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vacantgodling · 26 days ago
author ask tag 💛
thanks for tagging me @mjjune 💛
What is the main lesson of your story?
i’ll answer all of these for my 3 main wips cuz i don’t wanna pick just one fhdjfjf
PARAMOUR… hm. it’s better to be yourself in a world that hates you than to conform to that world and lose yourself in the process, i think. community and relying on others also and trying to do everything alone only hurts yourself more. you need community in some way, it makes you stronger.
BTAF is actually very straightforward: you are allowed to make your own decisions and live your own life and not only should other people not make those decisions for you, you can’t make them for other people.
HWSTS is all about self acceptance. you know yourself better than anyone else and don’t let anyone try and take that from you. tm.
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding?
in general i really enjoy fantasy and history and pretty much all of my wips combine elements of those two things.
i tend to take a historical vibe of some kind (paramour: french rococo, btaf is literally historical fiction and it takes place in europe 1800s, hwsts: mongolian steppe culture a la ghengis khan era which is like the 1100s? i believe) and then i mesh it with a fantasy element (paramour: steampunk and eldrich entities, btaf: werewolves and vampires, hwsts: general magic and witches). and then i add in a heap tone of commentary and sort of shape the narrative around those elements. (ie: in paramour: hya is himself irregardless of how others see him including in his gender presentation, so i made a complex system around how genders work in galere as well as based a religious minority sect on a perversion of those ideals; in btaf: the physiology of werewolves and vampires is literally shaped around the theme of prochoice, who gets a choice and who doesn’t and what that means for everyone involved; in hwsts: gender expression is khizzy’s entire arc, so having the gods in his world be genderless and being locked Into a gender due to culture so he can figure out his way around it are important to the story).
i don’t think i’ve ever sat down and wrote that out before so sorry for the ramble but yeah tbh i think this is how i build most of my wips lol.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help the reader grow as a person?
in general i’m not super interested in the idea of trying to teach anyone anything through my wips—if you get something from it, great! but for me, my wips are more about me exploring myself and how i feel about things. they’re all complex love letters and philosophical debates i have with myself that i just let other people read cuz i’m vain 🤪 however to go into more depth:
hya’s main goal in paramour is to have everyone leave him the fuck alone. yes, i am so fucking serious that is his goal HFJDHD. his entire life has been spent being a puppet on a million people’s strings and he’s just ready to cut all the cords and be left alone, however life (me) have other plans for him. hya is definitely an interesting character to me because he is somehow one of the Least curious mcs i have (he only does the plot because amon and aloe drag him through it if left to his own devices he would absolutely Not deal with any of this shit—but that speaks on the community thing i was talking about earlier. because hya cares about aloe and eventually amon he puts himself in uncomfortable situations at their behest because they ask it of him, even if he’d never say it like that). i think i really wanted to create a character with hya, that was purely of my own indulgence; of how i wish i could be as a person and sort of a manifestation of how i do internally feel when trying to deal with other people. and having someone purposefully want to get to know me (or hya) despite all of his faults, and realizing there is value in putting effort into relationships even if there isn’t a 1:1 return on them is probably also where i was going. also he’s hot. HDHDHD i also just made him to be eye candy im not even sorry.
sjaak’s goal is to be reunited with biscella and to pull a jay gatsby “you can repeat the past”—but just as gatsby learned there’s sometimes just no turning back time or picking up where things were left off. sjaak in general is a character chiseled out of his grief, and i think some part of me wanted to draw some attention to the part of my inner self that is plagued by the what ifs; what if i never broke up with them, or didn’t lose that relationship, or tried to do this and tried to do that. but in the most ass-backwards way ever, sjaak gains strength he didn’t know he had from his experiences and will (somehow LMAO???) overcome the grief and loss that he feels and accept his new reality and new normal. i think we all spend a lot of our early 20s especially just thinking about all the shit we did wrong or should’ve done differently and dwelling on the past doesn’t really.. change anything. so ig my goal with sjaak is to be a sort of, yes that experience traumatized you and has an affect on you, but you can still grow and see the things you have in life now that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. I SAY ALL OF THIS—but trust me btaf is not that straightforward and neither is sjaak’s arc like you gotta Squint to see it but i’m okay with that. cuz my other goal with his character is the very visceral ending 💛
khizzy is literally just my journey to accepting being a trans guy but make it a neglected elder brother who is at his fucking limit about it. similarly to sjaak and hya it definitely is speaking to some unhealed part of me who had to struggle a bit to find footing in accepting myself but with khizzy it’s more about learning to seek joy and being happy with oneself instead of the angst fests of the other two lol.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
paramour’s original outline had 27 chapters but becuase i am (technically) redoing it it may end up being like 30… ish?
