#growth mindset blog
toni-onone · 6 days
Warning Signs Your Spouse Has Not Truly Forgiven You
Title: Warning Signs Your Spouse Has Not Truly Forgiven You Forgiveness plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship. When your spouse tells you they have forgiven you for a mistake or wrongdoing, it should ideally mark a step towards healing and moving forward. However, there may be instances where the forgiveness expressed is not genuine, and underlying issues…
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lifestylebychi · 5 months
Website: https://www.lifestylebychi.com/
LifestylebyChi, founded by Chichi, is a unique platform dedicated to intentional living, growth, and inspiration for a happier life. With a focus on diverse lifestyles, the blog offers insights and advice on various aspects of life, aiming to be a source of inspiration and guidance.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nk.nwaudoh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chichinky
Keywords: happiness blog personal development strategies personal development blog growth mindset strategies personal growth strategies intentional living blog growth mindset blog personal development insights personal development advice lifestyle inspiration blog personal growth and happiness life improvement blog lifestyle inspiration tips personal growth advice lifestyle diversity insights life improvement strategies inspirational blogging ideas lifestyle guidance blog happiness strategies tips life coaching insights intentional lifestyle choices blog lifestyle exploration tips happiness and wellbeing blog lifestyle transformation advice inspirational life coaching blog personal growth journey insights happiness and lifestyle tips life improvement insights blog intentional living inspiration lifestyle growth tips happiness and wellness tips intentional living strategies happiness and lifestyle advice intentional living tips lifestyle diversity blog inspirational blogging insights lifestyle guidance tips happiness strategies blog life coaching inspiration intentional lifestyle choices tips lifestyle exploration insights happiness and wellbeing insights lifestyle transformation tips inspirational life coaching advice personal growth journey blog happiness and lifestyle insights life improvement tips blog lifestyle growth insights happiness and wellness blog intentional living inspiration blog personal growth and happiness blog intentional living tips blog personal growth strategies blog life coaching inspiration blog
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Staying private and why it's important
People are sooo nosy, it's human nature to know what everyone is doing at all times. but you don't know what the person you're telling something to is going to do with that information, which is why it's better to stay private.
WHEN to stay private:
- plans you have in regards to your future
- how far along you are in an assignment or how well you did on something
- any ideas you have regarding business or creative assignments
WHY stay private:
- people might steal your ideas or use your words against you
- make you feel bad about your ideas or thoughts
- does not give anyone who is not close to you any unnecessary insight into your life
- protects your peace
HOW to stay private:
- think before you speak and think about who you're speaking to
- stray away from any topics regarding yourself unless necessary, people love talking about themselves
- write down your ideas or thoughts if you really wanna tell someone
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 5 months
1. You are someone’s dream girl exactly the way you are right now.
We put so much emphasis on growth and getting to that “next best place”, which is fine, but we always forget that we deserve self-love as we are right now. It does not mean that you aren’t at your “best” physically and/or mentally that you aren’t deserving of love, kindness, and respect.
2. Perspective is everything
Stop stressing over that one bad grade you received at school. In ten years, you won’t even remember what teacher gave it to you. Focus your energy on things that’ll have lasting impacts. When you look back on your life, you want to see the beauty of it, not the anguish.
3. Growth isn’t linear
Don’t blame yourself for messing up. We aren’t perfect and we are bound to mess up every once in a while. Learn from your mistakes, and try to not repeat them. And if you do, that’s okay, there’s always another time. Growth has no time limit.
4. You are not a bad person
If you are sitting here constantly asking yourself if you are a bad person or underserving of love, I’m here to tell you one thing: bad people don’t worry about whether they are perceived as “good” or “bad”. Give yourself grace, and stop letting your overthinking consume you.
