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bluesdesk · 23 days ago
Legend's story headcanon
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Basically assigning him Echoes of Wisdom too
Long post!!
I headcanon that Legend did Alttp when he was 11, and he's the half brother of Fable (same father) that also happened to be born the same day so they're like half twins. The father (the king) build the house for him near the castle so he could take care of his son from distance. Legend's uncle is his mother's brother, as well as one of the best knights of Hyrule and one of the king's best friends, so he had a good excuse to make "him" a home there where he could live with his nephew.
Then in alttp the rifts to the dark world appeared. But they were small. (substituting the entrances/warps with small rifts). This explains why in the game they said Link was familiar with the rifts. Also when he came back he lost his voice.
When Hyrule was saved and Link's uncle died Impa told the kids the truth but the king still thought they weren'taware of it. As Link couldn't live alone, Impa entrusted him to her brother Lueburry and he got a small house in Suthorn village. He was like 12. This allowed the kids to meet since Impa was often visiting her brother, and brought Fable with her. Impa also thought that living far from the castle and in a happy village would help him recovering his voice. In the dark world Ganon had made a deal with an entity that could grant him more powers in the dark world (Null), and the entity then echoed him once he was defeated and proceeded to continue with what Ganon wasn't able to do. The rifts reappeared but this time they were huge, and the dark world was in pieces. The dark energy turned people into stones and not just animals or monsters. Legend had a moon pearl, luckily.
When he finally went back he decided to rebuild his house on the hill and find a normal job. He was done with being a hero. Fable wanted him to live at the castle with her and Impa but he didn't feel like a prince, it felt overwhelming, and he wanted to stay alone also because of what happened on Koholint. Also, revealing he was the prince would lead to too much attention from everyone and he didn't want that. He was about 15 when he got home from Koholint.
Then Legend was sent to Holodrum and Labrynna and during these adventures the king died for reasons linked to the antagonists of these games, either Onox or Veran ended him when he didn't have a hero to save him. The Impa seen here is a close relative to the old impa, and her "successor" in looking after Fable.
Legend got to know about his father's end (he didn't really know him, but he was still part of his family) and decided to go back home by boat (he wanted to be alone for some time), but he was already distracted and tired and the thunderstorm got him. Link's Awakening happened.
For some time (more than a year?) he worked for the blacksmith and rebuilt his home, grew a orchard like he did with his uncle and visited Impa and Fable (as the hero). He was beginning to feel good and relaxed.
And then Yuga arrived and he got to go to what once was the dark world, now Lorule. The world had changed, with the pieces beginning to merge and creating "islands". The inhabitants were clearly echoes of the ones in Hyrule, but only in appearance. They had their own stories and past. Legend didn't know if those were all made up (since the world had existed for like 6 years?) or the time had flowed differently there (spoiler: it's the second option, they were all reborn and actually lived those experiences, but while the world "rebooted" the time flowed way faster, returning to a normal speed once it was back at present time). Either way those "echoes" were their own people and they were real, so defeating Null hadn't made the disappear but had "freed" them.
After the adventure between worlds Legend decided to visit his sister more often and he also got to meet Ravio again (and Ravio decided to stay with him in Hyrule). The 3 wanted to travel to see the world as tourists, without having to save it, so they put on casual clothing and visited Hytopia, where triforce heroes happened but it wasn't like one of Legend's past adventures, it was more like a trip or playing and he was with the 2 people he loved the most.
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bluesdesk · 29 days ago
Hear me out (Sonic 3 spoilers)
What if Eggman is alive, Shadow has brought them back on the Earth using chaos control at the last moment, and they have been sent somewhere far from their homes, and while Shadow is fine and looking to get back to his "hometown", Eggman has lost his memory and evilness (mr Tinker?) and he has adopted an orphan kid who was taken fun of because of her "weird white hair that looked like a egg shell". Stone is looking for him though, and has created Metal to beat Sonic and avenge Ivo's "death". The 2 meet casually and Eggman gets his memory and goals back. Sage is worried but follows him anyway because she loves her father, but as every kid does now she's also excited to meet the Sonic cast, so there are funny exchanges of Sage asking Tails for example to make her fly and Eggman telling her "Sage you're supposed to defeat him!" Sage would be like 6 to 8 years old, but be super intelligent like Eggman and Stone, another reason she was considered different. She's not an AI like the games, but she has the high IQ and she's worried about her dad(s)! Also, she would probably have albinism, for her white hair and red eyes.
