.” The woman explained, jumping in to answer before Miguel could.
“You mean Kingpin?” You replied pointing to the billboard behind them and they both spun around to find the suit wearing antagonist webbed to it. Thick, white webs covering his entire body save for his neck and head, finally a web over his mouth. And they all watched as he glitched and morphed in colorful and mixed patterns, the board he was attached to glitching out too before changing entirely.
“How did you?—”
“My AP Physics teacher won’t shut up about the multiverse and also he doesn’t look my Kingpin at all so.. I mean you know,” they shrugged.
Miguel turned his head slightly to look at the woman beside him before he jerked his head minutely then he was facing the teenager in front of him once more. You met his masked stare head on (something he was impressed by, not many people can meet his intimidating glare straight on) as the woman walked away from you two before slinging a web up to the billboard and pulling herself up to it.
“You know the whole sinister and dark ‘nobody touch me I’m emo’ vibe you got going on isn’t very heroic.”
Miguel didn’t say anything, didn’t move an inch as he just stared at you. “See that right there isn’t becoming of someone who’s supposed to make people feel safe.”
“I protect the multiverse.”
“Right. But there are ordinary people in the multiverse, in every dimension you’ll find people.”
“The multiverse is my priority.”
“Yikes, saying things like that are not very becoming of a Spider-Man either.”
Miguel turned his observant stare cold as he chose to glare at you instead for the disrespectful responses and jokes. And he figured you must’ve felt he’d changed to glaring heatedly because you awkwardly looked away with a hand rubbing the back of your neck.
Finally, the woman returned with the Kingpin variant at her feet. This one significantly smaller than yours and lankier too, he must rely heavily on his Tombstone and Prowler. You’d rather have this Kingpin as opposed to your Kingpin— who for some reason is built like a fucking overgrown Silverback Gorilla.
She fiddled with the watch on her wrist before a golden portal erupted into life beside her, and you watched as she threw the Kingpin variant in before stepping in herself. But not before saluting you a goodbye with a playful glint in her eye and cheeky smirk on her face.
The portal closed and then your attention was back on Miguel, and your spider senses tingling brought a hand up to catch the watch he threw at you.
“Join us?”
You looked from him to the device in your hand, then you looked behind you at the Lizard on the ground down below. Captain Stacey at his neck and injecting him with a vial of clear liquid. You turned back to Miguel with a smirk and eager look as you slid the watch onto your wrist. “Sounds like a damn good time.”
• You didn’t know if you actually wanted to be there at Miguel’s Spider Society or whatever he’s calling it but you were also a bit intrigued by it
• So you followed them when he offered you that watch, and you grinned as he gave walked you around the building, giving you a small tour of his headquarters
• When you met Peter B. Parker you had an emotional breakdown and refused to return to the society for days following your first interaction with the man
• When you finally went back he was concerned that he’d done something wrong to garner such a reaction but you were quick to jump in and let him know it was in no way his fault before you explained why you had reacted as you did
• He was more than understanding, offering to keep his distance if that was what you wanted and whilst you appreciated the gesture you told him you would be fine
• And spending time in his company had begun to fill that gaping hole in your heart, obviously he’d never replace your father and you didn’t expect that of him either but his fatherly presence made you feel better than you had in years since your father’s passing
• Mayday was just an added bonus to his presence
• Time passed and you were there for a couple months before you met Gwen Stacey, and the two of you clicked almost instantly, it was a bit odd for you since the Gwen from your universe was about three years old and hadn’t been bitten but you got used to it
• And in that time you’d also learned the pregnant woman’s name was Jessica and that she was Miguel’s right hand in his society that he created
• You’d also met Hobie Brown and Pavitr Prabhakar whom you’d come to adore more than you’d ever outwardly admit lest you wish to give them egos the size of fucking Mars (but those two alongside Gwen were definitely your favorites) (behind Miguel ofc)
• Speaking of, you’d also grown quite close to Miguel in your time as part of his society of spider people, which was a huge surprise to yourself, him, Jessica and pretty much everyone involved
• He couldn’t really explain what it was, just something about your energy and the way you carried yourself that had him intrigued and impressed
• Your attitude that alluded to you never giving up was something he admired about you too, and it was those qualities that drew him in, made him want to protect you
• The bonding with you was something he didn’t expect to happen but was shocked when he wasn’t against it, and he ignored the initial reluctance and fear that he felt when you two began to get closer and closer
• Maybe it was the little things, the way you’d check up on him after a particularly harrowing or difficult mission, or the way you’d do anything to see if you could get him to crack a smile, there was something about your mere presence too, something warm and comforting
• Something he hadn’t felt since his young daughter was still a part of his life, and he was afraid of the consequences that would follow if he ever got close to you and lost you
• The same heartache he felt for his daughter would return, and it was pain that he didn’t want to feel ever again, that’s why he kept himself so guarded, those broken and vulnerable pieces protected behind vaulted steel doors
• But you had somehow managed to slip through his barbed defenses and made yourself right at home in his heart, and again he was initially afraid of the possibility that he’d lose you too and he’d face that pain all over again
• He doesn’t remember when or how he got over it, but he does remember the feeling that washed over him when he finally accepted your friendship
• It felt akin to a bucket of cold water being dumped over that fiery and searing ache in his chest, relief and comfort that he felt weigh so heavily on his chest he almost cried
• After that your guys’ relationship developed to much deepen levels, and he’d never admit to your face but you had quickly become his favorite and he would do anything to protect you, protect your bond like his life depended on it
• And just like Peter, his mere presence seemed to make you finally feel whole again… complete
• And as time continued to pass you’d only grow closer with the two men, finding safety and comfort in their arms, safety and comfort you’d been craving since you were fourteen years old
• Then, Miles Morales came along and everything went to shit
• Despite being on his team for months Miguel failed to mention that there was a spider variant that was an anomaly
• And in failing to mention that you had to figure it out on your own when Miles’ scent hit your nose and he smelled drastically different from the other spider people
• He smelt odd, unnatural and unusual… strange
• It didn’t take you long to figure out that he was an anomaly but you still figured it out by the way his scent, and you thanked the stars for that particular gift you got from the species of spider that had bitten you
• After Miles, Hobie and Gwen returned from the rescue they accomplished in Pavitr’s dimension at the expense of Spot is when things went from bad to ultimately worse
• Miguel had hoped somewhere small in his chest that you would side with him but he knew in a significantly larger part of him that your morals would not allow you to stand for him preventing Miles from saving his father
• Miguel knew that if you had known your father would’ve been killed that horrible night those years ago that you would’ve interfered without hesitation
• So he was not confident that you’d agree with him and well over half of the rest of the spider variants that this is something that must occur
• And he feared the confrontation with you, he feared the hate he’d no doubt see in your eyes when you find out this is where he stood on his opinion about the situation
• He wasn’t wrong either, because when Miles had returned and they all had cornered him after Miles discovered that Spot would be the cause, you didn’t take it all that well—
You were conflicted, you cared about Miguel but you’re morals and beliefs were very important to you— defined who you were. They were instilled into you by your father and you truly believed that by following through with them to the end you were keeping his legacy alive.
And they were loud in your ears right now, deafening in their prominent voice as you watched Miles get more and more tightly wound.
The thing was.. you agreed with him. And your father would’ve agreed with him too. There is no way Miguel knows for absolute certainty that Miles’ universe would collapse if he saved his father. And there’s no way any of the other spider variants could possibly know either.
There were facts and evidence on Miguel’s side but again— your values were speaking much louder than him. Because your father would’ve been disgusted by the behavior these spider variants were displaying, and he would’ve straight up hated Miguel. That you were absolutely sure of.
“This is wrong Miguel,” you spoke up and the spider variant you were speaking of turned to look at you. “You’re just going to let someone die when you know you could change the outcome? How could you possibly think that’s okay?”
“Spider-Man isn’t about the acceptance of loss and grief yet to come, Spider-Man is about hope, hope and promise of a greater tomorrow. Hope that there will always be someone there to help… someone there to protect those who can’t do so themselves.”
“The security of the multiverse is important!” Miguel argued, his tone aggressive and his expression frustrated as he ignored the ache on his chest. The ache that had erupted into existence at the expense of his theory proving correct— you would be against him.
“No! What’s important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die! If that’s truly what you believe, then you don’t know the first damn thing about being Spider-Man!”
“[Y/Name]…” Peter B. trailed as he got your attention, walking closer to you and putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. “We cannot interfere.”
You smacked his hand off your shoulder and stepped back and away from him several times to be standing beside Miles instead. “You too? Peter this is wrong, so unbelievably fucking wrong!”
“[Y/Name], I can’t let you get in the way. I’m sorry.” Miguel apologized before he was throwing something at yours and Miles’ feet. The device activated and put up a scarlet force field, Miles panicked and beat against the walls. As the variants outside the force field argued you looked to Miguel and Miguel only. And he looked right back. You just stared at him, eyes hard and brows taut and pulled together as he stared right back.
You ignored Miles as he continued to search for a way out, Miguel finally pulled his eyes off yours as Peter B. advanced on him. “Miguel! This is taking it too far!”
“He’ll only do more damage, we all know that!”
As they continued to argue outside the shield you turned your back on Miguel and flexing your fingers extended your thick and powerful claws. You could tear this force field apart if you truly tried, that’s what you were going to do. But before you could even put your hands up your senses tingled and you instinctively put your arms around your head to protect yourself as the shield was destroyed by a powerful electrical surge.
When Miles destroyed the force field he hesitated for but a single moment before he turned, grabbed your wrist and took off.
You distantly heard behind you before you were freeing yourself from Miles to run beside him instead, and you two sprinted through Miguel’s headquarters with you leading him seeing as you’ve already been there for close to a little more than six months.
Getting out wasn’t hard, at least not for you. The variants certainly tried but they weren’t any match for you. A well seasoned and thoroughly trained hero with twelve years of polishing your expertise and craft to a fine point.
Miles had a little trouble keeping up but you didn’t get too far ahead of him in which he couldn’t follow, you two only got separated once. And whilst you weren’t entirely sure where he’d gone off to, you had the absolute pleasure of facing off against Miguel (note the sarcasm).
Your senses tingled as you discreetly swung through the underbelly of Miguel’s HQ, and you pulled yourself up just in time to avoid Miguel’s web. And the two of you fought and danced around each other throughout headquarters. Miguel trying to capture you and yourself avoiding that outcome at all costs by expertly evading him. When you had finally reached outside you met up again with Miles on the train overhead cover that was speeding upon a vertical track at astronomical velocity.
It was hard to hang on, even more so with Miguel on your ass but you made due. Better you than Miles and you’d gladly fend off Miguel for him if it meant he could find his way home to save his dad in time. Maybe it was a selfish part of you that wished something for him that you wanted to have, or maybe you truly just wished only the best for the younger variant.
Either way, Miguel was kicking your ass instead of his and you could live with that.
The 2099 Spider-Man choke slammed you onto the cold, hard metal of the futuristic locomotive and pinned you there by a hand around your neck.
“Can’t you see?! He’s the original anomaly! He’s not meant to be here! He is not Spider-Man!” The man snarled in your face. The anger he was feeling making his fangs appear and he sneered down at you, bearing them ferociously.
“He’s more Spider-Man than you’ll ever be!” You retaliated, attempting any sharp words pointed enough to cut him deep and painful. And you watched as his face turned and grew solemn for only one second before he was darkening his expression and snarling at you again.
“I hate to do this to you, but I can’t lose you over this!” He yelled over the roaring grind of the moving train. And your heart fell to your toes when he beared his fangs again— this time with a wide open mouth. A second later he was lunging forward intent to inject your body with venom.
You thanked whatever god above was listening for your much quicker reflexes as you caught him by the lower jaw and redirected his lunge to the air beside you instead.
Then you were bringing your legs up and forcing him away from you, not wasting a second you shot a web to the top car of the locomotive. You pulled yourself all the way up to where Miles had perched himself, and just before you could get a word out Miguel erupted out of nowhere and tackled Miles down.
You moved to help but got a web wrapped around your wrist instead, whoever shot it pulled you off your feet and then you found yourself under Peter B. Parker and Mayday instead.
“[Y/Name], enough!”
“You can’t change destiny!” He argued, just as Miguel had done before, pinning you to the ground— though Peter’s was less of an attempt to capture you and just in a way to get you to listen to him.
“We control our own destiny Peter.”
