#Twilight and Legend are both half siblings
weepingtalecowboy · 3 days
Fanfic prompt: The timeline is split into three ,right ?
One where twilight comes from
One where time went to get milk and never returned being wind's
And one where legend comes from
And you know what would be absolutely hilarious
If Time married sheik in legend's timeline and therefore legend is related to him
Which would make him Malon's step grand child
And Inter dimensional step siblings with twilight
Because the potential for crack is enormous
Like their relationship would be so weird
Malon accepted him without hesitation because it’s a weird time traveler thing and obviously a different time made a different decision
But explaining that to her was something that time had no idea how to even start with that mess
Legend is incredibly awkward because he more or less is imposing on the family
(And his family never wanted him anyway so why does this one do when he is nothing but a slanderous bastard to their family and name
He isn’t a Lon Lon nor is he even part of his ancestor’s family he literally was hidden like a dirty secret for most of his life… so why?)
But time figures it out anyway
It is genuinely painful for legend to know that he was wanted by his ancestor
Because his present family didn’t
But everyone just accepts him like he deserves to and it doesn’t make sense
Malon took a single look at the sad face and decided that one is hers as well
And wind too
(Talon has no idea what is going on but if Malon decided that those kids are hers he will just be supportive)
Time feels bad because he wasn’t there for legend
Twilight and Legend are both confused by the timeline
Twilight just accepted him because one half sibling still is better then no family so he doesn’t even dare to be weird about it)
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merriclo · 1 year
I want to know your LU headcanons!
ohHO i will absolutely tell you tysm for asking!! i’ve been wanting to talk abt them for ages but just never got around to it ig ahjdkcka
Time’s actually like 32 and is just really committed to the bit of being ancient
Sky is horrific at making new friends. he grew up with the same small group of people, so he never learned how to make friends with complete strangers because there simply wasn’t the need to. so, when he first starts traveling with the chain, he makes little wooden charms for them because he isn’t entirely sure how else to get close with them. Zelda always enjoyed his woodcarvings, so maybe they will too??
as a result, the entire chain has little trinkets made by Sky. on Legend’s bag there’s charms hanging off the straps, and Twilight wears his as necklaces (both because it looks cool as fuck and it helps the shadow crystal stand out less). yes Wind has specifically commissioned him to make something for Aryll
yeah yeah bunny Legend but consider: the mermaid suit (which I like to think is more of a curse bc get fished pink man <3) giving him some marine animal qualities as well. no matter what tho that bitch is an Ariel kinnie, they’re collecting all the shiny shit they can find
Sky is obsessed with doing puzzles the Right and Proper way, meanwhile Wild cheeses absolutely everything he can
Wind believes in all of those classic pirate superstitions
the witches in Legend’s era adore him. Grandma Syrup dotes on him, Maple is like a teasing older sister, and Irene is like a teasing younger sister. this is where he learned most of his magic skills from, and he takes all potentially enchanted or cursed items to them to check out. he’ll never admit it, but Legend finds lots of comfort in all of them, as they’re one of the few people who’ve stayed in his life this long.
Wild’s a pretty good medic!! during his adventure, he very quickly realized how dangerous infection is, so they learned about a lot of home remedies and medicinal herbs, as well as how to tend to a wound from other travelers at stables and inns. he didn’t really get a choice in learning, considering how he probably got stung or bit by painful insects or accidentally brushed up against painful plants a lot during the early days of their adventure, and thus showed up to stables covered in rashes and hives and such, causing every decent person in the area to flock to them and try to help. their Hyrule is very sweet, okay?
they’re not the only one who’s well acquainted with medicinal herbs, though! while I think all of them would have a basic understanding, Time, Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind would know a lot. dw i’m elaborating
Time quite literally grew up in the forest, was raised by a tree, and had actual forest spirits for siblings—he knows his plants. he and Saria would peel willow bark and collect dandelions together
I like to think that Hyrule being half-fae makes him very sensitive to all magic-based auras, including that of plants, so they’re very good at picking out the healing herbs, even if they’re not quite sure what they’re called
listen ok hear me out about Warriors. young Time was appalled that he knew jackshit about nature and forcefully taught him. also, before modern medicine, medicinal plants were used all the fucking time on the battle field. yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and prevents infection, is called soldiers’ woundwort because of this. i mention this because he was probably concerned about the health and safety of his troops, so he learned what the medics were doing and using.
Wind grew up on a small, tight-knit island, realistically they would’ve had to have learned how to use the things around them to their fullest advantage. that being said, his knowledge is sort of useless outside of his own era, aside from what he was taught in the war. ok i’m done talking about medicinal herbs now i promise sorry it’s a hobby of mine ahhsjdka
Legend’s terrified of dogs. in Link’s Awakening, the dogs are literally balls on chains with huge mouths full of sharp teeth (basically just Chain Chomps). if you want to get angsty with it: it comes from guard dogs being sent after him on his first adventure. he became a lot less scared to more he spent time with BowBow (the ball and chain dog) but, when he woke up, he got the belief that he could only be safe around a dog in his dreams. he’s pretty damn uncomfortable around Wolfie at first, but after lots of time and learning to trust Twilight, he’s able to slowly overcome his fear. sort of. mostly just with Wolfie. he still hates staying at stables in Wild’s Hyrule.
if Wild doesn’t want to explain/source something he’ll just say it came to him via divine intervention. Sky believes it every single time
I was thinking about Legend’s story a while ago and realized it was kind of similar to Joan of Arc’s so take that as you will. idk if this even counts as a headcanon but i’m putting it here
Warriors and Twilight are really close friends because they both understand the struggles of wrangling dirt worshipping nature freaks. anytime Twilight (lovingly) complains about Wild, Wars will counter with whatever asinine feral child antics young Time got up to and suddenly Twi will feel very blessed and lucky
whenever Four sees someone with their hair in a high ponytail he subconsciously thinks they’re very smart and respectable because Dot always wears her hair in a high ponytail
Hyrule is completely fine with not sleeping on a bedroll. they like the dirt, actually. let them sleep in the dirt.
Legend uses apples in his red potions, both to increase their potency and to make them taste better. he also learned how to enchant apples to be healing on their own so sometimes when someone’s hurt he’ll just shove an apple in their face
uhh so ik this is a lot but this isn’t even close to of all my headcanons so yeah there’s that lmao
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needfantasticstories · 11 months
3 excerpts from a WIP dedicated to @la-sera and her gorgeous Downfall Duo Art
(The whole thing is long, so I wanted to share the parts you'd probably like best.)
1 - Chain vs Ghirahim and Yiga Clan
2 - Legend goes crazy looking for Rulie
3 - Delayed reunion with Rulie
Blood and Blade (4820 words) by SkipBreaker Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sky/Sun (Linked Universe), Flora/Wild (Linked Universe), Malon (Legend of Zelda)/Time (Linked Universe) Characters: Sky (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Hyrule (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe), Link (Legend of Zelda), Wind (Linked Universe), Warriors (Linked Universe), Twilight (Linked Universe), Yiga Clan (Legend of Zelda), Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Sky (Linked Universe)-centric, Hyrule (Linked Universe) Needs a Hug, Sky (Linked Universe) Has a Bad Time, BAMF Legend (Linked Universe), Ghirahim Being Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda), Hyrule (Linked Universe) Has a Bad Time, Hyrule (Linked Universe) Has a Blood Curse, Good Older Sibling Warriors (Linked Universe), Mentioned Cia (Legend of Zelda) Series: Part 2 of WildSkyRule Summary: Ghirahim continues his quest to revive his master. Others have the same goal.
In Wild's Hyrule
“Traveler! Legend!” Four shouted in warning. 
“Oh look, I’ve found a little bird,” Ghirahim laughed. 
Legend? Sky turned to see Legend on the ground, knocked on his back by two pillars of earth the Yiga blademasters had shot up from the ground. They lifted their blades to strike him, but Legend was already swinging his leg to sweep their feet. He seemed to be holding his own. So who… 
Another shout from the road nearby, far more desperate, drew his eye. 
"Traveler!" Sky yelled. His heart beat too fast, the sound pounding in his ears. 
 Hyrule struggled desperately, pinned against the demon’s chest. The young traveler’s shield magic barely kept the barrage of black diamond blades at bay, but he was quickly wearing out from the effort. 
“Let him go!” Sky screamed as Ghirahim slowly stepped backwards, “Rulie! Thunder!”
One of Ghirahim’s arms released Hyrule as he reached for something at his side, giving Hyrule just enough room to slip an arm out and raise it high to cast Thunder. 
But the demon yanked his hand back and looped thin, crimson ropes over his wrists with rapid precision, like a spider weaving silk on a fly. 
“No!”  Legend yelled when he toppled both Blademasters and saw his successor, his little brother, trapped.  
Hyrule gasped and writhed as the red rope touched him, and tightened. Sparks of his Thunder spell fizzled and died as it throbbed with dark purple light. 
Hyrule grew pale and his eyelids drooped, half-closed, as magic drained from him. The rope cinched his wrists tighter together as the daggers turned outward, circling defensively around the demon and his prey. 
“Get off him!” Legend roared, but red flashes appeared in a circle around the Vet. When he tried to run past, two Yiga soldiers intercepted his path before he could gain enough speed with even a single step, and they shoved him back into the Blademasters. They wrestled him, grappling over tempered blade
“No!” Hyrule yelled, his eyes flashed open in terror for Legend before drooping again as the red ropes pulsed.
“What do you want with them?” Twilight demanded, searching the demon’s barrier for weak points and finding none. Goddesses, I miss Midna! She would strangle this clown and we’d be halfway to the stable by now.
“Oh, they don’t know about your ability, little fairy?” Ghirahim crooned in Hyrule’s ear. 
Hyrule closed his eyes tight, trying to hide his terror. He shook his head, then yelled as fast as he could, “He wants my bl–mmmph!” His words cut off as Ghirahim clapped a spindly hand over his mouth and chin. 
“You really never told them! Ha ha ha! How fortunate! I suppose that will be a mystery for the heroes to puzzle over on their own.”
“His blood revives Gannon!” Legend finished for him, and found two more huge Blademasters between him and the other Links.
There was no time to process.
Wild shot three arrows at the tall demon’s head. With a flippant wave of his fingers, the hovering knives transformed into a shimmering barrier and blocked them. 
Wild switched arrows. If ever there was ever a time to use his last ancient arrow, untouched since his fight with Gannon, it was now.
 “We need to get over there!” Wild yelled, knocking the arrow and swapping for Revali’s bow. Yet each time they tried to push closer, the Yiga rushed for Wild and the others stopped to defend him. 
Wild found an opening at last, and aimed for Ghirahim’s head, exhaled, and released the ancient arrow. 
A Yiga footsoldier appeared in the ancient arrow’s path. The soldier disappeared while the rest charged. Growling, Wild pulled out electric arrows instead. At least he had 200 of those. 
Throughout this, Legend wrestled his attackers, resisting them as much as they pressed him back, his power bracelets a force equal to their size. He kept them so off-balance that each slice and stab missed, and his boots dragged them quickly at whiplash speeds, steadily moving closer to Hyrule, but the assassins clung to him desperately, grappling for his arms. Wild and Twilight tried to pick off attackers, but Legend lurched unpredictably.
As he stopped to breathe, three fresh Yiga Blademasters appeared beside Legend and the four surviving attackers. 
Twilight, Wind and Four reached them at the same moment. 
“Subdue him already, fools,” The demon groused to the Yiga soldiers.
The Links redoubled their efforts to reach the pair.
Sky looked back to Hyrule, who had slumped in the demon's arms.
“Coward!” Sky yelled, breaking from Wild, Warrior, and Time.
“So much magic in this one, Skychild!” Ghirahim sang from another direction. He disappeared from the back of their group to the crossroad far ahead. He hefted the now unconscious teen in his arms.