Probably Amy and Sage would also join forces if Metal Sonic ends up acting like in Sonic Heroes...
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bluesdesk · 2 months ago
I don't know if in the original language it's like the Italian dub, but here everyone referred to Shadow as a CHILD, a kid, 50 years ago (I've looked around on tumblr and it looks like they do this in the English dub too! Yay!!)
Gerald and the scientists called them kids, the young commander tried to stop the gun agent who fired at them by saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THEY’RE JUST KIDS!!" Let Shadow have a childhood for the years he was with Maria. Let him grow up there, faster than the others maybe, but let him be a kid!
I headcanon he was a kid who was born on the Ark thanks to the genes of Black Doom, of a mobian female hedgehog (maybe Gerald requested samples from different species and the hedgehog was the most fitting) and some of Maria's parents' blood (he had gotten a couple samples to study where the NIDS in Maria came from, and so they're partially blood siblings). He was born when Maria was 4 and Abe was 2, they grew up as siblings for 8 years, then the disaster happened. In 50 years of stasis, his body and mind slowly grew up and by the time he woke up, he was about 18 (kinda like Link in Ocarina of Time! But make the 7 years 50).
I want to see a baby Shadow getting taken care of by his family, them noticing his chaos energy is a lot and disabling as it's making him uncomfortable and unable to stay still or walk properly as his muscles move by themselves, so Maria and Gerald work hard and create his shoes and inhibitors and he feels amazing with his aids, Maria understands him perfectly. And them and their brother Abe play together, watch tv, look at the stars, read books (Maria had probably learnt to read and write at age 2). I want to see kid Shadow with a kids voice (or just a bit deeper, but not keanu/kirk/claudio moneta for him as a kid).
Also I wanted Shadow and Maria to describe themselves as siblings and not just friends. And I wanted Gerald to be dead like in the games. The hypothesis of him using a portal to get to the present was better than having him be in prison for 50 years and then being all fine and athletic at 110 years. Like in the games Shadow could have done everything by himself or with Eggman since the collaboration between Sonic and Eggman lasted like minutes
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bluesdesk · 4 months ago
Shadow generations ending spoilers!
Shadow runs away, crying, at the end of the game. Rouge sees him running away as a tear reaches her cheek (It's amazing to see more emotional characters! They look so real!)
Then, in Sonic generations, he arrives with Rouge (with, not before her) and he looks... better. More like himself at least. He isn't crying and to the others he might just be the Shadow they all know. Only Rouge knows the hell that had just happened.
I think Shadow stopped running at some point, destroyed. I imagine him falling on his knees and sobbing, letting his emotions free for maybe the first time in ages. Rouge must have reached him and comforted him to the point he was (almost, or at least externally) ok, still not in shape to fight again but able to encourage the Sonics like his allies, especially Maria and Rouge, had done before with him.
I see Rouge cupping his cheeks and telling him it'll be ok, he needs to process what happened and it's valid, but he needs to stay strong because now they need to swap the emerald and help the Sonics so all that hell could end an he could heal.
I will, once I'm free, draw them.
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bluesdesk · 5 months ago
ok hear me out
SEGA and Sonic are going so well. With collaborations, new good games, the movies and such. Might I suggest...
A theme park? Can we go to Eggmanland? With themed attractions in which we destroy the robots? Or maybe a theme park divided in 2 sections: a "Sonic land" and Eggmanland?
Like Super Nintendo World, but Sonic? With something more to do than 3 rides, all Sonic themed?
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bluesdesk · 5 months ago
I have a question
I've never seen a person who likes Zelda but doesn't stand Sonic, or viceversa, on tumblr or instagram or even the LU discord. And lately I've seen so many posts about them both (THANK YOU), and many users in the comments associated the thing with autism (is this our common trait?). Sonic and Zelda have so many things in common, mostly being mistook for children's games without depth (and instead we know they're so deep in lore plot and meanings and all the tragedies...) So!
Also bonus if you like LinkedUniverse I guess XD
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bluesdesk · 5 months ago
So, I think my fanfics are trash and I might delete them all and start again, only "Find our place" and "Words (and their consequences)" can be saved, since they were made as gifts for gift exchanges
Idk tho, I might need an opinion
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bluesdesk · 6 months ago
My Spirit Tracks designs inspired by LinkedUniverse :)
And facts under the cut!