“This’ll put the multiverse in danger! If you’d known your father would’ve been killed that night would you have saved him even if it meant there was an off-chance of your dimension being destroyed?!” Peter was just trying to reason with you now, and you stared directly into his warm brown eyes as you answered him.
“Without question.”
Peter drew back a bit at your response, then you watched behind him as Miguel flew overhead. That was your cue, so you grabbed Peter’s shoulders and utilized the enhanced strength of your specialty skills to push him off you.
Not enough to hurt him or Mayday but enough to give you space to escape, which you did. Once given enough breathing room to leap you leapt, jumping from the locomotive to fly through the air instead. Miles followed you, and Miguel was right behind.
You didn’t get much of that end of the chase, swinging directly to the headquarters and sneaking in past Kess and standing on the platform the machine usually used to send variants back to their proper dimensions.
It was minutes later when the machine suddenly came to life and you watched as the numerous screens turned on, looking a little closer you saw that it was Miles and that he was using his invisibility power to get the machine up and going.
Seconds later you felt his presence land beside you, and as the mechanical spider above lowered down and began creating the web to send Miles home and consequently you to his universe— Miguel erupted through the glass doors like a bat out of Hell.
And you stood back and watched as he sprinted to the platform’s edge, leapt over the gap and began furiously clawing at the web’s exterior.
Just as he was pulling it apart, the sequence completed and you and Miles were lifted into the air as the portal was created before the machine was throwing the two of you through the multiverse and into Miles’ universe.
• After the exhausting and frustrating chase, and even more annoying escape you and Miles had made.. you decided to follow him to his dimension, if only just to see that he’d be okay
• But he took off the second he was back in his own universe (or so you thought) and you were quick to follow, calling out his name in an attempt to get him to slow down but he did not listen
• So you just followed as he swiftly made his way to his apartment, only upon arrival you decided it might be best if you stayed outside which is exactly what you did, and you listened as he told his mom the truth and she responded with a question of her own not knowing who he was referring to
• When your spider senses started tingling uncontrollably is when you though something might be wrong so you webbed yourself to the roof of the building directly across Miles’ apartment and just observed from there
• As you watched him interact with a man that you assumed was his uncle your senses tingled again only it was too late to react when a muscled arm wrapped around your waist and a gloved hand covered your mouth, and then you were pulled backwards and through the portal into another dimension
• Upon arrival at the new universe you were pinned to the ground on your stomach by a heavy weight much larger and much stronger atop you, holding your arms in the small of your back and forcing you tighter against the ground
• You knew it was Miguel and you knew that unlike back at headquarters this pinch would be tighter to get yourself out of— so you didn’t intend to fight against him, you’d already done more than enough for Miles and on the off chance he still needed you then and only then would you fight for him again
• Until then, you’d accepted the fact you’d been captured, so you slumped to the rain soaked concrete of the building’s roof, and as you lay there you could only hope Miles had reached his father on time
a/n: Feel like it got kinda lame at the end but I hope you enjoyed the first post of the blog regardless! I’m super excited to get this blog started! Spiderverse is my hyper-fixation right now so that’s what I’ll be focusing on for a moment! Again, hope you enjoyed! Ciao!
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sixosix · 9 months
i want you for worse or for better | aether
synopsis your ex, aether, asks you to be his plus one; you were doomed from the very beginning.
tags wc 2.8k, gn!reader, modern au, profanity, getting back together, exes to lovers, humor bc i cant take my own writing seriously, ft 4GGRAVATE!!!
notes ty to @earthtooz and @naosaki helping me brainstorm w this one… our big brains were on the same wave while cooking.
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Aether moved around a lot. He was never the type to settle down. It was in his blood to explore the world and leave only a trace of him behind. He was something like a hero, coming in at the worst time and leaving them better than before. You couldn’t say the same about his effect on you, though.
You told him of this before, and he slumped over and rested his head on your lap, “I don’t even mean to. Are you at least swept off your feet by my heroic deeds?”
“I was so charmed I only dated you because you have overthrown the government,” you said.
Aether had laughed then, and kissed you sweetly. You couldn’t fool him for a second—how you melted to the kiss spoke for itself. You loved him for so much more than that.
But you also knew that it wouldn’t last long. Aether warned you about it, too; you couldn’t even be mad. How could you blame anyone but yourself when you deliberately brushed past all the warning signs?
“I don’t stay,” Aether told you, at the time. “If you want to do this…”
“I know,” you said, at the time. “I know what I’m getting myself into. So will you just kiss me already?”
Well, you should’ve known, too, that falling out of love with Aether wouldn’t be as easy as falling in love with him. Not when he kissed you like he would never leave, anyway. You were doomed from the very beginning.
“You’ve been staring at your phone for a worryingly long time now,” Tighnari said, eyeing you from the top of his cards.
You were seated on Alhaitham’s living room couch, the four boys lounging on the floor playing TCG. Cyno was winning effortlessly against Kaveh, but against Tighnari, he found himself at a loss. Alhaitham was continuing Cyno’s winning streak on his behalf, while Cyno was down two rounds from playing with Tighnari. You had been playing, too, but your phone lit up and displayed a name that had you dropping your cards and hiding your screen from your friends’ view.
You bit your lip and reread the message for the third time. The previous texts had been months ago, with him wishing you a happy birthday. You replied with a Thank you and a red heart emoji, because the <3 emoticon felt too intimate.
“Aether texted me,” you murmured, then braced yourself for the explosion.
It was Kaveh that did. “Aether? As in your ex, Aether? That Aether?” Kaveh demanded.
“Do you know other Aethers?” Alhaitham quipped, then placed a card that had Kaveh clutching his head and groaning.
“Shut up,” Kaveh hissed, mostly because he lost. “The point is—that’s your ex! What did he say?”
You buried your face on the couch pillow, hating how your heart was racing. Like you were still in high school, or something, and not a full-grown adult who was having a crisis over their ex texting them. “He said hey are you up?, all lowercase, no comma.”
“No comma,” Kaveh repeated with a suspicious look on his face.
“No need to be so wary,” Cyno said. “His intentions don't appear to deliberately cause any 'comma-tion’.”
Tighnari’s ears dropped along with his face.
“Do you get it?” Cyno seemed proud that he was able to come up with that one right away. “There was no comma. It was a wordplay on commotion—”
“Did he also say what he was texting you for?” Kaveh interrupted loudly. “If he wants something, send a picture of us and tell him you’re busy.”
“Aether’s not like that,” you murmured in defeat.
Kaveh was making him out to be some sort of playboy. Aether wasn’t, which made you worry more. You didn’t want to entertain someone who left you, but you still cared enough to wonder if something came up and he needed you.
“You’re going to reply?” Tighnari asked.
“Yes,” you said, typing out a what’s up? and hitting Send. You didn’t know why you had butterflies in your stomach—you used to shower with Aether back when you were still together; there was no need to be so nervous. “He’s your friend, too, you know.”
“You were our friend first,” Kaveh said. “And he broke your heart. That’s not something to be taken lightly.”
You felt warm, a smile blooming on your face. “It’s okay. I wasn’t that affected.”
“You were,” Kaveh, Tighnari, and Cyno chorused.
“Fuck you,” you said, smile dropping.
Aether was typing again. You sat up straight and watched the three dots do the worm on the bottom of your screen. 
hi :) how are you?
Ugh. Furiously, you typed, aether spit it out. did something happen?
okay okay
You expected that he just wanted something. Something had to have come up for him to text you after months. That didn’t make it hurt any less, though. Maybe Aether was a playboy; the way he played with your feelings almost qualified him for it.
But then you think back to when Aether was still in Sumeru, lighting up the room, lighting up a fire in your heart. He was everyone’s favorite, too, not just yours. And even if Kaveh and the others denied it now, they hadn’t been able to deny him back then. Aether helped them out in ways they didn’t know how to repay. Aether made you so happy, to be thinking so negatively about him like this.
Aether sent: i’m invited to aymar’s wedding and i wanted to ask if you would agree to be my plus one
why me?
you’re the first person i thought of.
Perhaps he wasn’t in trouble—he was trouble enough. What were you getting yourself into?
i thought you didn’t want to get involved with Aymar anymore
i can’t turn down an excuse to eat free at a buffet
You sighed. You wouldn’t, either.
You frowned at your screen, wishing it was Aether in front of you instead. Maybe if you could read his expressions instead of reading between the lines of his texts, you could figure out why he invited his ex, of all the people he knew.
besides, Aether continued to text, this is probably aymar’s way of showing us that she’s over me. she has a groom now and all that
Aymar had the biggest crush on Aether, and she never hid it, even when you and Aether were dating. But despite her advances, she was a sweet girl who was just as infatuated with your ex as the rest of Teyvat was. Maybe this was her way of apologizing.
she didn’t even invite me wtf
haha well is that a no?
“Guys,” you spoke up, grabbing your friends’ attention. Kaveh was still losing miserably. “Have you heard news of Aymar’s wedding?”
“Oh,” Kaveh looked thoughtful, “yes. We were invited.”
“What? Was I the only one not invited?”
“Maybe it’s because you got to date Aether and she didn’t,” Tighnari said.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, Aether’s asking me to be his plus one—and I’m going to say yes don’t look at me like that.”
Alhaitham, Cyno, and Kaveh wordlessly clear their expressions.
“Oh,” Tighnari frowned. “We weren’t planning on going.”
“We have to now!” Kaveh said. “We have to, if Y/N’s going.”
“Is this too much?”
You checked yourself out in the full-length mirror, performing a little twirl that had Kaveh clapping. Alhaitham sat beside him, briefly looking up from his book. Tighnari and Cyno were elsewhere, picking shoes for you that would be in the range of ‘cheap’ and ‘expensive, but not because I care about what Aether would think’.
“Of course not,” Kaveh said, giving a thumbs up. “You look great!”
You turned to Alhaitham next, who didn’t hesitate: “Looks good. Might as well wear yellow, too.”
You flushed hotly at his implications. “I’m not dressing up to impress him! This is a formal event, which he happened to invite me to—as friends.”
“Right,” Alhaitham drawled. He could at least pretend to believe you, but that would probably be asking too much from him already.
Kaveh nudged Alhaitham, with a bit more force than necessary. “Cut Y/N some slack.”
Alhaitham sighed imperceptibly, turning his full attention to you. “This would probably be the closure you needed,” Alhaitham said, and you recognized his way of comfort for the way it is. “You’ll find out that you’re over him after this.”
“You’re right,” you said, breathing in deep. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“So,” Kaveh stood up. “Is that what you’re buying? Let’s make haste—Cyno reserved a spot in the line for you!”
Excitement bubbled in your chest as you held the fabric to your chest.
You were definitely not over Aether.
As soon as you felt yourself fidgeting nervously a block away from the ceremony, you knew. As soon as a car rolled in and he stumbled out of the car, tripping because he was waving at you, you knew that you were so not over him.
You tried to blame the heat of the sun for how warm you suddenly felt, but you could be referring to the other sun making his merry way to you, his smile bright, all teeth. His braid could almost be a tail from how it waggled as he jogged over.
“Hey,” Aether, charming and beautiful Aether, gold and warm—your ex, Aether—breathed out, “you look great.”
“You, too.” Aether looked maddening in a suit, in the best way possible. You felt lightheaded and choked out, “Very dashing.”
“Yeah?” He grinned.
“Yeah,” you said, then turned away in case he saw the raw, unfiltered want on your face.
“Shall we?”
How cheesy. Still, you felt yourself flush as you linked your arms with his, like you were a couple. Kaveh was going to kill you—after he killed Aether first.
Aymar’s wedding was startlingly grand. You think she might just have invited the entirety of Sumeru; you might even find Lesser Lord Kusanali here, maybe. 
You found your friends and settled beside them while Aether awkwardly sat on the far edge. He seemed reluctant to have space from you, so you pulled him closer.
“Hey,” Tighnari greeted him. “How have you been? You stopped sending us letters.”
Aether looked extremely uncomfortable. He must be feeling Cyno’s stern stare. “Haha. Well, yeah.” 
The ceremony went as usual. The groom was someone you didn’t recognize; he looked like he was from Sumeru, all big and intimidating—the complete opposite of Aether. Aymar’s tastes changed drastically. All the same, you cheered along with the crowd when they kissed.