“No!” Sky roared, just as lightning finally flashed above and struck the sword, but in the same instant Ghirahim and Hyrule had vanished in a cloud of obsidian diamonds. His skyward strike flew through empty air. 
Always too late, Sky thought. He felt sick. Couldn’t breathe. 
“Rulie!” Legend yelled, but the distraction cost him. The Yiga swarmed him like ants. One Blademaster struck the sword from his hand and another two pinned both his arms back. A fourth blocked Wild and Twilight’s shots with a shield.
“Ledge!” Wind warned too late, and Sky watched, frozen, as two Blademasters held the panting veteran still, brown ropes in the hands of a third, before they too disappeared. 
Where is Crimson? Sky thought numbly, standing alone where Hyrule and Legend had been. He had to fly…no, to run…to find them... but where did they go? 2. Legend's Escape
When the Yiga took Legend, they had not accounted for two facts: Legend’s arsenal of weapons, and his willingness to single-handedly burn down the entire hideout wile still inside it.  
“Where did you take him!?” Legend demanded, blasting his fire rod at the Yiga soldiers dancing away from his blasts, narrowly escaping a fiery end. 
“You’re the only one we got, you idiot!” A footsoldier shouted as she fired an arrow at Legend. She missed him entirely in her panic at the creeping flames, “you’re going to die with us if you keep lighting everything on fire!”
Alone within the enemy’s stronghold, he found no reason to hold back. 
 Legend grinned, and sent another blast into their supply of bananas. The soldiers scrambled to dodge and tried in vain to put out the flames before their whole stock burned. Legend sent back a few more blasts as he ran to the next room.
No Hyrule here, only more idiots, he realized as he entered a sparse training room. He chased the few soldiers out and continued his hunt from room to room, Pegasus boots moving him past the guards who shouted at him, the more persistent ones getting a blast of fire to the face before he continued his search. They popped in and out around him, but he hardly gave them a chance to materialize before blasting them
3. Reunion
(several days later, on a second sweep of the Yiga base with backup)
Wild, Twilight, and Legend appeared at the shrine by the Yiga base in the dead of night. 
The place was a wreck. Not a single Yiga appeared to stop them. 
“What the hell did you do, Ledge?” Twilight marveled. 
Wild surveyed the damage, some wall chunks blasted halfway to the bottomless pit where Master Khoga accidentally died while trying to kill him. 
“Hey, I don’t remember doing all this, okay? Could have been someone else,”
They both raised an eyebrow at him.
“Dinraal herself wouldn’t unleash this much destruction,” Wild smiled. 
“The Gerudo don’t like them either, little vai,” he scoffed, and looked around the piles of scorched boulders for an opening. 
“Hey, Twi’,” Wild pointed at the wall to their left. The once smooth canyon wall now showed a hidden hallway passage between blasted walls.
“I’m pretty sure that was me,” Legend confessed, “That’s just what we need, actually. It’s familiar. It leads to the prison cells,” He marched that way. “I hope they didn't reset their traps. I’d hate to have to blast them all over again,”
Wild followed. 
A rumble of thunder made them all slow and look to the sky.
A bright moon shone over a cloudless night.
“You heard that too, right?” Wild asked.
“Like…Thunder?” Twilight answered.
They raced inside.
(shortly after)
 He froze at Legend’s familiar yell. 
There, through the doorway, ran Legend, Twilight and Wild. 
He could hardly believe his eyes, but his thoughts had already turned to what he’d been running from.
“It’s Gannon!” Hyrule yelled as he raced to meet them, “We have to go!”
Legend grabbed the projectile that was Hyrule in his arms and nearly crashed into Wild as the debris ahead exploded. Twilight threw a blue Sheikah bomb at the broken hall which Wild set off as they ran.
Around the corner, Wild yelled, “Pull in close!”
They huddled together as blue tendrils encircled and took them out of reach of the red lights popping into view all around. The Yiga didn’t even finish materializing before the Links were gone. 
They reappeared in the cold, waving grass of Hyrule field.
“Hyrule, what the hell!” Legend’s voice trembled slightly as he gripped Hyrule’s arms and took in the state of his successor: the red thread around his throat like a line of blood, the strange white clothes, the chains, and the bruises all over him, but nothing lethal. He sighed in relief. 
“Just in case,” Twilight released a fairy. 
She zipped out and rushed around Hyrule with rapid squeaks, healing the few scrapes and bruises he’d earned climbing in the rubble. 
She chittered at the red cord on his neck before flying off. 
Before the fairy danced off into the night, Legend had pulled Hyrule into a ferocious hug. 
“I can’t believe we found you, Rulie,” he began with a growl that ended in a sob. 
Hyrule sat stunned for a moment, his tired mind catching up to the rush of events. He could feel his friend, smell his magic and sweat, the cool night air, the feel of the sturdy red tunic under his hands. He clutched him fiercely back. This wasn’t a dream. Hyrule grabbed fistfulls of the familiar tunic, and his chest swelled. 
“I’m sorry,” Hyrule sobbed into his friend’s neck, “I tried, but they brought him back! I couldn’t stop them. I'm so sorry!”
Legend pulled back and grabbed his face and looked at him fiercely. Hyrule’s heart tightened, ready for his wrath.
“It’s not your fault people are trying to destroy the world, Rulie,” his red, watering eyes made Hyrule’s heart ache, “We should have found you sooner. I’m sorry,”
Twilight and Wild placed a hand on Hyrule’s shoulder as well. He let Legend lean his forehead on his own, and they sat like that until both of them caught their breath as they sat in the cool grass. 
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tiredkiwilol · 6 months
lu modern au (i’m open to name suggestions ㅠㅠ i suck at naming things)
biological brothers:
- time is 27 years old and engaged to malon
- warriors is 25 years old
- twilight is 23 years old (maybe dating minda?)
- sky just turned 21 years old and is dating sun
adopted brothers:
- hyrule is 18 and the half brother of the twins (different moms)
- wild is 17 and the older twin
- legend is 17 and the younger twin (he hates this)
then for four and wind i’m not sure yet, i’m open with one of them being bio and one adopted or both adopted, not sure yet. maybe wind will be adopted and still be bio siblings with aryll? not sure if i’ll include her because i haven’t played wind waker yet and don’t wanna characterize her wrong (nintendo please put twilight princess and wind waker on the switch)
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bokettochild · 2 years
Hello! I was just wondering: you have the headcanon that Hylia is Legend’s mother, correct?
If yes, could you explain a little bit?
I don’t mean to sound rude I just think it’s a super interesting headcanon and wondered where it came from (I have not played any of Legend’s games- it’s on my to do list tho!)
Okay so!
This isn't so much a headcannon as a fun thing I like to play with. Technically, there's very little in canon about Legend's parents- none I daresay. Of course, if you look to the manga's (which I did before I started playing his games), you do find bit's and pieces about his family thrown in.
There's quite a few references to his family being from a sacred sect of knights:
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And also references to what happened to them:
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We also see through both their lack of existence in the games and also the explanations in the manga that Legend never knew his parents.
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So, while the manga does tell us that Legend's father was a knight and once friends with Aganim (the lead villain of ALTTP), there's very little at all about his mother except for two things: she's described as gentle and she always held out hope that she and her husband could return to the light realm and find their child to be part of his life. Obviously, her wish never came true, and when Legend comes to the dark world, he's told that while at first they resisted evil, they eventually fell to it and became beasts as well one day.
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Which leaves us with nothing but some basic facts:
His family are descended from the knights of Hyrule
His father was a left-handed knight (uncannily a similar description to how Four is spoken of in the manga's as well, but that's not for today)
His mother was a 'gentle lady'
His father had a brother
And that's about it. One can take this a dozen directions. You could say a anyone was his father, and anyone was his mother. In Flight To My Heart, I made it to where an alternate version of Dusk is Legend's mother and Twilight is his Uncle in that world. Now, that was more for funsies and based off of thoughts from my audience, but it still worked out alright and was somewhat believable.
Now, granted, there's the theory that Legend and Fable are siblings, be it twins, half siblings, or whatever have you that it may be. I love this theory, as most folks know. I love this theory a lot and I really enjoy the implications of it: if Legend is Fable's brother, then he's descended from the royal family. If he's from the royal family, then he's Sky's descendant. if he's Sky's descendant, then he's also Sun's. And Sun is Hylia.
I think it started with just having people refer to him as a "child of Hylia" that did it for me. Granted, those people where characters in my ow fics half of the time, but it made me think. What if he was?
I did see the idea explored in "In An Era" by Script_The_Skeleton, but while I may have used it as a throwaway line, I never really tried out writing it until I wrote "Hylia's Child, Hylia's Slave" where having Legend's mother be a goddess was necessary. It was a vent fic meant to help express the powerlessness one can feel under the eye of a mother who seemingly has endless power over them and is impossible to escape from. Hylia, as a goddess, was the optimal choice for that, especially as half the fandom agrees that Legend and Hylia don't get along.
Now, as for how that could work, let's look at Hylia a bit first. Hylia is a goddess, and she incarnated before the beginning of Skyward Sword in order to fight alongside her hero better than she was able to before when Skyloft was first raised. By the time of Breath of the Wild however, it's somewhat hinted that she was no longer incarnating for whatever reason. My theory is that after long enough, when an incarnate died, she determined that Hyrule was strong enough without he immediate power among them and returned to wherever it is that the goddesses all hang out. This would probably be not long before Four's time. In Four Swords, there's something called 'Force' or 'light power' that Link has to collect, and this power is what was left behind when Hylia gave up incarnating, similarly to how the Triforce was created when the Golden Trio departed the earth.
With Hylia returned to the heavens, she was no longer passing her power along through the Hylian line, which is why it's not uncommon that characters that the various heroes meet with over time make reference to Hylians beginning to die out. Unfortunately, their power also began to die out, and by the time of the Sealing War (the war fought to seal Ganon after the death of the Fallen Hero AKA Time) there were precious few Hylians left and very little power, hence, Hylia returned.
Now this is all theoretical, but in my fics, the lore to it is that Hylia returned, taking mortal form, but not incarnating herself exactly. She held the power to shed her form if she wanted, but she didn't. She married and helped to bring Hyrule to strength again. Then of course, she had two children with her husband, twins, and then everything fell apart. In trying to protect her people, evil power overwhelmed her and injured her so that she had to drop her mortal form and return to the place of the goddesses to recover from the attacks by Ganon's servants, leaving behind her kingdom and children to deal with Aganim and Ganon.
Fable and Legend, having suffered as much as they have since a young age, are capable protectors of Hyrule, and Hylia no longer saw a need to return to Hyrule to restore it, what with her children accomplishing the task for her. Instead, she turns her attention to other duties and people.
While we don't see it much in the official Zelda games, Nintendo has shown us that Fable, out of all of the Zeldas, is extremely powerful. As her twin, Legend would bear similar power, thus making them strong enough to take on a lot more than the average Hylian. Honestly, that's probably why I love this idea so much. Dragon Wars and Fierce Deity Time are all well and great, Feral Wild and Wolf Twilight are wonderful, Fairy Hyrule and Godkiller Sky are fantastic, but the thing that will always have my heart is Demi-God Legend, the "average nobody" who can and will unleash a fury like nothing else when he chooses.
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shade-pup-cub · 1 year
Ugh... the things I do to these poor boys, but still one of my fave scenes!
Wild's reunion after TOTK, Chapter 11 "A Deity's Son"
Content warning: magic possession, seizure, blood, someones are is missing... this was writen before the game came out.
"Dametrius?" He looked over to see Time, awake and confused.
"When did all of you get here?"
"No idea. Must have switched in our sleep. We were in Skyloft last night."
"No point in asking if you have seen my wildling then."