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I made these for the weekly prompt on the server! I'm still unsure about their nicknames, I liked calling Zelda "Spirit" and Link "Tracks", but later I started calling her "Angel" and Link either "Tracks" or "Engie". Help XD
LEFT: Zelda's design before the adventure. She's the great-great-granddaughter of Tetra and Wind, and they're both black and have curly hair in my designs, with Tetra's skin being a little darker than Wind's. Angel's skin is lighter than Wind's due to having a couple white ancestors between her great-great-grandparents and her. She took her eye color and freckles from Tetra and her nose from Wind!
CENTER: Zelda's design after the adventure. When she got separated from her body, her spirit was pale and light, hwr hair got wavy and floating, and her body lost color due to being "lifeless". When Malladus possessed her, her eyes changed from dark blue to yellow. When Zelda got back into her body, it didn’t regain its original color, much to her desperation. However, she enjoyed helping Link and got an outfit she really loves.
RIGHT: Link! He's the great-great-grandson of Niko and Aryll, who dated Niko as an adult. He's tanned but his ancestors between Aryll and him are mostly white. His design is mostly taken from his engineer clothes, but with the green tshirt and belt from his hero clothes. I originally wanted to roll his sleeves up but noticed how in LU everyone has long sleeves! His eyes are brown, and his personality is pretty much like Aryll's.
- Of course they have the same great-great-great-grandparents. This, however, makes them too distant relatives to be considered family.
- Aryll joined the crew a few years after WW. She enjoyed being on the ship and when she turned 12 she decided to join her brother, and later, as an adult, she dated Niko (I headcanon Niko to be at most as old as Wind, but maybe a couple of years younger).
- Zelda's ancestors are all travelers and adventurers. Her parents, in particular, are alive and well but on a journey across the seas to visit the old islands and ancient Hyrule. Link’s parents have done pretty much the same, but Link chose to live with Niko and be a train engineer rather than sailing.
- Zelda hates her new look. She can't stand it at all, and while some makeup helps, she doesn't feel good. She hopes to regain her original appearance some day, mostly her colors, but both colors and hair type would be the best. Link always tells her she's beautiful no matter what, and he's totally sincere. He fell in love with her when she was a spirit, so looks really don't matter, but he too hopes she'll het her original appearance back as he wants to see her truly happy.
- When Zelda got back to her body, she didn't notice she was still that pale. There were so many other things to do, consider, think of. Moreover, she had her glooves on. After defeating Malladus she and Link went back to the castle where they quickly fell asleep due to exhaustion. After some hours, Link woke up to Zelda screaming in terror from her room. He went upstairs and noticed her in tears, staring at a mirror. She saw herself as a monster. Link tried to help, to tell her she's beautiful anyway, and then distracting her talking about adventures and history. This helped her, other than make her order some new clothes based on her adventure.
- In my headcanon Tetra didn't become a white and elegant princess when the king told her she was Zelda. She didn't even get a dress. She just got the information, and was left thinking about her ancestors. All the events of WW happened with the exception of Tetra still being Tetra, dark skin and pirate clothes.
- Yes Zelda's body will slowly recover and she'll eventually regain her original colors! Happy ending :)
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bluesdesk · 6 months ago
People I have a question!
I honestly always use the "your tags" section, and I see each tag from the most recent post until I reach something I've already seen. The tags I look at the most are "linked universe", "sonic", "skyward sword", "sonamy", "ravio" and "silvaze"
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bluesdesk · 6 months ago
people hear me out
So SkSw Zelda (Sun) is Hylia. She had no memories of her past life and as she regains her memories she discovers she had chosen Link (Sky) and she has been unknowingly using him. But she doesn't really like this, she's still her father's daughter and Link's Zelda...
I always imagined Zelda needing to "choose who to be", maybe keeping her bangs as a fringe as Zelda and moving them on the side (like Hylia in the manga, or like the statues) when having to act as Hylia (to use her magic, or to give orders).
Then in LU I've seen fanarts and read some fanfics about Four with DID, and since I didn't know what it meant I looked around the internet and got some informations (correct me if I'm wrong tho!)
And since then I've been thinking that maybe... maybe Zelda didn't have to remember Hylia's memories because they were never hers, they were Hylia's. Hylia chose Zelda as her mortal form, resting, not taking control of the body until it was ready. And then Impa didn't help Zelda with her memories, but she helped Hylia awakening and getting comfortable in the shared body. And sometimes the alters argue because Hylia wants to continue her quest but Zelda has sensed that Link is near. When Zelda knows Link is near she desperately wants to take control but both Hylia and Impa stop her.