You haven’t been able to attend many weddings yourself, though you could always appreciate how emotional the newlyweds got. Vows were always the sweetest to hear. You’d never seen Aymar smile so wide before; then again, it was only fitting. This was her wedding day. Not that you’d know, though.
You glance to the side, catching Aether looking at the newlyweds kiss with an unreadable expression on his face. He looked like he longed for it, but that didn’t seem right. Weddings tied you down. Aether didn’t want to be tied down.
Kaveh clapped the loudest, which snapped Aether into clapping along as well.
You wondered what Aether was thinking. You wonder if he was thinking the same. Looking at the happy bride and the teary groom—could this have been you and him in another life?
That’s a funny thought.
You bit your bottom lip to distract yourself from feeling your eyes go hot.
Aymar beamed at you two as she bounded over. “You came!” she said, though it was directed at you.
You wanted to tell her you weren’t even invited, but you felt like that would ruin the moment. Plus, it was literally her wedding. You were glad you ended up here after all the years you spent knowing each other. You smiled back, genuine, and leaned into her hug.
“Of course,” you said. “You look beautiful.”
Aymar blushed. “Thank you. You two look great as well!”
Aether shuffled beside you. “Thanks for inviting us.”
Aymar had that look in her eye that spelled suspicious.
But the past was the past. You weren’t going to get jealous when Aymar was quite literally married, and Aether wasn’t even your boyfriend anymore. “I’m glad you’re happy, Aymar,” you said.
Aymar glanced between the two of you, then finally at you. “I hope you find happiness, too, Y/N. Soon, hopefully.”
The reception started. While your friends were busy hoarding the food, you and Aether were left alone. He looked uncharacteristically nervous—it made you pity him. He was the one who asked you to come with him, but he must have felt out of place the entire time. Everyone thought he would never return, after all.
You traced the rim of your glass, hoping to appear nonchalant. “So, what have you been up to while at Fontaine? Finally moving off to Natlan?” you asked, then bit back a Find any other flings, too?
Aether sighed, twirling his champagne flute before taking a long sip. “Didn’t do too much, honestly. I spent most of my time there thinking.” His eyes flicked up to yours. “Lumine already found her place here in Teyvat, and I…”
You were glad you held back from being petty while Aether was genuinely distressed over his journey to self-discovery. Again, you weren’t an asshole. And you still cared about Aether, despite everything, because he was hard to hate. With a sad face like that…
“Sorry,” you muttered. You didn’t mean to make him remember Lumine.
Aether laughed softly. “It’s not like that. It took me a while, but—I had already found my place, too. I was just too dumb not to realize it sooner.”
You wanted to chide him for calling himself dumb, but he was looking at you like he was waiting for you to get something. You blinked, feeling lost.
Aether tilted his head. “It’s with you.”
Your mouth hung open. “What?”
Aether went to repeat it, but Cyno and Tighnari had come back with plates heaping with food. Cyno had one on each hand, unabashed. He sat on his seat and said, in all seriousness, “We might have finished all the catering.”
Tighnari chuckled, “We didn’t, but you two should hurry and get your fill.”
You didn’t get another chance to talk with Aether privately during the reception, but it was still good fun. Aether seemed to warm up to your friends again—or, rather, your friends seemed to warm up to him again.
You shared laughs, food, and toasts with the newlyweds—but your favorite had to have been sharing glances with Aether all throughout the night.
You and Aether went ahead. Cyno and Tighnari didn’t seem surprised when you told them that you were letting Aether take you home, which would have certainly been a blow to your dignity had it been in any other situation.
“So,” you started, “what made you realize you wanted to get me back? Did you have some revelation while in Fontaine?”
“Yes, actually,” Aether said, his hands brushing against yours now and then. “For every sight and couple I saw, I just kept thinking about how you would’ve loved it there.”
Aether looked bashful. The moonlight highlighted his blush well. “I thought it was because we had just broken up at the time, but I never stopped thinking about you.”
Aether kept going, but you were already sold. You already wanted to get back with him the moment he texted you with all lowercase and no commas. You were fooling no one. Not Alhaitham, not yourself. “What, so you want to take me to the City of Love?”
Aether looked at you fondly. “You would always be the first one I’d think of.”
“I curbed your wanderlust…?” You were fishing for it at this point, but being deprived of Aether’s affections for a long while did that to a person.
You felt outmaneuvered. Shouldn’t you be letting him chase after you a bit more? Why were you discarding your pride just like that? Over your ex?
Your not-ex-anymore now-boyfriend-again smiled. “You became my reason to stay.”
Well. You were doomed from the very beginning.
“Aether!” Paimon shrieked from the other room. “You have mail!”
“Alright, alright,” Aether sighed, lazily pulling himself up from his bed and trudging to the living room. Paimon held a brown envelope.
Aether opened it and withdrew the contents, puzzled.
“Ooh!” Paimon gasped. “Two invitations for a wedding? Is it for Paimon, too?”
Aether ripped the other envelope, heart stuttering at the sight of a familiar name inked on the vellum paper. He blushed. “This is—!”
“Huh? For Y/N?” Paimon snatched the invitation from Aether’s fingers. “Why was it addressed to us? Maybe they were mistaken…”
Aether read something on the back of your invitation. “I don’t think it was mistaken.”
Written with a ballpen, it said, Hi, Y/N! It’s Aymar! I don’t know Aether’s address and none of my colleagues seemed to know where his residence would be…? (Probably because Aether wasn’t even in Sumeru.) But I assumed you would be staying together, so here’s my invitation for you both—I hope you can come!
Aether recognized an opportunity when he saw one.
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the ending was rlly vague so let me add: aether was planning to go back to sumeru for you already and the wedding invitation was a perfect excuse—he flew out back to sumeru literally the next day.
earthtooz was making out with alhaitham & art was making out w kaveh during the reception which is why they dont show up during the end thanks
cyno brought his tcg deck and made tighnari bring his own—thats what they did during the afterparty lol
don’t ask if paimon was floating or if she was on the ground. sometimes we dont have to question things.
aymar was a name i just grabbed from the list of sumeru npcs—i don’t actually know if i butchered her personality horribly. if i did, forgive me.
THANK YOU FOR READING HOPE U ENJOYED!! LMK WHAT U THINK <3333 comments/rbs get a kiss from aether
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cannonball5 · 1 month
Playing through Baldur’s Gate 3 and it just hit me that without a Tav or Durge the 6 Origin Companions have 3 amazing enemies to lovers storylines and are kind of perfect for someone within the group.
Karlach and Wyll. Wyll is literally commanded by his patron to kill Karlach and is punished if he doesn’t by becoming a “devil”. Meanwhile they both have had their lives ruined by Zariel and both desperately want to put an end to the things that bind them to her, Wyll with his contract and Karlach with her engine. Also the former rich kid of Baldur’s Gate’s upper class and the poor urchin girl tricked into servitude (both being tricked, another thing they have in common) I kinda love it. Plus they can end up in Avernus together in the end, fighting Zariel’s forces side by side.
Astarion and Gale. Are both ambitious and full of themselves and just naturally rub each other the wrong way. They’re both cursed and forced to feed because of their curses but it gives them unique powers as a result. They both want to break away from their former associates but also want to become them. Imagine ascended Astarion and God of Ambition Gale, two of the most powerful heroes Baldur’s Gate has ever had, being in a relationship where they’re constantly trying to one up each other. Plus I just like the idea of a Vampire an undead creature of night and darkness being in a relationship with a god with all their radiant powers (and Turn Undead).
Shadowheart and Lae’zel. Distrustful towards each other, Shadowheart being a bit racist towards Githyanki, Lae’zel literally wantonly to leave her behind in the pod to save time, obviously these two should fall in love. In all seriousness these two are made for each other, as they both know what the other is going through. They both have missions that are immensely important to them and ambitions to rise to a station to be better servants to those they served. Only for those whom they worshiped to lie to them and betray them. And thus they have to choose to embrace what they’ve always known, or choose a new path against what they believed to be their sworn enemy.
Seriously the devs should’ve made it that if you ended up not romancing some of these companions they ended up extremely close with/in a relationship with one of the other companions. Missed opportunities.
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possumteeths · 8 months
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Like a Rotten Dog
Baldurs Gate 3, Rolan x Reader, Rolan x Human!Tav (Second person nondescript femme insert) 5,800 words, Porn with feelings, Rated E. Rolan POV. My works will never use the Y/N device.
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Rolan miserably fucks a pillow while thinking big thoughts. He thinks about how obnoxious you are and how it's completely unfair that you've forced him into such a state. Unfortunately for him, his train of thought betrays his determination to hate you. "What are you to do now? Storm Ramazith’s tower atop a glittering pegasus? Perhaps you’ll declare him a poor maiden in need of a hero and expect him to swoon and fall at your feet? Should he kiss you for luck as well? Give you a handkerchief? For all the painful obedience he’s given to Lorroakan, it would be a simple thing to give it to you instead, wouldn’t it? So far you’ve asked for nothing, (not that he would’ve given you anything besides a pinched declaration of thanks) but surely his bill is due soon." "Surely you’ll come to collect since you’re so adept at finding him no matter his location."
Fic & tags under the cut or on ao3!
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He should’ve known that you would arrive at Sorcerous Sundries sooner rather than later.
Regarding Rolan’s well-being, you were like a bloodhound to his discomfort. You were always exactly where you needed to be, which was often exactly where he wished you’d keep far, far away from. With the sense of incoming doom in Baldur's Gate, he should’ve assumed you’d be hot on its trail and he was soon to run into you eventually.
Still, he wished you could’ve reunited under more pleasant circumstances. Your face lit up in recognition once you saw him behind the counter, only for your expression to morph through the motions of shock and anger before settling on disgusting concern. It was the concern that burned him, the bruise under his eye flared up like a fleshly bleeding wound and Rolan did everything in his power to keep his head held high. He didn’t need your help and he certainly did not need your pity. The very concept of pity coated his throat with the acidic taste of bile.
You had no right to swoop into his life and save him from his failures time and time again. For once, he wanted to fix his own problems. Lorroakan was a… difficult man, but a learned one. Rolan thought that if he could just toughen up and learn all that he could, perhaps he’d finally be free of your meddling. Perhaps he’d finally be able to sleep at night, unafraid of being an utter failure. Didn’t he owe that to his family? To himself? If he could just be better— a better man, a better wizard, then he could defend himself for once. He wouldn’t need you and your concern. He wouldn’t feel inadequate or unsure of himself ever again. If he could be a better version of himself, then he would be able to look you in the eye without all the shame that came with it.
How was it possible that you managed to look so good while he knew that you spent your days out there fighting and surviving by the skin of your teeth? All he’d done since reaching the city was bow his head and allow his master to use him as an outlet for his temper. He felt like a whipped dog who’d done nothing wrong besides give his utmost obedience and you looked like hope incarnate. Your pity felt like freedom although it burned like shame. By the time you left the shop, Rolan firsthand witnessed the steady growth of determination swell beneath your skin and he knew that you were soon to do something that left him no choice but to thank you for his life again.
At this point, there weren’t enough words in any language to voice the gratitude you were owed. The crumbs of respect that Rolan begrudgingly handed to you were too much and not enough. So far, the only recent decision he’d made for himself left his ego and body badly bruised. Sure, he’d taken charge of Zevlor’s incompetence and got as many people as he could to safety— but if saving the refugees were up to you, no one would’ve been left behind. Perhaps his siblings might not have been taken in the first place.
The creaky door to Rolan’s meager living quarters feels heavier than normal as he defeatedly pushes it open. All his confidence and what he used to think was talent awarded him the finery of a single room and splintery floorboards. He heads for a mostly empty red bottle atop a shelf and downs the last few dregs of it, hoping the potion might soothe some general aches and pains if it wasn’t enough to heal any of them. Earlier, you’d purchased as many health potions as the shop had in store, traded three magical amulets for an extremely powerful scroll, and tipped him for the trouble of bringing you everything you purchased. Throwing gold at him, you had the audacity to ask if he was alright with a tinge of fury in your tone. Gods he hated you at that moment. He was doing what he had to for survival. Because of him, his family had a roof over their heads. What was the cost of a few arbitrary wounds for the price of safety? What would you know about something like that?
