#i dont fit into this or that category which makes things hard
eccleraprisma · 22 hours
one thing about me is that you will never take the nature loving and nature revering pagan out of me. its been embedded within me since as long as i can remember. it was my religion when i had none and couldn't understand anyone else's. its why it still is now and why it will always make sense to me when nothing else does and im only using 'pagan' and 'religion' as shorthand for what i really mean because what i really mean is undefinable
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year
quality of life‧₊˚✩彡🎐
this post is a collaboration with @prettieinpink my lovely mutual <3 so make sure to check out ur page for the continuation of this post and it has been a PLEASURE to work with her! go and follow her <3
HEALTH : ur health is easily the most important of these categories and ur own health must be prioritized in every thing that u do. health is wealth, and without health, ur quality of life will be very low.
eat foods that are good for u and that nourish you, pay close attention to ur body and how it reacts to certain foods cuz everyones body is different and u should have a vast knowledge on your own body and how it works. eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. a helpful ratio in eating that i like to use as a basic guideline is (80% of the time, eat healthier foods and 20% of the time eat what u crave)
stay hydrated and drink between 1-3 liters of water a day, about 15 minutes before u go to sleep drink a couple glasses of water, drinking water before bed literally CLEANSES you, it improves ur skin, helps ur heart pump blood more efficiently, and improves blood pressure and heart rate, which affects ur quality of sleep in a positive way
to continue on the note of ur sleep u should be sleeping 8-10 hours of sleep a night. sleep deprivation is NOT cute, so please opt to sleep at an earlier time and rise at an earlier time as well
aside from what u consume, take care of ur health by taking supplements, drinking lots of teas, sleeping enough, stretching ur body, dry brushing, lymphatic drainage massage etc
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MENTAL WELL BEING : september is suicide prevention month so i feel like now is an AMAZING time to bring up mental health and ways that u can improve ur mental state of being.
i always talk about self concept and i always will because self concept truly is the foundation of everything. ur whole entire life is literally ur mindset. keeping a positive outlook, meditating and practicing gratitude sounds cliche but it does wonders for ur happiness.
understand that its okay to NOT feel happy 24/7 because happiness is simply a feeling, and feelings are fleeting. they dont stay forever. i talked about the science of dopamine and what it does to ur brain in a previous post but some things that u can do to improve ur happiness levels are :
cutting back on social media and screen time in order to experience the world around you
surrounding urself with people who build you up
consuming social media that impacts ur mental health in a positive way
if u can, invest in therapy and if u can't do some shadow work, and based on ur discoveries with shadow work use the resources that u have (like youtube) to learn how to heal from ur trauma properly. healing isn't an overnight process, its a journey but it will DRASTICALLY improve ur quality of life.
find ways to cope and deal with ur emotions in a healthy way if ur going through a hard time, if ur going thru a REALLY hard time please go and seek help bcuz u dont deserve to live in a constant state of sadness, and if u ever need encouragement my inbox is always open 💗
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE : ur physical appearance can greatly impact ur quality of life also so here's some way to maximize ur looks:
sleep, drink water, and walk everyday - the best way to be pretty is to be healthy so make sure ur taking care of ur nutrition and ur sleep schedule
skincare - build a solid skincare routine and be consistent with it, do ur skincare RELIGIOUSLY 2x a day and dont touch ur face with ur hands unless ur washing ur face. double cleanse and dont forget to apply spf &lt;33
haircare - learn what ur hair texture is and watch influencers or people who share the same hair texture as u and watch how they take care of their hair. once u know ur hair type then ur hair will thrive and be healthy
clean nails, long or short its all a matter of preference but keep ur nails clean and done nicely
wearing clothes that fit and complement ur body nicely, get ur clothes tailored to fit ur body comfortably
take good care of ur hair to keep it healthy, and learn how to do ur hair in cute hairstyles.
lastly POSTURE will tie all of this together, ofc these categories were rly broad but u can totally look into them more to maximize ur own looks and beauty
i know dear peachie on youtube has AMAZING makeup tips especially if ur a beginner she can teach u a lot
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GENERAL : this is just a broad category of helpful things that u can do to improve the quality of ur life.
manifestation : when u learn about the way that the world works and operates and how ur mind creates ur own reality u will literally step into the power of knowing that you create. start committing to ur dream life and learning about law of assumption
finding little things to be happy about : i feel my happiest when im consciously living. and what i mean about this most of us just live our lives on autopilot out of necessity or habit, but paying closer attention to our lives and our experiences and romanticizing our lives will improve the quality of ur life
decision making : make decisions that will give the quality of life that u wanna live. for the future, make decisions that are good for ur future self instead of just focusing on making decisions that only look good in that one moment. ofc this differs depending on the situation but make an effort to make smart decisions that'll set the foundation for ur future
go check out @prettieinpink for the next part of this post <;3
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chaoscrow119 · 25 days
This is something I wrote for a friend struggling with some medical neglect in their home life and also with doctors. i think it’s very important because so many people dont think about the inherent flaws in our current medical system and the damage it does.
i have feelings about the blind faith and trust in all doctors. or the “self diagnosis isnt valid”. they havent proven themselves to deserve it. humans are not perfect and doctors especially are taught in a culture that encourages gaslighting and superiority. on the other note, the reason self diagnosis is waved off is because some people do incorectly diagnose themselves or convince themselves they have something to cope with other things or fit in.
one reason a doctor diagnosis is important is they are more likely to know other options it might be or spot the signs something else or something as well is going on.
unfortunately it takes a decent doctor to do that and most doctors are taught in a way that discourages that or are too overworked and understaffed to give the patient enough attention.
i honestly have a very similar feeling to medical professionals as i do to cops
all cops are bastards- that doesnt mean they are all bad or that there are good people who are cops who actually do their job in a good way, but the system itself is broken and they are part of that system. same for medical professionals
as such there are medical professionals who are good at their job and listen and actually evaluate all the options and are willing to learn and grow
but they are also part of a broken system
it’s come to a point in the area of mental health where self diagnosis is almost required to get the help you need. especially if you land in a category most doctors dismiss or the problem you’re struggling with they have biases about. you oftentimes need to know ahead of time and be ready to defend your case and get the professional to take you seriously.
even if you end up being wrong about what you diagnosed yourself with you need to have a place to start and defend with your doctor.
and when it’s a doctor that feels challenged by you self diagnosing, or if you are unsure, another very helpful thing is to focus mainly on the symptoms. make a physical list of each symptom you experience along with examples and how they effect you. and if you want to go the extra mile also have documents that show how those symptoms relate to the diagnosis you’re suspecting to show that you both know what you’re talking about and there is a real and tangible connection.
another thing that is helpful when self diagnosing whether or not a doctor is involved is peer review. peers often have biases as well so dont take their word as law. your the only one who is you. you know your struggles the best. talk it out with them, tell them your symptoms, compare them with the diagnosis you suspect- if they have similar experiences or suspect or are diagnosed with a similar thing talk about that. learn more, both in an academic sense and in a real life experience sense. and find people who dont relate- it can be so valuable to find people you dont relate with because then you start to realize what you are struggling with is not a normal thing. that’s the first step in getting help- either professional or letting yourself help yourself.
