#incorrect bats
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incorrect-waynemanor · 6 months ago
jason: oh, you're gonna kill me? REALLY?
jason: i’ve died so many times, my gravestone says BRB instead of RIP
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timmydraker · 2 months ago
Tim, finally able to go sleep after solving a rough case: Alright, line up.
Cassie, Bart and Kon: *all line up and stand at attention*
Tim: When I say don’t add to the population, I mean…?
Cassie, Bart and Kon in unison: Do not get pregnant, get someone else pregnant, clone someone, give a robot or Artificial Intelligence a consciousness or mess with the time stream and accidently increase fertility rates again.
Tim, nodding in approval: And when I say don’t remove from the population…?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: Don’t kill anyone or thing that has a soul or consciousness directly or inadvertently unless through the legal system or if it’s a genuine accident, in which it is not our fault.
Tim, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning: If you’re going to leave the planet or time period?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: Tell you or a trusted adult.
Tim: and who is a trusted adult?
Cassie, Bart and Kon: WonderWoman, Superman, Oracle, and Batman between 1 am to 11 pm only.
Tim: good job, gold stars all round.
Cassie, Bart and Kon: YES!
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lithiumseven · 2 months ago
Jason: It’s your spleen! You lost an ORGAN Tim, you should have told us!
Tim: So? You don’t have your tonsils, that’s an organ!
Dick: That’s not the same and you kn-
Jason: Jokes on you, my tonsils grew back in the Lazarus Pit so your argument doesn’t even make sense!
Dick, now fully turned toward Jason: Your tonsils did WHAT
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incorrectbatfamandfriends · 8 months ago
Headcanon that since Jason can’t go out with his family publicly, what he does instead is show up in random disguises.
Bruce is chatting up some socialites at a gala, talking about the joys of fatherhood and how rewarding it is. Meanwhile he made eye contact with Jason disguised as a waiter twenty minutes ago, and is currently trying to stop his eye from twitching.
Dick is speaking to a third grade class as a part of the Bludhaven Police department outreach program, except when he walks in Jason is sitting behind the teachers desk, playing the role of substitute.
Babs can’t help but stare when Jason hands her a coffee from behind the counter of her favorite coffee shop. (His name tag reads Peter, and for a second she thinks she’s actually lost it).
Tim walks into Wayne Towers one day and on his way in, he waves to his secretary- lo and behold Marjorie has been replaced by Jason. It takes him three hours to notice.
Cass walks into ballet class to discover her teacher had to take a sick day- his replacement is Jason in a beret who talks in a terrible French accent the entire class, only to drop it at the very end to talk in a thick New Jersey accent. Her entire class talks about it for weeks.
Stephanie hails a cab on her way home one night, only to find Jason driving. She’s not sure how he pulled it off or how he got a cab, but her mind is effectively blown.
Duke is on a school trip to the natural history museum, and when the tour guide introduces himself, Duke can’t help but role his eyes. Jason gives a surprisingly good tour, even throwing in some tidbits about a robbery that went down just last week that the Signal stopped.
Damian’s encounter happens when he’s with Jon in metropolis. He’s watching Jon play baseball, and when Jon steps up to bat, he can’t help but notice a the umpire looks a little familiar.
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p1nkshield · 6 months ago
Damian: Todd prepare. I’m going to kill you!
Jason: you can try but it probably won’t stick!
Bruce: what is this about?
Jason: I sent baby pictures of knife child to the robins group chat.
Jason: If I wanted something I would bribe Talia with them.
Bruce: …
Damian: father?
Bruce:… how much?
Damian: FATHER?!?
Bruce: name your price!
Damian: NO!
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jaydickincorrect · 23 days ago
Dick: Alfred and Bruce are not here, and I'm the oldest, which makes me the one in charge. Dick: Jason is the second oldest, so he's my wife. Tim: That's not how it works. Jason: Don't talk back to your father.
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sometimes i think about how funny it would be if bruce had a slight english accent as a result of alfred being the only adult in his life for most of his formative years. that or he just says british slang instead of english.
this either drives his children insane, or they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bruce: Can you pass the chips?