So much love,
A girl unfiltered 💋
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succulentsiren · 4 months
Girl, it’s time to get out of your own way. You’re too gifted to rot away and suppress your magic. Start facing your fears and conquer them. For once, allow yourself to flourish.🌹
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
pretty and well educated⋆.ೃ࿔*:・📄
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its important that even if ur not going to school currently to continue learning and educating urself about the world in which u live. think of ur brain like a muscle that needs to be exercised everyday. or a plant that needs to be watered daily.
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read subreddits and newspaper articles in ur target language everyday. that way u can learn about news in different countries while also practicing ur target language.
specifically nonfiction but nonfiction doesn't always have to be boring. read entertaining nonfiction. some fun topics to research books for include
stock market and economics
industry of ur choice (i like fashion)
whatever ur curious about, RESEARCH. thats the funnest way to learn in my opinion. make a list of things that u are curious about or find interesting and when u have the time research them and educate urself about them.
write down what piques ur interest
daily mind stimulation is good for ur well being in general. read books fictional or nonfictional, do some writing, do word searches and puzzles etc. for funsies and to keep ur mind sharp.
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hopeful-engineer · 1 year
The only way to make no mistakes at all is to do nothing at all. Life is filled with various opportunities, but every single one of them carries a risk of making a mistake. If you don't take the risk, you'll be stuck in the same place forever and that's not what life is for. Humans are made for progress, not for avoiding any stress and discomfort at all costs.
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kawaiibabeshop · 1 year
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🌷 Kawaii Shop 🌷
Use code "TUMBLR" for a deal
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sk-lumen · 7 months
10 gentle ways to recharge when you're low battery
🧘🏻‍♀️ meditation
😴 taking a nap
🚶🏻‍♀️ going on a long walk
🐈 cuddling with your pets
📚 reading a book to disconnect from your life
🧖🏾‍♀️ going to the spa or taking a long bubblebath
🛌 peace and quiet decompressing in your own room
🫖 drinking relaxing tea like chamomille, valerian, etc
🎧 listening to frequency (Hz) music for hours in the background
🍿 watching a cozy tv show where you can switch off mentally/emotionally while you eat your fav comfort food
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
One of the single best ways to begin your healing journey is to embody and treat yourself like the mother you wish you had. Heal your inner child. It's the first step to becoming the woman of your dreams.
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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worrying is meant to be a good thing, it keeps us safe from dangerous or unideal circumstances. Overthinking is when it’s not helpful
When we overthink, we seek three things. Comfort, certainty and control. So, it’s important to learn how to be uncomfortable, expect the unexpected, have no control over situations and be fine with each of these things.
remember: no amount of worrying or overthinking can undo or solve problems.
COMFORT -> BEING UNCOMFORTABLE - We all need to start being uncomfortable with the comfortable, and being okay with things not going our way. To achieve this, we need to change our perspective on things that discourage or scare us. While this isn’t easy at all, it pays off in the long term. Start taking more risks everyday, and being open minded to new opportunities for growth, even if they’re not ideal. I say start small, like running an extra 10 minutes on your 20 minute run or saying hello to any potential friends\partners.
A little nice activity to do daily, is that while you’re making your goals/daily todo list, write down something that you absolutely do not want to do. Then, force yourself to do it(I say this in a disciplined manner). Remember, to keep on motivation, reward yourself for taking a risk today.
CONTROL -> NOT BEING IN CONTROL - The reality is that you don’t have control over many things. However, there are a handful of things we do have control over which most likely affect us the most. When you’re overthinking, get a piece of paper and a pen and write out the situation you’re overthinking about. Then draw one big circle and a smaller circle inside of it. In the big circle write things not within your control e.g what she says, cancelled plans, waiting for something etc. In the small circle write the things within your control e.g what you say, how you spend your time, what you consume etc. This allows us to think deeply about the situation, realise the actual impact of it on you, and problem solve(if it’s an actual big deal).
if you don’t know if it’s within your control or not, ask yourself if you can do anything to change the current situation. If yes, it is within your control. However, know that because something is in your control, doesn’t mean you’re always going to achieve your desired results.