and at the end of the day an official diagnosis may not be necessary depending on the thing. they are far too hard to get. but they can be useful for accommodations in either school or work if you find yourself needing support in ways you cant give yourself and can only be given by an employer or school. but even without an official diagnosis a good employer or teacher or such will work with you on your struggles and help you find a way to do things in ways that help you
that being said some things need a professional diagnosis as well because they require professional medical help (COUGH COUGH EDS BITCHES /SRS)
in which case as i said before being told no by a doctor doesnt automatically mean it isnt true. learn to trust yourself, learn more about yourself, and if you still need that diagnosis come back armed with more information and proof.
it’s a hastle and i have so many intense feelings about how wrong it is to be this difficult. too many people suffer needlessly for it
(edit was because copy and paste didn't include the first paragraph for some reason)
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dingodad · 2 months
if blood/caste = troll gender, then what would that make karkat? off the top of my dome, it immediately reads to me that he would be considered intersex or trans, both even, and at a glance, narratively that feels cohesive. i dont have anything to counter this reading, just curious on your thoughts!!
generally speaking i find it kind of a waste of time to try to identify "exact equivalents" in any given fictional allegory. blood castes are very much like troll genders and i think that's the most pertinent interpretation to homestuck's core themes, but the benefit of inventing a fictional system rather than straight up saying the trolls are segregated on the basis of sex is that the analogy doesn't have to be perfect and it can be used to represent different things at different times - the hemospectrum being a gender spectrum isn't mutually exclusive with the fact that it is also an economic hierarchy, for instance. a lot of discussions about "coding" in fiction end up languishing in the shallows by ignoring this.
so in terms of what the hemospectrum "makes karkat" i don't really think of it in terms of the exact thing that he would be on earth, bc i think the story adequately communicates the broad strokes; that whatever he is, in society's eyes he believes the circumstances of his birth cause him to fall short of the expectations that come with the strict categories alternia expects all trolls to fit into. i have to assume a lot of readers picking up on this is what led to trans guy karkat being such a hugely popular headcanon (besides trans guy headcanons having simply been the most popular thing full stop for a long time), which i think makes complete sense. i also think there are clear lines to be drawn between blood colour and biological sex in the way that biology never cleanly lines up with the social expectations associated with it, and even if i'm not totally sure terminology like "intersex" applies in the same way in a culture with 10+ genders as it does in a culture with just 2, the fact that trolls have a linear "spectrum" of genders clearly lends itself to this kind of thinking.
(this kind of harkens back to a years-old homestuck discourse: a lot of readers took issue with the suggestion that, despite being called a spectrum, in spinoff stories the troll blood colours are always depicted as fitting into twelve discrete categories. but long before i even began to explore the direct intersections between gender, sex and blood colour, the logic behind this seemed clear to me: surely all trolls ARE different and DO have subtly different shades to their blood, but in order to maintain a caste system where each blood colour has its place in the social order, alternian society has to act like there are only 12 colours. this is, after all, exactly how astrological signs are assigned; you can be born on any of 365 days in a year, but for the sake of neatly dividing the population into easily-described groups, each of these days is split among 12 basically-arbitrary signs. this clear parallel homestuck draws between gender and star sign is also why i find it so hard to take class and aspect seriously.)
so even if i don't think either of your options are necessarily what karkat's character is "intended" to convey in the same way i believe caste-as-gender as an intended reading, the versatility of the caste analogy makes them both very organic interpretations. BUT TO ACTUALLY GET TO YOUR QUESTION LOL: like i said in a previous ask, karkat comes across to me as being closeted. in conjunction with his chronically unorthodox approach to troll romance and the role he plays as homestuck's introduction to LGBT themes long before "trolls are bisexual" establishes itself as a canon fact, karkat reads as "the troll version" of a gay guy hiding this fundamental "flaw" in his being because he feels it's standing between him and the all-american ultra-masculine role he sees for himself among the threshecutioners. so like i said above i don't think it necessarily has to be about his "gender" so much as it is about his relationship to expectations of gender, just as troll-caste genders exist across a whole spectrum of expectations rather than in a strict binary.
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the-bonfires-ember · 3 months
ive been thinking about that thing people say about mental illness. yknow, 'its not a part of your personality' 'dont make it your identity' etc
but when you have a personality disorder, that doesnt really make sense anymore.
which makes my feelings on cluster b pride flags a little conflicted. coz, sure, it is fundamentally a part of your personality and certainly shapes your identity, but something about pride flags has always been off to me. perhaps especially as a person with aspd.
now, sure, on the one hand i get it. theres something appealing about having that kind of validation that you arent alone, especially when you are constantly masking and shifting who you are to fit the situation best.
we might have antisocial personality disorder but we are still, at our core, social creatures. we still desire community, we're just also afraid of it.
so yeah, a banner of community and others 'like us' seems fair enough, right?
theres still something... off to me about it. what it was, exactly, only came to me after a discussion with my partner about DID and PluralKit - yeah i know, im diving into plural drama now, lfg i guess
they showed me an infographic about the process of DID recovery which showed the progression from very disconnected and separated identities to a more blended 'final fusion' (a term they take issue with but thats a different story). i said that PluralKit must be confusing for people on the later ends of the spectrum they were showing me because, at that point, how do you tell who is blending with who? when the lines are blurry, how do you know who to tag yourself as? it seemed like an inhibitor to recovery if you were constantly cutting yourselves off from each other. (this is not me saying anything one way or the other about plurals and recovery in DID or whatever the fuck else, im just using this as an example. stfu i dont care about your opinions on any of this so dont waste your breath)
i think my feelings on aspd flags is somewhat similar. coz i mean, they are pride flags, right? and i think if you are taking pride in being aspd then you are far more likely to lean into your symptoms, and i think thats a slippery slope to go down and has just a very 'anti-recovery' vibe, if you know what i mean.
with that all said, i also very much think that if you dont want to recover, you dont have to. i dont think you can force anyone to recover and i dont think you should even try to. recovery is fucking shit and its hard and if you arent ready for it, you are just going to hurt whoever you are trying to make recover.
but i also think that you can have that opinion, whilst also being a voice for recovery, and be against 'anti-recovery' thinking.
because look, like it or not aspd is a fucking disorder. and at some point that becomes unhelpful or it wouldnt be a disorder. symptoms of aspd are debilitating and pretending otherwise that helps nobody. especially with all the 'all pwASPD are evil' scum out there.
so yes, i think the pride flags are... unhelpful at best and harmful at worst. but what about the other stuff? the creatures alla tbh creature and the plushiedreadful rabbit? (i think both of those designs suck btw but thats not the point)
idk those feel like they are in a different category. theres not really a sense of pride in those, more a sense of comfort. again, community, but also a sort of softness(??) that the pride flag things seem to miss - especially when they are like 'vampire aspd' or 'evil aspd' or any of the other bullshit things ive seen out there. i guess they are also just way more 'mental illness' coded than pride flags are.
pride flags have always been a 'we're here and theres nothing wrong with us' kind of thing. but the creatures and the bears are more lighthearted and sort of making fun of the conditions a little bit. highlighting symptoms and coping mechanisms. just look at the imocreature - specifically the worm one which is my favourite - and the way its able to be so pathetic looking and cute. its not meant to be cool or badass or whatever else, its just a lil guy that gets sad without supply.
which, yknow, relatable.