i have no idea with btaf, it will have 20 acts though so… take of that what you will
same thing with hwsts i think it’ll probably be like 25-30 since that seems to be the sweet spot for me but i haven’t really planned anything out for it beyond chapter (1), the overall plot, and this language in it HDHDHD
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
all original 💛 honestly i dont know where i plan to post any of it cuz i haven’t gotten to the point where i *need* to think about it (aka nothing is close to done). i think i’d love if btaf was serialized just bc i would love to see people lose their minds about it in a play by play fashion. and serial stuff is kinda becoming the new thing and i can get behind it so. maybe that? idk. i’ll definitely be making physical copies for myself at the bare minimum tho
When did you start writing?
as a wee lad. my first oc i made when i was 3 and id been making characters for years and i always loved writing but i didnt start making like BIG projects until i was like 12?
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr? What other writers do you follow?
my biggest thing is write what you want to read. like literally don’t care about what anyone else wants to read because there IS an audience out there for you. what matters is that you enjoy your work, that you’re excited to think about it and read about it and work on it. your excitement is contagious so really bank on it. you’ll find your people, you just have to become your own people first. basically.
and i follow a lot of cool people so here’s a big ol list (and also do this too if u want no pressure!)
@multi-lefaiye @kudzucataclysm @void-botanist @ink-flavored @henrike-does-writing-sometimes @zeenimf @magic-is-something-we-create @galactic-mystics-writes @sarahlizziewrites @alexanderflowerbird @theskeletonprior @sergeantnarwhalwrites & anyone else who’d like to do this :3c
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vacantgodling · 1 year ago
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I need everyone to take this quiz right now and reblog what element they get
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vacantgodling · 2 months ago
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i'm ren (or vacant), writing as R.A.A. and this is my main writing blog!
this is a catch all space for me to post about all things writing which will include things like snippets from my many wips; live writing updates as i craft prose; horny and meme posting about my ocs; meta about the themes of my wips, their plots, and writing in general; as well as me just talking about whatever else comes to mind regarding my interests as well as talking with friends.
you can pretty much find me mostly here or on bluesky (though because it is a twitter clone i am much, much less talkative. the war flashbacks are still hard to get over apparently). you can also read my fandom writing on ao3 (though i’m taking a bit of a hiatus from it right now). if you read anything from there i’d highly suggest reading cage.
as of 2/18 asks are back on, so go nuts
thanks for stopping by :3c
to see a full (mostly) list of my wips, i made a handy-ish list that lists all the main things that i'm working on and their (mostly current) importance in my ever-rotating roster HERE!
however, there are a few wips that i am mostly going to be talking about more often than not, and i've taken the liberty of making a few scrapbook-esque posters in canva to illustrate their main points. so, without further ado:
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HE WHO SMITES THE SUN -> wip intro || read: CHAPTER 1
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ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
ren art -> all my art
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
ren hot cakes -> when i'm firing shots in the house to keep the mortgage prices down
ren plays -> video game rantings and ravings
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren is jopping on main -> for the rare occasions where i talk about kpop
ren rabbit hole -> i like history and mythology and the ancient world and i Will ramble about it
ren fights linguistics -> i'm starting to try and conlang!! it will be hard!!
writing in review -> for my end of the year lookback at wtf i was doing writing wise that year :) usually done in november bc december is a bad month for me usually
events -> gonna start keeping track of the writing events that i want to try and do
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years ago
I also did notice you have different styles depending on what verse you use. what made you decide that? 🥺 i wanted to try different styles with my muse but idk how.
good question! and the answer is... the passage of time? i can't say i made an active choice to give each ben/ren a distinctive 'tone.' i never planned on having verses. they sprout like weeds from the ground up. ('they popped out of the snow! like daisies!')  
i also wouldn't say my interpretations are quite so distinct. they're variations on a theme and sometimes the notes blur. firstly, they're all the same guy. secondly, sometimes i see ex-con!ben talking a little too much or modern!ben being mean and a bit kylo-ish (though this is a part of who he is as well), dark!ren being too soft. that, too, is perfectly natural and wonderful since, like people, renjamin has good days, bad days, talkative days, people they know well, and people they don't, all of which should affect their behavior and the way they move through the world. and they're all interpretations of the same guy. and that guy is kylo ren, a big fat piece of IP, and not my creation at all.