The others were waking up to their voices. "Mornin' y'all." Twilight called out as everyone tried to wake up.
"Morning Pup. Look where we are."
"Wild?" The wolf hero jumped to his feet, grabbing his head immediately after looking up to the balcony.
"Not here and I'm just as clueless as the rest of you."
Legend shivered and rubbed his arms. "Can we start the fire? It's freezing!"
"Sure." Demetrius then scoffed, "Wouldn't be so cold if you wore some fucking pants." He wasn't really trying to hide it.
"Heard that, you shirtless asshole!"
Dametrius shrugged with a laugh, raising his arm up and aimed for the fireplace. "Watch yourself." He gave just enough time for Legend to move before fire scaled down his arm and bust from his palm to the fireplace. He laughed as he turned to his closet to put on his long sleeve, high neck, black tunic and black pants. He pushed up his sleeves before running his fingers through his hair to pull it back into a higher ponytail. He splashed water onto his face to fully wake. He slid brown boots on, overlapping his legging style pants.
Everything seemed peaceful at the moment as he heard the light banter between Legend and Warriors, Time and Twilight sharing a laugh, Sky yawning as he tried to stay awake. Four was looking at his own shadow that the god thought would joi- oh wait, there's Shadow. Wind just pounced onto Warriors back, both falling to the ground. Hyrule slapped Legend for laughing at the two.
Dametrius was smiling, thinking of how it would be if his Link had siblings to cause havoc with.
Peace never lasted around this group though.
Twilight had gotten up from his spot to go outside, but stopped when he opened the front door. "Cub?" Everyone was silent. Waiting. "Cub!!" It wasn't a holler of excitement or of missing someone. It was the kind that was filled with worry, fear and pain. "DAMETRIUS!"
He jumped over the balcony to the first floor as the door was kicked back open by Twilight with Wild clinging to him, cloak wrapped around him and hiding his face.
"What happened?" He asked as he knelt down and helped support the young man who looked to be a few inches taller than last time.
"G-ganon… we won, but it hurt." Wild was trembling and flinched at every sound around him.
"Cub?" Twilight was moving his bangs from the too still hero.
Like a switch turned on, Link crumbled to the ground, half in his father's arms. "Make it stop, Dad, please make it stop! It hurts and I don't… I don't want this!!"
"Wild, what hurts? I need you to tell me so I can help." From under the hood, a flash of glowing green was visible. "Wild, take off the hood."
"I can't… please."
"Link, let me see you." He was not prepared for what he saw.
Wild's hair was down to his mid back, much like it was when he was a child. It was no longer the beautiful blond, but a dark red that matched the Barbarian Headset he owned. His skin was tanner than it had ever been too. He still had his eyes closed tightly.
"Can you open your eyes for me?"
Wild let out a pained whine, but did look at his father slowly. His eyes… his cobalt blue eyes like his mother's were now a bright, light green with a sheen over them that had to be for when he was outside at night.
There were gasps and startled noises followed by shifting. "How?" Dametrius asked as he cupped his son's cheek.
"We found Ganon, just like in my visions. The seal was so weak and it fully broke when we got there. We were standing nowhere close to the edge, but the ground under Zelda gave way and she fell. I went to save her, but something grabbed me. It was an arm, The Zonai Sage's arm that held the seal. It fused with mine and the magic is trying to take over… It already has this much." Wild unclasped his cloak with his left hand, allowing the material to fall from his shoulders and the others to see him fully. His arm was a dark decayed color, adorned with metal that wrapped around it and his fingers like rings.
Wild let out a bellow as his body quivered. The arm became a light green color, glowing and the metal was a golden color. His eyes flashed open and they too were glowing.
Dametrius recognized what was going on. “The magic is too powerful for your body. At this rate it will kill you.”
“How long do we have?” Twilight asked.
“When did this start?”
Wild gritted his teeth, clenching his father’s tunic in his hands. “Two hours ago. The second I killed Ganon.”
Demetrius rubbed a hand over his mouth in a stressful manner. “Maybe thirty minutes and that is being generous.”
Another wave of magic went through the boy. The black rectangles on his skin got darker and more started to form. “Cut it off! Please!!”
Wild’s eyes rolled back and his body twitched. Dametrius laid him down onto his side and made sure his airways stayed clear.
“What is happening?” Wind was half tucked behind Wars, blue scarf in his fist.
Dametrius kept his voice calm. “He is having a seizure. Zonai magic is meant for the Zonai, not Hylians. It's trying to use his body as a vessel, but it is overpowering his system. Even him being a demi-god isn’t enough.”
Time came to their sides. “What do we need to do?”
There was no other option for the time remaining. “Cut it off.” The expressions he received were no different than what he was feeling inside. “If we had more time, we could try to find a better solution, but we don’t have that luxury right now.”
Wild, uncharacteristically for a seizure and could only be explained by the magic, sprang to his feet. He did a hand gesture and the Master Sword appeared, except it wasn’t the same anymore. It had its original hilt and first quarter the same, but the rest looked to be made of some kind of magic. The colors matched Wild’s arm and eyes. The concern in the father’s chest grew. He was happy to see that Fi was watching out for the others still. She burned Wild’s hand, making him drop the blade.
Weapons were drawn by most in the room as Wild took a defensive stance. “He is hallucinating.”
The red haired Link charged on the other heroes, starting with Legend. He had just enough time to move, but was grabbed by his forearm and swung around, thrown into the nearest wall, head crashing backwards with an audible crack. Hyrule was by his side in an instant, casting his life spell.
Almost no one stood a chance against Wild's speed as he zig zagged between bodies, not killing, just disorienting them. Wild, even like this, refused to kill anyone outside of the Yiga or Ganon. The closest one to take him down was Shadow as he shadow-jumped, latching onto Wild’s leg and torso. He could only hang on so long before the elemental demi-god pulled flames from the fireplace into his hands to get rid of his own shadow, therefore banishing Shadow from him.
Dametrius watched Twilight sneak towards his cub and went to grab him. The other turned and dodged at the last moment. Shit! Dametrius, just as fast as his son, lurched forward before the sword Wild pulled from Warriors back could reach skin and wrapped his arms around the young man, the other hand gripping around his wrist holding the blade.
As time went back to normal, they rolled across the floor before slamming into the wall holding shields. "Link! Listen to me!"
"Get off!!”
He pulled the boy's back to his chest to secure him. "You are stronger than this and you know it. Son, this isn't you. Fight this!"
The boy under his bruising grip stilled his thrashing. "Dad?" he half choked out the word.
"Hey kiddo. I’m here"
" 'm sorry." Wild convulsed. "Hurry! I can't hold it back too much longer."
Dametrius basically ripped his son's shirt off the one shoulder it hung on. He could feel the magic pulsing, but fading. He looked around the room scanning for things he was going to need, while keeping a tight grip on his son.
"Clear off the table! Four, I need the sharpest blade you have, preferably some kind of ax. Heat it up to sanitize it. Hyrule, you are going to be needed for healing. Legend, gonna need that Ice Rod of yours. Twilight, you're the strongest, need you to hold his right arm out for me. Time, hold down his torso. The rest of you, try to keep his legs still." Everyone jumped to their proper places.
He picked up Wild and placed him on the table to where his right arm was flat on it. Twilight gripped it firmly as Time placed most of his body weight onto the small torso. Warriors had a hold of one leg as Wind and Sky had the other. Four surprisingly had the ax blade already ready and went to Wind's side after handing it over.
"D-dad?" His breathing quickened with his panic. He clearly could see the blade near him. It raced faster as his father tied a tourniquet around his upper arm.
Dametrius placed his forehead to his son's, upside down. "Freya, give me strength and forgive me for what I'm about to do to our boy." He kissed the deep red locks of hair that still had the single lock of pure white in the bangs.
The magic began to rise once again. They were running out of time.
"Dad, please!!" Wild thrashed again, but was held firmly in place.
"Wild, Cub! Look at me." Time cupped the unscarred cheek and turned his head away from what was happening. "It's okay. It'll be okay. Just… just look at me." Dametrius was beyond thankful for the bond his son had grown with his ancestor and for the resemblance Time and he shared. He knew it eased some of the anxiety Wild had as he went to other eras, to be able to see someone that looked like his father.
The god put a strip of leather between his son's teeth so he wouldn't hurt himself. He took a deep breath, "Everyone ready?" Nods were given and he raised the ax high into the air. He could hear everyone's heartbeat before he brought the ax down.
The screams Wild let out with tears rushing from his eyes broke Dametrius’s heart.
Time gripped the boy's face with both hands to keep his head towards him. Tears of his own slipped down his cheeks. "Cub, it's almost over, I promise. Just a little longer." He placed his forehead to the other’s to block out everything except himself. Wild was sobbing around the leather strip, staring into Time’s eyes, both eyes. He was gripping onto the back of Time's tunic, nearly ripping it and probably was leaving welts underneath.
Dametrius summoned the smallest amount of fire he could in his palm and placed it on the new, extensive wound to cauterize it. New screams filled the house and Wild violently moved around to get away. He took the Ice Rod from Legend and chilled the wound, though there was no covering up the coppery smell and burning flesh.
He had forgotten about Twilight for a moment, but when he heard the sharp breaths being taken in next to him, he turned towards the source. He was shaking with blood splatter on his clothes and face. Twi looked at his cub, to the detached arm, then up to Dametrius’s white eyes. Dametrius took the arm, blood running down it and threw it into the flames.
Turning back to the now crimson colored table, he saw Hyrule already using his magic to heal what he could, anguish across his face and he looked a bit green.
He walked towards Twilight, spun him away from the sight and pulled him close. The other didn't hesitate to put his arms around him, death grip on his black shirt. He ran his fingers through the dirty blond hair, kissing the top before looking at Time. He signed to him, 'Switch'.
Time walked over after pressing his lips to the scarred cheek and coaxed Twilight to sit with him against the wall.
With shaking hands, Dametrius gingerly picked up his unconscious son from the table and sat next to Time and Twi with Wild in his lap, pressed to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He pressed soothing kisses to the feverish skin of the young hero. "I'm so sorry for everything."
The flames in the fireplace roared as the last bit of the arm disintegrated into ash. A teal flame appeared, expanding into a person. Dametrius recognized the man, Link of the Zonai tribe. They bowed to each other before the flames went out.
Sky walked over with bloodshot eyes and collapsed in front of them. He looked regretful of what he was about to ask or say. “Dametrius… Where is Zelda?”
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the mirror world. (Loser's bracket)
When a sibling loses in the Tournament, they get one more chance...
they are sent to the Mirror World.
In the Mirror World, they will face off against every other contestant that has lost, up to and including the semifinals. How the bracket works:
Round 1 losers will retain their place in the bracket. They will face off against the loser in the adjacent bracket, as if they had both won the first round and moved on to the second.
The winner of this round will face off against a loser from Round 2, from the opposite side of the bracket. (So for example, when Yukio gets obliterated by Luigi in round 2, he will face off against either Ame or Malo, whoever wins that)
The winner of that matchup will then face off against the winner from the adjacent bracket like normal.
And then the winner of that will face off against a round 3 loser, from the opposite side.
And so on...
This totals to nine rounds of the mirror world instead of six in the normal poll. Mirror World rounds will each be a day long, as opposed to the normal rounds being a week. (so this doesn't take like half a year...)
Once a contestant is eliminated in the Mirror World, they are eliminated for good; no more chances. The winner of this bracket, of course, gets to revive to the finals of the normal round, making the finals between three characters. So it's pretty important!
Without further ado, let's look at the bracket.