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virtue-boy · 10 months
don't really get the 'endangered butch' thing like I see a lot of butches in my day to day life. I just think soft butch is more normal now like you dont have to be a butch butch butch to survive as a butch anymore, just like you can be a masc gay guy who is also kind of a nelly. Like I have tons of butch friends and I probably half of everyone I do organizing with is butch. Like look I'm just one guy maybe you used to see 500 butches every single day or something but like I see butches all the time I just think people are discounting a lot of people's masculinity or something. Like people are like "When was the last time I saw a butch?" and I'm like bruh I saw like 4 yesterday at a queer meeting what are you on about. Like maybe not hard hard butches but like I kind of think every type of queer identity has loosened up a bit like everyone's more androgynous now. Idk its just maddening to me becuase this narrative makes no fucking sense with my own life. I legit just think that it is people discounting butches who don't fit a certain image of a 30 something hard white cis butch with a midsize to buff build in blue collar cosplay, which of course, shout out but like, that's one type of person. I literally see people alllll the time who would be considered butch if they were taller, cis-female passing, buff, less fat or more in line with ideas of white masculinity. And I mean, 90% of the time when someone says something like this they are definitely not including trans female butches in their definition of the category.
Or like, legit I think this must come down to hair. Like mullet and mid-length hair is big in masculine style rn for all ethnicities and genders. Like I know so many people who would be cookie cutter Butch if they got a crew cut instead of having like, Nickelback hair or a mullet. Like are we really declaring a postmortem on butches over what military conscript's hair looked like in 1950? Or like, what white bloggers in San Francisco were wearing 2006 - 2014? Are we really going to discount all the non-white men's fashions and styles that have mid and long length hair?
The other thing I think must be some kind of gender purity definition of butch as a cis woman, so people are declaring butch dead because people use they/them or identify as non-binary, as if "butch" historically was purely "woman-identified" that never used gender non-conforming language or there were never butches who never identified as girls or women. And of course like, ignoring butch trans women off the bat even through like, they are literally carrying the torch and understand butch more than any cis femme ever could as they are intentional butch women. Anyways.
I legitimately challenge people to think about the hair thing though. I actually think huge swathes of butches are being written off bc they have mid length hair or they dress more like an architect than an auto mechanic or something. Or just that they don't do any blue collar cosplay at all and just wear men's hoodies and shit. I don't know but like, I just saw a post about someone saying that someone said "you're the first butch I've seen in forever" and I'm just like ??? I've seen like 10 butches of various ages and backgrounds I know personally in the last month.
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khaliarart · 1 year
Would you consider your art of The Announcer fanart or oc art? For usage purposes, since you've stated that you dont really want your oc art to be used!
I ask this since while the Announcer is an actual character in IZ, your design and personality of him is something you yourself made up. (You even have a name for him! Anno. I'd pet him but i feel like he'd call me a slur then kill me.) So really it could fit into either category!
Also i really admire your artwork! It got me back into drawing after dealing with the dislike of doing so for so long.
This ask was actually just an excuse to gently place my Fanart of Aka in front of you then run off. (Joking! I actually drew this just to ask this since i didnt want to be empty handed. Ignore how i was supposed to draw Anno shh.. Okay, this is my last ask, promise!)
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The fanart/OC question is a hard one :o Bear with me here-
To me when I draw Anno he‘s the canon iz guy in my head. I spend a lot of time and research into making sure his(Aka‘s) story fits into the series canon.
But considering the Announcer barely qualifies as character in the show I think of my art as OC art. My design is quite different from the canon, it isn‘t free real estate and I‘m most thankful if he gets respected as my OC. I don‘t want my art to be used like it is fan art of the show. (No fan edits, no using it as profile pics, or as inspiration for your Announcer OCs…)
I make exceptions if asked because I really like and trust most people this fandom, so if in doubt my dms are always open✌🏻I just don‘t want it to become the “norm“ people use/copy my design for their own stories- which sadly already happened.
Also I can not express how happy I am that my art spamming got you into drawing again!! Finding joy in art is the best thing ever, I‘m so happy I could inspire you!♡ Keep at it, your bugs are so cute and I love seeing more art in the Irken OC tag!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale reviews: Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
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Alright so I FINALLY saw the movie and after an ordeal with the AMC
I can finally give my thoughts on this movie.
So in order to properly rank this. I will put the following Categories.
And I will give my final score at the bottom. I will try not to get too spoiler heavy but spoilers below
And for those that dont want ANY spoilers. I will say it is a great kids movie go watch it
This movie is Absolutely Gorgeous. Every mushroom, every brick has been lovingly crafted. I LOVE the attention to details, I love how hard each hit feels in this movie. The Choreography in this and flow is incredible. Illumination's eye for visual slapstick is still on a league of its own and it fits very well with the movie.
The character expressions all flowed great and you felt sucked in by the expression. It was like watching a Mario game. Brooklyn, The Mushroom kingdom, The Dark Lands, The Ice Kingdom, The Kong kingdom and Rainbow road ALL felt distinct and flowed. I am IN LOVE with this movies asthetic. The action was perfectly paced, I would even say it matched and surpassed the flowing animation of Puss in boots Last wish.
So its pretty straight forward, Bowser tries to take over the kingdom, and he needs to be stopped. Mario and Luigi end up sucked into the mushroom kingdom trying to make a name for themselves as plumbers and get separated.
Mario ends up meeting Toad, Peach and Donkey Kong and the crew end up fighting Bowser and Saving Luigi. It starts as a trip to get reinforcements to fight the koopa army, turns into a race on rainbow road, then turns into a fight at a wedding and then finally a showdown in Brooklyn.
Mario and Luigi save the day and end up finding a connecting route to the the Mushroom kingdom and Brooklyn.
Now there is a LOT that happens in between these plot points and I will say it does feel a bit fast at times. But It is entertaining, Mario and Peach bond. And the scale and excitement never decreases. It is solid.
I wish more time could be spent in some places but thats mainly a pacing thing. and its the only real gripe I have.
I think I will break this up into multiple sections.
Mario: I will say it, the previews took all the worst bits of Chris Pratt's VA work. Because he actually did a bang up job, I didnt hear Chris Pratt, I heard Brooklyn Mario (And the Accents are explained to be part of the commercial which has Charles cameo AMAZINGLY done)
I liked Mario's character, he was a guy that wanted to prove himself and doesnt know when to quit. Mario also doesnt like mushrooms, it was funny. He can get down on himself, but push comes to shove he is Mario and will do anything for those he loves. He has some cute bonding moments with Peach and they have a good chemistry, which I can say could be romantic or not, both are fine ways of interpretation. His goal and lengths he is willing to go to save his brother are great and I love it. Mario is great in the movie.