i would say, if you want to try ~*different styles*~ out on one muse, you'll just have to go for it. but don't think too hard about it. their unique characteristics unfold naturally the more you write about them. and by virtue of different verses being different! in rp, definitely vis a vis interaction with other muses, and maybe by vague regional distinctions. for instance, if your muse is American, and one version of your muse is a Nu Yoahkah and the other is from Seattle or living in Bawltimohw or Neh-vAAh-dAh, that will impact the character. or say one version has the Iliad memorized, and another version isn't sure what an Iliad is because they didn't STAY IN SCHOOL or they're from a galaxy where you go to a different war every few years instead of university. but most crucially, you build the distinctions by spending time with your character on/off the page. or your muse in/out of character. think about them. go brain-rot yourself on your characters/muses then go write.
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freakingweirdo · 2 years ago
💌 rawr
REN my friend you are the coolest and bestest ever. i love hearing about ur interests and stuff LIKE!! i was surprised and delighted by tobey maguire fanism. i dont know much about him but it’s such a cool thing AND it’s not . something you fake. it felt so awesome a ren original hand painted tobey maguire. i even got to learn about their insane poker games.
ANYWAY renjamin. you are sooo so awesome and have to coolest bestest opinions ever and i admire you for speaking out!! about stuff you like (scike) and just saying your piece. like. youve dealt with so much stuff. anons. and say things that normally ppl would only dare to under the guise of an anonymous total drama hot take. which is cool and awesome btw. AND . i hope your workplace explodes and you gwt one hundred million dollars in emotional damages. for working there.
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vacantgodling · 1 year ago
oh grazi for the tag :3 my username (as are many of my sides) is a combination of 2 songs by my favorite band the gazette with some added pizazz. also bc i wanna be edgy LMAO
vacantgodling in specific is a combination of the songs VACANT and GODDESS, but since i’m not a womf i changed the feminine connotation of goddess to “godling” and it’s just stuck ever since.
and for fun i’ll link some of the other songs that inspired my other side blogs bc i love gazette propaganda cough.
babylonsfalling = BABYLON’S TABOO + Falling (a newer MV!!! it’s so good 😭)
outsidebeast = this is just one song INSIDE BEAST lmao i just changed it from inside to outside 💀 — tho this one has an actual music video so gaze upon the men i am extremely not normal about :3
i’ll tag with no pressure @outpost51 @void-botanist @multi-lefaiye & anyone else who’d like to do this :)
what made u guys pick ur url's !
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cobra-creampuff · 2 years ago
tbh i don’t know your ocs well enough to have a blorbo (which is why i am off anon) but i think an equally fun game for the birthday boy would be for you to government assign me one of your ocs that you think should be my blorbo
(pls ramble about your characters im so intrigued :3)
OOOHH. HM. Okay okay, I'm like formulating a Type for you based on your characters akfsjks standby.......................................
Okay so like. I think perhaps it would be Ferris if he actually ever got some gotdang spotlight/his human life was ever canon. But since that's NOT the case.................. Renjamin, your government assigned calicorbo IS
Angel Alfaro (witch noir, specifically Latchkey Craft)
Runners up (other than Ferris) include: Fred Alfaro (witch noir, specifically Curse The Messenger) and Gwaine Hinata (Any Publicity)
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rendoesthedoodle · 3 years ago
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HELLO. @i-heart-beffica MADE A BUGSNAX FORUM AND YOU SHOULD ALL JOIN RIGHT NOW!!! https://the-bugsnax-boards.boards.net/
in all seriousness i think its sick af that we have a forum now!!! i didn’t rlly get to use any forums as a kid (just sorta missed out) and its exciting!! so come join us!! there’s tons of cool boards to talk in, and it’s really fun so far! My username on there is Renjaminnifer!
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vacantgodling · 3 months ago
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i'd like to say that this year was more of a planning year than a writing year; not to say that i didn't write; but i spent a lot more time on outlining, worldbuilding, and a new skill that i've added to the fold -- conlanging(!!). because of that, i didn't hit all the goals i made last year but tbh that's aight. without further ado tho:
TOTAL WORDS WRITTEN [january 2024-november 2024]
111,535 (as of 11/15)
once again, if this was all in one place, that would be a full novel but. speaking of full novels:
❌ reach 150k words written overall ✔️ finish cage like it’s GOING to happen i will it ❌ finish the first draft of paramour!!!
so i'm only 1 for 3 and tbh i'm not that mad about it. finishing cage back in february was one of the biggest writing highlights of this year because i showed myself i could do it, i CAN finish something of novel length if i really put my mind to it.