Immediately, the thought is shut down by guilt and fresh anger has him slamming the empty potion bottle down. The rickety shelf rattles, but there’s no one around to witness his frustration. Right now, he can’t bear the idea of his siblings seeing the state of himself. Heavy feet drag him to a mirror and Rolan concludes that he doesn’t look awful, the wounds he wore were trophies that displayed his dedication to magic. Ugly to only the ignorant. No one but him could understand that. His siblings didn’t care to listen to reason, and Rolan didn’t need to ask his sister to know she was conspiring to do something about his problem— only she didn’t hold a candle to your ridiculous tenacity.
What are you to do now? Storm Ramazith’s tower atop a glittering pegasus? Perhaps you’ll declare him a poor maiden in need of a hero and expect him to swoon and fall at your feet? Should he kiss you for luck as well? Give you a handkerchief? For all the painful obedience he’s given to Lorroakan, it would be a simple thing to give it to you instead, wouldn’t it? What would you ask of him in exchange for your help? So far you’ve asked for nothing, (not that he would’ve given you anything besides a pinched declaration of thanks) but surely his bill is due soon. Surely you’ll come to collect since you’re so adept at finding him no matter his location.
A fresh wave of outrage guides him away from self-depreciation, but it comes with a delicate aftertaste of something new. You asked him why he was so rude to you back in the grove, —the conversation feels as if it happened a lifetime ago— and Rolan haughtily remembers your displeasure in his lack of reverence. At least that’s how he chose to interpret your question. Unbeknownst to you, he had the makings of greatness in him too. You were just a stranger to him, a mere moment in his soon-to-be great story. One day he’d be a powerful and renowned spellcaster and you’d likely be a statue or a painting, felled in battle and remembered by few. Your meddling was only delaying the inevitable. You were keeping him from his destiny and you were upset with him for refusing to inflate your ego? Did you expect him to look at you like a wide-eyed pup, stars in his eyes in the shadow of your glory?
If he was less of a man, Rolan would’ve picked up a pillow and screamed into it. You’ve tainted the distaste he has for you and because of this, guilt-laced shame makes his stomach twist. A healing blister on his side reminds him that he’s a coward, he’s too stubborn for his own good and a tiny part of his pride rolled over on its back, belly up, tail wagging when he set eyes on you this morning. Even now, his tail flicks behind him in the way it does when he thinks of you. Rolan couldn’t find it in him to ask how you were faring, but now he regrets his clipped words and the demand for you to leave him and his problems alone. You weren’t going to listen to his plea anyhow, so why waste the words? He should’ve swallowed his attitude and spoken to you as a friend.
But— there lies the problem.
Rolan doesn’t have friends. He never felt the need for anyone's company besides his siblings. He’s bookish, too busy with his studies and his magic to go out of his way to socialize with anyone. Why would he? No one ever wants to talk with him, and when he finds himself forced into a conversation he’s overly aware of the humor that people find in him. No one respects him. Cal and Lia keep him company because they have to, and they’re all the support he needs. He doesn’t know the first thing about friendliness or pleasantry and he doesn’t care to learn.
After you wiped out the goblin camp and set his people toward hopeful safety, his sister told him to seek you out at your party— but you ended up coming to him instead. Caught off guard, all he could do was lamely conjure a few dancing lights for your entertainment and he wasn’t able to hold the spell for very long. His tongue felt as if it had become furred, he couldn’t remember what exactly he’d said to you but he did remember his sister’s horrified expression in response. She thinks he’s harboring feelings toward you, and he supposes her assumption is half correct. He has a lot of feelings pertaining to you but none of them were sweet and soft.
It didn’t matter anyhow. By all accounts, he should despise you (and perhaps he does), but the way he feels is overly complicated and tightly wound. Why do you dress the way you do? Why do you smell so pleasant? Caked in mud and splattered with gore, you manage to wear it all stylishly. Why do you care about everything as much as you do? Where do you find the motivation to put one foot in front of the other and carry on? Aren’t you tired? Every time you’ve sought him out, you ask if he’s alright before immediately offering your aid. You try to speak with him, you’ll ask him about his siblings out of politeness, but he always shuts you down like an idiot addicted to the taste of his boot wedged between his teeth. Everything you are rubs abrasively against everything he tries to be. His confidence is always received poorly while yours shines obtrusively enough that people are forced to love the way it blinds them.
You’ve done your best to put Rolan into a daze as well, but his determination to dislike you has become a core tenant of his personality. You deserve his thanks, you deserve his respect. You have every right to force him to kneel and then command for him to kiss your boots. The only thing you’d have to do for such worship would be to demand it. You could take it from him just as Master Lorroakan does. But you won't. The confusing, awful way he feels toward you would be so much easier to compartmentalize if you were cruel. He wishes disgust would replace your pity, that way it would be easier to justifiably hate you. If he could imagine you laughing at him, calling him pathetic, and exposing him for the coward he is, then he wouldn’t be rushing for his bed, hands already working at his robes to find the ties that hold his breeches at his hips.
This world is cruel and the animal law of predator against prey is just as prominent as it is amongst beasts. He’s survived thus far because of you and now he bows for false promises, willfully misleading himself into thinking that he’s anything besides a whipping boy. The punishment bruised and burned into him is deserved. For all that he’s given in exchange, he thinks that he’s gotten off easily if anything. Certain laws of nature shouldn’t be broken and he should not have gotten to this point by cheating his way along instead of taking the hits that came with his repeated failures. What pact has he declared in exchange for your patronage? What are the stipulations he’s agreed to? You’re not winged but you’re radiant just the same. Perhaps the obnoxiously attractive body you wear is an illusion, perhaps you’re a devil who followed him from Elturel with the sheer intent of ruining his life.
Caged and afraid, desperate to be anything besides what he is, you’ve rendered him into a broken thing. A broken thing whose throat is dry, whose hand shakes as he miserably gropes the swollen length of his cock. A stubborn part of his psyche still thinks he’s a man, you’re a pretty face and the closest thing to a friend that he’s aware of. Of course, you make him hard. There’s no shame to be found in a natural reaction to someone whose attention wanders back to him like a pet with a penchant for running away. In the quiet moments of whatever respite he’s able to steal for himself, Rolan’s wandering mind often breaches a handful of thoughts that he’s determined to keep under lock and key. If he lets his mind dash away from reason, sometimes he thinks about touching you, he wonders what you’d feel like if you were wet and wanting.
Weeks ago, while flipping through a book on anatomy from the tower’s library, he paused on a few figure drawings of a naked human woman. He dared to look at her breasts and the shape of her hips in a rather unstudious manner and his composure unraveled from there. He’s never wanted to dwell on things he finds unnecessary; women and all the struggle that came before sex felt like too much of a headache to pursue. Rolan’s seen what fools it makes of people, he’s seen more people than he cares to think about who are horns deep in grief after losing someone they loved. Keeping himself safe from such matters felt like the smartest thing he could do, he didn’t wish to expend time or effort to pursue anything with anyone. So… he didn’t feel like a pervert for utilizing the anatomical drawing of a woman’s body for masturbatory purposes. If he wouldn’t pursue anything real, this seemed more efficient than wasting his time daydreaming about physical touch and a certain someone’s attention. With one hand on the book and the other wrapped around his cock, he quickly worked himself to completion and that was that.
Unfortunately, the release didn’t bring him any pleasure. His orgasm only felt like a momentary distraction from the angry thing he’d awoken. Now he blindly seeks a sense of relief that he can’t seem to get his hands on because he doesn’t know what he’s searching for. For days, he thought about the damned book and the terms for various parts of a woman’s anatomy. He thought about their function and how it was more than likely that a woman could find herself in the exact predicament he was trapped in. Task after nonsensical task was performed for Lorroakan and all he could think about was the book hidden beneath its proper shelf and the way he wished he could somehow enchant it so the diagrams would be in color.
After a particularly brutal “lesson” that involved his naked back and a shock of lightning, he stole away to find his recent obsession. While lost in his thoughts, eyes tightly shut and a desperate fist working himself over, he proceeded to ruin the book with an errant splatter of his release. Once the first rope stained the pages, he didn’t care to lessen the blow. He was bitter with his master, bitter with his newfound curiosity that only grew in size. The hunger crept into him only because of weakness— He was a failure in too many ways and so Rolan felt justified in coating the diagrams with everything he had. Shame was far from him when he closed the soaked book to shelve it back into place.
That should’ve been the end of things, he wished more than anything to smother the awful birth of late blooming desire but the damned thing refused to simmer down and die. You kept that from happening. You left him with no choice but to use the promise of self-release as a coping mechanism. He’s always been an impetuous ass and he’s never felt the need to find any distaste in accepting the fact. He’s impulsive but Rolan felt he was too smart to asphyxiate on any lasting consequences. Rubbing himself raw was a byproduct of everything else wrong in his life. Why should he worry about consequences when you’ll be there to save him from whatever circumstance? He wanted to drink himself to death in Last Light Inn, but you wouldn’t let him. So he ran headfirst into the shadows, figuring that he’d either save his siblings or die trying and you apparated from the darkness to rob him of the martyrdom he aimed for. You took everything from him, smothered his pride, and strangled his ego as if his wants and needs meant nothing to you. You’re in his head, you’ve stolen all of his impulsivity and alchemically perverted it so that it all revolves around you.
And he can't hate you for it because you’ve destroyed his previous definition of hate.
He can’t drink in self-pity because he thinks of you and the disappointment on your features when you found him completely pissed and slurring his words. You told those little devils to stop serving him and shooed them away as if you were his mother. If he goes past his limits, all he can think of is your annoying face all screwed up in pity. Eyes soft, voice gentle. You’d probably let him rest his head on your lap only for him to vomit on your thighs. He can’t imagine you shouting at him even if he was to soak your clothes in wine and stomach acid and he hates you for it. You’d pet him with the gentleness you might administer to someone on their deathbed and ask in that awful pitying tone of yours if he felt any better.
He can't drink without thinking of you. He can't touch himself without obsessing over you. You’re the horrible reason he started this habit in the first place. He can’t even bare his flesh for his master to abuse without thinking of your gods' awful pity either.
“Are you alright?” Must be the majority of all the words you’ve ever said to him and he imagines you finding him like this, shoulders sagging as if too heavy for his spine with his hand shoved into his breeches. Sharp teeth sink into his lip and he tries to envision himself through your perspective. To you, he must look like a miserable excuse for a tiefling, and an even worse example of a man. He feels soggy, bogged down by the weight of his failures. The only aspect of his species that he displays is his pride and right now, such a concept is far away from where he usually keeps it. The mask of confidence is replaced with a whimpery fat-lipped need to feel anything besides the desire for self-flagellation, and he shudders in disgust while imagining you looking at him, pretty mouth held open for a moment while searching for the words to say.
“Does it hurt?” You’d ask carefully because you’re aware of how easily he finds the audacity to snip at you.
He doesn’t know if you’re asking about the bruises or the awkward way he strokes his cock. You wouldn’t ask him if he needed help, nor would you be shy about closing the distance between your body and his to take charge of the situation. You’d use your thumb and forefinger to pick up his chin and he’d look up at you, unburdened by the undead desperation that plagues his body. In his fantasy, he doesn't think about the complicated feelings he harbors for you, instead, he submits to the determination in your gaze.
In real life, he’d fumble his way through such an occurrence and ultimately be left racking his brain for an apology which he doesn’t know how to say. He doesn’t know how or when to shut up, he’d never let you take charge of him even while painfully aware that you’d figure out a miraculous way to make him feel better. He’d disappoint you and embarrass himself into the binds of a torture chamber of his own design. Even now, just squeezing himself over his clothes, he struggles to quell the gut punch of an orgasm that wants to swallow him whole. He wouldn’t last through your touch, he can’t imagine kissing you because on principle, he can’t entertain such a ridiculous thought. Not only is the concept too embarrassing to hope for, but he wouldn’t know what to do. He’d accidentally cut your soft human lips with his teeth. He’d say something idiotic and you’d slap him right in the face. Perhaps you’d find his body heat too estranged from yours, maybe you’d find his features too odd. Perhaps his shaking breath would betray the way he wants you to see him. Perhaps he’d pass out from all the blood rushing to engorge his cock and then he’d crack his head open on the ground.
