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caliworkoutcom · 6 years ago
⠀ Don’t forget to do leg workout👊💪🔥💯❗️ . For health also it’s important to do leg exercises👊❗️ . And especially I’m learning now pose now so I need to get more glute and hamstring strength👊💪❗️ . Glute bridge is not hard and difficult for me but I’m still not good at nordic hamstring curl😅👊💪🔥 I don’t know why I’m easy to cramp hamstring, so I must push myself to do nordic hamstring curl👊💪🔥💯 . Anyway glute and hamstring, both are one of cores so if you wanna care your health, do more these exercises, bro👊💪🔥💯❗️ . And if you wanna know how to do or how to change your body and life, feel free to send DM📩 . #calisthenics #workout #calisthenicsworkout #fitness #streetworkout #bodyweight #middleaged #ageisjustanumber #caliworkoutcom #fitover50 #fitover40 #workoutvideo #workoutvideos #fitnessvideo #inshot #vsco #glutebridge #hamstringcurls #nordichamstringcurl #fitfour ⠀ ⠀ 💪🔥👊💯👊💥💪 (新莊中平公園) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1q2LeqA0bg/?igshid=1be8aoe63fol7
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Leg Day is a GREAT DAY!! I say this now but, we will see how hard it is to get out of bed in the morning 😂 after this had jiu-jitsu then finished the day off with an amazing cardio session. Weight is going down and I’m almost below 230lbs super pumped and super motivated for tomorrow’s workout! #legday #squats #glutehamraise #goodmornings #hipthrusts #hamstringcurls #calveraises #legpress #ineedtostretch #illbesoretomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXJPUzgZQw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d0vch0co4c3u
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authenticallyjames · 3 years ago
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After the madness: some days, I kick ass in the training session; and then… there’s today!!! 😂 but hey, #progress yet & still! + #workout #trainer #training #LEGday #deadlifts #weightedsquats #hacksquats #legraises #toetouches #hamstringcurls …. #imDONE 🍴 #time2rest —- @ohiosportsandfitness @peter__kostelnik @ifitnessking 👊🏿 (at Ohio Sports and Fitness, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeEJWVnrlgN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fitchirp · 7 years ago
Training the eccentric portion of a movement is an effective way to build strength to prevent injuries. Nordic hamstring curls target the eccentric portion of the hamstring curl. ⠀ ・・・⠀ 🎥 By @teachbyexample⇐ Thank you 🙌⠀ ・・・⠀ Nordic hamstring curl⠀ . ⠀ A great exercise choice to target and focus on the hamstrings eccentrically. This version shows how to perform in the gym when you don’t have someone there to hold your ankles/feet in place.
⠀ ✅ -For this version - I am using a squat rack frame with a barbell and bumper plates placed against the frame. I am using a soft “squat pad” in the middle of the barbell to place my ankles on and a yoga mat to place my knees on. Once in a tall kneeling position with back of achilles/ankles locked into the squat pad - slowly lower self down focusing on control and descent through your hamstrings. I prefer to keep my ankle in a more dorsiflexed position (toes up) rather than a plantar flexed position (toes pointed down) - which is personal preference. Experiment with what feels best for you. Think of keeping slight flex in hips and slowly lower chest towards the floor. Repeat for desired reps and sets based on your goals
⠀ 🐥 - Nordic hamstring curls are an extremely effective exercise to create tension and produce muscle building qualities within the hamstrings. If you are looking to target your hamstrings and don’t have a partner - try this version of the nordic hamstring curl - only downside is the set up time. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!⠀ _______________________________⠀ ✅ Discover reliable, driven health professionals, and quality, useful information. Follow us and download the app!⠀ ✅ Looking for something specific? DM us and we will do our best to find it for you!⠀ 🏋🏽🤸‍♀️🥑🛏⠀ ••••••••••••⠀ #health #wellness #fitness #fitfam #fitspo #healthsharing #healthylife #coachingcues #nutrition #massagetherapy #physiotherapy #strength #mobility #flexibility #exercise #workout #workoutvideo #exercisevideo #hamstringcurls #eccentricfocus #nordichamstringcurls
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renuvenate · 3 years ago
Hamstring injury - Diagnosis and treatment - Renuvenate
You may be more likely to get a hamstring injury if you play soccer, basketball, football, tennis or a similar sport that involves sprinting with sudden stops and starts. Hamstring injury can occur in runners and in dancers as well.