Peach: I will admit, I was worried on how they handled peach here. I knew they were going to make her a girl boss. And I do think that she is not as Feminine or Charming as what one would expect from Peach... BUT she has the good heart and cares for her subjects. Which Peach will be self sacrificing to help her people, but also will do what she can to mess with Bowser. As shown in her fight at the wedding. She and Mario got a good dynamic and I enjoy the roll. Though I do like that she isnt invincible, she can be outmatched and there are things even she thinks are too risky.
Luigi: I feel robbed. Not because Luigi's performance was bad, FAR FROM IT. I wanted MORE Luigi. Luigi was captured for most of the movie and had the funniest bits. He also had his big hero moment and really helped drive home one of the big lessons. I am glad that he is supportive of brother and he thinks he is the coolest guy. The characterization of Luigi was PERFECT. But as mentioned before, I wanted more of him
Toad: He was a delight. I think he has great comedic moments and I love how he just claims Mario as his BFF. He gets really funny jokes and the bits are usually out of left field. My favorite has to be how he distracted the guards, I wont dare spoil it, but it involves a Frying pan.
Donkey Kong: I thought I would hate DK. I still am not sold on the voice... THAT BEING SAID. Donkey Kong being the show off big shot that cant see past his own ego and just wants his dad to be proud of him was not what I expected but enjoyed. He also has some good moments. One moment you think he is gonna bond with Mario over Dad issues but then left turn, he goes "Well your dad's right, you suck"
It just sort of works for them, they have this frenemies vibe that I love.
Bowser steals the movie. He is the funniest character. He is the best character. HE WROTE A LOVE BALLAD FOR PEACH called "Peaches". He is goofy yet Intimidating. Jack Black's voice for him was perfect and the Character acting was on point. Jack Black NAILED BOWSER. He is DEFACTO Bowser. I cant say enough of how amazing his bowser was. It was just so perfect.
The others: From Mario's extended family, The Koopas, Kamek, kranky, the Luma, The Penguins. I LOVED all the side characters. I cant name one I didnt enjoy. Shout out to the Blond Kong in a sports Blazer who casually caused a kart crash of a By-stander
Now Aside from Bowser I cant say the characters are deep, but they were not meant to be. They were what they needed to be. I enjoyed all the characters on screen and never felt myself loathing not seeing a certain character for longer.
solid 8/10 (Jack black and bowser are 10/10 tho)
______________________________________________________________ Music
So I wanted to give this a 10/10, but I cant.
I found some of the random 80's rock songs a bit out of place. It is Illumination.
But outside of those songs, when they are doing the mario music and themes they ARE GLORIOUS. Bowser's fury theme and the Remixed Star theme were my personal favorites
All of the mario music is beautifully crafted. You know papa nintendo made sure they did it justice.
Overall, 8/10
The 80's songs werent the worst pick but they werent needed. Should have just stuck with the mario stuff.
But... it is illumination.
the musical references,
The princess is in another castle joke.
The sound effects.
The entire movie is CRAMMED FULL of references and jokes that I am sure I didnt get all of them.
This movie was CRAFTED from Fanservice.
Is the Sonic 2 movie is a love letter to the fans,
The Super Mario Bros Movie is a full on Love Biography to them.
I am so full of the fanservice I was squealing
I wasnt expecting the Super mario bros Movie to have a lesson, and to my surprise it had 2 lessons.
Never give up. Mario shows throughout the entire movie his grit and determination no matter how much people look down on him or underestimate him. He got back up and kept fighting.
The power of Brotherly love. Luigi had faith in his brother who was always there for him. And he knew that things will be alright as long as they were together. And Luigi took it to heart, learning that what his brother said was true. Brotherly love made them invincible (well actually it was the power star, but it was because of that love they were able to get it.)
I am not gonna put it at the level of Puss in Boots the last wish. But its some good lessons
Overall, this movie, if you arent a Super Mario super fan, Is a solid 8/10
It has good characters, funny/hilarious slapstick and moments, fun action, and great for kids with a good lesson.
If you are a mario super fan (Like me)
Solid 9.5/10
I would watch it again no questions. I do wish it had more Mareach and Yoshi
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micdixart · 2 years
Art question, how do you figure out your armor design? Cormac and sangs armor are both different from eachother and also fitting to their fighting styles/ personalitys. Im asking cause i dont even know where to start looking for refs
Hi! love this question because it's definitely hard to get started, before the witcher ocs i tended to avoid drawing armour full stop haha but they kinda made me and i'm glad they did.
But just to show you i have a huge jumping off reference board when it comes to armour and it's literally just from going through pinterest and adding any and all armour that caught my eye, from practical sense or from a design point. The program i use to is pureref btw which is great for compiling stuff
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it gives me a point to at least start when i thinking about the qualities i want in the armour i'm building, these are even sort of sorted into their own categories in my brain. (rogue armour vs knight armour vs a mage that kinda thing, just so i can keep it organized)
But past that point when i have a character and i know their personality, their culture can play a huge influence, this is probably most apparent in Sang where i tried my best to make a lot of nods to Vietnamese culture and their armour so i grabbed a ton of reference from traditional clothing, art, that sorta thing, as well as tried to research as best i could the cultural significance of those pieces of clothing. (and always like to hear if there are corrections to make or suggestions from someone who knows a lot than i do haha) Sang is also my oldest character of the witcher ocs so i've been able to build a lot for his board
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When it came to cormac i actually started with his silhouette because i literally went into designing him as like. how can i make the biggest fuck off looking witcher lmao
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so from here i went into more specifics, figured out more of cormacs personality and went to my broad range armour board from there and then narrowed down pics and then collected more since i wanted to lean into that highlander warrior vibe. (thats the other thing, you're never done collecting references, there's always more resources to find!) and now these are the go tos for cormacs reference for armour. Way less intence than sangs because there isn't as much as an emphasis put on the culture, hes a big intimidating witcher first and than the highland warrior aspects are like flourishes.
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Lastly i just made harley!! Harleys a bit different because i didn't have any specific culture in mind when creating him, his is a lot more rooted in his personality. Harley isnt a big tough warrior, hes honestly more of a pacifist when he can be so i wanted his armour to almost be softer than the others, put more emphasis on agility without making his armour just sleek. His board of armour is smaller than the others since he's newest but i'm sure it'll expand as i draw him more haha.
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this was super rambly and i'm not sure how much it helps but basically my advice is just, accumulate a bunch of armour to give yourself a jumping off point, organize it in a way that makes sense to you. then when you have your character you'll be able to look at your choices, narrow down options, and then further explore that style you want and expand on it! I hope this helps haha
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roseworth · 1 year
Opinions on Rose's Ravager outfits? Personally I always feel like she gets screwed over when it comes to outfits. I thought her original outfit was bland, but I'd rather have that than the weird pirate motif DC keeps putting onto her now.