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[Image description: A tournament bracket with an unusual bracket format. In between brackets that advance the tournament, there is a bracket that branches off to what is currently nothing, indicating an intermediate round with contestants as-yet undecided. Only round 1 characters are indicated; the matchups are numbered, and listed below. end ID]
Left side, quarter A:
Ame (Wolf Children) vs. Malo (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Fern (Adventure Time) vs. Skeletor (Masters of the Universe)
Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs. Sir Agravain (Arthurian Legend)
Siobhan "Shiv" Roy (Succession) vs. Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Left side, quarter B:
(5) Louie Duck (DuckTales) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
(6) Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia) vs. Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
(7) Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6) vs. Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)
(8) Alisaie Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV) vs. Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Right side, quarter C:
(9) Genji Shimada (Overwatch) vs. Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
(10) Fleabag (Fleabag) vs. Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
(11) Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim) vs. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill (Better Call Saul)
(12) Sunny (Omori) vs. Mugman (Cuphead)
Right side, quarter D:
(13) The Knight (Hollow Knight) vs. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
(14) Sensei Wu (Lego Ninjago) vs. Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
(15) Caduceus Clay (Critical Role) vs. Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
(16) Hop (Pokémon Sword and Shield) vs. Raimu "Rhyme" Bito (The World Ends With You)
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takendruid · 1 year
Linked Universe zombie apocalypse AU
(apologies that it's so long, I don't know how to add a 'read more' option)
I've come up with a zombie apocalypse AU for Linked Universe set in BOTW and idk if people will see it? But I want opinions. So here's a quick rundown.
Time and Twilight are grandfather and grandson, and are also both half zombie. They were bitten by Midna and left Malon and the ranch so she wouldn't be harmed, only to find out they were immune to full zombification. However, they still show signs of rotting. Time in his face visibly, and Twilight hidden.
Wild and Warriors are brothers. Wild has complete memory loss and also lost his right arm in trying to protect Zelda from a Zombie when it all started. TP Zelda was BOTW Zelda's mother, and died protecting her with Wild. Wild has no memory of anyone or anything, but does remember his skills as a knight and how to use sign language. The three travel around with Impa and Purah.
Wind and Tetra travel around together, and Wind's sister is safely with Malon on Lon Lon ranch.
Hyrule, Legends, and Ravio are siblings, and Legends and Ravio are twins. Hyrule is the older brother. Legends is closeted transfem (also can't transition properly because zombie apocalypse), meanwhile Ravio is very much out and living as a trans guy and has been for two years. The rest of the Links are cis guys (yes, even Wild).
Sky, SS Zelda (called Phoenix), and Groose are a travelling trio. They have a cat called Fi, named after Sky's previous master who taught him how to use a sword. Groose is an idiot who keeps on almost getting himself killed, but I stays alive!
4swords was originally a group of brothers, but the rest died and left Green alone. He wears all their colours and even matching bracelets they all had. He's the oldest of the group of brothers, and none of them were born in the same year - nevermind day.
I had originally considered DID for 4swords but decided not to in the end. I'm not against it, I'm just a singlet and I don't want to misrepresent it in a simple AU I'm doing that systems could find. I don't want to upset them in any way. I have OCs who are systems, but they are my own personal characters with lives and personalities that I built myself - not an AU of a pre-existing character twice over.
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Question: what are the chains thoughts on the dragon halfling child?
**In your point of view **
Wind, immediately sees them as a younger sibling/friend and is so hyped to FINALLY NOT BE THE YOUNGEST! Though, the kid does remind him of his sister sometimes..
Time, *new child acquired* and will love this kid until the day his soul joins the void!! Is very worried about how to raise a half dragon, as he should be but that doesn’t stop him from loving his kid!
Twilight, adores this kid soo much! Reminds him of the kids back home in his village! Is very curious on how he is connected to this kid in the future! Like is the boy Twi’s future great uncle? Who knows!
Hyrule, always worried about the safety of the kid! He’s not quite sure how much the kid can handle and if/how he’s different from regular hyilans. Will always be by the kids side if he’s injured, never taking his eyes off of him.
Legend, VERY intrigued by the existence of the kid. Wonders if as he grows he’ll become more dragon like in feats/body. Being the most acquainted with magic, he’ll happy help train the kid if he gets any magical abilities
Four, loves this little fella so much? New small friend? YES PLEASE! Youll often find him talking with the kid, like he’s trying to teach him to speak! Worries about how/why his parents were killed…the murder didn’t seem like an accident
Warriors, lovely would refer to the kid as a “little shit.” Gets picked on the most by the boy but honestly doesn’t actually care that much, he finds it amusing like the others if not a tad annoying at times. Acts really annoyed/dramatic cause he knows it makes the boy laugh
Wild, CHAOS BUDDIES!! will happily trot around with the boy on his shoulders, making all kind of random noises (hc: they both vocal stim, and mimic the others stims :3) probably one of the most protective of the kid.
Sky, poor boy is so confused all the time. Bro fainted at the sight of the kid covered in blood while next to a dead bear, he honestly thinks its a dream when he wakes up. Is baffled by the kid in general and is always caught off guard by anything this kid does! Still loves him for it tho!
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freezingwhitefire · 22 days
Okay, now for the answers to that question list I just reblogged.
1. What's your favourite Zelda Game? Ocarina of Time is my favorite Zelda Game. I enjoy others but I am always drawn back to that one.
2. What battle was the most fun? I can't remember what the boss is called but I do remember that it was in Twilight Princess. The boss of the Arbiter's Grounds. That one was super fun when I played through it. (It was on the Wii and that fight was a joy with how it went.)
3. What is your favourite temple/dungeon? I have to say... Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple. That one has amazing ambience and while it is a puzzle there is still time to just enjoy it without having to backtrack through half the dungeon or something.
4. What is your favourite Boss Monster? For Aesthetics? Probably the Demon Sword (Mini boss in the Arbiter's Grounds). For how well they work for the level? The Sky City boss in Twilight Princess. For just how much I liked them after finally getting to them? Eh probably Twinrova in Ocarina of Time right until I realized what a pain it was to get the fire or ice as many times as I needed them. Of course the Helmaroc King in Wind Waker was a fun fight all things considered and so was the Boss of the Ancient Cistern in Skyward Sword.
5. Zoras, Gorons, or Deku Scrubs? Eh... I find I like them all in different ways. The favorite to play as is definitely the Zora. Favorite to see around and deal with is usually the Gorons. But the Deku Scrubs are amazing and their culture is awesome.
6. Top 5 favourite music from the series? Song of Storms, Gerudo Valley, Song of Healing, Ballad of the Windfish (Link's Awakening), Serenade of Water/Queen Rutela's Theme
7. Hardest temple/ Easiest Temple? Hardest Temple is Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask, the three day time limit is a pain to deal with but without that it would be pretty simple so... Palace of Winds in Minish Cap for the Hardest. Easiest Temple/Dungeon is Hyrule Castle in A Link to the Past.
8. Which companion is your favourite and why? For the games I have played and going purely by in game stuff... Proxi. I really like her energy and how she helps Link in some ways during Hyrule Warriors. Now if I include my other thoughts and ideas then Navi because she was helping a literal child the entire game and you know she helped him a ton during some sections like the Shadow Temple and after.
9. What do you like the most about Link? His kindness. Almost everyone is drawn to him and he is so willing and ready to help them, even his enemies (Skull Kid in Majora's Mask) or those that take advantage of him (Ravio in A Link Between Worlds).
10. What do you like the most about Zelda? She admits that she makes mistakes. As we see in Breath of the Wild she was taught that she had to reach a certain standard of being but we know that each Zelda is often in a place where she has to seem perfect yet each one is willing to admit when she made a mistake and to try to fix it even if that doesn't really work out either.
11. In any place in the whole series, where would you like to live in and why? Hmmm... Ordon Village. Everyone is kind and looks out for each other. They all seem very content and happy with what they have too.
12. How old were you when you played your first zelda game? Umm... three? I think I had one of my siblings help me play some of the first Legend of Zelda.
13. Funniest/Saddest/And Scariest moment in the series? Funniest moment is in Skyward Sword when you can have Link say "Uh-oh." before Zelda pushes him off the statue though him asking Impa later if he's late is a close second because both were hilarious. Saddest moment in my opinion was the end of the last training session with the Hero's Shade in Twilight Princess. You can tell that while the Shade is proud and wants Link to succeed he is also trying to let go, not only of his undeath state but of this person he sees as a child who he has come to love in some way. It just makes me so sad to think back to it.
14. What characters do you ship? Not many. I can usually understand why some ships are really loved but I generally don't ship LoZ characters very much.
15. Favourite Sidequest? Tarry Town in Breath of the Wild. I love how it lets so many different people find a home and find a place they can belong despite not really having had that in the past.
16. If you could throw a big party anywhere in Hyrule, where would you have one at and why?Hyrule Field near Zora's Domain, you could invite many races and not have to worry much about what race needs water or solid land because it is all there.
17. Favourite enemies? The Garo in Majora's Mask... or the Poe (most of them are really cool).
18. What game graphics did you like the best and why? Depends on when you ask me. Right now I have to say Twilight Princess. There is a certain realism to it but there is also this ethereal haziness to parts of it that just give this sense of things being so much greater and more than Link and his adventure without just telling us some of it the sense of that being there exists already.
19. Favourite sage? Either Makar from Wind Waker or Irene from A Link Between Worlds.
20. What hometown of Link's do you prefer? Eh... Skyloft. A lot of the other towns and such are cool but I really like Skyloft and how there is a sense of a close community there.
21. Midna's Imp form, or her true form? I like her true form better but the imp form suits her personality through the game better.
22. Tetra or Wind Waker Princess Zelda? Depends on personality or actions. Personality I kinda like Tetra better but I have to say Princess Zelda is awesome with that bow and those light arrows.
23. Favourite item to use? The Hookshot. I love that thing and use it constantly followed by the Pegasus Boots.
24. Favourite Mask on Majora's Mask? Bunny Hood. No questions there I absolutely love the Bunny Hood.
25. Favourite Villain? That is a hard question... I think probably Ganondorf.
26. What is something that you've always loved about the series? The puzzles. Sure there is fighting and exploring which are always interesting but I love the puzzles and how often you get something and it might not be the best way to deal with the situation.
27. Which Link is your favourite? Ocarina of Time Link.
28. What character do you think you're more alike? Not sure, maybe one of the teachers in Skyward Sword... just not the swordsmanship teacher.
29. Which of the Great fairies do you like best? Purely on appearance the one in Twilight Princess. Based on what they do the ones in Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. For the amount of things they can do based on where you are (like upgrades and stuff) A Link to the Past.
30. Favourite Minor Character in the series? If we figure that they are separate people then Sheik, if not then Impa.
31. Triforce of Courage, Triforce of Wisdom, Triforce of Power, Triforce of ---? It takes Wisdom to see your mistakes but it takes greater courage to acknowledge them and try to fix them. I would take courage.
32. If you were King/Queen of Hyrule what would you do? Find someone else who wants the job, I like living. Alternately I would listen to the Princess if her name is Zelda because that seems like it would be wise.
33. Favourite shield? The old Mirror Shield in Ocarina of Time or the Shield of the Thunder God in Skyward Sword.
34. Rito or Korok tribe? Kokiri. Um the Rito.
35. Favourite quote(s)? "A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage." and "Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However that parting needs not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time… that is up to you."
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l3ominor · 7 months
First, I absolutely love your designs for your Recalled stuff. The character designs are lovely and I really want to hug at least half the cast because they're just amazing.
Two, link verse ask I really like hearing #5. It's fun to hear who has middle names/surnames picked out and all that jazz. ❤️
:DDD yeee! thank you so much! I'm so glad you love the designs! and I'm sure most of the bois would love to get a hug XD
5: Do any of the Links have Full Names?
many of my bois have last names! starting with Legend and Captain, they both have the last name of Hyrule, as they're both princes. (Legend and his Zelda are siblings, and Captain was adopted into the royal family after the War of Eras). Color's last name is Smith, Twilight's last name is Valiant, Time's last name is Lon-Lon, and Sky's last name is Ambrose.