CERTAINITY -> BEING UNCERTAIN - The ironic thing is that even if we think we’re certain about something, there is always a small chance that an event/situation may change. However, this isn’t something to fear at all! Once a plan fails, or you don’t achieve your goals, don’t get discouraged. There are still plenty of opportunities for growth and plenty of time to achieve your goals. I say, start living in the present time when you’re actually sure of what’s going to happen. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, but focus on now and what you can accomplish. Stop dwelling on the future, and what may happen.
If you find yourself worrying about the future, just meditate or journal. It gives us mental clarity to put our focus onto the things that are happening/happenend.
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glowupwithamy · 6 months
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Solitude is your path of personal independence -
Being alone makes me really happy its like my special place where i can be myself and feel good i don't feel the need for another person to take responsibility for my happiness and emotional needs and i don't really want somebody in the phase i am in i can think and be creative without any interruptions it's like a peaceful break from everything else
Being alone helps me find peace in simple things like reading or walking outside these moments refresh me and make me feel more creative. Being alone also helps me understand myself better now I can think deeply about my feelings and thoughts which helps me grow as a person indeed.
Solitude is a phase that teaches you how to handle your emotions and bad days without relying on someone else. It actually teaches you how to live without depending on others and without ranting about your problems to them
And i want to message those people who constantly seek emotional support from everyone and keep crying that they need someone i feel they need to work on themselves or they have to accept the situation and think about what they can do themselves..instead of constantly seeking attention. Seeking attention all the time makes you mentally weak remember that. I feel that they should question themselves "Why do i need someone else am i not enough?"
Being alone doesn't mean staying comfortable It's about finding strength and discovering who you are ...it's about facing challenges, overcoming fears, and becoming stronger ..when you're alone you have the power to chase your dreams and conquer obstacles so don't think it's not brave to be alone it actually shows how strong and determined you really are.
Solitude makes you quickly observe things around you apart from the world of social media. If you begin on a journey of self discovery and learn to be with yourself ...you won't feel the need for others as much. This journey is very difficult I'm not saying that it's easy lol no!! especially for those who can't live without relying on others but if you want your future self to thank you then don't hesitate just start today . Because today's generation is busy distracting people but we need to bring self control. If you want to understand yourself better.
It took me three years to get in this habit and now i don't need anyone. I don't like to share my problems with anyone because i don't feel it's necessary. I have made myself mentally strong to the point where i don't feel the need for a second person
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And if you guys have any questions or anything to ask related to this don't hesitate you can ask me freely :) thanks for giving your time
I have a self discovery questions sheets so that you can guys know yourself better if you want that Dm me 🎀
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ca-createart · 1 year
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
It Girl
An It Girl is a trend-setting (in fashion, lifestyle, etc.) woman or girl with a ton of self-confidence and self-worth that sets the example of how to have it all, and look good doing it. She knows exactly who she is and what she wants, and has an unbelievable generosity of spirit; always taking time to be kind and charitable. She is like a sparkling light, and everyone around her are like the moths drawn to the light. Her magnetism is out of control, and she leaves a lasting emotional and physical impression on everyone she encounters; she's iconic. She is extremely intelligent and driven, and takes calculated risks, always learning from mistakes and those around her. She creates beauty and art through whatever talent she is blessed with. She isn't afraid to be herself and never follows the latest trends, instead creates them through her unique and impeccable sense of style. She has premium taste and very high standards, only surrounding herself with the best in all aspects of life, such as family, love, friends, and career. She is the ultimate in class and always keeps her cool. She may be incredibly attractive, but she is NOT for sale, and treasures herself too much to be used or exploited. She is always in control of herself and makes decisions based on what SHE wants for herself. However, she is NOT PERFECT, and she doesn't claim to be, no human is, she is just absolutely thrilling to be around and because she has such an inner beauty, the outside can't help but follow! There is no denying when you are in the presence of an It Girl, you just know it!
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 4 months
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via @ valiceeev on tiktok
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succulentsiren · 1 month
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Why you MUST release shame in order to thrive🥀
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