When link goes back in time, Hylia tells him her story. I remember thinking that dialogue didn't sound like Zelda's at all, it was a totally different personality. She tells him she had to transfer her soul to the body of a mortal, and then we have those 2 phrases specifically.
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I feel this is like Hylia introducing herself to Link, and then, when she turns and walks away, she's Zelda again. She refers to the goddess as Hylia and then corrects it with "I", she might think Link can't understand what's happening. And I think she's so angry at Hylia for using his Link but she can't explain everything now so she accuses herself of using him.
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While in the crystal, Zelda is sleeping while Hylia is keeping Demise sealed. When Link breaks the seal on her, Zelda wakes up and Hylia lets her spend some moments with her friends, until Ghirahim takes her and... tears Hylia out of Zelda.
When Demise is defeated, Impa calls her "Her Grace" and Fi does too once, but Fi recognizes she wants to be called Zelda and even Impa recognizes she's Zelda and won't let Hylia take her place for a while. Impa has to tell Zelda what Hylia told her (I found this strange when I first played it, didn't Zelda have all "her" memories?)
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Then they go back to their time and it's all Zelda until the end.
I think Hylia returned to Zelda's body after Demise was defeated, but the main host is Zelda. Sometimes Hylia shows up and moves the bangs to the side, so Link and everyone can see it's her.
This might be totally wrong but I really like to think Zelda and Hylia aren't the same soul but 2 different entities that happened to share a body :")
If this is offensive or inaccurate please tell me so I can fix my mistakes!
If Four gives Sun the four sword and Sun and Hylia split, I think they won't be friends, Sun will throw hands at her with no esitation :)
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
@bluesmultiverseisland is the sideblog where I post my Tomodachi Life island updates!
I've noticed it might have gone unnoticed as I created it during daytime here in Italy :")
So welp!
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
Last written only tomodachi island update before I set up a new blog with screenshot updates in English
Twilight's favorite foods are Pineapple and Apples.
His absolute worst is FRIED CHICKEN
Twilight why??
Ganondorf said that one day he wants to surprise everyone with a sensational action. Help?
Sonic's favorite food in Tomodachi... is NOT the hot dog. I'm extremely disappointed. Though I gave him a pan and he cooked an hot dog?? And then he helped Amy cooking in their house
I forgot I had gifted Legend, Ravio and Fable some maracas and I found them all playing in Legend’s apartment. Legend was having the time of his life so I guess this is a new headcanon and I'll draw it >:)
Ganondorf absolutely doesn't like designer clothes! Maybe a hylian king gifted him a louis vuitton bag and he attacked Hyrule in protest.
Time was asleep at the cafè, with Cream and Linkle spying him from a window
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
Should I post updates on my Tomodachi island daily? Maybe with a proper tag? >:)
Or in a dedicated sideblog even???
I'll change the language to English, don't worry :D
My Tomodachi island is composed of:
Zelda (Linked Universe) characters
Sonic characters
My ocs
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
Update on my Tomodachi island
Wild threw hands with Legend and Ravio's baby kid
Edit: After being rejected by wars, Fable grew feelings for Four
Wdit 2: Four didn’t accept
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
I was playing Tomodachi Life and Lullaby (OoT Zelda) had feelings for Wars (HW Link) and since I had just turned the game on I thought I could see how it went and in case he said yes I would just turn off the 2ds.
So I made Lullaby and Wars meet in the park and FABLE (alttp/albw Zelda) showed up saying she loves him more, and then MY OC THUN showed up and said she was rhe one who loved him the most?!?!?!?
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>> Thun: I love you more!
(the others are Fable and Lullaby respectively)
Wtf this is a really Hyrule Warriors thing to do, the poor man is lucky I haven't added Lana or Cia
And Warriors
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>> Wars: I'm sorry but you aren't the people for me
Warriors said no to everyone
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
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Sky what face is that
(panel from the last update of @/linkeduniverse)
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bluesdesk · 7 months ago
I can't "read" Twilight during the last update.
Something looks off? I just can't understand his expressions and behavior. I don't think he's blindly defending Wild no matter what, it doesn't make sense.
If anyone knows, could you please tell me? QuQ
Thank you!
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