HEAD IN HANDS i just wrote a whole response to this with details of every single one of her costumes then i pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted ALL OF IT im gonna cry. so im sorry if i forget something because this is the second time im writing this whole thing :(((((
anyways overall i agree her costumes are usually bad. they either dont really fit her vibe or theyre boring or they have way too much going on. there are only a handful that i actually consider Good and most of them are really bad or just kinda nothing
but i put under the cut what i think of all of them:
original costume: BAD
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this one falls into the bland category and its just.... not good. like the boob window is so unnecessary, i dont like the mask, and the colors are so nothing, and every detail sucks. i like the boots tbh but other than that. bad.
the same costume but different: better
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i like this because it takes some of the good aspects of the other one and keeps them, but then makes it all a lil brighter and gives some more orangey accents. i wish she didnt have the mask at all, i hate it. but when she does have the mask i prefer it when her hair is sticking out the bottom, i dont like it when its all tucked in like in the first pic
the same costume without the mask: <3
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im counting this as its own costume just because in the middle of teen titans she goes a while just not wearing the mask at all <3 its so disappointing when she puts it back on after going a bit without it
ok. new 52 time :/
NOWHERE fits: so fucking awful
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technically not even ravager outfits but still. everyone point and laugh. the white and green does NOT look good on her and both of these costumes look terrible. especially the first one bc what the fuck is going on with that skirt thing
the ravagers: unfortunate serve
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i fucking love this costume, i think this is actually one of my favorites of hers. i think it combines costume + armor really well, and i think that the color scheme really suits her. the art in this book was so fucking pretty and she looked so good every time she showed up. the unfortunate part was every other aspect of this book :/
her worst look: literally fucking terrible no redeeming qualities
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girl take that shit off right fucking now i cant be seen with you wearing this. there is not a single part of this fit that looks good. i said the color scheme looked good in the last costume bc the red was kept to accents. there is so much red going on here and thats FAR from the worst part. lets go from head to toe. that mask is literally a travesty, i dont know who thought it was a good idea. the weird collar thing she has going on is so????? then she has the skulls on her shoulder pads, which are bad enough on their own. and why does she have a bazooka on her back. and why does she only have a skull on one knee?????? this is a fucking mess. kory attacks her on sight in this book and i fully believe its because this costume is so ugly she couldnt hold herself back. um. i like the fingerless gloves though i guess
rebirth: hesitant slay...
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i hate the mask but other than that its?? fine???? this one used to be my favorite but i dont really like it as much anymore, idk why. i think its trying too hard to be armor and casual at the same time and ends up not looking good. i hate this mask soooo much though, i think the weird thing going on with her eyes makes this the second worst mask behind whatever was going on in the last one. and like you said i think this one relies too much on the pirate motif??? like i appreciate the reference to the eyepatch i guess but i would rather they just give her an eyepatch. like the skulls and the pirate thing seems way out of place and doesnt fit her vibe or the outfits vibe at all and it just looks weird. but other than that this look is. Fine.
defiance: eh
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this one isnt technically ravager either but its still a rose costume so im rating it. its very ,,,, fine. like i dont have any problems with it but there isnt anything i particularly like about it. the whole point of the white costumes in this arc was because they were supposed to look wrong and out of place and all so i cant fault it for that, but theres just not really anything going on here its fine for what it is and thats all i can really say about it
willow: SLAY &lt;3 <3
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i love this one, probably another one of my favorites. once again the black with red accents suits her so well. and the artist draws it so it doesnt even seem that horny despite the fact that its a lace up crop top and booty shorts <3 she looks so nice and i love the fit thats my girl (gn) ❣️❣️
stormwatch: yeah &lt;3
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two screenshots just to point out the fact that she changes costumes halfway through this issue and i want to bully her for it. but this one is nice, its really simple but i think it works, plus shes drawn like an actual adult instead of a 15 year old so i cant complain <3 the skull imagery is very small and doesnt seem to piratey so i still dont love it but i forgive it. this costume is pretty good and i like it overall, its one of her better costumes
and yeah <3 i hope i didnt forget any but uh rose babygirl we have got to get you better costumes. i think the best color for her would be like a reddish orange bc i like the red for her but the orange is kind of Her Color (even though its only because of slade) and i think she should never wear that mask
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gumy-shark · 1 year
okayh okay HI you said you wanted to know about the freedom/passion dichotomy thing? ive got the graph and i am going to do my best to explain this to you despite me barely having a grasp of it on myself. THIS IS VERY LONG IM SORRY.
so the first thing you need to know is this just started as a way to split my ocs and help me make character arcs and motivations, and it became a little bit of a habit to categorize my favorite characters this way as well. its is in no means a perfect dichotomy, and im constantly looking for ways to refine it, but for now the best way ive found to illustrate it is this:
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basically its which think they represent most... or what they value the most? idk its kind of a case-by-case basis and is dictated by Vibe. like I said THIS IS VERY FLAWED so bare with me pls
when i first started watching lmk i sorted all of the characters i knew into either category. this was within the first four/five days are watching so some of it might be.. off? but i think its still worth something as my first impression of the characters, and it'll probably help illustrate what i mean
Wukong -> Freedom Macaque -> Passion Wukong and Macaque have this thing where one has too much freedom and is learning to temper that with passion (wukong) and the other has too MUCH emotion and is trying everything he can to gain true freedom (macaque) (this is true even when he isn't under LBD's control but is esp prevalent then). they each value the opposite thing they stand for and are trying to be more like the other, without even realizing it. MK -> Freedom Dont get me wrong! He very much has passion! He holds a lot of emotion in that body! but a lot of that passion is the passion for freedom. he just wants to be able to be himself and hang out with his friends, he doesn't do well with all this responsibility :C Mei -> Passion Does this need defending? High sense of duty (mainly towards her ancestors and her friends), and so incredibly passionate. and impulsive. She spits fire when angry! Nothing more to be said honestly. Red Son -> Passion Is a really good parallel to Mei, has too much passion to fit in his body. [In the original notes, I noted that he was 'scared of true freedom, but doesn't know that yet. I'm pretty sure this references his relationship to his parents? Smth smth he's too scared of making them angry so he doesn't explore who he is outside of his relation and loyalty to them?] Pigsy -> Passion this man doesn't need freedom when he as his passion for food. what does he need to be free from? he has everything he wants HEART EMOJI! Tang -> ...Its complicated The thing with tang is that he kind of gets like a character arc with like. Responsibility and his care for his friends? He goes from low passion/high freedom to low freedom/high passion over the course of the show. please note that i am insane about him and if i really wanted i could write a whole essay about him. Sandy -> ??? ONCE AGAIN ITS WEIRD. I WISH THE SHOW FOCUSED MORE ON HIS CHARACTER AND BACKSTORY BC I CANT GET A READ ON HIM.
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theres not a lot of people without any value of freedom and passion at the same time so the grey area is pretty empty LMAO.
ANYWAYS. I BROUGHT THIS UP TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE OF THE CHARACTERS WITH EYE SCARS TRIFECTA!!! Basically i see them all of how i described macaque earlier. He's trapped in a situation that he doesn't want to be in, whether it be LBD's control or his situation wiht wukong or his own creepy and standoffish persona/his trust issues making it hard to make real connections with others.
(in contrast wukong loves doing his own thing and just Hanging Out and never stopping his own momentum, but he also has trouble caring about... a lot of things actually. he's just soo easygoing! responsibility harshes his vibe!)