Too aware of himself, he thinks that he’d try to kiss you like the muscled heroes in trashy books and he’d somehow manage to poke your eye out with a horn. Analyzing every possible outcome has led Rolan to believe that anything he could try would end up in complete failure. He’s… resilient, but his recent track record displays failure after hard-headed failure. To allow himself a proper delusion where he's able to touch and fuck you without envisioning tail curling embarrassment, he feels as if he needs to give you a reason to see him as anything other than a pathetic dog. He limps as he walks, his tail’s tucked between his legs and he’d bite you if your hand got too close. Why would you ever look down at that with anything besides disgust or pity? If you were to force his door open right now, he’d drench the inside of his pants with cum and before he was able to catch his breath, he’d find a way to make an ass of himself because when it comes to you, he’s mastered the art of behaving like a pompous prick.
You’d never want this… and he’d never be able to charm his way into being passably desirable. It would only add another foot of dirt atop his grave if he finally found the nerve to do something about the complicated basket of feelings he keeps on hand, only for you to reject him outright. He’d never find the right things to say so that this could have a squalid chance of poking its head into reality.
Still, he thinks about your hands sliding down his chest, slowly mapping out the shape of his body as if you intended to remember it. Humans are so soft, his skin is thicker than yours, his chest is ridged and he wonders if such a difference would be pleasurable or painful. Imagining your naked breasts, nipples pressed against his textured skin as he explores your soft curves with his hands makes a gritty moan fall from his lips. He would never be yours, nor would he ever know the pleasure of knowing your body— but he could pretend. He could convince himself that if the stars aligned once he sacrificed his soul, maybe he could have one night with you. A few hours would be sufficient enough for a lifetime of longing. A single kiss, a moment of your time would be enough fuel to help him mentally leap over everything that kept him up at night.
He wishes you really were a devil. The temptation, the need for you would finally respect the concept of reason. If he were to give you his soul, then at least you’d be bound contractually to give him anything he asked for. In all the stories, the seduction of such a being is inevitable. Even the strongest people succumb eventually. The prelude to his demise would drain his soul out of his balls and he’d finish without the disgust that usually rose after he figured out how to think again. In the sticky aftermath, he could say whatever drivel that would fall out of his mouth and you’d take it with an entertained eye-roll. Nothing he could do or say would matter if you had his name neatly signed at the bottom of a horrendously unfair contract. It would be a good deal on your end, you already have him weak and dependent on you so you could do wonders with the usage of his soul. Wanting you would be so much easier if you owned him. He couldn’t hate you or himself if he had no choice but to obsess over you. He wouldn’t chase away your constant presence in his thoughts if he’d given his mind away, completely at peace to let it rot in your greedy hands.
The bed creaks under Rolan’s weight as he finally lays down with a bratty huff. He buries his face into the mattress with his eyes tightly shut as if that would keep him from hating the desperate way he claws for his pillow. He already knows that his hand won’t suffice, he’s already bunny fucking the mattress, hopelessly grinding himself against the solid mass, wishing he could bore a hole into it without anyone discovering his shame. His breeches barely escape his ire when struggling with the ties takes a moment too long. They’re shoved down with a growl and his pillow is folded in half to then be shoved beneath his hips. With his thoughts soaked self-admonition, he finds enough of an in to slot his cock into the plush crease of his folded pillow. Nothing about it feels right, it’s loose and dry but he whimpers with the idea of what it represents.
Thankfully his rushing thoughts are a potent enough concoction to mask the way his mind struggles to imagine thrusting into you. He can’t think anymore, he’s so hard that it hurts and all he wants to do is thrust into the cushy relief of his pillow, panting into his mattress while obsessing over vague ideas of what your body would feel like.
You’re always so attuned to his well-being. Always so eager to offer your help. If he told you that the only thing he wants from you is to fuck you until he can’t think anymore, would you graciously bend over the nearest surface and offer your pretty cunt? The diagram painted such a vivid idea of what you’d look like. Apparently, your cunt swells similarly to his cock when aroused and he imagines the offering of a swollen flower, petals engorged with need and the dripping center of it drooling steadily in anticipation. You’d be so inexplicably soft. Humans are a ridiculous species, and he wasn’t immune to the inherent curiosity he holds for your kind. With zero real-life experience to go on, he believes that humans have heavier breasts. He thinks that fat settles differently on your species’ bodies and there just seems to be more to grab and hold onto. You’re tailless and he wonders if that might make it easier to drive deeper into your body if you were positioned on all fours. Lust soaked daydreams of hips and thighs torment him daily. He’s much larger than the four inches of your body’s comfortable limits (a fact provided to him by the anatomy book), and Rolan wonders if you’d be able to handle the intrusion of his cock.
According to the tiny font of raunchy, cheaply printed novelettes, it would be a tight fit but you’d eventually be shouting his name in place of any god you pray to. He imagines you reaching for his ass, your legs locked around his hips and you do your best to hold him deeply inside of you, wet heat begging him to remain buried in your depths. Women can orgasm contrary to popular belief, and aided by the combination of educational journals, books on body function, and a few trashy epics, he’s decided that at least once in his life, he’ll make a woman come for the sheer sake of curiosity. With you, he’d make you come as often as physically possible, but if he can’t have you he thinks that just once with someone else will be enough to quench the intrigue.
Gritting his teeth, he jerkily thrusts and grinds into his pillow. The bulbous base of his cock is painfully swollen and he closes his fist tightly around it, squeezing hard and wishing for the tight clasp of your body. He’d seal you up and pump you so full of come that you’d forget every sorry state you’ve ever found him in. The looming understanding that satisfaction will remain at an atrocious distance forces his hips into a frenzy, too stubborn to admit defeat. Rolan hisses in frustration due to the sorry pillow that doesn’t offer nearly as much friction as he needs. The needy mouth of your cunt would be so much tighter, so much wetter than this awful thing. You’d take him with a gasp of shock, surprised by the heat of his turgid cock as he encases himself inch by inch into all of that softness he imagines. The underside of his cock is ridged similarly to the rest of him, and according to the anatomy book, he differs in other ways as well. Would the shape of him shock you? Would your tight little cunt spasm around him as if in awe of the pleasure he brings? In the few dirty stories he’s discovered over the years, human women adore his kind. Blunt-headed human cocks pale in comparison to a tiefling’s. Filled to the brim, your eyes would roll back and you’d ask him to please fuck you. Would you tell him that he’s ruined you for all other men and you’ll need him from now on to satiate yourself? Rolan's delirious thoughts decide yes, those are definitely things you’d say.
More likely, you’d give yourself over with that teasing, snooty look of yours, all too aware that he needs you because you’ve learned how to read him like a book. He’d take you although the acquisition would feel more like blind surrender. You once asked if he intended to thank you for your efforts and he imagines you asking him to thank you for the privilege of just the sight of you. You’d spread your cheeks, exposing the vexing pink blush of your folds and he’d have no choice but to fall to his knees before you. He’d fucking crawl if you’d let him just breathe in the scent of your cunt. Even now, he feels light-headed and caught between too many contradictory points. His heart is wedged in his throat, his lungs feel strained and he swallows dryly while imagining what it would be like to drag his tongue between your folds.
Rolan curls in on himself and uses the heel of his palm to press against the pillow, desperate for more friction. Caught on a new train of thought, he pants open-mouthed, tongue painfully dry while imagining your legs spread over his face. He’s thirsty, he’s half alive and the short distance between your body and his mouth feels like torture. You bossily direct him to speak his adoration into your cunt and before he can promise that he will, you proceed to cover his ears with your soft thighs. You’ll call him a golden boy like you did when telling him that he shouldn’t leave the grove alone. Instead of telling him that his apprenticeship doesn’t make him some sort of golden boy, the term is given to him as a pet name. You like his eyes, you like his tongue and the way he’ll die before disappointing you again. You’ll reach for his horns, forcing his head up so you can grind against his mouth, and his tongue moves in untrained flat strokes because he doesn’t know what you like. He envisions fucking you on his tongue, thrusting it into your heat with the intent of worshipping the hidden sanctuary of your cunt. Your reward for his resignation, for finally giving you the thanks you deserve tastes like the safety he longs for and he feels at home with you above him.
In the present, his tail thumps against the mattress, and the pointed tip flicks in agitation as something final settles in his bones. This realization has been building in ferocity long before he began violating his pillow and he rubs his cheek against the mattress, breathing hard with the back of his throat feeling inflamed. The moan forced out of him crackles, his ragged breath sets it alight and the fiery resignation is executed through a blubbering whimper. Rolan’s hips punch forward as if trying to punish the pillow for its current form, he thinks that it should be you. He should be in your arms, he should be driving his pitifully sensitive cock against your skin, and he’d beg for the privilege of fucking your thighs because he can't bear the idea of disappointing your cunt with his ultimately early release. This should be an act of supplication. You’ve won. He’s at your mercy. He needs you, he needs you. You’ll save him from his pride once again and he’ll finally find the words necessary to declare to you what an ass he’s been.
As if his body was politely waiting for the mental submission, his spine straightens, and cum shoots from the head of his prick before he’s fully realized the impending threat of his orgasm. Reduced to sensation alone, Rolan rumbles out a long groan as he fucks a deluge of cum into his pillow. All he can do is thrash against the violence of his every sense expelling from his body in the form of viscous white sludge. His mouth hangs open stupidly as his frenzied thrusts soon dispel into non-movement. When it’s all over, he takes a long, slow breath and he’s surprised to discover that doesn't feel the pressing need to clean up his shame before hatred can find its way back into place. Right now, his wounds don’t exist, neither does his anxiety. His pride’s already fucked off to another plane and Rolan hopes it’ll take an extended holiday. He wants to confront you without it for the first time since you forced your way into his life.
Determined, his ego picks the pieces of itself from the ground as Rolan grinds his softening cock into the now cool mess of his release. He thinks that such a tribute has to be well received. With no experience with women, people, or conversations and social normality— Rolan has high hopes that the next inevitable run-in with you will end on a pleasant note. Of course, nothing of his fantasies will be realized, —he’ll hold those thoughts in the dreary prison he keeps them in—, but he’s resolute to to let you in on the secret respect he’s reserved for you.
You mean a great deal to him, and he hopes to let you know as such.
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Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts! I'm sorry I made you read the word turgid, I thought it was funny and refused to edit it out lol.
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🖤•My Masterlist•🖤
(F1 drivers version ⬇️)
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Charles Leclerc
•Can’t shut my mouth about you girl
•Never too much for someone that can’t get enough of you
•Crazy in love
•more than friends
•something borrowed and something stolen
•loving rival
•forget isn’t long enough
•lavender haze
•little white lies
•forget me not
•his best friends ex girlfriend
•rockstar Part 2!
•it’s been a long time coming
Max verstappen
•girls are players too
•starstruck part 2!
•it’s true, it’s always been you
•love is the way you…
•gift giver!
•all too well
•only love could hurt like this
•there’s a thin line between love and hate
•strange love
•I’ll be getting over you my whole life
Mick Schumacher
•bad reputation
•I watch it begin again
•bad influence
•what’s love if you can’t feel it?
•he really should’ve known better
Daniel Ricciardo
•if you fall, I fall
•wifey for lifey!
•fight for her love
•oh no I’ve fallen in love again!
Sebastian Vettel
•red is the colour of love
•best kept secret
•baby on board
Fernando Alonso
•always rooting for the anti hero
•a love so easy!
Lando Norris
•gift giver
•I love you and I like you!
Pierre Gasly
•material girl
Lance stroll
•better late than never
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absolutewhore101 · 7 months
Should've Said No - Chapter 4
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A/N: sorry this one is so late! last week got busy very quickly, and i just didn't have the time to sit down and write this. i hadn't originally planned on writing this chapter, but the idea hit me in the car while i was driving earlier, so here we are. (hint at next chapter at the very end!)
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Listen to 'Should've Said No' by Taylor Swift
Warnings: swearing, assholery
Word Count: 733 words
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
Joel’s head slowly turned back to face you, a fire in his eyes you’d never seen directed at you.
Before he could open his mouth, you started talking again. 
“Can you believe Joel? Everything we used to have - the songs, the smiles, the flowers - it’s all gone! All because you couldn’t keep it in your pants!”
“Is that all?”
“God, ugh! I just… I can’t even look at you.”
“Look, I’d take it back if I could. It was a moment of weakness and we both know that. Hell, what was I supposed to do?!”
“You should’ve said no! You should’ve thought twice, maybe with more than just your dick! I should’ve been there, right in the back of your mind, and I shouldn’t be standing here asking myself why the fuck you’d do this!”
Joel took a step forward, but Tommy stepped in the middle of you two.
“I wouldn’t get much closer to her.” He said, voice low. 