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(and yeah, i really did go and get it printed out lmao)
and more than just the accomplishment of writing 82k in one piece, it's also helped me really understand and work out what systems and processes i need to have set up prior to writing to make it work. this is why outlining has been such a huge undertaking for me this year, in varying levels of success (lmao). having a fully fleshed out outline with the literal beat by beat playout of how i want the story to go helped me TREMENDOUSLY in pushing through cage. even on chapters that were rough for me, having that outline to fallback on made it so much easier to stick to a every week one chapter system. and its something i plan to implement with my original wips too.
the only issue is, because original work inherently requires more work since there's no framework except what's in your own head... its been a bit slower for me writing wise. BUT next year i will be operating out of a desperate need for whimsey so i think i'm going to make my goals much.... less stressful than i did this year.
FINISHED CAGE! biggest accomplishment in my life right now tbh. seriously if you haven't and you have any interest in overwatch at all go read it and leave me nice comments while you're at it lol. technically i am working on the interlude piece between cage and its eventual sequel, schism, but that's been kinda slow going as i don't have much motivation to do it right now. first chapter of it is also up on ao3 though -> interlude - quiet
created a conlang??? in a very bizarre turn of events i have created a conlang for my wip with the working title HE WHO SMITES THE SUN (under the tag #s: ph). the language itself is called dzonime'si and if you want to see more of that process check out my #ren fights linguistics tag :)
finished the entire "first draft" of my wip betwixt thumb and forefinger--which is actually an idea that i only thought of this year so that's fun. for the uninitiated it is a gothic reimagining of twilight but with a shit ton more body horror and prochoice commentary. the reason first draft is in quotations is because it is technically a 16k word long outline that i am considering draft one. draft 2 is literally me going bullet point by bullet point and expanding the draft into something more akin to prose. i do have the first few paragraphs of draft 3 started, which is where i'm going to attempt actual prose writing for the first time. pretty much, btaf is becoming a very lengthy process but it's my first "test drive" on how this new outlining to written prose for my original projects will go. i've just gotten... distracted by other wips since then.
2025 GOALS
to be honest, i don’t know if i have many hard goals for next year. mostly because of *gestures at the state of the world right now* :))))))) it’s blatantly obvious that when things are tough, it becomes more difficult to do the things that you want to do that bring you joy. amid trying to just survive the day to day, there’s also my desires to get more involved in bothering the FUCK out of my senators, looking into ways i can be more involved locally (without burning myself out) and just generally trying to not let the state of the world get me down.
i think there’s a lot of things i want to do. i want to finish a bunch of outlines for my wips becuase i can’t tell you how REWARDING it’s been to be able to fully just go back and reread btaf’s outline whenever i like (and have the AMAZING multi leave comments on it like that’s actually another huge highlight of this year thank u friend 💛) and get excited about telling this story all over again. it motivates me to keep doing it! i'd also love to finish btaf's draft 2, maybe try and finish interlude - quiet etc. but—long story short. i don’t think i’m going to put myself on for any particular goals. next year is going to be about celebrating wins in any and every capacity. so all i wanna do is give myself wins.
looking forward to seeing y’all next year, crying about our ocs as usual
💛 ren 💛
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vacantgodling · 10 months ago
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it’s more like i’m fucking adopting these idiots they can’t take care of themselves🧍‍♂️i’ll tag @valeffelees @zeenimf & @multi-lefaiye
last fictional character in ur camera roll just adopted u
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(Yes I did do this only because I want him to adopt me. Fuck off)
tags: @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @reggie-the-inferi @gingerbreadeel24 @pickupstyx
and whoever the fuck sees this
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kawaiijohn · 4 years ago
Currently foaming at the mouth over crossover fics with so much potential I vibrate and clip through the walls
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hopegained-a · 5 years ago
pretty fucked up if you think about how eron had known about vader to some degree and he didn't say a damn word to ben so it makes the whole revelation through space cnn all the more painful
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djarinsbeskar · 3 years ago
For the fic ask game! Of course RYLAB is an obivous one, but also - and I know it's not a finished fic but from the moment I read the very first chapter of One Night Standards by our dear Renjamin @the-ginger-hedge-witch everything about it screamed original story at me.
