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fabianig75-blog · 5 years ago
glute-ham raise #glutehamraise #femorales #gluteos #nalgas #cola #piernas #fitness #treinar #fitness #treinar #Entrenamiento #vidasaludable https://www.instagram.com/p/B844iWQhlF1/?igshid=qgps1zebyoky
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Leg Day is a GREAT DAY!! I say this now but, we will see how hard it is to get out of bed in the morning 😂 after this had jiu-jitsu then finished the day off with an amazing cardio session. Weight is going down and I’m almost below 230lbs super pumped and super motivated for tomorrow’s workout! #legday #squats #glutehamraise #goodmornings #hipthrusts #hamstringcurls #calveraises #legpress #ineedtostretch #illbesoretomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXJPUzgZQw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d0vch0co4c3u
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mikealexandercpt · 3 years ago
So I was finally able to hit ten reps on this insane exercise (although I did just eight in this video). One to I can offer, that I didn't offer on my last post regarding the #glutehamraise, is to make sure that ONLY the balls of your feet are on the metal plate, leaving your ankles in a state of #dorsiflexion. This will aid I'm ensure your legs slide on the pad, allowing for a smooth path between #flexion and #extension, without overworking the #lowerback. I hope to use apply either tension using a #resistanceband or weight using a #dumbbell real soon. Here's my last set of bodyweightx3x10,10,8 supersetted with #ropestraightarmpulldowns. I imagine this could be a great tool for #bodybuilders to use in their own training, yet I've yet to hear if any do. If any of you bodybuilders reading do, in fact, implement the #ghr into your training please drop a comment below and let me know how you approach it as well as if you find it to be as effective for #bodybuilding as #powerlifters find it to be for what they do. Let's talk! I'm available for #oneononepersonaltraining at the ICONIC @strongandshapely. I'm also available for #athomepersonaltraining as well as #onlinepersonaltraining via Zoom. Contact me now and let's get you in the best shape of your life today! Mike #mikealexnadercpt #unitedinstrength #coachbabyface #strongandshapelygym #bergencountypersonaltrainer #bergencounty #northernnj #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northjersey #posteriorchain #posteriorchainstrength #hamstrings #glutes #eastrutherfordpersonaltrainer (at Strong And Shapely) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcy4VAM9B-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kgmaxfitness · 5 years ago
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Can't stress enough how important hamstring work is. A lot of times quads can get too dominant and cause knee pain. The glute ham raise is a staple that every strength athlete should include. www.kgmaxfitness.com #kgmaxfitness #followforfollow #posteriorchain #strengthandconditioningspecialist #personaltraining #hamstringworkout #skwaats #squats #legs #glutehamraise #fitness #fitfam https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MHQk9gSo2/?igshid=1i1eqkmtjzk89
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thedailybj-blog1 · 7 years ago
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🍑#SundayBunday with #GluteHamRaises! ➖➖➖➖ I’m using the floor glute-ham developer from SPEED BOT but you can use any GHR, hook your feet under lat pull down pads or a barbell, or have a partner hold your feet. ➖➖➖➖ This is a critical move to master before Russian Leg Curls/Nordic Curls which I’ve shown in the past. Build up to 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps on this move to build the entry level strength needed. I also like adding a hover hold at the bottom on the final rep. ➖➖➖➖ #GluteHam #glutesworkout #hamstrings #Hamstring #hamstringworkout #GardenOfGainz #malibu (at Malibu, California)
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athleticeatery · 5 years ago
Life is chess ,not checkers 👍 #torontofitness #torontochess #torontochessplayers #chessplayers #killinggame #tactics #forethought #strategy #glutehamraise #gluteworkout #glutetraining #ghdsitups #ghdmachine #fitfam #torontofitfam #athleticeatery #athletementalhealth #useyourbrain #lateralthinking #mentalaccuity #wisdomquote #posteriorchain #posteriorchainwork #lowerbackexercise #hamstringsandglutes #hamstringtraining #theapcomplex #itsyourdivineright #bootytraining (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0URDowFdSt/?igshid=13yxhhpu1ix06
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braceyperformance-blog · 6 years ago
@niki_nolan performing advanced glute ham raises with Coach @joeybower97 coaching technique. . . . . . #braceyperformance #braceyourself #gym #glutehamraise #glutes #workout #athlete #fit #fitness #fitfam #instagood #sportsperformance (at Bracey Performance) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsPTTQeHRos/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yt2dj2dsqdst
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lifefit-minami · 7 years ago