But anyways, macaque's problems are very similar to quackity and tempest's, i feel. Quackity constantly feels trapped by physical threats like techno or dream, and also his own circumstances and trauma (a lot of it from schlatt and manburg). a lot of his actions are him trying to reclaim the freedom he used to feel when he was younger. tempest felt she couldn't be truly herself without her horn, but in trying to get it she got herself in a really bad situation where any wrong move could get her killed.
The passion part comes in play in different ways for them all. Quackity tried not to care about people for a while, but still can never stop being extremely loyal and protective of his friends. Tempest had lots of rage inside her and was so intensely driven to get to her goal. And Macaque canNOT stop obsessing over wukong honestly. All three of them are very passionate, and all three of them are constantly trying to gain more freedom.
This is a super long ask, but thank you for inviting me to ramble about this lmao. I think everyone represents freedom or passion in their own way, and this dichotomy really only matters for characters BUT I THINK ITS FUN. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TEDTALK!!!!!
i had a whole Thing written out and i was so proud of it and then my phone decided to delete it before i could post and not save as draft. but yeah im putting this chart in the microwave and then eating it and then putting it in the fridge so i can keep it overnight and microwave and eat it again. this is so fucking Good. in their attempts for freedom macaque cquack and tempest all disown the people they were when they Were free, bc they want to be unbound entirely, but they Feel too deeply for that to ever be a possibility for them. so they do the next best thing and try to pass those "lessons" they've learned on to others OUGH it makes me sick!!!
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eamonorus-blog · 1 year
Why Abby from TLOU2 is a non-compelling character.
OK, I know that what makes a compelling character is subjective. If you say you really related to Abby I can hardly tell you you are wrong about that. However, there are reasons why Abby is so controversial and disliked, and there are more than simply her being responsible for killing Joel. Let's look at other characters who have killed beloved fan favourites. Zeke Yeager from Attack on Titan, Tywin Lannister from ASoIaF, Silco from Arcane. All of these guys have many fans, and even those who dislike them tend to agree they are well written characters, they may root against them, but they don't resent their inclusion in the story. In my experience at least, a character being disliked doesnt have terribly much to do with how much the audience disagrees with them, or the bad things they do. So long as a character is understandable in their motivations, and possesses certain admirable qualities we can respect, then they will be well liked, and even those who dont like them will at least appreciate the role they play in the story. in TLOU, most people loved Joel as a character. But even if you didnt love the guy, you could at least understand and appreciate him and his story. His character is almost universally respected in terms of protagonists in video games. Does the fact that he robbed and probably killed innocent people in the past change this? Does the fact that he is mean and short with Ellie when they first meet change this? How about the fact that he is a criminal smuggler, that he tortures men for information, that he killed a doctor trying to do whats best for mankind? No, none of those things changed the fact he is well written and broadly very well liked. Why is that? Because we can understand every step of his journey why he does what he does. In the harsh setting of tlou, we expect that people have to make harsh choices to stay alive and protect those they love. And this is NOT because we see things from his perspective. We would feel the same way if he was a side character that we saw him through someone else's eyes. All the characters I mentioned before aren't ones we really see the perspective of, and yet they are hugely well liked, and even those who don't like their characters admit they are well written and compelling. So why does Abby not fit into this category? Lets start with how we are first introduced into her. We learn a few things about her fast. 1. She is willing to capture and torture innocent people on a slim chance of getting revenge on someone. 2. She is willing to put her friends and comrades at risk to do it. 3. She has no sense of gratitude or thankfulness to somebody who saves her life. 4. She shows no remorse at torturing someone to death while their loved ones scream at them to stop. This is not the kind of actions which this harsh world justifies to a degree. This is pointless self destructive killing at its most extreme. Its hard to even wrap our minds around how someone could get into the space mentally to be so psychotic.
But then we are given the supposed rationale for why she is doing this. And what do all the flashbacks with her Dad show us? 1. She was willing to kill Ellie for the cure. This tells us a number of things about her, at least, a number of different things which might be true. Either that she REALLY wants the world to be saved and is really idealistic. Or that she doesn't care about the life of a strange girl at all. The former could be something I suppose, if we got any indication of this afterwards. But she immediately gives up completely on fighting for a greater cause after her Dad dies. Which makes the idea that she is SUPER committed to saving the world a bit suspect if she gave up on it so quick. Instead Owen is the one who hangs on to it and is more likable as a result. But its also just a really bad indicator of her moral character, speaking on someone elses behalf. She really shouldnt be volunteering someone elses life. 2. She knew what her Dad was going to do with Ellie but she still considers Joel totally evil. Again, this is only a justified response if she was totally onboard with her Dads mission, but the fact she never shows any indication of wanting to continue it or trying to fight for a better world, that seems unlikely. Or maybe she was just angry for the normal human reason that someone had killed a member of her family. Well, if family was so important, why is she risking her de-facto families lives by going after him across country attacking a large, fortified settlement? The evidence doesn't support her either having a family first attitude, or an idealistic attitude, only a bloodthirsty one. And with Ellie she has the gall to berate her for coming to Seattle after she let Ellie live! Oh really? So its wrong to try and kill someone after they attack you but let you live? Well Joel didnt even attack her and let her live, instead he risked his life to save hers unprompted, but she doesnt seem to think thats valid. What all the previous characters I have mentioned have, that she does not is a kind of inner strength of character, a value and goal they fight for and remain consistent in. Abby doesnt have this. Sure she helps Lev, but this isnt related to what she did to Joel, I mean it could be I suppose, but you have to reach to make a connection there. She never goes through serious retrospection or self examination about her own hypocrisy or how she is responsible for what happened. Her connection to the WLF that she casts off to help Lev isnt related at all to what she did to Joel, so her main arc has nothing really to do with killing Joel. This means that the game never really demands she reckons with what she did. With Joel we fully understand what drives him and what he fears. With Abby we have a vague sense of a desire for revenge and a willingness to kill people who have done her no harm and are no threat to her, and a desire to be a better person without having to confront what she has done.
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birthday-of-music · 2 years
hello as mentioned previously here is. lower mv analysis. utc because this might get long
OKAY!! so the first thing we see when we watch the mv is all the characters being represented by phases of the moon. kanade as the first quarter, mafuyu as the third quarter, ena as waxing gibbous, mizuki as waning crescent and meiko as new moon.
now, this may not matter, but the very first thing i (or anyone might have) noticed is that kanade and mafuyu fit together, as do ena and mizuki. they fit together. which is really sweet, whether you see it as platonic or romantic.
so i considered a few things when thinking about the moons and what they may represent. the two i settled on are either: how much the others know about their problems, or: how much hope they have for the future. if you think about their characters, this does make a bit of sense.
meikos moon is completely dark, though, which doesnt fit into either of these categories but represents her unwillingness to get involved in the story. now.