Dick: Sure, B. *passes over the potato chips*
Bruce: No, the chips.
Dick: ???? … yeah? here?
Bruce: NO! THE CHIPS! *gesturing wildly for the french fries*
Damian: Father, are you having a stroke?
Batman: Alright, this mission is very important. It is imperative that everything goes to schedule. (shh-edule)
*red robin and red hood snicker*
Batman: *glare* As I was saying, it all must go to shh-edule…
RR & RH : *uproariously laughter *
Batman: *harsher glare* Is something funny?
RR: Oh nothing, B, don’t worry.
RH: Absolutely nothing wrong, “left-tenant”
RR & RH: *dying of laughter *
Bruce: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Duke: … You sound like Alfred…
Bruce: *horrified look over coming him* … what
Cass: *furious nodding*
*Some time later, after B has been fished out of Gotham Harbor, which he jumped into after declaring that he “couldn’t turn into his father”*
Alfred: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Bruce: *white as a sheet* … Sorry Alfie…
*Steph is heard furiously cackling in the background*
anyways i just thought this was fun
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spite-and-waffles · 4 months ago
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Link to Video. (Please help Panda make money.)
Video description and transcript under the cut.
Description: TikTok video by The Panda Redd. Re-enactment of final scene of Under the Hood. All roles played by Panda (a tall, well-built young white man with a mohawk, wearing a grey hoodie). Setting is a dark basement lit only by a hanging light bulb.
Jason: (holding gun on Bruce) "Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me."
Batman: (glares silently)
Jason: "But why? Why on God's Earth—" (hits Joker across the face)
Joker (tied to a chair): *cackles*
Jason: "—is HE still alive??"
Batman: "I'm sorry, d'you want me to be serious here or—?"
Jason: (in disbelief) "YES, Bruce! I want you to be serious right now! If he had done what he did to me to you, I would've done nothing but search the earth for this pile of death-worshipping garbage!"
Joker: "I love you too, Sugar Plum."
Batman: (holds hands up) "Okay, yeah, I get that, totally, I get that. Um. Have you tried?"
Jason: "Excuse you?"
Batman: "Have you tried to kill him yet?"
Jason: (to Joker) "Is he being serious?"
Joker: (also confused) "I'm gonna be honest with you, Junior. I don't know."
Jason: "Got it. Great." (turns back to Batman) "What the fuck does THAT mean?"
Batman: "Okay, so no, you haven't. Cool. Do it."
Jason: (lowers gun) "What."
Batman: "Do it, cap his ass. Shoot him."
Joker: (finally rattled) "I'm gonna go with Junior here, and say...what??"
Jason: "You want me to shoot him?"
Batman: "I want someone to shoot him! Give me the gun, I'll do it!"
Jason: (mutters, brain blue screening) "What is going on right now? This should a lot harder than it is."
Batman: "C'mon, son! You decapitated like eleven people three days ago! Fuckin' do it!"
Joker: (turns to Jason quizzically) "This has gotta be some sort of test, ri—"
(BANG! Jason fires. Joker lands on the floor lifeless, eyes still open.)
Jason: "There, you happy? Jesus. Was that so hard? All of this time and it was THAT easy!"
Jason: "What the fuck is that supposed to—" (looks down at floor where the Joker was lying)
Batman: "I don't know what you're talking about 'easy'. There's nothing there." (nods at floor)
Floor: (is devoid of Joker)
Jason: (stares)
Floor: (continues to be sans anything but carpet)
Jason: "What the fuck?"
Batman: "Yeah."
Batman: "Take as long as you need with this."
Jason: (looking around frantically) "I just shot him! He hit the floor! What the f—" (turns back to the floor)
Floor: (is just vibin')
Jason: "Where the fuck did he go??"
Batman: "See that shit? That shit right there happens every fucking time!"
Jason: "There's not even a blood stain! It's just gone!"
Batman: "Yeah, like two days after you died, I chased him into a helicopter where he got shot like six times. The helicopter exploded and crashed into the ocean. And his body was gone before Superman could find it."
Jason: "Oh my God. I don't understand how this is even fucking possible!"