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ravio-rants · 10 months
my characters! this got pretty dang long so i put it under a read more lol
Raide! Genderfluid, any pronouns
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Raide is a Twili, which is a species from twilight princess, but ive changed em up a bit to be more interesting in my opinion.
Raide is 17, and is a passionate artist with a lot of skills. she can sew, she can draw, he can paint, he can play violin and cello and flute, they can write, they can just do a lot.
they were born to two royal guards, and he loves his mothers deeply, even if she isnt following in their footsteps. she is currently dating her boyfriend, Calen, and loves him very very dearly.
Calen! Trans Man, He/Him.
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Calen, despite sharing almost every physical trait of one, is not a twili. he is actually a living doll, built by his mother and father after they were unable to have kids. his father spent years crafting him out of strong wood, before casting a spell to give him life. he is, for all intents and purposes, a regular twili, the only difference being the type of ears he has, and the fact that he has to take special elixirs to keep himself functioning.
Calen is also 17, and is a travelling merchant. he gathers supplies and travels the half-light kingdoms in order to sell his goods, which range from potions, to dyes, to fabrics and tools. he always comes back home though, in favor of restocking his wares and seeing his family.
The Twins, Kalt and Vang! Kalt, Nonbinary, He/They. Vang, Trans Woman, She/Her.
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The twins are 16, and are the prince and princess of one of the Half-Light kingdoms. which one? uhhh get back to me on that lmao. these two arent quite as fleshed out as the other two because the other two were recycled OC's that i already loved, so they tend to get more attention from me...
Kalt doesnt really have anything special going on. hes just a little guy who cares about his friends.
Vang however, was born with the ability to see small glimpses of the past or present. she doesnt control them, and she doesnt really like them either, but theres nothing she can do about it. she was born a few minutes before Kalt and she will absolutely make fun of him for it.
Both of them are friends with Calen and Raide.
okay, now for not legend of zelda OC's!
Hobic. Trans Man, He/Him.
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this is hobic. hes entirely based on a stupid joke my family makes. instead of saying homophobic we sometimes say Home Of Hobic, which led to the joke that Hobic is a gay wizard with a Homophobic Home. The home of hobic is homophobic. get it. yeah. theres not much to him yet but he exists. he's probably in his mid 20's.
Trance! gender? whos that? any pronouns
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trance is just. a lynx without eyes. why? i thought it would be cool. i was correct btw. Trance is basically just a mascot type deal at this point but you can still ask about it.
Zeverin! He/Him, usually..
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this is zeverin, or zev for short. hes a changeling rouge from my first dnd campaign. he's a little stupid but he has the spirit. the owl mask on his head is a special item he got on his journey, specifically because he was the only character without dark vision, which the goggles help with. he can and will attempt to persuade and or seduce his way out of situations if he can, just because he thinks its funny. he also can and will stab people.
he tried to steal soap from a store once. just for fun. he got caught though, and then kicked out, and then almost killed for it before his teammate used her incredible charm to get the shopowner to calm the fuck down.
this drawing shows him as he prefers to look, but he can change his appearance whenever. his "true" form is completely void of color, a blank slate, as it is for all changelings.
time for more fandom ones!
Falling Stars on Cloudy Nights, or Stars for short (FSoCN) any pronouns work!
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Stars is an iterator OC from the game rainworld. again, not really fleshed out much, but shes an iterator with an interest in art and the sky. she is the sibling iterator to my actual siblings iterator oc, but thats not my job to talk about lol. Stars is just kind of here, but again, feel free to ask about him, maybe itll help give him some personality!
Glowstick!! He/Him
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Glowstick is a.. scavenger.. slugcat... thing.. from rainworld! He was made up when i messed with spearmasters colors and the dress my slugcat mod and accidentally gave spearmaster Bright Green spears. His title is The Chemist, based on the fact that he has weird chemicals in his tail that allow him to make glowing spears whenever.
he has good relationships with the scavengers and his iterator, stars. he is a little bloodthirsty, and will sometimes go out for cycles at a time just to go hunt lizards or vultures, but he always comes home.
Squid Jr! he/him
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this is Squid Jr. he was made because i messed around with the beastmaster mod and ended up making a monk slugpup, which we promptly named "squad jr" after his family, The Squad, who is really just a hoard of playable Monk slugcats that i summon when me and my sibling feel like messing around and or i die in the game and want to be funny by helping using The Squad.
Squid Jr was renamed after one of my mutuals was saddened by the fact he was not, in fact, named Squid Jr.
Squid Jr is my son boy boy son and i love him so so much. look at his little face-
next up is another set of fandom oc's!
my sonic oc group! Media the Raven, They/He/She. Marble the Manta Ray, She/Her. and Moss the Lynx, He/They.
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these guys are pretty new so they dont have much going on at all, other than the fact that media is the oldest, and marble is the youngest, and all three are video game nerds. they also either share a house/apartment or they just go to each others houses all the time. undetermined.
thats all folks! i hope you enjoyed reading this pretty brief description of each of my guys. feel free to ask me about any of them at any time. ill post more about them eventually as i flesh them out, but for now this is about all you need to know i think.
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Ethan lore list
*spoilers* Ethan's father is the Fierce deity
Ethan is forever mute due to his throat being damaged and scar up
Lost both his arms during a fight with the demonking Ganon and lightning spell to the chest too resulted to his death
His only close friend princess zelda gifted Ethan the magical powerful scarf and book even though she'll likely get in trouble with her father the king. She wants to help Ethan the best she can
Impa bring Ethan back to life but as a result she is banned from the kingdom since she broken one of the royal family laws
Ethan love interest is four and the colors but Ethan doesn't have that much courage to tell four and believes he's not good enough for him so stay being his friend even though it secretly hurts but he doesn't want to be selfish
Ethan have three younger sisters and two little brothers, he care about his family but wish for his siblings won't try get into trouble or try get him a boyfriend *aka bring four to him and say date*
Ethan missing a complete eyeball but he hide half his face with his hair so no one see it and judges him on that
Ethan only voice is his magic talking book and the book is very sassy to the point it befriend legend, warrior easily
Ethan's childhood was rough, he *volunteered* to take his youngest brother place to train as a knight but really is a death matches to train children to fight in the war yet the knights training are deeply cruel and dangerous that half the children didn't make it out alive and they're bodies never returned to their families
Ethan soon discovered he's the holder of Triforce of power and courage and his closest friend princess zelda is Triforce of wisdom but that only make Ethan a target by the king and the king very much hated Ethan since he believed someone like Ethan isn't worthy infant the king see Ethan as a demon than a hyrulian (human being)
Ethan will deliver all his rupees to his family in order for them to survive and he'll get by what he can even if he have to starved for a few days or hunt for animals
When he met the chain, ethan was surprised seeing nine people popping out a portal and injured so he willingly help them but the book is sassy which leads the book and legend to a roasting match as Ethan help give healing portions to the chain ignore the two yelling
Ethan meeting the colors, he greet them normally but in his head he's trying not to scream since they're apart of his crush and each of them are cute so Ethan have crush on four and his color selfs
Ethan is very insecure about his scars since it does look bad and the fact he dead and bring back to life is a sensitive topic but it's mainly the judgements he gets are negative so he try hide it like his missing eyeball but slowly trusting the chain bit by bit with it
His scars are sensitive to the touch so of one of the chain touch it without realizing it Ethan bite his tongue in order not to show he's in pain but the book scenes it and smack whoever did that hard in their face but Ethan the one to apologize on behind the book as warrior try hold back the book from attacking
Ethan eye color is light hazel yet have red around the edges and his pupil is red
Ethan is a kind and strong but is mainly gentle teen, he not tall like twilight or short like four but is close to wind height
His hair is white and he try dye the hair to black to hide the fact he's the son of a war God but the color dye faint away easily so it makes it pointless to try hide his white hair
Ethan have powers of a Berserker deity but it's dangerous and bearly controllable so he try avoiding it even if his back is to the corner and fighting powerful enemies he doesn't want to lose himself
Ethan later discovered that the only reason the hero of courage *link* from his hyrule isn't here is because of him. Ethan shocked but that'll explain why the king is trying to get him killed but can't tell the chain since their well link themselves so if hear about one of themselves isn't here because that well Ethan scared of the possibility that they'll just kill him and his crush dislike him for that, Ethan will feel shame for being alive then so he keep it as the closest secret he have til later down the line
Ethan have small fangs their not big like twilight and if twilight find out he's going to treat Ethan like a pup like he does with cub wild, wild used to being called cub by twilight but wild will tease Ethan by calling him pup or whistle to him and seeing Ethan look and once Ethan realizes and wild chuckle to see a shy ethan
Ethan see time as a father but try not to rude but time will hair ruffle Ethan when no one is looking and time have small feeling that Ethan is fierce son due to the hair color and no one have that white color so naturally
Warrior ask Ethan questions and Ethan honesty answers in sign language so Warrior the one to figure out that Ethan have a crush on four easily but isn't going to tell since he find this adorable and funny how panic Ethan is that Warrior knows but time from the beginning knows Ethan crush so that'll make Two know
Sky and Ethan are buddies since sky goes to Ethan to nap on and Ethan will be fine with it since he's quiet and peaceful person
Wind will try prank Ethan but fails and ethan will pat wind back like how a older brother is to a younger brother or if wind is having a down day he'll go to Ethan for support or cheer up and Ethan will cheer wind up on the spot and wind will be normal sooner than the chain expected
Now four and Ethan start off as bit stranger but due to Ethan kind nature four easily befriends Ethan even to the point that they both grown to be close friends. Four develop feelings for Ethan. Four kind of panic yet wouldn't show it so there's bit of distance and since the colors are part of four they have many sit down talks or deep conversations but it may look like four isn't interested in Ethan which Ethan may take it as a rejection so that's why he believes it's better to stay as friends setting in his head so both don't have enough courage to confess moment
The colors enjoy having Ethan around and kind of protective of him due to Ethan kind personally and find out of his life
Vio enjoy the conversations with Ethan even to the point vio forgets he's still holding Ethan scarf hand
Blue training with Ethan is interesting but blue lost a match with Ethan once when Ethan agreed to fight blue without his scarf and blue somehow is on the ground pin down by Ethan and blue feel Ethan fangs on blue throat that blue blushing for the whole day even when Ethan apologize all blue can do is wave its okay
Red and Ethan just chilling and enjoy the peace but do have conversation about forge techniques and book show red them all, red so happy he kiss Ethan cheek and Ethan face and ears asleep red
Green would be the one to try *but is failing* to ask Ethan on the dates but he mess it up by asking Ethan if interested on hang out with him and the colors so Ethan nod but green is screaming to himself for mess it up but on days he's not a mess up he enjoy feeling Ethan scarf hands even so far as Ethan allow him to gently touch his other half of the face were his missing eyeball is and green feels deeply honored
Ethan's lore list prt.1
Hope ya enjoy ^^
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tenshiharmonia · 2 years
Bayonetta Recap - Part 5
        II - Locations
Nidavellir, Mountain of the Waning Moon
- An ancient volcano, located somewhere on the shores of Iceland
- As mentioned earlier, this is the place where Mulciber chose to establish himself when he moved to the human realm. Comparatively to a demon’s lifespan, this is a relatively recent move, but as far as humans are concerned, he’s been around long enough for there to be centuries-old legends warning about the malevolent spirit that inhabits the mountain and how the place must be avoided at all costs (although it’s unlikely humans ever actually catched sight of Mulciber himself ; they may have spotted one of his demonic robot guards, though)...