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if we look at this, we can see the four cards in the background. its hard to see, but we can identify the two in the light as ena and kanade. the two in the dark are mizuki and mafuyu.
whats interesting, though, is the fact that mizuki is more in the dark than mafuyu. it represents mafuyus growth throughout the story and the hope she has now that kanade can save her. mizuki wants to be saved, too, but they dont believe that they can be.
next scene: we get to see the cards up close. mizuki has their eyes closed, and so does kanade. ena and mafuyu have their eyes open. now, i thought for quite a while about why mafuyus eyes were open, and what i settled on was that she understands mizuki the most out of everyone. she knows what its like to put on a front and pretend nothings wrong. ena looks to be searching, likely for mizuki, whereas mafuyu doesnt look quite like she is as much as ena does (this could just be up to her not showing any emotion though.)
now we get to see the entire artworks. kanade and ena are both reaching out for mafuyu and mizuki respectively. they have a sad, sort of longing look in their eyes. mafuyu and mizuki have blank expressions and their eyes averted. before the chorus, mafuyu and mizuki sing together while ena and kanade do the same.
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however, at the line “If you’re not sure, then what are you thinking?” ena sings by herself and then closes her eyes. shes trying to feel what mizuki feels.
now when we get to the first chorus, the video shows mafuyu and mizuki as they sing the line “If we are to be separated, if we are to lose our way.” then the next line “I’ll make sure we’ll be connected this time, no matter how many times it takes” has the video showing ena and then mizuki, nearly as if mizuki is asking what happens if we are separated and ena is refusing to let them think such a thing, cutting off all their worries.
with the line “If you will stay here with me, if I could just keep you from leaving” has the video on ena and kanade again, both with their arms outstretched. they want the others to stay. the next line is about how you could still be saved, and that one shows kanade reaching out and then mafuyu looking away.
SECOND VERSE! kanade sings, closing her eyes like ena did previously. then it shows ena, who also has her eyes closed. mafuyus eyes are still closed, but when mizuki sings, we see their eyes closed, as if they dont want ena to find them. but ena is looking anyway.
similarly to the first chorus, the second goes like this:
mafuyu and mizuki, looking away: “If we grow tired, if there’s nothing more for us here,”
kanade to mafuyu, reaching out: “I’ll make sure we escape this time, no matter how many times it takes”
shes denying the “what ifs” again.
okay. now in the bridge, we see these two images:
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the first one is ena and mizuki, ena reaching out and mizuki pushing her away. the second is kanade reaching out to mafuyu and mafuyu just starting to reach back. oughh.
then. ena closes her eyes, kanade closes her eyes. mafuyu opens her eyes, mizuki opens their eyes.
then we see quickly, these four images:
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mafuyu, kanade, ena, mizuki. my japanese isnt good enough for these, but the four lines in the middle are something like:
mafuyu: thank you for finding me
kanade: thank you as well
ena: it would be nice if _____
mizuki: if i told her, would everything change?
there are some other quotes along the outside, like “its the truth — you want to disappear more than anyone else.” “because i have no talent…?” “im not going to give up” “next month… next year…” “if the four of us stay together like this…” “i wonder if i can be saved”
in the last line, kanade and ena have their eyes open, and mafuyu and mizuki have theirs closed. at the end, mizuki opens their eyes and then they are alone. thats what theyre most afraid of. if ena knows, if the others know, theyll end up alone.
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wander-wren · 7 months
wren’s 100% correct warrior cat names opinion
was talking about this on a server so i figure i might as well throw it up on here as well. every few months or years i randomly get back into warriors rp and/or fanclans and ocs, which sometimes leads me to finding people with ocs whose names are technically correct (ie, they are two nature words a feral cat would conceivably know), but…not right. so why is that?
first of all, there are two elements to a name sounding right: the general flow of it/the mouthfeel, and whether it makes sense.
the first part dictates things like syllable count and what words exactly can be used. for the record, i’m approaching this from the perspective of trying to make names “feel” canon; not necessarily traditional naming, but names that aren’t jarring in the setting. most canon warrior cat names are two or three syllables long, and don’t contain words that are already compound words. i even looked this up to grab some stats:
of the several hundred canon prefixes:
4 are compound words: Bluebell, Chestnut, Milkweed, Primrose
7 are 3 syllables: Bubbling, Cinnamon, Dangling, Ebony, Juniper, Lavender, Shivering
1 is 4 syllables: Dandelion
none of the canon suffixes are compound words or longer than two syllables.
most warrior cat names, then, end up being 2-3 syllables long. the ones that are four are almost exclusively a 2&2 syllable pattern, like Goldenflower and Brambleberry. the full warriors that do have longer prefixes have 1-syllable suffixes, like Cinnamontail, Ebonyclaw, and Juniperstone, and we’ve never had an adult warrior with a compound prefix.
this isn’t to say it can’t be done—i think Primrosepetal is a solid name, for example—but you should be careful with it. Primrosechestnut is probably not a great name, because it’s very long for only four syllables and easy to get lost in, plus it seems like it has four segments instead of two. personally i think alliteration helps here as well, makes the sounds flow together better. make sure your name isn’t hard to read, either, like how Rumbleadder creates the word “lead” in the middle that can be confusing.
years ago, i saw someone use the name Solidagoshine and i like that too. solidago is another name for goldenrod, and i think a better one because goldenrod is compound, even though solidago is longer. solidago gets through its 4 syllables with the minimum number of letters and distinct sounds for each one, so it’s easier to read, and it ends in a nice 1-syllable shine to close it off. so it’s definitely possible to have longer names under this system, don’t worry.
while we’re talking about compound words, let me also caution you against using a normal compound word as a warrior name, for example Waterlily. it’s a fine name, but it just rings a little wrong since it’s already a real word.
ONTO THE SECOND CRITERIA: whether the name makes any sense. We’ll use the name [spins wheel of nature nouns] Twilightredwood as an example. probably not a great name to go for, because twilight and redwood do not have any real conceptual link, they dont describe how the cat looks (in fact, they’re a bit contradictory, with “twilight” having a gray connotation and “redwood” having, well, red, or maybe brown), and they don’t really hint at the cat’s personality or skills. maybe twilight could imply calm and redwood could imply steadiness or strength, but it’s not obvious.
those are the three criteria i use for a name’s meaning. just about every canon name fits into one or more of those categories. we all know that cats named Graystripe, Redtail, and Blackfoot have specific patterns. names like Mothwing and, dare i say, Twigbranch, are made up of two linked concepts. Other names like Hawkfrost, Leafpool, and Rootspring may not point to a specific physical trait or make any sense as linked concepts, but they outline the character’s personality or skills (Leafpool’s is technically a nod to the Moonpool, but I’d argue that the “pool” image is calm like she is, so it still works).
now that starts to lean more into traditional naming, but i don’t think every prefix/suffix has a set meaning or rules. “snow” could mean soft, gentle, playful, for one cat and cold, uncaring, even deadly for another. you could have a white cat with the Oak prefix if you meant it as strong and steady as opposed to bark-colored.
again, i’m not the name police. ultimately, do whatever makes you happy. i have ocs named Briarbee and Swiftdove and Crowflight and Lichendust, but i also have one named Rhododendronsnap. so, uh. how much room do i have to talk. actually, ironically, i think the only one there that might not follow my own rules is Lichendust. what does that mean.
