#i love flavored drinks
megasceptile001 · 2 months
i shall have only morning shifts at work
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fakesorbet · 3 months
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The Bad Kids + Summer drinks
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daftmooncretin · 9 months
saw a TOS tiktok that claimed that jim wouldn’t be invited to girls night on the ship and i don’t think i’ve ever vehemently disagreed with such a harmless statement cause like???? ….what?!?!nyota is literally his best friend what are you even talking about? did you not know he has coffee with christine every morning while they talk shit about bones. not only is this man invited to girls night. he is chairing girls night. he is MC-ing girls night. jim loves girls night so much. he is probably concerningly into girls night, to the point where nyota and christine are like jim babes…. calm tf down.
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euqinim0dart · 3 months
Coffee Hagen Daas ice cream has been acquired, it tastes fantastic. Exactly like how coffee smells
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babyblueetbaemonster · 5 months
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Local Alchemist needed to be stopped.
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My formula of restore fatigue:
Spring salad: lettuce, radish, potato, (optional: apple, orange, watermelon). Unfortunately it has Burden side effect. (if choose orange, you'll get a bonus Shield effect) Can also side with Ranch dressing: cheese wedge, leek, onion, garlic. And this one has Damage Agility side effect. It can be fix by removing the garlic.
Potato soup: potato, garlic, leek. This recipe has Frost Shield side effect. Perfect choice for a cold weather.
Corn salsa: corn, tomato, onion, garlic. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect, but you can get Detect Life in the process.
Grilled cheese sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, cheese wheel. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect. I should have removed the cheese wedge. Sorry Baurus :(
Classic ham sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, ham, lettuce. Unfortunately this recipe also has Damage Agility side effect, but bonus Fire Shield woohoo!
Gyudon: beef, onion, rice
Mix berries: blackberry, strawberry, (we only have two kinds of berries?) (optional: apple, orange, pear). Actually, don't put apple or pear in it. They will cause Damage Health.
Crabby corn soup: crab, corn, onion. You can add cheese wedge for bonus Fire Shield (and Damage Agility) effect.
Chili con carne: beef (/boar meat /mutton /venison), onion, garlic, tomato. Side effect is Detect Life. (Beef flavor will grant you Shield effect. Unfortunately Boar meat will have burden side effect and Venison is Damage Health)
Pumpkin pie: pumpkin, sweetcake (/flour /sweetroll). Unfortunately both flour and sweetroll has Damage Personality side effect
Carrot cake: carrot, sweet cakes
Strawberry cheesecake: strawberry, cheese wedge, flour (/sweetcake /sweetroll). The flour version has Reflect Damage side effect. I highly recommend it.
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artisticallygay · 2 years
Be sure to reblog so I can get a bigger sample size!
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cherrrygoblin · 4 months
Thinking about sharing a ramune with Jo Togame.
You got it for yourself, but of course you’re going to share it with him when he asks. He can taste your lip balm on the blue plastic rim of the bottle when he presses it to his lips. The flavor makes him think about kissing you just to taste it again, but he’s still too terrified to make a move. So, he settles for tipping the bottle back enough for the fizzy liquid to spill onto his tongue before passing it back to you.
The way you don’t even bat an eye at taking a swig makes him wonder if you want to kiss him too, but he’d never admit it. Before you know it, the bottle is getting emptier, and you have to tip it back further and further with each sip. Jo offers you the last of it, and his emerald eyes fix onto you when he watches you tip the bottle to the sky, careful to keep the marble out of the way.
He watches the way your neck lengthens when you tilt your head back, trying to keep his head out of the gutter. You just look so good when your hair falls back and you gulp down the remaining liquid. His mesmerized gaze doesn’t miss the way your tongue peeks out to lick the last drops from the rim, and he finds his breath caught in his throat.
However, by the time you look back at him, he’s already staring at the sky again with that lazy look in his eye.
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creepyscritches · 7 months
The way I am a bottomless pit for the paneer butter masala the restaurant down the street makes... I put myself in a food coma last night from it (no survivors) and I'm already like "Man I could go for some butter masala and garlic naan"
Maybe this means I should learn to cook this dish next 🤔
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flying-cat · 3 days
better question than the monster one: what red bull flavors do you think katsuki and izuku would like most
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sneeb-canons · 9 months
Mind and Heart both know how to cook and bake. Mind prefers baking because of the rigid instructions, and Heart prefers cooking because he can experiment with the recipes.
Soul should not be allowed anywhere near a kitchen. Heart asked if Soul wanted to cook once and he brought out a Mountain Dew cookbook. He’s never asked again.
Headcanon #319
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outlying-hyppocrate · 22 days
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flavored-soda · 5 months
cool that we know the karaoke song was “what i like about you” by the romantics
but have you considered buck and eddie singing “everywhere i go” by hollywood undead
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love-songs-for-emma · 1 month
flavored water tastes like water drank from an unwashed cup
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pinheadbella · 9 months
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Zee with his little raccoon buddy enjoying some soda
Zee redesign by my friend @velvuls !!!
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gravesung · 19 days
ok here's what i've come up with from thinking about it at work:
suguru opens a bakery/cafe after his career as an executive chef crashes and burns
he and the girls live upstairs so that suguru can get up at 2 AM and bake bread (and blast music, because they're heavy sleepers and they don't have any other neighbors except the building's third floor kjsdfhjksdhfk)
which means ur muse can absolutely live on the third floor js
cafe's known for its unique tea-based drinks because suguru's always experimenting — buckwheat ginger tea latte is the most well-known one
small stock, sells out early. open late on weekends but just for coffee/tea/whatever desserts are left. occasionally for customers he really likes, he'll just like, bring down stuff from his apt upstairs and cook them something
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
This morning the barista messed up my order so he gave me 40 ounces of coffee on the house. I have been drinking said 40 ounces of coffee across the span of approximately seven hours. Three hours after I ran out of coffee I am finally beginning to feel hunger. I am also, probably, going to be experiencing some kind of additional consequence for drinking 40 ounces of coffee in one day. But was it worth it? Did I have a good time? Absolutely
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