“Oh for the love of god, Tommy. You knew, too! Don’t stand here and try to play hero when you knew damn well what was going on.”
“And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Tommy said, turning to face you, “but it wasn’t my place to say anything. That was between you and Joel, not me. I’m sorry.”
“No. No you don’t get to be sorry. Joel might’ve done this to me, but you didn’t even try to help. You could’ve tried talking to him, you could’ve stopped him, you could’ve just told me! But instead you let this go on, knowing how much it would hurt me.”
Tommy’s eyes landed on the ground in front of your feet, his hands on his hips.
When he looked up again, tears were streaming down your cheeks. 
“Baby, c’mon…” Joel trailed off. 
You shook your head, taking a step back from the two of them. 
“Do you honestly expect me to believe that we could ever be the same? After everything you put me through?” 
Joel shook his head. “We don’t gotta be the same, we just gotta work through this and come out better on the other side. We can do that, can’t we?”
“No. You should’ve known that I would’ve found out eventually. I’m not stupid, y’know. Even if you hadn’t been so obvious about it, someone would’ve told me eventually.” 
“Was she worth it?” Tommy said, breaking the tense silence that had settled between the three of you.
“Excuse me?” Joel answered. 
“Tommy.” You said sternly. “This isn’t your place, you’ve made that pretty clear.”
“Might not be my place, but that doesn't mean I can’t ask him what the hell he was thinking.” Tommy turned around to face Joel, stepping into his space. 
Joel held his eye, bringing his arms up to cross his arms over his chest. 
“You wanna do this right now? Right in front of her?” 
“I don’t think I’m the one who deserves an apology.”
Joel’s jaw clenched, slowly nodding his head. 
“I don’t think she wants to hear my apology. Do you?”
You thought about it. An apology wouldn’t undo what he did, but wouldn’t it give you some kind of closure? Or was your closure the end of your relationship?
You shrugged your shoulders. “Well, it certainly wouldn’t hurt.”
You gave him a smug smirk, watching him shake his head. 
“I’m sorry.” He said. “I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway. Happy?”
“No. But as long as you don’t step foot in my house again I will be.”
Tommy nodded his head. 
“You can move into a new house tomorrow. Why don’t you stay with Carly tonight? I’m sure she’d love it.” Tommy gave him a smirk, watching Joel’s hands clenched into fists by his side.
Joel stalked off without another word, heading for the house just a few down from your own. 
“Motherfucker.” You muttered, and Tommy chuckled. 
Tommy looked over his shoulder at you, something akin to sympathy in his eyes. 
“Can I walk you home?”
“Absolutely not. You’re not off the hook just because you made a stand against Joel. It’s gonna take a lot more than that if you ever want to be friends again.” You told him, pushing past him and walking towards your house. 
As you closed your front door behind you, you couldn’t help but ask yourself - why couldn’t he just be a better man?
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
Taglist (let me know if you wanted to be added/removed!):
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lakesouperior · 11 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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weepingtalecowboy · 23 days
Fanfic prompt: consider this
Tune and Mask had a horrendously serious sibling rivalry over War's affection
And despite Mask being raised by trickster spirits he just kept getting one upped by Tune constantly no matter what he did
Tune never initiated any prank wars but he was ready to commit War crimes against against humanity to win that battle
Ranging from tripping Mask up with tons of traps everywhere to using cuccos to kill somebody
And that is one of his clearest memories of the war he barely even remembers the others just Tune messing with him on every single aspect of his life during the entire conflict
And as an adult he still couldn’t let go off his immense grudge against Tune
So when linked universe happened Time was dead set on having a rivalry with Wind
He was an adult for only as long as he could keep himself from challenging Wind at every opportunity
Which was like 4 days out of a week
Warriors just decided to make friends with Wind to be in his good graces when he eventually gets involved in the War
Time was fully prepared to beef with a 12 year old who can’t even read yet
And only too late did he realize that by challenging a tiny version off his mortal enemy he inadvertently taught him everything he would need to beat him
From mentality too strategy
The Fairy way of screwing with people that only he knew till he taught everything to Wind
Wind knows every single Ace in his sleeves
He doomed himself with this one really badly
Baby Mask will have an even harder time now because he taught Little Tune extra well this time around
Man that is so not gonna be fun
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gunilslaugh · 6 months
Hello! I'm sure you get this a lot but I really love and enjoy your writing and I'd love to see how you'd write a reaction with 0t6 betraying the reader. Like a member leaving the reader over a friend or another member during an important event for the reader. Can the reader be a bit stubborn and not easy to win over but a fluff ending overall? I hope this makes sense I'm willing to explain more if needed.☺️ Hope you're having a great day.
All members << * ~ * >>
Summary:The aftermath of Xdinary Heroes leaving you during an important event. (idol/non-idol au)
Warning: angst I guess
I'm aware the endings aren't that fluffy, but they do show that their relation is gonna be ok, so I hope that's enough.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
You searched around for Gunil in the crowd, but you couldn’t find him. Pulling out your phone you went to text him only to discover that he already sent you a text. “Sorry Jooyeon called from the hospital he’s fine but I had to go.” “I’m sure you did great though!” His first text felt like a stab to the gut and the second was a twist of the knife. Gunil left you. When he knew how important today was for you, he still left you.
“Hey darling, I'm back.” Gunil approached you trying to kiss your cheek, but you moved away. “What’s wrong?” he asked. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, walking away from him. “Ok look I’m sorry I left I know-”
“You knew how important today was for me and you still left,” you cut him off harshly. 
“It’s not like I wanted to. Believe me, but Jooyeon called me in a panic about how he had to go to the hospital and asked me to meet him there so-” 
“You couldn’t have told someone else to go meet him? Jungsu, Seungmin, Hyeongjun? Why did it have to be you?” Gunil sighs at your sharp words. He tried to approach you, again you kept your distance. 
“Ok, you’re right. I should have asked if someone else could go meet him, but he sounded like he was pretty hurt and I was worried. What would you do if your friend called you all panicked about needing to go to the hospital?” Gunil flipped his situation on you. You sighed, you do understand why he left, but it still hurt. 
“I understand Gunil, but it still hurts that you weren’t there for me,” you told him. Gunil tries to approach you again and this time you let him. 
“I am truly deeply sorry y/n. Trust me I felt horrible for leaving you. I’ll do whatever you want to make it up to you ok?” he said. 
“Ok…I’m still mad though.” Gunil smiled and kissed your cheek, feeling relieved that you didn’t shy away this time.
This wasn’t good. You were furious. Jungsu had left you alone at a family event that you specifically told him how much you needed him to be there. To make matters worse he left you to go help her. His friend that he always told you to not worry about, yet you just couldn’t help it. Today certainly didn’t help with that.
“I’m sorry y/n, but she called me crying and all upset. What was I supposed to do?” Jungsu says.
“I was crying and upset after you left! Plus you know how I feel about her and I told you how much I needed you!” you yelled back.
“Y/n I am really sorry. You really don’t have to worry about her.”
“Don’t I? You literally picked her over me. How am I supposed to not worry about that?” Tears filled your eyes. 
“I swear you're the one I love y/n,” he pleaded with you. 
“I’m not sure about that. I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” The tears slid from your eyes. 
“Don’t say that.” Tears welled up in Jungsu’s eyes. 
“I need someone who can be there for me when I need them. Someone who would pick me. I’m not sure if that’s you.” You looked down at your feet.
“It’s me. It’s me alright. I’ll never contact her again if that’s what you need me to do. I promise you’re the only one I want.”
“That would make me look like a villain,” you sighed. 
“No it wouldn’t. I shouldn’t have gone to her today. It was a mistake and I regret it. I didn’t think it would upset you this much, but I should’ve known better.”
“You won’t pick her over me ever again?” You had to be sure before you thought about forgiving him. 
“Swear on my life,” he stated. 
“Ok, I think I still need some time though,” you say. 
“That’s fine, but can I hug you at least?” he asks. You thought for a moment before nodding. He holds you like you're made of glass. 
“You promised you would come.” You sounded so dejected as the words fell from your mouth. Jiseok promised that he would come to support you at an important event, but he never showed. It made you feel like you weren’t important to him. Not important enough at least. 
“I know. I’m sorry, but the guys needed me,” he tried to explain. 
“And what they wouldn’t have understood that I needed you?” you scoffed. 
“Y/n please I know I made you upset, but-”
“But what? Now I know that you’ll pick your friends over me? You showed me where I stand with you?” Your voice grew louder. 
“Y/n I love you so much.” You scoff again. 
“You think saying you love me is gonna magically make me forgive you? Not this time Kwak Jiseok. I’m really pissed at you.” You stood up to walk away, but Jiseok desperately grabbed your arm. 
“Y/n please don’t leave. I know I messed up bad, but please don’t leave me.” You could hear the desperation in his voice. 
“I need some space, Jiseok. I don’t want to be around you right now.” You tried to pull your arm free, but Jiseok held it tighter. Not too tight though. He didn’t want to hurt you anymore than he already has. 
“I’ll give you all the space you want, but can you please promise that you won’t break up with me because of this? I really can’t lose you y/n. I love you with my whole heart and I’m not saying that to try and gain your sympathy. I just want you to know that I do.” You took a breath, taking the time to process his words. 
“I’m not gonna break up with you. I love you too, but I really need space right now, so can you please?” You looked at where his hand was wrapped around your arm. Jiseok slowly let go, like he was still scared of losing you, but he had to trust you. It was his only option. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready to talk.” Jiseok nodded. All he could do now was wait.
“I really needed you today, you know?” Seungmin left you right in the middle of an event. One that you really needed him at for moral support. You needed someone to lean on. He knew that, yet he still left you alone.
“I know. Jungsu really needed me too he-”
“More than me? He didn’t have anyone else that could help him?” you cut Seungmin off. 
“It was something only I could help him with,” Seungmin explained. 
“I really needed you too though. I guess it really is bros before hoes huh?” You were very clearly upset. 
“Y/n please don’t be like that. I understand that you're angry with me. You have the right to be, but you know I wouldn’t have left if I didn’t need to.” Yes, you did know that. Logically you did know that Seungmin wouldn’t have left if he didn’t need to. That since he left, Jungsu evidently did need him more than you did, but still sucks that you weren’t the one he chose. It still hurts. 
“I know, I know, but it still really hurts me that you left,” you tell him.
“I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t fix what happened, but for the record it wasn’t easy for me to leave you. I felt guilty about it- I still do. I wanna make it up to you whatever way I can.”
“I don’t know how you can,” you expressed. 
“Whatever you think about I’ll do it ok? Whether you figure it out now for five years from now I’ll do it,” he promises. You nodded. 
“Is Jungsu alright?” You could finally ask now that you were feeling more calmed down. 
“He will be. He feels bad for making me leave you too. He wants to apologize, but he figured you would be upset and need some time,” he tells you. 
“Why is Jungsu so sweet? Can’t even stay mad at him,” you grumbled. 
“I’m sorry again,” Seungmon conveys one last time.
“I get it.” Your head fell to rest on his shoulder.
You knew Hyeongjun wasn’t the type of person to just not show up. Especially when you talked about how important today was, so your initial reaction to him not showing up was that something must have happened to him. When you found out that something did happen only it wasn’t to him, it was a friend of his. You felt relieved that Hyeongjun was ok, but then anger quickly set in over that fact he picked them over you. You couldn’t keep the thoughts away that this person meant more to him than you did. That he would pick this person over you again.
“Am I not important to you Hyeongjun?” You couldn’t help but ask. 
“What? Y/n you are so important to me. What are you talking about?” Hyeongjun responded. 
“Not important enough for you to pick me that’s why,” you mumbled. 
“Y/n I’m deeply sorry about that, but I thought that you were strong enough to handle it on your own and-”
“Your friend wasn’t. Yeah I get it, but if I wasn’t strong enough. What if I felt like I was having an anxiety attack the entire time? I kept looking for you because if I saw you I knew that I would be ok, but you never showed,” you tell him. Hyeongjun feels bad, horrible, but he can’t take back what he did. If he had a time machine he doesn’t know what he would do. He was in a really tight spot today and he’s fully aware that whatever he chose would be wrong for someone. However now maybe he thinks he should’ve wronged his friend instead of you. 
“I wronged you and I’m sorry, but whatever I did I would have wronged someone. Can you try to understand that at least? Not saying that it should’ve been you. It was a lose-lose situation for me and I had to try and pick which one would be a bigger loss.”