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brambleghastblast · 6 months
i find it kinda interesting to look into why nintendos taken down fangames and i couldnt help but notice the few fangames taken down really fall into two categories
-monetized in some way. you have to pay for them, they have a kickstarter, or they're on a website with purchases, such as roblox
-they are a pokemon fangame
and. with that. i cant help but realize "huh most of this is actually the pokemon company making nintendo do it huh"
meanwhile theres so many games that dont fit into this category that are alive and well. super mario bros x 1 and 2, super smash flash 1 and 2, super smash bros crusade, a lot of kirby and fire emblem fan games that have never faced any sort of issues like this
did you know OSU is a nintendo fangame? its a fangame of osu tatakae ouendan, a REALLYYY good and underrated rhythm game. it was localized as an entirely different sequel game, elite beat agents, and then japan got osu tatakae ouendan 2 which is the peak of the series. super SUPERR good ds games id highly recommend
idk, when nintendo is actively making indie directs to hype up indie devs and making games like super mario maker, maker 2, game builder garage, warioware diy, and whatnot, i have a hard time believing this is malicious
heck, toby fox literally started out making earthbound rom hacks. then he made a game inspired by earthbound and gave it a bunch of extra content in the switch port. then he made its sequel avaliable on switch before all other consoles. and now he gets to help make pokemon.
who knew making games out of love for nintendo rather than spite would be a great thing (sarcasm)
it kinda feels more like "dont use our ocs to make money, use your own". and like. yeah i dont think anyone here would want someone else using their ocs to make money. i kinda get it actually. and when most of the anger at nintendo comes from twitter or twitter users who moved to this site.... yeahhh nintendos awesome sorry
plus its not like sega pretending they love fan games because they know theyre beat by them, id Never wanna play a mario fan game over the real deal lol. sorry sega ily
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floorpancakes · 10 months
can you post what all the results to the quiz are & what charas they have? im just curious to see the answers to what i didn't get!
ok so ill probably add to this slowly but time for some stats and answers and stuff! obviously dont check this out if you dont wanna be spoiled (thread)
first, here's the actual amounts of each results people have been getting:
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when i say i had NO IDEA we'd get so many chuunis....watching the numbers go up the first few days felt like a fever dream haha
but its comforting to know that everyone is cringe and free! i for one welcome our new gothy overlords!
i was also really surprised that gimmick idols got some of the lowest scores 😭 the space that spans is so wide so i was expecting way more people to get that result since i figured it'd catch a lot of people, but i guess you guys are rare!
now its time to look at the archetype list:
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this was pretty tricky, especially cause i was working on the quiz for funsies at silly o clock in the morning for two nights while i was dealing with some sickness induced exhaustion lol. i wanted to include more (a few like the princely type nearly made the cut), but I found there was
1. a lot of crossover between archetypes (this even happened with some of the idols i chose for the results image!!! hanayo being average idoltwt user AND a harapeko type or minori being average idoltwt user AND fake it til you make it for example)
2. some archetypes that were only based on visuals or not on personality at all
3. kind of lowkey paradoxical (eg. someone might really fit the princely type, but often in idol shows they make it so that trait is pushed on them, but they secretly wanted to be feminine all along, which like, ok but then if someone actually fits the princely vibe I'd be slightly struggling for examples and we'd get all tied in knots unfortunately)
4. the amount of answers was already getting so long that if i added any more it'd start getting difficult to come up with more answers for some of the more concrete questions (like what you'd do post graduation etc)
...so I had to kind of draw the line somewhere. especially cause i thought like 3 of my idoltwt mutuals would take it and that's it 😭 maybe I'll make a part 2 or a more extensive quiz later who knows (guess who just remembered the 'rock is life' type idols and screamed into a pillow for only just remembering...)
so the idol archetype categories themselves are DEFINITELY things I've picked up on in multiple series, altho they may require a lil bit of explaining so I'll quickly summarise each one when we go thru the characters. i should probably mention that some of these (like the chuunibyou) are word for word archetypes that people use all the time, while some were just me trying to put words to the character types so the wording was just a descriptor (fake it til you make it queen), altho i hope they were useful! ive seen a few people online using these terms after taking the quiz which is super cute...🙇 let's take a look at these categories shall we?
(note: i have varying levels of familiarity w these characters, i wanted to make it reasonably varied and recognisable but some of them i kind of just knew what category they fit and that's it)
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to those who don't know, the chuunibyou is a pretty popular archetype beyond just idols, and tends to refer to people who are stuck in or going through their 'edgy phase'; chuu-ni being short for second year of middle school syndrome (think like, 13 or 14 year olds), but the general vibe tends to be associated with emo or goth phases, claiming to have an evil eye, being or being a servant of Satan, hiding a secret shy or self conscious side with edge, yaknow. average tween behaviour. it's not limited by age tho especially in anime media! one of the examples i used is a 26 year old grown man with a job. never too late!
Like with a lot of the other categories it was really hard to narrow down the results page characters, but from left to right:
1. Todo Yurika from Aikatsu!
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Yurika takes being a lifestyle lolita to the next level, being a gothic lolita and punk idol with the chuuni character of a vicious vampire, which she desperately tries to keep up as part of her career, only letting people see her quiet nerdy self once in a blue moon. She has a secret soft spot for garlic ramen and sings some of the best songs in the entire series (which is an achievement cause aikatsus songs are god tier).
music rec (won't do this for everyone, only ones i know well, but pls feel free to fill in the blanks in the comments/reblogs!): check out Glass Doll, Onegai Venus and Eternally Flickering Flame! She has two singing voices over the series, both of which are incredible.
2. Asselin BB II (Asselin Beelzebub the Second) from The Idolm@ster SideM!
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Asselin is a genius chef in his mid-twenties that ended up on the streets being kicked from countless jobs because of his ....quirks. He's a chuuni through and through, and its something a lot of the people around him didn't know how to handle, but when he gets taken in by Cafe Parade (both an idol group AND a real life dining establishment) to be their chef, he finally finds a place where he belongs. He's goofy and crazy while simultaneously being an introverted and nervous personality, and claims to be a servant of Satan, which just happens to be an adorable plushie that he carries around for comfort and finds difficult to be without, who gets painstakingly dressed up in matching outfits whenever he's included in a card! Don't be fooled by his softness though, this servant of satan has PIPES. You may recognise his voice, as he's played by well-known seiyuu Furukawa Makoto.
music rec: check out Waga Konton no Sabbath Marriage to immediately ascend, or Reversed Masquerade for a taste of the full CafePa experience.
3. Tsushima Yohane from Love Live Sunshine!!
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Probably the most famous on the list so I'll keep it brief! She's been at this chuuni business since she was a little girl, so she encountered a lot of loneliness before joining Aqours, but she's got a cute and clumsy personality and has a tendency to yell about being a fallen angel. She's an absolute sweetheart, despite claiming that she's angered God himself, and is always there at the scene to deliver an edgy pose or stunning vocals.
music rec: check out Kowareyasuki and Strawberry Trapper for peak Yohane vocals, honestly Guilty Kiss in general should be mandatory listening homework
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