#horribly wrong
Lowkey considering starting on writing a TBOSAS horror AU where Gaul experiments on the dead tributes’ bodies and unexpectedly become eldritch monsters who put a stop to the games by brutally slaughtering Gaul after some (read: a shit tone of) psychological and physical torment as retribution for her actions. This gives the mentors a chance to make up for their behavior towards the tributes, but will the now terrifying kids accept it?
The eldritch tributes wreak some havoc and do some horror-movie esque shit to scare their city of tormentors before one of the better mentors figures out that this is their dead tributes’ doing. This happens before Sejanus is hung, so both he and Lucy Gray survive through eldritch interference. Not all the magical abilities the tributes get are horrifying on their own, but the way in which they can be used sure are. It ends by the Capitol’s arm being twisted into making life better for the districts for fear of the torture and death given to those who caused the tributes the most pain. I have some ideas for at least some of the tributes’ otherworldly abilities, so lmk if you want me to share those and/or possible plotlines (I already have a few good ones, hence me wanting to actually write it for once. Aside from it being good practice for my book that I’m writing).
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toyfoood · 2 years
Basically, Donnie and Leo both realize they both like Usagi, so they turn it into a friendly competition, whoever gets Usagi to like them back is the winner!!!
I also hate how stuff like this goes, I hate how people in love arrows treat the person who both the others like as a prize and not human, I promise Usagi is NOT going to be treated like that.
Both the bros genuinely like Usagi, the competition is just because they’re both extremely competitive and are unwilling to sacrifice their own feelings but also want their sibling to be happy.
I’ll tryyyy to update weekly, although my schedule is quite busy at the moment and I am also updating another fic at a similar schedule!
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
There was a Devil Summoner TV show???
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
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Out of curiosity, if I did do something with this not-quite-undead-plant abomination, would anyone be interested?
July woke her up
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"You and me, Ethan. Together we go save Rose, and then we can grind Miranda into paste!"
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cryptocism · 6 months
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a dænce of roëmænce
depictions of the ace experience never seem to include the nightmare-borne skeleton creature from hell so kudos to the dimension 20 team for their commitment to accurate rep
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lilislegacy · 21 days
when i say percy is one of the only people in the world who will stand up to annabeth or call her wrong, i do NOT mean she’s a horrible person and he calls her out for being one. allow me to write a long incorrect quote scene to show you what i actually mean:
*in some battle, post-heroes of olympus*
annabeth, fiercely in control and leaning over a large map: okay, here’s what’s gonna happen, everyone. we are going to evenly distribute our forces and deploy them in successive waves. we must avoid further division to ensure that each wave remains strong and concentrated on the central target. we are going to systematically weaken their core. once their primary fleet becomes depleted, we will expand our focus to engage secondary targets. we will defeat brute force by gradually eroding their strength over the course of several hours. anyone got a problem with that plan?
everyone in the strategy tent, including the smartest children of mars and athena:
annabeth: that’s what i thought. okay so-
percy: actually, i do
*everyone’s eyes widen in surprise*
annabeth, raising her eyebrows: what do you mean?
everyone: *backing away slowly in fear of her wrath*
percy: i get what you’re saying, and usually you’d be exactly right. but i know these guys better than you do, wise girl. i’ve actually been here and fought a couple of them before. yes, they are insanely physically strong creatures, but you’re overestimating their intelligence and positioning. if we do what you’re saying, they’ll just pick us off little by little. we need to be quick and dirty. force their hand
annabeth, pinching the bridge of her nose: percy, you’re talking about a full frontal assault on their strongest point. that’s reckless. we’ll be outnumbered and overwhelmed.
percy, stepping closer to the map and pointing to the terrain: not if we use their terrain, which i personally know. if we concentrate our forces here and here, we can create the illusion of a weaker center. they’re crazy strong, but much more arrogant than you’re assuming. so knowing them, they’ll all focus on our main assault, assume they have us outnumbered, and put all their energy into trying to punch through. but if we’ve got our best fighters hidden in the valleys, instead of holding back, we can hit them from both sides once they commit
annabeth, her brow furrowing as she considers percy’s plan: we’d be baiting them into a trap. they’d think they’re winning, but the second they overextend, we surround them. they won’t see it coming because of the way their ranks are arranged.