For a severe muscle injury, you need a full treatment and rehabilitation program. This is needed to properly heal the injury, besides preventing it from recurring.
Visit us - www.renuvenate.co.uk  
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justgetfitnikki · 5 years ago
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24 min home workout to save & share! Fuelled by @womensbest ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❎VOTE❎ for which Podcast you're interested in. 1, 2 or 3? 👇 1️⃣ Ways to track progress beyond the scale 2️⃣ Five common weight loss mistakes 3️⃣ Real talk on being a self employed girl boss *I'll msg when you I post what you vote for ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don't have sliders? Try paper plates (they work great on carpet) or fuzzy socks or a small towel are also great alternatives. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ WORKOUT: ⏱️ 24 min 🔥 perform as a circuit: 40 sec per exercise/side, 20 sec rest. 💦 Mountain climbers 💦 Hamstring curls (these are super tough for me and now something I'm incorporating more!) 💦 Lateral squat with slider (left leg) 💦 Lateral squat with slider (right leg) 💦 Reverse lunge with slider (left leg) 💦 Reverse lunge with slider (right leg) ⌛Repeat 4x ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #womensbest #homeworkouts #homeworkouts_4u #homeworkoutvideos #athomeworkouts #homeexercises #sliderworkout #sliderexercises #hamstringcurls #mountainclimbers #homeexerciseprogram #homeexercise #lowimpactmovement #lowimpactworkout #lowerbodyworkout #lowerbodyworkouts #athomelegworkout #hometraining
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j-r-fitness · 7 years ago
Isolating the upper and lower parts of the hamstrings with @vito_cannata #hamstrings #fitness #legday #hamstringworkout #hamstring #hamstringstretch #hamstringsonfire #hamstringinjury #gym #hamstringcurls #hamstringstrech #hamstringissues #hamstringcurl #yoga #hamstringpull #workout #hamstringday #hamstringlove #glutes #fitnessmotivation #legs #fitfam #training #hamstringtear #girlswholift #bodybuilding #hamstringwork #hamstringworkouts #hamstringhell #legworkout (at Definition Gym)
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ftrwar · 6 years ago
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#gvt #germanvolumetraining #mansports #blockbuster #blockbusterpreworkout #applejuice #squats #10×10 @ #155lbs and 2 sets at #225lbs @ #5reps so actually 12 sets. Then some #legextension very light then into my #205lbs #deadlifts for 10x10 then #50lbs #hamstringcurls and then #35lbs #calfraises #quads #hamstrings #calves #lowerback #2hour #workout #Legday #legs #neverskiplegday https://www.instagram.com/p/Budrj_tFcc4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19ywxfi5cu97i
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gettingfitover40 · 4 years ago
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Been a few weeks since I posted my workouts, been keeping up with the programming just taking a break from Facebook and Insta. Leg 4 x 8 Back Squat 3 x 20 Narrow stack Back Squat 3 x 20 Hamstring Curls 3 x 20 Glute kick-backs 3 x 20 calf raise 60-90 sec rest SSP 18 Min AMRAP 5 Deadlift 10 Box Step-up 15 Cal AB #backsquat #hamstringcurl #glutekickbacks #calfraises #deadlifts #stepup #Fitness #Instafit #Getfit #Fitspiration #Fitnessaddict #Fitnessmotivation #fitfam #bodybuilding #crossfit #strong #weightloss #healthy #functionaltraining #strengthtraining #workoutmotivation #workout #bodyweight #HomeWorkout https://www.instagram.com/p/CLU63JWDhYe/?igshid=ij77emczap1k
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veganfreeskier · 6 years ago
I have been been able to perform multiple reps of yellow (light) band-assisted natural hamstring curls in my last two leg strength sessions so I went for my first unassisted natural hamstring curl this afternoon. I'll try again at the weekend. #naturalhamstringcurl #naturallegcurl #nordichamcurl #russianlegcurl #bodyweighthamstringcurl #calisthenics #vegancalisthenics #fitness #veganfitness #bodybuilding #veganbodybuilding #vegan #veganathlete #legday #progression #hamstringcurls #happyhumpday #chango #ukrap #ukfitfam https://www.instagram.com/p/BpU4O8jHWif/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sfb1a0hwnz52
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freeformboard · 5 years ago