“So your friend is a bigger loss than losing me?” Your anger flared. 
“No! No! Y/n that’s not what I meant. I thought you would be more understanding about the situation or I don’t know. I did a really bad job at explaining. I would much rather lose my friend than you. You’re the most important person to me please trust me on that. I-I-I really messed things up for us didn’t I?” Hyeongjun began to anxiously ramble.
“I am really mad at you, but I’ll be able to forgive you with time. It's just what you did today. Made me feel like I wasn’t important to you.” 
“You are so important to me, I promise. I’ll never pick someone else over you again alright? I was stupid today,” he says
“You were in a hard situation. I understand, but you also understand that what you did hurt me right?” 
“I do and I’m deeply, truly, sorry.” He looked you in the eyes and you can tell he meant it.
 “Jooyeon, how could you leave me alone today! I told you how serious this event was!” Jooyeon flinched at your words. He knew that you would be upset with him for leaving, but he didn’t anticipate you being this upset. 
“I’m sorry y/n, but she really needed me. You know I wouldn’t have left if she didn’t.”
“Did she need you more than me? I really needed you!” You didn’t even want to hear about her. You know that she was just Jooyeon’s friend. You didn’t have any worries about her being more than that, but the fact that you now had confirmation that he would pick her over you hurt like a slap to the face, multiple slaps.
“Y/n please don’t do this to me. It was a hard, impossible even, decision to make,” he tried to plead. 
“Yet, you still picked her in the end and if you picked her once you’ll probably pick her again. She comes before me,” you stated. 
“No she doesn-” he began. 
“She did this time, so why not other times?” you cut him off. 
“She didn’t have anybody else,” he tired to explain. 
“And I did?” you said sarcastically. Feeling like your anger was at a max. If you were a cartoon you’d have smoke coming out of your ears. Jooyeon sighs. 
“No, you didn’t. Look, all I can do is apologize. In that moment I felt like-”
“She needed you more than I did. Yeah I get that,” you rolled your eyes.
“I may have made a mistake-”
“May?” You arched your brow. 
“I did make a mistake,” he restates his words. “Friends are supposed to be there for one another, but I get that I should've explained to her that you really needed me and I shouldn’t have gone. Looking back at the situation I see that now. I can only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me,” he says. 
“I don’t want to feel like I’m in a competition with her,” you express. 
“You’re not. I promise you’re not. I’ll set more clear boundaries,” Jooyeon declares. 
“You can’t leave me again. I really did need you today,” you say. 
“I won’t, I won’t. I promise. I’m sorry for today.” He hugs you, rubbing your back to try and soothe your tension.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver
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piniatafullofblood · 2 months
disclaimer: these are just my raw feelings and immediate reaction because I’m feeling really hurt and sad about this and I can’t talk to anyone irl about it. this is a vent post, not me genuinely trying to psychoanalyze this ending in good faith.
mha 430 leak spoilers and the uncut unfiltered feelings of a physically disabled teenager about it
oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay.
so I’m fifteen, right. I’ve been caring about this show for 1/3rd of my life. I’ve been caring about these characters sometimes more than I care about irl people for. 1/3rd of my life.
and I’m physically disabled. I’ve been physically disabled my entire life, it wasn’t like an accident or anything. (minorly, but it’s obvious when you look at me and I was raised in military/christian spaces during childhood so it ended up affecting me a lot.) and I’ve always seen quirklessness as an allegory for disability. that’s always been what it meant to me.
and from the beginning I was ready for it to be about conformism, right? like if you only conform and work hard enough and bend over backwards to meet the expectations of society you can succeed. that’s what I’ve known that this show was about ever since the training montage in episode one. I had made myself content with the fact that the narrative is sort of pro system, pro police, pro stfu and cope. and the first time I watched it, I recognized the ‘greatest hero’ vs ‘number one hero’ line in episode one. I knew that that would probably be how it ended. but I really, really, wasn’t prepared for this.
he.. failed.
his stint with a quirk, in the limelight, was for a year and a half while he was in highschool. he never got to be a hero. he’ll spend the rest of his life thinking about ‘that time when I got so fucking close’. people will stop remembering him for the sports festival and by the time he’s a teacher he’ll have to show them old clips from it to explain why he’s teaching at a hero school.
and he did it all perfectly. he did it all perfectly. as soon as he was given a chance he trained hard and fought harder, and put in all the work to become a great hero. he analyzed and trained and thought and worked and he did everything right.
and then in the end he wasn’t able to keep it.
I was ready for the ending to be about conformism. I wasn’t ready for ‘you will never be fucking good enough, and if you weren’t born with an advantage, you won’t suceeed.’
although, maybe I should’ve been, with the ‘all men are not created equal’ talk in the beginning. I wasn’t ready for him to fail. out of all the anime’s I’ve watched, Izuku midoriya was the protagonist that deserved to win the most. he deserved to be happy. he did everything right. this is all he ever wanted out of his life.
and now he becomes a teacher, and has to watch from the sidelines as Bakugo succeeds without him. which is never what anyone wanted, much less Bakugo. we’re back at the beginning, back where we started. Katsuki succeeding and being great and Izuku watching from the sidelines and cheering him on. and maybe it’s much less contentious now, and maybe they will both know that Izuku is more of a hero, but that doesn’t fucking matter. from someone who had the consolation prize of moral dignity their entire life- it really, really, doesn’t change anything. it doesn’t matter. that doesn’t change the reality that he’ll spend his days watching all their fights on TV and he hasn’t seen the rest of the class for eight fucking years. I know that there are alternative ways to see the ending. I know this is probably not the intention horikoshi had with this ending. but this is how it impacted me and I’m not gonna stop saying it. once a fucking cripple always a fucking cripple, or whatever.
I always knew it would probably have an unsatisfying ending. that it might hurt me. that the cultural differences would probably only lead to my over sensitive ass being hurt and sad. but I wasn’t ready. he deserved better. izuku deserved better.
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Anti-Hero | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Y'all had to know this was coming 😂 if you or someone you know has experience emotional distress at the hands of Ms. Taylor Swift, you may be entitled to financial compensation 🕰️
Warnings: depression, anxiety, Bucky’s past
“I wake up screaming from dreaming,
one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving,
and life will lose all its meaning
(for the last time)”
Bucky waited for things with you to end. Or maybe he wasn’t waiting for the end as much as he was expecting it. He didn’t want your relationship to come to a close, didn’t want to spend the rest of his days without you. But he couldn’t allow himself to be optimistic. Things between you would never last, and he needed to be prepared.
At his age, he wondered how he wasn’t smarter than this. How he wasn’t wise enough to keep his distance from people- from you. He should’ve learned by now. After everything he’d been through, he should’ve known better. Some people find happiness. Some people get to spend forever with the love of their life. Bucky just wasn’t one of the lucky ones.
But he couldn’t help himself when it came to you. He couldn’t keep himself away, couldn’t stand to be apart from you. He let his heart get the better of him. And while he adored you, he knew your love would be his undoing.
On a daily basis, he braced himself for the news. It wouldn’t be hard for you to find someone better- the bar he set wasn’t high. But even with the expiration date of your relationship looming over him, he let himself enjoy the time he spent with you. He soaked in every second of your mornings together, cherished every night that you fell asleep on his chest. He needed to remember how you made him feel. Long after you left and regarded him as nothing more than a mistake, he’d live inside the memories he had of you. And that would have to do.
He’d never meet anyone like you, would never love anyone like this.
The longer things lasted, though, the pain of your eventual departure multiplied. Month after month passed. Bucky’s anxiety grew. He knew the other shoe was soon to drop, and he’d fall from the great height of the happiness you brought into a deep, dark pit of despair.
How many more of his breakdowns could you endure? How many times could you possibly care for him after a mission? You had to be tired of scraping his dried blood out from under your nails.
One of Bucky’s screams tore through the quiet, peaceful air of your bedroom. He thrashed beside you, desperate to escape the monsters in his head.
You flew into action, waking him gently. “Buck…” you took his face in your hands. “Hey, wake up, baby. You’re okay. You’re-”
His eyes flew wide open in alarm. Fear pulled his pupils into tiny pin pricks but as he focused on your face, they relaxed. “Hey- hi…” He forced greedy inhales into his lungs and made a grab for your waist. He needed to feel your body on top of his, almost like his personal weighted blanket. He needed to know you were real, that you were there with him.
With his face buried in your neck, he wondered how he’d handle nights like these after you left. He knew he’d self-destruct. He’d end up in crisis. Unable to sleep, fearing the dark. Sam would probably have to stage an intervention.
“You doing okay? You wanna talk about it?” You asked, your hands sliding through his hair. But you already knew the answer to both: no.
Bucky took a few more deep inhales, memorizing the way your hair smelled. The way your skin felt against his cheek. “Thanks for waking me, doll…”
“Of course, Buck,” you pulled away dotted a light kiss to the tip of his nose. “You know I just wanna help.”
Your smile made his heart leap. God, he was going to miss you.
But you were too good for him. In the small apartment you shared, you were the light. You filled the space with warmth and goodness. You brought home plants and nourished them into beautiful blooms. You hung art on the walls. You created a home.
Bucky, however, populated the apartment with ghosts. He was haunted by trauma. By victims and nightmares and darkness. He was the monster lurking under the bed. And it wasn’t fair to you. You worked hard to create a safe place for the both of you. And he filled it with baggage. 
He often thought about all the times he’d come close to death, and wondered why he never died. Part of him thought it was a cruel joke by the universe, a prank to make him suffer even longer. But the other part of him thought maybe it was so he could meet you. Maybe it was because he deserved some small sliver of happiness, a taste of what goodness existed in the world. Before you ended things.
“I appreciate it, baby.” He returned your kiss, taking an extra second to savor how your lips felt against his. A nagging clawed at his chest. Something in him wanted him to speak up- to ask you for the truth. He knew he shouldn’t. He knew he should just accept your kindness while it lasted. But he needed to know. And he had a penchant for destroying things.
“Don’t you ever get… tired- or fed up- of all this? Of me?”
You stared at him, confused. “Um… no. I mean, I don’t want you to have nightmares, if that’s what you mean. I don’t like to see you hurting…” you stroked at his stubble. “I’m tired of you suffering- cause you deserve better. You deserve to be happy.”
He cracked a small smile.
“But I could never be tired of you. That’s not even comprehendible to me. I don’t think I understand that concept,” you laughed. “Makes no sense.”
But Bucky didn’t laugh. His smile faded.
You sat up and pulled him upright with you, “What are you getting at, Buck? Did I do something? Cause if I like, made a stupid joke or whatever that made you feel like I’m fed up with you, I didn’t mean to- and I’m really sorry. I’m not-”
“You didn’t,” he said. His hand found your face, his cold thumb swiping over your bottom lip.  “You didn’t do anything wrong. You never do.”
“Oh- okay, good…” you left a kiss against his palm. “Then why do you ask?”
Bucky didn’t want to answer. He regretted this whole venture. But he was in too deep. “I ask because… I feel like your life is perfect- was perfect,” he sighed. “Before you met me, I mean. Your job and the apartment and your friends and family- your whole situation is so put together. And I’m just not…”
“My life’s never been perfect, Buck. You know that- you see me on my bad days. They can get pretty ugly-”
Bucky scoffed at your use of the word ‘ugly’. He’d never describe anything about you in those terms.
“Oh, stop,” you laughed, delivering a light punch to his arm. “My point is: No one’s life is perfect- but mine is way better with you in it. Everyone has problems, but-
“But what if I’m the problem?”
The sun’s first weak rays of the day peaked through the blinds, but it wasn’t enough. You needed to see Bucky. You flicked on his lamp and let yourself give him a proper once over. He looked exhausted. Miserable.
“Buck, you’re not- how could you be the problem?”
“Just, in general,” he said. “I put you through a lot. And ever since we got together- ever since we met, really- I’ve been wondering when you’ll leave.”
His words gutted you. They tore you open and left you empty. “But why would I leave?” you asked. “I’m happy with you. I think we’re really good together. And I don’t-”
Your words brought a smile to his face, “And I’m really, really happy with you.” The smile faded. “But this has to be exhausting, isn’t it? There’s always some crazy shit happening in my life- whether it’s my job or all my PTSD. I don’t want you wasting your time on me.”