percy: exactly
annabeth: it’s based off the assumption of their own tactical shortcomings, but… it’s brilliant. come here and show me all the pathways, and i’ll plan for the side attacks. do you have any advice there?
percy: nope, i need you for that part
*them working seamlessly together as everyone else stands around in shock*
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luyo-mi · 8 months
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Never drawing again
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evelynpr · 29 days
Middle school bakudeku was like, Horrible bully x Freaky stalker wasn't it because holy shit Deku really was freaky as hell-
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The guy knows his moves, stance, food habits, SHOWER AND SLEEP ROUTINE??? WHAT THE FUCK MAN-
To be clear, the Smash comics aren't Canon canon. This is just another way of understanding bkdk's dynamic and progression.
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates into a kind of mimicry demon.
He still gets tasked by the System with replacing Shen Qingqiu, except this time he actually has to pull off an imposter role on multiple levels, while the real Shen Qingqiu is stuck in a coma due to his qi deviation. Initially he thinks the situation is going to be temporary -- just take over until he figure out how to get the original goods to wake up -- but Shen Jiu's condition proves to be more difficult to repair than just waiting. Shen Yuan buys special side missions from the System to find items and artifacts to keep Shen Jiu alive, mainly because he doesn't want to be stuck playing this part until Luo Binghe kills him, but also after the first couple of times Shen Jiu regains some consciousness (not enough to leave his bed), Shen Yuan starts to feel kind of... bad for him. Too. Despite everything.
Shen Jiu, of course, is deeply suspicious of this doppelganger that has obviously taken advantage of his weakness to infiltrate the sect and steal his identity. He initially theorizes that the creature must be keeping him alive because it needs some aspect of his vitality in order to keep posing as him, but as they share more encounters is forced to concede that the thing might just be insane? And weirdly softhearted. Over time and by feigning sleep to listen in on Shen Yuan's muttering, he figures out that this all has something to do with Luo Binghe, which he's not pleased about. But he can't deduce what. (Luo Binghe doesn't get to move into the side room in this version of the story, because Shen Yuan has the house on lockdown for obvious reasons, but he does still get to make Shizun's meals!)
Anyway, Shen Jiu doesn't manage to conveniently wake up before the Immortal Alliance Conference. Shen Yuan has to throw Luo Binghe in, which he hates, but along the way he manages to recover that magical flower macguffin that won't work on Without-a-Cure (which he doesn't have in this AU because his species is immune to it), brews a tea that finally fixes Shen Jiu, and then fucks off to go mope about Binghe being in the Abyss.
Shen Jiu doesn't tell anyone about his demonic replacement, for a variety of reasons. One, he's punishing the other peak lords for not figuring it out themselves. Two, he's punishing himself for the fact that a literal demon replaced him for like 3 years and everyone considered it an improvement. Because it was. Three, he has mixed feelings that might potentially amount to not wanting to hunt down and kill Shen Yuan, but he's not admitting that even to himself.
Everyone thinks that Shen Qingqiu's return to asshole form is a result of Luo Binghe dying, and that his sudden new research projects are part of him like, trying to make sense of a senseless tragedy, and coping. But no, he's still trying to figure out why the fuck Luo Binghe was important and why Shen Yuan inserted himself into their lives only to basically just do Shen Qingqiu's job while he was indisposed, and then fuck off the moment Luo Binghe left the picture again.
After... healing Shen Jiu. Also. For some unfathomable reason.
But this version of the System's just happy that the plot is back on track! And surely it will stay back on track. Yes? Problem solved, right? Shen Yuan? Definitely nothing is going to mess with the rest of the story, cough cough, wait why are you visiting User 01, and what would you, a demon shapeshifter, need with a Sun & Dew seed...?
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nikoisme · 2 months
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Another one HAHA
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shepscapades · 5 months
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 9 — Skizz!
Featuring his awful poe poe fit <3333
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canisalbus · 4 months
I swapped them around in a silly doodle
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valtsv · 2 years
the older and weirder i get the more i'm beginning to realize that i was actually a very cool kid who had no shame or fear until i was taught that i'd be punished for it and everything since then has been a slow uphill battle to get that part of myself back
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