- The forge itself is obviously located in the volcano’s fiery depths. The exterior of the mountain, on the other hand, is actually quite snowy. There is a secret entrance to the volcano’s burning bowels about half way up the mountain, but the path that leads to it is heavily guarded. So be careful if you don’t want to meet an untimely end at the hands of the infernal blacksmith’s deadly machines (of course, they are not so deadly when your name is Cereza, but still)...
- I don’t know if it would also be the case in-universe (I mean, no character ever comments on the mythological roots of Vigrid and Noatun...), but to keep with the trend of places in Bayonetta being named after things from the Norse cosmology, it bears the name of the mythical home of the Dwarves*. I mean, this one is a no-brainer : Mulciber is a master blacksmith, the Dwarves’ entire culture is based on metalworking. Really, I don’t think it warrants more explanation. Besides, the name’s etymology pertains to both the Moon and darkness, making it an even more fitting name for the dwelling place of a demon blacksmith who works for a member of the Umbra Clan.
* A name that is probably a lot more ingrained in the general consciousness ever since it appeared in one of Marvel’s movies. I must admit, I don’t really care about Marvel’s cinematographic universe, so I didn’t even know it featured in the franchise until I googled the name for inspiration. Funnily enough though, the way it’s depicted in the studio’s films would be a pretty good illustration of what I had in mind regarding one of Caritas’ potential forms...
Glitnir, the Radiant City
- Alternative nicknames : "the City of Twilight" ; "the City of Contrast" ; "the City of Chiaroscuro" (this one sounds way better in my native French : "la Cité du Clair-obscur") ; "the City of Silence" ; "the City of Miracles"
- The city that Máni and Apollonia founded after fleeing Vigrid, five hundred years ago
- Regarding its location, I would say that it probably sits somewhere on the northern coast of France. The city as I envision it actually draws some inspiration from the famous Mont-Saint-Michel, so I would say somewhere between northern Brittany and Normandy. Besides, I’ve always headcanoned Vigrid as being somewhere on the Mediterranean coast of Occitania*, so it would be quite fitting for the two siblings’ journey to lead them to the opposite side of the Hexagon, as we French like to call our country... Alternatively, one could imagine that they pushed even further and crossed the English Channel to settle somewhere on the British Isles. It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but that stays a possibility...
* As evidenced by the close-up on the map in one of the first game’s cutscenes. Also, the town’s architecture seems to draw heavily on Barcelona and the work of Gaudi, which could indicate that it’s actually located in Catalonia, the Spanish territory just south of the Occitan region...
- To keep with the aforementioned trend, I named it after the heavenly hall where Forseti, the Nordic god of justice and reconciliation, is said to sit. I had quite some trouble finding the right name, but in the end, I think that this one fits quite nicely on multiple levels. First of all, it apparently means "the one that shines", in reference to the hall’s pillars of gold and roof of silver. Quite an appropriate etymology for a town that was founded by expatriate worshippers of the Sun and the Moon. Secondly, as the dwelling place of the god of justice and mediation, it is sais to be a symbol of the predominance of discussion and diplomacy over violence when it comes to conflict resolution. Which, once again, resonates quite beautifully with the idea of a city founded on the good understanding between angels, demons and humans, by a Witch and a Sage who refused to fight a war that would have pitted them against each other and left their hometown when their advocacy of a peaceful defusing of the situation fell on deaf ears. Really, the more I think about it, the more it fits. For extra irony, Forseti is actually the son of Balder. So giving the name of his abode to a city that was ultimately founded because of the machinations of a guy who bears the name of his father, that’s quite an amusing quirk of fate. XD
- Visually, I kind of picture it as a more pristine and welcoming version of Yharnam, the city where Bloodborne takes place. I’d also like to mention the City of Tears, from Hollow Knight (once again), as well as Canterlot, from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic (the spectrum of my inspirations is certainly quite large, as you can tell). Basically, I imagine it as a solemn and mysterious kind of place, with a heavily gothic-inspired architecture and a stately sense of verticality : lots of stairs and elevated, balcony-like plazas ; arches and bridges hanging high between the city’s towering buildings ; plenty of colorful stained-glass windows ; a rich and well-cared for flora ; all manners of sculptures and gargoyles adorning the city’s walls and streets ; lots of fountains, ponds and cascading streams ; finely crafted street furniture, like wrought-iron benches, old-fashioned street lamps or elegant bandstands and garden pavilions... I don’t know if my words actually do justice to the picture I have in mind, but I think it captures rather well the atmosphere I’m going for. As I said : solemn, mysterious, majestic, and with a serene sense of holiness...
- Basically, I want it to look like the dialogues of Blasphemous sound... if that makes any sense.
- The various areas of the city include (but are not limited to) : the docks ; a lighthouse ; the hotel where Bayonetta is going to stay while she tries to uncover the city’s secrets ; a lush public garden and the sumptuous greenhouse that stands inside ; an orchard, where the city’s residents grow all manners of delicious fruits, and the pastures, where their flocks and cattle graze (both are located on the outskirts of the town, which are obviously much more rural than the city center) ; the opera house (where Apollonia regularly performs) ; the grand cathedral, ultimate seat of the Glitnirian faith ; the castle, where Máni and Apollonia reside (I still have to find it a suitably cool name)...
- Since it’s been founded by a Witch and a Sage, the city as a whole obviously put a heavy emphasis on spirituality and liturgical devotion, so overall, you can also expect to come across a lot of religious edifices : temples, chapels, convents, monasteries, cloister gardens, and so on and so forth. The city’s many belfries and steeples tower over its streets, filling the town’s quiet air with the echoing sound of their heavenly bells...
- The people of Glitnir are not of the fanatically pious kind, however. They mainly perceive religion as a tool of communion and enlightenment, a guide on the road of self-improvement and self-discovery. It goes without saying at this point, but the balance between Light and Darkness is a key aspect of their dogma. In regards to Light, their doctrine naturally seeks compassion and righteousness. It’s about being the best version of yourself possible, both for yourself and for the greater good. The path of Darkness, meanwhile, is one of positive self-gratification. It’s about enjoying life and yourself without fear, shame nor guilt... Light tempered by Darkness ; Darkness tempered by Light. Corruption and purification ; temptation and penitence... This duality is the founding principle of the Glitnirian faith : living your life without becoming the slave of your dark pulsions or letting yourself be blinded by the light. Which brings us to...
- Pandæmonium, the pleasure district : installed in the vast cave system that extends beneath Glitnir, this neon-lit neighbourhood is certainly both the shadiest and the most colorful side of the town. Don’t get the wrong idea, though : this is not the sordid den of iniquity and perdition that one might expect. Quite the contrary. It’s actually an integral part of the city. I described it as a "pleasure district", and that's precisely that : an underground garden of earthly delights, a place where the residents of Glitnir can indulge their fleshliest appetites and fantasies in a safe, clean and controlled environment. There are several entryways to those festive catacombs, but the main and most convenient ones are assuredly the "Hell-evators" (sorry, I couldn't help myself ; it just was the perfect place to squeeze that pun in XD ), old-fashioned lift-like devices that elegantly shuttle back and forth between Glitnir’s surface and the city’s bustling underground. Catch a ride on one of these bad boys, and it’ll take you straight to Seven Sins Street. In those sulphurous depths, you’ll find everything you need to quench all your worldly desires : brothels and strip clubs, casinos, auction houses, all manners of bars, taverns and restaurants, plenty of nightclubs, tattoo parlors, piercing shops, opium dens, crack houses and narghile bars, rings and arenas for all kinds of bloody competitions, cigar shops, luxurious hot springs... this subterranean sanctuary is dedicated to pleasure and sensuality in all their forms. And if you get tired of this never-ending night of vice and uninhibited abandon, you can always find yourself a stairway to Heaven (or quite simply, ride another Hell-evator :3 ) and return to the surface to partake in quieter and more spiritual activities. On the other hand, if the staff of the underground district’s various establishments consider that the way you indulge yourself is unhealthy or problematic, they’ll kindly - most of the time - escort you to the nearest exit. As mentioned earlier, Pandæmonium’s philosophy is one of responsible hedonism. It’s all about the beauty in filthiness. Don’t worry, though : if they note that you have an actual problem, like an addiction issue for example, be it to booze, sex or even gambling, they’ll be more than happy to help you overcome it. From detox treatments to support groups, they’ve got all the tools and therapies needed to help you tame your instincts and self-destructive pulsions. Given that your heart is in the right place, of course. By the way, the staff of Pandæmonium does not include solely demons ; there are plenty of humans and angels working down there too. Visually, the district’s streets would share the same gothic-inspired architecture and sense of verticality as the surface parts of the city, but trade the "sacred solemnity" of the town above for a "neon-lit sleaziness" kind of esthetic. I think it would make for a fun contrast. The various buildings would blend with the cave system in a semi-troglodytical (not sure if this is the right word) kind of way, and the different rock formations of the caverns, such as stalactites, stalagmites and rock pillars, would be carefully integrated into the neighbourhood’s own decor. The cave system would also house multiple underground rivers, cascades and ponds. Moreover, I like to imagine that some corners of the caverns would also be adorned with various crystal and gemstone deposits, making for an even more shimmering and exotic spectacle as they reflect the neon lights’ sinful glow... Anyway, I think this is all I had to say on this subterranean retreat, but really, I love the concept of such a two-sided city. (For the record, and as mentioned earlier, "Pandæmonium" comes from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, where it is the name of the capital of Hell. From an etymological point of view, it means "all the demons", as in "the place where all the demons gather". I thought it was quite an appropriate name for a subterranean district where self-indulgence and vice in all its forms reign supreme...)
- I also like to imagine it as some sort of "multidimensional" city. I must admit, I don’t really know how to properly convey what I have in mind, but basically, the idea is that the town houses a whole bunch of magical gates that give access to various enclaves of the other realms of the Trinity. Not unlike Vigrid, but in a much more integrated kind of way. For example, the public garden would house a portal connecting to some wooded part of Paradiso, furnished to serve as an extension of the "human" park*. In fact, those otherworldly enclaves have been drawn so close to the human realm, that it’s become practically impossible to reach the rest of Paradiso and Inferno through them, like asteroids forcibly torn from their original orbits by the gravitational pull of a nearby planet (I’m not sure if the allegory makes sense astronomically speaking, but you catch my drift XD ). The advantage is that it gives the residents of Glitnir access to all the supernatural resources of the other realm without putting the city at risk.
* I like to imagine it as some kind of Avatar-like bioluminescent garden, a beautiful and serene place where the residents of Glitnir - be they angels, humans or demons - are free to enjoy the supreme peacefulness of the realm of Light and roam among its enchanting vegetation.
- All in all, I’d like this imaginary game to put a bigger emphasis on exploration, with lots and lots of nooks and crannies, as well as tons of hidden areas and collectibles. I don’t really know how it would work in regard to the usual "verses and chapters" structure, but I really want this world to feel much more open and rich than the first two games. Don’t get the wrong idea, though ; I’m not talking about a "Breath of the Wild" level of open world. As pointed out earlier, what I have in mind is more akin to Bloodborne and the city of Yharnam. Or maybe Haven City, from Jak II : Renegade. I mean, I’m well aware that I’m probably the only person who plays Bayonetta for the exploration, but once again, this is not an actual game, so I can imagine whatever I want. :p
- Speaking of, I would also like there to be a sidequests system. It would be a nice way to make Bayonetta interact more with the other characters and explore parts of the city that she normally has little reason to visit. Since Máni, Apollonia and their friends will also end up as allies of hers, there could even be post-game sidequests centered around them, allowing Cereza and them to interact on friendlier terms. (Note that the other playable characters would also have their own sidequests...)