Another video from KFTA Korea from the freeFORM Power Plate Workshop I delivered there last year. Typically, you’d perform a hamstring curl with shoulders on the floor and feet / heels on the freeFORM Board but that version doesn’t work when you want to transfer whole body vibration stimulus through the posterior chain. So when you rest your thoracic spine on the freeFORM Board + soft pad, you can really dig your heels into the Power Plate and you get the vibration transfer through back extensors, glutes and especially hamstrings. How do you know it works? Listen out for the squeals I’d delight or better still, try it yourself but it’s@not an entry level exercise. #freeformboard #powerplate #hamstrings #hamstringcurl #glutes #backworkout #doilmall #korea #seoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B9p390KAOq7/?igshid=qjnavu28e0mz
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donovlov · 5 years ago
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Daily Motivation: On your path to success, never be afraid nor ashamed to start from the bottom. It’ll make your rise to the top that much more monumental and rewarding. Happy Fitness Friday! Stay blessed always. Love Is Love *Training tip: Performing unilateral exercises is a great way to increase stability, strength and explosiveness while also improving balance and developing the ability to move powerfully. Be sure to add it to your training program. #fitness #motivation #inspiration #energy #effort #inhometraining #nocabinfever #weightedvest #unilateraltraining #legs #stabilityballsquats #singlelegboxjumps #kettlebellsinglelegdeadlifts #balance #legextension #glutekicks #hamstringcurl #spinbike #powercardio #dumbbellpress #dumbbellcurls #strength #endurance https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7uxyGnQOhD0ytg1DNwItXblMJfeh3lUPHNaA0/?igshid=1ih8f4dw3a5f
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fitnessmechanist · 6 years ago
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Isolating #hamstrings by doing a #static #isolated or #isotonic one leg #hamstringcurl with a #pilates move and my favorite #tricep burner of all time... oh hey @melinnyc how are those hamstrings feeling lol 🧐😎 #trx goes with pilates and makes it hurt more 🙃 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIHSjoAfCS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n7zhzmqocyd1
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gagankohli · 5 years ago
Highlights of the Monday Leg Workout Eccentric Hamstring Sliders with Hip Thursts Working on the Eccentric Movement of the Hamstring Curls. This movement will particularly help in loading up muscles eccentrically and recruiting maximum muscle Fibers. Sliders can be a beneficial tool in home workouts. It is generally used for Abdominal Workout but I think it can be used in variety of bodyweight exercises and Movements in different planes. #mondayevening #eccentrictraining #hamstringcurls #sliders #homeworkouts_4u #fitindia #athleticperformance #strengthcoach #1spacefitness (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBK9r_kA9nB/?igshid=1lhe8zcbs2pkp
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yogawithtrapti · 5 years ago
TRY THIS ☮️ *#HAMSTRING CURL WITH RESISTANCE BAND This one is i think the best hamstring exercise, and currently it's my favorite 🙈 . I thought of sharing it with you guys because it's very good and it will help you too. . THIS IS BETTER THAN WEIGHTED EXERCISE FOR SURE🙊 . If you try it ,let me know how you felt ☺️😘 . #resistancebandsworkout #resistancebands #resistancetraining #hamstringworkout #hamstringcurls #hamstringexercises #hamstringstrength #trythis #feeltheburn #letmeknow #commentyourthoughts #didyoutry #feelsgood #youarestrong #strongyoungwoman #strongerthanyouthink #resistancebandtraining #legday #legdayworkouts #stronglegs #strongwomen #happyworkout #weekendvibes #weekendfun #weekendgetaway #weekendtime #weekendmood #weeklyfluff #weekendworkout (at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TNgdupZLV/?igshid=iuhwilcgw20e
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jozierockfit · 5 years ago
PART 2 of the COSTA RICA BEACH WORKOUT I posted earlier. Didn’t realize half was cut off. So this clip begins with: DONKEY KICKS STRAIGHT LEG LIFTS HAMSTRING CURL ROCKING PLANKS PLANK WITH SHOULDER TAPS Try this series with the first clip at the beach or at home! Wet sand will always make it more of a challenge! #beachbody #beachworkouts #travelfitness #travelfit #costarica #costaricafitness #bootyworkout #resistancebandsworkout #infinityband #abworkout #planks #donkeykicks #hamstringcurls #rockhard https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XbOaxFPAn/?igshid=1jna3ttutgs59
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