#グルートハムレイズ です #glutehamraise #modified #dailymovement #今日のエクササイズ · · ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 💪 www.CROSSFITMINAMI.com 💪 #クロスフィット #クロスフィットミナミ #大阪 #ジム #大阪ジム #フィット #フィットネス #トレーニング #ワークアウト #ボディメイク #シェイプアップ #gym #training #CrossFit #CrossFitMinami #lululemon #Osaka #wodhopper #GatorzJapan #新しい #asia #japan #diet #ダイエット #ぷりけつ (at CrossFit Minami)
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Monday was awesome! The DOMS does not feel good lol #squats #goodmorning #abwheelrollout #glutehamraise #hamstringcurls #lovetotrain #calveraises #hipthrust #iam1stphorm #legionofboom #1stphormathletesearch https://www.instagram.com/p/BovXyojAynB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14428y5qfi059
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mikealexandercpt · 3 years ago
I finally understand why this is considered a #lowerbodypullup. Here are some benefits of the #glutehamraise: * With proper form this will ABSOLUTELY isloate your #hamstrings probably more than most #posteriorchain #isolationexercises. *Over time these will build up the size on your hamstrings OVERALL as well as the #glutes. This is essentially thanks to the demands placed on the #lowerbody. Think the #saidprinciple. *The ability to strengthen and build up your hamstrings using this WILL carry over to a stronger, and far more STABLE #squat, #deadlift and probably even your #benchpress. Make sure to TAKE YOUR TIME with these. Do not rush these. My hips are a bit bent but this will go away the more I practice it. Make sure you stretch your hamstrings enough before ascending back up and like with most exercises, be sure to BRACE. By the way, major thanks goes to @joelt800 for his critique on this. I'm available for #oneononepersonaltraining at the ICONIC @strongandshapely. I'm also available for #athomepersonaltraining along with #onlinepersonaltraining via Zoom. Contact me now and let's get you in the best shape of your life today! Mike #mikealexnadercpt #strongandshapelygym #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northjersey #bergencounty #bergencountymoms #passaiccounty #eastrutherfordpersonaltrainer #eastrutherfordnj #cliftonnj #specificadaptationtoimposeddemands #accessorywork (at Strong And Shapely) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUA8xGDpkei/?utm_medium=tumblr
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My #glutehamraise face. #powerlifter #powerlifting (at Burlington, Ontario)
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martinwhitaker · 7 years ago
@onelegskiing Working on his hamstring strength on the glute ham raise GHR development on Saturday #mondaymotivation #onetakefitness #gym #gateshead #newcastle #newcastlecan #pt #personaltrainer #ghd #ghr #glutehamraise #hamstrings #strengthandconditioning #strongerthanyesterday #onelegged #skiing #teamgb #paralympics #amputeestrong #winterolympics2018 #skiracing (at One Take Fitness & Nutrition)
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Le glute ham raise est un des meilleurs exercices de chaîne postérieure et plus particulièrement pour les ishio jambiers mais malheureusement, presque personne ne l'exécute correctement. Voici une variation super intéressante du glute ham raise si vous êtes incapable l'exécuter correctement! L'utilisation d'une bande élastique permet de diminuer la tension et ainsi passer le point critique (milieu) sans avoir à compenser avec une flexion de la hanche au moment où il faut faire la flexion du genou (point critique). Au lieu de perdre votre temps sur un nordic leg curl, qui est un exercice de merde à mon avis, essayez cette version du glute ham raise! #glutehamraise #hamstrings #strenght #strenghtcoach #strong #stronger #personaltrainer #fitness
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ehmobility-blog · 8 years ago
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Workout of the day, 1/2/17 If you think core training is "accessory work," you're wrong. #ehmobility #mobility #movement #selfcareishealthcare #assessyourposition #yogatuneup #ytu #fitness #exercise #crossfit #health #sustainability #squat #frontsquat #goodmorning #glutehamraise #ghraises
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keithbfitness · 3 years ago
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#keepgoing #neverquit #whateverhappenshappens #yougotthis #beabadass #fitover40 #fitand40 #keeppushing #keepmovingforward #timewaitsfornoone #dreams #goals # timedoesntstop #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #fitness #nocompromise #bodybuilding #exercise #gymlifestyle #mentalhealthwarrior @rokform @officialgasp #legs #legday #glutehamraise #smithmachinecalfraise #legextension (at 24Seven Family Fitness & Tanning) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9gy-kuSxv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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honolulupersonaltrainer · 5 years ago
workout weekend - advanced + ostomy
workout weekend – advanced + ostomy
Today’s workout 🏋️‍♂️ ! An advanced ☝️ Video demo of #glutehamraise – a 🔥 for sure! Message me for modifications!
Want more workouts to do ANYWHERE? 
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