Batman: "He's like a cryptid! I don't fucking get it!"
Joker: (disembodied laughter) "AHAHAHAHA HAHAHA!"
Jason: (freaked out, turning in circles trying to find him) "Oh my God!"
Jason: "Dude. Fuck whatever's going on here, that's some fucking bullshit."
Batman: "Thank you! Finally someone gets it!"
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theendlessnessofbeingme · 3 months ago
Dick giving a pep talk to the family before they do Bruce’s monthly training game
Dick: It’s been a pleasure fighting with you. Some of us won’t make it. But there is a place we will all see each other again. And that place is Denny’s.
Jason: Which Denny’s?
Dick: We’ll figure it out later Jay.
Jason: The one near the tracks I’m banned from there.
Dick: Well then I guess I’ll see you in hell.
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incorrect-waynemanor · 3 months ago
dick: actually, i'm in charge. in case any of you have forgotten
cass: no, we didn't forget
jason: we just don't care
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timmydraker · 3 months ago
Bruce, knowing Tim went out as RR when he was meant to be benched: do you have something to tell me, chum?
Tim, half asleep and drooling in his tea: sometimes Cassie and Kon make me curl into a ball and then use me as a baseball to play catch with while Bart stands in the middle and tries to catch me first.
Bruce: ….
Bruce: what.
Tim: they call me ‘piggy in the middle’
Bruce: …
Tim: somehow Bart never catches me but I think it’s only because he’s laughing so much.
Bruce, completely forgetting about Tim patrolling: I… I don’t know what to do with this information.
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cardinalcheerio · 10 months ago
Tim: Hey dick?
Dick: yeah?
Tim: Sooo... if someone were to hypothetically steal a sculpture called "The Hand". Would they call the heist, "The Hand Job"?
Dick *grinning and searching sculptures*: be a worse crime not to name it that
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olailamajnoon · 3 months ago
Bruce, to Jason: you'll never guess what just happened
Jason: you adopted a new Robin.
Bruce to Tim: guess what just happened
Tim: I got a new sibling already huh? Kinda nice, I figured it was time.
Bruce to Dick: Can you guess what happened?
Dick: ALREADY? Man you have a problem!
Bruce to Damian: can you conjecture what has taken place
Damian: you have acquired another batchild.
Bruce to Stephanie: ok. Can YOU guess what's just happened?
Stephanie: you're pregnant.
Bruce to Cassandra: Can you guess what I'm about to tell you?
Cassandra: Selina said yes.
Bruce, to the entire family: YES!!! ATLEAST ONE OF MY KIDS KNOWS ME!
Cassandra: no, I just got a text from her.
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superbat-love · 5 months ago
Dick: [flaunting his Halloween costume] Ta-da! Guess what I’m supposed to be?
Cass: Fun Batman.
Jason: Batman having a midlife crisis.
Duke: Rainbow Batman?
Damian: Father with a fruit hat.
Tim: Fruity Batman.
Barbara: Batman finally being honest with himself.
Steph: Batman’s ‘Date night with Superman’ outfit.
Dick: …What? I’m supposed to be a Devil Fruit, guys! [points at his fruit stem headband]
Jason: I like my interpretation better.
Bruce: Thanks a lot, kids.
Dick: Well, what are you going to be wearing for Halloween, Bruce?
Bruce: This.
Barbara: You're going as Batman?
Bruce: No, I'm going as Bruce Wayne going as Batmaaan~~~
Tim: Omg, an even fruitier Batman.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
Did Bruce have a 'dad with dog' phase but with the cow? I bet everyone was just so confused with the cow but now they appreciate it as an important member of the family
Bruce: The cow stays in the barn no matter what.
Damian: Okay.
Damian: Father, it's late. What are you doing in the barn?
Bruce: We're having a horror marathon.
Damian: This is the Food Network.
TV chef: *sears a steak*
Bruce, Damian, and Bat-Cow: *scream*
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jaydickincorrect · 25 days ago
Tim: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Dick without him noticing? Jason: Hey, Dickhead, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Dick: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Tim: ...
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