Baphomet’s domain : the Pillar of Laplace
- An ancient and impossibly tall building, standing imperturbably on the frozen and windy shore of Cocytus, the lake of lamentations, in the dark and icy depths of Inferno
- While the snow and ice that coat its outer walls can give it quite a decrepit appearance, a closer examination will reveal that the tower’s structure is actually perfectly intact, as if the elements themselves were unwilling to defile the old goat’s abode
- As I mentioned earlier, the tower houses an enormous library, where Baphomet and his otherworldly servants gather all the knowledge of the universe. Filled with all manner of books, grimoires and parchments, its endless shelves are said to contain the answers to all the questions and mysteries of the world.
- Be aware, though, that the old goat’s wisdom comes at a price. Baphomet may be more sensible than the average Infernal, but he is still a demon, and they tend to be rather capricious creatures (especially when they’ve got a caprine head :p ). Rub him the wrong way, and you’ll get to see the full extent of his cruelty and perversion. So if you seek the secret truths that the old goat has to offer, be careful where you tread. The journey to his sanctum is already a perilous one*, but there is no telling what he’ll demand from you in return for his wisdom. Don’t forget, though, that truth and knowledge are dangerous things. They can set you free, just as easily as they can corrupt you...
* Of course, the easiest way to contact him, as with all demons, is to summon him directly to the human world, sparing yourself a hazardous trip through the many dangers of Hell. This is ultimately how most of the humans who encountered him - intentionally or not - did it, Máni included. But he will certainly be more impressed if you actually try to sneak in his archives. :p
- On the other hand, I also think that Baphomet would be the kind of demon who appears all too willing to share his dark knowledge with whoever comes asking for it... only to sadistically watch as the naive soul gets thrown in the sordid pits of despair and madness by the eldritch secrets he shared with them. Either way, if your name is not Máni, you better think twice before trying to contact the old goat : you might be biting off more than you can chew...
- As you might have guessed, I named the tower after Pierre Simon de Laplace, the French scholar, best known for the thought experiment that is usually referred to as "Laplace's demon". Basically, Laplace was a supporter of determinism and saw the universe as a mere sequence of causes and effects, meaning that the future would have been entirely determined by preceding events, that is to say, a combination of prior states of the universe and the laws of nature. Therefore, an intelligence (the so-called "demon") who would know the exact location and momentum of every particle in the universe at a given time could theoretically be able to deduce all its past configurations and predict all its future states. As far as determinism is concerned, free will is just an illusion : every action that was previously taken, that is currently being taken or that will take place was fated to happen from the very instant the universe was born. No wonder that refuting Laplace’s theory proved to be a major motivation for the many generations of scholars and scientists that came after its formulation... Anyway, I’m not entirely convinced by the name, but this is a reference that I really wanted to make in regard to Baphomet. I mean, the idea of an all-knowing demon contemplating the universe resonates pretty well with the old goat and the way he amasses knowledge. Besides, I feel like the out-of-place-ness of such a name (or should I say, its "out-of-Laplace-ness" ? XD ) gives it kind of an uncanny quality that seems to go pretty well with such an eerie location. That being said, don’t ask me why the personal sanctum of such an ancient and remote being was named after a guy who, from the perspective of said being, was basically born yesterday. The likeliest answer, as seems to be the case for everything in the Bayonetta universe that is named after an already existing figure or location, is probably that, diegetically speaking, there is no actual correlation between the two...
- Other names I considered : the Pillar of Kvasir, the Pillar of Mimir/Mim, the Pillar of Babel, the Whispering Pillar (this one could admittedly make for a nice nickname, with the tower being actually referred to as "Laplace, the Whispering Pillar")... Or maybe the "Wuthering Pillar", to add a touch of literature flair. XD
- I don’t know what the melody would sound like, but I like to think that the building’s main theme song would contain samples of Baphomet singing in the distance. A dark and haunting song, getting louder and louder as the player climbs the tower and approaches its summit... Also, I think that "Laplace's dementia" would make for quite a cool and delightfully punny song title. :3
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apolyian-alluvial · 2 years
n o c t u a r y {three}
n o c t u a r y {linked universe x reader}
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chapter 3
“What’s an Apollo?” Wind asks innocently. 
Three words, but it’s the best thing you’ve ever heard in your entire life. It takes all of your self-control not immediately to burst out laughing. What’s an Apollo? A god who thinks the world resolves around him because he pulls the sun—a god who never speaks to his children despite having seven of them. Someone’s who cruel, vain, and selfish.
“Apollo is my father,” you say, biting back a smile and bitterness in your voice. “Greek god of healing, light, archery, and music.” 
“Bullshit,” Legend immediately says. “You’re making things up.” 
“I don’t think Hyrule is a real country either, so either one of us lying or we’re both telling the truth.” You glare at Legend. 
Time eases the situation once more. “It’s a god that seems to be unfamiliar to all of us.” 
“What about Zeus?” you ask. Panic slowly starts to set in. Apollo is one of the most recognizable gods, practically the face of Greek mythology. If you have traveled to a land without them, how are you supposed to get back home? “Hades? Artemis?” 
Warriors visibly perked up. “I know an Artemis! It’s what I call my Zelda.” 
“Your who?” Part of you felt horrified that the name of Artemis was used for a simple nickname. You and your siblings may have a fierce rivalry with the hunters of Artemis, but you all respect the goddess herself deeply. 
“There’s no Princess Zelda in your world?” Wild asks curiously. 
“If there’s no Apollo here, why should I have a Princess Zelda,” you say harshly. After seeing Wild’s subtle recoil, guilt churns in your stomach. “I’m sorry. I have no idea what’s going on.” 
“Neither do we!” Wind pipes up unhelpfully. 
Twilight’s hand on your shoulder startles you. “Why don’t you sit down? We can explain everything while Wild cooks dinner.” He guides you to a half-moss-covered log in front of the cooking pot. You easily settle onto the log, hands immediately picking at the green plant. Twilight sits down beside you while the rest of the group finds their own spots to sit. 
Time takes the spot directly across from you. “Our story is a confusing and hard one…” You listen with adept attention as he explains all nine of them possess the hero spirit reincarnated across different timelines and centuries, each one specifically chosen by the goddess Hylia. Often guided by their own Princess Zelda, they all defended their home from a great evil, most of them facing an evil spirit named Ganon. There’s more to the story, references to master swords, forest spirits, and other gods, but your mind is whirling too fast to keep up with the details. 
“And now, Hylia has chosen us for another mission. A great shadow has risen from the darkness and spread across all of our worlds. It has infected monsters, turning their blood black, and broken time and space. We must stop the Shadow before it destroys all of our worlds,” Time finishes, creating a tense atmosphere. 
You look at the group and see a bunch of tired heroes. You’ve seen it in older demi-gods, those who’ve fought their entire life to survive, who are tired and just want a peaceful, happy ending. It makes part of your ache to see them wear the same weariness. Especially Wind, who can’t be more than fourteen, and looks so much like some of your siblings. 
“What about you?” Time asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. “What has led you to us?” 
Your fingernails scrape against dry bark, you’ve picked your part of the log clean of moss. You settle on twisting your fingers around the clay bead necklace hidden under your shirt. “I am a child of Apollo, Greek god of healing, light, archery, and a lot of other things. The Greek gods come from Ancient Greece. There’s no Hylia or three golden goddesses at all in my world, just the twelve Olympians and a bunch of minor gods, goddesses, and nature spirits. I’m not sure how exactly they came about, but people used them to explain things, like lightning, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, love, nature stuff, a lot of stuff really. 
But sometimes, the gods and goddesses come down from their home, Mount Olympus, and have children with mortals. My mother said she was approached by my father when she was studying microbiology at university. They dated for about six months, and then I was born.” You shrug helplessly. Your mother never liked to talk about your father and their time together. “The gods having children is kinda common, so Camp Half-Blood was built. It’s a place for us to be safe against monsters and other threats. We learn sword fighting, archery, and can pick up hobbies like smithing, canoeing, or rock climbing. There’s always a lot to do at camp.” 
You look up to meet the surprised expressions of many of the group. Wind looks especially comical with his eyebrows raised to his hairline and agape mouth. “That’s so cool,” he breathes. “Are you a god?” 
You chuckle. “No, not at all, I’m a -” 
“Demi-god,” Time answers for you. 
“Yeah,” you say quietly, staring at Time, wondering how he knew. “I’m a demi-god, half mortal, half god.” 
“So how did you end up here?” Legend asks, tone impatient. He’s leaning against a log, one knee propped up.
You tighten your grip around your necklace, tempted to rip it off in your irritation at the man. “I’d figured you might want an explanation about the gods of my world first.” 
Twilight touches your elbow to ease your ire. He offers you a smile. “Continue?” 
“Demi-gods sometimes go on quests. I was sent on one by my father for Lady Hecate, goddess of magic and crossroads. She lost a magical rod in a forest in Vermont, so I was sent to retrieve it. I found it, but I-” you wince, your failure fresh in your mind. “It got broken when I was attacked by a few monsters. After it broke, the shadow thing showed up and dragged me through a bunch of purple light. And then I ended up here.” 
“Where’s the magical rod?” Legend demands. 
If he opens his mouth one more time, you will absolutely fight him. “I will stab you in the kidneys.” 
“Legend, quit tormenting our guest,” Time says with a frown. 
Legend sputters. “As if you could get a hit on me.” 
A comeback burns at the tip of your tongue, eager to be released, but you know that continuous fighting with someone who could potentially help you is not a good idea. Instead, you just smile widely at him, an odd tactic you learned from the Athena cabin to creep out your opponents. It evidently works on Legend who immediately tears his gaze away, even shifts his body away from you. 
Time turns his frowny face to you. “Earlier you said the shadow claimed you were part of his plan.” 
You can’t hide anything from them now. “He called me his sacrificial light.” 
“Well…” Warriors starts, being the first one to recover from the news. “That’s new.” 
“We have another piece of the Shadow’s plan, but his intentions are still unclear,” Four sighs. “Why can’t our quests be simple for once?” 
“Because who else would be Hylia’s personal chew-” Legend’s remark is cut off by Wild loudly announcing dinner is ready. There’s a sudden scramble of movement as everyone tries to get to the cooking pot first. You stay, content on your log to watch as the heroes eagerly accept their dinner portion from the cook. 
Now that all the attention is off of you, you feel like you can finally breathe. There’s no more weight of eight stares resting on your shoulders. The pain in your head has diminished slightly. You feel as though you can finally think clearly. It’s not something you want to do at the moment. The necklace you’re playing with and the yellow backpack in your lap is a reminder of home you can’t return to just yet. You should feel despair, frustration, and resentful, but you don’t feel anything, not even the urge to punch your father. You just want to go home. 
A bowl is shoved into your hands, snapping you out of wallowing. The curly brown-haired boy, Hyrule, smiles lopsidedly at you. Based on his looks alone, he could be a child of Hermes. “After you eat, I’d like to check you over once more, then you can go to bed.” 
You accept the bowl, enjoying the warmth it gives off. “Okay. Thanks.” A lesson you learned quickly growing up was not to argue with healers. 
Part of you feels wrong to eat without sacrificing a part to the gods, to your father. It’s custom at Camp and to a year-round camper like yourself, it’s something you’ve done at every meal. But another part of you feels vindictive. Why should you offer some of your food to the gods? They’re the ones who got you into this mess. You eat quietly, unbothered by the hushed and exuberant conversations happening simultaneously around you. 
When you finish eating, your bowl is whisked away and you’re guided by Hyrule back inside. He settles you back on your bed. You take a moment to take off your shoes, slightly embarrassed that you were sleeping on Twilight’s bed (presumably) with your dirty converses on. With gentle hands, Hyrule prods at your shoulder and head, asking a few questions here and there, a routine you’re far used to. 