“It’s not exhausting…” your voice was low, shaky. “And it’s not a waste of time. I want this- us. I want to be there for you. I want to be with you…” A sudden realization flooded your cheeks with tears. “Wait- is this you breaking up with me? If you want don’t want to be with me, fine. Well, not ‘fine’ but… Just don’t pretend it’s because you’re the problem.”
Bucky took your hands in his, “No, no, no. That’s not what’s happening- I want to be with you for as long as possible-”
“Jesus Christ, you scared me,” a shaky laugh rattled out of your chest. “So, if you want to be with me, why are you basically trying to convince me to leave you?”
Bucky ran his thumbs over your knuckles. Dating you was almost shameful for him. Not that he’d ever be ashamed of you, of course. But he knew he kept you from the person you should’ve been with. And it didn’t feel right. Someone else had to be out there- waiting for you. Waiting to give you a better life than he could.
“Because you deserve better, doll. I wish you- you should want more for yourself. Don’t settle for me. I want you to aim higher.” The words burned his throat. But he supposed the truth had to hurt sometimes. “You should be with someone who doesn’t make your life harder.”
“You don’t make my life harder-”
Bucky shook his head, “We both know that’s not true”
“I’m being serious. You don’t,” you shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve changed a few things in my life since we got together- but only because I wanted to make those changes. I wanted to make you feel safe. Fourth of July fireworks give you anxiety, so we spend the night away from the city. Getting an alarm system made you more comfortable, so we got one. How is that a problem?”
You were so accommodating. So open-minded and willing to change. Anything Bucky needed to feel just a little safer, you did it. Without question. And while it was kinder than he thought he deserved, he wished he didn’t affect your life in such a way. “But you’ve changed other things, too. I know you don’t get to go out as often as you used to-”
“I don’t want to go out. I can’t drink like a college kid anymore,” you laughed. “I’d rather be at home with you, anyway.”
Bucky fell silent for a moment. The things you said almost convinced- almost. “But do you realistically think you can do this with me forever? Can you put up with me stumbling through the front door at 3am, bloody and half-dead? Can you deal with me screaming you awake almost every night? Can you-”
“I want to.”
“But why?” Bucky couldn’t wrap his mind around it. “You shouldn’t. You shouldn’t want to suffer through all the bullshit. There are better things- better people- out there for you.”
You’d had enough of Bucky slandering himself. He never gave himself enough credit. And you knew he was hell bent on convincing you to look for someone new- even if it took him all night. But you didn’t want anyone else.
“Can I have an opinion?” you finally said. “You keep telling me there’s ‘better people’ out there and how I should ‘want more’ for myself- but you are the person I was looking for. This is what I always wanted.” You wriggled your hands free from his and rested your palms against his cheeks.
“I never thought I’d find someone like you. Just ask my sister; I’d been complaining for years about all the awful guys I dated. They were all so rude and selfish and flat out treated me like shit. And I broke up with them because I needed to keep looking. When I dated those kinds of guys, I knew there had to be someone better out there. Cause they were really the bottom of the barrel,” you laughed. “You, on the other hand… green flags. All green flags. Green flags for miles.”
Bucky scoffed, “I know of a major red flag-”
“Stop,” you rested a thumb over his lips, silencing him. “You are the best person I’ve ever met. So kind and thoughtful and sweet. So gentle. So funny. Smart. Fun. There is no one above you. There is no one better. I don’t have to look anymore.”
Bucky leaned forward and rested his head against your chest. Your familiar heartbeat brough him comfort, eased the tension in his mind. “But I’ve done a lot of bad things- Really bad things. Everyone agrees that we shouldn’t be together, cause I’m-”
“I don’t care about ‘everyone’,” you said. “I care about you. Other peoples’ opinions don’t matter to me. And I know it’s easier said than done, but they shouldn’t matter to you either.” You pulled his head from your chest and stared into his dejected eyes. “At the end of the day, you come home to me. You crawl into bed with me. And I think the world of you. That’s the only opinion about this relationship that matters.” You laughed, adding a caveat, “well, not the only one. Cause yours matters, too, obviously. But right now, you’re being mean to yourself- so it doesn’t count.”
Bucky wanted to drown in you. He wanted your light and love to consume him completely.
“Buck, being with you is knowing that I’ve found the very best person for me,” you once again let him rest his head against your chest. “And that includes everything you’ve been through and everything you’ll go through in the future. All of it. I’m in this with you- full stop.”
Bucky’s voice vibrated against your skin, but the sound was muffled by your sleep shirt.
He begrudgingly pulled his head from your chest, “I said ‘I love you’.”
“And I love you. Always will.” You helped him lay back down and made sure he was comfortable before turning off the lamp. “Any time you start feeling like this, tell me. I want you to come to me when you’re struggling, okay?”
“And any time someone makes you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, I wanna know,” you said. “So I can put em in the ground.”
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky
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cozzzynook · 4 months
I know you did something similar with Bumblebee. What if Optimus is Hot Rods sire. How would Optimus react to Hot Rods potential partners?
Hot rod keeps most of his partners a secret because majority are on and off or one time frag flings.
He’s a mech with needs that he doesn’t want his sire or any bot really, to know. He actually is private believe it or not.
But there are a few times it was a frag fling that could’ve been more that he just couldn’t hide well enough.
His once mysterious on and off with Soundwave was almost discovered but thankfully them springing into action and fighting at just the right time kept their secret from being discovered. They decided to end it there but remained good friends oddly enough. His conjunx find out on accident that he used to see the master spy.
There was a time Hot rod was secretly meeting up with Ultra Magnus before he became Rodimus and a period when he was Rodimus. Optimus had his suspicions the two liked each other and neither were ever going to tell Optimus or let it be known it went a lot further than just liking each other. Hot rod was so happy he was small enough to pass as a pillow in Magnus berth under his sheets when his sire came to deliver paperwork to Magnus that one night.
A bot that he never dated but his sire wanted him to date was Thunderclash. He outright refused, in front of the war hero at that, and his sire still wanted him to give the mech a chance. Hot rod finally agreed after almost a year of his sire bothering him about it. When the two were alone Hot rod apologized but said he really wasn’t interested and apologized for getting Thunderclash’s hopes up like that. He did meet the mech at his hab so he wouldn’t waste anymore of the mechs time than he already had but he still felt guilty.
Hot rod outright made a large rejection to dating someone on his team when his sire suggested it. That would always end badly and his sire did agree and came from a good place asking its just Hot rod didn’t want him finding out he’d slept with Blurr and Springer on multiple occasions. It was always with no strings attached, they were friends blowing off steam, but he knew his sire would not take it well so he kept that hidden too.
He’s had a string of decepticon frags he never intends to tell his sire about and the time he both individually and collectively fragged Megatron and Starscream because they were all charged and drunk off high grade on a neutral planet was something none of them were ever going to tell a single spark so long as they were online.
After that Hot rod chilled out considerably and by the time he was on the lost light he may or may not have fragged Megatron again, but this time he was a new Megatron and not a warlord now so he’ll say it doesn’t count. Nor does his threesome with the former warlord and his old fling Magnus now Minimus count either…or the multiple times they fragged or had private marathon sessions.
He didn’t have to worry about his sire finding out so he felt a lot more relaxed but he wasn’t interested in sleeping with his crew. He knew he was a horrible captain but not that horrible.
There was that one time he’d gotten really drunk at Swerves when they landed on a certain planet and he had a quick frag with Dreadwing and Skyquake. He wasn’t worried about his sire finding out but he sure was annoyed with all the teasing Megs gave him when he had to come get him because he was too fragged out to walk or transform…he gave the twin seekers his personal comm after that meeting.
What can he say he’s a spike slut he knows it.
He just didn’t want Drift or Ratchet to know.
He should’ve definitely remembered not to get up with ease after taking the pounding of a life time and giving them the ride and transfluid suck, in all aspects, of a processor crasher, at least in their opinion. Yeah it definitely one of the best frags he’s ever had and the fact he actually liked, was in love, with the two made it even better….its just he’s had rougher, longer, bigger and crazier frags than this one.
He didn’t dare say that though, he just blamed it on not being able to sit still which they didn’t buy at all.
Thankfully Ratchet accidentally exposing their relationship of sorts to Optimus via face plate cam where the two were catching up and Drift was in the back wearing a towel all wet and Rodimus had brought Ratchet a mug of hot energon kissing his helm fin wearing one of their blankets, the cyber kitty was out of the bag.
His sire was extremely happy and jumped to conclusions right away as Rodimus tried to back away from the camera thinking he could avoid being seen. His sire took that and his immediate denial for shyness about finally finding someone to date and conjunx. Rodimus literally told Optimus “they are conjunx to each other I am not seeing them,” only for it to be ignored.
To Rodimus, Optimus saying he was glad his bitlet finally stopped being too difficult to handle and date was a good thing. That he shouldn’t scare bots off with his impulsive and childish behavior and that it was good he finally had his life together and seeing two bots that were good for him and would help keep him on track was perfect. Rodimus didn’t bat an optic when Optimus said its a good thing he picked right on his first actual try and was being a gentlemech instead of bouncing from relationship to relationship like he feared whenever Rodimus eventually did start dating.
Rodimus was rolling his optics when Optimus said he was glad his own bitlet didn’t turn out to be shareware like some bots were rumoring him to be and thats when Rodimus immediately faked a smile, said love you creator bye and hung up the call.
He let out a deep vent and opened his optics to see Drift and Ratchet giving him a funny look and he played off a laugh shrugging his shoulders before walking away with, “my sire is so embarrassing.”
Yeah he’s aware of how Optimus actually views him. Sure he loves him but he doesn’t think very highly of him and he gets it. His sire is right to think that way but his sire doesn’t actually know he has a right to feel that way. Sure he knows his major frag ups but not just how wild he actually was.
He fears the day his sire learns what a complete failure of a prime, bitlet and autobot he truly is.
He figures theres no reason to really put thought into drift and ratchet seeing his convo with his sire. He just tells the two as he’s leaving that he’ll tell Optimus it was a mistake and make sure he doesn’t bug them about this. He’s not giving them a single chance to say a word back because he’s out the door and speeding off to his hab to personally call optimus and tell him they are not dating and to leave his non existent love life alone.
Of course after he finally gets his sire to drop it here comes Drift and Ratchet telling him they are interested in dating him and they thought they made that clear. That and he wasn’t getting off the hook for the conversation between himself and his sire or how he could just be so unfazed by long and brutal fragging.
He..tries to leave this conversation because he very much does not almost pass out nor did he burst out crying when they made things vulnerable.
He absolutely does none of those things.
He completely denies all of this and when his sire asked while looking smug when they return to cybertron for their wedding, “i thought you three weren’t dating?”
Rodimus almost ignites his tribal gown. If it weren’t for the two he literally just married he would have.
Its not till after the wedding and all the spark felt speeches did Drift and Ratchet corner him because they figured out some of the mechs he fragged and wow it explains why he’s so casually confident and can easily do all type of things in the berth.
“Really kid?! Dreadwing and Skyquake at the same time?! Starscream and Megatron when they were our enemies?! Literally magnus before that spark forsaken adventure! Who else was there?!”
“You would not believe me and I don’t think i should tell.”
He does tell.
Drift has a really mean jealous streak and so does Ratchet.
Rodimus tries to defend himself by saying ratchet used to be the party ambulance but Ratchet says that was in med school and he didn’t commit treason.
Rodimus shrugs it off or tries to.
They find a way to leave Rodimus in tears that night on their wedding by giving him the one thing none of his partners ever have.
They make love to him. Slow passionate spark bonding love…that leaves him both a sobbing wreck for two days and sparked by the time they get back.
Rodimus is not at all happy or amused at being made completely vulnerable and having to rely on them to take care of him for their entire wedding night or honeymoon and the fact that they sparked him. He’d rather it was them sparked, not himself.
They had other plans though.
Idk if this is what you were looking for but this was the best i could do.
To me they roddy and optimus love each other but they have so much undiscussed angst between each other its obvious. At least to Drift and Ratchet. Rodimus knows and he’s sure his sire knows too. Its just Optimus thinks he’s good at hiding how disappointed he is at how Rodimus turned out.
Rodimus will be the first to agree his sire is right when Drift and Ratchet bring up their relationship and they hate it. But Rodimus has honestly learned to expect disappointment and to always be a failure both in reality and in his sires optics and they both hate how serious and casual he is about it.
I’m sorry i just had to make it angsty.
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