Just the imagery and intensity of the opening sequence and how rich the main character was portrayed from the begining - I could see it shaping up to be such an enthralling romance, but I also wanted to know more about her OC with a burning passion from the get go 😩😩
It's Ren's most heinously underrated work IMO 👀
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years ago
richard renjamin rider?
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: LOOK I KNOW I'M NEW TO HIM BUT THERE'S LITERALLY NO ONE BETTER. Like he genuinely just.... he's everything I want in a character, most likely bi, just some guy, had a teen team, sad space bitch, likes women with swords, hella guilty, committed a very cool murder, literally everything I need, he's got
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Peter Quill, Gamora and Namorita :)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: HIM AND SAM AISJHDGF THEY HAVE SUCH A GOOD DYNAMIC
My unpopular opinion about this character: MCU cannot actually do Richard Rider, they wasted that chance years ago and now there's no way to make him work well
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: StarRichMora canon??? Or at least him and Peter for fuck's sake. Also I think he should be allowed to kill Annihilus again
Favorite friendship for this character: HIM AND WORLDMIND like idk I just... yeah
My crossover ship: He and Hal Jordan would kiss. In space. Something would blow up.
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kevintor · 6 years ago
I Watch a Movie I Should Have Seen: “Footloose”
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I watched this movie with my friend, Sarah. It’s nice to share disappointment sometimes.
What did I know about “Footloose?"I knew that Kevin Bacon wants to dance in a town that doesn’t allow dancing and that John Lithgow was a preacher or a reverend. I also thought he was Kevin Bacon’s dad but that ended up not being right.
I don’t like feet. The opening credits are a lot of feet.
Kevin Bacon moves from Chicago where dancing is beloved as we learned from “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” with their Dance TV.
John Lithgow is a fiery preacher. He slams his fist a lot in righteous anger. It’s effective.
Kevin Bacon is named Ren, which is short for Renjamin, and the preacher’s daughter is named Ariel, which is short for Arielogram.
Ariel does a stunt where she straddles between the doors of two speeding vehicles on a road. How many stunt doubles died? 4? 5? 100? I’d believe any number.
Ariel plays a cassette tape in the local drive-in parking lot that can be heard everywhere. Women in the rest room are dancing to it. It’s like these townsfolk have ears that have evolved from a need to hear music. When they die, scientists will want to study them.
We learn that having a cassette tape in this town means you are well-off. At least that’s what we learn from Ren’s new best friend, Willard. Willard is so aw-shucks likable that I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me he was a golden retriever that woke up one day as a human. It would explain why he can’t move his body that well.
Ren and Willard do a cool "Who’s on First” bit with 80s band names instead of baseball players. “You like Men at Work?” “Where do they work?” “How about The Police?” “I seen them.” “Where?” “Behind you.” And then Ren gets pulled over. It’s fun. You know, not seeing these essential films felt like Poison, so I started this Journey to find The Cure but now I’m watching them INXS and scenes like these make me wish I was Def...Leppard.
John Lithgow tells Ariel that classical music is ok because it doesn’t confuse “people’s minds and bodies” like pop music which is a fair assessment if you’ve ever heard “Walk the Dinosaur."
Ren and The Angry Alpha Boy (who is kind of dating Ariel) play a classic game of tractor chicken set to the tune of “I Need a Hero.”
People in the town are starting to voice their displeasure with Ren so it’s clearly time to angry dance in a factory because it’s hard to adjust to small town life.
Ariel throws herself at Ren but he doesn’t bite. That girl is extra and he doesn’t need that baggage.
Ariel and Ren continue to hang out and she wears away at him like a disease.
I really liked that, in the montage of teaching Willard to dance set to “Let’s Hear It for the Boy,” Ren and Willard practice slow dancing and it’s not played for laughs. Progressive 80s moment.
Dianne Wiest wants it but The Lithgow won’t give it. She thirsty.  
The stained glass at the church looks like it’s based on the Bible of Spongebob Squarepants.
Everyone in this town has a motorcycle but cassette tapes are highfalutin?
Another thing that we don’t talk about is how old everyone is. Does the high school go to 24th grade?
This movie was very serious. I thought it would be more lighthearted. It wasn’t bad but I wouldn’t watch it again. Maybe it suffered from having the wrong expectations. Maybe if I went in knowing it was a serious movie, I’d have liked it more.
One more thought: What does John Lithgow’s character do for money? Does the town take all the money it would have spent on music and just give it to him in the church basket?
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hellleo · 2 years ago
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i think about this scene where Renjamin got stabbed through by a man who eventually became his dad every so often
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