“You have to forgive Legend,” Hyrule says quietly between questions. “He’s had the most adventures out of all of us, and they have not been kind to him. He’s a bit wary around strangers…We all are…” 
“You seem to be doing fine,” you point out. 
The little lopsided smile is back on Hyrule’s face. “I’m one of the least trusting of strangers as well, but my need to help you far outweighs the distrust.” 
“That’s a bit shitty, isn’t it?” 
Hyrule shrugs. “That’s the hero spirit for you. Your shoulder and head have no external injuries, but if anything hurts, just let me know.” 
“Thank you,” you say earnestly. 
“Of course. You should get some rest. In the morning, Time will have decided on what’s the best way to help you,” Hyrule says. It’s not a comforting thought to think about. “Good night, sleep well.” Quietly, he exits the tree house, leaving you alone. 
You settle down on the too soft bed and fur blankets. Like most demi-gods, your dreams are not pleasant. As you toss in turn, drifting in and out of consciousness, you’re haunted by glowing red eyes. 
You’re already awake when Twilight steps into the treehouse at dawn. If he’s surprised by your wakefulness, he doesn’t comment. Instead, he collects you and shows you where you could take a bath, giving you a towel and a change of clothes. You flush hot with embarrassment when you realize the bathing area is just a blocked-off watering hole. You’ve had baths in worse conditions, but it’s still daunting to know that a bunch of strangers are within walking distance. 
You wash quickly, eager to get out of your dirty traveling clothes. Twilight had given you a long, dark yellow tunic that nearly reached your knees with a piece of cream-colored fabric to wrap around your waist, tied off with a thin piece of leather. The dark brown pants had to be rolled up a little but fit you otherwise. You put your converses back on and walked back to Twilight’s house.
Wild was once more in front of the cooking pot, dutifully watching as Wind cut up several apples. Hyrule kneeled beside a sleeping Sky, gently shaking the teen awake while Four stood nearby, hiding behind a shield. Legend sat on the ground, sorting through a box with numerous rings inside. Time, Twilight, and Warriors stood off to the side, talking in hushed voices. 
Twilight broke off from the conversation upon seeing you. “I was right,” he smiles. “Yellow does suit you.” 
 You look down at the tunic, pulling at the ends of it. “Yeah, thank you for the clothes.” 
“Of course,” Twilight says. “You can keep them. I have no use for them anymore.” 
“You’ll need them,” Warriors inputs, looking up and down critically. “And a good pair of boots. Maybe a spare change of clothes as well.” 
There’s a sinking sensation in your stomach. “What for?” 
Time clears his throat. “We have decided, that it would be best for all of us if you traveled with us.” 
“Just until you can get me home?” you ask, voice rising in pitch. “Even if you don’t know how, someone else you know will be able to, right?” 
Time shifts awkwardly. “We do not know how long you will travel with us, but it is for the best. If the Shadow is after you, we are able to protect you.” 
“I can protect myself just fine!” you snap. 
“We have no doubts about it,” Twilight soothes. “But if you travel with us, we can guarantee the Shadow does not take you and use you in whatever plan he has, while also giving us peace of mind regarding the safety of our Hyrules. Along the way, we’ll try our best to find a way to send you home.” 
“It won’t take that long, will it?” The desperation is clear in your voice. Fear clings to your chest like a snake trying to squeeze its prey. It took you a day and a half to reach the forest in Vermont. You’ve been in this new world for roughly two days now. You were supposed to have been back at Camp by now, spending your last moments at your home with your siblings. 
“I cannot say for sure,” Time says. “It depends on who’s Hyrule we’re in and our location.” 
“You weren’t this hysterical last night,” Legend comments from his log, oh-so-helpfully. 
“I was probably in shock last night,” you say snappishly. “I have a life I need to get back to. I have a family, a home. I’m supposed to go off to school in just a few days!” 
Time clasps your shoulder. A grimace is set across his face. “I’m sorry. None of us had the choice to be here either.” 
You watch as Time walks away with a glower on your face, the direness of your situation finally resting upon your shoulders. Your hands curl by your sides, itching to punch something or stab something. But you know that it's no one’s fault here. The heroes here are tools to their goddess as much as you are to your own gods. You flop down onto the log bench from last night, staring off into the distance sulkily. 
“You all better gear up,” Twilight calls out, a wolfish grin on his face. “We’re heading to my Castle Town.” 
You stay at the end of the group. It’s not that you don’t trust the group of heroes (barring Legend, of course), but you rather keep most of them in your sight while traveling. It’s just your luck that there’s quite a few stragglers in the group as well. The short one, Four walks at nearly the same pace as you. Warriors, however, is internally walking slow, being the one to bring up the rear of the group. From his stiff stance and darting eyes, you can only assume that he’s on the lookout for danger. 
And for how loud the group is, someone has to be. Twilight had said the road to Castle Town is fairly safe, giving the others no guilt in their loud laughter and jokes. You don’t mind their conversations, their cheerful energy is almost pleasing in a way. The other quests you’ve been on had been grim with no time for pleasantries. The familiar relationship they all share with each other is fascinating to watch. 
A voice by your side rips you from your observing. “There’s no way your sword is diamond.” 
You look down at Four, eyebrow raised, slightly surprised that he knew what material it was. “You sure it’s diamond?”
“I know it's diamond,” Four says, tone confident. “But it doesn’t make any sense to make a sword out of diamond! It’s a mineral, not a metal. It can chip easily, needs lots of upkeep, and can’t be repaired.” 
You hum. “Oh really? Good thing it’s not diamond. It’s adamantine.” 
Four pauses to stare at you in disbelief. “Adamantine? There’s no way.” 
“That’s what my father said,” you say. “It was his sword from when he was young. It was probably made by Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmiths.”
“Your father? The god?” 
“The one and only.” 
Four mumbles to himself under his breath. He seems conflicted, almost as if he’s debating with himself. He’s engrossed with his mumblings so you leave him be. Warriors increases his stride slightly to walk alongside you. “Whatever your sword is made of, we need to find some fabric to wrap it in, until we can get you a sheath. Having a sword that attractive out in the open might attract unwanted attention.” 
You glance down at the weapon hanging by your side, then do the man’s polished armor and blue silk scarf. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know who would want to steal a sword though.” 
“You’d be surprised,” Warriors says sagely. 
The rest of the day passes by slowly. Four bothered you every now and then for a story about Hephaestus. He seemed fascinated by the god and quite amused by some of the stories. When you ran out of material, Four offered up his own stories, short little stories about his experience in smithing and of his adventures. By the time the two of you run out of things to say, it's close to sundown. Time calls for everyone to break for camp in a small clearing. 
That night, when you set up your new bedroll, courtesy of Twilight, Four places his bedroll near yours. You place your belongings beside your pillow and the two of you exchange pleasant goodnights with each other. Your adamantine sword lay between the two of you, giving off a soft silvery-blue light against the darkness.
i swear it gets a little better after this chapter lol
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bokettochild · 2 years
Would you be willing to tell us your first impression of the chain compared to how you feel about each of them now that you've explored them more in your stories?
So, my first impressions were very biased, but they are as follows
Like any person who got into this fandom recently and through fanart, I knew Wild first and as such I loved him best. I thought he was a bit more serious than I would have thought from what 'd seen elsewhere, but I was chill with that. I thought he was fun, traumatized, and just a blurbo.
Now? Now, I like Wild. he's fun, and he has his moments. I do agree that there's a bit much of him in the fandom, but I can't blame y'all for liking him! He's a good character, although a bit stale for me now. He's like cookie-dough, I think. He's very nice and full of potential but after enough of him it's all just the same dough with a few different toppings :( I love him, don't get me wrong, he just isn't very fulfilling to write or read about anymore
Legend, as you all know, is my current favorite, but originally? Heck no! He wasn't very involved in stuff so I mostly saw the fanon content, and half of it painted him so cruely! Like, I thought he legit an ass all the time, and not in a good way. The fandom portrayed him like my childhood bully and I wanted to stay the heck outta the way of that mess.
And then, while looking for Wild fics, I accidentally ran into some for Legend and one thing led to another and- the ass who cared about no one but himself and who was cruel and selfish, turned out to be this guy who shows his love and care in subtle ways and actions. He's brash and a bit rough around the edges, but he does care and he would do anything for his brothers. He's strong and steps up when needed, and he's both intelligent and aware, something that is sadly disproportionate among links, who are usually only one or the other.
Twilight struck me as a worrying and sometimes dumb big brother who is kinda doofy. Like, I thought he was just a goofy but overly defensive big bro at first, and he just happened to turn into a wolf. I didn't know anything from canon, so I just rolled with that.
And then I learned more about his game, both from reading and hear y'all chatter. now? twilight is the overtired big sibling who sees himself as the one who has to be a pillar. He forgets about some of the others and focuses mostly on Wild and Time, but when they aren't around he loves being with the others. He's stressed, traumatized, and I don't feel like he's had enough time to process the garbage he's been through. Honestly, he's scary relatable and potentially dead
Time? Dad, just dad. I knew he was dad, and I still think he is dad. Now, I know now that he has a mischief gremlin side, but before his only trait was gruff leader dad man who I would like to have in my life because reasons (not simpy ones). My opinions of him haven't changed much
Wind? I saw this kid and was worried he'd be annoying. he;s not. i saw him as just a kid t first, but the more I got into stuff, the more I realized that Wind is actually pretty mature and intelligent. I think that's the only thing that changed in my mind though, Wind gained a brain and maturity in my understanding of him, but he was still a doofy lil guy who loved to chill with his bros and is a bit out of depth in this adventure, but willing to face it anyway and do his best.
Hyrule, sadly, was a non-entity for me. I always forgot him and he just...didn't stand out. Now, I see him and know he's a traveler and the bearer of the whole triforce, The fandom makes him babey but he could kill a man with ease, and he's got some self confidence issues, but a bit of snark and a quick mind. He's simple, but I love him for that :)
Four was...I was so confused by Four. I had no clue who he was, why he looked so odd, and what was up with him being four people in that one old art piece. I just kinda let him fall into the background. And then I learned who he was, what he did, and what he can do. i fell in love and if I had the space, I would explain every little facet of his selves that I love, but to save time I will just say that I now see him as a smart little cookie who takes most things in stride. He's a chill guy, most of the time, but he's secretly losing his mind inside and just trying to keep everyone, including himself, alive.
Oh boy...now for the last two, Warriors and Sky.
Honestly? Sky was just, boring. He didn't do much, and he just seemed like this guy who was always smiling and chill and quiet and i just...I didn't care for him? Like, he wasn't bad, but he wasn't interesting. Just that one guy who is always calm and I honestly felt he was overrated.
And then I learned more and now I love him. I think of Sky now as being a softie and a caring person who has been through so much and just needs a good sleep. Maybe gifted child burnout similarities or something. But that's only half the time. the rest of the time? he's the chosen of the goddess Hylia, he's the killer of Demnise. He's terrifying and battle hardened, but he doesn't let that stop him from being a caring and gentle person, and I admire that :) I think of him like a sword, pretty to look at, nice in the background when it's chill, but devastating on the field of battle and totally capable of ending you.
And then we have the captain.....
To be honest, I hated him. He was this tall pretty boy who had a lot of love and cool moments, but, he just...bugged me. What made him special? why should he matter over anyone else? Seriously, why does this twink get so much attention?
And then I wrote him. And I did it again. i wrote him because I didn't like him, so if I messed it up I wouldn't feel bad, but the more I wrote, the more I got attached and, well.
He's strong, he's hardened and he's hurt. he handles it better than most of the others, but they guy still has his issues. Like Sky, he doesn't let that stop him from being there for others and supporting them, and he balances himself better than Twi, not giving until he's got nothing left, but knowing his limits. He's a good leader when time can't, and he's smart and capable. I like him, I like him a lit :)
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